The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, May 25, 1861, Image 2

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    Py 'Ztltrillg `,`Jllaricttiaii.
" Impartial—but not Neutral."
SATURDAY, NAY 25, 1861
the Scientific American and other pa
pers recipes for cleansing gun .barrels.
Tbey are all open to the objection that
'they involve the use of water, thus requi
ring time to dry the barrels and incurring
dangel,of rust. We give a method used
by scentific sportsmen in England with
success: Get a quantity of quicksilver
which can be kept in a strong pill box,
.and when the barrel is foul place the
thumb on the nipple,pour the quicksilver
,at •
~ t he mouth, and then run it up and
down for afew minutes. Turn it back
into thebtix and the barrel will be per
fectly clean. The mercury forms an a
malgam ,with the lead and removes it.
The lead can - be taken from the mercury
by straining..
Cr Gen. Joseph Markle, () I f West
moreland county, Pa., now over SO
years old, is commander of the Home
Guard organized at West Newton. The
brave 'old General is eager and anxious
to take an active part in fighting the
Southern traitors: .He is hale and vigor
ous, notwithstanding•his advanced age,
and full of patriotic ardor as ever. He
was the Whig candidate for Governor
in 1844.
tEr The attempt to burn •Willard's
hotel, in Washiugton City, was doubt
less the work of I Secessionists, that
being the Union headquarters. The ad
joining building was set on fire in four
different places, and the engine-houses
were closed. The New York firemen
among the Volunteers smashed open
the engine -houses, and by their energy
and intrepidity astonished the Wash
ingtonians and saved the buildings.
Frances Scott Key, the author of
the Star Spangled Banner:was born in
Maryland in August, 171'9. 'Bra father
was an officer In the American army
dnring the Revolutionary War. Mr.
Key was educatedt at St. John's College,
Annapolis, became a lawyer, and was
District Attoiney at Washing,fou, when
he died there, in January 1843. Chief
Justice Taney is his brother-in•law.
, W People need not give themselves
much trouble' about General Scott's
health. Last Sunday aweek he dined
with Secretary Seward and a gentleman
from this State, and drank not less than
h good honest bottle of wine, as became
a man of large frame and high military
gir Robert. Tylor for many years
Prothonotary.of the Supreme Court of
gennsylvania has resigned his office.—
The ,Supreme Court :has appointed J.
Ross Snowden. to. fill, the vacancy. Mr.
Tylor, left immediately for more con
genial quarters. Alas poor Bob. He
is the son of John Tyler, ex-President of
the United States.
air Hon. Henry Winter Davis was
nominated on the evening of the 17th.
instant as the Union candidate for Con
gress. His most prominent competitors
were John P. Kennedy, William H. Col
lins and William Price. Mr. Davis re
cived 42 votes out of 60, and the nomi
nation was then made unanimous.
itir The merchants of Cleveland, N.
Y., have agreed to close their stores at
half-past seven o'clock in the evening,
to give their clerks an opportunity to
engage in drilling exercises, and prepa
rations for any emergency that may
arise,. demanding their services in a mili
tary capacity.
The ..Richmond Examiner advises the
secessionists to let:Washington go, and
direct their attention to Cincinnati,
which it declares the most valuable on
the boarders. By occupying the Ken
tucky hills opposite Cincinnati, the Ex.
miner says the city could be laid in
ashes. It advises the Southern troops
to form their plans secretly, and im
prove the rich opportunity.
eir We have recived from the pub
lisher, Ning & Baird, Philadelphia, the
"Handy-Book for the U. SI Soldier,"
which should be in the hands of every
Volunteer, as it contains all the infor
tnation needed for the new recruit, in a
form so convenient as not to , incommode
the possessor. Price 20 cents.
sr A proposition has been introduced
in the Legislature of Massachusetts to
aid in erecting a monument over the re.
mains of Whitney and Ladd, who were
killed by-the Baltimore mob,
lir John B. Gough, the famous tem
perance lecturer, is to dovote his ear
nings for six months, to help Northern
An offer from Canada of ten regiments
of a thousand men eaclk, composed of
runaway negroes, is understood to have
been recently made to the Government
here, and promptly declined. They are
said to have been urged upon the Gov
ernment upon the ground that the dis
unionists have for months past had
thousands of negroes practically in the
field against the United States, engaged
in doing the soldiers work of building
fortifications, &c.
The following orders have been issued
to volunteers of ',Washington : " Sev
aral instances of the exercise of petty
tyranny on the pia of iubordinate offi
cers and non commissioned officers have
been brought to the notice of the com
manding officer. In all cases attempts
to exercise illegal authority over civil
ians or military persons will be Beverly
The Secretary of War has filled nearly
all the First Lieutenant vacancies in the
army, and most of the Second Lieuten
ants. Most of -the First are graded
from the army ; the Second taken from
civil life. The Paymasters are, all ap
poiqed, which nearly completes the
army list, so badly broken up by seces
sion resignations and dismissals.
Somebody, says Prentice, sends us an
anonymous letter from Tennessee, threat
ening to assasinate us for what we have
said of John Bell. We hope he won't.
We want the use of the whole remnant
of our three-score and ten to repent
properly of our vote for Bell last Au.
. .
It'is stated that Messrs. Ira Gould &
Son, of Montreal, have offered (through
Joshua R. Giddings) to Secretary Chase
to 'take one million of dollars in United
States Treasury Sixes, payable in drafts
at three days' sight on Messrs. Baring,
of London.
LW' A negro panic has seized the peo
ple.otNevv Orleans. The negro churches
haVe been closed, by order of the Mayor,
and all assemblages of negroes, slave or
free, have been forbidden.
A man was taken and hung a few days
ago by a citizen of Bloomington, Illinois,
for placing obstructions on the track of
the Illinois Central Railroad, to throw
off the train bringing troops South.
A board of medical officers will -con
vene at the Naval Hospital,.New York,
on the Ist of June, for the examination
of candidates for admission to the medi
cal-coips for the NaVy.
Maj. Anderson has been promoted to
be Colonel, but declined .taking com
mand of the Kentucky Volunteer's, as it
would require him to leave the Regular
Senator Douglas has beeir ill some
two weeks at Chicago, of typhoid fever.
Dispatches on Saturday represented his
case as very critical, but the last dis
patch says he is somewhat better.
A difficulty is apprehended at Louis
ville on the landing of Col. Anderson.—
The idea of Breckinridge taking com
mand under him is ridiculed.
Dean Richmond, Esq., has given to
the volunteers' fund in Buffalo $5OO,
and to that in Batavia, N. Y., $5OO
more. Mr. R. is very wealthy.
The Kansas Legislature has appro
priated $20,000 to be used to repel in
vasions and place the State on a war
Four Hundred Casalr . i recently went
from Carlisle, through the country dis
trict of Maryland;to Washington, with
out molestation.
Simon Snyder, grandson of the Gov.
of Penn. of the same name, is appointed
a Lieutenant in the sth Reg't U. S.
Gen. James Irvin of Philadelphia,
(formerly of Bellefonte) is appointed
Naval Store-keeper, vice Maj. John
The farmers of Ohio are putting in
seed of the Chinese . sugar cane, for the
purpose of having a supply of molasses
and sugar independent of the South.
The family of the veteran
.Scott nave
gone to Elizebeth, New Jersey, and are
about to occupy the mansion known as
" General Scott's house."
The Scotch merchants of New York,
propose to fattish ten regiments of
Scotcbmen, to be equipped by the Gov
ernment, and to serve during the war.
rho mail cars on the Southern rail
roads are now lettered " C. S. Mail,"
instead of " U. S. Mail," as heretofore.
Some of the friends of Mr. Douglas,
in Chicago, have presented him with a
fuse span of horses, valued at SLOW.
The legislature of Kentucky has
passed resolutions declaring that Ken
acky should maintain. a strict neutrality.
There are 16,01:10 . Ohio troops, and
three companies U.S. artillery at camp
Dennison, on the Ohio river.
Colonel Ellsworth, of the New York
Zouaves, has had a present of a $l,OOO
horse, from Saratoga, New York.
The city of Chicago has contributed
three and a half millions of dollars for
the war.
The city of /Chicago alone furnished
3 ; 420 men for the war,
Gov. Curtin has appointed Dr. Henry
H. Smith, Professor of Surgery in the
University of Pennsylvania, Surgeon
General of the Army in Pennsylvania.
This is a most excellent appointment.—
Dr. Smith occupies a foremost rank in
his profession ; and, besides surgical
skill of the very highest order, has all
the necessary administrative qualities
for the organization and control of a
most important department.
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Times states that the Secre
tary of War has contracted with North,
Chase and North, of Philadelphia, for
all shot or shell. that may be required
.during the war. . he terms of the con
tract have not yet been made public.
The expenses which have been incur
red by the Commonwealth for transpor
tation of treops, clothing, provisions and
munitions of war, are less than $200,000,
and have been settled. Gov. Andrews
accepted of the loans proferred to the
State, $200,000, for this purpose. •
General Williams has gone to Harris
burg to get a couple of field batteries
and squadron of cavalry ; to meet the
forward movements of the Virginia
Colonel O'Fallen, one of the oldest
and wealthiesticitizens of St. Louis, has
been elected colonel of the last new
regiment of U. S. volunteers at St.
George A. McCall, of Chester county,
has been appointed Major General, to
command all the Pennsylvania troops.
The Postmaster General at Mont
gomery has issued a proclamation an
nouncing that he assumes Control of all
the mails on the Ist of June.
The Massachusetts Legislature has
passed a Dill appropriating three million
of ddllars for war purposes; and also
one to loan seven millions to the nation
al government.
Hyde Park, in the northern part of
St. Louis has been ]eased by the U. S.
government, and a regiment of troops
will be quartered there.
" LADY DAVIS."—The statement that
the wife of Jeff. Davis is the daughter\
of the late President Zachary Tayfor is
untrue. The first wife of Davis was Gen.
Taylor's daughter—a right noble woman
—but she has been dead many years.—
The present Mrs. Davis is the daughter
of a prominant citizen of New Orleans,
but originally from Philadelphia. Sev
eral of Mrs. Davis' relatives in Philadel
phia belong to the volunteer force of
that city.
SmAri. Nores.—The Legislature of last
winter previous to its adjournment last
montkpassed a supplement to the Gen
eral Banking Law, which, among other
provisions premits to Banks of the Com
monwealth, the issue of notes of the de
nomination of Sl. A number of banks
intend to avail themselves of this privil
ege, and we may expect to see the state
shortly flooded with this shinplaster cur
be understood that the veteran Wool
has been ordered to assume the com
mand of Fortress Monrc4. Upon the
strength of this impression it is believed
around us' that active military opera
tions in that quarter will soon be insti
tuted by the Government.
" Francis P. Blair, Sr., of Maryland.
received notice from the Secessionists
about Silver Springs, that his house
would beset on fire if he did not leave
the vicinity. The plucky old gentleman
immediately notified them in return that
there wculd be two parties to that bar
gain, removed his frilly to New York,
and prepared for a vigorous defence by
arming his servants to the teeth.
Cr When governments hesitate , in
great trials, they are lost. The people
and the world respect those who have
the power and disposititon to respect
themselves. "The God of battles is
with the heaviest ordnance," said Napol
eon. The thought was not impious; it
showed the deep knowledge of human
nature possessed by the Corsican. God
helps those who help themselves.
!Er The Secretary of War has rescin
ded the beef contract with George M.
Leaman, that has been creating so much
sensation among"the speculators of the
country. It was alleged that by this
contract, Lawman was to have made a
very large amount of money, but when
the contract came properly before the
Secretary of War, he at once restricted
it to the amount called for by the adver
tisment for the bid, which was only to
thousand head of cattle.
We are happy to state that John
A. Washington, who shaved our patri
otic ladies so abominably in the,sale of
the bones of the great Washington, is an
officer in the traitors' army. If they ever
catch a man in the patriot army stealing
the gruel of the wounded,or picking
cents off the eyes of the dead, he will
match John A. Washington.
'We see it stated - that'. including
the Home Guards, there are not less than
five hundred thousand men enrolled in the
free States, ready for service at a mo
ment's warning froze the goverment.—
This is an army more numerous than
there are free white men betwen the ages
of eighteen and forty-eve in all the se
ceded slave States.
As the Eighth Ohio regiment was going
from Cleveland to Camp Dennison, Capt.
Buckingham supposed the train would
stop at Crestline, and notified his wife.
Unfortunately, the orders were to pass
through Crestline without stopping.—
The train, slacked up a little, but the
rate of speed was still high. The gal
lant captain saw his wife on the platform,
made a desperate spring, clasped her in
his arms, kissed her quickly, and under
tremendous applause from his comrades
on board, sprang back on the flying
train, having barely time to catch the
rear car.
Cass : The first Michigan Regi
ment arrived at Washington on the 16th
inst., it was the first regiment from the
Great Northwest. It is said to be a
stalwart body of men, warmly clad, well
provisioned, armed, and ready for any
d'anger. Gen. Cass contributed out of
his private fortune $25,000 to the equip
ment of the Michigan volunteers, and
$lO,OOO to the support of their families
during their absence. He, it is said, is
resolved, even in his old age, to die
with harness on his back, and has mount
ed his old uniform, and reviews his
troops, now congregated in Detroit,
every morning.
Coioaan REGIMENTS.—I am able to
verify the statement concerning the
tender of colored Canadian reginients,
says tho Washington corresponden!, of
the N. Y. Tribune ; the offer was made
by a persOa formerly in the diplomatic
service of the United States, who was
willing to take command of a brigade
composed of ten companies, the majority
of whom are runaway negroes. As the
proposition was seriously made, it was
necessary to return a serious answer,
which was that, under no circumstances
whatever, would the government listen
to any such proposition.
Cr Ten years ago, henry Clay, stand
•ing upon the spot in Lnuisvill, from
which Mr. Crittenden has just made his
latest appeal for the Union, spoke these
memorable words: " I have been asked
when would I consent to give up this
'Union ? I answer never ! never ! never!
and I ware you, my countrymen, now if,
as things seem to tend, this country
should be divided into a Union and
Disunion party, I here now, no matter
who compose that party, declare my
self a member of the Union party.—
Whether a Whig or a Democrat
that belongs to the party of the Union,
here I subscribe my name—there I unite
my heart and hand with that party.
Cr The London pickpockets have
trained dogs to such accurate operation
that they jump up at a gold watch, seize
it, snap the chain, and bolt off where
there master is waiting.—Exchange.
When Governor Floyd was Secretary
of the Treasury, he kept a set of trained
dogs about him to render him a very
similar sort of service.—Louisville Jour
elr A lady enlisted with her husband
in one of the regiments that went to
Washington from Philadelphia, 'and
they entered their names upon the roll
as brothers. The lady is the exact size
of her husband, and wears a suit of his
clothes. She is determined to go with
him through the war, and to die with
her husband if need be. They have no
Why doesn't our old friend John
Bell come out with his corrected reports
of his speech in Nashville? has he
partially forgotten what he did say?—
And is he prudently waiting to have his
imperfect memory refreshed or jogged
by the progress of political events ?
ow Wm. Weaver, of Newport, Perry
county, Pa., (but formerly of Harford
county, Md.,) convicted some time ago
for poisoning his wife, has been convicted
of murder and on Thursday of last week
was sentenced to be hung. He is said
to have received the sentence with per
fect indifferehce.
1:W (3 EN. SCOTT is in excellent health,
notwithstanding the reports to the con
trary. The old hero is the life and soul
of the army, and in good time will crush
secession by a series of well directed
blows, so that it will never be able to
recover itself.
Ire One day last week a flag was
raised at a house in Newhuryport, Mass ,
by a lady ninetysix years of age. It
was made by herself and her three
daughters, the youngest of whom is
sixty-two years of age.
eir A Bill to provide stationary, post
age stamps, &c., for the soldiers of this
State drafted into the service of the
United States, has finally passed both
Houses of the Pennsylvania Legislature.
Cr Ex-Governor A. H. Reeder, of
Pennsylvania, well known in-connection
with the early history of Kansas has been
appointed a brigadier general by the
Cir Mr. Herbert, the superintendent
of Mount Vernon, says there is no found
ation for the report that the remains of
Washington have been removed from
their resting place.
ta - A list of interesting publications
by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306
Chestnut st., Philadelphia, will be found
in our advertising columns this week..
Cr The quantity of provisions and
other stores at present consumed daily
by the army at Washington, is as fol•
lows : Seventy-six barrels of pork, al
ternately with twenty-fire th ousan d
pounds of fresh beef ; one hundred and
fifteen barrels of flour; fifty bushels of
beans ; two thousand pounds of rice ;
coffee twelve hundred pounds ; sugar
twenty-four hundred pounds ; whisky
six hundred and twenty-five gallons ;
vinegar, two hundred gallons ; candles,
three hundred pounds ; soap, eight hun
dred pounds ; salt, thirteen bushels.
at - The May number of that excellent
monthly, " The Household Journa 1"
has just been received ; it should be in
every house ; price $2 a year. Alexan
der Harthill Co., publishers, New-
York. Advertisement next week.
(Ur We have recived a letter from a
son of the late Henry D. Machen, former
ly of this borough, now of Pontiac, 111.,
which Will appear in our next.
Prentice says John C. Breckin
ridge wore a mask during the Presiden
tial canvass. He has now thrown it off,
but the face is worse than the mask.
Cr Harry Wolfe offers his variety
store for sale. See his card.
OR SALE. The stock, good will and fix
-17 tires of Wolfe's Variety Store, for sale.
Tnis is a good chance for a small investin ,nt.
Satisfactory reasons given for selling out.
Fur particulars, inquire of
u Erg Y WOLFE, Agt.
,Marietta, May 2.3, 1661.
Hygienic Physician & Accoucheur,
Corner of Front and Gay Streets,
3_lhole—souleo tjoior) Oilsfel•
S A T ( ) 0 NT
Between Ileckroth's and Johnstin's Hotels.
MBE undersigned would inform the public
that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of
Refrt shments,
such as Oysters, Fr.iits, Cakes, &c. Thankful
for the patronage already bestowed, hopes to
merit a continuation. Russet.. A.
rP Also selling a variety a Ready-made
Clothing, on commission. Selling at Cost.
Marietta, May ls, 1861.
For Rent
Three comfortable dwellings, located in very
pleasant parts of this borough, for rent cheap.
Apply to David Harry.
A BASEMENT ROOM, between the White
Swan anti the Perry House, Front street,
:Marietta, admirably adopted for a restaurant or
a barber shop, for rent. Apply to
David 'Harry.
Collections promptly attended to.
LIST OF LETTERS remainin7 in the post
office, iNtivietta., Pa., May 15, 1861
A lAA an M
Algier S. Esq. Lawrence Wm J
Auxer Geo fi Lamroott L A
Addison Ceo 2
Ausburn May Ann McDonald Frank Esq
McNeil Stephen
Bissle Thomas
Bunting, Chas P Pratt David
Byrnes Silas Patridge Ahrahom
Berry Franklin Preston James or Wm
Butner John E Peck Robert Esq
Bruner John W
Barr, G M Mrs Ross G E Mrs
C .Routch Franklin
Clark Mary Ann Reese S
Camp E B
D Roterbaugh Simon
Deitz John
Depuc James F Stirk M 0 2
E Shaw A B Esq
Edwards C 11 Shaw J D
F Silolow James
Foley Frank Esq Sailor N
French D S Esq Shellenberger Susan
G Seitz Dr
Geiger George Sowerby T
Gilliland James Esq
H Tipton Absalom S
Hood Charles Esq
Horton Silias Urban H H
Hunter Andrew
llotrheins Jesse Weaver John L
J Wood John
Jones W W Miss Wagnct Frantz
Johnston Thomas Weiser Barth
L Wets Frederick
Persons calling for letters will please sal
they are advertised.
rum E American Watches are among the best
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made inAthe world.
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pa., Have them for sale at the col
Lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
PLATED WARE: A Large and fine stock
of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZA um's,
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns, Prtcheis, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake
Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices.
Rt.:PLATING attended to at moderate rates
M B ROI D RI ES-Just received the largest
rj and inost desirable lot of Embroideries eve
ottered for sale here, consisting in 'rut of beau
tiful French Worked Collers, Undersleeves
Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In
serting, Flouncing, fcc., which will be sold at
prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction by
.1 R. Diffenbach; Market street.
J. GROSH & SON, Lumber Dealers.
Yard at the Eastern part of Marietta.
l Please call at their office, adjoining the
THREE-STORY brick house at the CABAL.
, LC 0 X' S Celebrated Imperial Ex
tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
use, for sale cheap at Diffenbach's.
DUGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
Jo styles and at much lower prices than the
sume sold last fall. Spangler 4 Patterson.
received arid will be sold below the
old prices, by J. R. DIFFENBACI-1.
ASUPERIOR article of Rectified Crab
Apple Cider, for sale by the barrel or gal
lon at J. R. Diffenbach's Store.
Tit t; TESTIMONY of the WHOLE WOR j,
-1 ,
- FA v
' -
v' ; ';
7 '
- •
Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulcers
All description of sores are remediable by the
proper and diligent use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the edges of the wound together is a
folly; fur should the skin unite, a boggy dis
eased condition remains underneath to break
out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated
by nature, is to seduce the inflammation in anoi
about the wound and to soothe the neighboring
part; by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as
salt ,s forced into meat.
Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore' Throat, and
Scarlet and other FEuers
Any of the above diseases may be cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three times a day
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient;
it will soon penetrate, and give immediate re
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the above manner for the dis
eases named, or any similar disorders affecting .
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved as by a charm.
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures.
The a hove class of complaints will be removed
by nightly fomenting the parts with warns
water, and then by most effectually rubbing in
the Ointment. Persons suffering from these
direful complaints should lose not a moment in
arresting their progress It should be under
stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear
the Ointment on the affected parts, but it must
be well rubbed in for some considerable time
two or three times a day, that it may be taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden sore or wound as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again bread and
water poultices, after the rubbing, in of the
Ointment, will do great service. This is the
only sure treatment for female eases ofcancer
in the stomach, or where there may be a gen
eral bearing down.
Indiscretions rf Youth Sores and Ulcers
Blotches, as also swellings, can, with cer
tainty, be radically cured the Ointment be
used freely, and the Pills be taken night and
morning as recommended in the printed in
structions. When treated in any other way
they only dry up in on place to hrealc out in
another; whereas this Ointment Will , remove
the humour froimthe systetri;anddeave the pa
tient a vigorous and healthy :being. It will
require time with the use of the Pills taensure
a lasting cure.
Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and St if
Although the above complaints differ widely
in their origin sod nature, yet they all require
local treatment. Many of,the worst cases, of
such diseases, will yield in a comparatively
short space of time when this Ointment isdili
gently rubbed into the partsalfected, - even after
every other means have failed. In all serious
maladies the P ; iffs should be taken according .
to the printed directions secompanynng each
box. ."
Both the Ointment and Pills should be used
in tile following cases
Bad Legs, Chiego-loot, Fistulas,
Bad Breasts, Chilblains, Gout, -
Burns, Chapped flands,Gl ndular
Ilunions, Cons (Soli) Swellings,
Bite of 3les- Cancers, " Lumbago,
ehetoes and Contracted and Pd 12.1.
Sand-Flies, Still Joints,. ltheuuwtism,
Coco bay, Elephantiasis, - Scalds,
Skin Diseases, Scurvy, Sore Nipples,
Tumors, Ulcers, Sore•throates,
Wounds, Yaws, Sore-heads.
trrioN !—None are genuine unless the
words "Hut,Low Av, MAY YORK AND LON
DON," are discernable as a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions; around
each pot or box ; the same may be plainly
seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand
some reward will be given to any one rendering
such information as may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting the med
icines of vendin4 the same, knowing them to
be spurious.
Sold :at the Man.ufactory of Professor floc
LO V;Av, SO Makilen Lane, New York and by
all respectable Druggi.sts and Dealers in Nledi
eine througlicut toe civilized world, in pots, at
25c., 62c. And $1 each.
DbThere is a considerable saving by taking
ill, larger .sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pu
tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box.
• • •
Dealer in Hardwaie.
Cedarware, Paints . , Oils, Glass,
?OW , oiiNl• 510,4, Scc.,.
WcCiLtir7LeDulitaokfeMtahriiserattranistdorviCifnoirtmv informing he
is 'prepared to furnish anything in his, line,
consistingin part, of Table Cutlery of alt
kindS ; Blinding a; n d llbuiekeep lug Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnikhes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, - Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop
per and grasS Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, iNailS,'Spikes anit
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula
ted Hardware establishment.
' Baying just returned frnrn the city with
a nicely selected lot of Ready-made C'lathing,
which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; havinglaidin a general assort
ment of men 'and boys' clothing, which he is
determined to sell Low, you. cast'. Eisstock
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Everything . in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at
prices to snit the times. JOHN BELL.
Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St.,
next door to Cassel's Store.
Marietta, October 29. 1856.
lAlexander Lyndsav,
Wouldmost respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he his
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enablea to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LfNE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
I:3—Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
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