ti t 71 qh,li ctilaxielf-an gittioo fu v fits , 16ttraturt, lgrituttutt, Nuticulturt, EA j t tnt zutV 'Useful arts, &nal Ettus of fly Dag, Prat 3itformatinn, it., ft. IF ` _ - Bat er ,Mc3.ltor azici Proprietor_ SEVENTH YEAR. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. OFFICE: ON FRONT STREET, IN THE SECOND STORY OF CRULL'S Row, Five down East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in advance, and if subscriptions be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontin ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes sional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines, five cents a-line. 1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.50; 1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3: 6 months, $5; 7 year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, $8; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O. One column, 6 months, $2O; 1 year, $3O. Having recently added a large lot of new JOB AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all kinds Of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINT ING, at short notice and reasonable prices. c 'tloro , 4l) , pircttorp'. Chtef Burgess, Samuel D. Miller, Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker, Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President) John Crull, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer, Henry S. Libhart. Town Cleric, Theo: Hiestand. Treasurer, John Auxer. Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun., Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker. Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Roath. 114 h, Constable, Absalem Emswiler. Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey. Regulators, John H. Goodman, E. D. ltoath. Supervisor, Samuel Hippie, Sen. School Directors, John Jay Libhart, Presi dent, E. D. Reath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner, Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh, Jonathan M. Larzelere. . Yost Office Hours: The Post Office will be open from 7 o'clock in the morning until Sin the evening. A. Cassel, Postmaster. Beneficial Societies: THE HARMONY, A. :77. Cassel, President; John Jay Libhart, Treasur er; Barr Spangler, Secretary. Tim Prox EEn, John Jay Libhart, President; Abrm Cassel, Thasurcr ; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary. FINANCIAL CONDITION OF ',3ltes aaeattqh af „Acu , infia, For the Year closing March 30, 1861. IZeceipts Cash for Torn Hall Rent, &c., $ 25,00 Sale of Furniture, 5,80 Taxes, collected, 984,08 _Balance in Treasury at last settlement, 86,32 1101,20 Expenditures, per items annexed, 1071,18 Bal. in Treasury, March 30, IFGI, $ 30,02 Expenditures : William Shields, Constable, $ 2,62 do do do 10,00 Samuel D. Miller, Burgess salary, 25,00 Theo. Hiestand, Town Clerk, do 30,00 Thomas Stance, Councilman, do 5,00 E. P. Trainer, Do do 5,00 John Civil, Do do 5;00 Aaron 1-1. Summy, Do do 5,00 11. Spangler, Do do 5,00 'William Child, Jun., Assessor, do 16,00 , George Leader, labor, 1,50 .lohn -Naylor, hauling, 4,75 :supplee & Brother, lamp posts, 26,00 Dyott Lamps, 3,50 +George Eissling, labor, 1,00 Repairing Hose, and freight, 20,12 George Rudisill, pipe, 1,00 Pioneer Fire Co., rent and interest, 35,34 Harmony 13. Society, rent and interest, 39;00 John W. Clark, purl of Kelly's note, 50,00 Do do 50,00 Do do 50,00 Do do 50,00 Do Kelly's note, in full, 9,00 Charles Kelly, part of note, 50,00 Do do do 30,00 Do balance of note in full, 25,75 James Folly, flushing cinder, 7,62 Sam'l Scantling, do do 7,62 Aaron H. Sammy, repairs,6,l9 Samuel Hippie, hauling cinder, 61,50 Do do do 50,00 Do do do 50,00 Do do do 50,00 Samuel R. Hipple, labor, 40,25 Supplement to Charter, 1,50 .J. M. Erisman, lumber, 11,39 'William Chapman, hauling, 5,12 A. Emswiler, vagrants, 2,00 FK. Mosey, do 1,07 A. Emswiler, killing dogs, W., 9,00 Do Constable salary, 17,25 F. L. Baker, advertising a 4 Printing, 11,00 E. D. Roath, regulating, 3,00 Do - Map of I3orough. 15,00 William Tredenick, hauling cinder, 47,19 John Morris, labor, 3,00 Harry & Hipple, stone, 4,20 John bleDulle,y, pikeing, 25,00 Do do 25,00 D. C. Baker, Solicitor's bill of 1659, 10,00 Sterrett & Co . , hardware, 1,91 Theo. Hiestand, T. C. part of salary, 15,00 Election Officers' pay, 5,00 Samuel D. Miller, services, 14,00 John Auxer, Treasurer's ~salary, 15,00 Liabilities March 30, 1861 Bond Harmony Beneficial Society, $400,00 Do Pioneer Fire Company, 133,12 Do Donegal Lodge I. 0. 0. F. 273,17 Do Aaron H. Summy, 282,50 Do Samuel Hippie, 372,00 Orders unpaid, 899,63 • DAVID ROTH, • Dealer in Hardware, "1$ Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, 000 k, Waif aro 3fobas, &e., MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. NITOULD take this means of informing the VI I citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all kinds ; Building a ri d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives,Forks, Spoons,Shovels Po kers, Tongs, Cadlesticks, PansWaiters:Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and io fact everything u sually kept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment. Prof. Miller's Hair Invigorator. An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound! For restoring Gray Hair to its original color without dyeing, and preventing the hair from turning gray. For Preventing Baldness, and curing it, when there is the least particle of vitality or recuper-. ative energy remaining. Far Removing Scurf and Dandruff', and all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. For Beautifying the Hair, imparting to it an unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it roft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing de mand for this unequalled preparation; convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over another preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dand ruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those parts which ave become bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. M. has in his pos session letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest respec tibility. It will effectually prevent the hail from turning gray until the latest period of life and in cases where the !lair has already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will with certainty restore to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet and a Hair Restorative it is pal ticularly rec ommended, having an agreeable fragrance ; and the great facilities it affords in dressing , the hair, which, when moist with the Invigo rator can be dressed in any required ferm so as to preserve its place. wheth-r plain or in curls —hence the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. per bottle, to be bad at all respectable druggists and perfumers. L. Miller would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in cases where the Childress' Flair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes any impurities that rna3 have become connected with the scalp, the removal of winch is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future ap pearance of its Bair. CAUTION.—None genuine without the Inc Simile Louis MILLER being 011 the outer wrap per, also, L. MILLER'S HAM INVIGORATOR, N. Y. blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot,s6 Dey St., and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists through out the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my New k Improved hislantanions Hair Dye which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. P._ dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the hest article of the kind in existence. PRICE ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 56 Dey Street, New York Iron plasters look to your Interests! THE IMPRoV Ell BLACK 'HAWK EAST IREIN ORE WASHER, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY ®,BRYAN & HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County; Pa. The Undersigned will constantly keep on. hand and make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the best in the Ma ted States! They will warrant their machines to run lighter, last longer and wash ch aner and with less water than any other machine now in use. They can be easily put together on the bank. All orders addressed to either of the urMersigned will meet with prompt attention. il=• They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and state Rights. BERNARD &BRYAN. SAMUEL HOPKINS. October 13, 1860. v7-no.l ly JOHN BELL, Merchant Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta. RATEFUL for past favors I would return my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all tunes, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES if VESTIV GS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. rOct.29-'56. CLOCKS, a;` ATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. ELI HOLDEN, 70S MARKET -ST., PRMADELPHIA Importer of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Invites special attention to his full supply of Watcles„ of American, English and Geneva Manufacture. Jewelry of elegant designs, Silver 4. Plated Ware of the best quality, With an extensive assortment of Superior Time-keeping Clocks, In style and price adapted to the wants of all. Good goods and fair prices is my principle. #ice to his Patent Shirt Studs, being of novel construction, possessing advantages over any other invention. Philadelphia, March 23, IS6I-Iy. 1071,1 S H WARD, Manufactur and DEALER IN STRAW GOODS, I_lr Nos. 103, 105 and 107 North Second street, PHILADELPHIA. $2366.42 We are now receiving our Spring Stock, which will comprise a large and desirable assort ment of all kinds of Straw and Lace Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of Ladies and Childrert!s Hats Our stock of Flowers and Ruches will be unusually large this season, and we would invite special attention to that deparment. Call and examine them before making your purchases , H. WARD, March 23-4 t) Nos. 103, 105 $ 107 N. 2d st. WINE AND LIQUORS. VV Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Maderia, - Lisbon, Sherry and Pert Wines. Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at-the lowest market prices. Very Fine "Brandy at a very lOw*figure, by the barrel. DIFFENBACk. Market-st. =I MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 6. 1861. COUSIN JOSEPHINE I=l She's my cousin, so what harm For her blessed little arm Round my willing neck to twine, And her dear delicious lips, With their rosy, ilutteiing tips, Ever so much, Just to touch Mine ? She's my cousin, so you see, She can't fall in love with me; That I always keep in mind, And, indeed, I've always kissed. her As you would a little sister, Just so that she Might think me Kind. FOR THE WEEKLY MARIETTAIN.] DEATH AND DYING. "Blessed is the corps that the rains falls on." Perhaps more real anxiety is felt, and at times manifested, at the thought of death, and of dying, than at any other event in the experimental history of man. When we say death we mean the death of the material body, or that seperation of the spirit of man from its dull tene ment of clay', which is popularly called death ; although for the matter of that, it is only the beginning of life; whatever may be the mere opinions of men, in'con troversion of this assumption. The greatest solicitude experienced among men, is doubtless in reference to their own particular deaths, or the death of some near relativb or friend ; and al though the prolonged lives of some of these may give them more anxiety by a hundred fold, than a score of deaths, yet in some instances they do manifest suf ficient concern, to induce them to be seeking after all manner of signs and tokens, that may be supposed to indicate the place wither their departed friends have gone, or whether they have "esca ped," and whether it is "wel! with them" "on the other side of Jordon." In pro portion as men are in the habit of build ing up in their minds, the idea that there is no life save that which is manifested in the material world, and that all hap piness is concentrated in material things, in that same proportion the idea of death and dying will be invested with unknown terrors. The great concern of life should not be about death or dying at all, any more than we should be concerned about "what we eat or what we drink or where with all we are clothed," when we are as: sured that we need all these things, and that the knowledge of this is recorded in heaven. And as we are admonished in regard to these things, that we should "first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness," when all that is needful will be added unto us, so also in regard to death, our chief concern, desire, and effort, should be to live right in all things, and as a matter of course, we shall die right, and death will be entirely divested of his power to terrify us, for he is only a terror to the evil doer. No external sign can be a sure indication of the true condition of the spirit of man after it has left his body, and made its abode with kindred spirits in the eternal world, for, in this world, the rains of heaven descend equally upon the just and the unjust, in a literal sense. Therefore whether it be literally raining or shining when an in dividual dies and is buried, can work no blessing to him after death, if he has not led such a life before that event, as is calculated to insure him the possession of a state of blessedness in the life to comer If the material body is the proper representative or correspondential em blems of the spirit that is within it, and if descending rain, or water, bears the same representative relation to truth, de scending from its divine source ; then, there is a sense in which that corps may truly be blessed, which the rain falls on, or in other words, that spiritual body upon which the rains of truth descend, is really blessed; for, by such descend ing showers, is it purged and made clean. But this is not the sense in which this homely adage is generally used, for, no matter what the character of an. individ ual may have been through life, habitu ally, and from affection ; when he at length dies, and is done with this world, a cloak—some call it the cloak of chari ty,—is thrown over all his, evil deeds, and, some word or look of his in the dy ing hour—the aspect of sky above—the twittering or fluttering of some lone bird. or the bleating of sheep or the lowing of kine, are taken as so many omens, that may indicate a safe transit to a world of never-ending, beatitude, where spirits dwell. In reading over the epitaphs and inscriptions on the tombstones of a grave yard or cemetery, we are driven irresis tably to the conclusion that few or .no wicked people are buried there, for all seen to have been transformed into par agons of virtue, by their charitable and considerate survivors. How they may have died we know not, nor is it ours to judge, for a voice comes from a high and mighty tribunal which says, "Judgement belongeth unto me." But if external acts habitually indulged in, be any sign of in ternal intent, then there is much in the lives of men that can never be harmon ized with goodness, or squared with the principles of the decalogue. A calm, fearless, or indifferent death is not al ways an evidence of a happy state after death, any more than an anxious, hope less and fearful one, is an evidence of a miserable after condition ; for • these things depend on the habitual state of the dying persons mind, more than upon his real character. The most abandoned cut-throat that ever lived, may be swung from the scaffold with stolid indifference, manifesting no more concern in what is taking place than if he was a mere spec tator, without any interest in it. Indeed there are many such characters who manifest a disgusting boldness in the hour of death, that seems to have been merely assumed for the occasion, in order to exhibit to their abandoned compani ons who may be witnesses of their shame ful end, that they have "died game."— Other individuals who have cultivated a determined disbelief in a life after death' mby also die easy and unconcerned, al though their lives may have been im moral unto the very end. On the other hand many a sincere and well-intentioned person may struggle through life in an honest endeavor to shim all manner of evils as sins against God, and when he comes to die, he may be much concerned, lest he has not succeeded sufficiently to entitle him to a place in heaven. The character of his pretentions are ,of too humble a nature to allow him to say con fidently,"l have overcome—l have fought the good fight," for this, he feels, would be an ascription at variance with all his experience. He is willing, true, to resign his spirit into the hands of Mei who gave it, and to be content with any place in the realms of bliss adapted to his condi tion, but he is by no means sure that he knows what that condition truly is.— Again, there are ninny situations and circumstances in life which from long habituation beget a fearlessness, or dis regard for death, in people, where there is no striking external manifestation of either good or evil. The soldier who enters the army, comparatively a coward, soon looses all fear of death by its fre quency, under various aspects, and the scenes of turmoil, strife, and bloodshed, by which he is surrounded on the battle field ;—and even if no battle has been fought, the character of his duties and associations, as well as the marshal char acter of the music and the paraphranalia of the camp, are such, as to" school him in a fearless disregard for death. Men engaged in the manufactory of gunpow der feel all the time, that at any moment they may be blown into 'a thousand atoms, 'and yet they calmly pursue their calling "day in and day • out," with as much nonchalance as those whose occupations are regarded as "perfect ly .safe." We cannot truly know the internal state of men, and therefore in those of no external pretention there may be hearts as fully endowed with christian virtues and charity, as in those who have ostensibly earned the reputa tion of being both wise and good. We may be assured however that a reckless disregard for death is no more an indica tion of fitness to die, than a pusilanimous fear indicates a fitness to live. No man has a moral or natural right to take his own life claudestinly any more than he has to illegally and immorally take the life of another, and therefore he that takes his own", as certainly plunges himself into those "greater evils, that he knows not of'—no matter how religious or apparently sanctified his life may have been—as he would any other unregener ated victim, that he might suddenly send to eternity by murderous hands; for the Almighty has as assuredly "fixed his cannons against self slaughter," as he has against any other species of crime. it may be said, that insanity in its vari ous forms takes away the responsibility Of the homacide and the suicide,. but as ; all manner of crimes and sins are but l species of insanity, differing only in qual ; ity or degree, it is not in the province of 1 a finite mind to make that discrimina tion which belongs exclusively to the Infinite. So far as the experience may be relied upon, of those who have been on the boundaries of another world, and have been resusitated again, the physical and mental sensations of, the dying are rather plcrsant than painful. This seems to be especially the case with those who have been drowned, and afterwards re vived,whose experience is that after res Term -On Dollar a -Year_ toration, infinitely more pain is felt than there is in the act of lying. This is also the experience of many persons who have suffered amputation--so long as the paid continued they were yet compara tively in the vigorous possession of life, with a corresponding pulsation, but so soon as the pain subsided effectually, the pulsation also fell and the patient has died—and died in painless tranquility. Maj. Ringgold who fell with both legs shot off at Palo Alto felt not the least particle of pain, but the intelligent por tion of the friends by whom he was sur rounded, saw in this that there was no hope for him, and he died shortly after-' wards as calmly and as free from pain as if a soothing narcotic had been adminis tered, for the purpose of smoothing his path into the other world. This is also the case in sudden attacks of stomach cramp or lock-jaw—so long as the pain is intense the patient is not dying—for in the act of dying, from any cause—the general testimony seems to be, that there is no pain at all. This not being univer sally or certainly known, without failure in any case, those who are ignorant of it, or haVe no faith in it, feel a terror at the approach, or at the very idea Of death ; and especially if they be of that class of people who believe in a future state of existence, but who have proved recreant to every moral or civil obligation, through acts of wilful disobedience. When men regard the material things of this life, as talents which have been entrusted to' their stewardship, to be used as means of dispensing good among their fellow men, and also for the moral elevation of them selves and others—when they accustom themselves to regard the "other life" as certain, as real, and more "substantial," than the present one—and moreover when they lice the belief that—"as the tree falleth, so it lieth, as death leaves us so shall judgment find us"—then they will also regard death as a necessary physical change of being, designed by an all-wise and benevolent Father, as a door through which to admit his children into his kingdom—and not as a physical curse. GRANTELLUS. GENERAL ScoTT.—There have been several incidents of the late agitation re specting the peace at Washington which will make the people forever honor and admire Gen. Scott. Whatever the de dree of danger on the day of inaugura tion, it is not to be doubted that, while treason was rampant in the Cabinet, it was really intended to make a desperate effort for possession of the seat of the nation's power. It was at least quite as likely that this seizure should be at tempted, as that any one of a dozen of the extraordinary and insane acts of the secessionists should have been commit ted. Through all that time of trial and of danger, Gen. Scott was the boldest and most decisive man in responsible place. His energy unquestionably saved very much that would otherwise have been lost, and he pursued his purpose with singular determination and success, down to the moment when he could say, "Thank God, we have a government I" Nothing more touching can be conceived than his bearing on the critical day which was to decide whether our institutions were to be obeyed, and our honor pre served, when the executive authority changed bands, or whether disgrace, dis order, and possible anarchy, were then to be installed. A JUST PUNISHMENT.—An instance of highway robbery occurred in Havanna one evening in February last. A lieu tenant of the regular army presentedlis pistol to the breast of a Frenchman at about 11 o'clock at night and demanded his watch and money or his life. The watch and money (some $4O) were given, and the Frenchman fled, dodged around a corner and hid. Presently the robber passed along, but was stealthily foll Owed by his watchful victim into the *Taeon Theater, where a squad of soldiers were called upon to arrest a lieutenant, who proved to be their own "superior officer." Efforts were made to shield him, but the booty being found on his person, he was sent to prison, the next day tried by a Court Martial, and summarily shot. MONEY WON BY A DEAD MAN.--At Koethen, Saxony, recently, a gentleman engaged in play at a faro table, and died in his seat. His death was not discov ered until his money, by being left on the table all the while, had won a heavy sum. A law suit resulted between the hanker and the dead player's heirs, which was decided in favor . of the latter. Nearly all thii tiees in tl,ie south of England have died this year. A person in New Forest, who had one hundred and forty hives, has lost every bee. NO. 38. "THE SALT, ll' SOl7 PLEASE?) Every body has a partiality for dinner,. and one of the most frequent expressions at a dinner table is the one which forms our title ; and in order that our readers may know something of the substance' they are using, we will tell them a few facts about salt. This is a chemical compound, of twenty-three parts by' weight, of a beautifully silver-white but soft metal called sodium, discovered by Sir B. Davy, in 1807, and thirty-five parts of a pungent, yellowish green gas, called chlorine, discovered by Scheele,. in 1774. These two combined form this, the most widely diffused and useful of any one compound in the world. It is found in the sea, and in the rocks, from which our principal supply comes. The most wonderful deposits are in Poland and Hungary, where it is quarried like a rock, one of the Polish salt mines having been worked since 1251. These Polish salt mines have heard the groan of many a poor captive, and have seen the last agonies of many a brave man; for, until lately, they were worked entirely by the state prisoners of Austria, Russia or Po land, whichever happened to be in power at the time; and once the offender, or fancied hindrance to some other person's advancement, was let down into this subterranean prison, he never saw the light of day again. So salt has its his tory as well as science. Other large de posits are found in Cheshire, England, where the water if forced down by pipes into the salt, and is again pumped up as brine, which is evaporated, and the salt obtained. To such an extent has this been carried, that one town in the "salt country," as it is called, has scarcely an upright house in it, all the foundations having sunk with the ground, to fill up the cavity left by the extracted salt. In Virginia there are beds of salt, and the Salmon Mountains, in Oregon, are capable of affording large quantities of the same material: The brine springs of Salina and Syracuse are well known, and from about forty gallons of their brine one bushel of salt is obtained. There are also extensive salt springs in Ohlo. The brine is pumped up from wells made in the rock, and into which it flows and runs into boilers. - These boilers are large iron kettles set in brickwork, and when fires are lighted under them the brine is quickly evaporated. The mo ment the brine begins to boil it becomes turbid, from the compounds of lime which it contains, and which are soluble in cold but not in hot water. These first sedi ments are taken out with ladles called "bittern ladles," and the salt being next deposited from the brine is carried off to drain and dry. The remaining liquid contains a great quantity of magnesia in various forms, and gives it the name of "bittern," from the taste peculiar to mag nesia in every form. "But how did this salt come into the rock ?" is the natural query, and the wonder seems greater when we recollect that salt beds are found in nearly every one of the strata composing the earth's c;ust. This fact proves another, that as the majority of these salt beds have come from lakes left in the hollows of the rocks by the recedence of the sea, the sea has, throtigh all the geologic ages; been as salt as it is to-day. Let us take the great Salt Lake as an illustration, it being the largest salt lake in the world, but by no means the only one, as such inland masses of saline water are found over the whole earth; but as this is the greatest in extent, it will form the best example. It is situated at an elevation of four thousand two hundred feet above the sea, on the Rocky Mountains, and has an area of two thousand square miles; yet, high as it is, "once upon a time," as the story books of oar juvenality used to Say, it was pak of the sea, which retired; by the upheaval of the rocks, and that great basin took its salt water up with it. There are also, however, salt rocks tak ing their place in regular geologic series with other rocks, interspersed between red sandstone, magnesian and carbonift erous strata. These we can only account for as we do for other strati:4(l,llElss ; viz.: that they were deposited,trom their, s,olution in water, or carried mechanically to the spot where now found- by that • ever mobile liquid. YAwKE NOTIONS.—In the town of Concord, Mass., there are annuilly man ufactured 100,000 pails, and 75,000 tubs, worth $94,000; 2,000 gross of pencils, Worth's4,ooo; 2,000 picks of gold leaf, worth $14,000. IMI We, seldom regret hairing been toG mild, too cautious, or too humble ; but we often repent having been too violent, too precipitate, or too proild.