Eatuhk aritttian. Impartial-z-but not Neutral." ,dacaletta, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1861. 'Everybody recollects the diamond wedding of the rich old Cuban and the young New York belle. A. recent letter from Cuba says: •"It may interest my fair readers to remember that Havanna ' is the home of Signor Oveido, the hero of the diamond wedding. Here he is known as a mulatto, at least half black, Ind he is said to be a Blue Beard for brutality. He is rich,; but, as he and Lis bride.ah of course excluded from all good society, his wealth can hardly com pensate his lady for the slights and se clusion to which her life is henceforth destined. A sad, and dearly bought con clusion of so brilliant a bridal." The Widow of Iturbide Emperor of Mexico, who was executed in that country in 1824. died last week, in Phil adelphia, at an advanced age. She had resided there for the last sixty-six years, and was highly esteemed for her many excellent traits of character. The Mexican Minister of Justice has been on a tour of inspection of the nunneries of the capital. Jt is reported that he has found many in a very ne glected and unhealthy condition, and has taken the necessary steps to improve their condition. Carla 1860, the adult women of Eng land numbered six millions ; three of these six Millions labored for their sub sistence, and iwo out of three millions were unmarried, and dependent on their own exertions for subsistence. di'An ark arrived at Harrisburg, Pa , on Saturday from the North, with a large quantity of newly-made maple sugar, which the owner found ready sale for at two cents per cake, or a shilling per pound. ila'ln the historical collection at the pelage at Berlin there are two cannon balls, sack with one side flattened, said to have been fired by opposite parties at the siege of Magdebnrgh, and to have met together in the air. 'llt - The sugar maple is cultivated with great care in the State of New York and Upper Pennsylvania, on account of the sugar it yields. In 1858 the State of New York manufactured twenty-four thousand tons of maple sugar. Sa'Read Shultz & Bro.'s card in this week's paper. They have, unquestiona bly, the finest assortment of every thing in their line, outside of. Philadelphia.— Go and see them. 'Colorado and Nevada are Spanish words. Colorado means colored, gener ally reddish,.and is the name given to several rivers in America. Nevada means white as snow. ea - Bishop McCloskey, ;who was so seriously injured some time since by an accident on the Hudson River Railroad, has instituted suit against said company, and laid his damages at £20,000. te - The 4th day of April was the 20th anniversary of the death of Gen. Wm. H. Harrison. It is stated that Mr. Lin coln is now very feeble from the effects of continued application.• pli'The Mexican Government has sent orders to Vera Cruz for the immediate embtirkation of the bishops, believing that the public security is best protected by their removal from the country. ('A wretched result of intermarriage between blood relationvexists at Sche nectady, N. Y. An — oloinable ;couple iroasins) h ave eleven children, six of r i at whom we ,born blind. ilirM - , ' ter, of the Delaware coun ty RepriblidW,Mr. Young of the Tioga Agitator, and Mr. Sterrett, of the Erie Gazette, have been appointed postmas ters in their respective towns. Gir Alexander Hamilton Shultz, the successor .of Capt. Isaiah Rynders, as Marshal of the Southern district of New York, was once a table waiter in a hotel. ei'Mary Devine, a pauper in the Cleveland work-house, last week fell heir to $11,006, and suddenly became an object of soliciona interdet. trPins IX. had reggliet'filim . the . Catholics, both English and Irish in Australia, a money gift of live hundred pounds. ta'Yesterday (441 12th) was the anniversary of ffenry Clay's birth. orSamee 144000 has been appoint. a d Raitia l .' ;Wig Philadelphia. c-v--f&THE W Li SMELTER OF THE FEDERAL C AFITAL.--• The following , is an extract of a letter received in New York city from a gen tleman of high position in Washington. It is dated on the 2d inet "The possession of the seat of govern ment by the southern confederacy is an event most confidently predicted to take place within sixty days. The wife of a United States Senator told me an inec dote illustrative of the purposes of the President of the southern confederacy. He holds a very eligible pew in the Rev. Mr. Hall's church, and a lady, wishing to obtain it, wrote to him that she would give what he' gave for it. He replied, 'that so far from relinquishing my (his) pew, I have'ordered an• engraved plate to be affixed to it bearing my name.' A lady just from Montgomery, in taking leave of Mrs. Davis asked 'And what message must I bear from ,you to my.lady friends in Washington?' She replied, 'Tell them I shall be happy to receive their calls at the White House some two months hence.' This is very elabo rate, trilling, or unsurpassed castle build ing." irOn Saturday last two officers, who had been ordered to embark on the ex pedition at New York, waited on .Gen eral-Gameron, and requested to be in"- formed . what was the objeet of the move ment, and whether it was intended to operate, against the seceding States.— With the utmost coolness, the Secretary of War replied "Give me your commis sions ; you are dismissed from the service from this very hour." Such will also be the fate of every officer, in eitber branch of the service, who having put his band to the plough, looks back in this hour of our country's peril. G o Corti n has sent in a message to the Legislature on the subject of the national difficulties. Be recommends the re-organization of the militia system, and suggests other measures proper for the State in the present crisis. The Governor also states that he has received a letter from the President stating that he had information that there was a de sign to attack Washington city. 'William Smith O'Brien has settled down in his pretty country seat at Ca hermoyle, where he diseusses, for his own amusement, the affairs of the world.— Mr. O'Brien is an "estated gentleman," his income from landed property amount ing`to $45,000 annually. orMrs. A. V. Lowe' died at the resi dence of her son, ex• Governor Lowe, in Frederick, Md., on the 29th nit., at the age of 72 years. The deceased was no ted for her intellectual accomplishments, and for her Constant charitable and use ful acts of kindness to the poor and suf fering. a-Major Ben. McCulloch has organ ized a force of five thousand men to seize the federal capital the instant the first blood is spilled. This intelligence is from a Virginia gentleman now in this city, who had it directly from McCul lochls own lips. ei'The ship "Mary Caroline Stevens" will sail for Liberia, from Baltimore May lst., on her tenth voyage. Among the applications for a passage at that time are twelve from New Jersey. There are also several applicants at the office in New York for a passage in the Mary Carolina Stevens. It is understood that despatches have been received from Gen. Houston, of the most urgent character, represent ing the danger of attack by Mexicans and Indians as so imminent that nothing can prevent the most serious disasters upon the frontier if assistance is not re ceived immediately. The San Francisco Mirror says, "Oat of nearly one hundred exchanges, published on this coast, and received at this office, we cannot find one that comes out openly, or otherwise, in favor of an independent republic. California is faith ful to the Union I" plir We are informed that the monu ment at Valley Forge, which has for many years, commemorated the heroic martyrdom of the men of the Revolution who perished there during the dark win ter of 77, was blown down on or about the fourth of the last month. olgr l lot of human bones were ex humed ,`by Mr. Mathew Smith on the premis4ii. of Mr. Edward Thompson, in Kittanning, Armstrong . county, while digging the foundation for a bouse.— They are presumed to be the remains of Im Indian, and are in a fine state of pre servation. isatAlp on g the several prominent cit izens named-for Treasurer of ' the Mint, is General Keim, the present surveyor GeneraL ..General Keim is a very popu lar gaatlOrtien, and, if selected, would rake d responsible and competent offi cer. *Following closely in the footsteps of this - secession panic, we have a new excitement. , A dispatch from Chicago states that one handred and six fugitive slaves left , thatcity last night for Canada via: the' Michigan, Southern, and Indiana railroad. isarThere are two-thousand five hun dred and fifty-four passenger, and freight cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad. A very handsome display of rolling stuck ! NEWS IN BRINE Prof. Lowe, of balloon notoriety, is in Cincinnati, making arrangements for an aerial voyage from that city to New York. ---, ..... One hundred and four Musqualcee In dians have renounced their savage habits, and settled at Tama county, lowa, on farms. We understand that G. J. Ball, Esq., of Erie, is an applicant for appointment of Director of the 11. S. Mint at Phila delphia. Hon. Edward Everett is in Washing ton, and has been consulted by the Pres ident an the subject of our national diffi culties. • Ex-President Millard Fillmore has ac cepted an invitation to preside at the Unitarian Festival in Boston in May next. Hiram Barney, the collector of the port of New York, gives bonds in the sum of $200,000. He enters upon his duties to-day. The London pickpockets have trained dogs to such accurate operation that they jump up at a gold watch, seize it, snap the chain, and bolt off where their master is waiting. The great Chicago Wigwam was sold on Saturday last, to the highest bidder. The proceeds are to be given to the Home of the Friendless, and the Orphan Asylum. The steamship Great Eastern is adver tised to sail from England for New York on the Ist of May, and will probably leave that port, on hef return passage, on or about the 24th of the same month. It is reported that the Postmaster General has settled the question of the New York Post Office site, by deciding to complete the purchase of the Middle Dutch Church property in Nassna street, the present loeation of the post-office. Mrs.`Mary Ann Lovet, of Louisville, has been fined $lO,OOO for throwing vit riol in the face of Mrs. Parrott. As she had not the money to pay, she has been sent to the work-house. In a case before Paris Civil Tribunal, the fact was revealed that the person who contracts with the city of Paris for performing funeralS,. is bound to have constantly on hand not fewer than 6,000 coffins. When Mr. Russell, who is now in this country representing the London Times, went to Ireland to report O'Connell's speeches, that orator spoke in the Irish language, much to the discomfiture of the reporter and the amusement of the auditors. It is understood that Corn. Hiram Paulding is to be called to the head• of the new naval bureau in charge of the assignment of 'officers to duty, &c., so soon as Cam. Stringham may leave Washington to take • command of the squadron recently assigned to him. The Administration is displaying great caution in all its movements. Neither the army or navy officers know anything of its designs, and only, those are trusted with the dispatch of military business who are known to be true friends of the Union. On the night of the 23d of February, Governor Andrews, of Cape Coast, at tended by thecivil and military officials of the colony, placed a Latin cross of white marble, with the letters L. E. L. on it, over the grave of Miss Landen, the poetess, which has become almost undis. tingnishable from neglect. A fellow calling himself a Baptist min ister, appeared in a N. E. village last week. He so pleased the people that they subscribed $4OO to make him their clergyman. This the scamp' took, got awful drunk, swore oaths in the streets, rode about town with a wild woman, bor rowed $260 and decamped. A public meeting of the citizens of Frankfort, Alabama, was held on the 16th of March, at which the following resolutions was adopted: "That our Congressional nominee, if elected, is to represent us in the United States Con gress, and not in this so-called Southern Confederacy." This stated that twenty. of the rank and file of the army left Washington on Thursday for Montgomery, for the pur pose of enlisting in: the Southern army. These desertions make an aggregate of two hundred and eighty army recruits for the Southern government from the federal capital since they have been sta tioned there by Gen. Scott. A few weeks ago, William Montgom ery and Louisa Long eloped together and were married at Red Bluff, Ky., the ceremony being performed while they remained on horseback, prepared for the emergency of an alert parent.' The citi zens gave them a hearty welcome, and escorted them with tinkling cymbals find sounding brass further on their way to bliss, via San Francisco. Elisha.Whittlesey, Esq., of Ohio, who has accepted the office of First Comp troller of the Treasury, at Washington, is a most capable and experienced officer, and held the same post under Mr. Fill more's administration. Ex-Gov. Wm. Medill, of Ohio, the present Marabout, a man who it is said always wanted and yet never lacked an office—is at length namberedamong the "outs." DEATH OF JUDGE MCLEAH.—The Hon. John McLean, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, died at his residence in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday the 2d, instant, aged '76- years. He entered Congress- from tbe• Cincinnati District, Ohio, in 1812, was made Postmaster-General by President Monroe in 1823, was continued in that office by J. Q. Adams, but displaced in 1829 by Gen. Jackson, who made him Judge of the Supreme Court, which of fice he has filled with eminent fitness for more than thirty years. He was a lead ing candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the Presidency in '1856 and 1860. Judge McLean was not only a distinguished statesman, a superior ad ministrative officer, and an able jurist, but an eminently pious and good man. He was one of the most active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and amid the multiplicity of his other duties found time to devote much attention to its important business affairs. Judge Logan, of Illinois, Mr. Lincoln's late law partner, and a conservative member of the Peace Congress, is named as his probable successor. The Supreme Bench of the United States is now as follows : Chief Justice Taney, of Maryland. Associate Justice Wayne, of Georgia. " Catron, of Tennessee. " Nelson, of New York 41 " Grier, of Pennsylvania " " Campbell; of Alabama " Clifford, of Maine. There are two vacancies—one occa sioned, by the death of Justice Daniel, in the Fourth Circuit, which includes Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, and one in the Seventh Circnit,(Ohio, Indi ana, Illinois and Michigan,) occasioned by the decease of Justice McLean. SLEEPING CAR asc.—The latest inven tion is a sleeping car cap. It consists of a small velvet or cloth cap, ornamen ted according to the taste of the wearer, with a couple of long straps attached to each side. When the traveler becomes weary or sleepy, he or she puts on the cap and attaches the straps, by means of brass hooks, to the back of the seat next forward of the traveler, and then leans back composedly, the head supported by the cap' and brace, and sleeps as com fortably as if reposing in bed. itar The present no. of the Cosmopoli tan Journal for the quarter ending March, 1861. The fiscal year of the As sociation has been extended to April 18th. to which date the books will re main owen for subscriptions. The list of awards will be announced in the Art Journal for June. The Art Journal is gotten up in fine style—filled with very choice reading and embelished with su perb engravings. 'Among those suggested for next Governor .of Tennessee, are Andrew Ewing, Parson Brownlow, Major Polk J. Stokes, ex-Governor Campbell, Mr. Colyar, and Gen. Zollicoffer. Parson Brownlow, we believe, is already in the field as an independent candidate. Gen. Leslie Coombs publishes in ilk.) Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth, a letter sent to him by twenty citizens of Phila delphia, askirg him to•use his influence in favor of s National. Convention to be hold in Philadelphia on the 4th of July nest. ea-General Lane, just previous to leaving New York for the Pacific, wrote as 'follows to a friend here : "I am out of politics, but I shall continue to stand oy the right. I will urge the democracy of Oregon to adopt the Constitution of the. Confederate' States as their plat form." turA man was- arrested near Coates ville, Chester county, on Wednesday morning last, for attempting to draw the spikes from the rails on the Pennsylva nia Railroad. He -was committed for trial, and taken to the jail at West Cheater. prarA public dinner is to be tendered to the Hon. Charles Francis Adams, by his fellow-Citizeas of Boston, without 'distinction of party, as a testimony, of their'approval of his conduct, during the late session of Congres, in relation to our national difficulties. * F A lad, 16 years old, died from the effects of drunkenness, at Rochester, on Saturday. For three weeks previous to his death he was drunk the whole time, notwithstanding the efforts of his family to restrain him. 'The monarch tree of the Siera Ne vada, California, known as the 'Miner's Cabin,' was blown down by a hurricane on the 14th of last month, It was thirty feet in diameter, and supposed to be three thousand years old. 'The marriage of an Irish Episco palian clergyman by himself has been recently declared Invalid by the House of Lords, the highest judicial court of appeals in Great Britain. Pickpockets made a large haul at Troy on Good Friday and Eadter Surf day, by visiting the churches. One lady was 'robbed while engaged in prayer on her knees. Rumors that Jenny Lind will re turn to the operatic stage in the spring still circulate in the musical circles of London. OUR MILITARY FORCH —From an offi cial sorce, we learn that this whole rum bler of organized voloateer companies in this State is about 500, averaging about 40 men to a company, making an aggre gate of over 20,000 uniformed volunteers. The entire military force of the State is about 355,000 men capable of military duty. The arms of the State are all in the possession of the volunteer compa nies, and comprise 12,080 tauskets,.4,7o6 rifles, 2,809 cavalry swords and sabres, 3,147 pistols, 69 pieces of ordnance, be ing six pound bronze cannon. Of the above there are only about 2,500 muskets of the new model, 1,200 improved sites, and 500 cavalry swords. The balance are unfit for active ser vice, being mostly of the heavy old flint lock. The 69 pieces of ordnance are in good condition, with the exception of the carriages. From the above it will be seen that the volunteers of the State have tint 4,200 effective small arms, leav ing an actual deficit for them alone of 14,800. No arms are furnished to the militia by the State itself. 101 that are DOW issued to the militia are furnished by the United States to Pennsylvania. The sum of $200,000 is annually appro priated to the purchase of arms, to be distributed among the States and terri-- tories, in proportion to their representa tion in Congress. In addition to the fifty uniformed companies now enrolled in Philadelphia, two regiments have been formed, which are intended for im mediate service, whenever called upon by the Governor of Pennsylvania, or the President of the United States. In reference to requisitions being made upon the Governor for troops, the sixth section of the militia law of April 2d, 1822, which is still in force, provides "that when the President of the United States shall have made a requisition of a part of the militia of this State for public service, the Adjutant General shall take the most prompt and efficaci ous measures for detaching and supply ing with all necessary arms, equipments ammunition and provisions, the number of men required, and for having them marched to the place of rendezvous.— Provided, the volunteer troops and com panies shall be first detached, and may be kept in service any time not exceed ing six months." The second section of the same act provides "that the militia may be called into service by the Gov ernor in the event of a rebellion, or an actual or threatened invasion of this or any neighboring State; but no portion shall be detained in service, at any one time, for a longer period than three months, under the mere requisition of the Governor, without the direction or assent of the President of the United States." THE SWIiSHELM DIVORdE CASE.—In the matter of the application of James Swisshelm, for a divorce from Jane G. Swisshelm, a final decree allowing the application was made in the Court of Common Plea', of Allegheny county, on Saturday. Mrs. Swisshelm formerly ed ited the Saturday Visitor, at Pittsburg, and is now editing the St. Cloud Visitor, Minnesota, a sprightly and interesting sheet. Family differences, with' the na ture of which the public are already suf ficiently familiar, induced her to leave her husband, whereupon a petition for divorce on the ground of desertion was filed, and a decree to that end allowed on Saturday, as stated above. The report that Hon. Jeff. Davis had "bought a pew lately" in the church of the'Epiphany, in Washington, for his own use, "when he captured the city," is without foundation. He has owned a pew in that church for some years, , and, on leaving Washington, the pew rents were given to the vestry, and Mrs. Davis ordered a plate to be put upon the door, which has recently been done. ei'Weaver, the man who was arrested near Christiana some time since by Sher iff Miller, of Perry county, charged with poisoning his wife, has been convicted of murder in• the first degree. The jury re turned the verdict on Friday, mid-night, after having been out about five hours. It is expected he will receive his sen tence in a few days. - JOB .PRINTING OF KINDS, SUCH AS Large Posters, witn Cuts, Sale Bills, all sizes, Circulars, Blanks, Cards, and every description of Job Printing, neatly and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of tc THE WEEKLY MARIETTIAN." 100 BARRELS Choice Varetleo E.REdi hl st 50 Boxes Valencia and Bunch Raisins, 40 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches, 50 Bags pared Dried Apples, 1000 Lbs. Cod Fish; Fine Syrups, Sugars, &c. Dec. S.] SPANGLER & PATTERSO N. VIT ILC OE'S Celebrated Imperial Ex- VV tension. Steel Spring SiTleton Skirt, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in use, for sale cheap at Differ:hash's. FIFTEEN EMPTY MOLASSE HOGSHEADS For Safe at • J. It. DIFFENBACiP . "nr U BSy Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bows, 11 Oil Cloth, Varnishes, &e. ST.ERRETT Ff CO. EMBOSSED PAPER COLARS--Teri for a Quarter, at Diffenbach's. B ONLEN'S long celebrated GIN, H. D. BENJAMIN. G° AND SEE CRULL ANYHOW!! At 92 Market Street. MIKAIN'S Concentrated Wheat Ceffee, For sale at WOLFE'S. 25 BARFROERLSSAPLTMAT tVPOPLLFEZ:S. 25. 1 °M sale at r v lezill s a . Oranges, just Cl/Ming ( Sar-ds VArfing. Se.c.cfs ! (woo J. R. DIFI-i'ENBACII, AT NO. 61 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA, HAS JUST RECEIVED His New Stock of Spring Goods: HE is placing on his shelves and ready for examination and sale, the largest and best selected stock of fashionable SPRING Goons ever offered in this borongh, to which bar new invites the attention of the public. New Styles Fancy Dress Goods, Superior makes of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos Extra quality Muslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large 'stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels. White Goods, Mitts, Linens, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Gloves, Hosires, Very large stock of Domestic goods. Spring Satinetts and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Delaines„ Calicos and Ginghams, Drillings, Sheetings and Checks, Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings, Splendid Calicos for six cents, Good quality Musiin, six' cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslin', six cents. Embossed Paper Collars, ten for a Quarter, Paper Neck-Ties—something new, cheap and beautiful. ALL KINDS OF lIOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Woolen Table cowers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Canton Matting, &e. Walt and Window Paper, Transparent Rinds. Glass, Queensware and Cedarware. Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &e. //3 Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gaikm. All kinds of _Li - guars wholesale or retail. rr A LARGE STOCIF OF CHEAP GROCERIES. The highest price given for Couutty produce. AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY!! FOR 7H. Z. CURE. OP Consumption, Broncititis ) Coteghs 6- Cold*. THE MAKEtRA ARABIEA, DISCOVERED RY A MISSIONARY, WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA. All who are suffering from Consumption should use the MASORA ARABICA, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All those who are threatened with Consump tion should use the Atakora Arabia, discover ed by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Bronchitis.shouitt use the Makora Arabic*, discovered by a mis— sionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Sore T h.r o tut, Coughs, and Colds, should use the Malcom Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Asthma, Scrofu la and impurities of the blood should use the Makers Ambles . , discovered by a missionary in Arabia. It cures Consumption, It cares Bionchitis, It cures Sore Throat, Coughs-and Colda. It cures Asthma, Scrofula and impurities of the Blood. This unequalled remedy is now for the first time introduced to the public. It was providentially discovered by a. mis sionary while traveling in Arabia. He was. cured of Consumption by its use after his case was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in Europe. Ile has forwarded to us in writing, a full ac count of his own extraordinary cure, and of a. number of other cures whicir have come linden his observation and also a full account of, the , medicine. At his request, and impelled by a desk-491w extend a knowledge of this remedy to the puh. lic, we have had his communication printed pamphlet forth for tree distribution. its•inUin est is enhanced by an account which he•gives of some of the scenes of the Syrian massacres,. which he obtained from those who suttered.itt that awful tragedy. This pamphlet maybe obtained at our office, or it will be sent free by mail to all who appter for it. We import the Mokora Arabica , direct from Smyrna through the house of tl,eolle and Gylippus, and we have always on hand a, fulb supply put up in bottles ready for use withdu/b directions. Price One Dollar per bottle. Sent by mail on receipt of price, and 241-oents for postage- For sale wholesale or retail, by. LEEDS, GILMORE t,. 00., Importers of "hugs and Medicines, March 30.] 61 Liberty-et., N. Y. .ALSO, BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY.. DISCOVERED AT LAST! Greatest Mira in the World For Pain! PROF. CHAS. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL- THIS oil is the only sure remedy in the world for the Cure of Rheumatism, Deaf. ness, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and Bronchial complaints, Tic Dolor ens, Headache, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons, Sprains and Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swelb ed Glande, Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Sore Nipples,Swelled Breast, Womb Dison ders, Salt Rhum, Canker in the Mouth and: Stomach,Palpatation, Eruptions,Caked Breast„ Quinsy, Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers,. Lock Jaw, Heart Burn, Tooth and Ear-ache, Nervousness, Costiveness, Burns, Sore Gums. of teething infants, Hemorrhage, Abscess, Stiff Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains, Tetter, Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and Ague,Ctkapp ed Hands, or any Diseases that are sore or painful, in the only article ever brought be fore the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minuets—has been used by thousands and pronounced to be the beat remedy ever discovered. This Oil acts on the system with electricity —is of pure vegetable preparation, Not the slightest danger of applying it outwardly or inwardly. It at once gives a permanent cure —in most cases from ten to twenty minuets. The best physiologists of Europe have discov ered that all organic derangement of the ani mal system is the effect of an obstruction of the physico-electric fluid in the organ diseased.— A skillful application of this Oil puts in im mediate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is at once accomplished. No bleedings—no vom iting, purging or blistering is resorted to. /LP None genuine without signature of Prof. C. Dm Gnarl'. Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St. Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Try everything else ; give this one simple trial. CAUTION—Be careful to ask for and get DE Gneern's Electric Oil, as worthless imitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation my article bas acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin cipal office 217 South Bth street, Phila. TT WARD, Manufactur and 0 . I a • DEALER IR illir STRAW GOODS, .Nos. 103, 105 and 107 North Seem! street, PHILADELPHIA. We are now receiving our Spring Stock, which will comprise a large and desirable assort ment of all kinds of Straw and Lace Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of Ladies and Children's Hats. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches will be Unusually large this season, and 'we would invite special attention to that deparment. all and examine them before making your pu chases H. WARD, arch 23-4 t) Nos. 103, 105 8 107 N. 2d at.