Elje Jotat MARIETTA CAR HOUItS : The knowing is the starting time from this place, from and af ter Monday, June 10: GOING EAST _Marietta Accommodation, at Harrisburg Accommodation, Mail Train, GOING WEST Mail Train, Ilarristang Accommodation, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1861 War The next number will complete the seventh year of " The Mariettian," and we daily look for money from our delinquent subscribers. A numbei wiyl find bills in the present issue of dheir in debtedness to us, which amount We hope they will immediately remit to us. W e must raise considerable to keep oar head above water. Jur Mark Blitz has purchased a right to sell and manufacture o Woodworth's Compound Toilet and Washing Soap," which is said to be the cheapest and best article in the soap line extant. Mr. B. for the present can be NO at his resi dence, a few doors above the Donegal Douse, on Market street. READ his advertisement in another column.. air Thaddeus Stevens has been ap pointed Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, by Speaker Grow:— This position he is eminently qualified for. It was filled at the last Congfess by the Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio. igir We are under many obligatioto to Mrs. R. A. Child for a basket Of due and very large currants and raspberries. Walnut street is determined uot to. be behind the rest of the town in providing the printer with the seasonable good things of'earth. May it ever be so. ter rlechrothe of the White Swan, had, we are told, a very fine Turtle soup supper on Fourth of July eve. An un avoidable absence from home prevented us from having our share. We are as sured by an epicure who was present, that George had everything "just as it should be." lir We learn from the Clearfield Raftsman's Journal, that Col. EL D. Patton. has been appointed Quarter master of Col. Biddle's Regiment.— Parry, being fond of good, things him self, will provide, within bis Circuit, everything of the 'best. We are glad to hear of his good luck. OW Wiseman, the Railroad repair boss, who was injured at Harrisburg on the fourth, by being run over by the cars, died in that City on Sunday, and was brought to this borough, where his family resides, on Sunday evening. Be was buried on Monday afternoon. fr Dr. Binhle has just received 41 new and very cheap Hair Dye, called " Hall's," and warrants 'satisfaction.— Get a circular, and see what is guarran tied. POSTPONED : The gift enterprise which is founded upon the saltier the beautiful engraving of" The Lord's Prayer," which has been advertised in "The Marriet lain," as well as elsewhere, has been delayed because of the ,limited sale of tickets, consequent on the present na tional troubles. It will be necessary for the proprietors to continue the time, to enable those of the publie who may be yet desirous of purchasing the en gravitig and taliug s a chalice in the en terprize, and 'that the Proprietors owing to the hard times may perfect their ar rangements. 'The time now fixed is the first nf October, at which time the dis tribution wiAl positively take place.— Editors of Newspapers will continue to advertise the enterprise, and those who have not yet received the engraving of the Lord's Prayer framed, will have them sent this week. The public are thus given £b further opportunity of availing themselves of this excellent enterprize. Mr. John Fuiks, Market street, is the agent for this borough. car On Sunday moring last one of the Express Freight Trains West, when six miles east of -Harrisburg, met with a terrible accident.' A rail broke, when Ake engin was capsized and broken, and 'the freight cars were piled upon it. The engieeer _Andrei' Gloiser, of Columbia, this county.,•was'icalded and braised to such an, eitent that he died a few hours after. He leaves a wife and family.— The trernan, Michel 4ogers, of Altoona, was also sealded and otherwise injured, and is mow lying at the U. S. _Hotel, .HaVaisburg, taut it is thought he will re cover. The cars were set on fire, and some eight ef ;Own, laden with Govern ment stores, were distroyed. The stores consisted mostli of groceries and pro visions. ..... .„,.. ifj• Through the kindness of the sec retary of the School board, C. A. Schaff ner, we are enabled to lay before our readers the new school appointments : High School, Isaac S. Geist. Secondary, male, Theo. Hiestand, " female, Miss Caldwell, Pritnary..fir.lt, Sam'l Lyndsay, second ; Miss. Barnes, E. Prospect, No. 1. " Turner, • " 2.' " Baker. No applicant for. the Acricau school e 4- Our townsman Mr. Henry Sultz bach, Sr., had a very narrow escape on the afternoon of Thursday last, during the heavy thunder shower with which we were visited. The lightning struck a shock of wheat within a few feet of where he was taking shelter from the storm, but we are glad to learn that tho' considerably stunned by the shock he sustained no serious injury. The shock of whea't, we understand was enterely burnt up. 7.20 a. In 2.16 p . m 6.21 p. m 11.36 a. m 7.00 p. rn Cr Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, the old temperance pioneer, better known as " Father Hunt," and well known in this borough, and indeed throughout the State, has accepted the chaplaincy of a Pennsylvania regiment. Some one asked him if he would fight. " Well, you know," said he, " that I must either fight or run, and you know I cannot run."— (He is lame and humpbacked.) This re ply is indicative of his character. Few men have more moral courage and real heroism than Mr. Hunt. On the 9th inst., by E. D. Roath, Esq., CHARLES HILL to MISS SUSAN MINER, all of East Donegal twp. On Sunday last, by Rev. G. M. Clawges, MR. HARRY NAGLE of Marietta, to Miss RE➢ECCA MATTHEWS; of York county. PROF. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL has per formed some miraculous cures in our city, at the 'Union Hall. One gentleman, deaf fcr twenty years, has been restored to his hearing. Another, afflict ed with Rheumatism, unable to raise his hands to his head, was cured in presence of a large audience. We will, therefore, recommend to all afflicted with Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu ralgia, Sores, Pains, Burns, Frosted Hands and Feet, to get a bottle of De Grath's Electric Oil, as we saw his Oil perform cures which the me dical faculty has been unable to rnake.--Ilart ford (Con.) Daily Post. Ask Mr. John A. Perry, of Manchester, what he knows about my Electric Oil. Ask all oth ers present at the City Hall, if not 100 invalids were cured instantly by the application of the Electric Oil. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, in gen eral, every thing sore or painful, has lost its terror. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the United States and Canada. Price 25, cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. }'Sec advertisement la' From Col. Albert Pike, M. of C., from Arkansas. " I have used two bottles of hmr have Holland Biitteis, and have found it very useful-in case of Indigestion and Headache, and recommend it to all who need a pleasant and efficacious remedy and valuable tonic. kj•-• We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of Art. The testimonials are of the first charac ter. IFIGODWORTiIig Compound Wash:bag and Mita Soap FOR SALE IN MARIETTA. Fr HIS SOAP, Patented in March, 1860, is decidedly the cheapest and best soap that has ever been made, and at the same time the mode of ntanufecturing the simplist that has ever been discovered. It can be made in ten minutes. Any one can heat over the fire a quantity of water and 'turn the same into the best Toilet Soap, at a cost of 3 cents a pound, or into the best Washing Soap at the low cost of a quarter, one half, or one cent per pound, It is made withotit any offensive smell : there is no lye or grease used, being made entirely from chemicals. It has been analysed by some of the best chemists and found to contain no thin, that will injure the most delicate fibres, or the skin. This soap has been used by thousand of fam ilies, for the last six months, and it is univer sally preferred to any other, wherever it is known, both' for its superior quality as a wash ing and toilet soap and for the great economy there is in using it; being cheaper by several hundred per cent than any other soap kno en. Every family should pOssess it. and needs only to be - known be sought after by every house hold and laundress in the land. MARK BLITZ. Market street, a few doors west of the Donegal M. B. will, in a few days, canvass the neigh borhood and leave samples of this soap, that all may know its worth before pbrchasing. Marietta, July 13, 18614 f. JOHN FULKS, BUTCHES., Having disposed of his interest in the butch ering business to his late issistant, JOHN SHALLOW, who will in future conduct the business at the old stand : would take this means to request alt persons indebted to -Min to call and settle, be ing anxious to cloSe his books Without delay. JOHN FULXS. Marietta, July 13, 1861-tf. STATE OF ELIZABETH 13.1j31NG, late VA of Manheim township, Lancaster county, ueceased.—Letters of Administra.tion on the estate of Cite said deceased having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will present them, end those indebted thereto will make immediate pay ment to the undersigned, residing in the Borough of Marietta. EDWARD It USING. Marietta, July 13, 1361, [6t SOMETHING FOR TUE TIMES I I A NECESSITY IN EVERY lIOUSEROLD I !! JOHNS & GROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. The Strongest Gluein the WOrld For Cementing iVood, Leather•, Glass, China,, Marble, P orcelain, Co, al, Alabaster, Bane, 4 - c., 4 - e., 4c, The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS. " Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Grosley's American Cement Glue." —New York Times. It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York .express. It is always ready; this commends it to every body."—N. Y. Independent. " We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water.”—Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. Price 25 Cents: pet' Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CASH. 11:' For sale by all Druggists and Store.; keepers generally throughout the country. JOHNS 4 - GROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 7S WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of liberty Street,) NEW YORK. July 13-1 year]. UDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned fauditor appointed to distribute the bal ance remaining in the hands of James Wilson, Executor of the lust will of Ann Whitehill, late of Lancaster county, deceased,'"will sitfor that purpose on SATUILD AV, the 10th day of AUGUST next, at 10 o'clock, a: in., in the Library Room of the Court House. JAMES L. REYNOLDS, Marietta, July 6, '6l. ] . Auditor. L- 3 1 - c&T 11-I]o. A MARRIED. House THE HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES OF WAR. PIIOTOGRAPEITC PORTRAITS, - - - Card size, on Bristol Board, suitable for Al bums. Published and sold by E. Anthony, 501 Brodway, New York By special arrangement we publish in addi tion to other portraits THE CELEBRATED COL LECTION well known both in Europe and America as r Brady's National Photographic Portrait Gallery. Brady's collection of Imperial-Photographs is justly considered one of the lions of New York, and in the Photographic reproductions of these every.-centre table can now have an additional attraction in a miniature Brady's Gallery. Among our publications are Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Hannibal Hamlin, •Lady Davis, Wm. H. Seward, Alex. H. Stephens, Salmon P. Chase, Robt. J. Toombs, Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, Montgomery Blair, Henry A.-Wise,' Edward Bates, John Tylor, Gideon Wells, Gen'l Beauregard, Caleb F. Smith, Gen'l Lee, Gen'l Scott, John 8.F . :Q.3 , d, Col. Rob't Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major Stemmer, P. F. Thomas, Col. Elsworth, John. Bell, Gen'l Butler, Gen'l Mansfield, Col. Lander, Col. Fremont, Stephen A. Douglas,-Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, Maj. Gen'l N. P. Banks, John C. 13reckenridge, Gov. John Letcher, John C. Calhoun, Herschel V. Johnson, L. G. Wiefall, Ben. McCullough, Lieut. Maury, Henry Ward Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Prof. Morse, Horace Greely. N. P. Willis, James Gordon Bennett, William C. Bryant, Henry Clay, Washington Irving, Andrew Jackson, Dr. E. K. Kane, Commodore Perry, Mrs. Sigourney, John J. Audubon, Mrs. Gen'l Gaines, Charles Sumner, Gov. Andrew, J. J. Crittenden, Duke of Newcastle Prince of Wales, Zachary Tay lor, George Newcastle, Lathrop. L. Motly, Sam Houston, J. Q. Adams, Emerson Etheridge, Andrew Johnson, Parson • Brownlow, Brown lowis heroic daughter. Together with about 500 others, to which additions are daily made. Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp. Price of Portraits $3 Per Dozen. Can be sent by mail. Remittance may be made in postage stamps. Also a large collection of Photographs of distinguished. Europeans, Emperors, Kings, Queens, MarShalls, Generals, Dukes, Lords, Authors, Actors, 'Politiians -and Clergy.— Price, from 25 to 50 cents each, according to quality. Our establishment is also headquarters for PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. both as Agent of the best French manufac turer, and as manufacturer under a patent of our awn. We have a large assortment, varying in price from 90 cents to $5O, and holding from 12 portraits up to 600. Also folding cases of morrocco or cloth for the pocket, and hold 2,4, 6, 8 or 12 portraits. Also various styles of framing card portraits, of carved wood, metal, paper, composition, crc., of elegant and tasteful designs. Our Photographers now in the field are daily sending us CAMP SCENES OF THE PRESENT WAR. and views of points and things of 'interest, both . card size, for Albums, and Stereoscopic form. For instance, the the Seventh Regiment at Camp Cameron—ln the trenches—Cooking their Meals—The Gymnasts-- The Junction—Del manico's—Laura Keene's—General strpct view of the Camp, etc. HARPER'S FERRY before and after the scenes of destruction. Together with `various other places of Note. Card size 2i cents each; Stereoscopic 33 cents. Parties who would like a lot of these camp scenes to select from—the balance to be re turned in good order at their own expense, and without deil - iy - --can be accommodated on giv ing proper New York reference. STEREOSCOPES- AND VIEWS Our establishment is the great Emporium for everything in the Stereoscopic line, and our assortment is the most complete probably of any in the world. The Stereoscope in the most instructive, in teresting, entertaining, amustag,, and muting of modern inventions. None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknowl edge its worth and beauty. No home Is complete without it, and it must and wilt penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the world, in all the relief boldness, perspective, and sharpness of detail, as if you were on the spot. We have an immense variety of views of Scenes in Paris, •London, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, The Ithme, Versailles, St. Cloud, Fontainebleau; Tuilleries, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Athens, the Holy Land, Chia, India, Crystal' Palace, also Groups Historical, Amusing, marriage scenes, breakfast scenes,: Pic-nits, , statuary, etc., eti.. An exquisite assortment of Illustrated Interiors, of Palaces, Churches, and. Cathedrals of France, Italy, etc.,etc. The effect of these illuminated views is Most remarkable. Anthony's. Instantaneous Stereoscope Views are the latest Photographic wonder. They are taken in the FORTrETI4 PART OF A SECOND, and everything, no matter how rapidly it may be moving, is depicted as sharply and,distinct ly as if it had been perfectly at rest. This gives an additional Value, for to the beauties - of inanimate nature it adds the charm of life :! ad motion. The process is a discovery of cur own, and being unknown in Europe'we icceived from London and. Paris large orders for Anthony's instantaneous Views of Ameri- • can life and scenery.. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any. address on receipt of a stamp. . Parties at a distance sending us $3, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, or $515, can have a good instrument and such pictures as they may request, sent by Express. , Views alone (without instrument) can be sent by mail. E. ANTHONY, (3 doors south of St. Nicholas' Hotel,) 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Importers and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. D• Merchants from every section of the country are. respectfully invited to make an examination of our stock. To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and improvement will be sent to any address ou application. [Cut this out lur future reference.] July 13-6mo]. . I Alexander Lyndsay, • FARHIONABLE BOOT Fr SHOE MANUFACTURER, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN Would most respectfully , inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough,, and. be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enable(' to select with more iudgment than those who are not. He continues to ?man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND .sgoz, LINE, which he will warrant for iieWirieM' Arid good fit. la—Call and examine his sleek before pur chasing elsewhere. - UI 4 STATE OF ANDREW SNY to of 3 14 it the Borough of Marietta, De 1. rs of Adrainistration on said estate= iii . ee - ii granted to the undersigned; airti , iSons Inde_b.t ed thereto are requested to makmtrufiediate. payment, and those having claims dr ; :dmitands, against the same will present thOn for sett* went to the undersigned, residing in said lia r rough. BARR 8.1-UNGLIT: . . _ Marietta, 22, JunelB6l-6t C)r. BARRELS Monongahela Whiskyjyst eJ received, which will he sold at the low est market rates by the barrel or gallon at the Enterprise Wine & Liquor Stofe. A. D. REESE, Mount Toy. ( - 1 ET A NEW 'SPItHs7,G STYLE ky - HAT, AT C U.L.7:' 8, 111 .. 1 1 , 6. 92 Market Street, Marietta, Pa. NEW GOODS AT PANIC PRICES! P ANGLER &PATTERSON, No. 66 Mar keg. street, Marietta, Pa.. are now supplied with a full stock of every description of Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., which were bought at reduced prices under the pressure of the times, and will be soli either Wholesale or Retail, at a small advance. Below we enumerate a few of the articles in our Line: Dry Goods. Notions, Etc. Groceries: Fancy and Black Silks, Gloves, Sugars, Shalleis, Hosiery, Coffees, Lavel las, Ilan dkerchiefs,Bice, Mouse De Laines, Collars, Sleeves, Mackereli Silk Poplins, Cravats, White Fish, Lawns, Suspenders, Herring, Gingnams, Hats, Cod Fish, Casstmers, Umbrellas, Syrups, Cloths, Parasols, Cheese, Velvet Cords, Shirt Breasts, Tea, Cottonades, Dress Trimnungs, Rice, Kentucky Jeans, Tideys, Dried Fruit, Shawls, Head Nets, Spices, Dusters, Belts, Starch. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Ingrain, Rag, 2hree•Ply and VENETIAN CARPETS. Decorative Wall and Window Papers, Gilt, Boquet and Landscape TRANSPARENT Warms, Sheetings, Cheeks, Tickings, Shirtings, Crash, Diaper and Da mask Table Cloths, Table, Floor ' and Window Oil Cloths, Blank ets, Counterpanes and klar sallies Quilts. 10.0E0 YARDS CALICOES, At from 5 to 10 cents per yard. COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMP &NY. • This Company is authorized by its charter to insure in the county, or in boroughs, against loss or damage by lire, on the mutual plan, for any length of time, limited or perpetual, either for a cash premium, or a premium note. PREMIUM NOTE SYSTEM. Those who insule for a premium note will be insured for five years, and subject to assess ments in ease of losses. CASH SYSTEM. Those who insure for a cash premium will be insured fnr any term not exceeding 5 years, and not subject to any assessments. One per centuin premium will be charged on farm pro perty for the term of five years. DE POSIT SYSTEM. Farm property will be insured for the term of ten years, for a deposit of 'three per cent. of the amount onsured, the whole•innount of the premium note to be returneklit the expiration lA' the policy, without nifOrdit, or the policy will be renewed for ten yetirs, without any ex pense, at the option of the insurer. C. S. KAUFFMAN, PRESIDENT. GEORGE Youae, JR., Secretary. Directors : MretrkEr. H. IllooßE, Vice President. . M. M. STRICK LER, Treasurer. JACOB 13. SLI UM AN, WYATT W. MILLER, HENRY R. KIVOTW ELL, ABRAHAM Blikex ER, HENRY E. WOLF. Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. J. S.:ROAT IT, AGENT, MayLOWD. March 30, 1861-1 y ej QUMMER HATS! THE HAIL COLUMBIA HAT! THE STAR SPANGLED BANNf?.II HAT THE WASHINGTON HAT. THE NATTY BUMPPU HAT. THE RIP VAN—WINKLE HAT. More beautiful beyond comparison than any thing in this line hitherto °tiered. Scientifi cally ventilated, national and eminently sug gestive of patriotism, and cannot fail to be the Banner Hat for our young men. They must be seen to be appreciated. A beautiful asstiibseat of all styles of STRAW HATS, MILITARY FATIGUE CAPS, in all styles and qualities, which we are prepared to sell at MOST REASONABLE PRICES, Either SINGLE CAPS or BY THE QUALI TY. SHULTZ & BRO., inylS] North Queen street, Lancaster. N EW 10E CREAM. SALOON. Iu time of War it is proper that the ladies keep cool, I have, therefore, concluded to open the upper part of THE DONEGAL HOUSE as an -ICE CREAM SALOON, where ladies and gentlemen will find an expe rienced hand and polite ventleman to wait on theni, where will always be found Ice Cream in various flavors, Lemonade, Cakes 'and Candies of all kinds, Oy ‘s.ier : . t . Z7i P .itle c d 've r r gm stYle, d t broYled,friatli and spiced, and all other kinds of Refreslimen,s: - # No ellerts will be spared to seep this de partment in the very best style for ladies. SAM'L G. MILLER. Marietta, June 22, 1851. , JOHN BELL, Merchant Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta RATEFUL for past favors Lwonld return urmy thanks to my numerous frie»ds and pa trons and inform them that. I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, .C.A.S'SIMERL'S VEST', V GS, which will be made up to order a the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, 1 would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and ell who see proper to patronize me. hereafter.. [Oct:29-756. 3111pata-,soilie Opt& & itiiig SALOON. Between lleckrothls and Johnstin's Ilotels. rpnE undersigndd, woultt inform the public _L that he is prepared to furnish all kiuds of liefrcslthients, such as Oysters, Fr.tits, Cakes, &c. Thankful for the patronage attretyly bestoweil, hopes to merits continuation. Russr.r. A. Cim.n. Also selling . a variety of, Ready-made Clothing, on corrimission. Selling at Cost. Marietta, May 18, 1861 WINE AND LIQUORS. Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin; Old Maderia, lasbbn, Sherry and Pert l Wines. • • Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market prices. Very Fine lifandy at a very low figure; by the barrel, J. R. DIEFENBACH. Market-st - rthANIEL G. BAKER, Ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 Nonzu DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. [Nov. 4, ,53.-ty TAR. J. Z. HOFFE, DENTIST, R 0 - r THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG, PA. OFFICE: Front street, fourth door from Locust, over Saylor S.: McDon-tailiagma uld's Book Store. Columbia. Entrance be ween the Drug and Book Stores. [3:-Iy CARD. A JOHN CAM ERON, M. D., Hygienic Physician & Acconchenr, • Conker of Front and Gay Streets, MARIETTA. • . fl't 0 lou 'Want Either a Hat or a Cap ? Jur,. if so, go to CRU-1, 713 RA.NDIES--all . ..brands—guarranterrio be _ElIt genuine. Beniamin 14-, Co. BOYS Spring' Cape, at CRULL"S,. No, ra M. tk-et-s G ENTS NEW STYLE CAP A ,e CRULL'S. 01=ttas, cVe R. HINKLE having just returned from XI Philadelphia with the most complete and full assortment of everything in his line ever offered in this Borough. He has purchased another supply of PURE awn FRESH Danes, which can be depended on for what they are represented, having received his personal attention in the selection. In addition to his Drugs will be found a nicely selected LOT OF FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, consisting in part of German, French and Eng, lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Vie:' HAIR COMBS, HAIR OILS, !1 Pomades, etc., etc.- Port Monnaies, Pocket Books, Puff and Powder Boxes, &c. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The justly celebrated Batcirelor's HAIR Dye. DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gogue, Bariv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay Rum . ; Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup- of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet, -for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine--bottlis in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's-perfumery, pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairsn or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the .best. Particular attention will be paid and great caution observed ill...compounding Physicans prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will •al ways be found in the Store unlessprofessionally engaged elsewhere. I)ANK NOTloE.—Notice is hereby giten that the undersigned have formed an as sociation and prepaida certificate for the pur pose of Establishing a bank of issue discount and deposit, under the provisions of the acten titled " an act to establish a system of free bankng in Pennsylvania, and to secure the publio against loss from insolvent Banks" ap proved the 31st day of Match 1,60. The Bank to be called Bank of Mariettk to be located in the borough of Marietta and Coun ty of Lancaster, to consist of a Capital Stock of One Hundred Thoutand Dollars in Shares of Fifty Dollars each, and it is contemplated to increase the Capital Stock to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. James' L. Shultz, Henry Musselman, John Kline, John Miller, John W. Clark, S. F. Ragle Aaron Gable, Doc. J. H.•llrove, James Mehalfey, B. F. Hiestandy John R. Ditfenbach, David Harry, Thomas Zell, A. N: Cassel. John Becker, Barr Strangler, . tC The Harrisburg - Telegraph and Bears' German paper insert 6 months and send bill to this office, or S. F. Eagle, for collection. Iron .Masters look to yottr . Interests I The Improved Black Hawk EAST MINI ORE WASHER, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY O, BRYAN & HOPKINS ; Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa. The Undersigned will constantly keep on hand and make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the hest in the Uni ted States! They will warrant their machines to run lighter, last longer and wash el( aner acrd wills less water than any ether machine now in use. They can be easily put together on the bank. All orders addressed to either of the undersigned will meet with prompt attention. 'lCr They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and state Rights. BERNARD O'BRYAN. SAMUEL HOPKINS. October 13, 1860. v7-no.l ly DAVID ROTH ; ." ./.e• Dealer in Harthvare, Cedarware, Paints, Oils; Glass, Viil'lol', cook, Nil 110 oft* sfobe,s, MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. ATOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line s consistingin part, of Table Cutlery of all kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and in fact everything usually kept in a well regula ted Hardware. establishment. 1 - 1 E 0 : W. WORRALL, 1.31" SURGEON DENTIST, Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler 4 - Pat terson's S'lore,Market Street, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all Its branches car ried. on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. Ail operations on the mouth performed ir. a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this place, would ask a continuation of the liberal patronage herntofore extended to him, for which lie will render every possi ble satisfaction. $' Ether administered to propel persons. JEWELRY.—A large and selected stock of fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the best factories in the country can be found at ,H. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S. Cor. North queen st. and Centre Square, Lan caster, Pa. Our• prices are moderate and -all goods warranted to be as represented. HOME. - ' - G*OIIND SPICES AT AATERSAF S' !: Attention Butchers and. Houskeepers. liaving a great demand for our famed SPICES, I -haVe'concluded to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pen per, Ground Corriander, end k.zwest Marjoram. nitIME GRQCERIE S:—Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee ; Crushed, Pulverized and Blown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea; .Ricc, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at J. R DIEFENBACIVS. I..OTHS AND CASSIMERS.- , -A very su it/ parlor selection of Freneb and German Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestings a new and fashionable lot, just arrived at iiffenbach's Cheep Store. TJUMBER YARD. J. GROSH & SON, Lumber Dealers. Yard at the Eastern part of 'biatietta. Please call at their office, adjoining the TRILEE-STORY brick house at the CANAL. "fl" ICKORY & Oak Wood; 50 Cords each, Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders must be accompanied with the cash when they will be promptly fillet. Spangler & Pattersbn. Largest and best assnrtment of Fancy 11 Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered in, this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition by J. R. Diffenbach. 0 TORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately occupied by Miss Margaret Trainer , as a Millinery. Inquire of BARR SPANGLER. PO . R E. TABL LAMP S. ,A new and most convenient and .perfectly safe lamp, called the "Portable Coal Oil ..k.rpnp . ," far sale cheap at Grobe 4r RotlOs Drug Store. F.LAVOURING EXTRACTS Vanilla ' Strawberry, Pine. Apple, Almond, Rose, Lenzeut Just received and for sale at Grove 1.1070.9; CHAMPAGNE and other Table IVines, guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as can be bought in Philadelphia or..lNew-York. H. D. BENS&Mn, Ridot pluton*: • . ODD Goad Brooms now selling at 124 r cepts:— . Ac. 450 0, at lSf cents ; 100 at a (In - atter Mid' low: Extra fine at 31 cents, selling at Direnbstch. tUST RECEIVED xt the 5 - oEnterpiise *4 and Liquor Store," IVlOunt Joy* s z uperict article of Champaome and.' - German Tines. A SSIGNED ESTATE of the' late firm of A. If: Sc J. Schock.—The undersigned Assignees of A. H. & J. Schock, of East Don egal twp., Lancaster county, hereby give no tice to creditors and all persons interested, that by voluntary deed of assignment, said A. H. & J. Schock have assigned the property of said partnership, being in (he counties of Lancas ter, Center and Clearfield, real and personal, to' the undersigned, for the.benefittiftheir cred itors; andiill persons indebted to the said A. H. & J. Schock are „requested to make irnme diateipayment, and those having claims or de mands will present them duly authenticated, to the undersigned, residing in Marietta Bo rough. BENJ. F. HiESTAND S JOHN KLINE, Assignees 6 A SSIGNED ESTATE of Abraham Schock. A The undersigned Assignees of Abraham ,chock, of East Donegal. twp., Lancaster coun ty, hereby give notico to creditors and all per sons interested, that by voluntary deed of as signment, said Atim. Schock has assigned his property,-real and personal, to-the undersigned for the benefit of his creditors; and all persons indebted to the said Abut . , Schock are request ed to make immediate payment, and thOse having claims or demands Will present them duly authenticated, to the undersigned) resi ding in Marietta Borough'. BEPCJ. F. HIESTAND s JOHN KLINE, ASSIGNED ESTATE of the late firm& of A. & Schock.—The undersigned As signees of A. & J. Schock, of East Donegal' twp., Lancaster county, hereby give notice to the creditors and all persons interested, that by Voluntary deed of assignment, said A. & J. Schock have - assigned their property; real and personal, to the Undetsigned, fur the ben efit of their creditors'; and all persons indebt ed to the said A. & J. Schoch are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims br demands Will present them duly au thenticated, to the undersigned, residing in Marietta Borough 13ENT. F. HIF:STAND I JOHN KLINE, rrl 0 CONSUNPTIVES. 'the subscriber will cheerfully send, fret of charge, to all who desire it, the copy of a simple recipe. by Which he was cured of that dire disease CoN sustmtorr: Sufferers With Consumption, Asth ma, Bronchitis t or any lung affection, he sin cerely hopes will try this Recipe, well satisfied that if they do so they will be more than satis fied with the result. Thankful for his own complete restoration, he is anxious to place in the hands of every sufferer the means of care. Those Wishirg the Recipe with full directions, ice., will pleas call .on or address .11E V. IVYI. S. ALLEN, mylS-3m) 'No. 66 John' St:, New York. pHOTOGRA PITY IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES, executed in tee best style known in the arts AT C. G.••CRAND'S GALLtRY, No. 532 Arch • st., east of Sixth, Philadelphia. • n— , Life size in Oil and Pastil, Stereoscopic Portraits, Amorotypes, Daguerreotypes, ye., for Cases, iUedalions, Pins, Rings, &c. [ly FQII.A.L or REVLAII. TjMEKEEPE RS, can be had of W. L. & E. J. ZAHN, COI( North QUeen , st., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers— the Yest article of Swiss levers now in the mar ker. They are lower in pike than any wabich of equal quality andj ust as tree for timekeeping T UST RECEIV EU at Anderson's Confec tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st., a tine assortment of children's gigs„ baskets wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys rocking horses, wagons, d r uChildren's Gigs, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Hobby Rases, China and Paper Toys, Dolls of every size material' Bladk and White. Animals of all kinds and au endless variety of Holiday gifts. J. M. Anderson's Market-st.: EMI3ROIDEItIES-Just received the largest and z i - iost desirable lot of Embroideries eve offered for sale herei consisting in put of beau tiful Fiench Worked Collers ' Undersleeves Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In serting, .Flouncing, &c., which, will be sold at pcices that cannot fail to give satisfaction by Diffenbaeh, Market street. I LATED WARE: A Lame and line stmt . r of Plated Nvare at t{. L. & E. J. 'laicals, Corner of North queen street &- Center Square, Lancaster; ,Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns. Pitcheis, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake Baskets, Card askets, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prit.es. Rk:r LAZING attended to at moderate rates. For Roth. Three Comfortable dwellings, located in very pleasant parts of this borough, for rent cheap. Apply to DaVid Harry., A BASEMtNT ROOM, between the White 'Swan and tire Perry House, front street, Mafietta, admirably adoptedfor a restaurant or a barber shop, for rent. Apply to' ' David II any. Great Discovery jhave made a discovery of the utmost im portance to every, married person of either sex, and will send the full particulars concern ing it to any one on receipt of a stamp to pay return postage, Address ' • DR. T. H. MARTELL, 7-39-iswly.] Alfred, Maine The Bodugger, H I C Wonderful article, just patented, is j something entirely new, and never W ore offered nragehts, who are wanted every where. Full particuhers sent free. Address SRA IV 4- 'CLARK, ' ll Biddeford, March 2, 1861-Iy.. PECTACLYS to suit 13 can be aided Writh glasses, can be bought at H. L. R E. J. ZAHVS, Cor - ner of North gneen-st., and. Center Nuare, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. LAMPS!. LAMPS! SHADES, &C. The undersigned has received another lot of Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades of every variety and price, Call and see them at Dr. Hinkle 's Drug Store. 50 ARRELS Monongahela- Whiskey p which will be sold at the lowest market rates by tho barrel or gallon, at J. R. Diffenbach , s Cheap Wore. TALL PAPERS.-We have just received iV another, supply, from the New York and Philadelphia manufactories. Purchasers can rely upon the newest styles, which will he sold unusually low at J. R. Dilfenbach's. A CHOICE;..9t of. Books for children called A indistigctithleTleasure Books ; School and other. 90 ortaly W • , Pens, - Pen holders, titi • - For sale at Dr. Hinkle's. t i a jee...sp.r Spring , (..l i ebr e tet tn sk Imperial otovi Ex t; e self-adjustite huitle. The latest and best in use, for sale cheap at Difenbach's. UGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various _l3 sties and at much lower prices than the slime sold last fall. Spangler It,Tatterson. nn SACKS OF G ROUNDA,WM 541,1 I VkAust receiVed and will be, sc4d below, the old nrices, by 3. it. DIFFENBACII..A OLD BOURBON in. gt,INFIGies, something very fi6,9,,,1yi storgand foci ale At the "Enterprise Store," Mount CHASP'S 00IVCENTRATEY L YE, our perior to any.npv in use, eau be had at the Cheap Store of Afferavich. EG ARS 'inq 1 4 65acc0.' A:l4 kJ and good vailty at 1. M. Atidersori'a..-4 1 - 4 'ELY:. one of•thpie , tiesutiryl S 0 F If2l.l'S at CRtrt.l. 7 s, 92 Mar4ntrit:, cx,I3OKES Swe% Medina ox4tigea, just for sale a waft's.' • • RIRD FRUIT 'lawtlieap at • • DIFFENRACIP:s. Assignees .Assignees