The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, May 25, 1861, Image 1

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    r Jettiall
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- grticiteb to rFaits, yittraturt, agrttutturt, OI llurt, Ely fine an Ztstfut arts, 05entrat Ittns of tic aii &a 1 3niarmatiany it., it.
- 1=3(1,1 - er, Editor aidProprietor_
Published every Saturday :3lornitig
OFFICE—Front-street, Cruli's Row, 2d story,
• Five doors cast of Flury's Hotel.
TE.Brils. One Dollar a year, payablein advance,
and if subscriptions Le nut paid withih six
months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed
until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will
be charged.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered anew
Any person sending us rivu new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or lees) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a -line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents
I square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.00;
1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3
6 months, $5; ; year, $7. HaMa-column,
3 months, SS; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O.
One column, 6 months, $2O; 1 year, $3O.
"Having recently added a large lot of new Rio
AND CARD 'rm., we are prepared to do all
ow, at short notice and reasonable prices.
And the various affections consequent- upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky
Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appatite, Despondency,
Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Net
vans, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has In
nthnerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in
others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on
strictly scientific principles, after the manlier of the
celebrated IloHand Professor.lkerhave. Its reputation
at home produced Its introduction here, the demand
commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered
over the thee of this mighty countryonaity, of whom
brought with them and handed down the tradition
of its value. It is nom offered to the American
. 1 , 140 . c,
knowing that its ill, 121 wonder/at medicinal ihrtuos
must be acknoteleelged, •
, Is particularly recommended to those persona
whose constitutions may have 'been luipaired by the
continuous use of ardent spirits, or ether forms of
dissipation. Generally inshentancous in effect, it linda
its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quick
ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and,
in fact. infusing new health and vigor in the system.
NOTlOR—Whoever expecte to find this a beverage
win he disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low
spirited,' it will prove a grateful aromatic cordite!, pos
sessed of Muggier nemedial propertiess.-
The Genuine highly concentrated TherhaTe's 1161-
,bind Bitters is put ,in balfpint bottles only, ant
retailed' at ON's DOLLARpt`i bottle,
.or six bottles for
Five DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly role
heated .11edielne has induced many imitations, which
the public should guard against purchasing.
Sar...l3mvare of Imposition. Sal that our name Is on
the labol of every bottle you buy.
Sold . by Druggists generally, It can be, fen
yielded by 'Express to moat points.
Fharmaredists and or t hemists,
For sale at Dr..j. H. Grove's Drug Store,
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
IVine Liquor Dealer, Picot Building,
Front Street, Marietta, l'a
BEGS leave to inforrn the public that he
Will continue the WINE & L Q, UOll. busi
ness, in all its branches. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters,
Binfantin , s justly celebrated ROSE IVHIS
KEY alWays on hand. •
A very suf crier OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pure.
la" All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination - of his stock and pri‘.
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from I im.
p. H. L. ifr. E. J. Z All ill
1 - ) ESPECI FULL'i r inform their
, r k friends and the public that they
still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
a ,- ,15 AN D JEWELRY business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
'Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at-the lowest
wish rates. IC7 - Repairing attended to per
sonally by the proprietors.
Great Discovery.
'have made a discovery of the utmost MI - -
Iportance to every married person of either
sex, and will send 010\111 partieulare'conceru
ng it 10 any one on receipt of a stamp to pay
return postage,
7-39-jawiy.] Alfred, Maine.
The Bodugger.
ME I S wonderful article, just patented, is
something entirely new, and never be
fore offered to agents,
are wanted every
where:. Full particulars sent frac.
Address SHAW $t CLARK,
Biddeford, Maine.
March °2;.1861-1y
Cj L 0 C IC S—Good Time
•r Keehers, for One Dollar.
Clucks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
'WM. (n. H. SWARTZ
i 3 .4otoghapij
S. B. Corner Eighth and Arch streets,
AFTER many years' experience in all the
various ` branches of the Ait, the Proprietors.
confidently invite the attention of their friends
and the public to their extensive establishment,
which presents the opportunity for procuring
the best pictures, equal at least, to any first
class Gallery in the United States.
Preparations are complete lot executing all
the improved styles known to the Art. They
have a patent , arrangement for copying Da
guerreotypes, &c., &c., making them Life size,
if desired—the only one of the kind in this
country. Attached to this establishment are
three coloring Artists.
Photographs, including Painting, '
us low as $2OO.
• Photographs, with Frame as low as $2 62
Do. at 75 and $l. Extra copies 50
cts. or $5 per doz. Life size Photo
graphs as low as $6, and lvorytypp at
same priCe. Durable Ambrotypes at
50 . cents and upwards.
A most extensive assortment of Gilt Frames,
embracing a select and choice variety of the
latest styles. Prices from 6:2 cents and
Especial attention bestowed upon Life-sized
Photographs in oil, transferred
.from small pic
tures and - fretr life. 'P‘rices from $l5 to $lOO.
L. 3 -1 instructions given in the Art.
February 23,
Iron plasters look to your Interests !
Marietta, LanCaster County, Pa.
The Undersigned will constantly keep on
hand and make to ceder at short notice the
above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni
ted States! They will warrant their machines
to run lighter, last longer and wash cleaner and
with less water than any other machine now
in use. They can be easily put together on the
bank. All orders addressed to either of the
undersigned, will meet with prompt attention.
SCE They are also prepared to sell individu
al, County and State Rights.
October 13, 1860. v7-no.l
J. R. lIOeFER,
Civil E,n9ineer, Surreyor, Conveyance?
and Draughtsman,
Mountja#, Lancaster Co., Pa
A LL kinds of land surveying and dividing
levelling of watercourses, roads, &e. Ac
curate and neatplain and ornamental Mapping
and draughting of town plans, large landeues
tales, &c. Mechanics', Qatirtiers' and Earth
work measured and estimated. Deeds, R9lea
sea, Powers of attorney and other legal instru
ments neatly and' accurately drawn. - Execu
tors', Administratdrs', Assignees' and Guar
dians accounts stated.
He is also Agent for thd sale of the
Ridgeway Farm and Land CoMpany's Lands
in Elk County ; Pa. Commonicittions by letter
,t (mildly attended to.
TIE undersigned having leased the above
named old established ferry. and Hotel, iu
Ilellata Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the hest the market Words. lie . would very
respectfully inform the traveling public that
having obtained
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa.
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.,
October I, 1859. ly
Saw 11i11 and Lumber Yard,
CONSTANT.L. on hand a full assortmen
jof all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he
oilers at, reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, pc, ! .S-c., 43-c. -
All orders attended to with dispatch.
T. 111. ERISMAN.
Marietta, April I ltf. ,1854.-
JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor,
Cor. of Market-et., and Elbow Lane, Marietta.
RATEFUL for past favors I would return
ky'my thanks to my numerous friends and pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the cld stand, where I will be
pleased to see them at all times, and having a
full and splendid assortment of
which will be made up to order at the shortest
notice by the bast of workmen, and on reasona
ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to 1V8.4
upon my old customers and all who see proper,
to patronize me hereafter. tOct.29-'56.
Large Posters, witn tuts,
Sale Bills, all sizes,
Circulars, Blanks, Cards,
and every description of Job Printing, neatly
and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of
(c )
A L Hammered and Rolled Iron, H.
S. Bars, Norway. Nail Rods, American % • ,
and Gerin`un - Spring. and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, & c., for smiths.
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. iNtw.
1 , ANDEBsoir 3! Attention,Butehers
and Houskeepers. Having a great demand for
our famed SP/CRS, I kave concluded to con
tinue to keep a constant Supply of Ground Pep %
per. Ground Corriander, and Sweet Marjoram.
TJAMES AND • GENTS Anderson has just
'received an' elegant assortment of 'Perfu
mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils,
Extracts slid Colognes - at prices much - below
fbe usual rates, also some very handsome Canes
for gentlemen, Portmonies, &c.
13 1 1-epel•atiop M•ooa
And grows more and more popular every, Day.
A"grows more and more popular every
day ! and testimonials, new, and almost
without number, might be given froin ladies
and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose
united testimony none could resist, that Prof.
Wood's Bair Restorative will restore the bald
and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old age, in all its youthful beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 1853.
• PROF. WOOD : Thee willt please accept a
line to inform thee that the hair on my head all
fell off over iwerity years ago, caused by a com
plicated, chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A contin ea] course of suffer
ing through life having reduced me to a state Of
dependence, I have not been able to obtain
stud for caps, neither have I been able to do
them up, in consequence of which my head has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cen t
'I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followed the directions and
:he bald spot is now covered with hair thick
:and black, though short, it is also coining in all
over my head. Feeling confident that another
large bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently; I feel anxious to persevere in its use,
and being destitute of means to purchase any
more, I would ask thee if thee Wouldst not be
willing to send n -, e'an order on thineagents for
a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture
declaratidn—"the reward is to those who are
kind to the widow and the fatherless."
Ligonier noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859
Pular. 0. J. WooD": Dear Sir :‘ , —fis the latter
part of the year 1552, while attending the State
and National Law School of the State of New
York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me,
commenced faltmg off very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six months the whole upper.
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining por
tion upon the side and back part of my head
shortly after became uray, so that you will not
be surprised when you that upon my re
turn to the State of ludiana,'my mere casual
acquaintances were not so much. at a loss tql
discover the cause of the change in my appear:-
ance, as my more intimate acquaintances were
to recognise me at all.
1 at once made application to the most skill
ful physician in the country, but, receiving no
assurance from them thatmly hair could again
be restored, I teas &reed to becoMe reconciled
to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter past
of the year 1857, your_Restorative was recom
mended to ine by a druggist, as being the most
tellable 1-lair Restorative in ule. 1 tried one
bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that
it was producing the desired effect. Since that
time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of
very seat black hair, which no money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor
and skill in the prodindion of so wonderful an
article, I have recommended its use to many of
My friends and acquaintances, who, I um hap
py to inform you, are using it with like effect.
Very respectfully yours, A. M. LATTA,.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
THE RESTORATI VE is put up in bottles of
thiee sizes, viz : large, medium, and small ;,the
small holds 1-,-a-pint, and retails fur $1 a bottle,
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the small, retails for $2 per
bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 pet cent
more•in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors,
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114,111aricet Street, St. Louis, MR.
land sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. [v7-7-;4-34.
RITT KR'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban,
(Juges, Shoulder Braces, Instrumehts for
&c. These articles aro
very highly recommended by Notes-,
sons Puncoast and Gress of the Jefferson Med
ical College of Philadelphia, and the under
signed knows them to be the best articles, of
the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. '
A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for
Coo4ing—something very nice.
Liquid Rennet for malting delicious desserts.
Pontine, Honey and othe fine Soaps.
Vrangipannie and Other Extracts.
-For sale at lIIATKLE,S
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor & McDon- intag la .
aid's Book Store. Columbia. Entrance be
ween the Drug and Book 'StOres. [3-ly
executed in tne best style known in the art,
No. •532 Arch st. east of Sixth. Philadelphia.
11'Life size in Oil and Pastil, Stereoscopic
Portraits, Amorotypes, Daguerreotypes, 'c., for
Cases, Medalions,tPins, kings , &o. • [ly
perior selection of. French - and. German
Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti
ful Vesting,s. a new and fashionable lot, just
arrived at bibrenbach's 'Cheap Store.
A General Assortment of aßkinds of .
'..t. Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
( C)
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap.. .
Syrup; for 'children *and • adults has just
been put up at my store, which , should be in
every family this coldweather. F. Hinkle.
KNIVES & FORKS,, 13ritainia, and Silver
plated Spoons, Brass, Copper; Plain and
Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping
goods generally. • Sterrett 4- Co.
1000 POUNDS Prime York .County
Bitekti , heat flour, by the hundred
or single pound. For sale at WOLFE'S..
Paper. Neck Ties, beautiful, fashionable
and cheap. at DiffenbaciN: ' '
00 Good Brooms new selling:atT4 - cents.-
000 cents ; 100 atta.Qtrarter and - 100
Extra fine at 31 cents, selling at Diffenbach's.
Na. 92 Market ' Street, Marietta; ;
D YOTT'S Hanging and Side -Lam i 219,
For Sale - atGROVE- _ROM'S
UPERIOR COAL 01L—^acents a quart
1..3 at GROVE &-11.0 TH'S:
TJRANDIES--allbrands—guarranted to be
J Jll genuine. 'Benjamin $• Co.
C)r., BOXES Sweet Messina. Oranges,jnst
4/tjaind'ior sale lit °Wolfe's; • ''
ju IKAIN'S Concentrated Wheat Ceffee,
Ili Fur sale at WOLFE'S.
GUM DROPS.: Stewart's New-York awn
Drops, S varieties, at lirplle's.
- pp Y one of those beautiful SOFT
jj HATS at CauLL's 2 92 Market-et.
For the Mariettion.]
COL. BAKER..—The following is too
good to be kept private. It was sent by
its author, a' gentleinan in one of the,
departments at'the Capitol, to a relative
in this borough, who has kindly permit
ted me to send you a copy. I deem it
one of the best songs which the inspira
tion of the present revival of the Revo
lutionary national spirit has elicited; and
therefore respectfully solicit for it a
place in - your columns. A. B. G.
Up with the Union klag
Up with th) Flag of the Free !
Down with the traitorous,rag,
The serpent-twined Palmetto tree
-Wlio'would the Union sever
Disgrace and dishonor and shame,
A stain on our annals forever,
Shall cling round his leprous name
. Up with the People's standard !
Unfurled for the Rights of All.
Tie ! Patriots press to the vanguard,
The first at your Country's call.
While a planet still lingers in heaven,
A leaf clings to Liberty's tree, .
Shallno stripe from our banner be riven,
No star from the Flag of the Free !
Washington City, D. C.
April 10, 1861. S K. P
Kneeling and Rocking the Cradle. ' j
What isthe little one thinking about!'
Very wonderful things, no doubt,
Unwritten history!
Unfathomable mystery !
Yet he laughs and cries, and eats, and drinks,
And chuCkles, and crows, and nods, and winks,
As if hiS head were as full of kinks
And curious riddles as any spynx !
Warped by elliptic, and wet by tears,
Punctured by pins and tortured by, fears,
Our little nephew will loose two years;
And he'll never know •
Where the summers go
He need not laugh, for he'll find it so !
Who can tell what a baby thinks?
Who can follow the gossamer links,
By which the manikin feels his way
Out from the shore of the great unknown.
Blind and wailing, and alone,
Into the light of day ?
What does he think of his mother's eyes ?
What does he think of his mother's hair.?
What of the cradle roof that flies
Forward and backward thrdugh the air?
What does be think of his mother'S breast—
Cup of his life and couch of his rest?
What does lie think When her quick embrace
Presses his hand and buries his face,
Deep where the heart throbs sink and swell •
With a tenderness she can never tell,
Though she murmurs the words
Of all the birds— -
Words she has learned to inurmer well?
Now he thinks he'll go to sleep!
I can see the shadow creep
thier his eyes, in soft eclipse,
Over his brow, and over his lips,
Out to his little finger-tips !
Softly sinking down he goes.!
Down he goes I Down he goes !
[Rising and carefully retreating to her seat.]
See! lie is li.siied in sweet repose
Popping t 1 Question.
Lord Justice-Clerk Braxfield was a
man of few words and strong business
haMts. In courting his second wife, his
precedure was entirely illustrative of the
peculiarities of his character. Calling
for the lady, he said to lief, u - itho . nt
preliminary remark, " Lizzie, I am look
ing out for a wife, and I thought von .
just that the person that would suit me.
Let me have your answer, off or on, the
morn, and nee mair about it." The lady
next day replied in the affirmative.
Perhaps he repented his precipitancy,
for when a butler gave' warning on ac
count of Mrs. Braxfield's scolding pro-
pensities, the Judge replied :
" Lord, mon, ye'ce little to complain
o' ; ye may be thankfu' ye're no married
to ber."
The late Professor D— was, prior ,
to his appointment to k!s ckair,rector
of an academy in . Forfarshire., He was
particularly , reserved his intercourse
with the fair sex ; but, in prospect of
obtaining a professorship, he ventured to
make Proposals to a lady. They were,
walking together, 'and the important
question was put Without 'preliminary
sentiment or note of warning. Of course
the lady replied by a gentle "No l"=
The subject was immediately dropped ;
but the parties soon met again. "Do
you , rernember," at length said the lady,
"a question which you put to me when
we last met ?" The Professor said that
he remembered. "And do you remem
ber my answer, Mr. D--?" " 0 yes,"
said the Professor. " Well, Mr.
proceeded the lady, " I have been led, on
consideration, to change my mind."—
" And so have I," drily responded the
Professor. He maintained his bachelor
hood to tile' close.—Dr. Rogers' " illus
trations of Scottish Character."
IDcala,r a -Year_
, 1861.
What 'is the Price?
You are going to enter into 71
matrimonial state, are yOu Mr. Brown ?
And you think you're coming ipto pos
session of an angel?
Yes, but angels cost money. Did it
ever occur to you what an expensive
article Sour fashionable young wife was
likely to prove ? Bless your unsophis
ticated soul ! you've no more idea of•it
than you have of the Prfce of onions or
the market value of a wash-tub. You'll
find out one day, however—to your
grief. -
Two or three stout Irish girls to wait
on her—a French maid to arrange her
hair—fifty dollar - silks and camel's hair
shawls to make her female friends en
vious, and half a dozen. bonnets per
annum—white kid gloves .and silver
card cases—otto of roses and bouquet
holders—Why, you deluded young Juan,
she'll throw Money out with her ringed
and lily-white fingers faster by ; the
bushel, than you can shovel it in with a
spade ! You don't believe it ? Let us
make a rough estimate, then of what she
will cost in full promenade costume.
Bonnet (a love of a thing, the sweetest
white chip, and such a bargain) fifteen
dollars. India shawl (of course you
wont be such a brute as to expect your
wife to wear common cashmere or broche
just like the the butcher's better half)
only seventy-five, the cheapest thing . in
New:York? Dress, an eleven-flouoced
silk, forty-five dollars, including the
triremings and the poorly paid labor of
the hollow-cheeked dress-maker;, Val
enciennes collars and sleeves, at twenty.
five'; cunning, little heeled gaiter briots
three ; gloves, one ; Etruscan bracelet,
fifty, (you expect your wife to dress like
other women, don't you ? and everybody
has Etruscan bracelets;) brooch - and `ear:
rings in Italion cameo, _thirty; card
cases, twenty,; a "duck" of a Chantilly
veil, ten ; embroidered hankerchief,
eight ; lace parasol, lined with lavender
silk, ten ; crinoline, three ; and other
'belongings' lace—edged and" sumptuos
ly decorated, about ten, as near as a body
Can venture to guess. Now all this is an
exceeding moderate assessment—there
are as many who, exceed it as fall short
of it. How much do you suppose it
amounts to, my good Mr. Brown ? Well
your angel, in the simple matter of
plumage for this one occasion, costs you
not far from four hundred dollars. Yes,
you. may open . your eyes and twirl your
mustaches in that incredulous sort, of a ,
way ; do- you'suppose we don't know all
about it ? Yes, and when the bills come
in you will remember our words ,of
warning ! You're doing a remarkably,
foolish thing when 'you marry oue of
these camelia-japenica divinities, white
handed, helpless, and knowing just about
as much of rear life, every-day life, as a
canary bird might be expected to Under:
stand. If we were a man, we should as
soon think of marrying a frail hot-house
plant. as one of these delicate springs
of the ornamental.
Give us the, apple blossom type of
women, sunny, cheerful and useful—
something equal to every emergency,
from washing day 'to a Fifth avenne
soiree--something that understands the
handling, of a broom,: and knows what
the kitchen poker is made for, and •can
calculate to a nicity the
of mince meat requisit in a model pie,
besides liking a bit of fun as well as the
next woman, , and possessing a pretty
weakness for lively books and spicy
newspapers:) That's the article for
our money.
A wife' who would select gingham
instead of silk, when she went shopping;
and freshen 'up her old bonnet with a
bunch of satin violets and a new ribbon
instead of paying an extraaagant price
for the latest Paris fooleries. not be
cause she hadn't_a woman's• natural pea
chani for such things, :hut becanse she
wanted to save money=-=because her lit-
tle .head was full- of schemes some lay'
to contribute something toward releas
ing her husband from the bondage and
drudgery of desk or counter,!, Do
suppose the value of'such a- wife can be
counted in gold pieces ? Let yoursatin
robed doll sweep Contemptuously past
her on Bro'adway, fir. PrlSivii--4ime will
prove which is the ibest-itistrument. .`
Only; before you pu,r - ohase the useless'
jewled toy, think twice-about it. Ask
yourself so berly and - reasonably, " What
is the price ?" and "can lafford it ?" or
it may be, the.dearest lisrgain r yOu ever
made in your life ?—Life Illustrated.
drilorsewhipping a Sec'essionist has
been decided coun
ty, Pa., is a perfectly legal and constitu-
bona! act
NO. 44.
STUFF. FOR Sumus.—A good sermon
is like a kiss. It requires but two heads
and an app aca ton.
Young ladies are like arrows, they are
al in a waren when the beaux come,
an, can't get off without them.
Itis said that Barnum is in fall chase
of a chap who helped his own wit% at the
dinner table, in preferenco to another
' The lady whae dress was too dirty to
wear, and not dirty enough to be washed,
tad a matter of serious import to decide.
• •
The climax of superfluous politenesso
has been deClared to be that of holding
an umbrella over a : duck in' he rain.
llow is it proved Noah did not come
first out of the ark ? Because the Bible
says he came'forth.
Can you tell us when the cars leave
for *Newark ? "As soon as the seats
are all taken," Jem, "that will make
the car-go.
The. Albany Knickerbocker- cannot
,what Philadelphia wants with a
School of Design, for women, when they
are designing enough already:
A Yankee editor remarked, in a por
lemical article, that though he would
not call,his opponent a liar, he must say,
that if the gentleman bad intended tq
state what was utterly false, he had been
retharktibli'sndceSsful in his attempt.
• Sheridan -celebrates the felicity of
arm`Thrisbands—a main who tarty wed
you to-day, and then in a twelvemonth;
perhaps, come holne like a 'Colossus,
with one leg at - New-York and other
at Chelsea Hospital." •
Strange questions are agitated in the
debating club down East. The last was,
What is the difference betwen a fan si
mile and a sick family. And the nest
will be, What is the difference between
the bridge of sighs and the size of
bridge ?
THE HEALTHY lilszkr.—Of all the know
nothing. persons in this world, corn-.
mend us to the man who has "never
known .a day's illness." He is amoral
dunce, one whoa has lost the greatest
lesson in ; who has skipped the
finest lecture in , that great school of,
humanity, the sick-chamber. Let him
be versed in mathematics, a iipe.acholar
in the classics, a 'bachelor of arts, or
even a doctor of divinity; yet is .he as.
one of those gentlemen whose education
has been neglected. For all his college
acquirements; how inferior is he in
‘useful knowledge to.a mortal who has
had but a quarter's gout, or half a years;
ague—how infinitely below the fellow
creature wht lieen 'Bonn* taught
his -tic-douloureux; thonioughly ground
ed in the rheumatics:' and deeply red .
in scarlet fever! And 'yet, what is'
More common than to hear . a grea t .
hulking, florid fellow, bragging of au
ignorance, a brutal ignorance, that he
shares in common with the pig and bul
lock, the generality of-which die, probs.;
bly, without ever having experienced a
day's indisposition ?
strong pleasure is there with mankind,
or what do they earlier learn or longer•
retain, than the love of hearing and re
lating things strange and incredible.—.
How wonderful a thing is the love of
wondering and of raising wonder ! 'Tis
the delight of children to heartens they
shiver at, and ' the vibe 'of old men to
abound in strange stories of times past.
We come into tha world wondering
every thing ; and when our wonder
about common things is over, wc seek'
something new to Wonder at. One last
scene is to tell wonders of our own,•to'
all who will believe them.. And amid
all this, 'tis well if truth comes 'off but
moderately tainted.
llgr When Lieutenant Governor Pat—
terson was Speaker of the Massachusetts:
Legislature, some dozen boys presented/
themselves for the place of messenger„
as is usual at the opening of the House.,
He.inquiredtheir names, and into their;
condition, in order that he might make;
the proper selection. He tome, in the
course of his examination, to a 5in,111341
about ten years old, a bright-luukiii i
Well sir," said be, " what' `s your
name ?"
"John Hancock, sir;" replied the ~o `
" What !fl said'the speaker, "
not the one that signed the beelatition r
of independance, are you ?"
No, sir," replied the. lad, strstehipg
himself to his utmost proportioaa.," l bat
I , wphil OA .1 hadibeep there,"
• "You 'cm). he ,oriol. of ;the messeng era,"
said the Speaker. -
igir There are two. • classes of disap
pointed lovers—those" who are disappoin
ted before marriage, and the more tin
lutppy ones who are disappointed after it.