El2t None shall'with impunity soil these sacred sym bols of our Country's life, liberty and power. ~.retai-ipila_, Oa SATURDAY, JULY 13;1861. TIT g - rRESUItIiPSMESSAGE: The flies f , sage'sents in' on Friday last, to Congress, -is unquestionably, the most important paper, ever read before that body. The President „commences on the causes of thelvitt the attack on Fort &niters:— The case is stated with remarkable force in ,the, paragraph which says that the rebels, knowing the Tort to be held merely, as the symbol of a possession and authority which. the President had no yight,whatever to yield,up, assailed and reduced it for the sole purpose of driving out the visible eatlidiity orthe Federal Union, and thus forcing'it to immediate dissolttibn::' This: is, the',.truth: Fort Sumter was bombarded to destroy the Union, not to protect Charleston, • and every man in the. North felt this truth in his heart - as the telegraph flashed us the account of that infamous assault.— The whole theory secession was never more vigeousfy and tersely refuted than in this admirple messbge. rhe•financial recommendations of the message 'are" . vel4,brieT, not touching brilibery 'subjects of legislation at all, as the President states at the outset that the attention of. Congress is not called to any ordinary subjectS of legislation. It ream:needed that the aggregate sum of , four hundred minion Of dollars be placed.,ivithin. reach of the Govern ment, as it may be , required, and that a force'of four hundred thousand men be authorized. ' These 'are large numbers; calf/'a thought of their magnitude may convey' some idea of our, accumulated national power.. Of the four hundred thousand 'men, two hundred and fifty thatisand have been already called out or acceptled;andfifty thousand more can be placed under arms within two days from the libur in which Congress shall giie.the,requisit authority. The whole number ca® be obtained without resort iti.ditift in any State, and the spectacle of almost half a million of volunteers in arms will• be one the world never dream ed it possible to see. This number the President, deems it better to authorize, aild , time will ' soon tell whether the whOle nutnher 'need' be called to the field. The authority to collect and move this overwelming array ' of armies . . should,when given by Congress, make some impression on the madmen now in arms against the government, and, un dOilittedly,lt will at, once lift the Union banner in - Tennessee`and North Caro lina. The - mode of raising the means neces sary to maintain the'inilifary operations of the government is not stated-iu_ the measage,' and We''t:eserve any commen taries'on,that Part of the subject ha re fer to TillE 'Chase's report. It will nbt be' tire magnitude of the sum, great thatis, whh will constitute an obstruc tion in the view of any respectable mem bedn,either House of Congress; or with the people; the only ground for disces siert will be the• mode of procedure : 1 ' The Closing argument of the message on the respective rights of the States and -of the general government is as clear and powerful •as it is.origine.l.-- There can be no fear or turning • Of pur pose on the part of an Executive who so lays down the: line - of his duty, and declares the purpose in suoh unliesita - ting wcirdh. He declares that all faith ful ,citizens" who have had their rights violated aid their peace invaded shall' promptly receive the strong protection of the 'gs:pierilineint through evi:rlihoh the territary. ever belonging to the Uuion. To this wilt*? lid 'deiotes himself Unre servedly, mid : the people, in arms by huri dreds of thousalids,'and id stech earnest service as. they `can render Aar arms, are ready to sustain the' President • - to the end.' In a 'word,read , the message entire want of space compels us to omit it, and yet it is not long; its ,good, plain com rnOb sense recommends it to, the perusal of every American. car Presburjr, Sykes Ohad wick; late. of the'Girard 'House, •Phila delphia, have leased Willard's !lota, - Washington, and will' take possession to-morrow . (July 14). Arr effort is being made in Con gress, to make tke pay of private iol tliers,-filteen, instead of eleven dollap a month, commencing on the first of. May.. Cr..4lFretich Legitimist journal states that Cavour's successor, is a Prot anti is well knoiiii for his hostility to the -Pope." • I- alaptrel sent magnifi- Garibaldi's daughter hel l liie.rriage. ALTIMO G.Fea 1 11)-17OGY ate# 'styles till bume sold last, c.k. Reporter ann riffs, Smith .018-rien, 711\1110Si;F, Qnatter, gitator ti 1 A -i A Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, writes a Witer in defence of John J. .Crittereden, declaring .that that distill- guished gentleman, so far from opposing, the administration in its suppression of the rebellion, stands ready" to, vote men and money to any amount that may be come necessary to defend tle govern ment against all enemies, "foreign or do mestic.' • If, however, the seceded'states make "a just and 'reasonable proposi tion to restore the Union and peace," Mr. Davis. declares that Mr. Critten den " will not .tpereafter vote another man or dollar to make war upon them." 10' The 'House of Representatives has passed a bill providing ;for the payment of the militia and volunteers called into tbe service of the United States by the - proclamation of the President of th'e 18th of A0.11,-1861. The bill provides that they :shall be paid - from the time they were called into service until the 30th of June. The unanimity with which the House passed this bill • argues well for - the spirittOw'arrimating ils rriernbeis. 2 -- The volunteers are suffering for the want of money,'and the passage of this netes sary measure of relief will gladden many a camp fire, Alia assuage many of the necessary trials of the soldiers 'life:. gir All the available cavalry at the command of the United States in- the Eastern, Department was, oh Friday, put under orders ,For the field. ; The Carlisle authorities have , been ordereti . to , hurry their drilling exercises, and, put the men in the saddle as soon as possible. The delay in getting saddles an,d bridles. op erates rather .deleteriously on the chief officers. Some of the horses latelypur chased, too, have been put aside for"ex etnpt artillerists." Or The, Cynthania (f 4.). News, a violent disunion organ had the following significant paragraph on June ,20th.— "Let every. man, in favor of direct taxa tion, aitd .in favor of giving men and money to defend Lincoln's Capitol and Lincoln's flag, vote for Crittenden, who declared in his speech here on Saturday, that he would vote the last dollar out of his own pocket, and out of the pockets of those whom he addressed, to defend the Federal Capital and protect the flag.' csr The Report of the Secretary of War states that the forCe now in com b-land of the goVernment is 310,000 men, Which will be reduced to 230.000 after the discharge of the three mouths' vol : unteers. Mr. Cameron recommends that_ the term of enlistment for the new reit meets bethree years, and all who are honorably discharged at the closeof the term receive a bounty of slgo. cir Senator Wilson • has added a sec . tion to his bill for the' organization of the•volhriteer •foree." It authorizes the Lieutonani Colonel:110er Ad jutant IlliSter of each kegi : mint to •frank letters' fOr the iroaps under their coininarid. µThe numbers of the regiment and tlie•Company, togethei with the name of the writer, must be superscribed upon each letter. Cr The letter to President Lincoln from Jeff. Davis,. broil& under o ahig of truce, by a rebel officer, is suspected to, .have been a ruse to communicate with the secret agents , of the rebels in the cal4tal• . anti. from, them. learn, the movements of our army. The emissary was seat back with a &alit his ear. , The Richmond Whig says that whaftivoi. shame 'and bunfilationa may lie iniolved in the confession, the fact cainot be denieil that the Virginia for ces behaved shainefully at Fairfax Court House, and still more shamefully at F'hillfppi. ,• Illgr 4 .ltris.asserted - on good authority that •Gen,SecitV'peeitively proposes to cress. over into Virginia, and be present at the thrashing about to be administer ed to the rebels at Manassas.Junction. Ails body-guard are' now be4ig selected: t i t General:Fremont , has at length been assigned' to thp command of the great exp . dttionfo'r the conquest of the lower Mississpii T,04, and will at,onee leave 'Washington 'for that purpose. itob A correspondent of the CorE'Ex miner states, tint when 'the news of Cavour's•death reached norehaven, four tar barrels and a.huge bonfire Were lie t ed as assign of rejoicing. (Er The Richmond (Va.) City-. Cou ncil has bought a mansion in that ton for 850;00‘for Jeff. Davis, as President of the Southern Confederacy. Pateht Preserved potatoes are now prepared in London. The artical is cooked in ten minutes, and produces a'Splended dish of mashed polatoes.' - Air The Secessionists have already taken 51 ships,-the value of which: with cargOes,•.mus . t lie at least $3,000,000. • lap The city of Mexice contains 582 nuns, with an aggregate endowment of over two, millions of•dollars. • OW The Pcitie's health is alarming . He has 'an abacess in his right,leg, which affects' his 'w hole' lir ciy Ex-Governor Floyd haspresented a magnificauepair of holies to Vresident Davis. la" Alvey, the noted secessionists of Ete.gerstown, has been sent to Fort Mc- Ilenry, by way of Harrisburg. lie is said to be a man of talent and refine ment, and severely felt his situation.— He was nicely discovered. The rebel Gen. Johnson, knowing this man, wrote him a letter, asking for information as to the position and weakest point of attack of the Union army. .This letter fell into the hands of one of Gen. Patterson's officers. It was taken to headquarters and carefully_ opened, read, re-sealed, and the officer, in citizen's dress deliver ed it in person to Alvey, and said he would await an answer. The — answer was gi;Ten, which was at once taken to Gen. Patterson, and-was found to con tain all the particulars asked for, with complete , -diagrams of the position of the several Union encampments ! Thus the bait was taken and the traitor was hooked: Biig. Gen: Irvin MCDowell,now in command of the troops at Alexandria, is a native of Ohio, and nephew of Gen. Cass. • He graduated with honor at West Point, in 1838, (in the same class with Gen.'Heatireg,uard,) and entered the artillery branch:of the service. He was soon after appointed an Aid to Gener al Wool, and subsequently had an ap pointment on . Gen. Scott's staff. He served -with credit in the MexiCan war. At the commencement of the present war he held the rank of Major in the 'Quartermaster's Department, and has recently been promoted to hiS present rank. A. recent dicision ofJudge Brooks in the Sixth judicial ,district of. New York, is to the effect that a minor may not be enlisted directly into the _army of thh . United States without the, written consent of his parent, or guardian,or ;mis ter; but that if he . belongs to the mili tary of the State, he is bound to do mili tary duty in the service of the United States, if he shall be mustered ;therein in pursuance of a call of the President, KW The editor of the South Bend (In (liana) Register says - that Senator Doug las so rarely attacked or denounced any one in social conversation, that we were struck, years ago, with remarks of his, addressed to a Massachusetts Congress man and ourself in reglird to Jefferson Davis, whom be declared then, with ap parently prophetic forecast, would prove himself utterly disloyal to his country before he died.' ' olg-, Three .Polish rope:daucers, per forming at the•Jiippodrome in Paris, were recently precipitated, to the,ground by the breaking of a rotten rope.. The father and.,son were killed on the spot ; the other'sonbad his legs broken. The widows of the two men brought an action against the -director for damages, and were allpwed 26,000, francs. The direc tor then turned upon the rope maker, and obtained the same amount from him. er• Governor Morgan has issued a Pre`e4iniation'fOrbidding any more regiL ments of volunteers to be raised in*New York State for'thepreSent,'as the "cost of triceps,' including the contributions by the State, by the city , of New Ycirk, and by other - citioi and towns and iudi vidu'alS, is estimated to have been about $10,b00;000. And all .this without' im pairing in the 'least the credit of the State. • IS - The brave Gen. Lyon,.we are glad to see, has been promoted to a Major- Generalship.• This is rapid promotion from a Captaincy.in. April to a Major- Generalship in. July; but. it has been. most nobly earned. General Lyon has shown 'a readiness for emergencieS—an energy and efficiency:of movement,- and a boldness aad completeness of execu tion, as has. seldom been . wituessed in modern warfare. - ' The Cincinnati Inquirer• says that .Major General McClellan's command, as exhibited by the consolidated returns_ to the War Department, shows the force of his division to be 45,000 men from the States of Ohio, Indianna, and Illi nois. Many returns have not been sent in, but the War Department have been assured, that the total number in the department of. Ohio will exceed 80,000 men. RP Long, a Marylander by birth, aid de-camp and son-in-law of Gen. Sumner, at • San Francisco, has resigned: The General is unhappy in his son-in-law.— Eugene McLean, another of his sons-in law, also a Marylander, resigned about two weeks ago and joined the rebels. A French gentleman, N.l.,Jacquet, lately died at Rouen, leaving all his for tune to a, lady in Paris. Singular to re late, the lady died about the same hour, leaving y . ..Jacquet all her money. The heirs ; of, both are to contest which was the survivor. or Mr. Charles Wister, of German town, has, after a protracted contest, been appointed sutler fOr'tlie troops at Fortress Monroe, by Secretary Cameion. The position is' consi'de'red a very lucra tive one. Goy. Curtin has appointed Gideon J. Ball, of, Erie, Francis. Jordan, of Bed- ; 1 ford, and Charles !Gilpin, of Philadel- Phia, Commissioners to revise_and codify all the revenue laws of the, Coturnon- W.ealth. • =EI I.:RDDIt AND SLICIDE.—" We learn," says the Auburn (N. Y.) Advertiser, "from a gentleman from Ithica, that a terrible tragedy accurred in that village on Thursday. It appears that a young man, named Cornell, 19 years old, was engaged to a girl of 17. The friends of the parties objected to the marriage.— Cornell invited his betrothed to ride, and on reaching a point beyond the city, lid drew from his pocket a pistol and shot her, killing her instantly. Placing her body in the bottom of the carriage, he returned to the village, fastened the horse by the door of his house, proceed ed to the inlet and threw herself fn.,— He was subsequently taken out dead. THE GREAT GUNS.—The Pittsbur,gers are quite proud of the fact that all the great guns bearing the names' Floyd, Union and Rodman, now at Fortress Monroe, were cast in their city. They are the design of Captain Rodman,•and will perforate the hull of any iron •or steel plated frigate.that can be built.— This is the most terrible engine of war yet invented, and all the experiments made fully sustain the feat. The gun is sixteen feet long, weighs over 25 tons, carries a. ball one foot' in diameter,' weighinT,r, 600 lbs., and will throw a dis tance of full four miles. • • TIIE VOLUNTEHR 1? OiC E.--1110 bill touching the volunteer force empowers the President to appoint not exceeding six Major-Generals and eighteen Briga diers. The bill enlarging the regular army empowers the President to in crease the old regiments to the standard of the uew ones. The bill legalizes the President's acts since the . 4th of March empowers him, in case of exigen cy, when Congress is not in session, to take simi lar measures. la• Hon. Wm, L. Daylon, our Min ister to France, was. known to Louis Napoleon when 'he was in this country. Mr. Dayton lived at Trenton, New Jer sey, which is only ten miles from Bor. dentown, where Joseph Bonaparte, the uncle of the present Emporer, long re sided after the overthrow of Napoleon at Waterloo, in 1815. In 1837, when Louis 'Napoleon was in this country, he was a visitor: at• his 'uncle Joseph's, and made - many' excursions In company with him to Trenton and its vicinity: In that way he became known to Mr. Dayton, who could have little .anticipated , that he would ever be the embassador to the French Court over which the exile would preside - as' Emperor. The' National - Intelligeucer con tains 'a letter from James E. I larvey, American Minister to Portugal. Mr. 'Harvey writes from Paris, and express es strong Union sentiments. He speaks of visiting the editors of the London Times . and NeWs'and other journals, and expresseS surprise at the strength of the sentiment in Ldridon and Paris in favor of our government. lie_ says , hie attended Spurgeon's church in Loudon, and adds that when the preacher prayed for the victory of the government and' the overthrow , of slavery, fervent " Amens " came up froin all parts of the house. Er Free ialt.water bathing-has been provided for the people of Charlestown, Mass., by the City Council. The bath: ing heuse is located on the bank of the Mystic River, Medford .street, at the foot of Elm street. The ladies are to be accommodated forenoons, and the gen.- tlemeu . in the afternoons and evening,s. The, establishment is in charge of a po liceman, and persons Wishing, to bathe can enjoy it unmolested. ' ' A recruit in Buffalo, who lacked half an inch orthe regulation height, was much mortified that he .could not, go.. At last. he asked the recruiting officer what be paid a full private. Ile., was told twelve dollars. " Well," said he . an -I ain't tall enough for a full private, if you'll take me I'll go for eight dollars a,month." He was accepted and allow ed full pay for his spunk: Cr Henry M. Herman bas been 'pro moted to a first lieutenantcy in . the ser vices S. army, _as 'a reward:for valuable ser vices rendered to the government.- Furtiishe'd with an organ 'and a monkey, he visited the prominent points of Vir ginia'and took . notes, which he reported to the war Department. tlir Some days ago Col. J: W. Webb, anounced that, his journal, the Courier and Inquirer, was about to merge into the 'World. Ho—retires from editorial life afterthirty-four years of service.— His son-will represent, him in the new arrangements ishich 'took place on Mon day last. • . . . r A.n,Arrnstroug Shell was recently fired by Capt, Caldwell,from the British frigate Mersey, at au ice-berg about 150 feet high, at a distance of miles and such was the accuracy and effect, that a blocli of ice, judged to be 100 tons fell from the summit. , lEr The marrage of the Princess Alice with Prince Louis of Hesse is not to take place this year,"birt at what period in 1862 it is to be celebrated has yet to he settled ; but in all probability it will be early in the season, • .(a -- In the Presbyterian Synod, of Eng land an attempt has lately been made to prevent the. use of organs in churches. The mostion is div,idingthe clergy, . - WHAT A CAN Do.—There is a woman residing on the Hastings road, who, in the Spring of [EGO, sowed two bushels oiSpring wheat, and hoed it in; when ripe, she reaped, threshed, and cleaned it, and had for her pains thirty bushels of good wheat. This labor was preformed without the slightest assis tance from any one, which will appear the more extraordinary when it is t known that she is the mother of thirteen children, the youngest of whom is 22 years of age. A new country settled with such a race of people must pros per.-114itby (q)per Canada) Watchman. • TRAITORS IN CONORESS.-31. C. Vallan digham, the Breckiuridge democratic member from Ohio, declares that there are twenty five members of the House who will vote against all appropriations for the army. He himself will vote . for money and means for the defence of the capital, but not to carry on a war against the Southern States, as he thinks that Jeff. Davis is willing to make a'compro mise and remain in the .Union. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE.—We invite the attention of all our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. Johns Sc Oros ley, New York, in another column.— Their "CEMENT GLUE" will no doubt meet with a large sale, is a great saving to hausekeepers, and within the reach of all. Only 25 cents per bottle, and for sale by druggists and storekeepers gen erally. ANNInALISM.—I G is rumored that there has been a horrible case of canni balism in Bavaria. Five Chinese Coo lies caught a child three, yearsOld,dragg ed him into an but:of-the-way-place, kill ed him, andwere eating him when dis covered by his father. Ile, in his fury, seized an ii;ori bar laying near, slew three of the villains on the spot and put the rest. to flight. COL. COLT —The Gonad (Texas) Mes senger says that Colohel Colt, the inven tor of the celebraled revolver, has pur chased the town of Lamar, on our Southern coast. He owned one-fourth interest before, and gave $lB,OOO for the other claim." r LIXIR PROPytAk m , • - • tOMATIISW Doling the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pare Crystalized Chloride of Pro- pylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RIIEUMATISM; and having received from many sources, both from physicianS of the ihighest standing and from patients, the 1110S 4 1 FLAI'TER.ING I'l S77UCNI ALS OF IT S ./ EAL.I".ALUE in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to 'present it to the public in a form READY I'OR 1411 m EVIATE USE:, Which we hope will corromeod itself to those who are suffering with ,this afflicting complaint, aed to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test. the powers. of• this valuable remedy ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of,.has recently been extensively ex peritnented with in the . PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with Marked success (as will appear from the published acco unG in the medical journals.) 3=l.t is carefully put up ready for immedi: ate use, with full directions, and can be ob . - tained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK Sc CRENSIIMV, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia till ;VINES Sr. LlE:lain. •IP 11' ; El. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES '& LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. EGS leave to inform the public that be JIDI will continue the WINE LIQU OR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on band all hinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, -.Trish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, ,S•c„ BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Wkisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. All H. D. B. now asks of the public Is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in _Ho tel keeperi and others finding it to their ad. ,vantage to make their purehases from 111AIIIE . T7tzl .111:7:RBI.g •.7i'Aßil. TosT)bsifeaa Siones, MICHAEL GABLE, Alalble Mason, • Opposite the Town Hall Park,. r, !Marietta, Pa. HE Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at the old place, near the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys 'l;avern, where every description of marble Work will be kept on hand or made to order at short notice and at very•reasonable prices: ,Marietta, J une 49-ly • riIHE American, Watcues are among the best timekeepers now - in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H.. L. 8t B. T. ZAHM Corner of North Queen-st. and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them lor ale at the very laioest rates—e'vety watch' accompanied with the manufacturer's guarrantee to ensure 4.s gen uineness. ATADERIA. WINES, full bodied and fruity, at the" Enterprise Store.'} ' A. p , /2E SG, dfo,ani, Jul(. . j- - .....ii),!•45'1Cr eiNap t,s:i r Queen-st., near the Examiner 1 fertile! Office ——o— T HE Proprietor of THE LANCASTER CitEA p ROOK STORE has availed himself of the opportunity to pur chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de scrip:ion. Ile now offers to the public the same at proportionably and unusually Low rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensive stock on hand. illy ob ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply the wants of the community with anything in my line on the most reasonable terms possible. This we find the better and most advantageous course for all parties. The Political Econo mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more it can and will be used." Then the conclusion is; that when we buy cheap, we mast sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona ble prOfit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I would call especial attention to my large assortment of Sunday School Books on hand, of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday Schools and sell all at Sunday Schthil Irak% prices. 1 have the agencies for the publica tions of the American Sunday School Union,. A merican Tract Society, Methodist Book and• Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Presbyte • rian, Episcopal and other denominations are kept on hand. FAMILY BIBLES. Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto Family Bible, lip find it to their advantage to call and examine at THE. CHEAP BOOK STORE, the largest stock on hand, ranging form One, to Twenty-five Dollars. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of JOHN SHEAFFER, Successor to Murray, Young & Co. tr s , MARIETTA 'xi HYGIENIC WATER—CURE. THE WONDERS OF THE WATER-CORE are such, that, if they were generally known, the dealers in drugs might throw their physic to the dogs, for the people—at least the intelligent portion of them—would have none of it. And why should they?', 'Can a -man take fire into his bosom and not be: burnt 'l, Nay verily I No more can he lake ; poison into his stomach without being injured by it. READ THE 'tOLLOWING! Professor J. M- Smith, M. D., of the • New-York College' of Physicians and Surgeons, says: "All medi cines which enter the circulation poison the blood." Prof. A. Clark, of the Mee school, says "All of our curative agents are poisons : and as a consequence every dose diminishes the patients vitality." Prof. IL G.. Cox, M. D., of the New-York Medical College, says "The fewer remelics you employin any disease the better for your patient." READ AGAIN Prof. Parker. says " Hy giene is of far more value in the •treatment of diseases than drugs."—Prof. Clark "A sponge bath will often do more to quiet feverish rest less patients than an 'anodyne."—Prof. Gil man " Hygienic treatment is of far more val ue titan all drugs combined." - 4 Ft Jolts CAMERON, M. Dr, corner of Front and Gay streets, Marietta, practices the hygienic ‘Vater-Cure system exclusively, and confident ly submits that it is perfectly and agreeably applicable in every curable disease; while, at the saute time, it is the only medical system yet discovered, that has philosophy and com mon sense to commend it to public confidence. The following are some of the diseases in the treatment of which Dr. C. is prepared to prove the efficacy and superiority of his sys tem, viz : ltillatatnatory, Typhoid, Remittent, Intermittent, Symptomatic and Eruptive Fe vers, inflammatory affections, Gout, Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Worms, Piles, Incipient Consump tion, Scurvy, Scrofula, 'Erysipelas, Thrush. Ep ilepsy, when not caused by any structular de rangement, Hysterics, Bronchitis, Croup, Pal pitation., Apoplexy, Paralysis; Rickets, Neu ralgia, Rashes, litmus, Sculls and other disea ses of the skin, 1411smenstruarion; Leuchor rhea,Prolapsus and othergenital.displacements. Venereal diseases, diseases of tire Urinary or gans, &c., &c., &.c. Marietta, May IS, 1861 S. S. RATELVON, Merchant Tailor ; and At J. Kranu A's Old Dand, an the Cor ner of North Queen and' Orange Streets, Lant;uster, Penn'a. Glt AT E UL to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage hei etotore exteudee, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance 'of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in reffdeting a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIA EKES AND V ESTI NOS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. A LSO, - -aEAD Y-lIA DE CLOMILING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer elianX Tailoring and Clothing establishment. 5.'5..J A THVO N, Merchant Tailor &• Clothier, N. E. Cur. of N. Queen nod Orange-sts. List:Asrun, April 13, IStils, CO ...7 1 ....- c §ts --, tc 'n. 1 ' - 7 -' i.-.' ,3 ,< Et.; :i. Ci) 5. 0 C. ,-;.. i. W-. `, LI '' 'zi YJ ° c. . • 0-n en c P n ~.. H oz, z , ,•-,; . % 1 - ~., . : :.7, , , l ' e.. C. s. '. :." - c; !F"' 4,71 R m q - *u - 1 2-, '.."..,'' ?; H .. ,;,.. ;.::. ~' -,_. I. - ~. r. i _, ..-: _ P... ,'7'... ..• c" —• C° = 0 ce ...4 A , N ; - ...1.. ;1 t 7 ii 4 4 ../ :71' , ~ , Z,',. . 1 Pk. .0, ~.,, r.-. ~, o n ~, A , =1 Q..- '-' ° ''' :5- ' g H 0 ..r. fib. ''" P? `•° ;". t- a... c .T. "c ° , 1 ' r t . " r: a .:- .4 "I ;, 1 3,. 6 ta 1 j 7 1 ., ,rn 9 .-."- ... 'c , ''.'" 9. 6 - ;:. .-,' I [ll = " -,- r.-4" ~:ir- ...". s e . , , . ez. .'" ri- c. •-• 0 ,-, CI :'' ?....' Z ... .3 ',,," '; & c A ! 4 b ° t, : ~, :: ot° `' .=-. Z. v. F..' ~; .-`.... 0,, , , 2,. c=, 0 ~. ,7 . 7.1* :-..... 4-• , 8 p •rA .-,- ',-_-; - n> r 2 ''''' '-'' .1. •-- c' 7 F l- H % ~ ~. g .... 8 .. r ....: ....-, ~• m '.7.• P ff • - 5 4 P ' 1-' 4 ..,. <4 i ‘,..' Q ' T ~, I IST OP - LI..:TTERS remaining in the post office at Marietta, Pa., June 26, 1561. Boner William B ' Kline J H Beene Thomas - Kreider - John Brenneman John S Kline Mr Houtz Jane Lehman A W: Bucher Christian Mingas John, Clark Mary Ann Missley J. W - Chaney Charles A Parker Charlotte. Fraley Hiram Buhland Maria Francis E F Shaffner As Masia GerlstiMaria Rosina Thomas WB& Co Hoover Joseph z Walter T Jones Abraham Weber Gotfried Persons calling on fins list gill please Men tion they are advertised. A. CASSEL, P. M. rillAT ENT Y EMPTY HOGSHEADS, Es c . , —in good condition—will be sold Tm.-- !it at the low price of $1 each and delivered any where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be ing in want of cellar mom, if taken li - om the store soon, a trifle less wiil be laken. Alsos a lot of excellent WHISKY BA Ti "REES very cheap. For sale at DIFFENBAC.H'S-. REMOVAL ~.,.. M. J. TRAINER Having removed her Millineryestablishment to, Fulk's new building, near Market Square, AVHERE she hopes to meet her friemds and old customers, a. d merit and rece ivq a continuation of the liberal patronage he re ,tofore extended to her. JOB PRINTING OF KINDS, SUCIS., Large Posters, witn tuts, Sale Bills, ail sizes, Circulars, Blanks, Cards, and every description of Job Printing, neatly and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of' TH4 WEEKIAr Altliirn AN." MO