The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, April 06, 1861, Image 2

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Impartial , --but not Neutral."
,Acuzi.etta, '"ct
THE EX-PRESIDE:a : We clip the fol
lowing extract from a special dispatch to
the Philadelphia Sunday Atlas ; The
G. H. 0. P. F.* is said to be very rich,
baying made a vast deal of money while
in England and since he has been 'at
Washington city, but notwithstanding is
very niggardly and close-fisted. Speak
ing of his meanness in money matters, I
must tell you some things about the G.
H. 0. P. F. It is reported here, (Lan
caster,) upon good authority, that' he
brought with him from Washington, on
the sth of March, of his salary as Presi
dent, $BO,OOO, all in $2O gold pieces,
which he is investing as fast as he can,
in small sums, on farms, for which he in
sists upon havingjudgment bonds. He
prefers small securities, so that the loss
of one will not much diminish his hoard
ed wealth. The older he grows the more
miserly does be become. His Presiden
tial salary yet uninvested he keeps in
gold, $2O pieces, under his bed. The
bags are sealed, and he counts them
nightly before retiring ; and if he hap
pens to be suddenly awakened in his
sleep, (an occurrence not very uncom
mon for a bad-hearted man with an un
easy conscience) he springs from his bed,
clutches his gold, strikes a light, and,
with tremulous anxiety, counts and re
counts it. Ile has been hunting of late
around among the farmers for some one
to give him a "ferocious house dog," with
which be swears he will "keep off those
who want his gold." He is really an
object of pity, forsaken, forlorn and de
spised. With the exception of our friec d
Carpenter, who hunts up investments for
him ; the good father Keenan ; AlcAvoy,
the contractor; and Frank, the keeper
of a lager beer saloon, he has scarcely a
visitor, or companion. The codfish aris
tocracy to which he has devoted his life
in servile toadyism, treat him with indif
ference and contempt. With an old
stumpof cigar in his mouth, he walks the
streets of Lancaster, unnoticed and on.
cared for.
*G. H. 0. P. F. means "gray-haired
old public functionary," and is what he
called himself in his protest 'against the
Congressional Investigating Commit
tees. • K
living in "Whisky Lane," East Orange,
was bitten by .a large Newfoundland dog
last week. The dog had first killed two
geese, and on Mrs. Y. attempting to
drive him away, flew at her throat. She
kept him off, but. in doing so had a large
piece bitten out of her arm_ The mil
maLhas since been killed. It is feared
that he was mad, and that serious ef
fects may result from the bite. Mrs.
Young is at present under medical treat
dirChelsea, near Boston, Mass., there
is an Inspector of Mill:, whose recent
annual report states, that sixty four an
alyses showed pure milk and thirty-two
exhibited proofs of adulteration. Sugar,
salt and water, were the substances used
in the adulteration.
IllgrMr. L. Grotegutte, residing in Al
bany, was with his infant icluld severely
bitten by a rat which, while Mr. G. was
endeavoring to kill sprang into the cradle
with the infant. It is feared that the
wound upon the child will prove fatal.
WAccording to the National Repub
lican, the P. T. Herbert who is working
to get Arizona out of the Union is the
ex-member of Congress from California,
who killed an Irish waiter at Willard's
Hotel, in Washington, five years ago.
Samuel Cooper, ex-Adjutant Gen
eral U. S. Army, appointed Brigadier
General, commanding the provisional
army of the Southern Confederacy,
though the brother-in-law of Senator
Mason, was born in Massachusetts.
Wllir. Faulkner, the American Min
ister to France, who has resigned, has
taken his paSSage for the Uaited States
for the first week in April. His family
remain awhile longer in Paris.
crlllrs. Veronica Knauer, a young
married woman, hanged herself in New
Orleans, on Saturday, because her hus
band had chastised her for infidelity:
tr a rA Texas ptipei says Gov. Hougton
is worth $150,000. He has made a re
turn to the nsseSsolv of upwards of $Bl,-
4)00. rumored that Gov. Wise is
prepafing a five :days' speech, to be de
livered :in the Convection.
TT' I I 4-1 1-1 ; I 'I(--"` r- -
The late accident on the Pennsylvanis.
Railroad, through which the mails were
destroyed, proved a perfect windfall .to
the youth of Huntingdon. Scores of
them crowded to the scene of the disas
ter, and snatched np everything of value
which they could find. One found a let
ter containing nine one dollar bills
'another, a lump, of gold dollars ; some
five, ten and twenty dollar pieces; and
a large amount of silver coins were found,
most of which were half melted, or very
much blackened. A colored boy was
the finder of a check on a Philadelphia
Bank for $1,000; another individual
scraped up part of a gold watch, the heat
having melted the balance. Besides
these, several small particles of gold
were picked up, so that nearly every
body present got something for his
trouble. • •
TIM-1M ISSING FOllND.—Several months
since Thomas llgenfritz, of York, ab
sconded from home. Nothing was heard
of his whereabouts until a few evenings
ago, when two men discovered a dead
body in the Codorus creek, near York.
The corpse was in nearly an erect posi
tion, the legs having been inserted and
held stationary in the mud at the bottom
of the stream, while the head was barely
covered with water. On rescuing the
body from its watery grave the Coroner
summoned a jury who rendered a verdict
in keeping with the circumstances of the
death. A son of Mr. Ilgenfritz testified
that the corpse was his father; and al
though the features were distorted, other
persons perceived marks of recognition.
Toronto, C. W., on Sunday week, a cat
entered Trinity Church during service,
and got into one of the pews, where it
bit a Miss Goderham on the hand. The
animal was subsequently caught by the
sexton, Mr. Mulligan who regarded his
wounds as trifling, and paid no attention
'to them. A few days afterwards his
hand and arm began to swell in a fearful
manner, and although physicians were
at once called in, their skill was of no
avail, mad the man died in great agony.
Miss Goderham was also very ill at last
accounts, but hopes were entertained of
her recovery.
-110 - The Postmaster General has issued
orders for a supply of letter paper to be
cut, gummed, and embossed, with a three
cent postage stamp, combining in one
both letter-sheet and envelope. Ills
sheet.will be about half the size of the
old-fashioned letter paper, so folded and
cut as to furnish a neat and convenient
prepaid letter of only about half the
weight of those now in use with an enve
lope. Orders have also been sent for
similar sheets, letter size. The use of
envelopes has often been objected to by
legal gentlemen, as the post office stamp
is often the only conclusive evidence of
the time when a letter may have been
mailed. There can be little doubt that
the new system will almost entirely su
persede the old, so far as business letters
are concerned.
er One expression of Andrew John
son's deserves to be everywhere remem
bered, In referring to the seceding
members of the Cabinet, he said :
"Cobb remained in the Cabinet until
the treasury was baukupt and the na
tional credit disgraced at home and
abroad, and then be conscientiously se
ceded ; ThompAon stayed in until the
poor Indians were robbed out of a large
portion of their patrimony, and then he
conscientiously seceded; and Floyd,
more honest than the rest, waited until
he and his friends had taken Some eight
millions of public and private money,
and then, he, pious soul, conscientiously
seceeded too."
er The late Mrs. Winans, wife of the
owner of the famous cigar steamship of
Baltimore, had for years been in the
habit of distributing from $25,000 . to
$30,000 annually among the poor. .At
the period of her death she was supply
ing some seventy to eighty indigent fam
ilies. It was touching in the extreme to
behold these sorrow stricken dependents
cluster in and around the church at the
funeral and follow in the cortege. • •
QE' Not half the voters of Texas voted
on Secession. Many dared. not vote—.
and the time was so short that many
could not, while thousands voted under
the excitement of falsehood. There is a
strong Union feeling there, among the
Germans of the interior e,specially.
!Er The Hon. George W. Scranton, a
republican member of. th s e ltite and re
elected to the next Congress, died at
Scranton, in this State, on the 1 2411 inst.
He was the founder of the town of Scran
ton, and was largely engaged in the iron
and coal business.
Three men and their wives recently
got into a fight near the limekiln in
Yardleville, N. J., and getting all clinch
ed together, they fell into the kiln and
were burned to death.
The Charlestonians recently want
edikriiitarian minister who would preach
seaessiotf;. but, after various efforts were
compelled to take a Methodist.
eirA woman in Charleston, 'S. C., a
few nights ago, had threechildren at a
Charleston continues to be a
THE F AtTS: There is nothing, new con
cerning Fort Sumpter or Pickens. The
President and his Cabinet are as still as
mice, and correspondents are sorely per
plexed in consegence. The latest ver
sion of the orders to the Brooklyn are
simply to land provisions and fuel, but
should these be resisted by the confed
erates, then the troops were to be thrown
into the fort, and the assault of the "en
emy" returned.
With regard to Sumpter, it now ap
pears that the reinforcement of the fort
is actually under consideration, as the
project, despite General Scott and Maj.
Anderson's opinions is declared by other
military authorities to be feasible.
The secessionists in the Old Dominion
are making extensive preparations for a
great meeting on the 16th, at Richmond.
Private and reliable advices from thence
represent the disunion feeling as on the
10 " The Pennsylvanian " newspaper
expired on Tuesday last, after a lingering
illness of four years, induced by partak
ing of and attempting to digest the enor
mous frauds and corruptions of the ad
ministration of James Buchanan. For
more than forty years the Pennsylvanian
was the leading organ of the Domocratic
party of Philadelphia. James Gordon
Bennett and the lamented Joseph C.
Neal, were among its earliest conduc
tors, while such men as Charles Jared
Ingersol, Judge Sharswood, and others
eminent for their attainments and abili
ties, were successively connected with
its columns as editors and contributors.
In its old age it passed into the control
of as corrupt a cabal as ever disgraced
politics or degraded the editorial frater
nity—and its dissolution seems to be a
fitting close to the excesses it has advo
cated and defended for the last five
years. Peace to its ashes ! May we
never look upon its like again.
.3`. Col. Ford, of the Texan army, has
received reliable information from Mat
amora§ to the effect that Gen. Ampudia,
with 3000 Mexicans, is marching upon
Brownsville, and was then only sixty
miles off. Gen. Ampudia had announced
his progress by dispatching expresses to
distribute placards and handbills an
nouncing that "Texas rightfully, belong
ed to Mexico. She has declared that
she will no longer support the federal
government,_ and now is the time to re
take her."
The body of Vantile Mack, the cel
ebrated Fat Boy, who died at New York
while exhibiting at Barnum's Museum,
passed through Pittsburg, on the 14th,
by railroad. It was marked, "Agent
Ohio Fat Boy, Darlington Pa.," and
was described on the bill of lading as
follows : "One Fat Boy—dead, Double
first-class freight. Weight, GOO pounds.
Freight, $2 50."
The ultramontaue Paris paper, L'Ln
vers states that "the last hours of Lola
ltlontez were softened by the presence
of Madame Buchanan, wife of the Presi
dent of the United States." That is
about as good as the information, which,
some years ago, the celebrated Revue de
deux illondes gave to its readers, stating
that a negro, called Banks, had been
elected Speaker of the House of Repre
to-Mr. Boteler, of Virginia, comes
back from Virginia to Washington iu
good spirits, and is satisfted , ` , :thut . in the
end all will be right in the Old Voininion,
notwithstanding the immense efforts" of
the secessionists at Petersburg, Rich
mond and elsewhere. Senator Douglas
is also satisfiel that'all will end peacea
bly, or without civil war. Mr. Lincoln,
ho says, means p.eace.—:—
The venerable Mrs. Harper, daugh
ter of Charles Carrot of Carrollton, who
died in Baltimore some time,since, was
present as a child when Washington re-.
signed his commission at An•napolis.—
Her picture may he seen as on of the
two Auburn haired girls in Col.lrum
bull's painting in the rotunda of the na
tional.capitol at Washington.
'A piece of coin, two thousand two
hundred years old, exhibitedin, the shop
window of George S. Walkey,--No: 102
Essex street, Salem, attracts , huge num
bers pf the curious. It is for sale.
.0 - The Aroostook Pioneer says that
a monster bear, weighing 600 pounds,
was killed a few weeksligA, on the 'To
bique river, by a Mr. Shia. The old
fellow yielded a barrel of oil.
. lAA project is being talked of for
the formation of a new county out of
parts of the rural districts of the city of
Philadelphia and Montgomery county.
wAll the banks in • the Confederate
States, except those of New Orleans
have suspended specie payments. Spe
cie commands a premium of five . per cent.
wApples of the very finest quality
are said to be now selling in the market
of Erie, Pa., for from sixteen cents to
twenty cents per bushel.
W . A raring lunatic in an asylum in
California was restored to reason by see
ing her father, from whom she had long
been separated. .
Peterson. 4 Bios., 306 Chesnut-st.,
Philadelphia, advertise new publicatioas
in our columns, this week.
A Lafayette drayman became intoxi
cated the other day, laid down on his
dray-load, and went to sleep. His horse
- Started off, and went eleven miles uncon
scious of the driver, and when the latter
awoke, he found himself in utter dark
ness. The road was a very rugged one,
the horse was blind, and at one or two
points, crossed the railroad track. The
team and driver arrived home safely in
due season.
The Troy f Times says it is rumored
that Mr. Richardson, late Clerk of the
Assembly, has purchased the interests of
Thurlow Weed in the Albany Evening
Journal, and that Mr. Weed is soon to
assume a position on the staff of the New
York Times, as one of its editors and
John Drew is performing at the Lyce
um Theatre, London, and is pronounced
by good judges—including Sam Lover—
the best Irish comedian since Tyrone
Power. This is a mantle which many
have essayed to wear, in general with
more audacity than success. -
Gen. Wool has returned to Troy. Ile
expresses himself as greatly pleased with
the bearing of Mr. Lincoln, and indulges
strong hopes that a peaceful settlement
of our ttoubles will be reached.
Jacob S. Haldeman of Pennsylvania,
resident Minister at Stockholm. Mr.
Haldeman was late a State Senator, and
is now President of the Penn'a State
Agricultural Society.
Marshall H. Bailey, of Elkdale, Ches
ter county. was killed, on Saturday a
week, by the explosion of a revolver
which he was loading. The ball entered
his right eye, and passed through his
Wm. P. I. Painter, Esq., brother of
the Editor of'the Muncy Luminary, has
been appointed by Gov. Curtin, and con
firmed by the Senate, Superintendent of
Public Printing.
Rev. A. H. Kremer, of Car has
been called to the charge recently pre
sided over at Lancaster by Rev. Dr. liar
baugh, and has accepted the call.
A young gentleman graduated at Yale
College, recently, with a white head and
whiskers, who entered with auburn locks
and no beard. The change took place
in one night, on account of the anxiety
incident to a biennial examination.
Gen: Houston has written and pub
lished a long letter, in which he expres
ses his continued devotion to the Union.
He protests against his deposition, but
expresses no intention or contesting the
Mr. C. G. Long, of Upper Sandusky,
Ohio, obtained, at the late term of court
in Wyandot county, a verdict of $1,033
against the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railroad, for the loss of an arm.
Eon. John Wentworth, of Chicago,
had another rencontre iu the streets of
that city on Thursday last. It has been
the sixteenth or seventeeth encounter
he has had since he was a resident of that
Au ingenious English inventor propo
ses to remedy the want of bust in ladies
of "a given thinness," by a jacket, to be
inflated by the wearer to the proper
shape, and, as Willis would say, "plump
By the recent decision of the Supreme
Court, confirming the title of Robert J.
Walker to certain quicksilver mines in
California,_ that gentleman has become
possessee of property for which two mil
lions of dollars was at one time offered.
Miss Ellen Smith of Boston, Mass.,
has just recovered $4,000 of. Francis
Clementson, for breach of promise of
marriage, after twenty years' courtship.
Only $2OO a year for waiting so long.
Experiments are about to be made at
Vincinnes, France, with a steel cannon
which we are told, will blow both Whit
worth and Armstrong out of water.
A young girl, 17 years old, was found
guilty of manslaughter, at Taunton, Mas
sachusetts, for murdering her infant to
avoid exposure.
. ,
Hon. Sherrard Clemens published a
card in the \Vheeling Intelligencer an
nouncing his determination to retire from
public life.
In Fremont, Ohio, last week, an "elec
tion" was held for P. M., when a Demo
cratic widow lady had a majority of the
votes polled.
Franklin D. Owen, one of the most
promising members of the Chicago bar,
committed suicide in that city on last
Green, defeated of re-election to the
U. S. Senate from Missouri, threatens to
"secede" to the South. Let him go.
' Cassius AL Clay, Nlinister to Russia,
will sail, wit4is family, for Liverpool ,
by the Per4ia;on. the 24th of April.
Catharine Hayes is giving concerts in
Ireland, and reaping-a harvest of fame
anci fortune.
Henry Winter Davis, of Baltimore,
will probably reeeive the Chinese mis-
The Duchess of Kent, mother of Queen
Victoria, died on the IGth
"" 4TON
IIOIIIOII i.S..IIErS an address to the people
of Texas. under date of N arch H. in
which he declares that lie will not resist
his deposition from office, although he
still claims to be Governor of the '6tate;
nor will he inaugurate civil war, because
he "loves Texas too well" to bring dis
aster upon her.
t,c'The lion. C. A. Wickliffe address-
NI the citizens of Nelson county, Ky., on
last Monday. Ile said he was opposed
to coercion, and that he indorsed the
Peace Congress resolutions. If he bad
been President he would have ordered
Gen. Twigs to have been shot. lie has
no sympathy for seceding States. lle
would rather go anywhere else than into
a Southern Confederacy.
Cassius M. Clay has advertised to
sell at auction on the 10th of April, his
stock and farm and household appoint
ments, preparatory to leaving to serve
his country at the Court of St. l'e;.exs
burg. Mr. Clay has long been a distin
guished breeder and importer of stock.
_ _
(0 , - - Judge McLean of the U. S. Su
preme Court, died in Cincinnati on
Thursday last.
KNOWN. Coughs : Colds, Asthma. How fre
quently- have we not heard people exclaim "
would give ten dollars, $5O, or a $.00 3 as the
case may be, were I but rid of this cough—
this cold—this asthma, Yet how prepos
terous to tale: in this style—granted, even that
they have consulted medical men, without suc
cess, that does not imply thiit they are incura
ble—else would thousands, abandoned as past
hope, be left to the harrowing tortures of dis
p air—the question lies in this, have they , tried
Holloway's Pills and Ointment—have they
read, or put in practice the plain directions en
veloping each box or pot—if not, we urge an
immediate trial and feet assured they will find
the cure they arc so anxious for.
EMPLOYMENT: TbP. Erie Sewing Machine
Company desire to secure a few Traveling
Agents, upon a salary of 20 to $6O per month
and expenses, or a commission. This is an
opportunity seldcm offered, and those who
choose a constant business, can rely on con
stant employment for a term of years. Con-
Ddential Circulars sent free. Address Erie
Sewing Machine Company. R. J AMS, Gen
eral Agent, MILAN, Onto. [34-6n
The cures made by Prof. de GRATA
with his" electric oil," are 'ahnost miraculous
and so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis
factory, and mitigating of human ill, as to calf
upon public functionaries, and those having
charge of public institutions for the sick and
suffering, to look well into the well attested
omerits, the simple efficacy of this "electric
oil." The sales are rapidly increasing. Deal
ers supplied at proprietors prices, by Prof. C.
do tirath, No. 217 South Eighth street, near
Chesnut. See advertisement.
We lake pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. 'The testimonials are of the first charac-
Sec adverlisment of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
OIL. S.. JW'.
Rooms adjoining Spangler 4 Patterson's
Store, Market Street, Marietta.
PPERS his professional services to the
public and will be happy to wait on all who
may patronize him. Dentistry in all
~its branches carried on.
TEETH inserted on the most ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth performed ir. a skillful
aril workmanlike manner—on fair principle
and reasonable terms. .Having determined
upon a permanent location in this borough, at
the old stand, would ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him ;
having studied under a celebrated graduate of
the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons,
feels confident to be able to tender satisfaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
F. Hinkle, M. D.
.1. H. Grove, M. D.
Smith Armor, M. D.
it Ether administered to proper persons.
At the old stand No. 21 Niw.srßErr,
near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd-st., below Vine,
Allwork done at this establishment warranted
good, at a saving of Fifty per cent.
A large assortment of new files, on hand
wholesale and retail, at manufacturers
April 6,-3m. J J. B. SMITH. '
An excellent team of S/X
Harness, 4:c., in good condition, will be sold
very cheap, either together or singly, to suit
purchasers. For particulars inquire of
JEWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
B. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our .prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
Hammered and Rolled Iron, H
S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Hon. Axles, Springs, &c., for smiths.
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. ' [Nov.4, '59.-ly
executed in the best style known in the art,
No. 532 Arch st., cast of Sixth, Philadelphia
sLife size in Oil and Pastil , Stereoscopi
Portraits, Anwrotypes, Daguerreotypes, 6T., fo
Cases, Medalions, Pins, Rings, &c. Lly
Greaser's Cavendish,
Fire Fly Segais, at WocrE's.
pYOTT'S Hanging and Side Lamps,
kor &le at - GROVE .S• ROTM'S
Ty You Wan: Eithrr a Hat or a Cap ?
If so, go to CII.ULL'S
• ' AT c4ULL'§
A 1 ,Ri: Til i::•.: i'A 1: , :
ill „
i ii;.: T.E.:71310,1-1-er:4e Wit eM, L: 11 - OR /.14
Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulcers.
All description of sores are remediable by the
proper and diligent use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the edges of the wound together is a
folk - ; for should the skin unite, a boggy dis
eased condition remains underneath to break
out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated.
be nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and
about the wound and to soothe the neighboring
parts by rubl)ing in plenty of the Ointment as
salt is forced into meat.
Dirtheria, Ulcerated Sure Throat, and
Scarlet and other I'erers
Any of the above diseases may be cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three times a ?ay
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient ;
it will soon penetrate, and give immediate re
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the above manner for the dis
eases named, or any similar disorders atrecting
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved as by a charm.
Piles, Fistulas. Strictures
The above class of complaintswill be removed
by nightly fomerrting the parts with warm
water, and then by most effectually rubbing in
the Ointment. Persons suffering from these
direful coin plaints should lose not a moment in
arresting their progress It should •be under
stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear
the Ointment on the atlected parts, but it must
be well rubbed in for some considerable time
two 01 three times a day, that it may be taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden sore or wound as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again bread and
water poultices, after the rubbing in of the
Ointment, will do great service. This is the
only sure treatment for female cases of cancer
in the stomach, or where thieve may be a gen
eral bearing down.
tb scret ions Youth; Sores awl Ulcers
Blotches, as also swellings, can, with cer
tainty, be radically cured i 1 the Ointment be
used freely, and the Pills be taken night :mil
morning as recommended in the printed in
structions. When treated in any other way
they only dry up in one place to break out lin
another; whereas this Ointment will remove
the humour from the system. and leave thepa
ttent a vigorous and healthy being. It will
require time with the use of the Pills to ensure
a lasting cure.
Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stijl
Although the above complaints differ widely,
in their origin and nature, yet they all rt:quire
local treatment. Many of the worst cases„. et
such diseases, will yield in a comparatively
short space of time when this Ointment isdilt
gently rulMed into the parts affected, even after
even• other means have failed. In all serious
maladies the Pills should be taken according
to the printed directions accompanying each.
Both the Ointment and Pill.. should be usetb
in the
. following cases :
Bad Legs, Chiego-foot, Fistulas,
Bad Breasts, ChilbLab s, Gout,
Burns, (Napped Hands,GLindular
Bunions. Cams (Soft)
Bite of \los- Cancers, Lumbago,
ehetues and. Contracted and Piles.
Sand-Flies, slur Joints, Rheumatism,
Coco bay, Elephantiasis, Scalds,
Skin Diseases, Senrry, Sore Nipples,
Tumors, l:lcers, - bore-throates,
Woumls, Yaws, Sore-heads.
tertox !—None are genuine unless the
words "Ilou.owav, New Your: ANU Los
pox," ate discernable as a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions, around
each pot or box the same may be plainly
seen by holdinx tie !eel to the light. A hand
some reward will be given to any one rendering
such information as may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting tile med
icines or vending l,i the same, knowing them to
be spurious.
Sold at the Manufactory Of Professor [lob-
LOWA SO Maiden Lane, New York and Ly,
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in .Medi
clue throughcut the civilized world, in puts, at
23c., 62c. and - I each.
ir.; -- There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
t tents, in every disorder. are affixed to each box
Merchant Tailor,
Draper and Clothier, Corner of North
Queen ant Orange Streets,
AVA ILS himself of this opportunity of an
nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen
era], that he has taken the old stand of the late
F. J. Kramph, Where, he has been employed
for the last ten years, and intends continuing
the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in all
liits various branches, and hopes that a
course of strict fidelity to his patrons may
merit a reasonable share of their confi
dence and support. In addition to a complete
Stock. of Clothing and .
Gentlemens Furnishing Goods,
He will constantly endeavor to provide a good
assortment of French, German and American
Chths, Cassiracres and Vestings,
which will be promptly made to order in a stilt
stantial and fashionable manner, or according
to such styles as to his patrons may be most
desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and Winter Fashions received, in addition to
the monthly reports which dome to hand regu
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order on sale of James
W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts' still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in
Marietta, were he here to omit returning his.
sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness ,
they have extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render him unworthy a continuance
of the same. [v7-ly
5;4'11 in It Unian.
MAKES this method of informing his old
j_ friends and the public generally, that he
has re -taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma
nently fixed to prosecute
Having just returned from the city where he
selected IL large, vati. d and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the
and now only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid in a stock of Halting materi
al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man
ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft,
to the most Fashionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
and manufacturing g ood goods at low prices,
he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. IQ— The highest price paid
for Furs.—in trade or cask.
Marietta, March 9, 1864 •