The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, July 20, 1861, Image 3

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    c Notat Itlat itttiaa.
the starting time from this place, from and af
ter Monday ; June 10:
Marietta Accommodation, at 7.20 a. in
Ilarrisburg Accommodation, 2.10 p. m
Mail Train, 6.21 p. to
Mail Train,
Harrisburg Accommodation,
fir We understand that the celebra
ted Dr. Tirm.r., of New York, is likely
to accept an invitation given him by
Mr. Spangler to spend a few days a
mongst us during the present summer.
As an author, a journalist, a physician,
and a philanthrophist, Prof. PEALS, is
justly regarded as one of the notables
of the age - ; and there are many in this
neighborhood who, if apprised of his
coming, would no doubt gladly stretch
a point to make his acquaintance,. We
trust we shall have timely notice of his
coming, and that lie will stay with us
long enough to see the beauties with
which nature has so abundantly blest
this section of the Susquehanna.
Q ,D" Whilsr on a flying visit to Lan
caster, on Wednesday morning last, we
were pained to hear of an accident hap
pening the family of our former towns
man, Captain S. S. Rathvon, now of
Lancaster. From the Express of Wed
nesday evening we copy the following:
A most distressing causuality hapen
en to-day about noon, causing 'sudden
and deep sorrow in the family of one of
our most respectable and highky esteem
ed citizens, Mr. S. S.]tathvon. it seems
that a number of boys were bathing in
the Conestoga, about three hundred
yards above the Railroad bridge, among
'whom were three sons of Mr. Rathvon,
'the elder, Frank, being about twelve
years of age. Most of the boys, includ
ing one of Mr. ltathvon's sons, had
started to to go home, when Frank got
in 'water beyond his depth, and ' being
unable to swim, caught hold of his broth
er who was near, for a time endangering
his life also. The latter extricated him
self, reached the shore, and gave thy
alarm,but before assistance could be
procured, the unfortanate lad had sunk
to rise no more. The sad news was
communicated to the 'family and friends
and after an hour's search the body was
recovered, but life was of course extinct,
Thu family have the heartfelt sympathy
Of our citizens in their sudden and pain
ful beraventout.
ilEir Spangler & Patterion's store was
broken into about 2 o'clock, on Saturday
morning last. and the drawers robbed of
four or five dollars, mestly in pennies;
&c., some silk handkerchiefs, when they
passed over into the hardware depart
tnent of Sterrett Co., taking there
from four repeating pistols and several
boxes of catridges. The money drawers
were found in the alley adjoining the
store, in the morning. They must have
been alarmed during their operations,
for they would not have been satisfied
with so little booty whilst so much was
within their grasp. Previous to com
mitting the robbery, the wagon maker
shop of A. Emswiler, and the blacksmith
shop of James IL Armstrong, were for
cibly entered, at which places they pro
cured the tools' with which the entrance
into the store was effected, by prying off
the shutter of the front door, and cutting
cut part of the sash. As yet, no clue
tias been attained of the burglars.
ar The storm of Wednesday after
twon did considerable damage in the ad
joining townships. It unroofed the
of Mr- Jacob Oldweiler, near' E
lizabethtown, blew down Brenneman's
School House in Mount Joy township,
and. levelled the fences and grain gener
ally in its march. It passed over the
farm of our friepd Jacob Nissley, but,
was then much spent and did little dam
age for him.—Mount Joy Herald of Sat
ar The Saint Louis Hotel, Philadel
phia, has become one of the most popu
lar houses in the city. Fare has been
reduced to $1.50 per day. Accommo
dations ou the European plan can be
had when wished. See card in another
column.• -
Godey for August is on our table;
it is as essentially necessary to every
intelligent family as three meals a-day
to a well regulated household.
ilar M. Blitz is now in the market
with his celebrated soap. He is pre
pared to sell it by the single pound.—
See his advertisement.
Aar Dillon back has determined to work
off his summer stock at a low figure, in
'irder to make room for fall purchases.
Imo• pol. John W. Forney, of the
philadelphia Press, was,on Monday last,
elected secretary of the U. S. Senate.
r of. Wise left Lancaster with
his war balloon on Thursday morning
ar most tithe soldiers in and about
Baltimore have been paid off. They
received their hard-earned Money it
gold, and, as kgeosral t i tling, they for
warded thciir few dollars to mothers and
fathers, to whom, in these- dull times,
e money will prove a-great blessing.
Mariettian in Washington
Asi! sorox , J ti,r 15, 18G1
Mr. Editor: In my progress here on
the Northern Central, I found nothing of .
special interest except the new bridges
built to replace those destroyed by the
Maryland rebels, which can be seen soon
after passing the Pennsylvania line ; and
the squads of soldiers guarding the line
of the road from other interference by
the same graceless rascals, some of whom
are said to be still lurking in disguise in
that misguided State. These soldiers
are seen loitering along the road at short
intervals and stationed at or near the
bridges, with musket on shoulder, their
tents pitched by the side of the road, in
woods, thickets, and in the corners of
fields, apparently with all the arrange
ments for protection and comfort ; and
they seem to desire nothing more than
newspapers, which are thrown to them.
by the passengers, — and which they re
ceive with marks of joy and satisfaction.
Arriving at Baltimore we found Mon
ument Square still occupied by troops,
with two brass cannon. It was a strange
sight to see the very spot consecrated
with a monument erected to commemo
rate the glorious achievements of Balti
moreans, of the last generation, in de
fence of the nation to be thus guarded
by Pennsylvanians against Baltimoreans
of this day, who meditate its destruction.
In our peregrinations through the city
our opinion of Baltimore's loyalty was
not enhanced by the display of the stars
and stripes, for none are to be seen any
where in that ill-starred city, except at
the Government buildings and at the
police station. Nevertheless the love
for that " old flag" is not entirely extinct
among her people, for when the " Star
Spangled Banner" was played by the
Band at the Gilmer House, the crowd
which had gathered in the square, en
thusiastically applauded it by almost
deafening clapping of hands. This lat
the instant regarded as an homage to
the author, her own gifted and patriotic
son, as Secessia, you know, delights to
honor any thing that pertains to the
State ; but when subsequently " Hail
Columbia" and " Yankee Doodle" were
equally cheered, I was constrained to
believe that either Baltimore was loyal
or that none but her loyal citizens had,
on that occasion, congregated in the
square, as there was no false pretence
in these cheers, they had the ring of the
true metal., That Baltimore has suffer
ed and is suffering immensely is but too
evident on every hand, her wharves de
serted, her ships unemployed, her stores
without purchasers, and her mechanics
and laborers without employment, attest
it beyond dispute—let her ascribe it to
its true cause. In the outskirts of the
city on both sides of the Washington
Railroad are several encampments.—
Arriving at Washington the first thing
that attracted our attention was the
large number of army wagons and am
bulances on the grounds near the depot;
and the large number of encampments
on the heights north of the city.—
Visiting the capitol we found the two
magnificent Balls, wherein are setting
the Senators and Representatives, not
of all the States as of yore, but of the
loyal and faithful States, as clean and
brilliant, as if no troops had therein
been quartered, evincing the respect
paid by the defenderk of the Union for
its greatest architectural triumph, in
which they, in common with all others,
not tainted with treason, no doubt, feel
a just pride. On Tuesday evening our
party attended the President's levee,
and were no less delighted with the cor
diality and frankness with which we
were received, than dazzled by the splen
dor of the decorations and appointments.
The attendance was very large. And if
" Old Abe" did not exhibit as much ele
gance and polish in the perfermance of
his part as some of his predecessors, he
was, I am sure, as sincere and warm in his
welcome. I Mrs. Lincoln and her sister,
had a position near the President, and
gracefully entertained the visitors. The
President "is looking" care-worn and
debilitated—whether the cares and re
sponsibilities of his high position, or the
shaking of probably two thousand hands,
for the space of three hours produced
this effect, I am not prepared to say.—
Mrs. Lincoln is a handsome woman and
looks remarkably well ; she impressed
me as a woman who would ever be ready
to stimulate her husband's ambition and
never fail to aid him in the attainment
of all its objects, in such manner only,
as is proper, of course, for a wife's co
The man among all the celebrities to
be seen here, which our party most ar
dently desired to see, was that greatest
captain of the age, Gen. Scott, bet how
to accomplish this was not easily deter
mined, as every inquiry but strengthened
the conviction that no formal interview
with him could be had. Finally by sug
gestion of a friend, we posted ourselves
near his office, where he usually arrives at
nine o'clock, A. M., where quite a crowd
were in waiting for the same object, we
formed a line on both sides of the pas
sage leading from his carriage door to
the door of his office, and maintained
our po s ition until he arrived, when he,
with great dignity and urbanity, took
each man's band and then passed slowly
into his office, occupying less time in
this courtesy than it occupies in describ,
ing it. again met him, accidentally,,
at St. John's Bpiscual church, 1:11a
11.36 a. In
7.00 I . la
7 7 144
Fl l , W
day. The impressions he made on me'
on both these occasions were the same,-
that while in body he is frail, requiring
the aid of his attendant Col. Wright, in
entering and leaving his carriage, yet
in mind he is active and vigorous, and
fully equal to the demands made upon
him by his position in this epoch in the
nation's history. The visitors and resi
dents have implicit confidence in him;
and regard hint with a veneration akin
to that felt for Washington, and the re
mark is everywhere heard that as Wash-7
ington was the father of his country,
Scott is destined to be its savior. L.
CO - Lieut. Stemmer, of Fort Pickens
fame, has opened a recruiting office in
EMPLOYMENT: The Erie Sewing Machine
Company desire to secure a few Traveling
Agents, upon a salary of 25 to $6O per month
and expenses, or a commission. This is an
opportunity seldom offered, and 'those who
choose a constant business, can rely on con
stant employment fora term of years. Con
fidential Circulars sent free. Address Erie
Sewing Machine Company. R. JAMES, Gen
rale Agent, MILAN, Onto. [34-6m
lt:P'See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
formed some miraculous cures in our city, at
the Union Hall.
One gentleman, deaf for twenty years, has
been restored to his hearing. Another, afflict
ed with Rheumatism, unable to raise his hands
to his head, was cured in presence of a large
audience. We will, therefore, recommend to
all afflicted with Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu
ralgia. Sores, Pains, Burns, Frosted Hands and
Feet, to get a bottle of De Gratii , s Electric Oil,
as we saw his Oil perform cures which the me
dical faculty has been unable to make.—Hart
ford (Con.) Daiy.4yo. ;-
Ask Mr. John A:Perry, of Manchester, what
he knows about my Electric Oil. Ask all of h
ers present at the City Hall, if nor 100 invalids
were cured instantly by the application of the
Electric Oil. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, in gen
eral, every thing sore or painful, has lost its
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the
United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50
cents, and $1 per bottle..
1 . 1. See advertisement.
We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
In the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing
Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut-sts.,
Banks, Post Office, Merchants , Exchange,
&c., &c.
BOARD PER DAY, ..$1.50.
Accommodation When required on the Ditto
rEaN PLAN : RooMs from nO cents and:up
wards, per day, and Meals at a .11 . .15t-class
Restaurant attached to the Hotel. Prices
according to the Bills of Fare.
The City Cars tithe passengers from any station
TO or CLOSE TO the Hotel.
English, French, German and Spanish
July 20- ly..] spokm.
Gratefully acknowledges the very liberal
patronage that has been extended to him du
ring the short time that he has been in Mariet
ta, and has much pleasure in announcing to
the ladies in this vicinity that he has good
prospects of being able soon to secure . the
services of a thoroughly qualified and experi
enced female physician, who, he feels assured
will supply a want that has been long felt in
this community.
Marietta, July 20, 1861.
Selling out Summer
At a very lo* figure to make room for
Call at Diffenbach's and see how cheap you
can buy all kinds of summer goods just now—
being determined to close out his summer goods
to make room for a Fall stock. Great induce
ments now to buy at DIFFENBACWS.
July 20, 1361. -
AN T L ll on E , R l E ,r fi esi S den th t e n H ot o i n A or . ab L le H l a i 3 e , n es ry an G d .
Ferree Brinton, Esq., Ass. Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, in and for the Count,) of Lanc es tei, and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer &
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County
of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me
directed requiring me, among other things, to
make PUBLIC PROCLABIATION throughout my
Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery ; Also,
a Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delive
ry, will commence at the Court House, in the
City of Lancaster, in the Comnionwealth of
Pennsylvania,_ on the
Timm MONDAY IN August, IS61:
In pursuance of which precept
to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lan
caster, in said comity, and all the Justices of
the Peace, the Coroner, and Constables of the
said city and county of Lancaster, that they be
then and time in their own proper persons with
their rolls, records and examinations, and in
quisitions,.and their other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices altertain, in
their behalf to be done ; and also those who will
prosecute against the prisoners who arc, or then
shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster,
are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just.
Dated at Lancaster, the 29th day of Jund,
18131. S. W. P. BOYD, SHERIFF.
P. S.—Punctual attendance of the Jurors
and Witnesses will hereafter be expected and
required on the first day of the sessions. Al
dermen and Justices of the Peace are required
by an order of Court, dated , November 21st
1848, to return their recognizances to the
Clerk of Qu a r ter Sessions, within one
week from the day of final action in each case,
and in default thereof, the Magistrates costs,
will not tie allowed.
Having disposed of his interest inthe butch
ering business to his late issistant,
who will in future conduct the business at the
old stand, would take this means to request all
persons indebted to him to call and settle, be
ing anxious to close his books without delay.
Marietta, July 13, 13614 f.
of Manheim township, Lancaster'county,
deceased.—Letters of Administration on the
estate of the said deceased having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons having claims
against the same will present them, and those,
indebted thereto will make immediate pay,.
ment to - the undersigned, residing in the;
Borough. of Marietta. EDWARD RUSINO.'
Marietta, Jul y 13, 1861, [Bt.
Dr. Cameron
Compound IVashiug and Toilet Soap
THIS SOAP, Patented in March, 1,9613 - , is
decidedly the cheapest and best soap that
has ever been. made, and at the same time the
mode of manufacturing the simplist that has
ever been discovered. It can be made in ten
minutes. Any one can heat over the fire a
quantity of water and turn the same into' the
best Toilet Soap, at a cost of 3 cents a pound,
or into the best Washing Soap at the low cost
of a quarter, one half, or one cent per pound,
It is made without any offensive smell there
/silo lye or grease usedi being made entirely
from chemicals. It hasbeen analysed by some
of the best chemists andfound to contain no
thing that will injure the most delicate fibres,
or the skin.
This Soap has been used by thousand of fam
ilies, for the last six months, and it is univer
sally preferred to any other, wherever it is
known, both for its superior quality as a wash
ing and toilet soap and for the great economy
there is in using it, being cheaper by several
hundred per cent than any other soap kno vn.
Every family should possess it. and needs only
to be known to be sought after by every house
hold and laundress in the land.
"Economy is Wealth."
This Soap is now manufactured by the under
signed, in Marietta, - and has already met
with very flattering success thus far. It is
certainly a great money-saving labor-saving
necessary for every household. It can he
had at my residence adjoining Mr: thasles
Kelly's, on Market Street,
MARK 1311117
Marietta, July 13, iB6l-tf.
TAKES this method of informing his old
friends and the public generally, that he
has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Maekley,) and is now perma
nently fixed to prosecute •
Having just returned from the city where he
selected a large. varied and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the
and now only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid in a stock of Hatung materi
al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man
ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft,
to the most Fashionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
and manufacturing good goods at low prices ;
he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. Lia=. The highest price paid
for Furs,—in trade or cash.
Marietta, March 9, Mil.
And General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Stearn, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
'Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. Ill'Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf
Ilein 11.111 - Qbet and COQ{ tjlo.
subscriber having
purchased the pro
perty lately occupied by
would most respectfully call the
attention of his old friends {lnd customers to
to the fact that he is now prepared to sell
at the very lowest figures by Boat-load, Car
load, or othetwise.
His Stock of Lumber will be selected from
one of the best manufactories and cannot fail
to give satisfaction.
lie is also prepared to supply "BILL STUFF"
at short notice and at low prices.
will consist of Shamokin, Red and White Ash,
Baltimore Company, Lykens Valley, &c.,
all of which he will sell by the Boat
load, Car-load, or by the
He will ale continue tlic receiving of Coal at
very low ligutes
Marietta, April 5, , 0, 3561-40:
= 7- ' I E-I. D. I3ENJAMIN,
Picot Building, Marietta, Pa.
BEGS leave' to inform the public that lie
will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches.. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, IVines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, ic.,
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very surerior OLD BYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pure.
I[3 All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will, - he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad.
vantage to make their purchases from I
Iffo*tufs, Tombs, Rao 5 1 .1300,, &e.
MICHAEL GABL.E, Marble Mason,
Opposite the Town Hall Park,
Marietta, Pa.
—o Xl2
THE Marble business in all its branches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where_ every description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-ly
H. L. &E. T. ZAHM
RESPECTFULLY inform their
( friguds and the public that they
still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand,. North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster,Ps
A full assortment of goods in our line of -busi
ness always en baud and for sale at the lowest,
cash rev. ICI— Repairing attended to per- ,
sonally b'j the proprietors.
Q.II.OSH 8; SON, Lumber Dealers.
rd at the Eastern part of Marietta.
rEr' Virse call at their office, adjoining the
THREE:SEOUT brick house at the CANAL.
.. 5 0X1R PROPyLk vi
Dining the past year we have introduced to
the notice of the :nedical profession of this
country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro-
pylamine, as a
and having received from many sources, both
from physicians of the highest standing and
Flattering testimonials of as real value
from patients, the most
in the treatment of this painful and obstinate
disease, we arc induced to present it to the
public in a form READY FOR IDINEDIATE Use,
which we hope will commend itself to those
who ure suffering. WAY this afflicting complaint,
and to the medical practitioner who may feel
disposed to test the powers of this. valuable
Etaxin P ' ROPYLAIIIII , IE 3 in the form above
spoken of, has recently been extensively ex
perimented with in the
Pennsylvania Hospital,
and with marked success (as will appear from
the published accounts in the medical journals.)
It is carefully put up ready for immedi
ate use, with full directions, and can be ob
tained from all the druggists at 75 cents per
bottle; and at wholesale of
fruggists and Manufacturing Chetnists,
Alexander D.. Reese,
Main Street, [EAST WARP] Mount JoyA
Lancaster County; Pa,
THE; Undersigned would most respectfally
btg leaiat to inform the public that he has
opened a Wirct wan LIQUOR STORE in all its
branches. He will constantly keep on hand
all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, • Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whisky, Cordials, Bitters, 4-e.
Also, a very superior Old Rye Whisky just
received, 'which is warranted pure.
A choice article of German Wine. Various
brands of Champagne Wines.
%PAll A. D. it. now asks of the public is a
careful examination of his stock and prices,
which will, he is quite confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others• finding it to their advan
tage to make their purchases of him.
ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and
Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise
Wine 8,7 Liquor Store." A. D. REESE.
Mount Joy, June 22, 1861-Iy.
The Strongest Glue in the World
For Cementing Wood, Leather, Glass,
Ivory, China, Marble, Porcelain, Cot al,
Alabaster, Bone, 4-c., 4c., 4-c.
The only article of the kind ever produced
which will withstand Water
" Every housekeeper should have a supply
of Johns & Grosley's A.merican Cement Glue."
—New York Times.
"It is so convenient to have in the house."
—New York .gzpress.
"It is always ready; this commends it to
every body."—N. Y. Independent.
" We have tried it, and find it as useful in
our house as water."—Wilkes' Spirit of the
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
r• For sale by all Druggists and Store
keepers generally throuehout pe country.
(Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WI - tad - Au Braver,
(Corner of Liberty Street,) NEW YORK.
July 13-1 year].
AUDITOR'S NOTICE, The undersigned
auditor appointed to distribute the bal
ance remaining in the hands of James Wilson,
Executor of the last will of Ann Whitehill,
late of Lancaster county, deceased, will sit for
that purpose on SATURDAY, the 10th day of
AUGUST next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the
Library Room of the Court Rouse.
Marietta, July 6, '6l. ] Auditor.
E 1
T—in good condition—will be sold 5-;r -,, V
at the low price of $1 each and delivered' any
where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be
ing in want of cellar room, if taken from the
store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a
lot of excellent
very cheap. For sale at DIFFENBACH'S
THE American Watches are among the best
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
'strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.
H. L. 4 - E. .1. Z A HM
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the ve2l
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
For Rent
Three comfortable dwellings, located in very
pleasant parts of this borough, for rent cheap.
Apply to David Harry.
A BASEMENT ROOM, between the White
Swan and the Perry House, Front street,
Marietta, admirably adopted for a restaurant or
a barber shop, for rent. Apply to
David harry.
Great Discovery.
T have made a discovery - of the utmost fin
iportance to every married person - oneither
sex, and will send the full partic.ulaM-conCern
in,g it to any one on receipt of a stamp to pay
return postage, Address
Dn. J. H. MARTELL, •;-,
7-39-iswly.) - Alfred, Mann!,
SPECTACLES to suit all who
Gan be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. 4- E. J. ZAHN'S, Cor
ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refittedln oldfran4,
at short notice. [volly
undersigned• has received another lot of
Fluid and Coal Oil Larnpa,.andllamp Shades
of every variety and pripe. Gall4ndaee the&:
at Dr. Hlitkle's , Drug Store.
50 B ARRELS Monongahela Whiskey
which 'Will , bo 'sold .at thelowes
market rates by the barrel .or-y,o)ion, at
J. R. Diffenback's : , 110ViVa:p- Store.
• ••
IXT ALL-P A.PERS.--We hp;Figtos ,, treceived
VI another supply frop , JXork and
Philadelphia ,mauufactones. ,1 ) ?..ha':sers can
rely upon the newest siylesw , *lll be
sold unusually low at J. R. Dian rch
10,000 Beautiful Steel Plate Engravings
of die lord's Prayer for &de.
The idea of representing the- Lord's Prayer
by an eigraving, and of ornamenting andar
ranging it in such a , manner as to. produce at
once a model of neatness and taste, was con
ceived and carried out-by ORMSBY, the cele
brated Bank Note Engraver of New York. It
commences with exquisitively executed words
of "Our Fatter," and then• follow in success
ion the other parts of the prayer, every phrase
of which is engraved] in the- most elegant and
tasteful manner. Near the bottom. of the pic
ture is a superbly executed head of Our Sa
viour, and encircliwg - the upper part of the en
graving are ten angels, each bearing one of
The engraving has reseived the most unqual
ified praise from the religious community, as
there is nothing of a sectoring character about
it, having been recommended by clergyman of
all denominations. As an ornament, it is one
of the most splendid ever published. in this
country, and is destined to take the place of a
poorer class of engravings. The size of the
Plateis 20 x 2S inches; and is unquestionably
the cheapest engraving ever offered in this
Who that loves art—who delights to study
a fine engraving—who that would receive the
impressions which such a work is calculated
to impart, would fail to secure a copy when
the price is ONLY ONE , DOLLAR, with the
chalice of securing for. the sum in addition, a
permanent lame or another valuable gift'?
As a work of art this valuable and beautiful
engraving is worth more then the dollar asked
for it, it will readily be acknowledged on an
inspection of it but the subscribers intend to
make a Gilt Distribution to purchasers of the
engraving of valuable presents of follows :-
1 House and Lot in York Borough.
2 Buggies, (Quinn & Palmer's make, war
I Rockaway.
2 Building Lots in York Borough.
100 Valuable Books.
50 Bbls. Flour, (Warranted.)
1000 Gold Gilt Frames to suit Engraving of
the Lord's Prayer.
500 Steel Plate Engravings, Birth of Christ.
Magnificent Looking Glasses.
Gold and Silver Watches.
All kinds of Jewelry, embracing Cameos,
Florentine, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Ste., &c.
A Gift worth from 50 cents to $500.00 with
each engraving sold.
When the engravings are sold a meeting of
the purchasers will be called at Washington
Hall, York, Pa., when the Gifts named above
will be distributed in such a manner as the
purchasers may determine. The Purchasers
selecting a committee of disinterested persons
to make the awards in such manner as they
may designate.
The proprietors from the favorable manner
in which this Gift. Enterprise has been received,
and the number of engravings already sold,
hope to be able to have the amount disposed
of by the Ist of July, '6l, and when all are
sold they will notify the purchasers, and have
the distribution of the Gifts proceeded with.
The engraving has received the commenda
tion of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens,
and indeed of all classes, wholenter pinto it
with interest and spirit.
Send One Dollar,.and 4 red stamps, to nay
postage on Engraving, and you are sure to
get it by return mail with a Ticket in the
We invite attention to some of the recom
mendations: From Reo. C. .W. Whompson,
Rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal.
Church, York, Pa
Mews. Austin St Wehrly:—The engraving
of the " Lord's Prayer," which is now offered
for sale by, Messrs. Austin 8z Wehrly, of. this .
Borougn, " got up" with much taste and
beauty, and ought to recomend itself to public
attention—anything that will keep that noble
composition before the mind and memory Is
likely to do good. The work seems to me
only to require examination in order to be ad
mired, and I cannot but hbpe that the gentle
men who have in hand its distribution at 'so
moderate a rate, will be abundantly success
ful in their undertaking:
Front Rev. F. F. Hagan, Pastor of the Mora
vian Church ,York, Pa.
York, Pa., Feb. 20, 1861.
Messrs. Austin Sr. Wehrly :—Having had
the pleasure of invecting Messrs. Austin at
Wehrly's splendid engraving of the Lo_rd's
Prayer, I would cordially recommend it to the
favorable attention of their friends at York
and elsewhere. It is not only a beautiful or
nament for the dwelling of every christian
family, but also a useful and edifying acquisi
tion for Sunday Schools and similar benevolent
institutions. F. F. Hagan.
Mr. John Fulks, Market-st., agent for Mari
etta and vicinity, where specimen engravings can
be seen and purchased.
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- DROP. DE pRATH would state explicitly
that he is the discoverer and sole possessor
of the secret of the manufacture of Electric
Oil, which could not bepurchased for $l,OOO,
000—and $OO,OOO will be given to any chemist
who will make it. My Oil has performed all
the cures published is the Ledger for years
past. Ask Col. Grant, 26 North Thirteenth
street, Dr..Killingsworth, Dr. Keyser, now
at St.' Lawrence Hotel ; George C. Boyer, 302
Jarvis street; Mr. Cripps, Thirteenth and
Girard Avenue, and others, ad infinitum, who
have been cured of. Rheumatism, Deafness,
&c., by my Oil in Philadelphia. It is aNd
valuable remedy .for• Colds, Splints, Sptivin
and Scratches on horses.
Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $l..
Philadelphia, Pa.
None genuine without signature of Prof
C. DE GIAATH. 'Labels signed in writing.
Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists
can be supplted wholesale and retail. Price
25 cents; 00 cents, - and $1 per bottle.
Tty everything else ; gtve this one simple
CAUTION—Be careful to ask for and get DE
,Gu Cried Electric Oil, as worthless iuntations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
tthe.reputation my article bas acquired. The
must beware. They are worthless.
Ter sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin
cipal office 217 South Sth street, Phila.
Feb. 2-Iy]
the Borough of Marietta, Dec'd. Letter ,s
or Administration on , ,said estate haNip . g,heety
granted to the uudergsned, ail persons Indetrt,r 4
ed thereto are reittibsted to make immediate
payment, and those ha,Ving,elaims or demential'
against the same will present them for szt%) . e 7
ment to the undersigned, residing
roue!. - BARE S.PANYILX , Rte
-Marietta, June 22,11161-6 t •
2 5.:4 ...f . t E L w S tt i r
l o y riga h h e el so a kisi V t n t il l kz l j o ust ,
eit rit ' at,y ' rtlir4 by ' the barrel or gallon at the
Enterprise Wine & Li4uor Store.
it. D. R.EESE, Mount Joy.
HAT, AT ClalL,L.' . 4
'js). Market Street, Matietta, Pi.,