The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, July 06, 1861, Image 1

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ptimo to Vialitics, ifituatort, Agt itulturt, Notticiiiturt, Ely j(int au Estfut .tis, 6tlteral ttu of te Yam! `4,ttfornuttion, fix.
"Tt- Baler, Editor and Proprietor_
Published every Saturday Morning
OFFICE—Front-street, Crull's Row, 2d story,
Five doors east of Flury's Hotel
'Trams, One Dollar a year, payable in advance,
and if subscriptions to not paid within six
months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed
until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will
be charged:
No subscription received for a less period than
six,months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy roc his trouble.
ADVERTISING RATES: One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a line.
• 1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.50;
I year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3:
6 months, $5; ; year, $7. Half-a-column,
3 months, $8; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O.
One column, 6 months, $2O; 1 year, $3O.
Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYPE, we arc prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable priees.
10,000 Beautiful Steel Plate Engravings
of Lite Lord's Prayer for sale.
The idea of representing the Lord's Prayer
by an eneravinv ' , and of ornamenting and ar
ranging it in such a manner as to produce at
once a model of neatness and taste, was con
ceived and carried out by ORMSBY, the cele
brated Bunk Note Engraver of .New York.. It
commences with exquisitivety executed words
of "Our Father," and then.follow in success
ion the other parts of the prayer, every phrase
of which is engravedi in the. most elegant and
tasteful manner. Near the bottom of the pic
ture is a superbly executed head of Our Sa
viour, and encircling the upper part of the en
graving are ten angels, each bearing one of
The engraving has received the most unqual
ified praise front the religious community, as
there is nothing of IL suturing character abont
it. having been recommended by clergyman of
ail denominations. As an ornament, it is one
of the most splendid ever. published in this
country, and is destined to take the place of a
poorer class of engravings: The size of the
plate is 20 x 28 inchas, and is unquestionably
the cheapest engraving ever offered in this
Who that loves art—who delights to study
a fine engraving who that would receive the
impressions which such a work is calculated
to iin'part, would fail to secure a copy when
the price is ONLY ONE DOLLAR, ivith - the
chance of securing for the . sum in addition, a
permanent home or another valuable' gift
As a work of art this valuable and beautiful
engraving is worth more then the dollar asked
for it, it will readily be acknowledged on an
inspection'of it ; but the subscribers intend to
make u Gift Distribution to parchasers of the
engraving of valuable presents of follows :-
1 House and Lot in York Borough.
2 Buggies, (Quinn Sr. Pahner'S Make, war
2 Building Lots in York Borough.
100 Valuable Dunks.
fio ilbis. Flour, (Warranted.)
1000 Gold Alin Frames to suit Engraving of
the Lord's Prayer.
500 Steel Plate Engravings; Birth of Christ.
Magnificent Looking Glasses.
Gold and Silver Watches-
AR kinds of Jewelry, embracing Cameos,
Florentine, Mosaic, Gold Stone ! &0.,
A Gift worth from 50 cents to .$500.00 with
cath engraving sold.
When the engravings are sold a meeting of
.the purchasers will bo called at Washington
Ball, York, Pa., when the Gifts named above
•will tie distributed in such a manner asithe
.purchasers may determine. The Purchasers
selecting a committee of disinterested persons
to make the awards in such manner as they
may designate.
The propricinrs from the favorable manner
'sin which this Gift Enterprise has been received,
and the number of engravings already sold,
hope to be able to have the mount at disposed
of by the Ist of July, 'hi, and hen all are
sold they will notify the purchasers, and have
the distribution of the Gifts proceeded with.
The cog/Jiving has received the commenda
tion of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens,
and indeed of all classes, who enter into it
with interest and spirit.
Send One Dollar, and 4 red stamps, to nay
postage on Engraving, and you are sure to
et it by return mail with a Ticket in the
J. M. Ausrin.
We invite attention to some of the recom
mendations: From Bev.Thompson,
Fedor of St. John's Protestant Episcopal
Church, York, Pa.
Messrs. Austin & Welirly :—The engraving
of the " Lord's Prayer," which is now offered
for sale by, Messrs. Austin & Wehrly, of this
Jlorougn, is." got up" with much taste and
beauty, and ought to recomend itself to public
attention—anything that will keep that noble
„composition before the mind and memory is
likely to do good. The work seems to me
only to require examination in order to be ad
mired, and I cannot but hope that the gentle
men yho have in hand its distribition at so
Moderate a rate, will be abundantly success
ful in their undertaking.
From Rev. F. F. Hagan, PaSiOr of the Mora
vian Church ,York, Pa.
York, Pa., Feb. 20, 1861.
Meisrs. Austin & Wehrly :—Having had
the pleasure of inspecting M6ssre: Austin &
Wehrly's splendid engraving of the Lord's
,Prayer, I would cordially recommend it to the
favorable attentionlt is onoteteinlyr friends atifult Yor
and elsewhere.o a beau
nament for _the dwelling of every christian
faintly, but also a gseful and edifying acquisi
tion for Sunday Schools and similar benevolent
institutions. F. F. Hagan.
11:3'• Editors or Publishers of Papers giving
this advertisement 6 insertions, will entitle to d
an Engraving and Ticket, by forwarding
the paper for that time to our address, or by
inserting it until the time appo otice onceinted for the
Ilistributwn, with an Editorial n
4 weeks, they will . receive the Engraving
framed with. a fine gold gilt frame to suit its
size, and a Ticket.
June :29-6t.] AUSTIN & WEHRLY.
Mr. John Fulks, Market-It., agent for Mari
etta and vicinity, where specimen engravings CaTi
be seen and purchased.
Rouse, every freeman of the North,
Put one united appeal forth,
To break the oppressor's rod!
Let not vain strife your ranks divide ;
Come up and labor, side by side,
For Liberty and God.
Oppressive war we deprecate, •
But we will pledge perpetual hate
To tyranny's dread cause;
Onward and on our aim shall be,
'Till our whole country is set free,
And ruled by righteous laws.
Our forefathers stood up and broke
From off their necks the galling yoke
Which England bade them wear,
But left the colored man still bound,
With despot's chains his limbs around,
And slavery's curse to bear.
In Freedom's cause they labored long,
With hearts undaunted, true and strong,
And well deserves the praise.
They laid the glorious corner-stone,
And though with weeds 'tis overgrown,
Let us the temple raise.
And ever, 'neath its peaceful dome,
May there be found a genial home
Fur all who freedom love ;
May we with skillful hand, unbind
All shackles from the human mind,
That it may soar above.
The New:York Times'. Washington cor
respondent tells the following story :
"An ebony specimen of 'Contraband,'
who says he 'missed his ole massa' bout
tree weeks ago, one dark night in Vir
ginia, an' hasn't seen hid), since,' is em
ployed in Fortress Monroe, and came
up with Lieut. Butler to-day. He 'ran
away from Virginia and has been in the
fort some weeks. He was sent out some
days ago, being acquainted 'with the
country beyond Hampton, and reported
the existence of a battery at 'Big Beth
el,'—having eluded the pickets, and got
where he could spot rebel forces. He
reported several companies in and a
round Big Bethel, and subsequently to
his discovery, lay some twenty-four hours
in the bushes, concealing himself from
the foe. Ile at last escaped, was shot
at, recived a ball through the sleeve of
his jacket, another shot away 'a pistol
from his belt, yet he returned to the
fort unharmed. When
,tho late expedi
tion went forward, this negro accompan
ied Lieut. Butler and Major Winthrop.
The Major left his horse with him when
he disappeared. This colored boy is a
most intelligent sample of his race, and
,said to be very useful at the fort, as
scout and servant. He goes fully armed,
always, and says, he''can smell a rebel
larder dan he ken a skunk.' He was in
. the thickest of the late tight, and was
highly servicable Jo Lieutenant Butler
throughout the conflict."
is a very warm place--ninety degrees
Fahrenheit. In this northern climate
we seldom have a temperature so high
in the shade. Even at ninety, beef will
begin to decompose in twenty-four hours.
The particles of beef and other food
which are loft between the teeth at din
ner begin, to purify before noon the next
day. If you pick the teeth, the oder,of
the breath testifies to discomposition.—
With this management, we ought not to
be s.uprised that the gums and teeth
should become the subjects of disease.
What is to be done ?
Ist. Use the tooth-pick (goose quill)
after each meal. Follow with a mouth
ful or two of water, to remove the parti
cles the toeth-pick may have left be
hind. ,
2d. Every morning, on rising, use the
brush and castile soap.
With.these simple things thoroughly
done, you will preserve the teeth to
old age.
Cri f \.aAorsn.—The differences of char
acter are never more distinctly seen than
in times when men are surrounded by
difficulties and misfortunes. There are
some who, when disappointed by the
failure of an *undertaking from which
they, had expected great things, make
up their minds at once
.to exert them
selves no longer against what they call
fate, as if thereby they could avenge
theniselVes upon, fate ; others grow de
sponding and hopeless ; but a third class
of men will rouse themselves just at'
enah nionierits, and say to themselves,
" the more difficult it is to attain my
ends, the more honorable it will be ;"
and this is a maxim which every one
should impress upon himself as a law.—
Some of those who are guided by it,
prosecute their plans with obstinacy,
and so perish ; others, who are more
practical men, if they have failed in One
way, will try another.
tar The largest cast iron building in
the worls now being erected in the
city of Ilavana, Cuba.
It takes a great man to know the im
portance of little things, says the N. Y.
Ledger. The attention bestowed by Na
poleon on the smallest details of military
organization, has always seemed to us an
evidence of his talents scarcely inferior
to Austerlitz or Marengo. 'No general
knew better than Nap;leon that the ef
ficiency of a soldier depends, first of all,
upon his being in perfect health and
splendid condition. He tried to bring
up all his troops to the condition of pug
ilists when they fight for the champion
ship. To this end several things are es
sential, the chief of which are, regular
and wholesome food, regular sleep, dry
and warm feet, and no powerful stimu
lants. Napoleon always insisted upon
every soldier having two pairs of good
shoes, and a good blanket. Everything
else could be extemporized or dispensed
with, but these—the shoes for the march
and the blanket for the bivouac—could
neither be eztemporized or dispensed
with. When the occasion occured, Na
poleon demanded of his troops the most
tremendous exertions ; but the admira
ble health resulting from his system
enabled the soldiers to endure fatigues
hich would have killed ordinary men.
It is also to be observed, that this con
summate general was careful to give his
troops a rest prOportioned to their ex
haustion, the very instant it was safe to
do so.
There was nothing in which Napoleon,
showed more forethought and good sense
than in his menagement of recruits.—
He knew that young fellows accustomed
to the shop, the field or the desk, can
not change their habits to those of the
soldier without great risk. Consequent,.
ly, he was as careful and tender in man
aging his new troops as mothers are of
their young children. He inured them
to tha hardships of War by degrees.—
Their first marches were' only ten or
twelve miles a day, with a frequent day
of rest. The officers who led them from
their native provinces to- the distant,
scene of war, were, charged to make the
march a pleasant series of lessops in the
military art. Sometimes, when the quar
ters were good, when the exigency was
not pressing, they would halt for ten
days, and undergo a daily drill of eight
hours. The consequence was, that men
who were raw recruits when they left
honie, arrived at camp trained dnd
toughened soldiers.
,UNREASONABLE.—In 1332, President
Jackson was fighting the Secessionists
of his day ; and in that course he had no
abler supports than his opponents in the
Whig ranks. Yet, even then. he filled
all the civil offices with tried Denim
cratic friends, while appointing to mili
tary positions Gen. Scott and other
Whigs. Whigs in those days, however,
did not demean themselves by begging
paltry offices as a consideration of their
patriotism—they 'acted right, but from
loftier impulses.
In 1361, President Lincoln appoints
also leis friends to 'civil offices, and in
this SECOND war against Rebellion he
chooses for military trusts many Demo
cratic opponents. But—while the.great
mass of the latter do manfully sustain
the Government—some there are, of
rather doubtful integrity,' who are growl
ing and whining to have Democrats kept
in little offices, and claim it because they
'are not traitors Pretending to be ad
mirers of Jackson and of a firm War
policy, yet they find fault, and try to
prejudice the people against LINCOLN
for doing just what Jackson did—pre
ferring his own friends and 'supporters
in merely civil positions. Out upon
such office-beggars—such gross incon
sistency I
(a — Blondon appeared for the first
time before the British public at the
Crystal Palace on the Ist of June, and, in
the language of the reporters, "astonish
ed and terrified" the spectators. 'He
turned summersaults, pretended , to fall
off the rope, ran along it blindfolded,
and with his head in a sack, &e. &c.,the
rope being 320 feet in length and 180
feet from the ground. On the 6th he .a
gain astounded and terrified the London
ers by walking the rope in a sack; carry
ing a stove on his baCk and cooking an
omelette ; after which he drew'forth
tray with dishes, glasses, and a bottle of
wine, and lowered the repast to the au
dience for their benefit. Next time he
is to cross the rope with his feet in bas
kets. The English are beginning to
wonder what next we shall send them.
Gr The Petersburg, Va., ladies, forty
in number, are drilling for fight. Their
captain is Josephine Swan. What a
jolly company to capture;
San Francisco correspondent of the Sac
ramento Union tells the following (apoc
ryphal?) story :
On the arrival of the steamer, honored
with the charge of depositing the Gen
eral at Portland, the booming cannon
that were expected to announce the fact
did not "boom." The crowd of citizens
assembled to do honor to the statesman
and patriot were not there. The flags
npon every house-top did not flutter in
the breeze. Instead of the open carriage,
drawn by six white horses with long tails,
provided to convey the General to his
hotel, there was only a solitary express
wagon waiting to convey the other mail
matter. Joseph knew the Express
man, and, alas, the Expressman knew
him (Joseph) well ; and he of the Ex
press wagon seemed to be the only one
that Joseph knew. After waiting pa
tiently for the demonstration the Gene
ral determined to postpone it, and with
the air and bearing of an ordinary citizen
he approached his friend, the Express
man, whereupon the following interest
ing conversation ensued :
Joseph—"llow are you, old fellow?
Glad to see you. How are you all get
ting on ?"
Express—" How are you, air,"
Joseph—[Assuming a cast iron ex•
pression of countenance.] I wish you
to take my baggage up to the hotel."
Express—" Can't do it, sir. Engaged
to take up the mails."
Joseph—" But it won't take you long.
You will have plenty of time afterwards
to take up the mails."
Express—" Look here; to tell you the
truth, I don't want to have any baggage
oolong:Mg to a d—d Secessionist on
board of my wagon."
WINFIELD SCOTT entered upon his 76th
year on Thursday, 13th ult. Long Live
the 76-ers !
Winfield Scott has been in arms for
more. then half a century. During all
that time, as youth, man, and veteran,
when in command of any description of
force, he has never retreated one foot.—
Not that he is any braver than officers
who have made nearly as many retreats
as advances, but that lie can not be in
duced to move until lie is certain of his
ability to maintain his position.
One of the London journals not many
weeks ago remarked that ' , Gen. Scott is
proverbially a slow commander, He is
always unpopular during his campaigns.
It is only when the campaign is over and
he has won—as he always has done—
that the wisdom of his action is under
stood, and he becomes popular."
8200 is offered for best National Hymn
—but who wants a better "National
Him" than Gen. Scott ?
having all sorts of stories about them.—
A. correspondent of the -sprightly Mil
waukee Sentinel tolls the following:—
Recently, a Methodist clergyman went
down to Staten Island to exhort them.
Billy Wilson drew up his men and called
"attention ?" The parson then gave
them a very edifying and appropriate dis
course, to which, in obedience to the
Colonel's commands, they listened at
tentively. When the parson , had finished,
Billy gave his "boys" a short talk, some
what in this wise :
"Boys, I want you to remember what
the minister has told you. It is all for
your good ; take his advice and follow it;
for there is no knowing , but that in less
than six months every d—d one of you
will be in h-1 !"
Here a voice from the ranks called out
"Three cheers for h-1 I" and they were
given with a will. The parson, aston
ished and angry, asked what it went.
"Ohl?" says Billy, "the boys don't know
much about Scripture. They think h—l
is somewhere between Montgomery and
New Orleani, and they are d—d anxious
to get down in that neighborhood."
ANEW DODGE.—Fivp hundred dollars
have been raised by subscription, in
Charleiton, S. C., for the family of Jack
son, who shot Col. Ellsworth. So far,
so good. But the money was invested
in a bond of the Confederate States, for
that amount, so: that the subscription
was reaily , for the benefit of Jeff Davis
& Co. The fathily of Jackson will get
the bond, but . DaVis & Co. get the money.
This: is a new ,Way of raising_ the Wind;
and speaks well for the inventive resour
ces of the secessionists.
We understand that information
was received by the Africa, that eisty
officers in the Prussianarmy haie
ed'leave of absence for two years, and
that their service will soon' lie Aendered
to the United States Goi.6rinnApt for
that length of time. • • •
Tartu s=--One Dollar a Year,
from the Pacific is grand. The arrival
of Gen. Sumner and the news of the up
rising, after Fort Sumter, has set all the
Golden State in a blaze of patriotism.—
Large meetings, not only in San Fran
cisco, but all over the State, declares,
in the strongest terms, their loyalty to
the Union and their abhorrence of any
attempt to establish a Pacific Republic_
It is not only a repudiation of the South
ern plans, but is a testimony of adher
ence to the Union, as it is, and an effec
tual estoppel of the projects once so
freely canvessed of breaking up the
Union into factions. California insists
upon the Union and the whole Union.
The importance of this movement can
not be overrated.
Cr Persons living in the vicinity of
the Rebel batteries at Wiennastate pos
itively that when the valiant South
Carolina Regiment formed in line of
battle on one side of the battery, they
placed in front of them 150 negroes
whom they had brought from the Pal
metto State, to receive the fire of the
Ohioans: But this stratagem did not
avail, for Cuffee invariably dropped flat
on his face whenever the muskets of the
Government troops were pointed in his
direction; hence it was that six South
Carolinians were killed, instead of six
negroes. The Rebels said there were
200 cavalry on the ground, who covered
their retreat,
Ca. The Enfield rifle is neither more
nor less than the United States Spring
field rifled muskets, christened in Eng
land the Enfield rifle, after the place in
that kingdom where they are, being man
ufactured under the foremanship of half
a dozen master workmen imported from
our Springfield. Armory works. In this
country the weapon is best known as the
American Minie musket. The Ameri
can mechanics above' eferred to, carried
the patterns over to England with them,
&c. Nearly all of them are back again
at Springfield, after having spent some
three years in putting the Enfield Minie
Musket Works in operation. The En.
field gun, likb our Minie musket, is of
calibre 58.
gar The Maryland Legislature, with
an assumption of authority so ridiculous
as to be almost sublime, daily fulmi
nates resolutions and decrees no less
innocuous than absurd. This body on
Thursday made itself more than ordi
narily asinine by declaring that Mary
land would not help to pay the expens
es of the war, and that the "Southern
Confederacy" ought to be recegnized at
once. The war still goes on, however.
eir Gen. Lyon has issued to the peo
ple of Missouri a proclamation setting
forth the duplicity and treachery of the
cowardly Gov. Jackson, assuring the
citizens that the loyal need fear no mo
lestation in their persons, or property,
or business, and promising forgiveness
to all who, having taken up anus under
a mistaken notion concerning the pur
pose of the Union troops, will now im 7
mediately return to their allegiance.
ar The Washington Star learns from
Fortress Monroe that several officers of
the Albany regiment that were engaged
in the late affair at Big Bethel, have
tendered their several resignations,
through dissatisfaction. with the contin
ued connection of General Pierce with
the army, and that it is highly probable
that a number of officers of other regi
ments in that quarter will fellow ;their
to - We notice that some of our Dem ,
ocratic exchanges are claiming Gov.
Sprague, of Rhode Island, as a member
of their party. This is not so. Mr.
Sprague, before the Republican party
was formed was a Whig, as was his fath
er before him, and has never been a
um One of Reagon's circulars to the
postmasters of the rebel States came intri
the hands of the Government by a blun
der of the New Orleans office. In if
he directs them to steal the pitperty
the United States, including mail-bags;
locks, tools for stamping &c.
if-zr They pretend to say Louis Na
poleon's weak side has at , last been -dis
covered, viz: roar .of•the sons of Louis
Phillippe. - Leopaldp of Belgium, tells
Palmerston to plays the Orleans dynasty
against the feigp`ilig {one, when he de
sires te.crititnicrate
Within six weelts, , Mr. John Abbot
of Oandia, N. 11., has buried. his entirS
faMily—sciven children and one grand
child—all victims of diptheria, • .
NO. 50.
The first number of the new volume of this
favorite family paper,
De, -D . ottsetplo
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The first number of the new volume is now
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Published weeklylut Four Cents, and also
In monthly parts with covers, price 17 cents,
or $2 dollars a year.
Publishers. A. HARTHILL er co., ,
`No. 20 North William-st., N. Y.
Or, The Romance of Royalty;
This is the title of a new histoncal romance
written expressly for
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by Mrs. Marian M. Fulton, the accomplished
authoress of 'the " Regent's . Son,"‘and other
first.elass works of acknowledged merit which
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ray's admirable history of the Four Georges,'
commences with the first number of the en
larged volume of the Household Journal, now
ready. Sixty-four columns, Four cents.
A Double-page Map of the World,
On Mercator's Projection; will •be given free
along with the first number - of the new volume
of. the Household Journal, now ready.
The very instructive, interesting and valua
ble lecture on the "Worl'd's Highway," as de . -
livered by Dr. Sober, betore the New-York
Historical and Geographical Society, published
In the Household Journat,'No. 1, Vol. 2, non
ready, price Four cents, along with a double
page Map of the World, engraved expressly for
the Household Journal, under Dr. Solger's su
The newest and best Music,
both Vocal and Instrumental, by the best
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nal, price Four cents. A nmv song by Stephen
Glover, appears in no., l r vol ; 2.
Popular Lectures by Popular men.
Every week a lecture by, same distinguished,
man appears in'the Household Journanon
sectarian and non-political.
Those published in the first volume are as
131lows—(any of which can be had, price 3 cth
each, from any news-agent; 6i from the, pub
lishers direct on the receipt of stamps:
London Street Life, by J. B. Gough; in no. 2g
Mahometanism, by Rev: Dr. Hamlin, in no. 25
The Sultan and. his Government, by Rev. Dr.
Hamlin, in no. 24 •
The Turkish Empire, by Dr. Hamlin . , no. 23
The Policy of Honesty, Geo. W Curtis, no. 22
A Day in the Alps, 11ey. T. L. puler, no. 21
Man and Climate;Bayard Taylor, no 20
Little Things, Rev. Dr. Stoors; no 19 '
Equatorial Regions of Africa, M. Du Chant,
' in number 18 .
Life in the Artie. Regions, Bayard Taylor, 16
The Electric Light, Prof. Farracia, no 13 '
Social Responsibilities, J. B. Gough, no 12
Young America, Banry Ward Beecher, no 11
Brazil and the illrazillinns, Rev. J. C. Retch=
er, in number 10
The Correlation of the Physical Forces; Prof.
Farrada, no 9
Magnetism, Prof. Farrada, no S
Heat, Prof. Farrada, no 7
Chemical Affinity, Prof. Farrada, no 6
Gravitation amreoh'esion, Piot: Faradd, no 5
Gravitation: Prof. Farada, no 4
Professor Farada's lectures are illustrated
with fifty-one engravings.
The Great Historical PiChun of
Webster in the &nate,
Delivering his great speech on March 7, 1858.
No picture equal to it in size has ever be
fore been sold for less than from $5 M
and the first copies of thework, no betterthatf
the present ones (as we.are no* printingthem
from renewed plates), sold rapidly at $lO per
copy. It is nearly three by four feet in size,
and represents WEBSTER oil an occasion
when the whole nation, agitated, was waiting
to hear him, standing in the midst of his aim- ,
and a whole galaxy of the chosen statesmen of
the day. Every Engraving is accompanied
with an outline key, pointing out by numbers
the name and location of each person repret
sented. To every Subscriber to the Household
Journal, who forwarwards us $2, we will mail,
the Household Journal for one year, and also
one copy of the above engraving—mailed free,
and carefully put up with roller to preserve it-
Address A. Harthill & Co., 20 North William
street, New York.
The Empire City at one View, In a-splendid
Colored Engraving of THE CITY OF NEW
YORK, Showing the entire city, and forming .
a complete 13ird'seye view of it (osFa sheet of
superfine drawing paper), 24 by 26 inches, all
carefully" colored by hand. This fine picture
hasjust been published at Three Dolloas per
copy, but by an arrangement effected we are
enabled to oiler. it to every Subscriber to the
Household Journal, who fowards us $2, in re
turn for which we will mail free, a copy of the
above engraving (done up with roller to pre
serve it), and also the Household Journal for
one year.
Sample Copies of the 'Engravings can be
seen et our calm All good etnullity bills, or
postage stamps, taken at par as remittances.—
Address all communications to the Pftblishera
and Proprietors of the Household Journal, A.
liarthill Sr Co., 2.6 North William street, New
Sewing Machines Given Away !
Washing Machines Given Away!
Musical Works Given Away!
Parties desirous of procuring a sewing
Machine of Wheeler & Wilson's Grover &
Baker's or Finkle_ r.Ayon's manufacture; or
one of Johnson's PtpiZon 'Washing Machines,
can do so by sub Wiltin g -to the Household.
Journal, at the rate 'of WV DolPtts a Jeer.
particulats of the, atOR - eNtiilktefl
the popular.. Mosteal and 144i:rated publica
tl'onsto be given away as prlintuinS, will be
Iquad in thefirSt,number of • ve.
he new olum'
ofNip Household Journal, a Ipy of which w li
he sent free to any adorn, By sendin , a
three-cent stamp, aco a ofthe double I",
Map:of the Mfuild w.,f-ii, Piesalilnitkite, . ~..:.
Address the tlAni ' . ' 3 - : ~-.-
Journal k A% P . .. - ' 41:). - . PO- .P O-
- .. - , 8440N, Lumber Dears
iti 16
Eastern part of N..
, anette
C IKE se call at their office, adjoinittg the Y
CIL ORY Itiricip ,tioase at .etke RAN. 21... --C:.
ia l i.,/
ABLE LAjalitik— , 4l new_ 41141 mast
meet shit tipsfeltSA safe lamp, called
r,bie Coca - OIL Laitii," for sale cheap
Roth's Drug Store.
'or to any now in u - 4e 4 can be had at the
Stare of DifferiLarh.
tTY one of those' beaut s ifuE S 0 f` T -
EATS at •, 92 Market-
9 ..-