The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, March 09, 1861, Image 1

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    L L..t 7 6 7 .(14,.. tthe. 11 ,11.11:,... ;I. rj + t-tf
Icirao to Valitits, ir.,'ittraturt, a g ricurture, Narticulturt, Ely fiat zutb. guilt' arts, (Omni EtillS tkt gal yotai tt azm tzars, `t.,,litor, and Proprietor.
gly ettthig Blarkitian.
gamsto County ilepubtion /001 AS
Five doom East of Mrs. Bury'i Hotel.
jF subscriptions be not paid within 6 months
$1.26 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, t 1:50 will be. charged.
No subscription received for a less period than
lA* months, and no paper will be A scont i n ..
ued until all arrearages are paidoinless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the eicpoliticiri of the
term subscribed for, will be consrdered a, new
engagement. .
Any person sending us FIVE nevY subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. .
ADVERTISING RATES : One s quare (;12lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first i nsertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion., Profes
sional and Business cards, of six'linesor o fiess
at 33 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages, and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, fivecents a-line.
1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.50;
1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 'months, :
6 months, $5; 1 year, $7. 1(14-a-column,
3 months, $8; 6 months, $l2; year; $2O.
One column, 6 months, $2O ; l year, $3O.
`Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
ADD CARD Tyre., we are prepared to dO all
ING, at short notice and reasoKkOle pyiees.
gorguilj • Pirectqq.
Chlef,BurgeSs, Samuel D.Willer,
_Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Parr Spangler,• (President)
John Crull, - Thomas Stence,,Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
7:11 Clerk, Theo: Hiestand.
Traisurcr, john Auxer.
48oessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun,
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Email.
. Catistabfe, Absalem Emswiler.
)114fi to Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
fttt ... ors, John H. Goodman, E. D. Roath.
' or, Samuel Hippie, Sen.
Sr obi John Jay •Lthhart,,Presi
dent, E. D. Reath, Treasurer,. C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh,
Jonathan M. Larzeleue.
, 'Post Office Hours: The Post Office will
be open from 7 o'clock in the morning until
Bin the evening': Cliim - KellY, Post:Mister.
• Beneficial Societies: Tut ilsarrtorrei A. N.
Cassel, President; John Jay Libbart, Treasur
er; 'Barr Spangler. Secretary:. Tin: PIONEER,
John Jay Libhart, President; AbrM Cassel,
Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary:
7 •
Tfig undorsigned will open a school in the
room now occupied by Samuel Lindsay on
Nondity, April bth, ISGI, to continue twelve
Primary Department, . $2 00
Secondary, $3 00
13 — No reduction except in protracted sick
ness. ' •
JEWELRY. -A large and selected stock of
fine jewelry of tli latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. 8; E. J. Z11.14,r4.
tor. North Queen st. and Centre Sneare, Lan
caster, Ps. Our prices are. moderateand all
goods warranted to'be as repteeented. -4 ," '
Opposite the residence of 'Col. W. Clark.
Prompt attention given to securing and collect
ing Claims, and Orphans' Court busineas
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoming connties.
Conveyancing and other writiM's promptly
' ' executed.
la-Collections promptly attended to.
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to thepractice of his profession in all its
various brancha. [Nov. 4,,59.-ly
CIFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor diclVlcDon-Ifillaasos
aid's Book Store,Cointuits. Entrance be
ween the Drug ad Rook" Stores. [3-ly
executed in the beet style known in the art,
No. 6.32 Arch •st., cast of Sixth, Philadelphia
ia - Life size in Oil and Past% Slereoscopi
Portraits, Amorotypes, Daguerreotypes, 4T., fo
Cases, Medalions, Pine, Rings, &C. [ly
Hammered and Rolled Iron, H.
S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., for smiths.
COAL OIL LAMPS: Just received a new
and large assortment of new-style Coal
Oil Lamps—superior to anything now in use,
and cheaper than they can be bought in town.
mmer seldction of French and German
Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti
ful Vestings, a new and fashionable lot, just
arrived'at Direnbach's Cheap Store.
OA General Assortment of all kinds of
• - liinges, .Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very theap.
PECTACLES to suit all who
l ta^,a ,
Scan be aided with glasses,
can be °bought at H. L. lk J. ZAHM'S, Cor
ner of ,North queen -at., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames,
at short notice. [e6-1r
rl N STA NTLY on hand. Monongahela re, -
) tined Whiskey. Benjamin Cu.
Ah, how the silent memories of Seals
Are stirring in my spirit. • I have.been
A lone and joyless wanderer. have roamed
Abroad through other climes . , where tropis
Were offering up their incense, and the, stars
Swimming like living creatures: I have strhyed
Where the soft skies of Italy were hung
In biiautifut transparency‘above,
And glory floating like a lovely dream ,
O'er the rich landscape ; .yet dearfancy still,
'Mid all the glow of brighter realms,
Oft turned topictuie the remembered hoine,
That blest its earliest day-dreams. Must go
Forth in the world again'! Pve proved ifs joys,
Till joy was turned to hitterness—l've•fen
10 sorrows till I thought my heart would burst
.With the•frerte.rush of tears ! The sorrowing
. babe
Clings to its m other's breast. The bleeding
Flies to heinative vale, Eirid neitles there
To die amid the "quiet giove; Where first
She tried her tender pinion. I could love
Thus to repose amid these scenes
To memory dear. Oh, it were passing sweet
To rest forever on this lovely. spelt,
Where passed my days of innocence—to dream
Of the pure stream of infant happiness
Sunk in life's wild and burning sands—to dwell
On visions faded, till my broken heart
Should cease to throb—to purify my soul
With high and holy musings—arid to lift
Its aspirations to the centraPhome
Of love and peace and holiness in heaven.
TENNYSON.—Bayard Taylor, in giving
an account of an interview he had with
the Englikh poet laureate, says : In f6rm
and voic% Tennyson is a thorough Eng
lishman ; in features, complexion and
hair, a madimVal Italian.. His presence
impresses you with a singular mixture of
northern force and southern fire. He is
fully six feet high, broad shouldered and
large - limbed, yet with black hair and
eyes, a pale oliie complexion, full lips,
and a black beard and moustache.—
Power is expressed in every feature.—
His voice is remarkably-full and grand
in tone, with a little of that monotony
which betrays a mind withdrawn and
absorbed in its own speculations.
of the curious facts revealed by the pub
lication of custom-house tableS is that
there were imported into this country
last year 300,000 pounds . of opium.' Of
this amount it is estimated, from 'reliable
data, that not more than one-tenth is
used far medicinal' purposes.• The habit
of eating opium is known to be spread
ing rapidly among lawyers, doctors, cler
andliterary men; and enormUus
quantities are used by the manufaciurers
of those poisonous liquids which are
dealt out in drinks in the saloons and
groceries that infest every city and vil
lage in the country.
—The. Prince has sent over two fine
buck sheep ,for Mayor Wentworth; of
Chicago, and two very fine pointer dogs
for Ur:Spencer, of the Ciiioago, Alton,
and' St. Louis Railroad. When at CH
cago, MayoiWentsvorth toot; the Prince
to his farm, and showed him fine stock
he had got from / the "old man," (Prince
Albert,) which greatly amused th e
Prince. With Mr. Spencer he went,
with his suite, on a shooting trip on the
prairies, and was handsomely entertained
at his residence: Hence, probably, thd
MARRIED LIFE.-A newly married pair
are like two travelers in an unknown
country—fresh views of each others dis
positions are opening out before them
every day, some beautiful, some unsight
ly, and mostly unexpected. A breeze
oacasionally springs up which may either
enliven the journey by clearing the at
mosphere, or dampen the ardor of the
excursionists by ending in a thunder
Storm. If the couple, however, have or
dinary judgment, they will so arrange or
dovetail their likings and dislikings as
to jog on together agreeably on the
whole. The can't of "incompatibility of
temper" is for the most part the excuse
of knaves and" fools.
mermaid is said to have been recently
brought to'New York. A description
sent us says : this beautiful creature, a
genuine mermaid, is said to have been
caught on the Northeast side of the Bay
of Yeddo, on the coast of Japan, about
twenty-three and a half miles from the.
capital, and brought in by some poor
fishermen who had it finely preserved."
It is about a foot and a half long, with a
face and breast somewhat resembling .
those of a' woman, but the lower part of
the body is fishlike ; the extremity is
turned up in the manner represented in
most pictures of the mermaid.—N.
A column of Sheriff Sales, real estate
of 'Wm. L. Dewart, is advertised iu the
papas of Northuinberland county.
• pirts'T-ridier-wrimetiftrilaß
I was only twenty when I first went to
St. Louis. St. Louis is,
.and was, even
then, a late town. It had a good many
people it of all sorts, especially of
bad ones. Mind you, that was 'long ago.
Well, I went there. I thought I 'knew
a "feW." I wasn't green. I never was,
as I know oft But--; However; the
reader may judge far himself. I . put Up
at the "first hotel." 1 don% choose to
say whichit 'wdi,foiTeai 'of consequen
tes.' 1 had Money; that hiLd six
hundred dollat:s, con'fi'ded , lb me by an
indulgent par4nt inercantiln pnrpo
ses. 'The first day I spen m `'looking
round" and "taking drinks!' 'The second
day I' "took drinks"' aid' didn't "loak
round" so • much. The third day -7
Ah I therebylariki a title I 'Ahem !
Thu third day, I made the acquain
tance of Elverly ! Alverly was a, splen
did fellow, and boarded at my hotel.—
Elverly was introduced to me by a mu
tual'friend whom I did not know—much
—but believed in' a'great deal.
The day wore on, (I believe that is
the proper expression for saying, i`Ot
later.") Supper was
_ready. It is, yet
haps, needles to say that we had "taken
drinke before supper. ,
Elverly, in the ,course of cold ducks,
Said "Champagne." We did it.. When
we arose from - supper, we, were in just
the state of mind to welcome "secession"
and a'"bloody time" generally. Then
we "took adrink" again..
Then Elverly proposed "goifig some
And we uproariousliconsented,to "go
soniew here." When we say we, we speak
in an editprial sense, because the crowd
was soon reduced to Elverly and the sub
scriber (whc; don't Aubscribe.)
Well, the went "somewhere."
Somewfiere where there was ; along
table—aid a lot; of cards pasted on a
green cloth.
Elverly, told me he was going to Jot.
I said, "All right. Elverly bet, I watch
ed Elverly, but didn't see anything fur
ther resulting from it than the fact that
a„ man, who had a box full, of cards,
scraped up a , lot of ivory things with
figures on them, and chucked down other
similar ivory thins. Well, after awhile.
Elverly said, " Lend,me ten dollars." 'I .
bad faith in Elverly---I lent him., ten.—
Then, after another while, he said, "Why
don't you go in ?" 1 had faith in Elverly:;
;/: went in, I got :twenty dollars (by
Elverly's advice) changed, into ivory
things that Elverly called chips. Then
I pint them down on cards, and between
cards, at Elverly told me. And some
tiiaeii I took thiiin - hup agaire; with some
more ivory.thinga do them. But, gener
ally, I didn't; • •• ' • - -
Then Elverly 'said : • -
"Let's go dniStalte supPer.n •• • '
440tid we weut•and toOk'supper.
—a sapper. , •A'--ci.e.,=everything good
to eat, and to drink! That's the best
description' T can -
Then Elverly said
` And r (ibildenced by the'suPper, &c.,)
said,"OrcourSe not." So we went up
to the table with the cards pasted 'oicit
again. And I bet-that• is Elverly bet
for me. 'And I got fiftYdollars'changed
into ivory things and lo'se'em. Arid. I
got a hundred changed into ditto ; and
lost 'em. And then another ; and lost it.
Oh ! I lost it al! iradually. But I lost
if ! ;Yes, sir, I lost it, as it were, insen
sibly, sometimes
• getting a streak ahead,
sometimes behind. But Ilost it I Then.
I connted my money. I pretended ,I
wanted to go—out, 'because I was too
Proud to count it before the, crowd..
And I counted it, And I had three
hundred dollars left. And small change_`
And says I to myself, I'Ne got enough
of this. ,
And I made a motion to go.
But Elverly overhauled me, and, says
• "You ain't going so early ?
"Early !" says , I ; "well you're right;
it is early.; but I've got enough.",
"Well," says he, "I'm sorry if you've
beea'uhlucky, ; but 'suck is , life.' Let's,
take a parting drink."
And I took a-l-parting drink.
Aud that drink knocked me !
1 pledge you m word that I don't
recollect, a thing after that drink. I
don't say it was drugged. I siduldn't
say it.
But I awoke the next•morning in my
own hotel—in my own chainerwith
allmy, usual clothes on the aceustomed
floor—but without a cent of the six hun
dred,dollars confided to me by an indul
gent parent—and so forth. Some per
sbns Might draw a moral from this true
sketch. Let them I I don't prevent
them. But - I—or we—as you please
preferto leave ov it i..
FA.SHI - 0
Oh'! that is riot laShionable I It is out
of . flatf—no atyk about it !
How often we hear these expressions
fall from the bona youngladies. Fash
ion 1 Style I How I hate the words!
There is nothing indepeadent: in their
sound—they are tyranniCal and arbitrary.
Away with fashion and style !
Is there any heart, any feeling where
fashion rules ? Alas !. no. To be fash
ionable, in, style, one is, obliged to altar
his or her style of dressonanner of liv
ing, way of receiving visitors, and even
. the manner in which to get married,—at
least, every season. The latest most ap
proyed, and, generally ad,opted style, ex
tant af r entering .upon thi. married state,
is to have the ceremony performed in a
church, and immediately set out . upon
,the wedding tour.. After s. being, absent
two or three weeks, the,happy pair re
turn and give a grand reeeption. Heav
en spare me from , attending any more. of
these fashionable affairs ! The most rid
iculous thing about them, is the manner
guests are expected to enter the roomin
which the bridal party stand ie state to
receive their friends. An usheropcupies
the place near the entrance, and when a
lady and gentleman go through the door
way, he very gallantly (?) offers his arm
to the lady, and she •is expected" to ac
cept it • inquires of her escort their
names, and then conducts the lady to, the
bridal party, her escort following onbe
hindthe m more like a dog following ; his
master than anything I . pan think of.—
Then the:usher—tea chances to, one a
perfect strat?ffer, to the , guests—introduces
them to the bridal:, party: Was ever
anything so abaurd ? It is expected that
people invited are acquainted with, the
bride or groom, or both butthey must
be introduped by a stranger. 'rruly,.this
is &nage of impro,vements.,a progressive
a ge's
Oh! give me the good old-fashjoned
manner of getting married.. There was
some heart in the festivities attendant
upon the nuptials of our parents and
I grandparents.
Thena friend was net afraid to grasp
the bride heartily by the hand, imprint
kiss upon her brow,_ and wish her long
life; health and IMppiness. , Now one is
expected simply to touch the end of her
gloved, fingers; hew, and' pass on. To
whisper a hearty wish for her fnture
would lie vulgar, and out of date!
0 h ! deliver me, from the tyrannical
sway of Ring Fashion.
Hon. Corneliu& Valk ::Wyck Li'w
rence :died a fe* days since, , at his resi
dence at Bayside i Flushing, Long•lsland;
n the 70th year of -hid age. He was
born at: Flushing, Feb.. 28,1791. : He
spentlisloyhood fon - his father's farm,
and •at: the age of manhood he:came to'
New .York; wken le:entered - the auction
house..of Shotwell, :Hicks & Co. , After
wairdsl4 becainO-tpartner in the house
of :Hicks, Lawrence &Co., from' which'
he retired-in 1832 Mr. 'Lawrence rep.
resented - New -York in Congress from
1832 to 1834, and was Mayor of New
York from 1834•to•1837, being -the first
Mayor elected.'by the• people: . In 1836
he swas President of the , democratic
electoralcollege. Be was. collector of
New York ,under rivident Polk.: For
twenty years he IreldAhe office 'of 'Presi
dent* the Bank of ,the: State of New
York. He was directorof the Bratich:
Bank of, the tiinited ,S tates,- cif the Bank
of,America4 a trustee. 'of the New York
Lifean.d,Trust Company, and a director:
in various insurance:companies. In• 1856
he retired'from active life, Ao spend the
rest of: his days on theos'pot where:his
ancestors had resided oven two hundred
years. Daring his long life in New York
he was a successful and honored mer
chant. . ' •
Humphrey Davis, now a convict
under sentence for murder, is finishing a,
career of atrocious blackguardism in
Misiouri State prison; frail boyhood he
played the " fast " young man, and soon
beeame a professional gambler ; about
eight Years ago he married a beautiful
and wealthy young lady at New Orleans;
in two years he spent her fortune, and,
heartbroken` 'and' friendless, she died in .
that city. Since" then the scoundrel's
life has been dneid unexampled prolli-,
ttir Very tou'ehing"and. beautiful were
the words of theadsehool-master, as he
passed away :
growing6darkl-the scbooi, may be dis
Dowmto the very gates , of the unseen
world be , carried his love and regard for.
the children whom he had trained.
'rho Spring Elections'will take place
on Friday the 15th of Mur,:h.
3:Dc)flax a, -Year_
VAfter the procession bad reached the
platform on Ile portico of the Capital
and Judge TANSY had administered the
oath, Senator BAKp. introduced Mr.
LIT:ICC:hi, who advanced to the stand and
was cheered, though not ,very loudly.
Unfolding his manuscript, he proceeded
in a loud, clear voice to read his Inau
gural Address, as follows:
Fellow citizens of the Uniied States-,::
In coinpliance with a custom as old
as the 6overnment itself. I Appear be
fore you to address yen briefly, and to•
take, in your presence, the oath prescri
bett by the . Qonstitution of the United
States to be taken by,the Presider.t be
fore he enters on the execution of his I
I do not consider it necessary at pres
ent forme to discuss these,matters of ad
ministration about which there is no
sPealat . anxiety or excitement.
Apprehension seems to exist among
the people of the Southern States that,
lay the accession of a Republican Admin
istration, their property and their peace
and personal security are to be endang
ered. There haa never been any reason
able cause for such an apprehension.---
Indeed, the most ample e,vidence-to the
contrary ,has all the while existed and
been open to their inspection. It is
found in nearly all the priblished speech
es of him who now addresses you, do
but gal:Au from one of , these speeches
When I declare that "I, have no purpose
directly or indirectly, to, interfere with
theinstitution of slavery in the States
Where it exists.' I believe I have no law
ful right to do 'so, and I have no inclina 7
tion td do Mi," Those Whd ,nominated
and elected me did so with the full knowl
edge that I had made this and many.sim
ilar declarattona and had never recanted
tbein, A.u4,:nere thtin,this, they placed
in the platform, for my acceptance, as a
law themselves and to me, the clear and
euiphatic resolatien which I now read : .
Resolved, '"l‘liat the maintenance,- in
iiolate, of the rights of the States, and
especially of the-"right of each State to
order and control' its own ddmestic in
stitutions according - to its-own judgment
exclusively, is that balance
of power on which the perfection and
endurance of our political fabric depend.
And we denounce the lawless invasion;
1 . 0 1 ea armed force, of the soil of any
State or Territory. no matter under what
Pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."
I now reiterate these sentiments, and
in doing so I only press upon,,the public
attention the most conclusive evidence
of which the case is susceptible, that the
property, peace, and security of no sec
tion, are to be in anywise endangered
by the new incoming, Administration.
I add, too, that all the protection
which, consistently with the Constitutien
arid the laws, can be'given, will be cheer
fully, given to all the States, „when
fully'demanded; . for whatever cause, as
cheerfully to One section as to another.
There is much controversy about, the
deliverinr , of fugitives from service or
labor. The clause I now read is as plain
ly written in the Constitution as any,
other of its provisions :
" 4 •No person held to service or labor in
one State under the laws tbereof, esca
ping into another, shall, in consequence
of any law . or regulation therein; be dis
charged from such service or labor, bat
shall be
,delivered up on . claim of the
party to whom such service or labor may
be due."
D'is scarcely questiOned that this pro
vision was intended by,th h ose who made,
it the recming of what we call fu,
gitivp ; slave?, and the intentiop of the
law-giver is the law. , All, membets of
Congreis, swear their support to the
whole Constitution—to this, provision as
much as to any, other, To the proposi
lion, then, that slaves whose cases come
within the terms of this' clause, and "shall
be delivered up," their oaths are unani
mous. Now, if they would make, the ef
fort in good temper, could they not, with
nearly equal l unanimity, frame an drpass a
,by means of which to keep good that
unanimous oath ? ,
There Is some difference of, opinion,
whether this clause should he enforC9d .
by National or S tato authority, but sure
ly that ,difference is not a very material
one. If the slave is to be surrendered,
it cue bp of but little consequencp to him
or to ethers, by yhich authority it
done. An i d . sholild any one in any case,
be content that his oath shall go unkept
on a merely unsubstantial controversy,
as to how it Wall be kept ?
Again, in, any law upon this subject,
ought not all the safeguards of liberty
known in the civilized and humane juris
prudence to be introduced, so that a free
man may not - be, in any case, SUrrendered
atia'sldve. 'And might it fid.tibe well, at
the saute Uwe. to provide by law lor the
- e
NO. 34.
enforcement of that Clause in the Con
stitution, which guaranties that "the cit
izens of each State shall be entitled to
all . the privileges and immunities of the
citizens in the,several States."
I take the official oath . to-day with no
mental reservation, and with no, purpose
to construe the Constitution or laws by
any'hyperciiiical rgles. And while Ido
not chbose now to specify particular acts
to 'COrigress, as proper to be enforced, I
do suggest that it will be much safer for
all, in official and private stations, to
conform to and abide by all those acts
which stand unrepealed, than to violate
any of them, trusting to find impunity in
having theni held:to . be unconstitutional.
It is scarcely seventy-two years since
the first inauguration , of a President un
der our national Constitution. puring
that period fife different and greatly
distinguished,cctizens have in succession
apninistered the executive branch of the
Government. They have conducted it
through many perils, and generally with
great suacese`. , Yet with all this scope
for precedent, I now enter upon the same
task, for the brief term of four years, un
'der great and peculiar difftcalty. A dis
ruption of the Federal Union, heretofore
only menaced, is now formidablyattempt
ed., I hold that, in contemplation of the
universal law, and of the Constitution,
the Union of these States is perpetual.
Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed,
in the fundamental laws of all national
governments. It is safe to assert that
the Government proper never had a pro
vision in its organic Jaw for its own ter
mination. I shall continue to execute
all the express provisions of our national
Constitution, and the Union endure
forever, it being impossible to destroy it
except by some , action not, provided for
in the instrument itself.
Again,, if the United States be not a
Governmopt proper, but an association
of States in the nature of a contract
merely, can it be peaceably unmade by
less than all the parties who made it ?
One, party to the contract may violate it,
break it, so to speak,, but .dees•it not re
quire, all,to lawfully rescind it,?
De6ending , from these general princi
ples, we find the proposition that in legal
contemplation, the Union is perpetual tho history of the Union
itself. , The Union is much older than
the Constitution. It was formed in part
by the Articles of Association, in 1774.
It was matured and continued by the
peclaration of Independence, in 1776.
.11, was ft ther matured, and the faith of
all the then thirteen States, expressly
plighted stud pngaged that itshonld be
perpetual, by the AAicles of Confedera
tion„in 1778, and finally in 1789. One
of thie declared objects for ordaining and
establishing the Constitution was to
form 'a more perfect Union ; but if the
destruction of the Union by one or by a.
part only of the States, be lawfully possi
ble, the Union is less than before_ the
Constitution, haTing, lost the vital ele
ment of perpetuity. It follows from
these views that no State upon its own
mere, motion _ can lawfnlly get out of the
Union, and that resolves or ordinances
to that effect are ,legally void, and that
acts of violence within any State or
States, against the authority_of the.lJni
ted States, are insurrectionary or revo
lutionary according to circumstances.
I therefore, considet: that,in view of the
Constitution and laws, the Union is un
broken„ and, to the extent of my ability,
I shall take care, as the Constitution
expressly enjoins on ,me, that the laws
of the Union be faithfully executed in all
the States.
Doing,this I,deem to be only a simple
duty on my part, and I shall perform it
so far as practicable, unless my rightful
masters, the ..A.merigark people shall with
hold the requisite means, or, in some au
thoritative manner, direct the contrary.
I trust this will not be regarded as a
menace, lant. only as the declared pur
pose of the ,Union that I will constitu-.
tionally defend and maintain it. In do
ing this their need be no bloodshed or
.violence, aid there shall, be none unless
it be forced upon the national authority..
The power confided to me will be used,
to hold, occupy, and possess the preps.l.l
and ,places belonging to, the GoVeXI . 4
went, and to collect the duties oriM;
ports ; but beyond what may bp ,,.
sary for these objects, there will be .no
invasion, no using of force against, or
among the people anywhere., Wkere.
hostility in. any, interior locality shat! ; be
so grea l t and so .univeysalas to prevput,
competent respent etizen4 4 frorn holding
lederal,olD i ces,.there wilt he no attempt,
to force obnoxious straivers among the
people, for that object.• While the strict
legal right may exist in the liovernmeut
to enforce the exercise of these °filers,