Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, March 10, 1860, Image 1

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D. D'ISINNO ...............J. ALLMON B. UM&
DAVID M'XlNNEriet Y & Co.,
Editors and Propors.
TE R NESITOit. 0. D VA-11 CIE . I .
51:40Li suneontpnozie 11.19 '
i$ ova • r—ss - liti ft' i
DailVti;46 ' li:ilitliillt`Or TIM ONUS I....taigirja.••
For Two DOLLARS. we will oend by mall aotol9;y a glysiberi. t
awl tbr Otet DOLLAR , thirty-three numbets, . •
Paatare elandittg•US4wirer sebecribere etad,porardly m ni
to thereby entitled to a paper vrithont charge.. _
A MID.. PIINCIL,DIARK on the pappreAlAfkith.7-'"--0L ny
term le pearlkoht and that wo &lire a renew al:, -" .
R e ' n boglg would be prompt, a little tielbtattlie ytatlitilArea.
deed psymonto by .sato bonds, or bytaitallf w., ,,, 'tr ,
Direct all lettere to DAVID • M'AINIRL'it 1 i
. it:, ril ... -
(seeded: • r )
Lost, Brit
ay -
I was a wandering/Ai - 44
I did not , iblitirdielfolciriii,i;
I did not. love' rart3fitilliebili *oleo ;
I would iotihe - controlled.
I wag a wmfp4l Gild ;
I did iit•lowo,my , home ;
lre fl z.Father's voiee, ;.
11 1Thr i g
' The'•Eih.pilerd'sought his sheep',
The Father sought his ohild;
' 4 1 07 o'er,vale'and, hill,
deserts waste and ,
found me nigh to,destb;.-,
eniaeo,i Famished, and faint,t and lone;
ituill.: - /Zltey bound me with:the .baads of tore;
They. saved tixe;:wande4ng„ p i ne ,
They spoke in tiiti t ailripilit • ' • ,
They raiiied* ribo444 ;
They g endi aoe4enly-I;l4aiii'd
My faint-hlysoul•thtey - fed: • -
They Neehe,d tor lith away; ,
"'They made the elcian 4ir t oefair
They brought ine,termY hoineirpi)eace-,4
The long-sought wanderer!
alias ray Shepherd,id ; .
'T Was he that loved my soul;
' 'T vas he that washed me 144 . 43,b;h , rd,
'T was he that made me Whole.;
. 'T was he that sought the lost,
That found the wandering sheep ;
'.T„qua )ier that, bl4ogght4mettajthe;tol
''Tis he that still dothikeep.d • • .
I was a wandering eheept; ,
I would not' be oony0110';" • '
But now I loio . mi Slreplierd'e
I love, I love the fold t
I Was a' ivairmi 011114 s'ssi
9 iT ftloo: t _ t o j * (3 , lm
B.Ektt navOibYesnlY 410hCesV:ices—
I love, I love his home
kISTORY 'OF' THE mint) sirtitiv"
To . becqpii?,,acT*yri with the history
of hie own country, As the iiutyai 'every i
one: No other country
, has a history isnelt ' t
as ours. The progtess .0,44;11,044
States can be traced front .theinvery: first;
settlement, and at evepi r oejii
.:fitii , ; l *Mr t r.
until the . present holm: . ...The,..4migin, ofi
Inostlf#l.s l .:i.s .4 ciSt . *:thif;# 1 1: 1 401 1 0 . 9 1 74, 1 1!'
time, ,o , in tie .n.a4viantiiia . ,ktailn 1414 I
traditieti,ltil it is' not/Kilda Siiiel; - • AO '(
) 1 4
if all history , n9t, in leers thaAßllil i
PIT tft4i4,', l #:::e -,:0 4 :- * l olbo9o#
musti.,.ber..the ophilosophy.;ighosehteaskimps
had. beett 'evolifcifti 'the otitinii of knit% s within three, centuries alla
Au Country, t PeoP anPrelney
therralt the source of all power and anthoi.-
iolaqespently, if 'they would pa r
paredi to diusehar:ge their high , duties a right, ;
tky. j oust` be made acquainted wit c h t t i b l fts
lessons of •tbe pasts and the principles upon
ttich their ancestors laid tile foundations
nta-whicb, this great Repuldic boat
iaiikd 'lt is evident, thin, that it 'hi fio
enough for the lawyer, the statetoompepo
the man of literra4taatfis o rlea f f t, 4 ,4 4 o'
to know Abe Tliii§tory of 44 8 VlVlthrt )but
that it is necessary to the entirerbcdrephe
Age; 3 f lieretCre, a book onT.the ttlige4
litittesathatowili accomplishlnto# •PeOcCas
ft* the great ptirposes liehistory, intuit
preemin, ePtIY the '' 39lc i i ''SiO 4 l;Plß le.
Elaborate ~hiatories of. the,'Unosit .lbstes,
among whit& that of Baoltosettiareerthe
first rank s have been•'arrrokariiikilita
most minutia:details ) andAseuttigiignost
learned aid ..Philosophical the giTat
problemsrpresented fov , solution. And
4 113 1 11 idiVaika school I
ante, have made theiroappeerance J , but in
arrangecteEit, &Pi*, and batldPPAtteY
generally• •extremely defective. '
all, a,,bjet44. suited, to the wantis,
the peoßle tws not beiet hitherto font&
ItoNoYer, we are .4 0 44 0 . ' able , t 6 4/ 1 4 ;
that this want is now happily stippliedPint
the Mum. , before wi t "roedentlm.lelabo.
rate toirsao:the dircict,ingnehees that-have
bad a power itt, moulding, the character of
the nation and its institutions, moral and
political—a volume that presente as fully, as ,
is consistent with this design, those events
which are interesting , in .theinind;ms, or
characteristic of the times add people."
The author of this work I
Western Pennsylvania, was born• within' the(
bounda of the Rehoboth cburcll;
rresbytery of 'Redstone, where his venera
ble &tiler ,is still a Ruling Elder; prone
cuted prelirainary classical studies
under the• Elln:talon of the Rev. NOAII H.
Glum , ; grtuitiated at tieffenion Co 114;
Pa.; and has been for many , years a flocess
ful teacher of a select school tlif cty ` o :
New York. The , book, oonsistinvinf out
eight hundred pages, grew out' 'Wang, I
experienced in his vocation saninstrnotor )
and inlay will rejoice that be sylnE felt . 'snelfr i
a want and then had the ability and rom a i
vermitifi'fn supply it in a nuctri# YlOglY s .
credit u able. He sees the germ fattotit Plul‘ '
success, our cisil,aud xeligioue freedom,
and our, uoldertinstitpti,ops,iwt emovd and
religious chartictet:cf •onr ancestors; and to
the moulding intinence.of this prinzipletr
attributesmluitever of-excellence we have
, ~
in the present; and whatever , Cf.hope.there.
may be for in4,in the future., .. . of
them, he says: " From the first they
~ : •-rt.r.
an intelligent and ureligiousiienle- "-They
were untrammeled in the exereisii.lif4liCiF
religion, and its spirit moulded,pnhli4'sen-7
timent in all the Colonies, whether settled"
by the*Puritan or the Churehinaii,liy:the,
Dutch ,Calvinist or the Quaketi; :14 .''the •i
Ilugncgr,,, g ck . ,o4 Seoteh-Irish Pirtitibre: : :,
rian." „ .44 in,: "Our.ancestors lived
not for' thiftnecives alone. ..With the' 1
prophet's visiph. t imd the patriot's hope, I .
they lookedlotwO" AV . the day whun ally .
this Continent-14i , he. under :the in—
fluence of their.,4401*Y 3 ,..AP4. 0ey..,,a
Christian , . people." .*. ; . tat . , ' ,-,:
i ,i
The style is dignifhritut , ' peculiarly::
~.... •
simple and suggestivei..4FiCiiunaY a fair
1:or ) v_r 1.... . . i
sentences comprise wh4titimig.norPe'sPreau ,
out over many pages.. '
_,..,:t 1 44nd:..... : "r°!:
the following ~ paragrapo....emit.m....l, • •oiur•
own city' , : '"'On. the .26t1i:.'et. November,
(1758) Wkintturvax iiieisheliate thiiligi ;
serted fort,,and.'planted the;iloslll":-
OF ANlERlCAurEspg,:tai l — Dzsoo OP 'MI '
OP TIPp, Tank : Wi T lVElibilliagATV j 4
Patton, A. M.',`
N t SW' Xoirli7V.9ifign e ft P:
Pp. 806. 1860. b r olii by eubsorip on only. I
Price $3.00.
kAltrid t r i gi "s bs.l
u !hi N•r,
11 - 4.1 '
• b:2"'
An bf ititefillifeelhireitantedithe
*eel! fe" ti&lehick
liir'triciuts' . man,:the first
of Vir4,l: l 4 l o 4 ;4 l aPa, who aPPre°4to-i•h'i
PhßeatiitogiOe Axerican .Coloniste,#4 them. justice. .Situ;
aced at the head of the Ohio, in a: regithi
velebiatectforits 'agricultural and, mineral
Wthdth, id:id-settled by a 'moral and indnist
i4elaticiii„ fit has fat: e ceedrCiiii
!SACT 4900.0,
monweeet to .the •meinory4etherfiteat
'war reeYelt.t.d:(iii the
shove; le-the one commonly :4841ke
fg Old'-fretieh c •War." ,' • ' '
Character of the ,:eariy settlers of
Western Pennsylvania, art& the difficultice
and dangers they encountered;' is thug
.sketched : "The pioneers :Were
. principid!y
Scotch-Irish fritin
Pennl4Y#44.l an d r Virgins}: Tkili',#,ll4B
,wcreAw v SVat• e.tIPPel of; ef4YICAS,
Kniqbket Atfirst their families lived in IdOok
houses or forts, through fear of theilndians.
Math thali as ''they' cleared' .the Soma or
'tilli3d'Ahe'44'*Ere ' alWales lituredly they
. etvi;l *liar rifles " ! t)ieir lD adds
when.`on X 46 *?7 INTe. / 0 / 41 111 • - 1 1 e,
.groves ont.he ! 4 ! , IF: 40
Gospel,,'.: The; nntrodden • : mountains
betweed 'thaws/id ..tite settlements y on, the
Atlantic slope:' .Across these einonntaine
the load'wi~as'd~rljr`a •bridle-path ; Only
4 a6llNriljilia 4 . 4£44161 4 1e. 'Non l ash
could l e. obtaujed , flO,
as these dick - Noises
,c.arFiedrAern .nerneB-0 8 •Aalt
iratbwortlx !eight dollarogibsishell often
twenty bushels of wheat mere ,-givenrin ex
-change. for one , of- salt!! The , author sumfi
up the character of Chief Justice MARaitAtr,
in these few but expressive Words e His
solidity of judgment, hii'reasoningpinVers'
Lis Acute ,*nd', penetrating mind, were re
mukrknbleoind,none the less striking were
the purity of his Christian. life, ,andlie
simplicitpifiiitenners." - •
the mhole, , then, this•book las num- .
- gya:Of 'aiteinar . Rients;' 90fitfitiPi . A
iotiikep eop 1 e ; of,the prolix( owl'
'opinions'; 4.'00i: operations of niOirlllll3l/
religions causap;
„ and of, Of
Witte, in.,a styln deserting . , tliejkierat
.P*se.l. that mar-its; Oice-41 , ihe-ing*Ml
3of• evenkfamily, and. in ,t,he.studies.4every i
••• 9i: ." -"`
.„Thile..js one of the old churches of Nriri,
ginia, that flogisheAms,in times past: ,
414";:**°114julell by those wkq le'Rette - tol
know that this was the sceneCit.the, con- r
;willow cif: the first, thleluutineflanTbroughq
kJ* IWlTledse •G'ft izq
jcsea, in the later „ages roCtke. , flhurch4
'The history of 'this reinarkattle r o&tirremiq,
Pehlishfidissme,years•.ago, ilytke).Nersvi
York Observer. ,
About :the ielost.oktle_l.'iftWalstach;
eften aP9 1 0 1 !.. `‘, l teoteleis
it'r," a young Algeria mt.mideS/a4mowhe.
had been' edueited attonstahtitlitple,46tird
his -way:. Neiw,Corleses, emards ;to
the valley' Cf whatehe' die.'.
covered altogether iia'ed,•and ahuoattlara
isheitfrom Ittrtiker. BtlfJta wait taken in-;
to a kind family where he was fed and '
where he leafferErtcrStrak the English'
language -with much propriety. Subse- i
quently die 1114074kri Owe,'
a' Presbythrian Janiuister, Tot'firhourAfe t
formed t , a t sPiiiii4: Bll oxPlPW.,l 3 Y2p
gentleman.btx t m was, carp4llr t instructed;
in the dirta7'ues of. the Cheiptisn
Ataezigtlk ,gave evidence'•ofr having-tut-I
thililinecift ?L change
.011(140*d was- fa
.celved• into, tho elnutch.•-Inupputese!, of;
time he felt 'it' his diityqq• ale** to his
parents,. who., were in, wt.wlthy Aiteumatan
e,es in Algiers, Kfrica-.•!•ffieNsti . Went, to
glands and ,then .: to, his litiMigi': l / 4 heme•'
But he , eihd3. l not •long =:diskiint,flihe facti
.04 - ').herliikib•heeexee, e-Chrig-lellf:, Ojai
moaned: the•t-mirath of the •tfathei, whoj
4 11- i :ITPRetr*P.,I 6 , him' ftcq n :hie'
Aitraetsailed•forEngland ) and they
for thismAntry,, but on .phe,-voyage, owing:
to the. ucenes,throngh .)which. he had:
passed With hie parents, sense of
entire cle.solateness in the world, reascni
'WWI dethroned. After his 'refintrt 'to cit.')
Suds, Aheuffh he eilierd• eceas!ottaLtruolnit
ipletyalev•he • split 'most .df• thie-tv
•,9 .„.
mpuiderutg,fm I Plaoq to Phiee,•eedlitit*:
iting‘ tinnew:fr?tosa acquaintance :.h e
forined lle,kger,,days, tua:til.diath kindlyl
retie d Thini•;•from• .his-,sufferings. • The;
WhOloqueritiivelis execeilingly
.4,ll4,wenutypublish it entire-at, some fti-,
V a t l i da i* ' l / 1 41 0 .3 1 1
expitilition to some all r iniions in
part of the fOlowing i interesting letter tot
see ettke • • << •
"liCocrifzeif?RuTri.F.ebrtieft' s , lB l o ,
you, daring !Ake. peateen*ner f was
.fromt coutual• -giVe .yon a brief
litidaitoelfedt history of an Algerimi,lvirio
found his 'Way t ' hi's world
the cross. of Christ ) ,,,under Torriann4inces.
Apparantly wild, avid ronw i tic. .11t M true,
the life of SELIBL as not. ,distinnislied by
any one event that would.' have , encircled
hi s it,t,ltie with a halo of" Tory o r , tinCwine'd
Carreath•of fame around Merecxy * yet'
,the,. variety ..and novelty .of othei moles
through , which he •passed- 1 -the
gine& •;*fider which he 'Ononneed
thf ; ' Bible, lasi°'his nirritiVe'
14.1taxallel ixt Ate )11111111114 tof
I thEVAMUItey. •I send you a synopsip,of his
lifetas.publiehed• in• the tNew • York-JOU/WV
from' the." .• est"! authliittip 47. ,
Nhie f the • ;!•er i :
fathers who A 114. 1 ii ,01 :tikk
Samaritan to.
,1•31 / ram, ace : .' orshipping at;
the same altar witch theta. ancestors dedi
rerifit to the Most;e9-
Atuty egg, when the fterce.yeltotillepay t age ,
rung. , appalling „past :hough the
founts •of thisllovely , • ••
" The erection of this. fohtirclyfoirizishest
a beautiful commentary' on . -ihe .religigust
zeal of the old fathers, who laliqrskl,lo4*- 1
street a tetapk not, only for,theurflrsOlt i
for pdkerity to worship in. 1 great diadi
of the •niaterial 'used for'bbildiiit
was brought on paCklermis, ki' :: ' n • ="ofi
two hnihed . miles,.through a iountry , thent
itigaimest, -Tinbrok..en liihrepllgskit t hethiphe'
of the savagetand ThVtiton%
of 14041:11 ythill, T 7Ohuf-tisA , 6e(l from the
quadsßl - oer place, 9n,.,,rfooden t
trucks, and the sand on pact. horses. The
ki '''
• ~ .
i.. , ,i :
. , .. ,
' f - -c - p rAcfp ' • Nr ? f - rcr 'm /?? gu ', : 7, t - s , . „ 9:T1,1412.431„5 ( 1
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: ' l7
. PITTSBURG IT 'SA — TURDAt . ,- A A RCH 10 . 1860. .. .., Wl - 1014E
.:,. nr„.•„....
,:, Fine. ;
ace' n.d j by
af, r -irtby,;
Ice ! 4. eot,!4q ;
l i ''l 'YOY. 7
1 ,ii ' '
~, ~,F, Tr 'e ' I
t r e k 517 , 4.511 1
A. • stress,
On , saiN too ,
len ', : d slave;
thee.' — iiiitory ;
the i: . i1e.4)1 I
'bid& 1 . :4110
9'P•! . ?P' ,hi s
gre , elffirnt,'
14,, .1 . ,T: , 14. f /4
1 0, 111 ' to- " 1113
f ! ",, rislV litL i
iir , (Priem ',
,•Ma !
c?: rt'''
Anzate Is not oily buklt,inthe mOst,aubitan
tial.UttlK)int. of dimensions; and` ,caPacity
enfficient to " im s ei 'the t . rellenie Of:the
'ccuritii;gii the . ' present'dai.' 'l,'standit'its a
M oniiineid; freriontunting t~o'eacli ` suete ding:
generation `Who may *Whip ,in'it, the' deep
t atid'iOtunbuntiririiibich' ft
Ch ri s t;
Vifir," the disibted !tillifvterk •it Christ; fblt
hi 'the eninie' of their" . Master. 'lt.
'Was 'arirreund'ed . !by 'a Stockade 'Port; and
Antillg' , Diline Mende, sentries were pbht'ed'
'i•or :the to', ckete iblpreventei. surprise:6l4nd
dens attack of the Indians: Theremains
!the: Fort, , oan , (yetibe distinctly *Reed.
Ihe .,, chnrch,.withwiteqprimeval< forest, re
mains unaltered ;:.the,gtove ,which , a •centti
.ry ago. resounded with the'Rswellt of leered
music, still sends back An; echo the solemn
praise of. ero. - Few' churches of oar coun
try pesseas , the interesting ,traditivaapaa:
aociatione of,the Augusta .church...., It
was within, these „sacred _walls BELI3I,I*.
.n.9lnceci ,the PregrA;f9r l the,
** crw, in
, the,. sabsegnent,„part .bis_l,: hop) ,
; unrelenting:egrse'n4bili father, ruthp, thin
aßo4atiali froM. s ttle Math imbibed .It
Was in'thisnhiirat Ace*.
for `mangy y" wellilknovfn fcir
centricity of character " Ai Ye . nisi 'distill
ggtntisliel for 160 , jail !e l an:A !gifttifiiiit -
logical?atteininents‘ • ATher 4 Dtitottidied" in
1836,mt•whieh time %hal Rev'.
was' called. to. , occupyi the , 'sacred' desk which
bad` , been , filla• with , such eminent .ability
'and Glrrititien'•dignity•tyihis :decdased•pre
41ecessorl:f:,11W BROWN, though: 7oung •in
years as. 'the ministry it , .that :time,
fully, met , ther•expeetatiOns I of :the, congrega
tion, and. has : contintied their, pastor to:the
present: As ;.a, theologian and profound
pawner, Mr.. BROWN :: stands. deservedly
high„,ankhis.,sprunisi,are highly ,appreci
;OA PA APteiligelOt RieNts
4 1 1)9TP4.- wAVI ElPPt , ,Pic9 l i gi'.oe
. welfarn Auld illustrates by
h'iq 4
Oh 1 6 4 lee Wat4y,
z, • t . •
q•gr u iro ; r
•• • LY P 7.7 e
..! t t. ;' 10
.Irl. .00 ;ALBA... •
. 41 /
trat, , ALZ.X.AXtrZR.tOLAittp i• • •••• t.
Aidlaristake saws yeatenlay; and today, chedibr2etr.t—
-,p,?•3:;tm,8, , „ E , l' ,
• Whit. a liefilaratiOn., is this I How en
couraging ! „ Whi/e, : we are -tossed ,to and
' n-1 0.8. ,, •g1e1i5tpn 1 19;64(4a 9f earth-life-01F
All4l bilTkrivtillAigh.clYgi:CoPe by : the, swell
- : 4 1sX..S 0 0 11 ,1!telt7 • y(itb , tlke
otldl9Fl o pqgr,u4Avflyage , tYrr,eig-ar Oft!,
Arecay, Agtit r *mnlPg from, ~ the
" ithinipg shore", far,,Rut, over the waters
i;iti l i ' filt ( li. i4nc'4, l o,o:°/;;iii.:3 ,AM'
beacon light; is this e s ommriing . tgs,l3F l itir,e,':
" Jesus Christ, the same Jesteidayould
'foLday, Mi l d fcireir'ci.; .."."'" n" , .
"'"Ohrigtstfrithion,lhis - foinidiVhiti . love, his
tf'6e,'"fintithilt: 'glory, "iie ' ilifelia4rail!s.
The yesterday of Jesus is all the gonelbY
.0' AtMitn.7l !A.*** P,ao. , 'lllistiliAV is
MigsSrtrel n.:44 'Armen tils-uPonliPZ
nr.400.1 , 1 0 .! 11 , sverlast4 ng t° -avoc
114in 4 1 1,94 1 1 I P•r n i . , , r •
Hie love to sinners bid no teginniug.;
he loved
,us before
,the fonndtttioi of • tiie
'wooed'''• Neilliii.:4*'B4llTei*l4lirerikii.4-0-
~40:4Y•Acf, Y 406 n l i golKe9lii az. 1 444) 7 ,0 1 0
viatats', is, tboAnc•Nan ( l , cannot ,eease.
tlt-.otinnot. ohange.t sow consoling - the
- thought thatithist smite blessed-Lpid deigicis
10 1 0 ve*;" - a ) lisSi'4 l fed:'.o'.flitii'.sijicilY
:/44Aii4 g4:4l!,Lox9l4 . ll4.ixi;:iliil
aswearg;axia,copimit,Quiwyds g troo and
~,in.stokitothis grabions, 'pitying:love.;.•.for
elksetrieili- 8 4?Ilsffldflt+Otrrbdegifir4T 11 4°
lro , ;slid!. bundlers.
. 6 .9paii;df iti §47i9diels
loveX,:wir ept•ctrava_Prehepa, it ? . '
~,. 11147fleherishi our. s earthly ,finiends...„We
•eas46ll/oursorrovasl,on those J.who areznear
and dear to us here. We often mingle - our
tearsiin' sodial -aohl-aonimunings:with : Our
,beloved ootnpanions, around whom:. twine
.ourlfondest ~alteetions.: :And• Owe - ming
-,Jings, of, ?sorrows, r t,hese .free-liowings; ..of
tears, these unreserved expressiorts. , ofnoW
. esires and our fefrs, our doubts end ,Npur
fiefs'' affair tife ielier incl .. iiiliii ' Fifes less
vaaryttflib borne.“. - •, , ,
"'Sift' flit:llea ofWtilirfrierifliithrt k
litikb,'of :aliialge; iif'die: `vNei co,tleelr =theft,
46 btret"hoPe ii itindfifilt, "sere ihi l ifeetii,
orctlielsiblesierility,' arid to"-daiciiiidi'foi
*Veil" e•Hie`graile will ibe - sufficiiiit for ns
in every trial and in every trouble. :Tobe a
-loved , oneiof4esus•istoßbeisafe:•; ,Himarms
440ne.wi1.1 %briar* mai" over= , ta, the.- other
*Oita. '-Ontfrgeoryttimii•Nnirc i l'"ekiii . i . kt,iii in
*ffigNlY 4 F L bi:e l o l /A l 6{ iiit Oit'er with
4 . 49CIP,Ye,VikiPe -- rJegiuhliro ' , Pn-earth.,
a , 4 2man,,of sorrows, and..acquainted..with
, griefflaurely/ he Anows.outeinfirmities,
quidlirill'rear 'the inpßliariVirlren: be' cries'l
'Mize, the Vineified - •Vaid,a*.giqikliir)
surely be, will forgive ,the si ns of3liiiicier
Zletint - nivli,s'Alts 'ln faitli; 'belitlimg I
,s;'ibelieinidg ifloid Of I'ldinY f 'Ai*
'lleionill iieeiVe 16'Trhilialf,ill'iliie teitiiiily
liintotoilirill Whetinat' bien'tiiimifietl; :hid
have been washed - iii* lid' tfitii"%loed !
d'astfs-,,,athe , Etame.7esterday; Atud..t,o:dair,
and linliver.'t' -- cn - .5.! • 1.;•-••• . ..: • ~. • .:
• ; f
- "1:44 'Ale';irillifithitie 41:0
or Heitz.
r• it:11 le:sq
~,,Eypme.lo;o:l2lo:#M,Ph NIAA
-..eieleevyrledgw o and I-AlrilltWq...Y(We rest?'
Mark , his abilitro7.eive.: ehall-eak
!linrkinglinny hinhej . And
'e'' dot - aiid
reii; blegietklif ITNIEffe 7
nese,“ ,s azitietj ,
alucayi the.SaPfh 0 1 P , Raqle,
Wh0n.W..4 0 .40 11 4 0 PR .p.mi rest 191.4gel9ice
ftam !..4f*ANcilesiViAltrinit:l9l'.°
44.f.a94mgelrOm A
!NM sow ..if .417 n
1 4 SIONVISIR ellsstwithOnt•oneTletiv.r:
Anilthou bids!. me come
drGod, r • "I I
it At, )
iSinettas :pun, ithy love unlinparealr ••••,•
~....;A.4ll M ,Pr O l e n-e)l4:3',l ? tkrrilr, • 4oKP;-•••:- •,‘
. Tiow to r be thine . , yea thipe slope,
'''''"''b Vetro.b . r- Go - d t ,'l" " %. (H it
•• • .::•• f %,
, •=1: 11 0 kf l tizt 9if • 2 ter
.74 1 1,A rreW .9r PIRO*
slavety. •,, Southern
*on " 'TN rrogriss . of Abo-
, MeanwhilePthese:iiiriona causes. havewet
, thel , ii)iMple'ikif • the,423buth-..t0 . •se'elc • int 6 th'e
(groundininrwhiteh , theudefenee of slairehold
dng Lrestsi , The ; result; has leenlaufttmet
,b slid' , in. , ,the: 4 rectitude , a I their L , own, Anse
thim they. Torperly possesSed. , ,•The,more
they (lavel examined,:,the.„ more., theyi have
leen, persuaded ..that tit nis -mot. only takeir
might,huttlinir.duty, to-maintain-till% FQ4i-
Aion ,they at, tpresent-. O M I PY•r - ACl:Aligie
Anna the 4 / 1 00.11.:90 1040 tip im,,g4p
petliairghtd—Ago,4qii44lvpiOlifigo Aixt44.
Frßni til days of Canaan, some two httn-
Aied Wine - Wei' th'd'fltli.4';d,'t,ciitlie liiiitiiii of
iiiiVA*iiilyttiti;i: period iiftldelieri %lige
*a Mir thobigind.pmits,oduihigi,imicii sti
lietiiiiturailliii,elatton Iltaa• - ienji)Yed;•• and
'fioMitiiit *dly t o'.'thitr, the" Ohnieh •of 'G=od
rhairkbiayd , stood:oonnebteil iiithothe insti-
Itution of: shiveiyi '; Durin'ethe tßibliecd
iieriod, , amonethe , illhosen.t ► eopk,nthe nia.4-
ter and the , vlaveriwere.ladrfoinid , in , the
-etiProh• of • G.l 3 lir Old, ?the ; rels i ti on ~hetwsten
Abell/• Rl•Vc.tkonqd (lA' )egi.o/1 1 tem#44 i imil ;q
-,qlo3.iiagEceAai!},autig.p t0,14p pkfprtse4.9cT-
e . I .2ogfflg.i..witiVr,r4o"ll4 ,i%bt 7 *.147 . 1 1Y
.?-p4,4 AqV il 3 sr I
d leciktsgrps z ,
a t t ildf V tiVaiffi ci tYli r.', 3 4,94A1l
ruler " 8 1 iff A aPV. - 4°) lnfl4
'by conqueit; Sr - pnfe asi„by del fhinh
gould npt..otherwigelge•diedline.l
. _ .
. .
IT gift, :for.. '4) 1 00 1 4 1
-.T o ll4foPar . 11 04TIfitt.c4,
81ATe8v . pgel re4oned
bejpAgrg, to the pato; Olitt
`f#IIPTAIrret" .. !`I9WFON , )I
.YRAiTt •AlaYfof r.rf l RM9fTi ,
the slave - woman or Parali;"to:le)
andlthe . ;Aposthit..the 't unaway'r
-his master,Thileinott...fOkilywl
Red from a leathen country , to •
of ar.ael,:from Paganism. to, ti
God, was his extradition fort
jz970, 134 0 . o f-se7Anks , angekinctai
the. 49118P..411"139."0.14411,443
among the tVPIIPIPST 1 400
1 0 , V.nt7,7t l ee9wo . ?
AsObreopym anp to itsjer
,power of ` c l 111 butli4
34 1 ,696,1 'ittGiinistint ;
against treating his servant with
itflgen de. i'El6ir if deiiih;
tidne (seVerity,•rth'e''initsteiLirns
liable' iiuder the Jblivrti
death- was :imniediate,t. , :Na m'aulfiT3 con 3-,
ilemned' in all they Seritotnies-forthc.shold•- ;
ing Of slaves.; , but 'on. i•the...(iontiary,..the
sla,veholdingAbraham , , id larger Ada ~ , older
than: this ', country( luul 11 WM 0 kan
slaveholding ;Isaac, ; Jacob,. Job, ...- - .1, ; ,' ~ ' Pli, ,/
the,believiuglocOnism; , - awl iP " ' l t Vi S . 4
friend; of, Ra 34, are .'soiled • fq 'ln 9ii the
most exXgaordinary faith, paticuou, pit-irk;
V 31 14.19 1 1)Y.,••!. *AAA° Aurckes ,131492#4 !
in •*: 14 .9x i • TRBORIcO 'were .8 4x#9, 1 iligg
c,h,nrcjigskii43oo9 l i..ww4ers. aPct 7 ,FeP
t:PgOne. , T atth,
.e,,tebl,e.ef. t h e „T. 9 ,,yvAier r
e,ver 91iF- Pal:join' tmiell s ad iii,xi:, .4p,:he
micktllß,P44Pr and e • 1!/!!'.'2 , 44Rtli• - l Alikull
illA I*.l?Y. 11 0. 11. -- L ; ll.lhti BM !I i hg
mixei4.4o,;of :Ciiifi;: , „ )3010.41 , Ina
bear' to the:Gi',:iiiii*.of tlifil'..*o,..sed6 i
nOt,..donli,:hinaainsonifieitignitii,litAt .; i
aiffekei# Alitinn "6:anAU . , * a , ci . . :",
of these Siiutheiii States. ,H is l ' on—
" .Nl:o . iiiilrVant eiiii 'aerie two 'M idi =ffia I
ffiiiiibli'eflhii iiilente ? 3he flan itlf l o4
4 0
*Wand iriiiiritei'itiiiinird iiiiioincte t 4idnai
itiiiiitiii'i'lliiies 'therit*gla didat,lioi give
Situ?' theif illeiiiiii4; to "0;301.4. f Ay ' in
doe ' iiiiieirif;*itlie"Valibld liPtlfeliervantit '
waiting foi 'their' master's: it friiiVtOni the 1
Weddinglih' tlikeniidnight'iniur,:an :otlicit '
we 'neeitnot mention;ishbw 'howl pfevalblit
Nei the' institution. of slaverydirernbe
ministered, ' In ...the. , slaveholdinj
Ohnsch i
of the..:old: ;Testament ; z the. m "hamlet ,
bought .vith moupy,,ives„ cireppipki4c*i
ate. 9±l the gaaaPY.,ra Pr welltlT:k. ( 3PAAitt
en7l.Y. ) , l o : ll,§kilglin Pr P 3 O,J.cIP-10.talhATA1
44e1P, VAII ; 1213 . 1 ?? I aPOT •tflirgagißilAll i
P,aoaliP ,of, tl i ),4PgiW i ,i, l 3 l :7 lo/ 1121 5 4, 'iN i l it !
berchi,..Pr 'hie free:,w,ill, pgenAga ant nmaie7 ,
offering, and t i ns'
,tithes . :4 l ...oquirly t . iiii i. fiiia
iiil..:A - .4a . iii tile' shiVehelding C t burclui . OT
1411144,i ' Ma Cor 'e
oViiciti l ,‘ l Sn'tfie'eolitiiiiiiii
of Europe . ; and of Colosse, Ephesus, Piii3l
tticEtentile, CalipacTeil; Aka" nitaltithiriiii
onatlibt'cotititimit 'of Asitti , miniterte :ifid.)s4-: 1
"%MU:to:11d ' their''?nalbeiiihiP' tilikb,' :and I
weie• alike ca-hertbd . - Milf dliveill&r:4:::Erent I
Ptlrthie.' to. Spain; lea! fat: a's '24 ostblie-iaborg
ettend,edp the 'master. ii never - censured fot,
lidlding , sliver,indrtia word.r.sdislto 'tdbe set.
vairt,-. ~, under . ,he: ycike ' ''.,:'. tbr render :Flint
discontented I evittit the stleto.itiLsehich,tiGset
hatipplaceiblizni bat:-.on .the.Nlioritrary, fie
was'. exhorted to gontinme iniitOantiltweill
tilteosiusi-ef:2ff.ey.eTie ‘ rvieeir:,flpur4Aiggy'4
and ".mincAug:back,' ) --.0. 0141! thfriliffigi 1
freA;•34l ) P i ikliXiti , isit . IsAmoit.r i r---
TICt As to - Vees...a.' ..aPt,ua m e ' i be i 1
ielatiiiiiiveren.iiiiful one , 'AP.# li goulniliii i
bet,: - rieri,diil riiiitiltAit.tipd . tbe"44:' i
this :eirei;: botlisel 'ffooity . in'tlit,tel4iiiii t of I
04 . aatiltdiesiitik,tim adjilteic,i, of iiiiekeilif /
iribbei tu"liii cerniade . in '' &fine T i oi:*iletie
iii ideier; the` parricide ',' aid' lli; - poveriliaj 'i
liiiiker;loilis'acCOMplice . ? I :When' 110 e ihd I
A:Ogles' ieoriiiiniendeif petj ufbA, %Es c * and '
idtilitoi's t(i'igillASperse'Veran - cein'tlie - SeV-
eiel*iiotie they'in , this . cha'racte'r 'putt forth. If.
It;lFirtunedititely.after the coirtisclEogiven
by Pair to> servants corintleter-oinpmaa
tete svorthy..of ailh ' f
dam rthe wordk , r`f!lffi :my( parc,., twill. 1
ejlierwisp„,. and ,coulEVAtt faTkAarrlrbelelaMP. 1
WArtift.t.i, even gm- -*OA P,tl PR lA* inti!k i
cArrktot.l.P4.P44iP 490.4PESAi9rkis,..a.MF-- I
ding to godliness ; he is 1p590,1154,PA11.
*A i 9g , •"4 ( 4410 ' a lTfit , 3T1 41 P.r 1 1 3 11 iVAI
400 (It ovs#4 s 4 iilicirwof tpagatAwfiaja,.. 1
strife w railings, levii.dmnaiinag4,llterverse I
disputirigli:iif Jibeir 'otrriipt,.?mlidej , Mid; 1
ofirtit,lfe,t . .h l „, l ,,,. v ; ,.;;C) .s:. 1 ;.: ', ..i:..,_'-i4 . 1 I
~TJA., shtveholOngfAMPAllkgs &WA, AMA 1
Imasmighthiaßible 'tdirought,:.:Pail feel' no
biiiiiip:SttiChillg:4l:.iiiinWilfoi it. relatiket 1
iiiiiol4l4i)l4.nov'st:oo#olll4.b# elk I
'_;built, 4. ite - OilOolitiOifille*C . i. :4 4 4,,itg
toaboliove tbat, though ,it m lnity.,34,v t ef s 4eell. I
'inflioted..upon alumna a curserandfithifike4.l
;iiiltrlirottiv fallen -lintiligityi , ittaistenee.of i
&Oil' feirla 'Ori6Piatbibgnt l 4KViiier'• PW 1
ciiiii.eimuiO4pep . ;Whijili may :exist ' :,
eiiisted,, now •Vire -.exiiit;Groa.. has I
ordainedpfor:the itell2beingolt fleast.for the
.pieienc;l,lld:rtithipts #4. agek, Of ' ihe 'Meet 1
Se ~- b l l: l 4 l . 4:`l . 4l B: ';i4 l oiiiiil.alt*:• •.s 4l lf :9ite, i
' §th*:. 4T-e.iiiilqo9::4l4ciScig AN.q.; !kof . lr, I
i the 'waif which- an altiiritle:Eraidenae ;has 1
i devised t , for -, the; ‘;spiiitrad -regenerati tali- of i
fliii , A.fitietil,.andltectiliffribpbblbiiii liilf of
4ioi;iie TS: caiiibli.' .70, 1 0#1, la 'l44a
~,, .... ' , t, iii -,-,, A44 . . . To 1 - .
at 40;Past .A l ,lOPg A It l 4l ; , . •)If l .. ,I . 1 1.1,
1 elinod.tri: tritrigngit An. i4feraij i ikg:i ! iiirligh i
,mail; history: . For .fotir Adiomauid ' , lean i
they. liint'sibuisin,ed.'in iketattortiflattule
liaiValt';',. c. i . 4,7 PW4 ° A'4"W 5 .,: 1 A:',14 .14 4t f r 1
border', ja.10.4440 aP4 , .EB3ll.i . :ll:Pgii.rPft
ago.4.4iolowqh . as . :it; • iiefin ,i that,ilo, .mighty, i
ompireklave ierisem on the iNi . gerp . ae:theyi i
have - , on the Euphraidit,'' thik Ihnges, l I tit& !
Htialigilidc and•the'Nile ?I' -Why-have tliby I
not risen like other. , blriliaric , natiroirerinid ‘,
in:theii - migrationecon'qfiered . .the Celt;:the. )
Ganl j and -the , Sicton, iiiia wongfewthano
selves 'a fplace , end' aonamemnotegithe great
:historic nations of. thii earth-?, t ‘Arlotheyr ;
not , 'an , ' inferior; rebel .. , .Does mot , ,Lethe' i
Northern ,: Abolitionist zpractically...beliette ',
it ? Ca/I..the , : foresee, , the ; ,time , ,,:ivhon.ilier,
would.,:invest , the :son of.,Africa.,withAitk :
bigk z offices t •of -executive,. legislativg,..aut 1
iudicial.,power,,and ,tiauquilly, endur i e,.l4 ;
rule ? or when he would consort with I
in all the walks,of .trade, 9d. give
;Ethiopian his SOxii'aid . delighters in mai- I
iiagel ,a Arid. .y2e.ti Alin:mei (the , / inediriArpf I
Southeint slavery, I.my7iiitler of,thetus:bew
been•,iriadeouxirieiated- with AP- Illiliftri I
and aranOriT*.etkrea:4l 24l 4./49r.a4...sPilliatii
thougsnde 1 4 1z.o . r.koefm-.9 1 1,4484:4R4444414f
filthy aavagea)
, froA.lia rlk iP lar hy4 4P;P O k .
Ind vitinsof d egrading sriperstiA?nonto i
w47o)aa9 ol ng!ti l o l irthti!thaamiltia4
inert: Tie oii . Millpas of A fr'ican's in' i Anerl Have , %BIRO'Iig itiaiiibi'ifi
eliVeiil ihenlifid To'iligiiiigitiiiVii•
the' kiloirlOgi''- oft 1i
tS Tali;
thcinitiWfinitiiiillion Ofiliiiii:ili*liiii all I
the .`iiiiet''''et:'•tinie, s 4Vii 'itiiiihea:"Aliq' !
have " reaiiliiir; this :a eleAtitiii.obfithir , 'the
,supervisien andJobritiol-of !the , ithite'inaii i '.
• and• when iliei-have 'escaped'. frem. that con(
trol,.as -in St:; liemingor, theylaireirelapeed , i
into indoleneek:'•abd lgone.t book , Lrapidly !,
to:ward'Athe , barbarieuisnin oft the aisevage: i
state. , t..rici -rie ~ , , , ktseroL .9 , ,c. , •,, • - . '• Pi .
A , . , In 'mimeo of,..these nrild others &considers! ,
tions?pu.;.whiblu our ( space dries fntof,permit,
net,i,o,&.%teryc.the.,,Sautberik.'miati, fisonexel I
settled than ever in regard tuukherAudituz.
I ti!lA ,IgASOßiiviSliffrlt • ' 41 kinflekfte
I %itARR.4II,P..n .ngprni.. ' hVbp2pril
fitmly roo . We lave 4.. airy consi ere .
Lli~:e is which . are-allekedltp be its-attood.'.
*Sp, to: both master :nntl
. servant ;.•
ant over againit thein the advantages which
kt brin to both, and, have Compa, red Fith
e' whole 6 , 8634 the'' opposite one' Of ini 7
"theiliate “aniversil efindieiliationf so •nany
foritheutongne to .uttbrp:lso 4mriieticable
utl~leriany.rowan taxteco 1 . 1 our,. wolipm • • c
• -- ''s
111441.QUyn , 7 A RiNnaknn,,Altn • ! INAS, MAST n— ,SxrcTia
i . . ) : l ol , "Pszeoistrak.' :urn. thithitzsa•litivins GRAY, 131•VISBURT,
.11= 6 1 1 % pe, / 7, 111•
z?- 41219 1 81)141i i rDtT i ON 4;1 1 4 N D
• UPfoul II ; ExposkTioN , OF
• NT AND FAIT -=Tax litettlatenop or Plltis Abn int
P•Lint,-,-RintOnB Allan TR, Rovv r pla,,PAtopo•
wit be;itli. Etiokisie 4:frcrivits
• :I—N4rputoml4._Dxsinnif, jARb .tuvAlwro, DzspiutT l -Tat,
b'vkiDit L 'Quisnort--Eftrbrettek" 'Lap PAtatasiiold—
IK e2l "4" WVrW= Vl44llAllu"n
""r; • •' • ZOPOON.-Allaiuct4:lo; 1860.
"..111)isiiiiiiiiiiketiii"-kraik-SSVO4 'QiiiSk
:iroi,f took iplace 4114114 ;Howie OfaLordi3 on
UetidAy;evenieg last; at iwhich 1 present.
The scene was animated and ipteresping,
al ho it wanted pio eapitcrnent4uneh
a Varty r dehaie'iiiinVOlves . the 'criafeiiin of
i!Oithitiel. " Tliie tliiestion=has tiesiiiiied &ill
, Siderable impiwtan - ce 'iii :the , . public.'oefel
.French, Agents. •SeCni.',to eoseOnrago tOpdat
2'•"-.!. . :•;.' .1 i Rif'94trigl4,l ': , ;',FOrTillulli,
pa • o i,, . , snexationi: at ,":' i' - theisr,Phmity
* .i.'t , :. ' •
Ad Phial' aiiit fiehle i . Beades
this; 'the•Preneh iiieisdi r idg'ila liiiiiiteriee
tof:: the i Governinent k are . i laying douqii 'Prop&
; sk4ief94 Nell' rovAltOimgyiki: their,,9harbi4
; ter. Because the Savoyards tpfs,tk.•Frencill
therefore - SaVoY, Onitifd 'helOng t'O . 'Fran*
'indliegiiimikirficid:bffi: tii : tlitelanie Pri'fil
' ipl6l, ißeig r itiiiipith Ole the I greittl hinij 'Why 'fit
.the people ;speak IthaFrenchiangtiage, must.
i* . q.).l 3 ke, a 'Mt of At RWP_i;ei 444 more A 4 14
that, Prince must acknowledge no boundary
Eastward, .nearer, ,than , the Rhine 16'34111
'SYwit l itiillaild; iiiii, iiiiist'l36:Bl3"fa; he'd' itide4
pen dedtki ngdons;• and oFzeti di ! igentiiiit' ii
haid K are., ,Uot::.wsuitirig at . ,g-eneva.:an&other
,Plya 0,4 8 kiAlikkit , " :OnlimiltiOn Or:R.11%0
and eve s ror. ,". • . . .., 1 : ..-....,”
,jl,- 1,, •12. ,fr •I . :...'. •..,',, .01,..:! . 1-.. i ~ .i.34.
f 4 e a nte of PPllrep as letern, ll 4e4
hYlfiliNfrilititA l 6rlBls, hie Wegaiiilf 'Ai
eci4ed4intie , :nide : iditickti since , that.' tile& :
.More than thisi-theithen settlement Of t'Enl
_Pe' iPTßlY , e4.ll l ,,eekieißfitieer...444. ePAPV 3 e4; .:
auto v rist: nctiir
,Stif.tkeduasa,, as
' iii? ' 'die "Atlxfin t niable, 'Partition of Poland 4 '
Not' caifit, 'be e4hetiiiiiliati r ttArne lik4hei , i
liestiw.ofs natititui:•cau he , 'established; iiiitij
opt.•,colircalsious.,that•altall Weak np ,old•ltles4
~ I!9.!.issli! nl'iPh-Plee , thelfliitik4;,P(l. l l;44
and the seitlenkent of 1.510,4 93 .,. continu4
ance of the reign of injustice j and Oereei
slip., 'Tlfe:Eiirecir - 11 - 3 — folgeiii, - )l,ifiy. th(i.
deian'e l liin`sir4med a f;1:t &10 ..ltut iijeand,
,Iflikle,ll. l 4l.44okfairl! , .)4PAgel regitrAed, , ,itictliti
,light t of
. i,intghnd. wro ng, ! of ~..Enroke. 9 k.,linri
( and Order. also. : His 'ftcheme4 are 144,..M401?-;
et file iiinickinii . gikiiiiii . .. ''ife"iiiiiy hitini .
41i1iieW-ilieriutilifling'orrtiklafid, byliter4
.ruptingt her overland coinnituileation: ii , .i.thi.
..Tadia, tui„dbynttmapttiMtatitre , the Atediter4
,cfkAlP t ri - YreliP4 1 41:•.f , PWte.11ttMdi
if wool ,Im.‘he s. ann . o l ixatilM cfAvoy„sixd!
-. enila . :, liforeoVei-,"tife ) riitia an i iiiipteghal
*le imilitii•ycfrtititiiif;:frOin 4iliichlhe 'Corild:
descend on Italy'. iikeratitoavalaitcloWandisol
E.aPkiiiik-Are COire.ritiliptiQPi Pf Itketklielel
Re , ailinh T V M. 41 X 1 ? e AR . ,.-4a3P19. 4 "10
,pregramme. . ' e . : arc I. not . t.0 .- .rorget,:tuatf
‘theiq 'Wit's' a t 'u'Xini Of 'B&W! 'in tlie'hitni
forrNiiiielsolir 1 . 4:601! Wilt lia;tilAttaitqatialloitt4
im:ey•yeti - beeplestinbetaliterandtisof)theiriti
A tiang eff **ISIX.P.Pr kaPirtike°4 l 4l49l4#l
.W •/ - r
tF:fM ftsp g ouvl o, oP. ,oB ,:i -• ; ~,.. i
'Well the ' git des had - 'men `t i n tiering
'againitheith ''ance iindt!Sirdnint;:as' hitil
it , luktoiritcortitinottircumstoneesxSavoy
. .-11W.I. t.etAelMl-. Alf : 1 41eTe070 11 9-:-gTe l 4 l i
if !TseTs ' lB l9r4 4. 404 Pf t' b r - PrP ie - t4 l
revplt fiOnr:§aAnifit if they Anse, Ind Air,
life' Ileacl id' tlie 41 eine 1 O'SigEs3i'tcr itV4ii-1
itch this, !Was [rather i t r otvaiittih; ihiipeeially !as; 1
:Ai Preita Veper,;had - the 'impudence ;taw%
-Ikat'tterss,TW Pi ‘, 3 .9,140411Y. 1 .4 8 .1Li8t.01-i
iraefie- 1 ) i: IP. ir tt i ,,,c„bw, ,th A tt.,xo t o Fi
s , qtfr‘l :- ~ f l ...• -•••••• l ia : . •—•- 1
mmanur, is .we p,easen,. to . ye
iirilll'is itiortil'weiElitgirbufht'titeliiiikainst,
ttheidesigiiii tot Prnnee, aielzthaVitiii4Mat
effectively dose in the deb:Wild, Tuesday
The Marquis offorpolanly was the means
of introducing the to the House oft
;RAW? i f ;1144.44; PaPaPf.iOfthlitltiikaa al lolf t ia:R4 tc Fß4 * 7,MrlAae ds-1 :#41P) 48 l iaj a f P PeTC#lf . hg4ll4* - 1
A ki a eigeel . aits9Pßkudil4 l 4
0 4f WMXKFIgPaV ,5 grt.aRtt4e 4 .*to
that orAihaisador to t he Oeuit.,Of„the i i
W.* * ‘ l s t iTM the - 4 0 t.rfhla. : 04.1 1 :fids: 4ilid !
t f.PPe; .. 4 44- 4 tikwrie i'•Nhci.. g4ttaii.4;49o -: I
Ari g Pil4.4: . ,elt,P4l, !Mi . -t4e.4 1.104 0 1 . WI
Ilal.Otrig - R# 0 . , 4- . Pli,at'o44 re* lif *.e.lheil
. I.o'9 l 444l* " :l 4 llo9XfflSAFA:fer:44. ol .uple,
c one of whOia .n 4: - ilia . false.
y t tr r . ~...Pyl ...!.:.
_,_.. E.,;;.:fa.4.5. .. . „.
. 0 41 3 f,411 1 YryNe.,,Taq , ..:1,W13f, g..tPlete i J elgeral
sitl4 bY 4 crl? e, •#.!•9 3 TYMlti PMe_ H .A.SRY 1
i pile 0 ....f. * t# *0 ,ITaa a 9Pl l) tkffk???froWSW i I
~, :sk,• M ' ° P•P a -4K• l'Tas Ta:tilk*.e, iimil
..,.,g.a.a.t vpre,ipb , m,t,hAel .
Rfoa d .,:p?#e „ .m il lipct i ri ct kort ( , ) o4giaca - 1
is cA," PPP°F. t4 P n itelY• • . eto: 01
-0, 6, -*Pe•-.1F01: 11 4e••4 1 m 1 0; 1 0 : 0Y;i4 1 4;
' a a,• ,t l :. t 1 )- 049,r,.&a 1 # ' eelkagYee.;lsaik.asl
n‘x ° l• , .'6; t 9, 4 QRSIAPRF theittiONWPf
OP - P 41.4 111 04!. , na,t'e A %term off
A:;! l *,.ciw, qI9I I I.3P4ATI4ft as WA., 1 .i,4 A°
•?),L e . x9, 71 : f .. ,NOANIT;-•*.4i„01§048,
• - ,, -40 , ,.pqb=gfims.??4 ,1 4;ig.i_t4:#1.P..neprs..:,. .. ;
' Wheerenterod t the galkig, Of, glycl, 49usP i
~ef.:l4/r4s, ~1. . t foung.,T, 04. N .; .044ing„ i ;He!
M .° 3 4, i.kif1 0 9.6 Ilaileilif ~ I . 74 . AL' a ttu#l . l.ll3l
Aiq . f.Wej, FlRA*4tedicfß l o:l4. l ,9o.4lPl
i 4VO 1'Au,P. 44 4 , 1 1 1 - §:00.41 1 1 - ,P,r4.14.,__
' Pr i r r ik •• , P u ftri? u C. 9 6 , 04r11*,- zi,Pg B ;
I jwy,e , Yk.4.. 1 4,An.r: ,, a .. :mxklinwips7l
4.l°)A,Mg6usAt Al.4;i . Pmo dyad
1 peefini c to.#o. pie 4 111 3,i) . tiiiisoibeo r l
~• I I l i , . c y . e f . 104 . .... ... m.i, . . • .. d ,
910 1 !;..t•A EFIR. ~ • .. l'e.o .el . - PIM.. I
.ki,lviNigvw. l : 4 lB'oleP2B , . (A - Pgli+l l l is
P I .'T_VIO fe j li fp , , l oll f i, r,g*??.R 4 r 1 4.:t . . - 1
-141triafr u F ': • 10..1i . i-1. it, `;itk„t t e6o . omr(
ept . ,
.th 15,4 1 .4j,e1pt 3 .yiK0g Eg.:AitgFalft, I
on. _44, , present ; - condition of .ktal,i,',;:tllimp 1
"Under "the Malik of .advocatirik a Oaitie to'
which all the Peers around hi,m were fa tor-1
-'able, ho'• gave b4±6oi-to-viiisitv '34:iiiiiiiani
aipitpathies,Lin sir.hiclimo; cine:concurred.”6.l I
Lord Granville, the President of, the;
•Oggriptl, 444 gi.c.t 3.4i*tsPri4ll.- , 1'e540012 reset
,Opne4istsly,aftsT, 14.e..P.Yeg..giaitthe •addr,esal . :
F.t9., A 1 ,6..449 4 441 f.01.v04 .... fOX i 1437 iao. i11N , .,-.4is
ilikely to.4l,:ttegkre,mi:th,kgxKliunclerfitaiml.
lUgfii.,l4fitlißort , 4,ooSe ,Wl4.olPiailbscl:.
at heart. Lord Granville is a frank y rl>,l4, :.
hanest man. - Lord Grey, &Ty and ,ir ritable, li
Wt tt alkfCl;'' cleki, afa4"Eitiii§tic , s eWith i a r l . Pde- .1
• iricliiettfthe"kiireiielf iitojebtl: , Mbid Shafts* , ;
.burr followed, inKteraisa still- pore:. ewer", i 1
KtieggPeekilig 4. P4Oteptteni OA gv,an- .1
SP l° .4s•q . kt o9 4 .Bta t ° l l,l 4oll o 7,iO9:PP 1
1 o aniselfis 'stets-on e part lc . rnnee or
I Sardinia, which mighPaniiiking t1ie . 14.!
I blest ofwit . ellussriradliTtra - h - tuidle to the'
4fstbitnOufdl all , tlie:"...suitl)SeSleitiliirseical ,
te(tortiorq ‘pitstot.,;ylt i :ittiti .. a,. l ooo l
n-. . f ' * ri- fs 0263 . 5 ;144.4f 1 iiiii#o•!4
it 44 .148YWaxig1i. 1 .49* , 4.4i Al 4.Wtqr.e.otrie"
viallyershin , ctie steemettAn tounsel" Sardinia
' itrresiist iFyin*steltimiv; lather ':iiluin . yield
FSaiift: l :•,The
,iithei')ifiel'kela *ere:lhe
r4 s ia ! Seefil;:*.e ' k*eet*lT4iige, I
I tr.....ee94 1 .: 8 4
._,.._ 44 . 1;94ikti.,.4.epri0.04 4 ,044Afigie
iiiiit i qiiggi 11400 17 1 1 0 15 ‘g1i n iiltlP tige
SiguefitirMin u istildiijiiii; 84 1rie4,.. 4 .6-
ger. But, like a sweet piece of music was ,
the:oloting iddreas.from.ithe Conservative
le . ader, ~ I Lord ~Der,hy , ,hiut@elf. „No,, !party
Rit h apppved., ;_ , Ae.. spoke lik”.11; **a
atrioi,:audPe Perdietiou, in,whiCh he ap
' ilgdViitlie't hficcito 'of the French, linty
, given (a43 : BulboidedV)y in the feint outline
soft airetpent4 ibut,..hislapimetanoe j - attitude,
Acmes') sk l 4. Alle;4 lo ,llilitY 9f. Phe ,§eqi in .ooe. as
the. !fiP•gt:Mit' SitglA l'i•altiiik i -tink,r9l.4e
highest apitenibll'of a geat aho, free s'l)un
'tiy, ' cide alike qiiii4iisiVe''' iiid'indiiruil;,
.ih:a.lielibe r Which eciuldi-6nl3r,be• iuide4stodd
and f,elt , by l a, spe dater, ind la. hearer :t r :• ,
„ 1 ., •
' It ;44541 1 0e' tlit; mina or tiii‘ptivier Of Freine, or
the fiat .• that Ashby' t were otiolded tby entrman,
which caused terror inEurope, but it w as, this'
tiliktlitit ` France quid. ne'vei been 'al;le't'o' iniplire
Surdpe with&oonfldencel in, the steadiness eller ,
t polloy,and ihe permuiency of, he pfk,c,ifio inten
trona. '' t '(Hear,' hear. y • . Let France ''give some de-
-aided-•and ;earnest guarantee' of her; polity, sand!
that would relstablish not only the ease ,of, feel-;
ing and•'franquiliti of . her own, dm:rib:dims ' hut.
:ailed that' bf the 'rest of Europe. (Heir, ihetixr.)
Verthe'Eniptror !leFlai43 ihat he 'concprred with ,
'he* Majelityte Obverruilent in his estimate of the
'lrvre'Which would result, not only froin any'ape-'
biAc ?annelation, erne]) as that 'alluded 10, Alpe
'from linylirifrection of these natilraV lignite wraith!
bad so 'long maintained the.peace • of Eur*
(Hear, hear.)) Let, 'him show alit hiiiititentionn are
lorsittporethe independence bf Rib% • `( . Cheirif.)
Let him Show that be 4espelita the 'rights of sillf
(gbye'rinitikt(liefir)=-'aikd tlitit'in •no giuirter he
p i ta
1 0 “ose thein• (9 hee . rB :),'' (Lae' hinY ft' EMS't
i.' • ' ':',: . Voir ' . t a ir M4H'olt 4r-en rand
40 a t i r lAA ' iiirttr” d
titu3Yipitit 'Fifa' tin lillift apiPsidiP by Init#z
iliiirby iiidi4iitiniethite'h AM.' Bettina' iiiir"Eii
liii. hasidtijihinete iiiiir from hue-1000min,
'indeid', hi itinitd .riiiii 'die Milted Bid iieteiies
iii hid ffi'hiTd,' and 'emilibliish iiorlitl'iloiv'ef'bYtlie
honest exercise' of toed faitkreicittpiloiniiiiieg
rity, amr strict adherence to 'the ligliiii of Tither
9q! tr O B t; fncP7' ) ,' .1. ~•i. ; t
E:JP1e444§39.1g seen ., whether 11% Pa
pror f Wilorraiit in his miy.lilitipmved
Attention Be ni one Of those Who can at
.' '
'''''lie fesiiiew :AA . thti 'Cabinet .is peculiar
at this Inhitteni.:•• AttemPte are, being• made
.00.,,If9r 4 ,1,1tkillitTd./04tillat °P.tegt,a l B,s , in
view,)" '.?, 4rln a*, * 9 0 0 ' ./1 "4: 4 L55 4-
ing a ecchnierbial traty With =Yrith' •, ae.
liiiiillettlOaliniim Of' ilotfake;'; 1 aiikl , 'field "
ithe.4uie , ofiliberti; an otlierawordsp that
the Emperor gave her this " sip," in,,prApr .
40 ,, Ritlf4 3 ,eusemr,R l way .in .his [ ,.,e 2 4gm On
Savoy ; , F urther , it is attempted to tie Made
out; 'that the treaty will lead to such ale
`ductioiß)f-revennte, and that - bi- the -lianas
akin of , octitielei kir fluxuryi Such-ast,Freneh
,wines ; and ibrFt4ieq,.. l o -a re,fililliled , t4ligrAis
t° h • e
less 'ql' Bt7 gg l O g • g i lse l ts ,hcllyyy,
'r e potorti,s : friends, also; are 'ficit Idle.
If • ri'lliiseli' can. only give 'the 'lrish
11. •E'sl i (or'sOme 'Of = thento a fair excuse
for voting with him on an 'amendment;WwAl.diNtty akt4 Pl. POIDPer -
Pica Trek 8 6 ' qs , e° WtfreArajorias l .4 •
talinerston - an4 huisiet, what a shout 'of
'approbatibh anti eitiltalidn'Siehlii'rilie Wins
'the' Vatican, -fro . hi .Bt. Aritik . fitin,. hie
Tiiestlioed i,4ll...eireti,Europ!, 1011-Mit upset
P. ll ±PAP o BrallOoOkenNiniTP,l3. l3 l.not 45Pc:4 1 *-
Pera t ed/.4.l l3 *.ik t ileastt t °,cr-FP-.4 - fr.t9. Vl
cute it , more'sli a& ' , ,
Mr. Gladstone, the Chancellor of 'the
Excheitieteliglill'st"this! iziolittfit.t ilt is
itiuito aritadvaritagesto , political 'acKersatiee,
AO, Pb ft3OoPubsineßtAc.g , tP,Ph9AapeTPF
mi to
,t,,,e Engl ish Cabinet thlt it is so.
tr. '(i . wo'tt - bairli`eipouAgeifie BiAget'and
idle CoratiabieirkrTreitribectltii; OnWofidaS ,
-eveitiugdast• .7 Hiaiiiifluenetin (or'inflimma
.tion.ofltheilungs,) !hut quite witc:oiced t this
prinCe of, speakerNßd, wpm, atl,,infcripr
howl to utidertalt.c the nrisveltrur of4he
'ilice'ad'ir2oSid :41a to l
; !.?o/i.h4 "it 'like 'there
•W+oida WI Wiled ina•WpOiled 'i)olieliiSlidh.
;And soraibiErtrope,:waite for. the I.ohancel
- r ItliScert4iip that
"ertV l'AllegiPiiblrlit-t'fi''..PtfiriWitthr,
Ere pn us, an by pt brit
.taxes pay, rata?
ile'aPkil'Allii 6,4•6ltifite'rietityl: • '
-7'.sl ( , tr VI:7W. - .•ti:.r ? '• .1 'I. * - V/ Jr. .. f ' '' :
1 3Ne jeflgrilifTP.P.. ) „,,,APNtllost'Aorlij ll
cjay,,ll J 4 speotal.p . ratyrs (busied Up for "the
the 'P iid,iVail threchnrdhes of the'llitienh
capitil..! rt fwa;i` eaiiitatifiviit thaVthelPop6rs
-eficyolical 'letter Vail +read :to.every congrd-
Salm i-bit+ thiks.toNa:out to t0P.111,1031e, , ,a8
;ado n is the -TPl' of ltiit., l'OClF,,AattAtP
kruppr o•l essO&Jesutt'omui,,2 4 lte Un,s, Was
'ilitifit ta "resiiseittitelaqtt-Bib6eg.. w as
tourer' ; tire oPeri4ii.. Jai& 1 tOutaarelniate • a
-secomd r.ff tpeechl"rottolgenerak-Greycii; ,the
.FTVAS4ol:P4fintJaittaPiitold ,ll ,,TiA,at .11P
iq t !!Prk e PAeil•i.AVAil.mlnaAtmlA4.. 2 _CF•
.cie also . traversed " v ie ciy„ net ' png sicue,
'-liitt fliiii; and'! Wig*" tiesittid "iiiiir rili*Ci.
Nevertheless, Rome is ripe for insurrection;
1 sndr what'Or, ,Buchanan,, of. iGlefsgow;ire-'
.cent.lY. de,a4liPed 1 9 , 41.eeP,..bYi..114n SrPlll . 1 14 p
sfTfi, 4 . e .- B ..jffiqtr i nt"lLOY') IJa pri vate i
1 . .spge my wtue, 'the i : Pope, at, any d ing,
, ,4111irfleg titcrintilie Ytiticianytiith'e' editleadf
1i..-Atlgelo-Liiia?, ere lOng i .resound to the
:hurried ..footsterts 1, of )ii .Vembling AO
cl'her IfithdiawPclerA.,-(If 'the ATTIch trP9PS
ir° 1 2( 1 , 4 0" is' f n e t' e ligg t ft!'." i)f daub
:41's olds, igipelepri,;aid'it is barcilispredi ;
' Ile Wit the Pototi ) 41 soiiiiiiiiitott
, l as - as k e d f sir i tr ;:m r• fit , 11 4 'P• II (r0...i 01
PROPOSITIONS have been made liSr The
Moglisb Governineilt;• bOth to Trance lind
Austria, 1014 a (view., to qthe o settlement e ,of
ihe Italian question.
,First .4 all;„jt was
'proposed'At ' Vra rice ' and' Austria' should
nottinterfere ituthe'dffaiii of .Itilly withda
the :conßentn ofithe fives great .Vowerti of
.Ettrepe t ,,f Next,,,that ,tll4 Fretioh i troops
should, at a convenient time, and with ,all
tai ßeqr. a n d' r Wir.Ty.•frT.:l4iiii
. y and' the anima.. tates." :Third, that
AO iiiioOiiitioft' slioilla' ht;'`iiitiliP Atria :the
"internal.' gd , ritrnmehl of Arenetilt;why •the
Attipsro 4 ,of Austria, and, that. the,Goyertg.
•aevp ?fiVALTpipf! sfirifilio,cilitle4 1! ,
Venetic e.w). .ertetia. ,Tbe fouyi,h
_pro 7118)T°
ligita t tlliarthe Kint orSardiitih'shotibi
-be abbe& riot 1 4) ) solid- ally' troiiiii into' INS's=
..thil Italy -until there: should be' an oppor,
AtutitY7TVlAT•inP3Tt i4e:44911!11444. Pew. trte
of Ow l St r ittp,,,and,,,l:roy,imecs,,pf , Ceutip)
italy. • ,-tO obtain
,it . elear ,and satiOfietory
%to aii I,OriV wi
ii sliel ; ' , inethitt;ill'iliii
tilleuld be iiihravoe'effafiritiklitionhti; :Slut
ilinia, illuit 7PAwbr islionhii itel'illoits&tro
4IPPAYg4I , .t 7 94,Plhaglif, -349P10 lt,)0094111 1
WlPA'ag P L e ii:lo%fl i sn tr i plail
pre7iously si. 4) our 4in '
Viceinfi:tliiii h sliii Weal not blterfire'"•iritt
Cairn& Italy. othrOtig suspioiona;howeitor;
huge; reitiiled .thati .iliti , means mischief.
. ' ' ?
194'; t hat,t th,(l4ePliit,A ,;'?0, 1 9 .«t RviiCi-$449
young °•l 3l PO,r9r, -Igo, l iN 13,iIFO,ag .hht) to. a
trisli'figfit: ,c4itein it is 'th at iiiiitdrit
Tateial fOrtie - esei'Ve' being' 're' greed;loi'd
furnished with rifled •tannori, , ands that
stu./istn tents for ..the' , Pope'slarmy rite; en
eouWP,d'.l -It hal; 13 M. 91 1 P9, Ini)#,4-thAt
tle..,Empror o'fltima i ja,to r cow to . tug
rescue ''.6f We Po pe s . ' l nds is P i ot 'very
o, ol , 6 Br e rn 0 ;3'44 atm Hug Ingusi ItN..
ri‘ It is LudentdartkabltbeiliustriburGoV
.orosoeatrhas ,rejkatedalie opxopetsaLsei the
a• Itbir4 l l, 0 , 4.(xSt44o,4,lof4qata*
Ataii,,#.l l 4 4 iliti , t' l rt d TP4l4lt;g4 o l9.l"
„ e we , .tho t 4 0e4......5611)13a mu. Thlrp
are serious filipieliensionethat thitTiench
Emperor• -metuis3fightinf64.tura 'that/twit:.
iten.dli 19:_rfluO up 4 dtesititlafeii that shall
alreot,thoyhiPatistici agf„the Au AifilAcesP
wYII. as ..M )tri Vi PiW e i lli t iOnXf" t c j i t • - ft 4
.1(1; 1 1141s, algie tbOtie • al,in7 /Ater. finis
•-mail' are ingrutfifili, t' ;A! L'fielllPSii;eisky 1
Teittoon the politittabaky 4 entiyeday lan& t
, .
4,44.1* pcoiii=m4ihmitdoissie &fetixe., ,, ~ •
-4tatllLeEf ila9roStikcii,••:39afidelpi-AP t. •
(I'llnds ot nien
E 7 1 - , A ~, tcr.;.> t ii , ...ra 'l.l Vit.L.aliv L.--,u'ici a
~f- k i 1mi:3)1,1101 A ! been
brought up afresh, by t he notice of a jno
11. •' . k
4 - B'9
• • ••:1... -.S. •
Iltibii6atiori Office
ttAtErrE WILDING& 84 Fmrsi fir.,.rristromily Pa.
Pandumbrai l y Booze -WEsx Co e . 7tB t arp Cuenw;
• , • • ,
int ,
;f ," i• • ; ;''
' • "• ' IIDVERTII3gMEtittti •
A Square, (8 Sties or leee, , )crno Insertion,
ptia .00 eenti i r ti :
1, 1404 ,,,v4. th ;, 0 001.0. tzy.4 . 0 31 .t. •
A Square per quarter, T 1.00; each line addiflioud,
A.BaDociumi inado to adiertisem byAo you.
— qaminassNortate or Tiaillriee of lees, $1,004 iiefi d ied ,
dltioual Sas 10 cents.
• r
- r • ' ' I .'' . 'DAVID 11PKINNEY 1
' liitk Ul
' • t I . Phopsurrons AND MlDsliall4ll4
-;Pjfik.9 l .: Sir•J! P•4 1 ,P474.1y, in: the Souse
..v,eig*?ntb,:te.ki4o,_viiptip,Pt.jte .ehe.pietg,r ,
It . 'Was io . ilie 'effeet - oripfkeiatinene Or/ a
''Oeinfirttee tol'ill . iiiiiieilfitti'''Whiit itiiiitty
facilities could be given the working eludes
to visit museums; -45aop—This.- loused the
- attention , ofi•the friends-othtlie , Vilintitt! of'
the:. Wk?YlttltAllet Lcl., fl'm ? 4 1 w ad tte o 4-..
ißgly - 4, ! Powerft. .d epu tation, represetotiag
lxith' tleirdliiirP Of tri.glit delta' die' Nen
'l.3.4!difAnisktiftilit'ilf Yevreitity;: kir Nib- ,
-•;bridge . • 'Rouse; ! %the -...-. residence-;:tof.: - &iota
.:Palmerston:, , Three •}Years ago; I . had Ac
companied a similar. iiepotati,oa, . till Jemilt
of which was - that ' the then kahnerstOn
putt 4io77 t t heTootiii.l* .Sirr J.
almey, and'.tiinHOus -of COMn Ts
!ii W gic. A oidby ItFoierWh9lning'inijai
-, TVlren- - then' 'etif.intitt6titiding that 'the
~.qintitionishould !not ',lie! reiipeited.; , lint,-..this
,!•4 1 4x5M1. 3 .0P4..gie1at , e4y0p1y.A9 oft.lleer !Pihrit
4Y- 1 .-M i t er 4kTrP! fieALP44, decide d MlTT?'
sten, of the - deternainition Ot,iliii'Gkovern
-'ilienViint.'te'nisent- to- - ariyAliiiiial" -- ' l l l he
scene ma:very:animated. ', Qiiitellitikeells-
Rion, -although...mot -4ermally organized,
proceedediAotwinagiiiiity , itiarOambridge
onse.._ . There : were Peers ; Members of
; • Parlianierit,libtu; and iniiiiiteri,"With r a
.lAO' 'number ' of , gentlemen, iiiireiseitilikg
I :41nblie , btxlies and.; Societies; :• , AzverY2l.o : o.
..410,10:4!na - !-Oroltdetto - .niitil:Leroißaillientrin
, .
.., . ! :a i ti14,019,5t,...n00p...„ .. : 434;1 3 ,5)9&-:
i , • '" . t;' 44,04 111 14 Ofi;P' . -P9P r4 P4, (!b• r a fter
1 which iiii idaresiwairai by!thia l seo447
Of thelLOrd'it'D'ay . . Siicietri. •' Liiiiii'Paliti&-
story; I at "once,. !ini- the ::frinkest --manner,
E volved : hie oppositiOnA4V.the ciiroPosedA. 0-
All'A44f:klu'll'i• 7 /0 091 i luq ad. :11 Le • C4l -
.. ornrent wen* !neet, eAn f er t ;I:tfr..a..,l4*Ft
negative, ei• hy .!!ipO94 t he ")ite4,lou°
!y.qnektiim."! :) .1 1Therte;iihin'srinvelt`eging,-'ind
..A6rd .:43haftsliury• .eiclatmed;; q Thirtihi . .l de •
cit'lqi!isto IS9vertki•': the :i:miotty•lT -131V,Ifie
wea ,when our rulers, ; apt,..04 ,tho t ,gma
' • 1 that ,1- ' " htgo - elate - irk.'
prinotp e r
..i rm, ! usness ,
t rietin'n';'" - and 'honor, that - 'great - 00inth
law whose violitions in diSii;llint• ate Piiit,
have been-followed-lbrykrebokes-and jridg
! inents.; q ,;1.11-1; 1t.... !. r t :1-31.11lCrl.iln
- : - .-3/kr:TitetlllN - rvanntztialofi*Oifordrand
fgeghThigef!:llPl iii9X44tly . re w vfiir t 39.00 1 1-
.10#5 1 7 li IRA ; , 0•F*11?1, 1 •3 1 .I ) ehati! , :ff
f 1
uentql . en.
!_!' pi:.
.LlvingifAtaiej( i dis
-iiiiivdfliii ' ve":'fireititre g alhii: 'itny:' • Tile
cttlikiarelf (-Arid • LendotkoMiseibikary. Aoiwii - 41 . 3
-1611.? bee* , •.pait,. :Of !the ' , field:: , :l3nt , 'din
;Rig); P. Q* 11 :0 1 ; Nat' . are OkeAlselYflS;'7vPrf
zealous in the matter, and it is thence,. leas . ..nrong the
~ngripnent of the two T,Ti4ver
, -sitiei.' Being - in tlig 'Wed Pird,,4l-tnie'rday,
edit' thcille*titiort 7 t# the 'Plernief,'l .ifitet
. wardir: hide pan 1; fopportnnitk of, Attending , S).
. TPel 3 . l i
'ff lll 9Pf-TY O e4 .0•0
on ; l'il3-
iiiiii—L:iiiiioresiia, with numbers of elewy
, 7 iiigii, ihia a - kregi' apiFii'ortU L•llltotiteq,
.fiiii&ffindYfekiliev.faiifiettie: , gristriNoiniffo
alie doors:, 7 The Biihopi of-Oxford swas:lhe
orator of the dny- ; .. He : k,CiP.t.:,l4:pifitiAr
in the-....back-gxonnd,...and-spoke_ of the
" everlasting GOsper!;fpr Africa, more than
,of„," thq elmreli.' . . its speech was ,very
-1 Pi:llolnd' 1/43hetit% Ile"is'ajfer; Ike' WM'S
' 'be (Snit or thetgsentest - of living . mp: Ifs
'ledigerto'l3e` ni.' ! 'fieljnexit' Otrrespozidgige
Witlillt)liii, rigetteK, 'Of **h&c 11'4'604
ineq A'!iftedfully. •'; - Oiiiiniiiiine,:iiii4 'Ol4
liaintjlqiiik ban& iii ,hiiiid;:i4l - liOpett OA
!Ithe' tc Affiekn! Ilnieltra,'leitiiy. he arUl!
. ilrit`eirii.o3 tiOnieftir Aicliheniia liraikeg
sue 'lain 'saw of 'iiiissfOinfida t . arViJaclf to
.. - :fditlll ,'. Thfiy . i t nlyr - r iai } e la . %lie"
: liebeikiiit-=-X2P.;llo.o.din ckPitiii in(mgob
'terkrinniii..'"Thi f e will 4elay , prdbalil
's o w iit iou a rron ...,., ••:•: Prifirta:rt . 4 t , ...7...
i. - if ''A•••••l7.s.sli • — .-.: , 'k - • • • ••A ! .l t:•::.11 “:-C1
i '• 1 .- • *- B PPWPRUtIif u i i- 4 !e, n a 'Plk . . ii m l by
a new and iiiost;itioninnig instlAnientidity.
Sonnirininifiterii - and gentlgiiiie•eiineeifiell
the; , noVel rand ITTaren"* hopeleiniideirAtf
i nviting• a , : niiihber, of !the infortimates. ttola
' ll'idlti94lo",!: MeecillAg , • rT 1 143,..WMA9A, 4
PIATOB A , enSiPfeA I 4• .07,0 0 1 4 P 8 * Irstl,sl4ile•e,cLif
the.iiiindS,',of ' th e !!-parties so ht, in .. the
neiglibtiklidOd:of the' IfijLifiniket. "At : th%
i AM)oin OA ihoili'i9not : leee - -that .! :two litunireil
slid .filkAlf;ithe-: clisi assembled. - Tea,
i .95.1f9P):11064,40,1141,er! were
we i-PF9Yi,d. 0 4, 0 1
I iliti9ll.4 '
Ni0.9914,...'.11.4y, r,9.,:afte;twils
addressed in - Ai *OS • ageiAiditake Onfl
! 'earnest • manner, ~ - I *"' the Hen! 'aid 'Rev' .
-Baptist Neely inointrip,ed aniffentlinti4ol6
Tepont, Eanddielieve _: on; the:.lSaiiourit whoa
Alf,r9rttliraslibm4ifY 8 0..:!ff01 1 ; 444 44
also - that friends were ready;te,#,theakip
,their return,to the path of prirq. '. 4;itliers
~ i siddieliiia ilieniVikofferediptliPtra." sAiiiong
1 these I .via r to the , ,Rev,..V...48r0'0k7r ,Ar"-
I &I. irniiressionimaseinade,.,A4cconsi erable
•no,ntber. pnti pnoe , apilonneed, their • *ore ,of
1 abglP4. o ,M)gi.oo,-,CPPrgehi,lLO. , :f 1 10nie! !=r
tieiriCprevmtea, for ', &bin in ! Ref ki.
I The', ' elibit" in' Tull '' Of ' promise, 'and *ill
! 1 .'d'oubilefin 'he :.persevered: - .in.' , -When -, Lord
! I ,Shaftelny:heardiiof itexprirnal.- - successi., he
!I excleiMedi•lic7W4 o t:lift.AeTi,X,i l 44pr,
' i
ho tomt* 1` s9l4y, At
pro v
i las 'diva ithilithand? ' infixiin it "ii . UN
: • 4 •., ..,- ,• = -.• • .• 4,. ' ... • 2
it to "fhe; ?emoted- 'Advent.' MT: fle d , A.'ref
I ff••Bctat "taxiing !ate leertainlYroekine7 r-' '. )
.;.;r4.4,--ef•y: c fv:: . •4'.• .i.,fli 0,1 :,11-;;747:,!:
rTl7`..f 4 lf
:ItiocirsiihftwilliiiK all :mew :bovsairiid
:PitoklWl..;tepliedf ff TIP VillibOiftvq•G:tvdia
willing all men should live moral andjir f
.tr ltiivA worp ?",
o n apalviriA,
' ll44 lllenr 'fraad:Mit . ."Do• allmidi . IDA
th u hri -.L) *; : • mkt
ep,: he fanawerNA,
,th"^-2.11 .)r Y' 1 4 %.:r-nt t:1!
- W A rd t
,e 3 L
pp Tg?
elefen g, o is hot
68610'1111a' Areoaninier'yoo ' Tide
tion more fully—God is as willing•thatiall
met 1 3 441 3 ;i?e feeda , 4 8 41 1 .4 Ptußßif
liynliTtuputily;ijnit if : you FLifaii r kt
thadesign or determination, - filen
Ctda intir; ell - nY s en az
iGergoicaTmortictivieOvit he bad;
theyeWoialdfi. nerthas ate determined tosaire
141)T9 1 4 )T;4 l
aniif Aeil44 W/!.!.( , '
A.k..47,1b,11,cd0Kt,1111.9f .eve'
. f
13 I
!In q yr ' a liiinareil Wlll
Mkpaitia o n. aciSifi
Weigrofttibilifort tkolthinqi*AltitillrAdietile
I yott;! brairreeioni fei I ll laregh , lesiffree - 4
or.. ! engswe ;kith lesa, the
bu4etio?„ i life e ,„ TroubW3 7 ,,jrt rq.Be t c,ases
outof tqn,, . Are,. like . 4.,hie . atenins eloyds;
.vaidsg .
t. f . 37, ,pr F. 1.41 "71
E.:)17. , 0611 Yili a -!ifid !.."
•• •r not e s ;IR •
in) •
notdS m*7 tubs gar.
grieNiivik whtil
8e ily'la ekeitthim : . 41 Awl • it• - .;eaeler.,' ,.
paid. fibre.,goodt V:15jAC:4011:440 UV*
i afaerfST, tliP;tc.: - R e s"Tte, r .. of an:
hour in forqating. , • g over .t.!..•
••.) =
secret, ail
• ...11,1.1 • • ••• •., I -
• Little livile. "
ritim fr!,!totl
P. -etintr,,T*3ll cPrertvii • • few..
little 4ifigUefisft,
iigiiii ) Mti4aliliff.'a c e the ( , k6ALlSfaaeirtb.
cfritriVottitititi*tiead the:seathingscinarcikmiiit
thetKgrid: 4 .9f tfif4 OA: dr,W4-J 3444
with muffie4 a w,l t e.f6%•spealAzt
sleeping sentine