0,174 t t tv Ptho Yittraturt, Agritulturt, '1)136 - ONa, gLt zinc al6 tztful Arts, etntrai Itivs trf fly pag, ciTztal `nformaliga, ft, fr. 3E3E - 1,17.er, _caltor aoacl_ Proprietor_ SEVENTH YEAR. Published every Saturday Morning. .. ... OFFICE—Front-street, Crull's Row, 2d storyl Five doors east of Flury's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in advance, and if subscriptions to not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the expitation of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontin ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his Irnnble. ADVERTISING RATES : One squitre (12 lines, Or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes sional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines, five cents a-line. 1 square 3 months, $2.00 ; 6 months,s3.so; 1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3: 6 months, $5; i year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, SS; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O. One column, 6 mouths, $2O; 1 year, $3O. Having recently added a large lot of new Ton AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINT ING, at short notice and reasonable prices. S TILL IN THE UNION. JOHN CRULL, HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA TAPES this method of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. IVlackley,) and is now perma nently tike4 to 111'0.A:cute TIIE, II21:17I1tiG BUSINESS IN ALI. ITS 3RA2