The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, July 13, 1861, Image 1

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    i/t '.:q_t. JohlAE' - 7].:11_ a:tiff/fan
pcbtiteb. to. ulixccs, fittrature, Agriculture, Norticitturt, Eke dire anb. Estrut arts, &mai 1633$ zf tTe gag, 'Karat alaformation, lc.,
F_ I_.a.. 33a17- - er, Editor aaaa. Proprietor_
Published every Saturday Morning
~ O F PlCE—Front-street, Cron's Row, 2d story,
Five doors east of Flury's Hotel-.
T.sests, One Dollar a year, payable in advance,
and if Subscriptions Le not paid within six
months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed
until the expitution of the year, $1.50 will
be charged.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no papervill be discontin
ued until all 'meatuses are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
Any person sending us FIVE. new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble:
DVERTI.SING KATES: One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 0 5
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the residing
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement; FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a- line.
1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.60;
1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3:
6 months, $5; 1 year, $7. Half-a-column,
3 months, $8; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O.
One column, 6 months, $2O ; 1 year, $3O.
}laving recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYVE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable prices.
MAKES this method of informing his old
j_ friends and the public generalty, that he
bas re-taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma
nently fixed to prosecute
Having just returned from the city where he
Iselected a large, vari. d and fashionable assort-
Intit of everything in the •
and now only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid in a stock of flatting mated
he will be enabled, at short notice, to man
ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft,
to the most Fashionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
and Illittnifacturing good goods at low prices,.
he hopes to merit mid receive a liberal Owe o f
public. patronage. - The highest price paid
for lats.—in trade or cash.
' Marietta, March 9, Mil.
And General alfachtnutts, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, tke., for Buil
dingS, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, 'raps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
thugs hi all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. ing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed us above, will meet
With prompt attention. Prices to snit the times.
2'. Jt. SUPPLEE.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf
Web) goibe,i• AO Coal tlaisD.
THE subscriber haviop, purchased the pro
perly lately.occupied by
. .
would most respectfully - call the ~,.,:;7:::
attention of his old friends kind customers to
to the fact that he is now prepared to sell
at the very lowest figutes by Boat-load, Car
load, or otherwise.
• His Stock of Lumber will be seletted from
one of the hest manufactories and cannot fall
to give satisfaction.
lie is also prepared to supply "BILL Sruri•"
at short notice and at low prices.
will consist of Shamokin, Red and White Ash,
. Baltimore Company, .Lykens Valley, &c.,
all of Which he will sell by the Boat
load, Car-load, or by the
He will als continue the receiving of Coal at
very low figures,
k 'pr,l 20, 1861-40.
Alexander D. lit'ese,
Maim Street., [EAST WARD ] Mouni Joy,
Lancaster County, Pa.
AE undersigned would most respeetfelly
beg leave to.inform the public that he has
nuened a WIDE. ACID LIQUOR ;STORE in all its
branches. lie will constantly keep on hand
all kinds of
Brandies, Winos, Gins, Trish and Scotch
• Whisky, Cordials, Bitters, 15 - c.
Also a very superior Old Rye Whisky just
received, which is warranted pure.
A choice article of German Wine. Various
brands of Champagne Wines.
A. U. R. now asks of the public is a
careful examination of his stock and prices,
whic h)
he is quite confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their advan
tage to make their purchases of him.
ALSO—Kernsene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and
Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise
Wine Liquor Store.''
Mount Joy, JunelS6l-Iy.
L. 8:: E. J. ZAIIIVI
I—=, 11 &SPEC' FULLY inform their
4.40 It friends and the public that they
....„7 1 still continue the WATCH, CLOW<
• tsi A nyJEWELRY business at the old.
stand, North-west .Corner of North
Com] street and Center Squaw, Lazwaster,
A full assortment of goods in our line of hum
ness always en hand and for sale ut the lowest
cash rates. 113— Repairing attended to per
.stia!'!, 0, the prop idols.
Respectfully Dedicated to the Military Glee
club of the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment.
Yankee Doodle F Long ago,
They played it to deride us
But now we march to victory,
And that's the tune to guide us !
Yankee Doodle! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Yankee Doodle Dandy !
How we made the Red Coats run,
At •" Yankee Doodle Dandy 1"
To fight is not a pleasant game,
But if ws must—we'll do it
When" Yankee Doodle " once begins,
Our Yankee Boys go through it !
Yankee Doodle I Ha! He ! Hal
Yankee Doodle Dandy !
g' Go ahead!" our Captains cry,
At " Yankee Doodle Dandy I"
And let her come upon the sea,
The'insolent invader,
There the Yankee Boys will be—
Prepared to serenade her!
Yankee Doodle! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Yankee Doodle Dandy!
Yankee guns will sing the bass
Of" Yankee Doodle Dandy !"
g. Yankee Doodle ?" How it brings
The good old days before us!
Two or three began the song—
Millions join the chorus !
Yankee Doodle ! Ha! Ha! Ht.!
Yankee Doodle Dandy !
Rolling round the continent
Is " Yankee Doodle Dandy!"
Yankee Doodle I Not alone
The continent will hear it,
But every land shall catch the trine,
And every tyrant fear it !
Yankee Doodle! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Yankee Doodle Dandy •
Freedoni's voice is in 'the song
Of ,4 Yanke Doodle Dandy !"
Some forty years ago, the then Em
peror of China had in his suite a very
intelligent, and according to the Chi
nese standard of beauty, a very hand
some young Mandarin. An attachment
sprang up between the Mandarin, who
was known as Tystang Beium, and a
very near female relative of his Majesty,
the Emperor. The attachment was dis
covered, and being forbidden by the
laws of China, Tystang ]3eium was con
demned to die. He, however, managed
to wake his escape, and with his charm
er succeeded in eluding pursuit. A sou
was born to Tystang Beim, who was
called Trykena Beium. In the course
of time, the' youth grew up, and follow
ing the example of his sire, became also
enamored. But in this case the fair
lady was one of the lowest domestics on
the estate. Beium the elder Beverly
whipped Beium the younger, and sent
the damsel away, at least she was,never
heard of after. Beium the younger was
much incensed at the doings of his
parent, and took flight for Shanghea.—
From Shanghea the.outhful scion work
ed his passage to San Francisco ; from
thence he found his way to New Arork,
and engaged in the usual avocation of
his nation—cigar selling. Becoming
posseised of some American dollars, he
'looked about him for a chance to con
sole him for the loss of his Chinese
beauty. He cast his eyes about and
settled them upon a buxom WidoW from
the Emerald Isle. She proved willing,
and on Sunday the representatives of
two widely different civilizations were
united. After, the marriage a grand
time took place at the residence of the
bride, where the friends of both parties
fraternize till the " wee stria' hours vont
the twat."
to the station of one of our railroads the
other evening, and finding the best car
riage full, said, in a loud tone, "Why
this carriage isn't going !" Of course
these words caused a general stampede,
a nd Waggs took the best seat. The
train soon moved off. In the midst of
the indignation; the wag'was questioned;
—"You said this carriage was'nt going?"
it was'nt then," replied Waggs,
"but it is now."
SILVERING Ivoay.—lmmerse a small
slip of ivory in a weak solution of nitrate
of silver, and let it remain until the
solution has given it a deep yellow color
then take it out and immerse it in a
tumbler of clear water, and expose in
the water to the rays of the sun. In
about three hours the ivory acquires a
black color ; but the black surface on
being rubbed, soon becomes changed to
a •brilliant - silver.
Erie paper states that &company of vol
unteers numbers among its ranks four
preachers and thirty-six fiddlers
Explanation of War Terms.
As a people, we have been so long in
a state of peace with all the world, that
the technical terms of war are little
understood. We have found ourselves
snmewhat at a loss in this respect, as we
have read of regiments, brigades, bat
talions, squadrons, platoons ; of generals,
lieutenant generals, major generals, bri
gadier generals, colonels, adjutants,
lieutenants; of howitzers, mortars, col
umbaids, paixhans, caronades, d ahl
greens ; of shell, grape, canister, bombs,
grenades ; and of the hundreds of other
terms of war. It occurs to us that a
brief plain explanation of some of these
terms will be interesting and useful to
our young readers, and aid them in un
derstanding the newspaper accounts
daily perused. We will first describe
some of the implements of war:
Gunpowder.—With this all are some
what acquainted. It is a condensed
compound which, on the application of
heat, springs into a large volume of gas
(or kind of air) with great power. _Half
a gill of posfder will suddenly produce
gas enough to till a barrel, or 2000 half
gills. Powder in very fine grains burns
so fast and expands so quickly as to
burst a cast iron gun ; hence very coarse
powder is used for canon and large guns.
Gunpowder is a mixture of about six
ounces of niter (saltpeter) with 1 ounce
of sulphur, and one' ounce of charcoal.
The charcoal used, is made of small
willows carefully burned or heated in
close vessels. The niter, sulphur, and
charcoal, are ground separately, then
together moist, and afterward pressed
into solid cakes and dried. These cakes
are broken into small fragments, which
are put into cylinders and kept revolving
until the sharp corners are worn off and
the surface of the grains is polished,
when they are passed through sieves to
assort the coarse and fine grains—the
fine being used for small guns, and the
large for cannons, for blasting rocks,
etc. The fine dust, if packed in a solid
mass so that the flame can not spread
easily through it, burns slowly upon one
side, and is msed for fuses in bomb shells
and in blasting, for fire-works, etc.
Percussion Powder is composed of
materials which are set on fire by the
simple friction of a blow. The first guns
used, were fired with a lighted 'match.—
Then a flint was arranged to strike off
small bits of steel from a pan cover.—
These bits of steel, too, fire by the fric
tion, and falling into the powder in the
pan ; set it on fire also. The fire burned
through the touch-hole into the gun bar
rel. This took time, and very often a
well aimed gun would be moved out of
place before the powder burned enough
to throw out the ball. Now, a little
percussion powder placed in a copper
cap, is ignited by a blow of the lock, and
the percussion powder being veryquick i
the flame is driven into the barrel, and
the gunpowder explodes before the gun
is moved. Such guns are also surer than
the old flint locks, in which not unfre
quently the flints missed, or the powder
got net, or failed to burn through into
the barrel.
Guns.—These are of many sizes and
and have different names. They-,
consist of a tube, generally round, in the
bottom of which is placed some powder,
and over it a ball or a charge of shot.—
Generally, the powder is put down from,,
from the muzzle, either poured in loose
ly, or put in a bag. Soldiers carry car
tridges, which are commonly made of
little paper tubes,. the ball in one end,
and a measured charge of powder be
hind it. For cannons, the powder is
tied up in flannel bags. Some modern
guris are arranged to be opened at the
breech, and the charge is, put in there.
These are called breech loading guns.—
All guns, large and small, may be divid
ed into two classes, viz : the Smooth
Bore, and the Rifted Bore. At first, all
were made smooth bore ; then hunter's
rifle-bored guns, or "rifles," were made ;
but muskets, shot-guns, and cannons
were still retained with smooth barrels;
then rifled army muskets were made, and
just now they are•niaking rifled cannon.
The scare so much better, that it•now
seems strange that they have not always
been made so. It is impossible to cast
a lead or iron hall so that it will be
equally heavy in every part, and exactly
fit a gun barrel. When a gun is fired a
few times, it expands by the heat, so as
to be too large for the ball. When a
ball is sent through the smooth, ,barrel,
it 'mooves from side to side, and`: when
it goes out into the air, one pide hap
pening to be a trifle the heaviest, it
keeps moving off to that side, which.
may chance to be up or down, or to. the
right or left, so that it is next to impos
sible to send it exactly straight forward.
If its forward end or side be irregular,
it will dart off a little to one side or the
other as it cuts through the air.
The ite.Bore prevents this difficulty
thus : On the inside of the barrel are
little groves, or railway tracks, so to call
them. These do not run straight along
the barrel, but spirally around it. Thus,
if one of these grooves begins at the up
per side of the breech of the barrel, it
gradually winds around to the bottom
or to one side, and in very long guns the
grooves go nearly or quite around, but
generally only about half or three quar
ters of the way round so as to turn the
ball once in from five to ten feet. When
lead balls are used, the sides of the ball
are forced into these grooves, and when
driven out, the ball is given a rotary
motion, that is, it moves along just as if
it were a bead sliding on a string, and
kept turning around the string at the
same time. The great advantage of this
is, that the inequalities in the weight
and shape of the ball are turned, now to
this side, now to that, now up, and now
down, and the ball is thus varied as much
one way as the other, in other words• it
goes straight forward. The balls:can
also be made long and pointed, which
enables them to go through the air bet
ter, with less resistance in proportion to
their weight.
Rffied Cannon.—ln the old smooth
bore cannon the iron balls could not be
made to fly exactly in a straight line.—
The same gun aimed in the same direc
tion, would vary the ball from side to
side of a mark, several feet in shooting
a mile or less. By rifle boring the bar
srel, a good gunner can now hit a man a
mile or two, or so far as he can be sight
ed. As iron canon balls can not be
pressed into the grooves, a ring or cup
of lead is put on the back part of the
ball, and this on firing rs expanded or
forced into the grooves, which not only
gives the ball its rotary motion, but the
lead also stops up the space around the
ball, and prevents the escape of gas, thus
giving greater power to the powder.—
The space necessarily left between a
solid ball and the barrel, is called the
" windage."
Mortars.—These are short, stout guns,
having a large bore. They are not sot
upon w,heels, but upon a heavy low frame
work, and are used for throwing heavy
balls and shells high in the air, to fall
down upon fortifications, into forts,
towns, etc. They are too short to throw
a ball horizontally against the side of a
wall. OWing to their shortness, they
are comparatively light in proportion to
the large ball Or shell which they carry.
The Howitzer, is'longer than the mor
tar, and carries a smaller ball or shell.
The powder chamber back of the ball is
smaller than the rest of the barrel, In
'which it differs from other cannons.—
Mountain Howitzers are Merely Howit
zers of light weight, which can be easily
carried over mountains.
A Caronade is like the howitzer, but
differs from it in being fastened to the
carriage by a loop of iron ander the
middle, instead of resting on " trunions,"
or projections from the side. It is named
from Caron, a village in Scotland, where
it was first made.
The Columbaid differs from the howit
zer in having, no chamber, the bore being
of equal diameter, throughout: It is
also made much thicker at the breech
than at the muzzle, which gives great
strength to that part of the piece where
the principal force of the powder is ex
erted, so that lighter cannon of great
bore, for large shells, can be cast in this
form with less danger of their bursting.
Both solid shot and shell are fired from
the Columbaid.
The Paixhan is only another name for
the Columbaid, and is so called from
Gen. Faixhan, of France, who introduc
ed the invention from America into the
French Army. • .
The Dahlgreen Gun, somewhat resem
bles the Columbaid. It is used fCir fi
ring both solid shot and shell. It is
named after Captain Dahlgreen of the
Unite - d States army, who devised it.
The Whitworth Gun, is a rifled cannon,
loaded at the breech. It carries a long
conical ball, cast with projections on its
sides to fit the grooves of the gnu. -The'
breech is screwed off, when the load is
put in, and then screwed on again for
The Armstrong Grin is also a rifled
piece. Its principal peculiarly is in the
ball used, which has bands of-lead cast
uponit, to fit the grooves. It is-ionie
what- hbjec,tional for field- uSe; bdcause
these bduldi, are apt to fly oft, and kill
those standing near the kun whencit'is
Parts of a Cannon, etc.—Muzzt.U.--
The mouth, where the ball leaves the
Ter - rn—Ctaae a -Mar_
piece. BREECH.—The end where the fire
is applied. CALIBER—The site of the
bore. CAsCAEEc.—The knob at the ex
tremity of the breech. CHAMBER.—The
smaller cavity at the bottom of the bore.
Tnumoigs.--Projectiong from the sides'
of the cannon, to support it on the car
Projectiles, signify any thing thiown or
projected. Shot and shell are the prin
cipal projectiles used in cannon. Round
Shot, are solid spherical iron balls, of
different weights, from two to more than'
a hundred pounds. The sizes most em--'
ployed in battle on the open field, weigh
from four to twelve pounds. The guns
from which they are thrown are called
Light Artillery. Heavier shot are used
in Heavy Artillery, for battering down
fortifications, sinking vessels, ete. Ear
Shot, consist of two round shot joined
by a solid bar, like a dumb-bell. Chain
Shot, are two round shot linked together
by a chain. These are used mostly for'
firing at vessels, to destroy their masts .
and rigging. Grape Shot, are small iron '
balls bound together in a canvas bag.—
They are usually arranged around an iron
spike, somewhat in the form of a bunch
of grapes. Canister or Case Shot, are
iron bullets enclosed in a tin box or
case. The Common Shell, or Bomb, is a
large hollow sphere of iron, filled with
powder. A fuse is attached, which takes
fire and burns slowly until the shell
reaches the point aimed at, and then
explodes the shell and scatters the frag
ments. In the improved shell, the fuse
is made of powder ground fine, enclosed
between two metal plates, and fitted to
the opening in the shell. The inner
Plate has' an opening leading to the
powder within the shell, and the outer
One is marked with the figures 1,2, 3, 4.
Before the gunner puts it into the can
non, he pierces the plate at one of these
figures, at 1 if he desires the shell to ex
plode in one second, at 2 for two sec
onds, and so on. Sharpnell Or Spheri
cal Case, are large hollow shot filled
with lead bullets, to which a fuse is at
tached. When fired, the powder just
breaks the shell in the air, and the bul
lets fiy on with the impetus received
from the powder in the cannon, but
"scatter" so as to cover a considerable
space. The Carcasse, is a shell pierced
with several holes and containing some
highly inflainable iugredients, which are
set on fire by the . , burning fuse. It, con
tinues to send out flames for several
minutes, and is. used for setting build
ings or ships on fire. Round shot are
somtimes heated red hot and fired for
the same purpose ; and -recently hollow,
thin shells filled with melted iron, have
been used. The Hand Grenade, is a
small thin shell filled with balls and
powder, and fitted• with a fuse. It is
thrown by hand, the fuse having first
been lighted. It is used to drive off
attacking parties from a fort or vessel,
to throw over breast works, or into forts,
and is a formidable weapon.
member of the Thirteenth regiment Col.
Smith, writing to. the Brooklyn Eagle,
says that Corporal William H. Russell,
of Company E, discovered a revolving
gun on the 24th, and with a squad of
men took .possession of it. It is owned
by Mr. William of New 'York,
and was invented by Emerson Ames ;
who is now in Europe trying to dispose
of the model. It is mounted on a two
wheeled carriage, his 'eight chambers.
and is capable of being fired forty times
a minute by four men. It carries a one
and , a- half pound Minis ball of two in
ches diameter, and will tarty one mile
with one and a half ounces of powder.—
It is one of the most simple and com
plete pieces of mechanism yet invented.
s . first discovered the machine
Was in pteces, and concealed among a lot
of curled hair in a shop in Baltimore.--
It has been put together, and will be
sent to Fort McHenry.
. .
Methodist minister in Ohio, being anx
ious to obtain a situatiorr-asz*.clmAin in
a regiment, wrote to , the Governor: "J.
am aalethodist.preacher of the North
o,ldo Conference, am forty-eight ; years
of age, and will preach, pray, or. fight,
as occasion requires."
by a Boston paper that the Government
will soon issue proposals for the manu
facture of four hundred thousand pairs
of sowed shoes, Dir. the use of the army.
An Edifer acknowledg,es the re
ceipt of a bo'ttle H of hianily, forty-eight
years old ; and saysiChischrandy is ,so
old that we very much fear it'cannot live
much longer."
NO. 51.
,jVieut. atunmPir Saads. !
His New Stook of Spring Goods.
- EnrE i 3 placieg on his Shelves gild ready for
e x amination and sale, thelargest and best
selected stock of fashionable Srairw . Goons
ever offered in this' bordrith, tb which lit now
invites the attention of the public.
New Styles' Fancy Dress Gordis,.
Supetior makes of Silks
large assortment oiCsilicos
Extra quality hfuslins, all pricel,
Best Mike of Flannels, ' do
A large stock of Shawls, •
Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels.
'White Goods, Mitts Linens, Embroideries,
Dress Trimmings, faces, Gloves, Hedins,
Very large stock of Domestic goods.
Spring Satinetts and Cassimeres,
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins:
Delaines, Calicos and Gingham,
Drillings,_Sheetings and Checks,
Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickingsi
Splendid Calicos for six cents,
Good quality Muslin, slx eents,
Heavy Unbleached MlWins, six cents:
Embossed Paper Colars, ten for a Quater,
Paper Neck-Ties=sontething new, cheap and\
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, °filaments]. and Oiled Window Mindy
and Patent Fixtures;
Wahl Papers, Caipets, Floor Oil CrOths
Canton Mattingi
Wall and Window Papeii
Transparent Blinds.
Glads, Queensware and Cedar:yam:
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots,-Shoca, Brogan!, &c:
'Very superior Syrup at 60 cents a gallon:
All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail.
The highest price given for Country produce:
T) MT. DE GRATH woul& state explicitly
JE that he is the discoverer and soli possessor
of the secret 6f the manufacture of Electric
Oil, which could not be purchased fig $1,000;
000—and $50;000 will be given to any chemist
who will make it. My Oil has performed all
the Clues published in the Ledger for years
past: Ask Col. Grant, 26 North Thirteenth
street, Dr. 'Ellingsworth,' Keyser, now
at St. Lawrence Hotel
,; George t. Bayer, 302
Jarvis street; Mt. Cripps, Thirteenth and
Girard Avenue, and others, ad infinition, whd
have been. cured of Rheumatism, Deafness;
Sm., by my oa in Philadelphia. It is also, a
'Valuable remedy for Colds, Splintsi: Spaviri
and Scratches on horses. .
Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and SI.
Philadelphia; En.
11' None geintine.Without signature of Prof.
C. DE GAATH. Labels signed in writing.
Principal Repot, No'. 217 Sprlth Eighth. S*
Philadelphia.,i Country dealers and druggists
can be stippled wholesale and retail. Pnce
25 tents, 50 cents, and 11.1 per huttle.
Try everything else ; give this one simple
CAuzzoN—Se careful to ask for. and e t Dr
GRATH'S Electric Oil, as worthlesi imitations
There are numerous imitations spring up on
the reputation My article has acquired. The
public Mast beware. They are worthless.
For sate by all dealers and druggists
cipal office 217 South Bth street, Phila.
Feb. 2-Iy]
VANSI)011) T1401'0040)
S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch streets ;
A.l TER many years' 'experience in an the
various brancheS of the Art, the Proprietors
confidently invite the ,attention oftheir friends
and the public to their extensive establishment,
which Presents the' opportunity for procuring
the best pictures, equal at least; to ally tast
eless Gallery in the United States. • .
Preparations are complete fot etecuting, all
the improved styles known to the Art. They
have a patent arrangement for copying Da
guerreotypes, &c., &c., Making them Life sizei
if desired—the only one of the kind in this
country. Attached to this establishment are
three coloring Artists.
Photographs; including. Painting,
as low es $2 00;
Photographs, with Frame as low as $2 82
Photographs at 75 cents. Extra copies Xi
cts. or $5 per doz. Life size Photo.;
graphs as low as $6, and Uorytype at
same price. Durable Arnbrotypes at
50 cents and upwards;
A most extensive assortment of Gilt Frannie,
embracing a select and choice variety of the
latest styles. Price 9 from 62 cents and Up
Especial attention bestowed upon Life4ized
Photographs in oil, transferred from srhall pic
tures and frorr life. Prices from $l6 to $lOO.
InstructiOns given in the Art.
Februart 23, 1861-Iy.
Civil En9ineer, Surveyor, Conveyancer
• and Draughtsman,
Main-st., Mountjoy, Lancaster Co., Pa.
„LL kinds of land surveying "and ditiding
levelling of water courses, roads, &c. Ac
curate and neatplain and ornamental Mapping
and drpughting of town plans, large landed es
tates, &c. Mechanics, Qtuvriers" and Earth
murk measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea
ses, Powers of attorney and other legal instru
ments neatly and accurately drawn. Execu
tore., Administrators', Assignees' and Guar
dians accounts stated.
Fle is alai) Agent for the sale of the
Ridgeway Farm and band Company's Lands
in Fat'County, Pa. Commithications by letter
omptlY attended to.
1-1 style, each one warranted to per-
form to the entire satisfaction of the
purchaser. STERRETT tk CO.
_ .
Pape Ties, beautiful,. 4813.10ib1e
and, cheap, '2ll Diffenbach's.
. ,
MO' LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
and Irish WHISKIES, tyxpin.
ted pure, at H. D. Trajamain's.
li/r7 }LAIN'S Concentrated Wheat Ceiree,
Vior BiLle at WOISE,S;
riONSTANTLir on hand, hip
1„) tified Whiskey. - .
XCELLE,N7 Cooking ikjide r ,s on i.
114 always on hand at At:
I 3 011. LE DPS long
3 - • H.
F. 4 Quarter, at Diffenbacki
0 at, Dr. Grove's Drug ACkts6
. ,
S jal