The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, March 30, 1861, Image 3
ii:4),t 'fatal Riarititiait. MARIETTA CAR TIME: The fcllowing Is the starting time for leaving "Upper-Station:" GOING EAST. Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a. in Harrisburg Accommodation, 2.21 p. Mail Train, 6.26 p. m GOING WEST Mail Train, 12.11 noon: Hagisbutg, Accommodation, 06 p. m . The Mail: train East and Harrisburg Accom modation a West will pass at "Upper Sfaticin. Saturday, 'March 30, 1:361. Nat - Our former'townsman, appears in an article on our outside. P ARKESIWRG &ors : The Pennsylva nia Railroad Company is now engaged taking down the machinery in the shops at Parkesburg, preparatory to removal to Harrisburg. The ground on which the shops are erected was originally pre sented to the State by George Parke, to hold as long as long as it should be oc cupied for the repair of locomotives, Am., end when abandoned for such purpose, to revert to the original owner or his heirs. When the State sold the Rail road to the Pennsylvania Company, the shops/ passed into their hands. Since the contemplated abandonment of the shops the question as to the ownership of the machinery therein has arisen,.:._ The heirs maintain that the machinery reverts to the estate with the ground and bujldinge. The machinery is tallied at some $15,000 or s2o,ooo.—Lancaster Express. ilar Mr. Nathaniel Baker, chief engi neer ut the Marietta Furnaces, owned by Musselman Watts, made a very narrow escape with his life on'Thersday 21sit. Ile was up on the!plaitforin where they feed the Furnace, when from some cause the floor gave way and he fell,but fortunately caught hold of the railway track across the mouth of the Furnace and held on there until he was rescued from his perilous siteatiop. The severe burning of his hand was the only injury sustained. glar Evans has been taking some very fine Anibrotypes. He is now in full blast. 'Our citiz,ens should embrace the present "calm" before the rush of river men come on, and secure a good like ness, for immediately after the rafting business subsides, Ur. E. will " pull up stakes and be off." Room adjesoingour dike. Secure the shadow ere 'tie too Date. His specimens will coneinceyou of his proficiency in the art. tar'lle clothing shop=, ewelry stands and eating houses on Front street have . nearly all colapsed fur a short sehaea.— :Nothing doing—"nary red" shirt in the: place and everywhere as quiet as a fu-, neral cortege. The first of April will be here ort Monday and no spring busi ness. The promises to pay on the first —like many other pi . omises, will have to be broken. illar•Tho Columbia Fire insurance Co's Card':ainlears io our celgruns this week' Prom-what-we know of the officers, the publieWatihind assatetnth`at everything will be.elillitfed.anonfitelliighest toned princiifies ohionor. if Y., S. Itoatili is , . their traveling l'he Pennsylvania Canal is now in boating condition aad empty boats are daily seen going upward, no doubt for coal, as we understand, there is a very great demand here for it; stock has completely run out. gar Messrs. Geist, Sawyer 4.t Hiestand will open their Summer school, on the Bth of April. With such teachers, a full and complete education must be the re sult of attending their school. Cr:Mr. Geo. H. Ettla has erected at the rear of the Perry House, amost complete and elegant Bowling Saloon. It is evidently the finest and most beau tiful orie . west of Philadelphia. c ar Ou r clever friend Rowe, of the Clearfield Raftsman's Journal, has been appointed by the Postmaster General a through route agent between Philadel phia and the West. G r . Mess. Girod,toeser d Girod have Gtted•up and opened an eating house be tivesn Jonstin's (formerly Stackhouse's) and the White Swan Hotel. It is very tastefully decorated. iltirThe Susquehanna is swelling some nod every body and "the rest of man kind" waiting, anxiously, for something to do in the lumber trade. Itir On Saturday next the new Borough officers will be sworn' in. The Annual iStatement of the Borough Finances will be found in our advertising columns. dr The first of April is at hand, and many of our subscribers will no doubt change their residence ; all such will please give notice to the carrier. gir. Mr. Postmaster Kelly requests all persons in arrears for postage to call immediately and settle up. Diffenbach has just shelved his new spring stock and is now ready for buyers. WEEKLY FINANCIAL CONDITION OF „DAC _ „Awe; etta, For the Year closing March 30, 1861. Receipts Cash for Town Ilall Rent, &c., $ 25,00 Sale of Furniture, 3,50 Taxes, collected, 934,0 S Balance in Treasury at last settlement, 86,32 1 1 0 1 7 0 f: 2 18 0 kitpenditures, per items annexed, ital. in Treasury, March 30, 1561, $ 30,02 Expenditures William Shields, Constable, - .$ '2,62 do do do 10,00 Samuel D. Miller, Burgess salary, • '25,00 Theo' Hiestand, Town Clerk, 'do - 30,00 Thomas Stence, Condeilrrinn, ' do 5,00 E. P. Trainer,. - Do' • do• 5,00 John Crull, Do do 5,00 Aaron H. Summy, . .Do ~. do „ 5,00 B. Spangler, Do do 5,00 William Child, Jun., Asseseot, do . 16,00 George Leader, labor, 1,50 John Naylor, hauling, 4,75 Supplee & Brother, lamp posts, 26,00 Dyott Lamps, 3,50 George liissling, labor, 1,00 Repairing Hose, and freight, ' 20,12 George Rudisill, pipe, 1,00 Pioneer Fire Co., rent and interest, 35,34 Harmony B. Society, rent and interest, 39,00 John W. Clark, part of Holly's note, 50,00 Do do 50,00 Do do 50,00 Du dd 50,00 Do Kelly's tote, in full, 9,00 Charles Kelly, part of note; 50,00 Do do . do , 30:00 Do balance of node in full, 25,75 James Folly, flushing cinder, 7,62 Sam'l Scantling, do do 7,62 Aaron. H. Summy, repairs; 6,19 Samuel Hipple, hauling cinder, 61,50 Do do do 50,00 Do do do 50,00 Do - do do 60,00 Samuel R. Hipple, labor, 40,25 Supplement to Charter, ' 1,50 J. M. Minna'', lumber, ' ' , 11'39 William Chapman, hauling, 5,12 A. Emawiler, vagrants, 2,00 FK. Mosey, do 1,87 A. Emswiler, killing dogs, sic., - 0,00 Do Constable salary, 17,25 F. L. Baker, advertising and printing, 11,00 E'. 1). Roath, regulating. 3,00 Do Map of Borough, 15,00 William Tredenick, hauling cinder, 47,19 John. Morris, labor, 3,00 Harry & Hipple, stone, 4,20 John McDutley, pikeing, 25,00 Do do 25,00 D. G. Baker, Solicitor's bill of 1859, 10,00 'Sterrett & Co., hardware,. 1, 91 Theo. Hiesiand, T. C. part of salary, 15,00 Election Officers' pay, 4 5,00 Samuel D. Miller, services, 14,00 John Auxer, T,reasurer's ; salary, 15,00 Liabilities Itia,relt. 30, ISGI Bond Harmony Beneficial Society, $400,00 Do Pioneer Fire Company, 139,12 Do Donegal Lodge 1. U. U. F. 273 3 17 Do Aaron H. Sununy, 282,50 Do Samuel Ripp1e,372,00 Orders unpaid, 599,63 (.111:enfial 17tebzez. (-se:Aar& 1 1 ---- moo° --- J. R. DIFFENI3ACH, AT NO. 61 MARICET STREET S MARIETTA, PA., HAS JUST RECEIVED His Hew Stock of Spring Goods. E is placing on his shelves and ready for 1 - lexamination and sale, the largest and best selected stock of fashio nabie SPRING Goons ever offered. in this borough, to which he now invites the attentionof the public. New Styles Fancy tress Goods,. Superior makes of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos Extra quality Muslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls, Plain awl Ilarred..Suck'd Flannels: White Goods, Mitts, Linens, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Gloves, desires, Very large stack . of Domestic goods. Sprrog Satineds and Cassimerea, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin. Detainee, ClairOs and Gingham- 1 . • Sheetings and Checks, Pant Stuff, Hickory add Ttckinga, Splepdjd c4li59A ,ix cents, ; • Good quality Muslin, six cents, ea'v Se.l.lnlifeiti he d c ents..' Erribtresed -Paper Colmipten for a Quarter," `Paper - Neck-Ties--sonteihirig new, cheap and beautiful. ALL KINDS OF. HOUSE FUILNISHING GOODS Linen and Woolen 'Fable covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Canton Matting, &a. Wall and Window Paper; Transparent Blinds. qtaatii.Queenswayn and Cada/war:a. Gaiters, dippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c Very superior Syrup at 50, cents a gallon All kinds of'Liquors wholesale or retail. ra A LARGE STOCK OF CHEJU! GROCERIES. The highest price given for Country produce / COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMP 'NY. • This Company is authorized by its charter to insure in the county, or in boroughs, against loss or dairuMe'by• fire, on the mutual plan, for any length oftime, limited or perpetual, either for a cash premium, or a premium note. PREMIUM NOTE SYSTEM. Those who insure for a premium note will be insured for five years, and subject to assess ments in case of losses. CASH. SYSTEM. Those who insure for a cash premium will be insured for any teim,not exceeding 5 years, and not subject to any assessments. One per centum premium will be charged on farm pro perty for the term of five years. DEPOSIT SYSTEM. Farm property will be insured for the term of ten years, for a deposit of three per cent. of the amount insured, the whole amount of the premium note to be returned at the expiration of the policy, without interest, or the policy will be renewed for ten years, without any ex pense, at the option of the insurer. C. S. KA UFFMA,N, PRESIDENT. GEORGE Youne, IR, Secretary. Directors : ' MICHAEL H.MOORE,_ Vice President. M. M. STRICKLER, Treasurer. JACOB B. SHUMAN, WYATT W. MILLER, HENRY It. KNOTiVELE, ABRAHAM BRUNER, SR., HENRY E. WOLF.. Colitinbia, Lancaster county, Pa. J. S. ROATH, AGENT, MarOWII. March 30, 1861-ly WILCO X' S Celebrated Imperial V V Ex tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in use, for sale cheap at Diffimbach's. F IFTEEN EMPTY MOLASSES as,' HOGSHEADS For Sale at J. It. DIFFENBACH,S,,, EIViIIOSSED PAPER COLARS—Ten for a Quarter, at Diffenbach's. celebrated GIN, B° long H. D. BENJAMIN. AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY!! FOR THE CURE OF Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs i s. cows THE IHAKORA ARABICA, InSCOttRED BY A MISSIONARY, WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA All who are suffering from Consumption should use the MaxortA ARABICA, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. An those who are threatened with Consump tion should use the Makora Arabica, discover ed by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Bronchitis should' use'the Makora Arabica, discovered by a mil sionary in Arabia. All Who' are suffering from Sore Throat, Coughs; and *Colds, should use the Maktiii . Arabicaoliscovered by a missionary Arab is: All who are "suffering'frOki Asthaii; Scrofu la and impurities of the' 'blood should use the Makora Arabiea, disdovered by a missionary in Arabia. . It 'cures Consunption,. . . It cures litoneintis, It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. It cures Asthma, Scrofula and impurities of the Blood. . Thia unequalled remedy is now for the first time introduced to the public. It was providentially discovered by a mis sionary while traveling in Arabia. He was cured of Consumption by its use after his case was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in P.urope. lle has forwarded to us in wilting, a full ac count of his own extraordinary cure, and of a number of other cures which have come under his observation and also a full account of the medicine. At his: request, and impelled by a desire to extend a knowledge of this remedy to the pub lic, we have had his communication printed in pamphlet form for free distribution. Its inter est is enhanced by an account which be gives of some of the scenes of the Syrian massacres, which he obtained from those who suffered in that awful tragedy. This pamphlet may be obtained at our office, or it will be sent free by mail to all who apply for it. We import the Mokora Arabica direct from Smyrna through the house of Clean and Gylippus, and we have always on hand' a full supply put up in bottles ready for use with full directions. Price One Dollar per bottle: Sent by mail on receipt of price,and 24 cents for postage. For sale wholesale or retail, by LEEDS, GILMORE * Importers of Mugs and Medicines, March 30.] 61 Liberty-st., N. Y. ALSO, ICY DRUGGISIS GENERALLY. DAVID ROTH, Dealer in Hardware, Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, 241101-, coo(;, - 0.411 s)0 offieh 51obe$, &e., MARKET-ST.. MARIETTA WOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, conSistingini part, of Table Cutlery of all kinds ; Building a n d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedamare, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoor* Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pairs, Waiters,Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pa and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and in fact everything usually kept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment. 1071,1 S $231,6.42 CLOCKS, t ral WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. E LI HOLDEN, 708 MA RKET-ST, 'PHILADELPHIA Importer of Clocks, Watches and Jerveity. Invites special attention to his full supply of Watches, of American, English and Geneya Manufacture. Jenietry of elegant designs, Silver . 4- Plated Ware of the best quality, With an extensive assortment of 'Superior' Time-keeping Clocks, In style and price adapted to the wants of all. Gond goods and fair prices is, my principle. to his Patent Shirt Studs, being of novel construction, possessing advantages over any other invention. Philadelphia, March 23, 1861-Iy. - nr WARD, Manufactur and DEALER IN STRAW GOOD S t /Vas. 103, 105 and 107 North Second street, PHILADELPHIA. We are now receiving our Spring Stock, which will comprise a larov and desirable assort ment otall kinds of • , - Straw and Lace Goods. ALSO:, A large assortment of Ladies 'and Our stock. of Flowers. and • Ruches Unusually, large, this' season,, and. we wou:d invite:special attention .to that , deparment-... Call and examine them hofore.making Tour -purchases: H. WA RD, e . . March 23-40 Nos: 103,105 $ 107 N.... 94 st. Q S. RATH:VON, [SUCCESSOR TO F. J. KRA lifPll.] Meichant Tailor, Draper• awl Clothier, Corner of North Queen and Orange Street.§, LANCASTER, PA. A VAILS himself of this opportunity of an nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, and his friends and the publie in gen eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late F. J. Kramph, where he has been employed for the last ten years, and intends continuing the Merchant Tailoring Clunking business in all its various branches, and hopes that a l b course of strict fidelity to his patrons may • merit a reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a complete .Stock of Clothing and Gentlemens Furnishing' Goods, He ivill constantly endeavor to provide a good assortment of Yrenen, German and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will be promptly Made to order in a sub stantial and fashionable manner, or according to such style's as to his patrong Vey be 'most desfrible, The Foreign - and 'American Fall and Winter Fashions received, in addition to the monthly reports which come to hand regu larly throughout the year. The agency for Hie order on sale . of James W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still continued and properly attended to. S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in Marietta, were he here to omit returning his sincere thanks for' the many acts of kindness they have extended towards him during a long series of years, and hopes his, future efforts may not . render him unworthy a continuance of the same. [v7-1v TTINE AND LIQUORS. Superior Old Brandy,' Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Als;deria, Lisbon, Sherry and Pert Wines. Pittsburg 'Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market prices. Very 'Fine Brandy et a very low figure, by the barrel. .1. it. DIFFENBACH. Market-st. S to suit all who€,Are t. can be aided with glasses, can be bought at H. L. Li , E. J. ZAHII , I4;Coi"- ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted iu old frames, at short notice. [v6-19 A. General Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING HARDWARE, LOCKS, Hinges, Screws, Bolts., CO.llar Grates, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap. STHRRETT Sr. CO. THE Largest and best assortment of Fancy Cloth & Cassirneres and vesting ever offered n this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition by J. R. DiL/enbach. SPANGLER & PATTERSON ARE now supplied with a general ASSORTMENT OF FALL Br. WINTER GOODS, and everything desirable in their line. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR Superior Silk Velvet, Granadine and W6tilen Vestings, French Silk-mixed Doeskin and Plain Cassimeres, Cloths of all grades; for Coats, Over-coats and Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinkts, Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Wool arta cotton flosimy, Suspenders, Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls, Cricket Jae kets, children's, youth's and metes Cap and Soft Hats. LADIES DEPARTMENT. Black Bayadare and ~ Fancy Plaid Silks, Figiired and plain Merinoes, in all colors, Franck Wool DeLaines, in beautiful designs, Manchester and Pacific Castrzneres and De LaineS, Rep. Nepolitans; Mourning Thibit Cloths, Cobergs,Bornbazines„, Alpacas, Lamellas; Erigliah tint Ainerican 4-4 Chintz, , Other new Style Pritittri. Rich Plaids and iielktfig'd Merinoslor missed:. .41TAIVLS. Stella and Merino bordered,Bonella, Otnbray Jacquard, superior Gay and Plain, 4 and S Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety pf Children's Shawls, Opera Caps, Zephyr shawls and Capes. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! Cloth "Palmas and Dusters, several styles oil both, for claoks and talmas, Sacking and Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves; . and collars, Chenele, Braid and Bead Head Nets, Diamond Ruffling of all widths, all of the new styles of dress trimming, Split Ze.; pkyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Braid, &c., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. While and Grey linen and cotton table cloths? Cotton Diaper and crash Toweling, Sheeting.; Checks and Ticking, Cradle, • Crib and Bed Blankets, Marsailles Quiltaand Counterpanes; Bureau Covers, Embossed Table Covers , 4, 6' and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, Prime Live' picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces oY Carpet in various qualities, from C 01471101 medium and Extra Three Ply. DECORATIVb' PAPER. As full an assortment as can he found in the county, of the choicest Gilt; Glazed and coin. mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers, Halls, Offices, Ste., with Pannels, Columns& Borders. GROCERIES. 1 Best Refined White and Brown Sugars; Choice Green and Black Teas; Extra tine Orleans Molasses; Lopering and other Syrups; Rio, Java and Laguira CGFFEES; Farina; Tuproca and Corn Starch ; Split Peas; Soup Beans; Cheese ; Rice and Spices ; new Dried Peaches and Apples ; Mackeral Shad and Herring, all of which have been bought FOR casx, and will be sold at a very small advance on cost prices. BANK NOTICE.--oNotice is herebY given that the undersigned have forniett au as sociation and prepaid a certificate for the pur pose of Establishing a bank of issue discount and deposit, under the provisions of the act en titled •'an act to eStablish a system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from insolvent Banks" ap proved the 31st day of Maich 1-GO. The Bank to be callivl Bank of Marietta to be located in.the borough of Marietta. and Coun ty a . Lancaster, to consist of a Capital Stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in Shares of Fifty Dollars each, and it is 'TOntemplated to increase the Capital StoCk to the amount of Two Flundted Thousand Dollars. • - James L. Shultz, Henry Masselman, John Kline, John Miller, John W. Clark - , S. F. Eagle, Aaron Gable, Doc. J. H. Grove, James Melialfey, B. F. Hiestand, John It. Dilfenbach, David Harry, Thotnas Zell, A. N. Cassel. John Becker, Barr Spangler, r...r The Harrisburg Telegraph and Bears' German paper insert lf months and send bill to this office for collection. Karietta Select School., fgAAC S. GEIST, H. H. BAWYE.B., TRACI-LEAS. THEO. HD:STAND, T HE Penton will commence on 'Monday, -April Bth,. 1861, to continue 12 weeks. The printiple Objects of every recitation will be to develope and-train the-mind—to eitltivate t habits of investigation and self-reliance—to improve the judgement, and thus strengthen and exalt the whole character. • TERMS .1 Pupils of Pimary Departments $2.00 intermediate, 3.00 Secondary, 4.00 High School, 5.00 iC No deduction except lifottatted skinless Marietta ; December lb, 1860.41".1 1) ITT If R'S Celebrate& Trtas, Su rgial , 1„1 .) dages, Shoulder BraceS, Instfumente for -Deierinit3 These article's very_ highly:remlnended by Plofes= -. serS , - . PAncoctFt andr Wcri.g'slf theJdifenic?d,Ried, leal'sCollege 'of , Philadelphr4 ., anliqhoiiiieri 'signed -kitotirs , ilibinfAtb• , :be tlie‘tiddVartible4bl itlie'lriineihinkie.' ll ` l, F. v .Ektridtatfoi Cook,ingsprnething,very. - something -- I Liquid-AennetifOrtnakingdelk , muillesstrtsl, Popeine,, Honey and , qthe foe Snags. Frangipanitie arid'dther Fop sale at lIINKLE'S. • • eFER, Civil -Engineer, Surrelyoi^, Conveyaneer and Draughtsman, Mountjoy Lancaster Co. ,Pa A LL, kindsof landsurveying and dividinglevelling ofWatei''cOuries, roads, &c. Ad curate and neat plain and ornamental .11.14494 and dritughting of town 'plansylarke-landea e totes, &c. :Quarniere and Earth work measured and estimated. Deeds; Relea ses, Powers o f attorney and other legal instru ments neatly and accurately drawn. Execu tore; .Adthiaistrators', Assignees' and Guar dians accounts stated. . He is also Agent for the sale of the Ridgeway Farm and Land Company's Lands in Elk County, Pa. Communications by letter 4 4, omptly -- attended to. EILIS.IVNAN'S Saw' mill and, Lutabei Yara i . MARIETTA, PA. It , c 'o ONSTANTLY on hand S. fair assoi : tmen of , itll kinds of Seasoned ludiber;i:vhi c h he o rs at feasOnable :Prices.. Boards; Plank, Joist, Scantling; :Rafters, Lath's, Shingle's, 1 Pails, ec., 4-c., tc: OAK, PINE 6- HEMI.OOIC:TIMPER. ;All orde'rs attended lb with dispatch, J. M.. ARpM,AN Mitriftta, 'April IItI. 4354.- T J A R QUAL or EGULAJt TIMEIC.F.EPEIO, Fv4 can be lieiro'f 11.'L. Si E. J. Zeau, Col. North Queeu 7 sLoilnii.Cen,ter, Square, 'lances ter" Pa., in the ,shOe of „Equi/ipiium I,evers— the best article of Swiss levers'novi bathe Mar ket. They are lowefin Nice than any watch of equal quality andj ust as true for timekeeping AMES AND GENTS Anderson has just IL/ received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps,, Hair Oils, Extracts and Colognes at prices 'much below The usual rites, also some very handsome Canes tor gentlemen, Portmonies, &c. AND cAss - imy.Rs—A: very su- LO po i no ll i• S selne:tiOn of French and German cloths, and Cassimers, and a Variety. of lieauti:- ful Vostiuga new and fashionable lot, just arrived at liffenbach's Cheap Store.. T UMBER. an assortment of Dry•l,nmber Lifor sale at the most reasonable rates, con sising of White Pine Boards, Plank, Joist and short Shingles, Also Hemlock Boards, Rails, Scantling and Fencing by J. M. ANDERSON. LAVCIURiNO. EXTRACTS: Vanilla, • • Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond,. Lemon Just received and for sale at , Grove ,s• Roe's. TT OME-MA DE. MINCF, ..MEAir,----o,nly 12 Cents per pound ut .T. AibilersoWs. Nqsfer Clizo i)ook North Queen-st., near the Examiner and Herald Office. T HE Proprietor of THE LANCASTER CnEXI , BOOK STORE has availed himself of the opportunity to pile chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de scription. He now offers to the public tbeszilnii , at proportionably and unusually LOw rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensiVestock ow hand. My ob ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply the wants of the colon unity With anything in my line on the Mostreasetrable termt possible. This we find the better and moat advantageous course for all parties. The Political Econo mist tell Sus, "'Cheaper an article is, the more' it.can and wilt be used." Then the cunclusiliii is,, that ,wherr.*e-buy cheap-, we must sell elheap,.simply atkOving- ourselves a , reasona ble profit.. „. :vSUNDAY SCHOOL' BOORS. 14,yroalthcall espectolo,atterition to my large assortmeirt.of,SnadaSahool , ll3ooks on hand, of every Yarietyiwanted , forthe use of Sunday Schools *tad' sell.•all aitoSiindiiy School Union prices.. I , •have the .agencies' for the publica , tions of the American Sunday School Union, American Tract Society, Methodist Book and Tradt Sodiety-A'. Also, the Lutheran; Prestiyte rian, EpisCopal and othek denominations are kept on hand: FAMILTBIBLES. Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto Family Bible, will finll it to their advantage to call and examine at THE CHEAP BOOK STORE, the largest stock on handy ranging form One, to Twenty-five Dollars. Before purchasing else Where, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of . JOHN . SHEAFFER, Successor to Murray, Young & CO WHER EA S the Honorable Henry G. Long, President, Hon. A. L. Hayes and Ferree Brinton, Esq., Ass. Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the Count) of Lances , - ter, and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer . Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to - me directed requiring me, among othWi fffri , o, to make PUBLIC PROCLAIKATIO'N IIII014;h0Ut Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Generale Jail Deliver*; Also, a Court of Quarter Sestions of the Pea& and Jail Delive ry, will corodence at the , Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the CoMmonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the • THIRD MONDAY Sri APRIL, 1861 In pursuance of .which precept PUBLIC Notrcr. is HEREBY GrvErr to the Mayor and Alderman , of the City of Lan caster, in said , county; and all Ole Justkes of the Peace, the Coroner; and Corrstablestof said city atid county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons with , their rolls, records and examinations, and in quisitions, and their othetrernernbrances, to do, those things which to their offices appertain, in' their behalf to be done; and also'thosc rho prosecute against the prisohers who are, or then! shall be, in the jail of said counts of Laneaster f , are to be then and there to-prosecute against/ them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 26th diry 186 !.. S. W. P. BOYD, Sutiiftr. • Y.-B.—Punctuill attendance of the Jiiiers and Witnesses will hereafter be expected-. and, required on the first day of the sessions: ' Al- dermen and Justices of the -Peace.are reqmred by an order of Court, dated November 21st' 1848, to return. their recognizances to Sam 7 il Evans, Clerk' of Quarter. Sessions, within one' week front the day of final action in each case, and in default thereof; the Magistrates costs; will not be allowed. . . . De,ilijP2repergtioli the has st ool THE TEST OF YEARS, And grows snore and 'more popular' every Ddy.h AND grows more and more 'popular every day ! and testimonials, new, and almost with Out niimtier t might be given ladies and gentlein4ii in all grade's of lociety;4llose united testimony none could. resist, , that Prof. WoOd's Hair Restorative re tore tiald and dray caa preserve, the hairOfilie - yiiiithtb, old age, till its youthful beatify. • • fte;ereek;ltic.h.Hef::3ifst, 1858:: Prior. WO,OD 1' Thee w int 'please, aceePt s al 'line to iofernithee Thai the Bair iin'my bead all, fell off over twenty years ego, caused by a corn-. plicated elite nie•disease, attended'with an mop-. tion op thohead. A continual course lit suffer ing through life having reduced me to a state of depeddence, I have not been able 'fo obtain stult for caps, neither have' I been able to do .them up, in consequence of whit:lli:My headhas suffered extremely from cold: This induced me to pay Briggs S.,- Hodges alurst the lasteen t I -hid on earth fora' gvo , dollar lb6ttiel Of thy Hair Restorative about-the first of august last. ,d..liave tliedirectioni,:, and *:fie bald spot is fietv'ctiV withered:liar Una,- and black; thiingli tihbit;iitcia arse, fieming in all ovv,ilay heaLl.4eling l ,,,ce kien&that another, laigeb - oftle wciillorrelfor4 it enthrely"and per-1 Prelib r 2lX tymri. ' t he7pg destifAnA l nac o pur s ehase any, iJ ticiAW w Ber l cc' if tree wouldst not be willrugto se d i. a an, otdV, thine agents foi! t„,o 4 ,:tbiklf the scripture ( pleftalfto,ftlig,rtwWisi i i . o those who era Isiarte,.t Witikinit u thele herless." " Thy Triad; "kitia&rian Kenny. 1 Li ' vcie Co,, Feb, 5,-1859 f , W pans-. 'yb* TiedOlirE—Lin thelatt4 partnf the year Di' attending the State and.Nathinal tare School of the State of New York,,my hair, from a cansefunknown to me, commenced flailing off very rapidly, so that in 'the' shiirt space of si*. months the whole uppei part Ada:ly asalp was, IlinOst,'entitaly . .,bereft , of its coyering,„and much of. thki iemainina 'OP: twit won thq'side and back i part of my head shortly ; . alftea• liecaine grey, o, that that you will n be iiiirpyised Wlienitell,yoa,tliat upon my r turn to the State orleidiatie, my mere casual acivaititances were noti so much at a loss to discover the cause Orthe p'bitige in my appea* , ance, as ,nay more,iptiimite acquaAntauces were to recognise me stall. I at once made application to the most ful physician in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced td become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of tike year 3857, your Rest,orati,vewas recom- Men te ded to eby a druggist; as being ale most reliable Hair- B.estorative in'use. I tried one bottle, and found 'to my great satisfaction that it was producing the. desired effect. Since thir s t time,. I have Used 'sec* dollars' worth of your Hestorative, and as a result4ave a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no inenry can bay. As a mark of my gratitude for your 'Libor ape'' skill in the prodialjitiOn of, so wonderful an ,1 article, I have reciimmended i ns use to many o my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hapL py to inform you, using it with like effect.'l . WV' respectfully YOUrs„, A. M. LATTA, Attorney - and Counsellor at Law. THE. RESTOaLA „ii put beOes,of three sizes, vi.6,,,:litrge ? medtupi , atursinall ; the small holds Leta is for $1 a bottle the mediuni holds afloilit twenty per cent more in proptirtion than die small, retails for $2 pe bottle; the large holds a ,quart, 40 per cent more in proportion, and retails for $3. O. J. WOOD Proprietors, • No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Ip7And sold by all good diuggists and fancy goods dealers. Ev7-7-14-3m. PORTABLE LAMP S. •A new and most convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called the "Portable Coal Oil lamp," for at Grove 4-Roth's Drug Store. OMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN ! kj Paper Neck Ties, beautibil„fashionable and cheap., at Diffenhach's. GET A NEW SPRING STYLE .mit HAT, AT C UL L' No: 92 Market Street; Marietta ; Pa. MIA GUM DROPS: StewartN New-York Gum Drops, S varieties, at Wolfe's.' SPE.RIOR - COAT., .011.-25 cents a quart at GROVE. 4 , ROTH'S. 11204YIES= . all brands—guarrinted to be Benjenei?i- 4. Co. ii . At_xtr, r - 11P . 111 E 15_11C MADE EASY! aaa3 fo 1000 t cha_nces. is maze SON Y! P41:1014 DOLLARS EMI :VT R' 0 P. NV'.;ttc3ri-egs- 0 ar,el2 l creli-sr AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, VISIYOED OP ON AN:PNTIRELY, N E tiV AND Ellft/INAL PLAN F 2,a* Re.t.E.Yl - $ NATII.F-J) ALL PEI SONS DESIROUS OF. Strocitiin* an Agency in this, NEW ENTERPRISE Stemld send on'their Nunes at once, ends-. sing a 3 cent Stamp to pap Postage, and receive by return mail a Premium Catalogue OONTAT.N . INC o rt; INr:YUtEMEN-T-S; WHICW. AFFORD A RARE 411E-31LAILTWICIIE, e H a h 1 111.01tq WITHOUT RISK, TOGETHER WITH FULL OldricettlaM 'RELATIVE TO' THIS NOVEL PLAN! 70 'insure, prtnYtpi and . satisfactory deal- 4ir'eci ofders fd GE©. G.: EVANS, eifeeintt-sf., NEW GOODS_ NO\V M EX BITING, the largest, most de.strahle and cheapest goods we have _ever_ offered; 'sour:tic( in New-York and Phil adelphia.. ,Our friends and customers are invi tedto,iti,appkkutly' confidentlygoodconfident ly that •trll will tie pleased, as to tire varietyiqual" ity and , cheaptress. - - GOODS, Entirely new styles of RICH Dress Silks, best make Of black dress silks, Lupin's French Me rinoes, in black, and in all colors, Lup in s French'. Merinoesi printed in vines, boquets, polka spots and nredulions ; Lupin's all wool printed Mouslimin vines boquets and polka spots and medallions; double width Irish pop linsoiew style, all wool printed Cashmeres; black ground Foulards, Velour Ottomans, all wool Plaids, Satin - a-Soief Garabaldi's, Denor ah's, children's bright Plaid. 100 pieces Pa cific de :Lanes. Isl cents ; 100 pieces Hamilton de. lanes, .14 cents ; French and English 4-4 Chintzes; 50 pieces Coburgs, qualities, iu bleak lull& till 'vital*. § Thg'nhOgit fall styles Thy 13sit ( ne`~'~ ,‘ • i.- • The Full Ilacki ,-, The:PFain-13atk, " • 4.. e ' ! LThe Cape StYles • ' The , Beaver Cloth, &c. Cliiaking'Clotbk of every kind. Dress goods of every desctliption, newest styles and just im ported in NeW Taft'. ••• ' SHAWLS. A beautiful -alssorem int,' and latest styles : linsehielong §hltsvls, • Scotch.long 'Blanket ShawlS 2 ' Reath Longlllhenket'Shaw/s, , - , Stella ShaWls,lehribrating every kind. Cl - 6171,s Gass Ceres and Vestings. The largest and most,complete assortment we eir'eiblFelhil and atsiihustially lozn prices ; we invite particular attention to our Cloth De partilien,T)3ors CitaShnetts, &c. lila& and Andy' •Stiper - French. and English. Cloths; ' Black and Fancy Super French and English Cassimeres, The very latest style Vestings. ' HOUSE REEFING GOODS. Blankets, .Marsaßle, Lancaster and Allendale Quilts,Woolen. Coverlets, Comfortables, Bleached and Brown Linen Table Cloths front' 2; yds. to 4 yds. wide, Bleached and Brown Domes '' tic Tabre Cloths, Woolen .Table Covers, Work Stand Woolen Covers, ~Sacking., Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths. Crash for Stairs, Brown and Bleached .SneOings, I yd. to ? , yds, wide, Pillow Case ,Mullins,, 'Pickens, Furniture Chintzes and Sheciis, ToWelings, Bureau Covers, &c., &e., Loiking Glasses. nlarge.stock,, Pilaw Live-fick . ed, Geese , • WindoW Shades an& full assortment, ~WindoW.Shades .with Bailey's Fixtures, a l uli,roidereOluslin Window Curtains, A.very large' lot .of earpetings, new styles, selling at reduced prices • Carpet elkain, wool linen and Co ton., China, Glass & Queensware. China Tea Setts, gold band ; White Granite wale, :m new shapes; in full Dinner and - Tea setts ;. Pitchers, Dishes, Soup Tureens, Gravies &c.; Chamber and Toilet setts; Table and Bar Tumblers, Wine & Champagne Glaesrs, Egg and Cellery - Glasses; Goblets; Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, 'Calve Stands, &c., &c. • Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 Velvet Rugs, Door Matts, Foor Oil Cloth from 1 yd, to 4 yds. wide, the latter cut in one piece to lit a hall, Mattings, checked and plain from 1 yd. to yds. wide. A full line of Hoisery and - Gloves, The above comprise (hay a small portion of our new goods.= HMJDEMAN'h' Cheap Cash. Store,' Columbia HII ill „ Spokes , -Felloes, Wagon Bows, Oil tloth, Varnishes, &c.• STE.RIZETT CO.