Elylttp: Rtaritttian. None shall with impunity soil these sacred sym bols of our Country's life, leberty and power. Oja. SATURDAY, JULY 20.1861. or The New York World says it is not . Captain George Pegram, of Mexi can'war notoriety, who commanded Garnett's advance, recently surrendered to General McClellan, but ex-Lieuten ant Pegram, United States army. The former is , dead. The General Garnett killed is not the man of 'thatname *late a member of the House of Repiesenta tivesAnt his 'cousin, Robert S. Garnett, late major in the Ninth Regiment.U. S. infantry. oar Copt: Dungan H. Ingraham 'died in Charleston on the lOtjt ult. He spread the protection of the American flag over the adoPtifid - citizen;Kozsta., 'and gave opportunity for such a piece of compo sition as the Hulsemann letter,'in some reepects the greatest letter that Datfiel Webster ever wrote. It was the infa my of Captain Ingraham that he desert ed the same flag'irt the hour - of its peril, and hid himself from the sight of the nation in the bosom of the first rebellious State. fir;On the 4th inst., another star was added, to our, national flag, repre scnting the. State of Kansas, which was admitted into the Union, on the 28th, of last January. This is in , accordance with an act, of Congress, Tagged April 4, 4 19 . 18, which runs - thus , : " Oil the ad minsion of a new State into, the Union one. star shall be added to the union of the flag; „and Buell addition shall take effect on the fourth - day of July next sticceiditig such 'admissicin." ifir Mrs: 'Longfellow - has died from her ' , Vara. She was daughter of the Hon. William Appleton, of New• York city, and was very much beltived among ber intitriate friends, although by no means ipcirned fp' gay soCiety. She was ProfeSsor Longfellow's second wife, and blought him'a laigelortane. Mr. Long- fellow's wounds received in the endeavor to save his wife, although, Severe; 'are not incurable. • Ex-Sdnator Gstiri has turned up in California. 'He is supposed , to have gone there on' a mission of treasqn,— We are 'glad to see that his old constit uents express a hearty contempt for the traitor envoffrom Jeff Davis. Gwin's movements , : will be cldsely watched by the loyal. citizens,of California, and if he'is,het: very careful he may get his just deserts at the hands of the people he be trayed while in the Se'nate of the United States: ilirliiitti'dams, our new minister to England, is said to have gone, to court in a taik blue coat, the collar, cuffs, and flaps embroidered with gold ; white small ch?thes,.white,silk stockings, low shOes, and to have carried a sword. How ri diculous. Or It is .rumored in Washington that additional and . Weighty evidence has hem:found against James E. Harvey, Minister to -Portugal, and that in con sequence thereof, a committa of Repuh- Naas will wait upon 'the President with a formal request 'for his removal: Ex-Presider4 Van Buren was in Albany on Monday morning. In con versation he expressed the opinion that the war ought to he vigorously prosecu ted until the full authority of the United States Goveramint is re-established. ea- Gen : Scott and staff eroigeff the long bridge on Mondaylast and reviewed , a number of the trdops on the Virginia side. He was greeted on all sides with the wildest enthusiasm. He returned to Washingtan . the same evening. • l a r C. o. .Realilen, one of the' gallant 600'iyho rode through• the solid phalanx of Russians at Balakiava, and sabred the artillery-men at their gups, has enlisted in the C 9151 Water Light Artillery Corps, of Detroit. plir A woman aged fifty years, and the mother oefive children, recently eloped from lowa with the nephew of hOr hus band. The couple went to Peoria 4 and took up their abode on the opposite side of the river. Or A German named Haywood, was tarred and cottoned in New Orleans on Sunday last, for having joined several companies ;:and refusing to go with any to the seat of war. • Mr. Etheridge has annosneed,hisThi teqqat not to, make any change. in his wiles; beyond those alriaitly made, nt/A B r Pri Executive.of forth Caroni* died at - Red Midler .4)rings, Va ,on the 7th instant. Gov. SeYmour, of Connecticut,says that we can't coliquer the South, Ind that the South cau!Vcooqner no. - c-Ac'caTHE WEEKLY. MA.RIETTIA_N.&c--A--, NEWS IN BRIEF The Richmond Correspondence of the Memphis Appeal says : " It is told of Mr. Toombs, that being recently impor tuned by an acquaintance for a position as clerk in the state. department, he re plied, What need for a clerk? Why, I can carry the whole state department in my hat." The first of September is fixed by Judge Lowrie fox the trial of Fronen fields and Neal for conspiracy to defraud Pennsylvania in the matter of the uni forms for the volunteers. James Guy, a son-in-law of ex : Senator Mason, has been arrested as a spy. Be had about him, when arrested, a bundle of letters for prominent citizens of the South, and plcs of all the fortifications about Washington. A photograph of Jeff. Davis has been placed in the Police Rogue's Gallery, at, Philadelphia. It is 'to be covered With glass, to prevent it from being de faced by spittal. The Christian Association's arx y committee of New York has received an order for 10,000 : hymn books from the chaplain of Gen. Anderson's Kentucky brigade., ' " • Lieut. Crittenden, son of Hon.' John J. Crittenden, denies,An a card in the Louisville Democrat, 'that he has joined the rebels. ' ' • Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, it is stat ed, Was arrested and taken to the guard house, at Camp Alexandria,-Woodford county, Ky., last Friday night. He,was passingiate ip the evening, and could not give the , countersign. Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, a son of Henry MOrris, a former Sheriff, has be . en appointed chief clerk of the House of - 1 Representatived by Mr. Etheridge, vice Barry Hayes removed. gir The Postal system of the Confed eracy (ies not work well. The Charles ton Mercury complains that, even on the great 'route to, Richmond, the chan ces are two to one that there will be, to each mail, one or more misconnections. In the old : war, every soldier was ad vised•to carry a string, to be•tied around blgeding limb, and be, twisted tight by a stick or ramrod, untiP a surgeon could be found. ; ; • The undue mortality in one 'or two of the New ItOrk regiFients ie . attributed to the excessive consumption of lager beer. Slocum, the inventor of the solid•head ed pin now in use, died last week at Pawtucket, R. I. Some of the Bombs fired by the feder al troops were found filled with sawdust; but'the rebels have' some of the same kind. One fired from the rifled `cannon at Big Bethel 'was sent to' the United States arsenal, at Troy, where it was found to be filled'with Hsi.' There mist be a little treachery on both sides. The.wife of, the poet Longfellow has been fatally burned by her clothes tak ing fire while sealing a letter, and the poet. himself was badly burned in trying to save her. = When-Col. Deifies, - of the New York Sixteenth . Regiment, was - marching through Baltimore, without; dranis, some of the = loiSkers-on sneeringly asked, " Where's yogi music* ?". : !tin' our . car tridge boxes," said the grini-Colonel. Fort 'Sumpter, says the ..Charleston Mercury, has had a heavy 'addition to its armament, making it one of the most formidable military posts on the conti nent. ••-• Bishop Polk, of the 'Southern Episco pal Church; has really accepted the office of Major General in the rebel army, and takes command of the troops on the Mississippi river. . B. Rush Fetriken. it is stated, has de clined-the appointment' of LieUtenant Colonel. "Tactic" Hardee took command of the,rebel forces at Memphis on the 24th alt. Howell Cobb is organizing a regiment in Georgia for the Confederate army! The salary of the Assistant Secretary of War is to 1;8 $3,000. Wilkes' Spirit' of the Times says that a match is likely to be made up between Heenan and Mace, who now holds the belt of Ehgland; baying conquered Hurst in a late fight. • . - Parson Browi.low's paper has been designated by the State Dipartment to publish the lawri of Congress to be pass ed at the present session. The 'Columbus cl'exs)• Citizen says that General b'am Houston is •acting as a _ri s tiva,te .in an organized companr - in Harris ,county. Captain Trayis, the great pistol-shot, whh offered to perform - . William 'Tell's; feat with a pistol, is at present engaged in giving lessons in. the use ofthat weap on to the.ladies ofNieksburg, Miss. A Sonthern paper says that East Tenneshee was never anything more than. the the tail_of Tennisiee." If that is the case, perhaps- Tennessee's tail is long enough to give.hers- head and shoUlderB a good switching: Prentice IMPORTANT TO ,VOLUNTEERS.—The a mendment of Hon. John Covode : " That a bonus of thirty dollars will be paid to each of the three monthssvolun tears on their re-enlistment for the war, and that an additional bonus of ten dol lars to each volunteer be paid where they enlist by companies ; and, also, that an additional bonus , of ten dollars to each volunteer be paid when they re enlist by regiments, making the bonus . in the litter case fiftydollars," has the endorsement of Gen. Scott, the Presi dent, and Secretary Cameron. It will pass the Senate on Tuesday, and im mediately become a law, by .receiving the signature of the - PreSident . . This section allows a captain to re ceive in "his new company, or in his re enlistment; privates from any other com pany in his regiment. Thus, if the cap tain or lieutenants in any company are obnoxus to ihe men, they secure the bountj ., and' fight under officers in whom they have confidence, and men they can respect. An amendment will' probably be added to this section, allowing regi ments to take companies from any part of the brigade.,... . -- The object of Mr. Covode is not only to secure the three months men, who are now thoroughly. drilled and equal to the regular army,‘but to:save the expense to the Government'of paying the men's expenses back to their place of enlist ment, and then their return in new re'gi- Ma. 4ERRYMAN 'RELEASED ON • BAIL.— An order was received from the War De partment by Gen. Banks, directing him to hand over to the civil authorities, for trial, Mr. John Merryman, who has been confined in Foit McHenry for several weeks past, on a charge of treason.— Mr. Merryman, it will be re.collected, was indicted, a few days ago, in the. United States Circuit Court, and it ,is presumed that this action of the War Department is based upon that fact.= Mr. Merryman was accordingly brought up to Baltimore, and taken before the court, and was then released, on bail in the sum of forty thausand 'drillers, to answer, the charge in November next, Messrs. John' S. Gittings, Adam B. Kyle, Charles A. Buchanan, and Charles RidereTy becomitiihis securities. Imo' It is rarely that we read of a more narrow escape than the motherol'lllr. Gresham made during_ the late attEtck.of the I,incolnites at Carter's -creek -The old lady is bed ridden, and was lying.on her bed , when ,a .cannon., ball. passed through her room, :struck the head of the bedstead, and passed on between the saoking and mattress, and raised her up off her bed without doing her any, injury. She was then •moved to another room, which was attached to the rear portion of the.,.larger ..house, .and. in a few mo ments a bombshell passed through the apartment and exploded, striking — the chair which she was sitting in without doing the least harm.— Virginia Herald. , Cr The first order issued by Speaker Grow,. upon taking possession of the splendid room assigned to him, was that the doorkeeper should remove the marble bust of the traitor, ex-SpealOir Orr, from the bracket where it was placed by the consent of Orr, and that the fine marble bust'of John Quincy - Adams, that for merly occupied a niche in the old Rop resentafives' Ball, be substituted. The order was executed on Thursday. The original subscribers to Orr's bust can undoubtedly have the same by calling for it, the present owners having no use for it. . Er Kossuth has given up his English residence. : He has resolved not to carry any farther his resistance in the;llun garian-nete case. The transaction cost him £lO,OOO of .which £B,OOO represents the value of. the beautifully-engraved notes now to.be reduced,to pulp. Kos suth is very much depressed by the re sults of his recent efforts, and, indeed, Ity the general fruits of his residence-in London, and has taken a villa on Lake Como. " . Cir The expulsion of John B. Clark, a representative from Missouei, by the House of Representatives, was a just and deserved act towards a brazen and an insidious traitor. Besides Clark. there are others in that body who should also be, expelled,. among the prominent of whOm are. Vallandigham,Burnett, and their endorsers and sympathisers. The idea, of tolerating such traitors in the councils of the loyal, is equal to an offer of comproMise coming from dough-faces to mollify rebels. Let Congress be thproughly vilified of traitors. Judr James Lesley,'Jr., Esq., of Phila delphia,_has been appointed chief 'ofe:rit of -,the • War - Department, in place ~of .john P. Sanderson, sq., who retiers to accept a lieutenant, coloneley in one ;of the new regiments. , or It is l cOnfidently stated that Hon, , .• Jopefill - Holt; of Kentuelly; still a resi dent of Washington, will be offeredlthe post of , Justice of the "Suprema COutt of the ..ticited States; Ticated by; the death',of Justice McLean;-of oliit • er It is authoritatively stated that Mr. Crittenden's plan of vompromiie , Will not , . be'offered 13y hitnself at the present session'd Corikress. HON. SIIERRARD CLEMENS.—Much cu riosity has been expressed regarding the whereabouts of Hon. Sherrard Clemens. At a review of the 17th and 19th Ohio regiments in Wheeling, on the 18th, he made a short speech of great force, wel coming the soldiers in the most cordial terms, assuring them that they Would be welcomed by every loyal heart in the State, while he was terribly severe on the secessionists and people generally of the eastern part of the State. He said that part of the State, and the peo ple over there, were like the potato— the best under ground. REDUCTION OF' SALARIES.-Mr. Wyck's bill for the reduction of salaries, if passed by the two Houses, will make a saving of from $30;000,000 to $50,000, 000. It proposes also, while reducing the pay of the higher grades of employ ment and compensation, to increase the wages of the courageous soldier to $l5 per month, an augmented nay Which is but justice to the intelligent and patri otic private who serves in defence of his government. THE. CONFEDERATE LOAN.—Under this caption, the SoutlArn papers are, ad vertising for meetings in counties, towns, and civil districts, to procure loans of produce to the Confederate Government. They can't get their money loans taken, and they are now striking for produce, such as cotton, corn, wheat, and what ever they, can use or turn into money, at a sacrifice or otherwise. And yet, says the Knoxville IF hig, without money or credit, we find this bogus Govern ment of the United States I WHAT SHE HAD RATHER Do.—The fol lowing is going the rounds of the papers. A maiden lady in Boston, on reading the account of the marriage of Miss Georg,i ana Ives, at Chicago, to 'yOung Bently, who saved' her from drowning at the sinking of the • 'lamer Lady Elgin, said: "It's a very r. ',antic affair, no doubt, but I would rather be.drowned any time ,than to sit lila the night with a poling man on a piece of wreck ink my night gown !" GOOD STUFF.-0 u Sunday we encount ered a party of soldiers belonging to the- Sixteenth ktegiment . of New York, con sisting, of David , Strong,-age, 64 yeait, and his seven sdas, Melvin, Horace, Patrick, Isaac, Harvey, Arion, and James, every man being over • six feet high I The old man was all through the Mexican war and says he is just as geed. a man as ever. They were on their way to join their ragitneat.---N. Y.. Times, _ . er The (.4overnor of North Carolina having failed to order an election for Congress in that State, it is said by the friends of Mr. Foster that the 'people of the First District have met and vOted. for him for Congress. Re has also let ters urging him to take his seat withinit delay. The returns are certified to by a magistrate, and it is not improbable that the House.will admit him to a seat. Cr A soldier of the 79th New-York, stationed at Georgetown, was returning on Monday night to tamp,'and'on being challenged by the sentry,'" Who goes there ?" answered in jest, " A Secession ist." The sentry fired instantly, and the unlucky joker fell mortally wounded. lir Rebel volunteers who left Louis ville, Ky., to serve in Virginia under Col. Blanton Duncan, are disgusted-- They, report that they are_trnated. like dogs, are half fed,, have the same clothes they Wore away from home, and would gladly return, if they could, and be loyal citizens. NearlY all the public balls in San Francisco were nightly crowded• by squads 'of ardent military aspirants in drilling. A printed circular and hand bill hays been 'posted throughout San Francisco, directed against ex-Senator William. M twin, and warning him to leave the State by the next steamer... fir A number of Jesuit Fathers, hithz erto engaged' as teachers in Catholic Colleges in lhe South, have arrived in Chicago within the last week or two, the institutions ,which.they have been con: nected pith have been obliged to sus.' pend operations on account of the war. ifir On Wednef f iday "night last, Wm. Somis . and`wife, living at Scranton, Pa., , were both burned to death by the ex plosion of a Kerosene lamp. They leave no less than seven helpless children. ' Cr The insurgents protest they won't pay their debts to the - people of the U nited Stites, and yet the United :Slates troops are determined to draw on them at sight. We The Boston:Traveler learns from. a Southern gentleman 'that Jeff,. -Davis . is investing all his means in the . English funds. Ile is likely-to soon need funds there. • • , air In . a Louisiana regiment there is one large cotton merchant worth, $300„ 000, whols now a 'private soldier, with, one of his own clerks for captain of the compapir.' ANOTHER PAPE7c. GONE.—TIIO Fall River Monitor lately succuMbed'to the pressure of the time ; age, thirty-iix Thv Hon. Nathan Appleton die 4 in Boston on Sunday last. He was. Um father of the late 31rs. Longfellow. TERRIBLE CASE OF II YDI:OPITOBIA. - The St. Louis Democrat, of the 9th inst, says : We regret to learn that Mrs. Mc- Rae died on Sunday night at Jefferson Barracks, of Hydrophobia. She was the wife of Major Mcßae, Commandant at the Barracks. About two months ago she was attacked by a ferocious dog, thrown to the ground and bitten on one of her cheeks and brow. The dog was not known to be mad at the time. On Sunday she was taken seriously ill, with unmistakable symtoms of hydrophobia. The disease progressed with alarming rapidity and terminated fatally on Sun day night, the patient dying in the greatest agony. . eir A boy, twelve, years of age, has been re-delivering the lectures of Gough, with great success, at Plymouth, Eng land. THE HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES OF WAR. PHOTOG R APHIC PORTRAITS, Card size, on Bristol Board, suitable for Al bums. Published asd sold by E. Anthony, 501 13rodway, New York. By special arrangement we publish in addi tion to other portraits THE CELEBRATED. COL LECTION well known both in Europe and America is Brady's National Photographic Portrait Gallery Brady's collection of. Imperial Photographs is justly ccusidered one of the lions of New York, and iu the Photographic reprqductions of these every centre table can now have an additional attraction in a miniature Brady's Gallery. Among our publications are Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Hannibal Hamlin, Lady Davis, Wm. H. Seward, Alex. H. Stephens, Salmon P. Chase, Itobt. J. Toombs, Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, Montgomery Blair, Henry A. Wise, Edward Bates, John Tylor, Gideon Wells; • Gen'l'Beauregar Caleb F. Smith,. • Gean Lee; Gen'l Scott, John B. Eoyd, Col. Rob't Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major.Slemmer, P. F. Thomas, - ' Col. Elsworth ' • • John Bell, Gen'l Butler, Conn Mansfield, Col. Lando, Col. Fremont, Stephen A. Douglas, Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, Mai. Gen'l N. P. Banks, John C. Breckenridge; Gov. John Letrber, John C. Calhoun, Herschel V. Johnson, L. G. Wigfall, pen. McCullough, Lieut. Maury, Henry Ward Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes,.Prof. Morse, Horace Greely, N. P. Willis, James Gordon Bennett, William C. Bryant, Henry Clay, Washington Irving, Andre* Jackson, Dr. E. K. Kane, Commodore Perry, Mrs. Sigourney, John J. Audubon, Mrs. Gen'l Gaines, Charles Sumner, Gov. Andrew, J. J. Crittenden, Duke of Newcastle, Printe of Wales, Zachary Tay lor, George Bancroft, Lathrop L.• Molly, Sam Houston, J. Q..• Adanik, Emerson Etheridge, Andrew Johnson, Parson. Brownlow,, Brown low's heroic daughter. Together with:about 500 others. to which additions are daily made. Catalogue sent wt receipt of stamp. Price -of Portra;ts $3 Per Dozes]. Can be sent by mail. Remittauce may be made in postage stamps. Also u •large colldction of * Photographs- of distinguished. Europeans, Emperors, Kings, Queens, Marshalls, Generals, Dukes, Lords, Authors, Actors, Politicians and Clergy.— Price, from 25 to 50 cents each, according to quality. Our establishment•is also headquarters for gLICITOGRA PHIC ALBUMS. both as Agent .of the best French:manufac turer, and-as manufacturer under a patent of our own. We-iliac a .large assortment, varying in price from 90 cents-toy 50 j and.holding from 12 portraits up to 600. -Also folding eases of morrooco or cloth, for the pocket, and hold 2, dy 6, S•or 12 portraits. Also various styles. of framing card portraits, of carved, wood, metal, paper,. cnnerfosition, etc. of elegant and tasteful deaiwns. - Our Photographers now in. the fiel are daily sending us CAMP SCENES OF T.frE PRESENT WAR. and views of point's and things - of interest, both card• size, for Albums , and. Stereoscopic foim:- For,, instance, the te Seventh Regiment at Camp Cameron—ln ti,e trenches—Cooking their. bleats- -The Gymnasts-- The Junction—Del montco's—Laura. I:me's—General street view of the. Camp, etc. HARPER'S FERRY belore and after the scenes of destruction.. Toðer with various other places of Note. Card 'size 25 cents each stereoscopic 33 Parties who wouldlike a lot of these equip scenes to select from—the balance to be re turned in kood'order at their own expense, and. without relay- - can be accommodated on giv ing proper New York reference. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Our establishment gTeitt 'Emporium for wierything in the. Stereoscopic line,.and our assortment is themost complete probably of any in the werld. The Stereoscope in the most instructive, in teresting, entertaining, amusing, and exciting of modern inventions. „,None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknowl edge its worth and beauty. .No home incomplete without it, and itmust and will penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the world, in all the relief boldness, perspective, and sharpness of detail, as if yo*,..were on the spot. We have en immense variety of views of Scenes in' Paris, London, England, Scotland, Ireland, 'Wales, France, - Belgium, Holland; Switzerland,. Spain, The Rhine, Versailles, St. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Tuilleries, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Athens, the Holy Laud, China, India, Crystal.• Palace, also Groups Historical, Amusing; marriage scenes, breakfast scenes, Pic-nics, statuary, eb... An exquisite assortment of Illustrated Interiors, of Palaces, Churches, and Cathedrals of France, Italy, etc., etc. The effect of • these illuminated views is most remarkable. Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscope Views are the - latest' Photographic wonder. They are taken in the FORTrETH PART OF A SECOND, and everything, no matterhow rapidly it muy be moving; is depicted, as sharply and distinct- . ly as if it had been perfectly at rest. ~This gives as' additional value, for to the beauties of.inanimate nature' it adds the charm of life and motion. The process is a discovery, of our own, and being unknown in Europe we received from London and Paris large-orders for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of Ameri can life and scenery. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices' will be' forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamp. Parties at a distance sending us 0, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, or $25, can have a good instrument and, such pictures as they may request, sent by Express. Views alone (without instrument) can be sent by mail. E. ANTIiQN Y, (3 doors south of St. Nicholas' hotel,) 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Importers and Manufacturer of Photographic Mate r i s, Stereoscopes and Stereostopie Views. • • ll Merchants from every section of the country are respectfully invited to make an examination of our stock. To Photographers. Cur Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and Improvement will be sent to auy address on application. [C,ot this out for future reference.] : July *I3-6nio]. NA T cetelirated lmgez ial kl2cl (elision — Si - eel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with self-adjustable Bustle. The latest an'd best in use, for sale cheap at Difenbachrs. 3 c a; -pstel• ei)eap eaf~ Stogy e, Nl)rth (lateen-st•, near the Examiner and H e rald Office ——o— T HE Proprietor of Tux LANCASTER CH EA I' BOOK STORE has availed himself of the opportunity to pur chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de script ion. lie now offers to the public the same at proportionably and unusually LOW rates. Those in want of valuable standard Works, for the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensive stock on band: icry ob ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply the wants of the community with anything iu my line on the most reasonable terms possible. This we find the bettersnd most advantageous course for all parties. The Political Econo mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more it can and will be used." ; Then thetunelusion is, that when we buy cheap, we must sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona , ble profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOOKS. I would call especial attention to my large . assortment of Sunday School Books on hind; of every variety.wanted.for the use of Sunday Schools and sell all at Sunday School Union prices. 1 have the agencies for the publica tions of the American Sunday School Union, American Tract Society, Methodist Book and Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Presbyte • rian, Episcopal and other denominations are kept on hand. FAMILY BIBLES. Those in want of a neat and - cheat) Quarto Family Bible, will find it to their advantage to call and examine at THE CII EA P BOOK STORE, the lartr,est stock on hand, ranging form One, to Twenty-five Dollars. - - - - Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of • JOHN SHEAFFER, Successor to -Murray, Young & Co. ENV ICE CREAM SALOON In time of War it is proper that the ladies keep cool, I have, therefore, concluded to open the upper part of THE DON EGA L HOUSE aa all UE CI3EAM SALOON. where ladies and gentlemen will find an expe rienced hand and polite eentleman to wait on them, where will always be found Ice Cream in various flavors, Lemonade, Cakes and Candies of aU kinds, Oy strrs got up imeverY style, , 4 64 sier :leweddried, f 4. ) raw, In oiled, frozen and spiccd, and all othfr kinda of, 14,freshmena , . Na efforts wilt be spared to Keep this de partment in the very best style fur ladies. SAM'I. G. MILLER. Marietta, June 22, 1861. J 0 I.IN BELL, -Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta. eIRATEIT L for past favors I would rettrrii k_x my thanks to my numerous friends and pa- , trons and inform thenf that I still continue the old business ut the old stabd; where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CAsSIMERES ik VESTING.% which will be. made up-to order at the shortest' otice by the best of workmen, and onreasona ble- term s, 1 would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proVer to patr‘illize me hereafter. [Oct.29-'5O. i Alexander Lyndsay. FASHIONABLE BOOT ti , SHOD: MANUFA CTURER, MARKET sTREET,„*Attnam, PENN> Would most respectfully iniordi the citizens. of this Borough and neighborhood that he bus , the largest assortment of City made work in• his line of business -in -this Borough, and he ing a practical Boor AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enabled toseleet with more judgment- than those who are not. lie continues to man-. a/adore in the very best'manner evirything 'in the BOOT AND SHOE .LINE, A hich he' will warrant for neatness and good fit. lt.T'Call and examine his-stock before 'pur chasing elsewhere. ah)ote,souleD tinim:Pystet• & LEilfiplyr SALOON .. Between HeekrollAvand'Ahnstin's Hotels. E undersigned would - infojria the public 11 that he is . prepared to-furnish alltkinds of Refreshments, such as Oysters, Fr.tits, Cake.s,_&e. Thankful for the_ pa:nonage already bestowed, hones to merit a continuation. RuisiecA. CH ILD. Also+ selling a varie,ty of Ready-made Clothing, un.commission. ' Setting at Cost. Marietta; May lh, 1861- IITINE.AVD LIQUORS. vy Superior Old Brandy, , Pki Rye Whiskey.. Holland Gin; Old Madintiatidstion, Sherry amt. , Pert Wines.. tom:. • Pittsburg Whiskey- allf on hand at the lowtst market prices: Very. Fine Brandy at a very low figure; by the barrel. J. R. DI FFENBA-GH. Market-st. ANI EL * G.. BA K LI ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH DUKE STREET,' opposite the Court Uouse,-where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its , various branches. [Nov. 4, '59.- ly R. J: Z. HOFFER ) DENTIST, JOF THE .BA yrIMO RE COLLEGE OF : DENTAL JU 161EILY, LATE Or HARRISBURG; PA. OFFICK: Front street, fourth- door from Locust, over Saylor MoDon!Altlikinie aid's gook Store. Columbia. Entrance be ween the Drug and Book Stores. [3-ly A CARD. ti JOHN CAM ERON,III. D., Hygienic Physician & AcconcheuG, Corner of front and Gay Streets, MARIETTA. REMOVAL. • At: J. TUAINER Raving removed her. MUhinert establiskrnent to, Fulk's new building, near Market Square, UTIIERE she hopes to meet bee friends: YV and old customers, and merit and receive a continuation of the liberal patronage here tofore extended to her. CLOTHS AND CASSINIERS.—A very su parlor selection•of French and German. Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestings ' a new and fashionable lot, just arrived at Dilfeabach's Cheap Store. HICKORT & - Oak Wood; '5O Cords each, IA Hickory-and Oak• Wood.' Orders must be accompanied with the cash when they wilt be proMptly fillet'. Spangler & Patterson. HE Largest and best assortment of Fancy - Cloth & Cassi Meres and vesting ever offered in this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition by T. Diffenbach. . , TORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately LI occupied by Miss" Margaret Trainer as Li., Millinery, Inquiie of HARR'SPANGLER PORTABLE LAMP S. A new: and rnust i convenient and perfectly safe lamp, caned . the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," far sale cheap' at Grove ty Roth's Drug Stdre. FLAVO.U3.ING, EXTRACTS: - - Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple ; Almond, Rose, Lemon, ,Just received and for sale at Grote'4.:l24fh's.- ... CHAMPAGNE .and, other Table Wines, gungontePd to be pure . ,a,hd stad asloai l / 2 14 can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. 13.NJAM/I.li Pk/A' A CHOIC.K..Lot of Books for. childreacadleet .1 - Vindistructoblle , Pleasure, ..oks ;-Sohooland other . Books, Stationary, P , . s, Pen holders, •