The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, June 15, 1861, Image 2

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    6ttett4 ittatititian.
None shall with impunity soil these sacred sym
bols of our Country's life, liberty and power.
'.) - 4
OCR, POSITION: We have hitherto
pursued the even tenor of our way with
out, we trust, giving just cause of offence
to any of our political opponents, and
yet since we made open confession of
our faith in July last, we have never 'nes-
Rated fully, freely and frankly to ex - press
our sentiments on political questions
when the interests of the country seem
ed to require it, We do not'n.ow, how
ever, condescend to enter the arena of
party politics, but we are always ready
and willing to do our utmost to sustain
the glory of our flag and the honor of
our country ; and in view of our present
difficulties, we would not conceal from
ourselves the importance that attaches
to the office of the public journalist, nor
would we for a moment seek to shirk its
While many of our fellow men have
been groaning under the burdens impo
sed upon them by the old and almost
worn out governments of Europe, and
while the most enlightened statesmen in
ull parts of the world have admitted
that a Republican form of government,
where all power is from the people; and
in the people, and for the people, is de
cidedly the best in theory, we have for
more than seventy years given practical
illustration of this truth, and on a scale
too so extensive and magnificent,. that
we have been almost universally regard
ed as exhibiting the most illustrious ex
ample of prosperity and freedom of any
country in the world. ltut in a moment
of fancied security, and without any pro
vocation whatever, OUR BANNER that but
yesterday floated proudly over the whole
of the American nation was torn down
and otherwise ruthlessly insulted by a
band of traitrous parricides. To resent
this indignity the legions of the North
rose in their majesty and are now hurry
ing Southward to bring the offenders to
ju . stice, nor will they return until they
erect their standard anew, and spread the
Stars and Stripes, the emblem of our
country's greatness and glory, over every
inch of territory on which the secession
ists have laid their sacriligious hands.
Who that has witnessed the enthusi
asm with which our young men have un
dertaken the protection of the country
can for a nwment doubt their ability to
become a perfect terror to their enemies;
and when in addition to their loyalty and
youthful zeal and vigor, we think of the
justice of the cause in which they are
engaged, we feel confident of their com
plete success. But when our brave bo l }•s
shall have whipt our enemies to their
heart's content, the cause of all this diffi
culty must be removed before we can
have a surd and lasting peace. What
then are we to do with Slavery? how
shall it be abolished ? What com
pensation shall be given to the Slave
owner for his living chattels ? What
shall be done with the Negro population
or the Southern states? And if re
moved, bow can the Southerners live
without them ? It seems to us that the
one party will be really quite as helpless
as the other. It will soon devolve on
the North to give decided answers to all
these. questions and we must address
ourselves to the task without unnecessa
ry delay.
Hon. Thomas S. Bell, a distin
guished citizen of Chester co., died at
the house of his son•iu-law, in Philadel
phia, on the Gth inst., and was buried at
Oakland Cemetery, near West Chester,
on the 9th. Judge B. was a native of
Philadelphia, studied law at Easton,
then married and settled in West Ches
ter, where he was long a leading mem
ber of the bar, and a distinguished Dem
ocratic politician.
par The Governor has commissioned
George H. Bardwell as Brigade Quarter
Master, with the rank of Captain, for
the fourth - _Fegittent, Pennsylvania vol
unteers. We are downright glad to find
the gay andiricompartible Bardwell pro
vided for. Tie will make a host of
friends in the Ath regiment, so clever
and congenitcl . an.officer cannot fail to do
Cr Governor Curtin has signed the
death warrant of Thomas J. Armstrong,
now is Al oya.mensing prison, Philadel
phia, under sentence of death for the
murder of Robert Crawford, in the
Nineteenth ward, on the 21st of Septem
There are now said to be in and
about 'Washington, some 42,000 troops,
all in au excellent state of discipline
and ready for any service at an hour's
Th,o'Adjutant General of rennsyl about to collect all our old flint
muskets and have them remodelled.
13" Thursday last was General Scott's
lie was 76 years old.
work of raising the monster Union "
gun, which was lost overboard at Locust
Point, while being placed on a schooner,
on Friday evening last, was commenced
a few days since, by Messrs. Williams
Ulingworth, riggers of this city.—
Shears of the largest kind were erected,
and a perehase made on a strap around
its centre, which was on the gun when
it went overboard. Direct operation
tin the gun was commences about one
o'clock, and at six o'clock when the
work was stopped, it had been raised
about one foot. It is still in three feet
of mud and eight feet of water. The
work is done by contract, and the con
tractors have twenty men engaged, who
expect to have the gun all right within
a day or two. It is stated, though not
officially, that, if successful, the con
tractors are to receive s9oo.—Baltimore
PF.TERSON'S .111 AG AZIN z.—Th e July
number of this popular Monthly is
already on our table. In addition to
,its usual quantity of Stories, Poetry,
Household Receipts, Steel Engravings,
Fashion Plates, and Patterns for the
Work-Table, it contains Two Splendid
Colored Patterns, one of which is a
" Stars and Stripes" Bed-Quilt. Every
lady ought to have a number, so as to
work one of these Quilts. As a new
volume begins with July, this is a good
opportunity to subscribe. The price of
" Peterson" is only two dollars a year,
or a dollar less than magazines of its
class. It is just the oue, therefore, fur
the times. To club, the terms are
cheaper still, viz: three copies for five
dollars, or eight copies for ten dollars,
with a superb Premium to the person
getting up a club. Address,
Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street,
—The New York Commercial gives a
lengthy sketch of the history of Col.
Farnham, who succeeeds Col. Ellsworth
in the command of the Zouave regiment.
He is a native of Connecticut, and thirty
three years of age. In military knowl
edge few excel him. In appearance,
Col. Farnham scarcely bears out the ap
pellation his comrades give him of
Pony." Although not tall, carrying his
military cap about five feet from the
ground, still his wellknit frame and mus
cular development make him look the en
tire man and officer. He bears a face full
of determination and cool daring, a char
acter unstained by aught that is vicious
and dishonorable, and he he's shown in
his life, thus far, that temperance and
morality are perfectly consistent with
courage and gallantry.
BOLD AS EVER. Parson Brownlow
pitches into a secessionist in his locality
in the following style :
A Calm—Rather Personal.—ln my
last issue, I found it necessary to de
nounce Sparry, of the Register, as a
liar, a contemptible puke, and the tool
of scoundrels. lle has since chastised
me with four columns 1 of newspaper
abuse. This authorizes the additional
charge that he is a coward, even if I
were not in possession of the fact that
one of our citizens flogged him after
night in a grocery, but recently.
Mr. BnowsLow
GOOEY'S LADY'S BooK. FOR $1 00.--
TO meet the times, the sixty-third vol
ume of Godey will be sent to subscribers
for One Dollar. This volume comprises
the six best numbers of the year, and
will contain seven steel engravings, six
of the large double extension fashion
plates, and all the winter cloak patterns.
L. A. GODEY, 323. Chestnut st., Phila
A dispatch fi om the South states
that the Hon. John Bell made a speech
at linoxville, on the dth hist , in which
he urged war to the death against the
North, and declared that rive millions of.
our soldiers could not cocquor the re
bels. The report does not state wheth
er the lion. John Bell was as drunk as
on this as on a former occasion when he
made a speech which he afterwards felt
obliged to excuse on the ground of in
iEr Mr. Wilkinson, a farmer, his wife,
and an orphan child residing with them,
were found brutally murdered at
mington, Illinois; on the 23th inst. Mr.
Wilkinson was shot through his head,
his wife cut to pieces with an ax, and
the boy murdered with a club. Mr.
Wilkinson's son, who has disappeared,
is suspected of being the murderer, and
parties are in pursuit of him.
tEr A Tribe of .0 warf's has been found
in Africa whose ears 'reach to the ground
and are so wide, that, when they lie
down, one ear serves as a mattrass, the
other as a covering ! So says Petheric,
in his new work on "Central Africa,"
giving as his authority "an old negro who
has been a great traveler."
o'. The New York Tribune of Tues
day last says the Speakership of the
next House will probably be given to
Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, or
Frank P. Blair, jr., of Missouri. For
the Clerkship Col. John W. Forney is
the only candidate named.
kW Major Sprague, one of the army
officers captured by Col. Vaa Dorn in
Texas, has returned to his home in Ad
Lieutenant Colonel Crittenden, of the
mounted rifles, whoes resignation is re
reported in New Mexico, is a son of
lion. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky.
lie graduated in the infantry in 1832,
and after serving one year resigned.—
In 1846 he re-entered the army, during
the 'Mexican war, as a captain of rides.
He is a most excellent officer, highly
esteemed in private life.
Our latest advices from St, Domingo
are to the 10th inst. The papers re
ceived from there contain nothing but
manifestoes and declarations from the
people of all parts of the ex-republic,
breathing loyalty, gratitude, and devo
tion to the Spanish crown,
The Ilartfort 'Times says Col. Colt's
rifle regiment is full, and four or five
companies are now in rendezvous at the
Meadows. The men, it will be remem
bered, are armed with the best of weap
ons, at an expense of $50,000 to Col.
Gen. Reuben C. Hale, the Quarter
master General of Pennsylvania, former
ly resided in Lewstown, but was prac
ticing law in Philadelphia When appoint
ed to his present office. He is an active
and respectable member of the Demo
cratic party.
Jeff. Davis is fifty-three years old.
He was born June 3d, 1808, in that part
of Christian county which now forms
Todd county, Ky., but was removed in
early childhood to the Territory of Miss
issippi, his father settling near Wood
ville, 'Wilkinson county.
President Lincoln has taken a pew in
the New York avenue Presbyterian
Church, which Dr. Garley is pastor ; it is
of the Old School branch of the denom
ination ; Mr. Cass also attended it ; Se
cretary Cameron and Attorney General
Bates have also pews there.
It is known in Washington that two
brothers of Jackson, who murdered Ells
worth, are at the head of some fifteen or
twenty desperate fellows, who are keep
ing up a guerilla warfare on the advanced
pickets out of Alexandria.
,Commodore Paulding, bus completed
an arrangement of the signal book. for
the naval service. The Southern trai
tors will no longer be able to embarrass
the Federal vessels by their familiarity
with the old system of signals.
James Redpath, the Ilaytien Agent
of Emigration, offers to take charge of
the negroes who may be confiscated as
contraband of war, and send , them to
Ilayti, where they can have a free farm.
lion. John J, Crittenden will take the
stump in . the Ninth district of Kentucky,
in behalf of his own election to Coupes.
He is announced to speak in Lawrence
burg on the 20th inst.
The Cincinnati Gazette says that land ,
lords throughout that city are generally
reducing their rents from ono fourth to
one-half, in view of the stagnation of
Milford, Coo 0., has Made an appropri
ation of $lO for every unmarried, and
$l5 for every married volunteer, and vo
ted to insure the life of every soldier for
We observe by the Uemphis journals
that the committee of safety have for
bidden the circulation in that communi
ty of Brownlow's Whig and the Louis
ville Journal.
It is the belief of the Union men 'in
Kentucky that Cluthrie is playing a deep
game into the hands of the South, that
while talking Uni o n he is at heart for
The American Protestant Association,
and the Menouite body or Christians,
have taken open and decided ground in
favor of sustaining the U.S. Government.
The farmers of Ohio are putting in the
seed of the Chinese sugar cane, for the
purpose of having a supply of molasses
and sugar independent of the South.
The details of the new levy of 100,
000 men will soon be made public, and
it is probable that regiments now under
way will be hastened into the field.
The kindling wood formerly supplied
front North Carolina and Virginia, is
now coming in large quantities from
Maine and Massachusetts.
Dr. Wm. J. Walker, of Boston, a weal
thy surgeon, has given flinty thousand
dollars to establish professorships in
three of the Massachusetts colleges.
The venerable Josiah Dow, father of
Neal Dow, died on the Ist inst. in Port
land, Maine, having reached the age of
nearly ninety-five years.
A large white Whale ; caught in the
Gulf of St. Lawrence has arrived in
Boston, and is exhibited at the Aquari
al Gardens.
Col. Anderson's health is not restored,
and it is stated that be will go to the
mountains of Pennsylvania to recruit.
. OW Dr. Charles Lever, the author
died recently at Spezzia, Sardinia, to
which post he was British consul.
The .unconditional - Union Ticket was
carried at the recent election in Wash
ington City.
..... •••4
Kit Carsom' ,
it is stated, will have an
important duty confided to him by Gen.
PAYING Ix Kixn.—A French paper
says, "an American company of strolling
singers, called the Alleghanies, gave in
December last, in the Island of Dewey,
one of Cook's Archipelago, a grand con
cert, which was attended by the King
of the island, Makea. More than 2000
tickets were sold, and the receipts were
78 pigs, 98 turkeys, 116 fowls, 16'000
cocoanuts, 5700 pineapples, 418 oranges.
It required a day and a half to embark
these articles. The concert was of a
vocal quatour, and of several morccaux
executed by means of bells of different
sizes—from the diminsions of a bucket
to those of a thimble. The savages who
composed the auditory listened open
mouthed, and remained motionless from
admiration when the march from Norma
was performed. At the end of the sit
ting, one of the principal personages
present rose and gravely complimented
the performers by saying, " We shall
never forget you!"
CO - General Barney was displaced
from the command of the troops in Mis
souri, in consequence of entering into a
sort of agreement with the commander
of the State troops. This was much
disproved of by the Government, as it
was a sort of quasi recognition of the
State military as a separate entity.—
Also his refusal to protect the Union
men in various parts of the State, from
the cruelties of the secession fiends, or
of allowing them to - form Borne Guards
for their own protection. The Govern
ment has not removed Harney from the
command of Western Military Depart
ment ; but simply detatched Missouri
from that department, and connected it
with the command of Gen. McClellan.
C..Z°' Governor Hicks publishes, in the
Baltimore American a letter relating to
Mayor Brown's and Marshal Kane's
ageacy in the burning of the bridges on
the Philadelphia and North Central
Railroad, on the night of the brutal
massacre of the Massachusetts and Penn
sylvania troops in the streets of Balti
more. The Governor demonstrates that
the bridge burning was but the execu
tion of a deliberate and long existing
plot. He fixes the guilt of both the
Mayor..and the Marshall. The latter is
fairly gibbited by means of one of his
own traitorous telegraphic despatches.
To let him go at large after the publica
tion of that despatch will be offering a
premium to treason, mob-law and mur
ilgr The Baltimore Patriot has been
reduced in size, in consequence of a
dearth of advertising, the result of a
suspension of business, which is itself
the effect of secessionism in Baltimore.
Baltimore has receded more than fifty
years, by her mob influence and partizan
zeal for disunion. Fifty years will not
again restore her to the position she oc
cupied one year ago, and the people of
that city have themselves to blame.
65' The big gun, Union, which lately
arrived at Baltimore from Pittsburg,
weighing 56,000 lbs., 16 feet long and
carrying a 600 lb. ball—went overboard,
last Friday, in attempting at Locust
Point to roll it upon board a schooner
for transportation to Fortress Monroe.
The weight was so great the schooner
careened, and the gun rolled off into 12
feet water. It will take some time to
raise it
eir Gen. Butler has issued an order
Sternly forbidding the destruction of
private property, and he also has refund
ed the amount of damage suffered by .
some in such attacks ou their property.
At Fort Monroe, the head-quarters of
Oen. Butler, there are over three hund
red slaves registered as contraband
W The Rhode Island boys are in
clover. A letter from Washington
mentions that Governor Sprague oc
casionally distributes several dollars to
each of his men, and it is said that $lOO,
000 was set aside by his mother to sup
ply any want of the regiment.
re' The Cape May (N. J. ) Wave re
presents the prospects of the fruit crop
as remarkably good. Peach trees look
finer than for many years; apples, pears,
and cherries uncommonly proiperous,
and strawberries abundant.
la — The Richmond Whig, conceding
the possibility that the rebellion will be
subdued by the Government, declares
that a British protectorate would be pre
ferable to a return to the Union.
a". The last on dit is to the effect
tliat,,,Hon. Emerson Etheridge, of Ten
nessee, will be appointed resident Min
ister to Portugal, in place of James E.
Harvey, recalled.
W . The health of Henry A. \Vise, of
Virginia, is reported by the Richmond
papers to be very precarious.
Costly.—The expenditure for ra
tions and pay oft regiment, for a month,
is about $20,000.
rtEir The Boston Athenmum contains
the largest military library in the United
Cr Nathan Sargent, Esq., of
ington city, has been appointed commis
sioner of customs.
• ........ ..... 4
The only colored nation,ift the ,world
that coins its own specie is Hayti.
creature, who dishonors the noble name
and memory of the Father of his country,
and who, when he saw the loyal citizens
were determined to purchase Mount
Vernon to present it to the country,
like an avaricious speculator, charged
an enormous price for it, has been prowl
ing around with his band of traitors to
steal what he so lately sold. His slaves,
however, are not the faithful servants
that he would try to make believe they
are, for on Saturday one of them ran
away and came within the lines of the
Grand Army. The overseer, mounted
upon a superb horse, had the mortifica
tion, on applying for the fugative, to
lose his horse, and to be sent home with
tidings of his discomfiture to his master,
the Colonel. •
MICE POWER —Some time ago we
heard of a gentleman in Kirkaldy, who
trained a couple of mice to spin cotton.
The work is so constructed that the
common mouse is enabled to make
atonement to society for past offenses,
by twisting twine, and weeling from 100
to 126 threads per day. To complete
this, the little pedestrian• has to run 101
miles. A half-penny worth of oatmeal,
at ls. 3d. per week, serves one of these
treadwheel culprits for the long period
of five weeks. In that time it makes
110 threads per day. At this rate, a
mouse earns is. 6d. per annum. Take
off sd. for food, and ls. for machinery,
there will arise Gs. clear for every mouse,
per annum.
Everett, in a private letter, recently
published, declares his knowledge of the
fact that for thirty years leading South
ern politicians bad been resolved to
break up the Union, and that the slavery
question was but a pretext for keeping
up agitation and holding the South to
gether. The New York World is in
formed, from a trustworthy source, that
one of the latest occupations of the now
deceased Senator Douglas, was the par
tial preparation of a pamphlet exposing,
from a personal knowledge similar to
that from which Mr. Everett speaks, the
secret machination and public plans of
this great Southern conspiracy.
Piastrnaster General Blair, it is
said, will require persons receiving let
ters from the-Confederate States to pay
the postage,. notwithstanding they bear
prepaid stamps, which are regarded as
having been stolen. by the. seceeded
States from the Government of* the
United. States,. and, therefore, are• not
entitled to credit, no equivalent having,:
been received for them.
OW Caleb Cushing (nays the corre- ,
spondent of the Springfield Republican,)
has failed in business. Years ago he
was concerned with Robert Rantoul in
extensive speculations at the West,• and
it is on account of these, as I understand,
that he is at last obliged to succumb.
Gen'l Huger, according to the
New Orleans Crescent, is now in com
mand at Norfolk, He was for a long
time chief of the ordnance department
at Fortress Monroe,,and was with Gen
eral Scott in Mexico.
greatest plague - of life. Piles and Fistula—
Though thousands are afflicted with these ter
rible scourges, few it any are acquainted with
their cause or nature and resign themselves to
the belief that they are incurable—bu' an ex
planation of their character will satisfy any
man of common sense that they are remedible.
Piles and their kindred diseases arise from cos
tiveness, overstraining or neglected appeals of
nature ; by removing these we extinguish the
exciting causes. Halloway's Pills r )novate
the stomach .and invigorate the action of the
bowels, and a few applications of the ointment
to the seat of the disease will eradicate the piles
forever—try them and be convinced.
formed some miraculous cures in our city, at
the Union Ball.
One gentleman, deaf for tweaty years, has
been restored to his hearing. Another, afflict
ed with Rheumatism, unable to raise his hands
to his head, was cured in presence of a large
audience. We will, therefore, recommend to
all afflicted with Rheumatism, Deafness, Near.
ralgia. Sores, Pains, Burns, Frosted Hands and
Feet, to get a bottle of De Crath's Electric Oil,
as we saw his Oil perform cures which the me
dical faculty has been unable to make.—Hurt
ford (Con.) Daily Post.
- Ask Mr. John A. Perry, of Manchester, what
he knows about my Electric Oil. Ask all oth
ers present at Hie City Hall, if not 100 invalids
were cured instantly by the application of the
Electric Oil. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, in gen
eral, every thing sore or painful, has lost its
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the
United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50
cents, and $1 per bottle.
See advertisement.
EMPLOYMENT: The Erie Sewing Machine
Company desire to secure a few Traveling
Agents, upon a salary of 25 to $6O per month
and expenses, or a commission. This is an
oppoitunity seldcm offered, and those who
choose a constant business, can rely on con
stant employment for a term of years. Con
fidential Circulars sent free. AddresS^ Erie
Sewing Machine Company. IL JAMES, Gen- .
rale Agent, MILAN, Onio. [34-6in
From, Col. Albert Pike, M. of C., from
Arkansas. " I have used two bottles of lime
have Holland Minets, and have found it very
useful in case of Indigestion and Headache,
and recommend it to all who need a pleasant
and efficacious remedy and valuable tonic.
#lam We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art.. ; The testimonials are of the first charac-
IE See adverltSuient of Prof. L. Miller's
Bair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
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What is more fearful than the breaking
down of the nervous system ? To he exrirea
ble or nervous in a small degree is most di,
tress*, for where can a remedy be found !-
There is one but little wine, beer, or
spirits, or far better, none ; take no coffee,—
weak tea being preferable ; get all the fresh
air you can ; take tree or four Pills every night;
eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ;
and if these goldon rules are followed, you
will he happy in mind and strong in body, and
forget you have any nerves.
If there is one thing more than another fnr
utich these Pills are so famous it is their puri
fying properties, especially their power of
cleansing the blood from all impurities, and
removing dangerous and suspended secretions_
Universally adopted as the one grand remedy
for female complaints, they never fail, never
weaken the system, and always bring about
what is required.
These feeling which so sadden us, most fr-e.
quently arise from annoyances or trouble, from
obstructed perspiration, or from eating and
drinking what is unfit for us, thus disordering
the liver and stomach. These organs must be
regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if
taken according to the printed instructions,
will quickly restore a healthy action to both
liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural
consequence, a good appetite and a clear head.
In the East and West ladies scarcely any other
medicine is ever used for these disorders.
In all diseases affecting these ore,ans, wheth
er they secrete too much or too little water;
or whethor they be afflicted with stone or gravel
or with aches and pains settled in the loins
over the regions of the kidneys,. these Pills
should be taken according to the printed direc
tions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed
into the small of the back at bed time. This
treatment will give almost immediate relief
when all other means have failed.
rg No medicine will go effectually improve the
tone of the store/Leh as these Pills • they remove
all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance
or improper diet. They reach the liver
and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are
wonderfully efficacious in case of spasm,—in
fact they never fail in curing all disorders of
the liver and Stomach.
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known
in the world for the following diseases.
Ague, Dropsy, Inflammation,
Asthma. Dysentery, Jaundice,
Bilious Complaints, Erysipelas Liver Corn-
Blotches on the Female tr., plaints,
Skin, regularities,Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, Fevers of a ll Piles,
Colics, -kinds, Rheumatism ,
Constipation of the Fits, Retention of
Bowels, Gout, thine,
Consumption, Head-ache, Scrofula, or
Debility, Indigestion, King's Evil,
Stone and Gravel, Tumours, Sore Throats,
Secondary Symp- Ulcers, Venereal A'-
toms, Normsofa9l fections,
Tic-Dbulouremt, kinds, Weakness,S:c.
CAUTION:—Nine are genuine unless t h e
DON," are discernible as gelVater-mark in every
leaf of the book of directions around each pot
or box the same may be plainly seen by hold
ing the. leaf to the light.- A' handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such infor
mation as may lead to' the detection of any
party or parties counterfeitin gthe medicines or
vcndiug= the same,.kuowingi them , to be spu
Sold at the Piiknufieterr or , Profesuor Hot.-
LOW Y, SO Maiden Lane; New York, and by
all respectable Druggists'and.llealers in Medi
cine, throughout the civilized world, in' boxes
ut2 cents, 62. cents and sl.each.
iaThete is considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in even. disorder are affixed to each box. [i-S
Tr o -00N-SUMPTWES: The subscriber'
wiq cheerfully send, free of charge, do all.
who desire it, the copy of a- simple recipe by'
which he was cured of that direlis.ase GO . -
SUM PTION. Sulkrers with ConsUraption, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, or any lung affection, he sin
cerely hopes will try this Recipe, well satisfied
that if they do so they will be more than satis
fied with the result. Thankful for his own
complete restoration, he is anxious to place in
the hands of every sufferer the means of care.
Those wishi-T the Recipe with full directions,
&c., will pleas call on or address
BEV. Will. S. ALLEN,
myJS-3m] No. GG John St., Nthv York
Commission Lumber Merchant,
iVest Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
RESPECTFULLY offers h is services for the
,sale of Lu M 11 a a of every description
From his knowledge of the business he feel
confident of being able to obtain the highest
market rates for everything entrusted to him.
Hammered and Rolled Iron, li
S. liars, Norway. Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., for smiths.
T I ADIES AND GENTS Anderson has jusr•
received an elegant assortment of Perfu
mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils,.
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below , .
The usual rates, also some very handsome Canes,
tor gentlemen, Portmonies, &c.
JLOC S—Good Time
Keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
(;)A General Assortment of all kinds of
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap.
r A ADERSOISI , ! Attention Bu .
and Ilouskeepers. Having a great demand
our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con
tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep
per. Ground Corriander, and S , veet Marjoram..
Strawberry, Pine Apple,
Almond, • Rose, Lemon;
Just received and for sale at Grove 4 Roth's,_
j . 4 J. GRObli tk SON, Lumber Dediem„
Yard at'the Eastern part of Marietta,
11:3 Please call at their office, adjoining, the
THREE-STORY brick house at the CABAL.
TIORTABLE LAMPS. A new , and , most
r convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called,
the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," fa' sate ctiap
at Grove Sr Roth's Drug Store.
1000 POUNDS Prime York County
Buckwheat flour, by the hundred,
or single pound. For sale at WOLFE'S.
CI for culinary purposes, warranted geni4ne.
at H. D. Benjamin $; Co's.
RIED FRUIT now wiling cheap at
O is• STANT LY on hand, Monongahela rec-.
1...) tilled Whiskey;;' Benjamin 4^ Co.
- 110 RAN D 1 ES—all
,brands—guarranted to be.
1 . ) genuine. Benjamin 4- Co.