CN.d_-CA4..) I, CIL) cNt-i- , + ,\ , 1)2 (ci• ttht 1 - i arlitt tat( ,_. 046 to IPolitits, Yittraturt, agriculture, Nirticatturt, (vide f l int uIY (dstfitt arts, Omni 'Stills p atal 'nformatioir,. ttp., c. Proprietor_ SEVENTH YEAR. Published every Saturday Mortziti# Or stre et , Crull's Row, 2d etoky ' • Five doors'east of Flury's Hotel. - - TERMs, One Dollar a year, payableti %Avenel) andlisubscriptions be not patrnvithin six months $1.25 will be charged, tiLid ifdelayed until the expiration of the Will be charged. No subscription received for a lesipejtod than six months, and no paper will breMiscontin . 'ued until all arrearages are paritunleas'at The option of the publisher. *A failure - to no lify a discontinuance at the expiration of the terra subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. • Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ; ADVERTISING RATES: One Squaxe (l 2llDes, or less) 50 cents for the first i nsertion and 25 tents for each subsequent insertion. Profes -slonal and Business cards, of six lines.or less AI $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, 'five cents a-line . Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement,. FREE; but for any additional lines, five.cents agine. '1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 mOntlfsi #3.50 ; I year, $5. Two squares, 3 'montliso3 6 months, $5.; 1 year, $7. Half-a-coliimn, 3 months, $8; 6 months, $l2; year,.s2o; One column, 6 months, 0; 1 year, $3O. liavtng recently added a large lot of new Jon AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared,to do all kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINT ING, at short notice and reasonable prises. S. S. RATUVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothiei., Kramples Old Stand,on the Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. €1 ft AYE UL to the Citizens of Marietta la and vicinity, for the liberal : patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same as •suring them, that -under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIM HIES A N D VESTINOS, and such other seationable material as fashion and. the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. A L90,-READY-MADE CLOTHING? Gentlemen's Furnishing - Gooodg and such articles as usually belong to a Mg chant Tailoring and Clothing establishtnent.. S. S. .12ATHVON, Merchant Tailay & Clothter, N. E. Gor..of N. Queen and Ofange-sts. LANCASTER, April 13, 18111, • - -61 ` 1.2. 4 .8 .• 7 0)13 `tan.g.fii, 1 - 111, HINKLE having dust returned from _L./Philadelphia with the Most complete and lull assortment of everything in.his line ever offered in this Borough. Ile !has purchased anotheniupply of Punt: Ann Fermi Davos, which can be depended on for what they are represented, having received his personal t 'attention' in the selection. • In addition to his Drugs will be found a nicety selected • LOT OF FANCY & TOILET ' Annum, consistipg in part of German , Fiench and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &Hale and 'other -.:, - HAIR COMBS, HAIR OILS, 11 1111, Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies, Pocket Books, Puff and Ptitvder Boxes, &c.. , Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies Tor medical purposes. ' - . The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye. DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gogue, Barre's Trieoperous, fot the hair, Bay Hum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm .of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, Corn taret, Heeker's Farina, all kinds 'of pure 'Ground Spice's, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food excellent S;r 'deal for cronic dyspepsia an a -tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet., for otigulating milk, an'excellent ',reiteration for he table ; . Table, Oil—very tine.—bottles in tw izes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of lluel'tst.per 'mein pomades, soaps, &c. His K tethairon o Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowl, dged the best. Particular attention will Ile paid and great caution observed in compounding . Physicans prescriptions with accuracy.t Dr. IL Will al *Os be found in the Storeunless professionally engaged elsewhere. In a DAVID' ROTH, -= ..... Dealer in Hardware, = ' Ceil (aware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Teloh, Took, Da 00 AO Stoba , & e. ) i' ' 'MARKET-ST., 4 ETTA. yOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta; and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his= line, consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all kinds ; Building a n d Housekeep ing Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Qils,, Cilass, Varnishes, Cedarviare, Tubs, Buckets, 'Obil!rus, Knaves, Forks, spoons, Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Can dlesticko Pans, Waiters, Cop - per and Brass Kettles,or, •Deek, Pad and -all, other kind of, Lock Nails , Spikes and m y ti en fact everything all ept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment. . 9EO : W. WORRALL, SURGEON 11/ENTIST,." / acing removed jo thezllboms formerly occupied by Dr. Nwentzel, adiolning Spangler 81 . Pat terson's Store, Marled btreft, where he is now prepared to vcait on all who may feel toga=disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all Rs branches car ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principlo of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike "manner , —on fair principles and ON VERY REAiONAI3LE TERMS. • ' raving determined upon a permanent loco- OM at this' place, would ask a continuation .of use liberal patronage heretofore extended ZO him for which he will render every possi ble ,satisfaction. ElMEther administered to proper persons. ,Ts i!A _Masters look to your Interests ! ' "Me Improved Black Hawk "EAST IRON WASHERI. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD Xilt 0,138.YAN & HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa: r The Undersigned will constantly keep on band and make to older at short.notice the above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni ted States! They will,warrant their machines to run lighters last /pager, and, wash clt aver and with less -Water than any other machine now in use.. They can be easily put together on the bank. All erders. addressed to either of the undersigned will rueet.with prompt attention. liZr They are also prepared to sell individu al, COunty and Slate Rights. ... BERNARD O'BRY AN. 1 SAMUEL .110 PK INS. s . Motober 13, :60.. v7-no.l Iy i . sSUS , • CO(>K STOVE, .eery plain r t style, each , one warranted to per- urm to the enfire -Sittisfaction Of thh purchaser. • ,-= ERRETT tIvCO: The VOLUNTEER to his 'TOOTH-BRUSH lihtno stress upon my dresi. •So , dandy artware mine: sponge and tub for morning scrub, A wash hands ere..l. dine : - Two hair-brushes together plied could make shift with one), A rude skin-parting roughly made— :And-So my toilette's done., And yet, all Spartan as I am, A pang my hand dotlt stay, :When stern Mahnurdo order gives, Your tooth-brush throw away Mettle thought, when in the ranks A rifle first I bore, That.vitien'gutlpowdees day set in, Topth-powder's day was o'er. Defiance in the foeman's teeth •' lam prepared to fling; But leaving my own teeth uncleaned Is quite another thing— By turning Rifle Volunteer t John Bull his teeth doth show, But I should like my ivories , ' To be a polished row. I ' - 'What rt the British Lion draws I• His weapons from their sheath— Out of their velvet shows his claws, Out of their lips,his teeth-- 1 - Will there be less of terror,hid In-that grim mouth or paws, When nail-brush to his feet'slorbid Arid tooth-brush to jaws? We're ready.when we're called on, To take the field, I know; And though were babes in arms, we'll try A brush with any foe. But betwixt us and the foemen., l As fierce the brush will be, If we are firstallowed a brush Betwixt our teeth to see. That cleanliness to godlinvs Is next allied We're* told: And though I'm no Diogenes, Stillio my tub I hold. But tubs and. Turkish towelling TJpon campaign, I knew, Are luxuries which Volunteers Must clkirfully forego. With unblocked boot I'm game to shoot, To fight with unbrushed Lair, But thou,. my tooth-brush—l had hoped That thee at ledst they'd spare. In' Pita - or Pocket, fob or pouch . , - .Xontbee there's surely room, Whatever Spartan Napier preaeh, Or stern Macmurdo doom:! DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS Bow happy are they Who the editors pay, And have spared up for one year or more; Tongue cannot express '" , ,The great joy of the Press,, When delinquents have paid the old Score. Printers all the day long Laber hard for a song— A.s fate that is hard, all agree, They have worked night and day ' And of course want their pay, To buy Coffee,„Sugar and Tea. • One would hardly believe What small sums they receive For the paper addressed to a name; put the price is so ,;mall, that the good people, all, Will pay up—for fear of the shame ! Then.all walk this way, The Printer to pay, And you will be bless - ul for the deed; WIVE - never regret For paying your debt To the . Printer—who stands in great need tiZe Miss Moloch has credit for the following :1 A lady of my acquaintance gives it as her sine qua non of domestic felicity that the "awn of the family should al ways be absent at least six hours in the day." And truly, a mistress of a family, however strong: her affection for the male member of it, cannot acknowledge that this is a' great boon. A house where "girls" or the "boys" are always "pottering about," poping in and oat at all hours, eyerlastingly wanting some thing, or Ending fault with somdthing else, is a considerable trial, even to feud.- nine patience. And I beg to ask my sex confidence, of course—if it is not the greatest comfort possible when the masculine half or the family, bbing cleard out for the day, the house settles dewn into regular work and orderly qui etnes until evening. Also, it is as good for therri as well as'for us, to have all their inevitable petty domestic "broth ers" go out in their absehce, to effect which ought to be one of the principal aims of the mistress of the family. Let them, if Possible, return to their smiling ledme, with all its 'small annoyances bilislied away like the dust and cinders from the grate, 'which, en passant, is one of the 'requisites to make &fireside look comforta.ble.,. might, be well, too, if the master himself will :contrive to leave the worldly mud. of the stieist'at the scra per outside his door. . . , A Wit'once'asked a pesant Ivhat part he preformed in the great drama of life. "I mind my own business," was the treply. MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1861, MEM=M During the war with c3reat,23ritian, a very remarkable circumstapce 4 oNted in connection with the invasion of Ca7na cla. A company of Kentucky volunteers destined for Shelby's army had thvir rendezvous at H arro dsburg, in Kentfy, and formed a sort of neucleusor rall g i paint for the military recruits ,*l , at. part of the country. When they mar:bh ed'frora Harrodsburg towards the (Wo river, having got a mile or two on "their way, they noticed : two pigs-fighting, and delaying their march to see it out.— After they had' resumed ^their March, the pig-which had been the victorin the contest was observed to follow therrril'i;. At night, when they' encamped, Ali' pig found a shelter near, and halted'alio: The next day the pig accompanied 'the troops as before.; and thus itibarchd every day and halted every night With' the soldiers, or near there'. When they came opposite Cincinnati, at which place the troops, were to cross the Ohioin a ferry-boat, the pig, on getting to the waters' edge, promptly plunged in and, swam across, .and then waited on th other side until the whole cortege cress, ed over, and then rep% its post upon one side of the movi _, ' lump. Thus it the animal kept up with the troops uiltil they crossed the Stale of Ohio and, reached Lake Erie. On the journey, as the men grew fa miliar with their canit4de, it became a pet, receiving .a share of the rationsis suett to the soldiers, rand destitute of provisions ' as the troops found them elves at times, na one thought of put ting the knife to the throat of their fellow-soldier. What they had was still shared, and if tbe pig fared as 'scattily as the rest at times, it,still grunted on, and manifeSted as ma patriotism in its .own line as the bipeds it.accomptv nied did in.theirs. At the margin of the lake she embarked with the troops, and went as far as Bass Island. But when offered a passage over into Cantiiitshe obstinately reflisedio embark a tc second time.' Some of the men attributed her conduct to constitutional scruples, and! observed that she khew it was contrary' to the Constitution, to, 'force a th'ilitia pig over the line. She, therefore; had leave to remain. After the campaign had cleSed,lhe troops recrossed the lake, having, left some of their horses on the;American side. As soon as the dine was formed, to the great suprise of the , troops,: there was the pig .on the right of, the line, ready to resume her march with the rest. by this time, the Winterfrosts had set in i and the animal sufferer greatly on• the homeward march, she made out,however, to reach Maysville, there the troops re- crossed the Ohio river. , There she gave out, and was placed in trusty hands b„t i GoVerner Shelby*, and-finally tae dp the Governor's home, where she 'Passed the rest of her days in• ease aid indolence. There are many in. Kentucky who can now attest the, truth of thiS remarkable story. . • A Grandchild of Dr. Emmons, when not more than six years old, came to him with a trouble weighing on her - mind . : "A. B. says that the' moon is made of green cheese,*and I dont believe it." '"Don't you lielieve it? Why not?" "I know it isn't.". • "But how do you know ?" "Is it grandpa ?" "Don't ask me that question ;,you must find, it out foryourself." "How con I find it. out?" "You must studyinto it." She knew e mough•--to, resort to the first ofenesis for information, and after a truly Em mons-like search, she ran into the study: "I've found' out; the moou is not made ofgreen cheese, for the'thoon was , made before the cows were. cr A Blind Man having walked the streets with a lighted lantern, ,an an qsaiptance met him, and exclaimed, ip some surprise :—"Why, what is the use of that light to, you . ? Yon know r every . street and turning; it does you no good. You can't see a bit the better." replied the'blind man; "I don't carry Che light to make Me' see, 'but th preient fools froth rrinning against Me." lEF "In my time, miss," said a .stern aunt, "the men looked at the women's faces hated of their ankles ! my dear aunt,''` retorted the yming, lady," "you see tile 'world has iroproied i 40 i s mote' civilised than it used looks more , to , the Ilnderstandin.g!' • IF He who is ris i spiomte and hasty, is generil i ly . honestAt jour old dis sembling hypocrite of whom you - should beware. -There is no 'deception in. s. bnll dog:` It iS Maly the dm 'llint• gtiealm np and bites yOu vihen youi liaek: is turri§d. GRAVE OF IRVING.--SOme MaSSaChtt setp soldiers, stationed at Yorktown, lately went up the. river to Tarrytown, and looked at the monument to Andre. Thence they visited the nenietery where repose the remains of the peaceful Wash ington Irving. A hedge is around the burial plot* . -.Eleven Tull length. graves are in a roW--father, mother, brothers and sisters: One of the stones is letter ed, "Washington, son of. William and Sarah 3: Irving ; died November 29,1859, aged 76 years, 8 months and 25 days." The soldiers laid each •a bunch • of roses upon this grave ; and a wreath of oak leaves with .a written inscription. " Of fering of Massachusetts volunteers to the, memory of. Washington; Irving," signed by then' . all, and bearing the date, was placed upon the -headstone.— One boy repeated...the "Memory of The dead,'L and •all.phicked a spray of clover from the grave.,, s H.' • YEAST. FOR FA 111 USE.—Somebody wants to 'know , how .to „make yeast for family use. ,We have given several good receipts iriAime .past,, but wilt gip an, Other front "one who always has good bread;"' "Into two quarts of water put eight good eizpd, potatoes, and a , handful of hops, tied up in a beg ; boil until the potabes are well done ; mash them through a sive, ; add 7 tablesponnsful of flour,; pour over this the water in which the `potatoes and hops were boiled; scalding hot. Add half a cup.of sugar, tablespoonful of ginger—stir well ,to gether, and when nearly; cold put cupful of yeast. After it is done work ing, add a teaepoouful of.salt, and bottle up for use. It will keep three months." RED HOT SHOT.—When red hot shot are - fired, the 'Ordilaned used is eleiated to the pesititkejesired before the gin is dhotted. "The , pawder in the gun is'kept froin eiplokoit by means . crf the wadding. Betwen the'explosive . gubstance end the heated bless are generally three' laYers of wad.•' • Thal - airainat . the'Valf is . dry, the second is wet, and upon the powder another dry pice'reats. The ball is dis-: )charged very soon after being Placed in the cannon. WHAT HAS BECOME OF TRUTH ?--Quilp "being asked the reason' why Lies i3 .,re so plenty? . made geply: anciently, as peels tell, - ,Lived at the bottom of a well; Arid once, When trYing to get out, She was so rudely knocked abOut, She had an accident: you know, And kicked the bucket lbng ago.' far Mr. .and Mrs. Dickens have been reconeiled, , and-dre 'again living together A London correspondent says : 'Let us trust that we 'Shall Bear no more 'of compatibility. ; The fact that 'Mrs. Dickens is a plain inatter'of fact,' sensi•-: ble woman, without any literary Atistes, and who, possibly, has not read the whole of her htisband's novels. It seems to me that thiS , is just the Soh of wife that a litterafeur Should have, seeing that theyfiould not , come in One tinOtht er's Way; bufDickens thought otherwise, and sees, I suppose / in the happy -rela tion that -Mika betwen Sir Edward and Lady Bulwer a proof of the happiness which 'must arise' when an 'anther and authoress are united.' BUt Dickens its getting older, and therefore wiser, and sees that he will be most happy in the society of the mother of his family." • A Runaway Sla - ve who made his dr: • • way to Cairo, where he did good service in the entrenchments, was asked if he did'not wish to go back and fight. He , replied with 'a grimace that would have done no discredit to "Julius;" "Lews,.no Itassee ! dis nigger is not a fightin nig ger I•he's rutinin' ni'gger !" A. Vermont htirse-jockey,'boasting one day of his horse, ;gravely asserted that When.he was but three years old; the lightning killed .the old 7 triare' 'and chased the colt all around tke pastare, without getting in striking„ distance of him: • . • . itr The , death of printeilsiblis `de 7 scribed in an English paper:-" denige Woodcock;, the * of his' profesiion; the type of honesty, the ! of all; and althougii the ;Er of death has put, a . to his exis tence, eve 4 a - Of hiS life was .withOrd, at. One asked ..Mr. -Patric Macguire 14 Ins Anew Mr. -dint Duffy ? • "Know 10_1",..answered the; "why, hwia a very .ngtt4tion, of: gnine----the once proposed to aryiny•sister - Rate !" • ei , eil l anslo - an,(l, I can't express my do' . teqali::lia ..t ofyor conduct - 2' dear'• .Pam very glad THE " DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT " We are sure that the following article, which we copy from 14 7 he Lawsof Life," will •be highly interesting to oar lady readers, for however, much they may be wedded to their long skirts,it must be humihatingior them in their sober me- - ments to reflect, that, in the estimation of many, they are regarded-RS the corn moti scavengers of, our public high-ways and wheb we consider the advantages of the short drese to the wearer—especial ly Wheh contrasted With thb disidvanta: , ges of the long dress, we are surprised t 41- our ladies should. be so, slow,to adopt an improvement that commends itself to the:good sense of eyery.reason able persob. Who of our young ladies will lead off in the admirable style of Miss Strahan ? - We'pause for a replY: "Every body has heard of 'Governor Sprague's Rhode Island Regiment which. marched with so much promptness and alacrity to -the defen`se of the Union: The fact that that little State should: be' able in.a few days sifter the President's proclamation to report herself at the Capital with a body 0f,1300 men, iwith the Governor at their head, fully uniform- , ed; armed, equipped and drilled for ser vice, took everybody by surprise and elicited nniVeisril admiration. That regiment 'has with it, in accordanCP with French eustoni,'a vivandiere or 13aughter or the regiment. She is the daughter of Sergeant Strahan, a nieinber'nf thelegi ment. The novelty of the style - of dress she wears attracts much attention, and excites invidnous remarks from ladies who, perhaps, feel rather envious of her on account of the advantage, she has over those who wear long skirtl, •in walking uporrwet and muddy pavements and street AiisSings without - soiling her dsos or exposing her ankles. For conve nience.of loconfotion and adaptation to the performance, sif.the active daties of camp life, motto mentionits 'advantages in point' of healthfulness and cleaulineis, it certainly is very superior tolong drag gling, wholi*e,s.een the American Costume can form,a ood idea of Aye genera). appearance t,hia,young lady's dress. But I will giye a sketch of it somewhat in detail. In its , materials and .colors, it Corres ponds with the Uniform w.orn,bythe reg iment. The head dress is, either a cadet cap trimmed with yellow, or a black plash or felt hat, like the army regila tion hat. Her hair is cut iff ratind even with the lower ends of theSars and nape ,of the neck. The body *of her chit of dark blue cloth made full before!' and behind, and t it !bnttons up to the"throat in front with.e, single row of yellow but tons. he sleeves_. are, somewhat. full, with cuffs, and buttoned at tlievrists...,, From a pocket in the le/I....breast, the margin of!a white handkerchief peeps slyly out, The coat has a small. turned down collar, 'between which and the neck of the wearer, there Crops out, is geolo gists would say., a white linen turn down collar a neck tie: A belt of black patent or glazed leatbeF girdles - 4.hW waist. ;A icarlet eeleted.,worsted or cloth .skirt, *iths dark stripe two inches wide • rimidrig down•each-side; extends from the belt down to about even with-the knees, The skirt, to all appearance, l is entirely innocent' ofloops, .anything. akin thereto. it corresponds in color with the blankets of the men, which in cold and stofinY 'Weather; they -wear shails, giving the' Regifeetit'A very gajr 'skid pictureSque appearance. Her_ pantg loons:are of darli - gie:y cloth correftn-' ding with that,of the men, the Rui,Acr far as visible, being the same. Her 'shoes ere of gaiter or '"Congress bittern with heels, and . when the 'streets 'are muddy she, wears buckskin gaiters strap ped under the shoes, and laced up -around the ankles outside of thelpintaloons.— So pinch for the pude= orgiallatie."!Lit tle Rhody's" daughter of the Regiment. I leave it to the imagination of year readers to embody within thi's,dress jest whatever style and pattern *of wearer suit'may best their respective fancies There are two Or three other ladies, wives 1:f the soldiera, accompanying' the Regiment : as nurses and daundieskii; who: don the earner .style ;of.dresZ. *And it is stated that a _Pennsylvania ,Regi , meat is on its : way to:the Capitskspeopa panied . by .a. ‘,` daughter" .wearing, the " Turco" dress. WA wag up tewn,-passing:by a:house which had been alnhist consurreed•hy-fire ; inquired whose it - Was. Beim tot that it was a hatieo, '/Adit said he, ``t 'en the iosa . EuXoy times horses byithel use of theltion r ,,Wa & boys, Intty! , bellt tamed in the, sumeAkay • 4? IMIE Ter - rY)s—Cais Dollar a::2-ear, The Peo *EOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS PNt TETE"Have - now; in 'State' the . latgek and V V must complete assortment of $ p . r, i n g Style HATS .CARS.ever,kept im this city: We,nre . now : mantlfacturing four new aid elegant varieties" of Spring:M.3 , le Sil' and Cas simet Elate. splendid Silk 'Hat. - F E ErA S • - I4e* azid.elekant styles ofiSlizing.and Sturnnef Felt: Hats, from the finest beaver . to the We are amply prepared :to' !job" all goods'ih our line to Dealeraatfttn'inost reason able rates. - ,They will finthit tri their advant age to call anti examine, our large and. superi- . or stock. To thoSe frierlV, &Ming the past, have steadfastly continued:their very liberal patronage r ,we return our sincere thanks, and trust, by strict attention to business, fait dealing and low prises; combined with the Superior exellence 'of our geodayto nierita Con tinuance of past favors. Shipping Ftir boaght : wad the'kighest.firiie' Paid in cash. JOHN A. SHU,LTZ,' . , II RY A. §,I3IJLTZ; LANCIASTER; AP4II. lby R 18.61. a l. • Da. H. =GROVEt , . co .DE.PrIIER'III • •. up ebehlie.lls; 3:36l'fiiiitti% $OO4 &e, MA.RKETISTICEtry MARIEtTA; DA" OUL er y orm t e pti - 1Y PC ; that r he 13 ',conatantik...redeitirig Ire& adai= flows to his dre„, ,, ,skock, , ,and , allpples keep band a complete - 11, aWd6Arneilt Drugs, : Medicines, Chem lapis,- Pfx . int4 Oils, Varnishes, I?.yttirs,.!* l is t s„ •Mitelead, Brushes of and everything usually kept by shuggtas,and. apothecaries. ' ' • An assortment' oi all kind of. LAMPS,f,or nurning Fluid, Pine Oil or, Coal .0i), Tops; Wicks and . Oils'ennitantly'ori A nicely 'Selected lor , of '411; .kinds of STA*. TIONARY, Enyeippen„ , ?ens,,Pprt-laddejsy Inks, &c.,'of alreades ar.d ati POrligterh TOlualle4.00003: 1 1ooth Washer and an al of Fano and Toilet ar tides, all - iyehiCh lk silent rinsonarde mess. .Saw: 1111).. and Punbar:Vai4- ' II .fa:RIETT -P- 4 Ac % a.; cioNSTANTLY. column) a t fop. .aiLsortaati of ail kind's o'f Seasoned Luilbel, which Se o ars tit 'reasonable ".pncei. Beards, Plank,Voist, Scantling, Rafters,. Laths, Shingles, Pails, 0., te:i A. O'ATC, *- HEMLOCK- TiMß.gli. All orders attended. to with diEiplikil• • - ERISMAN: Marietta, April 1 Itf. ,1 . 84541-; • • t ••• Iffariettak 'Lancaster rpliOmAs C. , CHILD, halt gonstantlY A. on. hand, or Manufactured ,to r, all kings of SASH; DUORS;*lfLililDS';'thilftergi Irc. All orderfi addretted to Mtn.s.rrEn. 1-louTz & Co., for any of the aline article,s, of for 'Bill Stuff, tfitilier Girdel4 - Lath i lsiekets, Pales, Shingling Lath, P10b.1% Boards; 'Weather Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will elways meet with prompt attention, and lie sup= plied on as favorable terms as from any other astabliihmenf in, the country.. . r p . or TJENETT'S Cdeottine..—A entrtporind 'of • Cocoa-nut:Dili Fic , ,, , fox . drkssivgithre.lialt• efficacy and, agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair iforit fillingmfr. Itpromotes its healthy, lAtthyAgerOnagro:wth„ It is not greasy or sticky' ; . , , • It leaves no disagreeahleid4:' ' '- " • • ' It softens the hair when-hard and dry. at soothes the', irr.itateci.scalp skin- ..1 It affords the lie : hest lustre. . , leremains longestin effeet. For Sale at . •. • ) ..GROTE &ROTH'S: Drug Fr Perfumery,Store,, ilfarket street: , - . r i HEAP READY-M . A.bE • PL6TIiING Ilavingjushletdrne4l from the city, with a nicely selected lot of_ Ready-made Clothifig, which the undersigneilia prepared tefurnish at redUced prices; ' haviiiglaid in a taleral aSslirt dent of men and !boF/s'• clothing-, which - he is determined to sell Loir,,, spa. c,AS4. Ilisstoeh consists 'of Dnias; Facia: Linn 'SAGA COATS, , PARTS, VESTS, PRAIACHMTS, ROIINDBCUTS, (knit) ,OVT.RITALILS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SitIRT, HOISERT, TYNDERSIIIRTS, GLOVES,SUSPENDERS 3 &C. EVOrythirt& in the Furnishing Goods.lines - Call-and- examine be fp) purchasing elsgwliere. .13v0V - thing sold at 'prides to suit the - tunes.. ".I:O — AAT _BELL. ebrner of'Elbotb l Earie tind doe* to Caksel's - StOrd. • • Ma iejla, 9ctobe t r,2B; 1856. , • , 'N.tVir• BRASS . . C OpDoot Tarte • for_ One _Dollar. Cocks, atul. Je4i~velry . carefully etiarges =Aerate, ht YtirPLPF.'S. A , . ~ . . General Assurtirtent of * all kinds of , . ' HillLDiTta HARDWARE / LOCKS / . • lifilMet 9 s ,SCXE,WSj 13bIts, Cellar Grates, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap. .:' ' STERRPIT Si CO. .„ . . . 100 'Thisbe choice ;slew JeTsey Mercer P0.,._ .,._ - TATOES Jest received by ' . • • ' Span ter& Patterson. , 1064 POUNDSPrime 'York County or. s.ingle„pound. kor.sule MP-.I,MT*. ST. CROIX AND NE liirin*C.g.acD'R/Plli for culinary purposes, warranted gamin," 0 t f1..8. Benjamin ei'Co 7 4.. - • TVOTT'S Hangiit and. Sick: Lannis, For Saler& -GROVE'S, -11-1 GUM D 1 )D Stem*ltg. Drops,Z:varieties„ at.W a ll ea '6 1 1 1 1 1: 4 / 1 1/N.Xi jou celebrik HE 11,1%4,/,,1. D. "LIMBOSSED PAPWUCOLAAS—Ten for a X4t9.11,!1t-14E9P11a..013ti.: 4 0.4 Wing D t tlialLVS(l 4 9s4 92 Marke -5 FEE NO. 52. les' Hat and Cap Store. SEITTLTZ No. 20 NDRTIi QuEiNEzr, Practical' Mzttersi 11fanufacturers, Ht.A TS, AND pA,PS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. FOR THREE Par.AARSI: AND A SUPERIOR; ARTICLE, FOR. #o3li commonest woo]; rangirig in rites fronr $5.00.t0,f0 centri4 1 • EUREKA. MILE,, A liPff 4 21 dilc°,l4Pc 'fe s: