atiariettiait. MARIETTA CAR HOURS : The fdlowino is the starting time from this place : GOING EAST. Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a . m ilarrisburg Accommodation. 5.16 p. m GOING WENT. Mail Train, 11.41 a. m. liarrisbnig Accommodation, 6.58 p. to. A train will leave Colombia at 1 o'clock and conncet at Lancaster with the Fast Mail East. and leave Lancaster for Columbia at 2.45 p. na. SATURDAY, MAY 25,1861. FIREMAN'S PAIZADF::—OR Monday last, notwithstanding the inclement weather, the parade, consequent upon the recep tion of the Union Hook and Ladder, came off. The truck and fixtures, manu factured by Messrs. Thompson, R us h ig & Grove, are really a credit to the work manship of those men and the mechan ism of our town. It was the intention of the principle getters up of this demon. atration, to postpone it on account of the weather, but the arrival of our neigh bors from Columbia settled to the con trary, and the parade cent on regardless 'of the pouring rain, which was; all things considered, quite a creditable display,—. In the evening a ball was given to the Columbia visitors, which, we are told, passed off finally. Mr. Folks, who has been the chief in this Hook and Ladder movement, has furnished us with the result of the operations of the ball, by 'which it will be seen that $27,08 has thus been placed in the hands of the. Treasurer of the Volunteer fund : iStatement of Receipts and Expenditures of Me Firemen's Ball, at the Town Hail, Marietta, May 201 k, ISGI , for the benefit of the famthes of the Marietta volunteers Amount of Tickets sold, .Paid J. Cushman, Hack hire, 1 . .50 " F. L. Baker, printing, 3.25 Marietta String Band, 10.00 •" Emswiler, services at Hall, 1.00 4 ' Lighting-up Town Hall, SO " Mrs. Collins. cleaning Hall, 2:5 " 0 :For 4maeks Envelopes, 32 *" Shallow, back driving, Sze:, • 75 Tiefredhrnents during evening; 3.00-20.57 ICoritrifiretions for Itefre4hintnts; Balance in Jdhn Tua.s , hands, Received, IVlaiietta, May 21st, 1 4 369, of John Full; s, Twenty seven dollars and .eight cents —being the profits of the Firemen's Ball—to benppropriated to the supportof the families Hof the Marietta volUnteers. JAmr.s WlLsort, Treasurer. wir A strolling fellow, with mnsket-in invnil, was arrested on the river shore, on Wednesday afternoon and taken before Esquire A user, where he. told several stories—that he was from Baltimore— being a Union man—had to escape from the city—that he went torChambetsburg and enlisted, but afterward was discharg ed—but finally acknowledged That, while en-guard at Cutup Scott, York, being nearly starved, fled. Edward P. McEl roy having been the first to suspect and -arrest 'him, had gratis, quarters provided for him fur the night, in the basement r the Town Hall and on Thursdayxrior rang took him back to' York and deliv ered bim over to the Camp officers. Fla is from Pittsburg. Mac says he was im mediately ironed and put in the guard house on bread and water. ear It will be gratifying to the numer ous friends of Major F. Hambright, to learn that be has been unanimously e lected captain of the Allegheny Rifles. Speaking of the gallant captain the Pittsburg Gazette says: Thoroughly imbued with the military spirit, a strict disciplinarian and correct tactiuien,Major Hambright re-enters the service of his country at his advanced age with all the spirit and animation, and with much more experience, than most of the officers who remain with us. With the advantage of such a thorough drill, , we shall be surprised if the Rifles do not render a good account of them selves. Cr It is said that Mr. Buchanan has contributed $5,000 to sustain the coun try. He had better have contributed a few dallars' worth of patriotism and energy when he was F'resident.—Louis ville Journal. We learned on Monday last, from a gentleman from Lancaster, that Mr. Buchanan's contribution was . ffty dol lars,—just two 00's less than the above. Alariettian. Cr A new chime of eight bells has been placed in the belfry of Trinity,Lu theran Church, Duke street, Lancaster which rung its first merry peal on Sun day moring last on the occasion of the Centennial anniversary of Old Trinity. The chime is said to be much sweeter in its tone than the old bells, gar The Pittsburg Dispatch says a new counterfeit of the Farmers' Bank of Lancaster made its appearance in that city on M onday. It is decribed as fol lows: The bill has no centre vignette— oval male portrait; 10 above on right end —two Indians, one kneeling, 10 above on left end—female bathing betwen signa tures—name of bank in semi• circle at the top of note." 'Er The Lancaster Express of Thurs day evening pays a high but deserved compliment upon the Railroad House, at the Upper . Station, now kept by Lew is Houseal: As a caterer Mr. FL has no superior anywhere. iSCBSCRIPTIONS FOR RELIEF : The Re lief Committee of this Borough again re spectfully call the attention of subscri bers to the above, to the subject of pay ment. They ask, at present, only one third of each amount subscribed. Some have paid in full—others have paid one half—others one-third or more ; but the greater part have not yet paid any ; prob ably because they have not been called on. But as the duties of the Visitors have been pretty arduous without ma king collections, the Committee hope that most (if not all) of the subscribers will lessen these labors by calling on the Visitors and making payment, without waiting to be called upon. lIIIME The Committee wonld also very re spectfully state that all subscriptions made thus far must be paid in .cash, as fairness to all requires ; and especially as the Committee cannot give their at tention to auditing bills and dispensing . orders. The families to be relieved should, also, be treated alike as far as possible, as well as subscribers ; and cash payments., will best enable us thus to treat all parties. This, however, is not to exclude any donations in produce which may be offer ed hereafter—all such will be received at the stores already named, and will be faithfully dispensed as directed by the doners. But cash subscriptions will al ways be preferred- by the Committee. By order of theßelief Committee. A. B: Seey. Marietta, May 24, 1861. P. s.—We have now over thirty fam ilies under our charge, most of whom require weekly assistance at present va rying from one dollar to four or five dol lars, each. A. B, G. tiar The "Safe Harbor Artillery," Captain Geo. H Hess, were the first to offer the services under the three months call, but from some unexplained cause Were not accepted. The company is now on hand, we are informed for three months or three years. In addition to the above, permantly organised "Home Guards" have been formed in various sections of the county, who, should occasion require, whould have no hesitation in entering the regu lar service for the defence of their coun try and rights. In concluding this brief mention of military matters at home, we cannot refrain from expressing our ad miration of spirit that now actuates the loyal, men of .Lancaster county. Party ties are ignored, and with here and there a miserable exception. all men of all par ties and creeds, are united in their deter mination to uphold and defend the con stitution and the laws.—Express. $46.75 *I'M 1.20 '27 OS frirThe M an heiM Sentinat of last week, says that operations on the Reading and Columbia Railroad have commenced.— The sub-contractors on the section from that place southward commenced work with a goodly force about a week since, on the hillock along the Chitlins, about three-quarters of a nide southwest of town. Once this is graded, and the several bridges built in that neighbor hood, the work all along from Chestnut Hill to Litiz is light, and will require but a short time to get ready for the rails. We expect to hear the " iron horse" snorting in that neighborhood befor the close of the year. LW Dr. J. (4. Stehtnan has returned to his mother's residence in this borough ; we leant he has had several bemorrahges of the lungs and been compelled 'to tem porarily suspend practice. Ie returns home to recruit. llou.owkes Pt Ls.—Fast life, Swift decay. "A deed without a name!" There is a stream of vice current among the youth of both sexeS prolific of the most terrible disorders. By per verting the noblest gifts of God to the vilest purposes it degrades the majesty of manhood to the level of the brute; it traces its source to the depraved affection of a prurient imagination its appetite is whetted by the contaginated con fluents of indiscriminate companionship at schools and seminaties;it bears within its womb the tortures of its own chastisement, and the germ of speedy destruction in the fearful retri bution of loss of memory,bankrupt constitution swift decay, imbecility and insanity. It is our duty to warn parents and guardians that this nameless disease may not only be prevented but actually cured by the remedies heading this paragraph—Daily News. PROF. DE GRATEI'S ELECTRIC OIL has per formed some miraculous cures in our city, at the Union Hall. One gentleman, deaf for tweaty years, has been restored to his hearing. Another, afflict ed with Rheumatism, unable to raise his hands to his bead, was cured in presence of a large audience. We Will, therefore, recommend to all afflicted with Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu ralgia. Sores, Pains, Burns, Frosted Hands and Feet, to get a bottle of De Grath's Electric Oil, as we saw his Oil perform cures which the me dical faculty has been unable to malce.—Hart ford (Con.) Daily Post. Ask Mr. John A. Perry, of Manchester, what he knows about my Electric Oil. Ask all oth ers present at the City Hall, if not 100 invalids were cured instantly by the application of the Electric Oil. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, in gen eral, every thing sore or painful, has lost its terror. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the United States and Canada. Pride 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. €l3 See advertisement. EMPLOYMEIsrT : The Erie Sewing Machine Company desire to secure a few Traveling Agents, upon a salary of 25 to $6O per mouth and expenses, or a commission. This is an oppoitunity seldcm offered, and those who choose a,constant business, can rely on con stant employment for a term of years. Con fidential Circulars sent free. Address Erie SeWing Machine Company. IL JANES, Gen eral 'Agent, Mxt_tr:, Onto. [34-6m NTH I WEEKLY The Best MILITARY BOOR ever Published IN ow ready, BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL, Containing full instructions for the Bit:CRUIT, And all the information necessary for" the forminc , , of Corpse of Home Guards. Illustra ted with over 100 ENGRAVINGS, Showing the Different Positions in the FACINGS and MANUAL of ARMS, and complete directions relative to LOADING and FIRING. Ar ranged according to Scott's System of Infantry Tactics, And in conformation with the ARMY RE QUIREMENTS for the PRESENT WAR. The instructions given are of the greatest importance to the new volunteer, and should be thoroughly understood, being indispensable to the instruction of a company. Bound in ore volume, /2m0., G 2 pages, Piper Cover, price 2 cents. Flexible Cloth, 38 cents. PUBLISLIEDinthe GERMAN LANGUAGE At the same price, and is the only German Book of American Military Tactics Pub lished in the United states. To engage in the Sale of this Work, in every Price per Dozen Copies, - " - " Dundrea " All orders accompanied with the Cash will be dispatched immediately, either by post or express. If ordered by post, Stamps must be en closed to pay postage. If by express, the freight can be paid on delivery. SONGS FOR TUE VOLUNTEER. THE CAMP-FIRE COMPANION. A New and Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Songs, adapted especially for the present Campaign. One vol. limo. With illustratiOns. Paper Cover, 15 cts., Flexible Cloth, 25 cts. Single Copies of the above Books, Mailed FREE OF POSTAGE, To any Address in the United States r upon re ceipt or the price, -by KING & BAIRD, Printers and Publishers; 607 SANS OM ST., PHILA D'A. To 'whom all Orders should be addressed. May 25, 1561.• 6t MARIE ['TA HYGIENIC WATER-CURE THE WONDERS OF THE WATER-CURE are such, that, if they were generally known, the dealers in drugs might throw their physic to the dogs, for the people—at least the intelligent portion of them—would have none of it. And why should they? Can a man take fire into his bosom and not be burnt? Nay verily I No more can he take_ poison into his stomach without being injuAl by it. READ THE YOLLOWING! Professor S. M. Smith, M. D., of the New-York College of Physicians and Surgeons, says: "All medi cines which enter the circulation poison the blood." Prof. A. Clark, of The same school, says "All of our curative-agents are poisons : and as a consequence every dos , c diminishes the patients vitality." •Prof. 11. G. Cox, M. D., of the New-York Medical College, says " The fewrr remefies you employ in auy disease the better fur your patient," READ AGAIN! Prof. Parker says " Hy giene is of far more value in the treatment of diseases than drugs." Prof. Clark "A sponge bath will often do more to quiet feverish rest less.patients. than an anodyne."—Prof. " Hygienic treatment is of far more val ue than all drugs combined." JOHN CAMERON, M. D., corner of Front and Gay streets, Marietta, practices the hygienic %% r ater-Cure system exclusively, and con Mien t ly submits that it is perfectly and agreeably applicable in. every curable disease; while, at the same time, it is the only medical system yet discovered, that has philosophy and com mon sense to commend it to public confidence. The following are some of the diseases in the treatment of which Dr. C. is prepaied to prove the efficacy and superiority of his sys tem, viz : Inflammatory, Typhoid, Remittent, intermittent, Symptomatic and Eruptive Fe vers, Inflammatory affections, Gout, Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Worms, Plies, incipient Consump tion, Scurvy, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Thrush. Ep ilepsy,-when not caused by any structular de raiumment, Hysterics, Bronchitis, Croup, Pal pitznion, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rickets, Neu ralgia, Rashes, Mains, Scails and other disea ses of the skin, Mismenstruation, Leuchor rhea,Prolapsus and other genital displacements. Venereal diseases, diseases of Cm Urinary or gans, &c., &c., &c. Marietta, May 18, IS6I. , SPRI.NG GOODS AT PANIC PRICES! CI PAN GLER & PATTERSON, No. 66 Mar ket street, Marietta, Pa.. are now supplied with a full stock of every description of Thy Goods, Groceries, etc., which were holight at reduced prices under the pressure of the times, and will tie sold either Wholesale or Retail, at a small advance. Below we enumerate a few of the articles in our Line : - - Dry Goods. Notions, Etc. Groceries. Fancy and Black Silks, Cloves, Sugars, - Shalleis, Hosiery, Collies, Lavellas, llandkerchicfs,Rice ' Mouse BeLaines, Collars, Sleeves, Mackerel, Silk Poplins, Cravats, White Fish, Lawns, Suspenders, Herring, Cingiams, Hits, Cod Fish, Cassimers, Umbrellas, Syrups, Cloths, Parasols, Cheese; Velvet Cords, Shirt Breasts, Tea, • Cottonades, Dress Trimmings, Rice, Kentucky Jeans, Tideys, Dried Fruit, Shawls, Head Nets, Spices, Dusters, Belts, Starch. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Decorative Wall and Window Papers, Gilt, Baguet and Landscape TRANSPARENT BLINDS, SileCtiEgS, Cheeks, Tickings, Skirtings, Crash, Diaper and Da mask Table Cloths, Table, Floor and Window Oil Cloths, Blank ets, Counterpanes and Mar sailles Quilts. 10,000 YARDS CALICOES, At from 5 to 10 'cents' per yard. Marietta, April 10, 1861. S UMMER HATS! THE HAIL COLUMBIA HAT! TIIE STAR SPANGLED BANNER HA THE WASHINGTON HAT. THE NATTY BUMPPU HAT. THE RIP VAN-WINKLE THAT. More beautiful beyond comparison than any thing in this line hitherto offered. Scientifi cally ventilated, national and eminently sug gestive of patriotism, and cannot fail to be.the Banner Hat for our young men. They must be seen to be appreciated. A beautiful assortment of all styles of- STRAW HATS, MILITARY FATIGUE CAPS, in all styles, and qualities, AVhielriVe are prepared to sell at , , MOST REASONABLE PRICES, Either SINGLE CAPS or BY THE QUALI TY. SHULTZ & Bito., inylS] North Queen street, Lancaster ATTENTION ! • A ce4e ATTE N TI 0 N In the Schools of the Soldier and Squad, given in the most Simple Style, By Lt. D. W. C. BAXTER, OF THE NATIONAL GUARD. This Bock is Officially Approved of. THE SAME WORK IS ALSO Ageuts and Clauvass43 Wanted CITY TOWN and VILLAGE In the Country. Ingrain, Rag, lhree•Plg and VENETIAN CARPETS. MARIETTIAN. Petersons' New Publications ! A r civ and Unotl 140(1 's by the Authors FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, EVERY- • . WHERE, AND PUBLIF:7IED 1W T. B. PETERSON- &, 'No. 30G EST.'S UT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Sent free of postage to ati to any place, on remit ling us the :twice of the ones wished. WILKIE COLLINS' NEW BOOK The Crossed Path; A Story of Modern Life and Manners. Br Wilkie Collins, author of " Woman in White," The Dead Secret," etc., and far superior to either of them. One vol., 12m0., cloth, $1.25; or in ttvo vols., paper cover, for one Allier. Read what the Editor of the New York Daily News says of it : " T. B. Peterson Sr. Brothers have given to the public, in an acceptable form, one of the most remarkable works of fiction that .'has ever been issued from the press. The Cross ed Path, a Story of Modern bile and Manners,' exhibits in' a pre , eminent degree, the power possessed by Mr. Wilkie Collins, of sustairfing the interest of a story which in other hands would probably prove tedious. The two - con trolling agencies of the plot are loVe and re venge, which are Made in turn to work upon each other. The hero has the misfortune to have a father who is very tenacious of ances tral honors, and who is desirous that he shotild ally himself by marriage to a. family equally as ancient as his own. As is often the case in such instances, the young man hills in love with a woman who is inferior in social posi tion, • a tradesman's daughter, and to escape the consequences of his father's wrath, marries her secreus . Here the revengeful iedividuaL appears upon the scene, in the shape of the linen-draper's confidential clerk, who has been deprived by the hero, of the woman he was desirous of marrying. In addition to this ground for hatred, his father was hung for for gery through the evidence of thehero's father. "To avert all suspicion, the hero agrees not to claim his wife, or demand any of the rivil eges of a husband her the space of a year.— This interval is improved by Mannion, who gains the affections of his wife find consum mates his disgrace on the night. before the ex piration of the year. To this the hero is a witness, and proceeds to wreck his vengeance upon the head of Mannion, leaving, him ap parently lifeless in the street. He, however, Survives, and after having unconsciously caus ed the death of the unfortunate woman, still pursues the hero with his hate". Having alienated him from his father, he persecutes him in various ways, until be ar last falls a victim to his own impetuosity and is dashed to pieces over a precipice. The persecuted victim is then restored to his family a wiser, though perhaps, not happier man. The story is told very skillfully, and the more objection able features of the plot are handled with grear . delicacy. We would advise, all our readers to get the book and read it, Mr it is the most remarkahle work of the day." The Dead Z•ecret. By Wilkie Collins, author of The Crossed Path," tne ‘• Woman in White," etc., a large and beautiful edition in duodecimo form, so Irr . ;e type, making over WU pages. It is complete in one volume, bound in cloth, fur $1.25; or in two volumes, paper cover, for $1 00. - - $2.00 - - 3.00 - 15.00 Father Torn and the Pope; or A Night at the. Vatican. With illustrative Engravings.. Complete in one volume. This is the most humorous and lawhable book ever printed.— Trice 2-5 cents. Life in the Old World ; or T ..•c) Years in Switzerland and Italy. By Fredrika Bremer, author of " Home in the Nevi World," " Neighbors," '• Home," " Four Sisters," " Fauter and Daughter," etc. Trdrislated by Mary llowitt expressly fur the American publishers, who purchased it. at a very large cost. Complete in two large duodecimo vol umes, of near 1000 pages. Price, $2.50 Charles Dickens? New Book. A Message from the Sea ; and The Uncommercial 'Travel er. By Charles Dickens(Buz), author of" The Pickwick: • Papers, 3 ' etc. Complete in one large duodienno volume, cloth, for $1.25 ; or a cheap edition, in one volume, paper cover, for 50 cents. . The Initials. A Love Story ;of ,Modern Life, and the greatest book ever published in any language. Complete in two vols., paper cover. Price 51.00; or bound in Mai volume, in cloth, for $1.25. Secession, Coercion and Civil 'Val.; a Jove tale of 1861, by J. B. Jones. 1 volume, cloth, $1.25 ; or 2 vois; paper cover, for $l. The Languages without a Master. French; German, Spanish, Latin, and Itaitan without a master. C.mplete in one largo volume, cloth, $1.25. The Memoirs of Vidocq. Written by him self. Complete in one volume, cloth, price $1.25 ; or in two volumes, paper coyer, for l. Camille or, The Camelia Lady. (" La dame aux Camelies.") The greatest book in. the English language. A literal translation from the French of Alexandre Dumas the Younger. One voltime, cloth, price $1..:15 ; or in two vols., paper cover, for $l. flurry Cloverdale's Courtship and Marriage. By the author of " Frank Farleigh," . " Lewis Arundel," etc. Ocie volume, 12ni0., cloth, $1.25; or two volumes, paper cover, for $1 The Little Beauty. By Mrs Grey. Com plete -in two volumes, paper coder, price $ L. or bound in one volume, cloth, price $1.25, Cousin flurry. '1;1) is new book by AI; s • Grey is just pubhshed from: advance London sheets, midis tar superior to the Gambler's Wife," ati'd is bound in one large duodecimo volume, cloth, price $1.25; or in two vol umes, paper cover, fur $l. The Three COUSiT2S. By James A. Maitland; Esq., author of " The 'Watchman," " The Lawyer's Story," " Sartaroe," " The Wan derer," " Diary of an Old Doctor," etc.— Complete in one large duodeciMo volume, cloth, for 1.25; or in two volumes, paper Cover, for $l. ' The Greatest Plague of Life; Or, The Ad ventures of a Lady in Search of a flood Ser vant. tly one who has been almost worried to death. Complete in one volume, paper cover, Price 50 cents. The Nobleman's Daughter. By the Hon. Mrs. Notion. Price 25 cent;. Thi Man with Rice Wives. By Alexandre Dumas, .author of " Tho Count of Motile Christo," " The Three Guardsmen;" "Twenty Years After," etc. One volume octavo.— Price 50 cents. The Ruined Gamester. BY George W. M. Reynolds, author of " The Court of London," " Rose Foster," etc. One veluine, °eta 4 - o.— Price 50 cents. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. By G. W: M Reynolds. One volume, paper cover, t;to cts The Countess' and the Page. By G. W.' M Reynolds. One volume, paper. Price 50 cts NEW BOOKS IN PRESS Mrs.' Southworth's New Book, never before issued.' The Gipsy's Prophecy. By. Mrs. Emnia D. Southworth, authorof " The Lost Heiress," " The Deserted Wife," CC The Discarded Daughter," " The Missing Bride," " The Curse of Clifton," "Retributiory ), "Fhe Wife's Victory," " Inoia," " Vivia : the Secret of Power," " The Three Beauties,'' etc., etc. Complete in two volumes, paper cover. Price $l. t,r bound .in one volume, cloth, for $1.25. , • , Tim manuscript of this work has just been received by the Publishers from Mrs. South-. (worth, who - is now living in London, and will be published uniform with all her other Works on May Ist. Horrors of Paris; Or, The Flowers of the Faubourg. Alexandre Dumas, author of " The Count of Monte Cristo," "The Three S 11irdXmen," " Twenty Years After," etc.— 0pe.y,91. octavo. Price 56 cts, - 2 '107 OnokOelleA, News Agents, and - all others„ 10). please send on theirnrcers at once for what they may want of either of the above bdoks, all -of which will prove to be of great ['popularity and command large sales. ' Copies of any of the above books will be sent to any one,, to any place, free of Postage, On,rernitting the price in a letter to the pub lishers. Address all orders and letters to .the pub lishers, T. B. PETERSON Sr. BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, And they will, receive immediite attention. 111 HE Largest and best assortment of Raney j Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered in this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition by J. R. Diffrnback. STILL IN TILE UNION -6- , JOHN CRULL, HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA ..... MAKES this method of informing his old I friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute THE RATTING BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Having just returned from the city where he selected -a large, vari( d and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, ani), now only asks an examination - of his stock and prices, before purchaaing'clsewhere. Having alao laid in a stuck . of Halting materi al, he - will he.enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Rat. hFitnploying none but the best of workmen : and manuthccuring good goods at low prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal Share of public patronage. #ice The highest price paid for Furs,—in trade or cash. Marietta, March 9, C OLUMBIA INSURANCE comp k.N Y. This Company is auiborized by its charier to insure in the county, or in bonughs, against I loss or damage by fire, on the mutunl plan, for I any length of times limited or perpetual, either I for a cash premium, or a Piennum note. NOTE SYSTEM. Those who insfite i for a premium note will be insured for live years, and subject to assess ments in case of losses. CASH SYSTEM. Those who insure for a cash premium will be insured for any term not'exceednig 3 years, and not subject to any assessments. One per centum premium will be charged on farm pro perty for the term of five years. ' ' DEPOSIT SYSTEM: Farm property will be*insured for the term of ten years, for a deposit of three per cent. of the amount insured, the whole amount of the premium note to be returned at the eXpiration of the policy, without interest, or the policy will be renewed for ten years, without any ex pense, at the option of the insurer. C.' S. KAUFFMAN, PRESIDENT. GEORGE YOUNG, JR., Secretary.. Directors; MrcHAEL lf. 211mmi., Vice President. M. M. STRICKLER, Treasurer. .iAcon B. SnUMAN, WYATT W. MILLER, HENRY R. KNOTW ELL, ARRA lIA➢I BRUNER ; . HENRY E. Writs'. • Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. t(W. S. ROAT 11, AGENT, MilytO Matti/ 30, ISID-ly PROF. DE GRATH. would state explicitly r that he is the divorerar and sale possessor of the secret of the manufacture of Electric Oil, which could not be purchaAd for $l,OOO, 000 —and $50,000 will be given to any chemist who will make it. My Oil has performed all the cures published in the Ledger for years past. Ask Col. Grant, 26 North Thirteenth street, Dr. Killingsworth, Dr. Keyser, at St. Lawrence Hotel ; George C. foyer, 3tld Jarvis street; Mr. Cripps; Thirteenth and Girard Avenue, and others, ad inpatient, who have been cured of Rheumatism, Deafness, &c., by my Oil in Philadelphia. It is also a valuable remedy for Colds, Splinta i Spavin and Scratches on horses. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $l. PROF. CHARLES DE GRATH, Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine withost signature of Prof. C. DE GRATH - . Labels siffied in writing'. Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St. Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists can be suppned wholesale and retail. Price 25 cents, 5U cents, and $1 per bottle. Try everything else ; give this one simple trial. CAUTION—Be careful to ask for and get DE (111:4,T1I'S Electric Oil, as worthless itnitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung,up on the reputation my article bus acquit - O. The public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by all dealers and druggists. .Prin cipal office 217 South 8:h street,. kffila. Feb. 2-Iy] v i 'DR. J. 'l7l. GROVE. DEALER IN Taftkin, 5003, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. WOULD hereby inform the public that he is constantly receiving fresh addi tions to his drug stock, and at all tunes irce - p on handa_complate assortment of Drugs, Illedicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes; Dye:-Stuffs, Glass, Whitelead, Brushes of all kinds, and'everything usually kept by druggists and lipotheaaries. An assortment of all kind of LAMPS, for nurning Fluid, Pine OR or Coal Oil. Lamp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STA TIONARY, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades and at all prices. Perfumery, Ponuides,j4ps, Tooth Washes and an endless variety dliklAney and Toilet ar ticles, all of which will, be sold at reasonable prices. [Jan 8-35-I,y TiniCnod-eprathlenfenr•smhiopf hGoar GROVE t y ci E fo sz re R e x o . i t s s t z 7, has this day [April 29 J been dissolved by ca mutual consent. All persohs indebted to 0 the late firm will please mai(plmmediate r' payment, and those having dawns to pre- C sent the same for settlement to J. H. —7 l Grove; at the old stand, with whom the 'D ,sa Books have been left for settlement. 1 2 J. 11. GROVE. HARRISON ROTH. Mat ietta, May 11, 1561. R. J. H. GROVE would embrace this op portunity to return his acknowledgments tor the liberal support given the late firm, and inform the public .that FIE will continue the . same business the same place. nPCCLOKS . (- 1 • - ' WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware 1 - I,LI HOLDEN, 70S MA RkET-ST., -EA PHILADELPHIA Imparter of 'Clacks, Watches and .lewelry. Invites special attention to his full supply of Watches, of American, English and Geneva Manufacture. Jewelry of elegant designs, Sqvcr • Plated TVare of the Lest Tuality, With. an extensive assortment of Superior Time-keeping Clocks, In style and price adapted to the wants all. Good goods and fair prices is my princip7l,..; Also, to his Patent Shirt Studs, being, cif novel construction, possessing advantages over any other, invention.. Philadelphia,' March 23, 1861-Iy. T FE OR DEATH. The, subscribers take plea Sure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail announcing to those who wish , it, a copy of an importabt little work, by the late Dr. Brampton, entitled " The Invalid's Medi cal Confidant," published for the, benefit, zed as a warning to young men and persons who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &c., &c., supplying the means'of self cure.— Ttte reader is irresistibly led to compare useful life with an ignoble death. Reader lese not 'a momeut, but send your addrciis - 'for' a copy Of this little wet*. ' dress t4e'Pi.bliMiers, q• - it: JOHN B. OGDEN & CO., mylS] 64 &,-66100 St., New Xiirk. T. CROIX A mn - NE TV 13NGLAND RUM C't for culinary pu'rposes, warranted genuine at H. 1). Benjamin k Co's. CIONSTANYGron hand, Monoriphela tilled Whiskey. Benjamin 4. Co.. ' 3 l l - 0 -iza ( 6_catis It•tina. nuoo J. It. DIFFENBACH, AT NO_ 61MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA., HAS JUST RECEIVED His New Stock of Spting Goods. HE is placing on his shelves and ready for examination and sale, the lai4rest and best Selected stock of fashionable SPRING GOODS ever offered in this •borough,, to which he now invites the attention of the public. New Styles Fancy Dress Goods, Supehior makes of Silks; A large assortment of Calicos Extra quality Moslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large 'stock of Shawls, . . 'Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels. White Goods, Mitts, Linens, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Laces. Gloves, Hosires, 'l 7. ery large stock of Domestic goods. Spring *Satinetts and Eassimeres, Bleached And Unbleached Mus!ins. DeMines, Calicos and GingillitTlS, Drillings,Slieetinp and Check's, Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings, Splendid Calicos for six cents, Goad quality Milslin, six cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents. Embossed Paper Colars, ten for a Quarter, Paper Neck-Ties—something new;cheap and beautiful. AEL ICI §DS OF' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled ,Window Blinds • and Patent Fixtures, Wall 'Papers, Carpets, F!nor Oil Cloths Canton MRttivg, &c. Wall and Window Paper, Transjairent Blinds. Glass, Queenswar&and Cedarware. Gaiters, Slippers, 13oois, Shoes, Brogans, &e. ..4•Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon. All kinds of I.irptues tolioresale or retail. r 3..! A LARGE STOCK - OF CHEAP GROCERIES. The highest price giten for Country produce. Niut Einus 11111 C eas,u! Clooo ffelDs tinehiploDe3 10.00 n-Lak, M 0 IN E. ONE MILLION DOLLARS IV-OItT II 0 F Watt - bolies, Xowe3Lry• AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NE W AND OfifGINAL PLAN f • t• 500 Ratifrs arai`flED ALL PERSONS. DESIROUS OF Securing an Agency in this NEW• ENTERPRISE Should send on their Names at once, enclo- sing a 3 cent Stamp- to pay Postage, and receive by return mail a Premiuk Catalogue CONTAINING OUR INDUCEMENTS, WHICII AFFORD A RARE' 41DH3LNIL_N - IC7E TO MAKE XONEY WIT4OUT RISK, TOGrETHEIt. WITH FULL RELATIVE TO THIS NOVEL PLAN! , . Jo insure prompt and satisfactory deal- jays, direct all orders to GEO: G. EVANS, 409 eiNstimt-e.,, Web) 7.l.thibettl . ))). Coal ..t440. THE subscriber haviiie purcluised the prO perty lately occupied by CLARK & ZELL. would most respectfully call the 1.7:t4 attention of his did friends and customers to to the fact that he is now prepaied to sell LUMBER AND COAL at the very lowest figures by Boat-load, Car load, or otherwise. His Stock of Lumber will be selected from one of the best manufactories and cannot fail to give satisfaction. He is also prepared to supply '''.lllt.t. STUFF" at short notice and at low- prices. HIS STOOK Or COAL will consist of. Shamokin; Red and White Ash, Baltimore Company, Lykens Valley, &c., all of which he will sell by the „Boat load, Car-load, or by the SINGLE TON. • • He will als continue the receiving of Coal at very low figures. THOMAS ZELL Marietta, April 20, 1861-40. S. S. RATIIVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At E J. Kratnph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of Korth Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. el_ It ATEF UL to the Citizens of Marietta . and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same ; ,as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of Confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly; kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO,-READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goss& and such articles as usually belong to a Met- chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. S. S. 12.ATHVON, Merchata Tailor Clothier, N. E. Cur. of N. Queen and Orange-sts. LANCASTER, April 13,:1861, REMOVAL G EO: W. WORRA.LL, SURGEON DENTIST, . . Having removed to the Rooms formerly oectp4t by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler. terson's Store, Market Street, wheredie is how prepared to wait on all who may: feel disposed to patronise hini: ""•'-' Dentistry in all Its branches cart ried on. TErin inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful ant workmanlike manner—on fair principles it'd ' ON VERY 'REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent lion at this plaCe, wcfuld ask a 'tuition of the liberal patronage 'here to him, for which he will r ble satisfaction. Ether adminisered,t Likt 13,R1N.G EXTR Vanilla,j Strawborr Rose, Just reefived and for sale a,