lug • 4L f,4/e l x t ott4-.), 1 L ift I pctietcb to ulitjts, Yiftraturt, clgritiatutt, ,ijorticultart, (rbtt zinc aith Estfat 3,rts, 6tncral nctus trf tic Pair, fatal Zfnformation, it., it. Fr_ T3al-.or, Editor aid Proprietor_ SEVENTH YEAR. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. OFFICE: ON FRONT STREET, IN TUE SECOND STORY OF CRULL'S ROW, Five dow., East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in advance, and if subscriptions to not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the capitation of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will . be discontin ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending us FIVE new Subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes sional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, five cents a-tine. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines, five cents a-line. square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months '53.50 ; 1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 months,l $3: 6 months, $5; 1 year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, SS; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O. One column, 6 months, $2O ; 1 year, 0. Having recently added a large lot of new Jon AND CA RD Tyr's., we are prepared to do all kinds of PLA IN AND ORNAMENTAL. PRINT ING, at short notice and reasonable p.riees. Ciy4p jloo BtoYI, Korth Queen-st., near the Examiner and Oifice. T HE. Proprietor of Toe. LA NCASTER CREAP B 00 K. 81' olt E has availed hitru , elt of the opportunity to pur chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de scription. He now oilers to the public the same at proportionably and unusually Low rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the improving, of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensive stock on hand. My ob ject.and wish is, as it always- was, to -supply the wahts of the community with anything in my line on the most reasonable terms possible. This we find the better and most advantageous course for, all parties. The -Political Econc mist tells us, "cheaper an article is,,the more 3t can and will be used." Then the conclusion is, that when we buy cheap, we must sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona ble profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS I would call especial attention to my large assortment of Sunday School Books , on hand, of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday Schools :And sell all at Sunday School Union prices. 1 have the agencies for the publica tions of the American Sunday School Union, American Tract Society, Methodist Book and Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Presbj•te .riiin, Episcopal• and other denominations are kept on hand. . Fil/IvIIL3r BIBLES. Those in want of a neat and &Man Quarto Family Bible, will find it to.thciradvantage to call and examine at THE CHEAP. BOOK STORE, the largtist stock on hand, ranging form One, to Twenty-live Dollars. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of J 0 LIN SIIEAFFER, Successor to Murray, Young & Co. Da. J. H. GRovE.] GROVE & ROTII, IX DEALERS 1N ebelpilSs,?.ei'fLth)e , lll, 50aps, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. , !;;; l lJ ey L a D re li c e o r i e ls b i ): tn i t go r zi ei tle g piii r b es li i c i a tdi d s i. t tions to their drug stock, and at till tunes keep on Inind a complete asssertment of ledicincs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, TVhitelead, Brushes of dt.l kinds, and.elrerythingusually kePt by druggists and glpothecuries. An assortment of all kind of . LAMPS, for owning Fluid, Pine Oil or 'Coal Oil. Latnp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selected lot of 'all kinds of STA TIONARY, Knvelopes, 'Tens, Pen-holders, ks,Szc., of all grades and at all prices: PeKumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes and an endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles-, all of which will be sold at reasonable pnces: [Jan S-35-ly BRENNEMAN ; Kt To his MARIETTA Frienas ! ! WI has romoved from. Centre Square, to • WEST KING-ST., lANSIASTEIt, Op posite Cooper's Hotel, where he has the finest BOOT AND SIT.OE STORE IN LANCASTER CITY He makes fine calfskin Boofs (the best) for $4.1 Calfskin Walking Shoes, $ 2,25. Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles) $2,00 Ladies Morocco Boots, (heels) . He has concluded to make the best work at ,somewhat reduced prices,and hopes by so doing to enlarge and increase his business. la" Mending of every kind neatly done. C'iliz.ens of Marietta:—When you come to Lancaster, give I.III.F.isTN:EMAN a call and You will surely be pleased.with his w ork. September 16, 1560, 9-tf J. It. lIOEFER, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Draughtsman, Main-st.,-Mountjay, Lancaster Co., Pa. ALL kinds of land surveying and dividing levelling of watercourses, roads, &c. Ac curate and neat plain and ornamental Mapping and dranghting of town plans, large landed es tates, &c. Mechanics', Quarriers' and Earth work measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea Sea, POWCTS of attorney and other legal instru mauls neatly and accurately drawn. Execu tors', Administrators', Assignees' and Guar dians accounts stated. He is also Agent for the sale of the Ridgeway Farm and Land Company's Lands in El k County, Pa. C o mmunications by letter It 4 ' omptly attended to. peiITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Shoulder Braces,lnstruments for ormit), &c. These artices aro •r i very -highly recommended by Profes sors Pancoast and "Gross of the Jefferson Men ke] College of Philadelphia, and the under ..signed knows them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle ; N. D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for COO& ing—sometking very nice. Liquid Rennet for ranking delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine, Soaps. Frangipannie and other F.xtraets. For sale dt ILLIVKLE',S!. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN „ Paper Neck Ties. beautifulAifashionp.ble De, (914 'f.i-epeiltim 1 - pa, stooo THE TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every Day. AND grows more and more popular every/ day ! and testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all gradeS of society,' whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. - 'Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 185 S. Pnor. Woon : Thee willt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a com plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head. A contin cal course of sear ing through life having reduced me Ma state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and file bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short, it is also coining in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send pe an order on thine agents for a battle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—"the reward is to those who are kind to the widow and the fatherless" Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Peb. 5, 1559. PROF. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir :—in the latter part of the year 1b52, while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining por tion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when 1 tell you that upon my re turn to the State of Indiana, my mere casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss -to discover the cause of the change in my appear mice, as my more intimate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I at once made application to the most skill ful physician in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter pait of the year 1857,i 3 otir Restorative was recom mended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, 1 have used seven dollars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. 'As a mark of my gratitude • for your labor and skill in the production of so, wonderful an article, I have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hap py to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very respectfully yours, A. al. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. THE RESTORATIVE, is put up in bottles of thiee sizes, viz : large, medium, and small ;-the small holds i-a-pint, and retails for $1 a bottle, the mediu,ni holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for $2 per bottle;.the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for $3. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, No. 449 Broadway, New-York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. [HARRISON ROTH reAnd sold bY all good druggists and fancy goods dealers. .w7-7-i4-3M. v v ever et n'illaut & -7iu t k r Tr 'Mk/ ICTlmutilactory, Between Spangler 6. Patterson's Store. and Wolfe's Nation house, Market Street. VID U. L D most .respectfully- inform the public that he continues the above .bus', ness in all its branchea. Anything' not on hand will, be manufactured at short notice and warranted to ive satisfaction in workmanship and pricb Be will always endeairor to keep on hand an assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Wagon, Carriage and Riding TlTlqps, Fly-nets Holie 6)1,6 s, Collars, Trunks, Vatieces, Carpet Bags and in fact everything in his line of business, all of which will be of the best Material and workmanship, and' at keeping with the times. Come and see. REPAIRING NEATLY AND CHEAPLY DONE. Marietta, August 25, 1860. [ju 11'56 D. W. SWENTZEL, r iehmis Graduate of the Baltimore College of and an assistant operator and partner of • DR. JOHN WAYLAN. 'Would most respectfully offers his profess ional services to the citizens of the Borough of Marietta and vicinity s • persons wishing to hays their TEETII attended to . are invited to call of hisoffice, adjoining Spangler .4r., Patteison'a store; 2nd story, entrance from Market street. I?ecommonclation of ;Dr. TVaylan I hereby recommend to the people of Mari etta and vicinity,, i Dr. E. ZV. SWENTZ EL, grad uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge ry, as a competent and skillful Operatoi, hav ing had ample opportunities of seeing his ope rations—having long been an assistant Avers; ter of mine. JOHN WA Y LAN:, D. b. S. Saw 'Nall and Lumber Yard, 11114.R1E TTA,' nONSTAIITLY on hand a full assortznen jot' all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he oilers at reasonable prices. Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Rafters, Laths, Shingles, Pails, 6-c., OAK, PINE 6- HEMLOOK TIMBER. All orders attended to with dispatch. • J. IYI. ERISMAIV Marietta, April 11d. )3 URNErf'S Cocoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing . the Hair. 'or efficacy and: agreeableness, it is 'without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigerous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. • It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the 1 ichest lustre. • It remains longestin effect: For sale at GROVE & ROTH'S. Drug 4 , ,Perfumery. Store, Market street. CLOTUS AND CASSIIUERS.;—A very sir parlor selectiorrof , French and German Cloths, and Caasimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestings, a new and fashionable lot, just arrived at Diffenbach's ClAraii Store. S. L. DELLINGER DENTAL SURGERY, ERISMAN'S MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1861. FAIRY GIFTS. By Finley Johnson What gift shall the fairies bring thee, love From their home, far, far away, Where the sunbeams dance with the elfin throng Ina land of eternal day? Shall it be, dear one, the priceless gift Of a never fading bloom, That would cause thy lips to smile in scorn At the dismal shadowy tomb? If so, then drink of the genii's cup, And the spoiler shall , pass thee by, 'hen the friends of thy youth are stricken low, And all in the grave yard lie. Oh, no, oh, no! thou cravest not that, For the youth of thy soul were gone, If those thou lovest would leave thee here In sorrow and in anguish alone ; Away, away with that bitter cup. For it thy soul cannot bless, Thou scorn est the gift I know that would make Thee think of thy brethren less; For how, oh, how Could we live on earth, Possessing no kindred eye, To reflect in its rays of love divine, Our own immortality ? Wouldst thou have a gift, beloved one, To read through the hearts of those Upon whose faith thou bast firmly relied, And sought on their breasts repose? Then wear this gem in thy inmost heart, For it bath powerto show The danger that comes o'er the soul of love, And the warmth of affection's glow; And thou canst look with an eagle eye On its flushing or fading hue, And learn if the heart thou lovest so well Is false, or ste . adfast, or true. Away, away, with that sparkling gem, I know thou cravest it not, Thou wouldst not harbor within thy soul One doubt thou wouldst have forgot; That though, the deep, stormy love of thy heart Should trampled be hi the dust,. yet wouldst thou keep in its inmost cell 'A fragment of hope and trust; For, oh, what sorrow, and anguish, and pain, The heart of despair can trace, When doubts and suspicions dim the light That beams from a loved one's face. Thou refusest all—then tell me, love, What the gift of the , fairies shall be, What favor, what smiles shall the elfin throng Shower, my love, on thee'? Thou wilt not drink of the tempting cup, That gives thee a life divine ; . . Thou scornest the jewels and treasures rich Of earth's richest s and deepest mine; Thou wilt not read'througlr the heart of those Upon Whose bosoms thou rest; Then answer, love, what gift shall they bring That shall please thee of all the best? I have it, love—thou cravest no sway. O'er the powers unseen, But only pine for a loving heart On which thou canst fondly lean ; And a friend, a faithful, trustful friend, In.whom thou canst fondly trust, Whose faith, and love, and sincerity Shall not be crushed in the dust; That gift shall he thine, for the links of love That bind us, nothing can sever, Be true but to love, and I in return Shall adore thee forever and ever. THE WHITEWASHING SEASON : The sea ron for whitewashing having now arrived, the following directions for making in door wh itewash will just come in play. Those who have used it pronounce it the best ever introduced : For a'moderate size house, say Blooms, about 33 lbs. of Paris white, and 1 lb. best white glue are needed. Dissolve the glue in hot water, also make a thick wash with the Paris white and .hot water, and add the dis solved glue and sufficient w z ater to make the wash of the proper consistence. As the mass stiffens over night, it is better to mix each morning what is wanted du ring the day. If left over night, warm, or add hot water to make it limpid. The Paris white chalk cleansed from its impurities and is only a very pure whiteing,—better than is ordinarily used for making putty. Some used the Cooper glue, which is considered the best, but any good white glue will answer. It costs about 50 cents per lb. at retail, and the Paris white 3 cents per lb.— Both articles can be obtained in almost every city or village. The above makes an excellent white wash, Cleari and white, and not easily rubbed off. Its first cost is more than lime wash, but it is durable, and for nice rooms it is far preferable. itgrln the Mississippi Legislature a proposal was made to alter the name of a county, and call it Cass county. A member by way of burlesque on the old Michigander, whom it was proposed thus to commemorate, moved' as an amend ment, that the, letter C stricken :off.the name. Upon this the original proposer said it was . the first instance hehad etygr known of= a member having the assura,ime to name a county after himself'. WAn exchange.advertises for a com positor, "who won't get drunk," and adds that the editor does :the getting driink necessary to support the dignity of the establishment THE DOLLAR. BY GEORGE LIPPARD They brought him a dollar. • He took it, clutched his long, skinny fingers, tried its sound against the bed post, and then gazed at it long and in tently with dull leaden eye. That day, in the hurry of business, Death had struck him, even in the street. He was hurrying to collect the last month's rent, and was on the verge of the miserable court where his tenents herded like wild beasts in their kennels -he was there with his hand upon him. Ile was carried home to his splendid mansion. ' He was laid on a satin cover let. The lawyer, the relations, and the preacher were sent for. All day long he lay speechless, moving his right hand, as though in the act of counting money. At midnight he spoke. He asked for a dollar, and they brought one to him ; lean and gaunt he lay upon his death bed, and clutched it with the grip of death. A shaded lamp stood upon the table, near the bed, and the lofty ceiling all said gold I as plain as the human lips could say it. • His hair and eyebrows were white,— His cheeks sunken, and his lips surround ed by wrinkles that indicate the passion of avarice. As he sat up in . his bed, with his neck bared and the silken cov erlet wrapped about his lean frame, his white hair and eyebrows contrasting with his wasted and wrinkled face, he looked like a ghost. And there was life in his leaden eye; all that life was cen tred on the dollar, which he gripped in his clenched fist. His wife, a pleasant faced, matronly woman, was seated at the foot of the bed. His son, a young man of twenty-one, dressed in the last touch of fashion, sat by the lawyer. The lawyer ,sat before the table, pen in hand and gold specta cles on his, nose. There was a huge parchment spread before him. "Do you think he will make a will ?" asked the son. "Hardly conipos mentis yet," was the whispered reply. "Wait, he will be lu cid after a while." "My dear," said his wife, "had I not better send for a preacher ?" She arose took her dying husband by the hand, but he did not mind. His eye was upon the dollar. He was a rich man, He owned pala ces on Walnut street, and hovels and courts in the outskirts. He had iron mines in this State;.copper mines on the lakes somewhere and he had golden interests in California. His name was bright upon the records of twenty banks, he had half a dozen papers in'his pay. He knew but one crime—to be in debt without the power to pay. He knew but one virtue—to get money. That crime he had never forgotten in the long way of thirty five years. To hunt down a debtor, to distress a tenant, to turn a few thousands by a sharp speculation—these were the achieve ments of his life. He was , a good man—his name was upon a pew door of a velvet cushioned church. He was a benevolent man—for every thousand dollars he wrung from the ten ants of his courts, or from the debtors who writhed beneath his heel, he gave ten dollars to some benevolent institu tion. He was a just man, the gallows and jail always found him a faithful and Un swerving advocate. And now he is a dying man—see .f As he sets on the ,bed of death, with the dol lar in his clenched fist. Oh ! holy dollar P object of his' life long pursuit, what comfort bast thou for him now on his bed of death I At length the dead man revived and dictated his will. It was strange to see the mother, the son and the lawyer inut'- tering and wrangling beside the bed of death. All the while thetestator clench ed,the dollar in his right hand. While the will was being made the preacher came—even he who held the pastoral charge of the great church, whose pew .doors bore saintly names on silver plate, and whose seats, on Sabbath day, groaned beneath the load of respec tability, broadcloth and satin. He came and said his prayers--deepr ously and in measured words—but never once did the dying man relax the hold on the dollar. "Can't you read me something—say quickly, don't you see I'm going ?" said the rich man at length, turning to the preacher. - The preacher, whose cravat" was of the whitest, took a book with golden Olisp from a marble table and read : Dollar a, Year-- "And I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." • • "Who said them words—who—Who ?" fairly shrieked the dying man, shaking his hand Which clenched the dollar at the preacher's head. • The preacher hastily turned over tlie . leaf and did not reply. "Why did you not tell me of this be fore ? Why did you never preach from it as I sat in plug church ? Why,?',' The preacher did not reply butturned over another leaf. But the dying. man would not be quieted. "As it is easier for a camel. to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, is it 7 Then what is to became of me? Am 1 not rich 7 What tenant did I ever spare or release ?" "And you•stood up, Sunday after Sun day, and never said one word about the camel." The preacher, in search of consoling passages, turned rapidly over the leaves, and in his confusion came to this passage, and read :' "Go now ye, rich men, weep and howl, for your miseries shall come upon you. Your gold and silver is cankered, and the' rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as if it were fire ; ye heaped' treasurers to , gether for the last days: Behold the hire of the laborers who liave reaped dbwn your fields, which is of you kept by fraud crieth, and the cries of them which have reaped and entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath. "And yet you never preached that to me." The preacher who had blundered through. the passage of James which have quoted, knew not what he said. Then the wife drew near and strove to comfort him, and the son, attempted a word of consolation. Butivith the dol lar in his hand lie sank into death, talk ing of stocks, of rents, of copper mines, of cancels, of tenant and debtor, until the breath left his lips. Thus he died. When he was cold the preacher arose and asked the lawyer whether the de ceased had left anything to such a char itahle society, which had been engrafted upon the preacher's church. And the wife, closed his eyes and tried to wrench the dollar from his grasp, but in vain, he clutched it as though tit were the only Saviour to light him through the darkness of eternity. . And the son sat down with dry,eyes, and , thought, of the hundreds of thousands that were now his own. Next day there was a hearse followed by a train of carriages nearly a\ mile long. There was a crowd around,the open grave, and an elegant sermon on the virtues of the deceaSed by the preach er, There was' flattering of crape bad ges, and rolling of carriages, and—no tears. They left the dead man and re turned to the place where sorrow died even as the crape, was, taken from the door knob. And in the grave, the dead hand still clenched the dollar. OUSE CLEANING.-A reportorial,bro ther who evidently possesses' a teen ap preciation of the uncomfortable arid lu dicrous, thus "sprcads" himself on the miseries of house cleaning—an operation incident to this, peculiar season of the year :—"lf there ever was an institution devised for rendering a man miserably unhappy, it is whatour wives, and moth ers, and sisters, and "hired help,". faceti , ously term "house cleaning." It gener ally prevails aboutthis season, and the particular object of those engaged in it seems to be to produce a' general 'rever sal of all order—to pile things up in pro miscuons, conglomcrate heaps, and'in . vest it with an odor of soap suds. Dur , ing the continuance of the operation, every woman is supposed to havett per fect right to exercise a snapping turtle disposition towards each and all with whom she comes in contact." 1, "Honsox'sekpression " HCbson'S Choice," is ptPireibialtiOth in EurdPe and AirteriCa. The story of its origin 'is thus stated: ' Thoniitellobb - oti was a celebrated carrier in Cambridge, :En g . r who to his employment ; in that ca pacity added the ptofessiou of supplying the students at the university hot, ses. doing this, he. made unalL feral:a° „rule that every horse,:should have an equal ,portion.of timplinoyhich to rest as well as labor. Hence ; he' al ways refused to let altorse out of his turn howe'vei- 3 desirons Alien might b r e 5b o API To? hiniseff,' - 11en6IES the iiying;: i 'll'obSOP'S'‘O'lloki4 this `off „give wa". NO. 39. THE lhalary o REFIISP, Titunas.—The prusiate of potash. is made in large quan tities in Cincinnati, from the hoofs : horns, and other refelne of slanglitered swine. Cow fair, tglieft fiord fte hides in tan= nsties, is employed for making plastering mortar, to- give it an adhesive quality. Sawdust is gold for: sprinkling the floors of nsarkets i airid for packing ice for shipping: • • The rags of old wont'-tasitirtitfg, ivy dresses, and the • waste• of cotton fac , tories ; are employed to make- the paper upon which these lines are printed: Old ropes are converted info. fine tiotel paper, and the waste paper itself, which is picked up in the gutters, is again re ,, converted into broad, whits sheets. The parings of skins and hides ; and the ears of cows, calves, and sheep,. aro carefully coll r ected and converted into The finer qualities of gelatine are made from ivory raspings, and the bones and tendons of animals, Bones converted into charcoal in re , torts, are afterward employed for, purify ing the ,white sugar with which we sweet= en.our coffee ; etc. Ammonia obtained from the distilla tion of coal in making gas, is employed for saturating orchil and endbear, in making the beiutiful colors that are dyed on silk and the fine woolen goods. Carbonic acid, obtained in the distil lation of coal tar, is employed with other acids to produce beautiful yellow colors on silk and wool., The shavings of cedar wood ? used in making pencils, are distilled - to obtain the ottar of cedar wood. Brass filings and old brio{ kettles are remelted and .employed to make the brass work of printing presses and pumps. Old copper scraps are used in the constructing of splendid bronze chande• Hers, for illumination our churches and the mansions of the wealthy. Old horse shoe nails are employed to make the famous steel and twist barrels of fowling pieces, Too Slum. FOR Hrm.--PrefessorJobn. son, of Middleton!" University, was one day lecturing before the students .of Mineralogy. Eta had before him quite a number- of specimens of various sorts to illustrate the subject A roguish stun dent, for sport, slyly slip a piece of brick among the stones. The Professor vas taking up the stones one after another and naming them. "This;" said he," is a piece of granite; this is .a piece of feldspar," etc. Presently he came to the brickbat—. Without betraying any surprise, or even changing his tone of voice,— "This," said he, holding it up, "is a piece of impudence." There was a shout of laughter, and the student concluded that he had made lit tle by that trick, AO - Moderate drinking in Washings ton's time is thus given by G. W. Curtis in his recollections of Washington. He gives a copy of a contract in Washing ton's own hand, between Geo. Washings ton and' Philip Barton, his gardene.r.— After the usual clauses,' it provides that the said Barton "will not at any time suffer. himself •to be disguised with liquor, except on terms hereafter men tioned!' After enumerating the cloth ing,