The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, March 02, 1861, Image 4

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Ro!unitive Pills of Iron!!
An Aperient and Stomachic pieparation of
run purified of Oxygen and Carbon by
bliSi ton in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the
hiff,hcht Medical Authorities, both in Europe
Sint the United States, and prescribed in their
pra el ice.
The. experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compat'e , l
with it. Impurities bf the blood, depression
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity in almost
every conceivable case.
Innoxious iu all maladies in whichlt has
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following complaints, viz :
In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Aarrluea, Dys
entery,• Incipient Consumption, Scrofu
lous Tabureulosis, Salt Rheum,
lismenstruation, Chlorosis,
Whites, Live Complaints,
Chronic Headaches,
Rheumatism, In
termittent Fe
vers, Pint
pies on the
face, 4T.
In cases of General Debility, whether the re
sult of acute disease, or of the continued dim
inution of nervon,s and,muscular energy from
chronic' complaints, one trial of this iestorative
has proved successful to an extent which no
deseripparimor written attestation would rend
er credible.. Invalids so long bed-riddeff as to
have.become•forgotten in their own neighbor
hoods,,have• suddenly re-appeared in the bury
world:tui if just , returned from protracted travel
in , a distant land. Same very signal instances
otthis kind are attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marasmusi sane
guincous exhaustion, crittical changes,' and
dist complication of nervous and dyspepti
aversion. to air and exercise for which the phY
. sician has no name.
In Nervous 'Affections' of all kinds, and for
reaaonsfamiliar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of iron must necessarily be
salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vbfo
rowdy tonic, without being exciting and acvat
beating ; and gently, regularly aperient, even
in the most obstinate eases of costiveness with
out eVer being a gaatrie ptirgative, or indicting
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this latret, property, among others,
whiclonakes it" sceicfnarkably effectual and
pfkingient a rera'ady for Piles, upon whiel it
appeals to curt a distinct. and speDfic
fiction,ty ditipersiug the local tendency
tort& them.
r IA ill d
apcpsil, innumerable as are its causes,
a singliftbx OfTheiie Ohalybeate Pills has often
sufficed *pie moat habitual cases; including
ffio alien dent Costitreness.
/In Unchecked irlitea, even when `ad
vanced-to Dysedary, confirmed, emaciating,
and apparently malignant, the effects have
been equally decisive and astonishing.
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
debilitating Cough, and reMitten, hectic, which
generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this
remedy has allayed the alartn of filenils and
physicians, in several very gratifying and in
'Westing instances.
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated
irdn has had far•more than the good effect of
the most cautiously balanced preparations of
iodine, without uny of their well known lia
The attention of females Cannot be tno con
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the' casee'peculiarly affecting them.
-In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflamma
tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—
it has been invariably Well reported, both 'as
alleviating pain .and reducing the swellings
and stillness of thejoints and. muscles.
• In lotermittent Inas it must necessurilybe
a great remedy and energetic restorative ; and
its progresain'settlements of the West,
will probably be one of high renown and use
fulness. •
No remedy has ever been discovered in the
whole history of medicine, which exerts such
prompt,' happy, and . fully restorative
Good appetite., coMplete 'digestion, rapid acqui
sition of strength, with an unusual disposition
for active arid 'Cheerful exercise, immediately
follb wits use. • • '
Put ap in neat Ba t racial boxes containing
bfl pills, price 50 s cuts per box; for sale by
drtiggists end'dealers. Will be sent free to
any ititlfess on receipt of the pric e . All let
lerss'oiders, eta., should, be addressed to
ft.". 11. LOCICE & C 0.,. General Agents,
20 Cedar-st., N. Y.
ing a private instructor for mar-
tie persons, or those about to be mar
riedA both nude and female,.in every
thing concerning the physiology and '4l,
relations of our sexual systo m , 'and
the Production or prevention of offspring in
cluding all the new , , discoveries never before
given in the guglish language by WILLIAM
VOVNG, .M. D. .This is may a valuable and
interesting work. It is written in plain lan
guage for the general reader, and is. illustrated
with numerous engravings. All young mar
ried people., or those contemplating marriage,
and having the least irnpedimtmt to married
lifeyehould read Phis book. It discloses secrets
that every ones should be acquainted with ; still
it is a book thatmust be locked up, and not
lie aboutthe house. It wilt be sent to any one
on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or
postage stumps. Address Dr. WU. YOU NG,
No. 416 Spruce st. above 4th, Philadelphia.
Arrmiero .A ND UNiORTUIVATE : No mat
ter what may be your disease before you place
yourself under the care of any one of the no
torious quacks--native or fortign---ivlio' a dver
tise in this or any other paper,' get a copy of
either of Dr. Young's Books, and 'teed it care
rully; ii may be the means of saving you many
a dollar,.your health, and possibly your lifb.
,Dr. Youxo can be consulted on any of the
diseasitialdescribed in 11/is - publications; at his
offlee,4o. - 416 StortMe4t4 above Fourth:
h,, moo's,6oricepitqfeOlel-qeDies.
,A, -I t 1 , , , ~ , ,
Az .L.Lic.A.l.E.:Disl.Abk.b.
PO. 1. o TUE' GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily
eradicates all the evil. cifects of self abuse,
as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis
ion, or any constitutional derangement of the
system brought on by the unrestrained indul
gence of the passions. Acts alike on eithef sex.
Price one dollar.
No. 2. THE BALM.--Will cure in from two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoca,(clap?is
without taste or smell and requires no restric
tion of action or diet; for either sex; price $l.
NO. 3. THE TEIIEII will cure Gleet in the
shortest possible time, and I can show certifi
cotes of cures effected by this remedy, wher
all others, have failed. No taste or smell.—
Price one dolla?.
NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only known
remedy that will positively cure strictures of
the urethra, no matter of how long standing or
neglected the case may be. Price one dollar.
NO. 6. THE SOLIITPR will cure any case
of Gravel permanently and speedily remove
all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.—
Price one dollar.
NO. 6. THE PREVENTOR is a sure preven
tion.agaiost the contraction of any disease, is
less expensive and far preferable to anything
in use.. Adapted to either sex. Price $l.
NO 7. THE AMARIIN will cure the whites
radically iind in Ass time than they can be ef
fectlitillY removed by any other treatment ; in
fact this is the only remedy that will really.
cure this-disease ' • pleasant to take. Price $l.
tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua
tion or correcting any irregularities of the
monthly periods. Price two dollars.
siring 'Regulatorwitill last a lifetime. Price $5.
Either oPthe Remedies will be sent free by
mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu
lars dootalning valuable information with full
description of each Remedy,' may be obtained`
by enclosinT One post stamp. Address
Di :*.FELLY BRUNON, Box 99,
Philadelphia, Pa.
These Remedies are sold in 11' farietta only by
JOHN JAY LIBH A RT, where cirimlars con
twining a full description of each case can be
obtained gratfs, on application.
General Depot, North East Corner of , York
Avenue and CalloWhill street,Philadelphia,Pa.
ra- In complicated cases I can he consulted
by letter, or personally at my office; entrance,
No. 401 York Avenue. Da. F. linurrow.
August 27, 1859.-I.r.
.MUSTA R D in pots at
Grand Quarterly Distribution
Of 100,000 Artirles, worth $300,000
WHICH will he sold for 100,000 Dollars, to
the purchasers of our Golden Pens at 30 cents
per Box. Our Golden Pen is the best ever used,
and is warranted not to corrode in any ink.—
Every business man and family should use the
Golden Pen. The lollowing list of 100,000 ar
ticles will be distributed among our patrons at
$lOO each, and need not be paid for until we
inform the purchaser which of the following
articles we mill sell him for $l.OO and.then it
is optional whether he sends the dollar and
takes the goods or not. All Goods can be re
turned at our expense within ten days after
the Purchaser seethed them, unless they are
satisfactory,.and the money will be refunded.
List of Goods Included in the Distribution.
Planes, Gold Hunting Cased Watohes, Gold
Watches, Ladies' Silver Watches, Guard, Veit
and Chatelain Chaids, Cameo Brooches, Mosaic
and Jet Ear-Drops, Lava and Florentilid Ear-
Drops, Coral Ear-Drops, Emerald and Opal
Ear-Drops, Handsome Seal Rings, Mosaic and
Cameo Bracelets, Cents Breastpins, Watch
Keys Fob and Ribbon Slides,
Sets of Bosom
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Stone Set
Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Canton Crape
Shawls,Mousseline de-Laines, Challies, French
and American Lawns,Bere,gesiPoplins, French
Calicoes, and other Ladies' Dress Goods in great
variety, together with Head Dresses, Oabas,
Fancy Fans, and in fact almost every descrip
tion of GOODS usually found in first class Dry
Goods Stores.
Ili Chest Y'reminm $.lOO, Bowen Pretnium
The articles are numbered, and Ceriificates
stating what we Will:sell each person . fcii one
dollar are 'placed in sealed .Envelopes;with
Decirhal arrangement of Premiums': 'so that in
each hundred certificates there is one for' aIG old
Watch and there will also be a splendid ?
th i
mium each ten certificates. Ladies, if .you
desire a fine shawl, Or dress paten, Oa
tiful article of jewelry, enclose us 30 cents 'for
a box of the golden pens, and we will Send you
a certificate whichmay enable you to prOchre
it for $l, "Try us."
4 Boxes Pens with 4 cr,ftificates, $l.
9 do do 9 do .
2.5 do do 25 do 5.
XOO do
do 100
N. 13.—With each package of 100 boxeS we
present the purchases 100 certificates, one of
which. is Auarranteed to contain one order for
a fine watch, or Sewing Machine, or by order.
ing 50 boxes in one package you are sure to
receive 50 certificates containing one order for
a splendid silver watch, beside a large number
of other very valuable premiums. One certifi
cate, sent gratis, upon application of any per
son desiring to act as. Agent, which may ena
ble him to procure a valuable premium upon
the payment of 01.
Pianos, Melodeons, Music Books, Sewing
Machines, &c. '
Bought and Sold on commission. Any article
will be sent to the country it the lowest whole
sale prices with the addition of 5 per cent coin
mission for forwarding.
N. B.—Aghts wanted in every town. Cir
culars sent on application. Address cotn
munications to C. S. COLIIERT & CO.
Commission merchants 'and General Agents,
138 South Fourth-st., below Chestnut, Phi Pm.
l:3'For our integrity and ability to fulfil our
engagements, we beg to refer you to the follow
ing well known gentlemen and business tirms :
hlrs Excellency J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kan
sas, Westmoreland, Pa.; Palmer, Richardson
& Co., Jewellers, Philadelphia ; E. A. Warne,
Esq., Philadelphia ; Win. A. Gray, Esq., Phil
adelphia ; Messrs. Kernmeicr & Moore, Water
St. below Arch, PhiPa ; Messrs Pratt & Reath,
Fifth and Market Sts., ; J. C.
Esq, ' Jeweller, PhiPa ; A. F. Ward, Esq.,
Puldisher of Fashions, &c. Ph Wm; M. 11.
Borne, Catasauqua Bunk; don. L. M. Burson.
Eureka, California. [5ep.2.9;(10-ly
CrIIIESE MEDICIN ES have now been before
the public for a period of thirty years, and
during that time have maintained a high char
acter in almost every part of the Globe, for
their extraordinary and immediate power of
restoring perfect ,. health to persons suffering
under nearly e.ery kind' of disease tO 'which
the human frame is liable.
The following are among the distressing va
riety of human diseases in. which the
Are well known to be infallible
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the
first and second stomachs, and creating a flow
of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and
acrid kind ' • FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Headache, 'Restlessness, 11l-
Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and., Melancholy,
which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia,
will vanish, as a natural consequence of its
COSTIVENESS, by cleansing • the whole
lenth of the intestines with a solvent process,
and without violence ; all violent purgesleave
the bowels costive within two days. -
FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood
to a regular circulation, through the procesit of
prespiration in such cases, and the thorough
solution of all intestinaLobstruction in others.
The Ltic Medicines , have been known to cute
RHEUMATISM Ormanenily in three weeks,
and GOUT in half that time, by removing lo
cal inflammation from the muscles and ligit- 1
'limits of the joints.
DROPIES of all kinds, by freeing and ,
strengthening the 'kidneys and bladder; they•
operate most delightfully on these important'
organs, and hence have ever been found a cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn-
ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which , '
those creatures adhere.,
SORES, by the perfect purity which these Lift
Medicines give to the blood, and ail the humors.
plexions, by their alterative effect ' upon the
fluids fiat feed the skin, and the morbid state
of which occasions alt eruptive complaints,
.sallow, `Cloudy, and other disagreeable coup
The use of these Pills for a very short time
will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM,
and a striking improvement iu the clearness of
the skin- COMMON COLDS and INFLU
ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
PILES.—The original proprietor of these
Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years
staindinOy the use of the Life Medicines alone.
FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of
the Western country, these Medicines kill be
found safe, speedy, and certain. remedy. ,
Other medicines have the system subjeit to a
return of the disease—a cure by these Medi
cines is permanent—try them, be.satistei and ,
be cured.
.PLAINTS.—Geueral Debility, Loss of Appe
tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines
have been used with the most beneficial results
in cases of this descriptiOn :—KingS Evil, and
Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild
yet powerful action of these remarkable MO,
icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner
vous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of
the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured.
MERCURIAL DlSEASES.—Perseths whose
constitutions have become impaired by the in
judicious use of Mercury, will find these Med
icines a perfect cure, as they never fail to erad
icate from the system, all the effects of Med-
miry, infinitely sooner than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared' and
sold. by W. B. MOFFAT,
335 Broadway, New York.
1 000 Prime
hundred County
or single pound. For sale, at WOLFE'S.
A 8 LT P ERIO II article of Rectified Crab
Apple Cider, for sitle by the barrel or gal
lon at J. R. Diffenbaclt's Stare.
ISLI PERIOI2., COAL OIL-25 cents a quail
; at GROVE & ROTH'S.
1.1 13 a . , Spokes; Fellaes, Wagon Bows,
ja, Oil Cloth, Varnishes, &e. 0
- - -
O c lt .t it l i: . t N t (!; , !, IVI II. 1 , : A A; 1 1: ; - ; : o pli 1.'13
WILIER -1 / 1 7-
iljOhaif COOKiiiitj its :M its
Carefully Revised by Mrs. S. J. Bale.
It Tells You How to choose all kinds of
Meats, Poultry, and Game, with
all the various and most ap
proved modes or dressing and
cooking Beef and Pork ; also
the best and simplest way of
salting, pickling and curing the
It Tells You All the various and most ap
proved modes of:dressing, cook
ing, and boning,Nutton, Lamb,
Veal, Poultrg * apd Game of all
kinds, with the different Dres
sings, Gravies, and Stuffings ap
propriate to each. .
It Tells You Bow to choose, Wean, and pre
serve Fish of all kinds, and how
to sweeten it, hen tainted ; also
all the various and most ap
proved modes of cooking, with
the different Dressings, Sauces,
and Flavorings appropriate to
It Tells You All the various and most ap
proved modes ol preparingover
fifty different kinds of Meat,
Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegeta,
ble Soups, Broths, and. Stews,
with the Relishes and Season
ings, appropriate to each.
R Tells You All the various and meat ap
proved modeacif cooking Vega
tables of every description, also
hew, to prepare ; Pic.kles, Catsups
and tunics of all kinds, Potted
bleats, Fish, game,htushrouns,
It Tells YOU All the various and most ap
proved modes of.preparing and
cookipg all of Plain and
Fancy ; Pastry, Puddings, onie
lettes, Fritters % Cakes, Confec
tionery, Preserves, Jellies, and
Sweet Dishes of every descrip
It Tells. You All the various and most ap
proved modes of making Bread,
Muffins; and Biseuit, the
tiqht.metliod of preparing Coffee,
• Laicie*Olate, anli Tea, find how to
make• Syrups, Cordials, and
Wines of various kinds..
It Tells You how to set dirtandoLament a
'fable, how to Carvp all kinds
• of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in
short, how to so simplify the
Whole Art 'Of -Cooking as to
bring the choicest luxuries of
the table - Within everybody's
The book contains 418 pages, and upwards
of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which arc
the results of actual experience, having been
fully and carefully tested udder the personal
superintendence of the writers. It is printed
in a clear and open type, is illustrated with ap
propriate engravings, and will be forwarded to
any address, neatly bound, and postage paid,
on receipt Or the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, ex
tra, $1.25.
icroo A YEAR cni:1.11,1):
by enterprising men every where, inn selling the
above work, us our inducements to all such are
very liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
dress JOHN E. POTTER, Pullman ER,
No. 017 Sansom Street, '
Dec. 1,-Gm.] Philadelphia, Pa.
eltqf 3.,U0 on 'the, NM.
The Horse and His Diseases
Profes.§or . of Pathology 4. Operative Surgery in
the Veterinary College of PAilactelpltia, etc.
Will Tell You Of the Origin, history and dis
tinctive traits of the various
breeds of European, Asiatic,
African and American losses,
with the physical formation
and peculiarities of the animal,
and how to ascertain his alai
by the Immber and condition
of his teeth; illustrated with
numerous explanaturY engra
Will Tell Yuu -Of Breeding, Breaking, Sta
bling, Feeding, Grooming,
Shoeing, and the general man
agement of the horse, with the
best triodes of administering
medicine, also, how to treat
Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shy
ing, Stumbling, Crib Biting,
Restlessness, and other vices
- to whith he is subject; with
with numerous explanatory
Yod Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Strangles', Sore
Throat, Distemper, Catarrh,
Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu
monia, Plcurisy,Broken Wind
Chronic Cough, Roaring and
WhiStling, Lampas, ulcers,
and Sore Mouth, and Decayed
Teeth, with other diseases of
the Mouth turd Respiratory
Will 'fell You Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treautteht of Worms) colic,
Dots, Strangulation, Ruptures,,
StOny Concretion',, Palsy, Di
arrham, Jaundice, Ilepatir,
rhtea Bloody Urine Stones in
the thleys and Bladder, lit-.
fhirrimution, and other diseases
of the Stomach, Bowe,is, Liver
404. thinarY Organ'l.
Will Tell nil Of the causes, syniptomS,
'l.ltealment of Bobe; Blood and
spavip, Sweenie, Strains,
Ring-clone, Broken Knees,
Wind Galls, Fiminler, Sole,
Bruise and Gravel, Cracked
Ho of s, Scratches; Canker,
Thrush, and Corns;
also, of
Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy,•
k titaggeo, and tither diseases of,
;he Feet, Legs, and Head.
Will . Tell You Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Fistula.
Evil, Glanders, Darcy, Scarlet
Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Lucked
Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp,
Galls, Diseases of the Eye and
ileprt, &c., &c., and how to
manage Castration, Bleeding,
Treplunning, Roweling,
Hernia,Amputation ' Tap
ping, and other surgical
Will 'Pell You Of Rarey's Method of taming
Horses; how tq Approach, Halter, or Stable a
Colt ; how to accustom a horse to strange
sounds and sia ' lith and how to Bit, Saddle,
Ride ) and Breale'him to liar
ness; also, the form and law
of Warranty. The whole be
in., the result of more than 15
years' careful study of the hab
its, peculiarities, wants and
weaknesses of this noble and
The book contains 384, pages, appropriately
illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings.
Itis printed in a clear and open type, and will
be forwarded to any address, postage paid, oil
receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth,
extra, $1.25.
$lOOO A yEA A,B, c m a e
by enterprising men everywnerc, in selling the
above work, and other populur works of ours.
Our inducements to all such are very- liberal.
For single copies of toe Book,or for terms to
agents with other infOrmation i apply to or ad
No. 617 Sansom St ., Y.,hiladelphia„Pa.~
JEWELRY. --A large.and selected stock of
finejewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
11. L. &
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster; Pa. our prices are roodr, raln and ail
goods - warranted to be as represented..
, usefal animal
(94 Th'ep,3ll4;oi) 11)0 i)ls
And grows more and more popular every Day.
ND grows more and more popular every
day! and testimonials, new, and almost
tvittiout number, might be given from ladies
and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose
united testimony none could resist, that Prof.
Wood's hair Restorative will restore the bald
and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old age,
in all its youthful beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, ISaS.
PROF. WOOD: Thee willt please accept a
line to inform thee that the hair on my head all
fell oil' over twenty years ago, caused by a com
plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A contra nal course of suffer
ing through life having reduced me to a state of
dependence, I have not been able to obtain
stun for caps, neither have I been able to do
them up, in consequence of which my head has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cen t
I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followed the directions and
the bald spot is now covered with hair thick
and black, though short, it is also coming in all
over my head. Feeling confident that another
large bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently, 1 feel anxious to persevere in its use,
and being destitute of means to purchase any
more, I would dsk thee if thee wouldst not be
willing to send me an order on thine agents for
a b9ttle, and receive to thyself the scripture
declaration- 4 the reward is to those who are
kind to the widow and the fatherless."
Thy friend, Sus,t xtqA, is litany.
Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859.
Poor. O. f. Woon : Dear Sir :—ln the latter
part of the year 1552, while attending the Slate
and National Law School of the State of New
York,' my hair, from a cause unknown to me,
commenced falling elf very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six months the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining por
tion upon the side and back part of my head
shortly after became gray, so that you will not
be turprised- when I tell-you that upon my re
turn to the State of Indiana. my mere casual
acquaintances Were not so Much at a loss to
cUscover the cause of theehange in my appear
ance, as my more intimate acquaintanceS were
to recognise me at all.
I at once made application to the most skill
ful physician in the country, but, receiving no
assurance from them that my t hair could again
be restored, I was forced to become reconciled
to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter pact
of the year 1857, your Restorative was recom
mended to me by a druggist, as being the most
reliable Hair Restorative in use. 1 tried one
bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that
it was producing the desired effect. Since that
time, linive used seven dollars' wortkof your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of
very soft black hair, which no money can buy.
As a mark ofJny gratitude .for your labor
and skill in the production of so. wonderful an
article, I have recommended its use to many o
my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hap
py to inform you, are using it with like effect.
Very respectfully yours, A. SF. LATTA,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
THE RESTORATIVE is put up ill bottles of
thiee'sizes, viz : large, medium, and small; the
small holds -a-pint, and retails for $1 a bottle
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the small, retails for $2 pe
bottlu ; the large holds a quart, 90 pm cent
more in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. 3. WOOD k CO., Proprietors,
' No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo.
And sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. r4-3.3i.
Prof. Xiller's Hair Invigorator.
An Elective, Sole and, Economical Compound!
For restoring Gray Hair to its original color
without dyeing, and preventing the hair from
turning gray.
For Parenting Baldness, and curing it, when
there is the least particle of vitality or recuper
ative energy remaining.
For Itemoving; Scurf and Dandruff, and all
cutaneous affections of the Scalp.
For Beautifying the nab', imparting to itan
unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it raft
and silky in its texture and causing it to curl
The great celebrity and the increasing de
mand flt this unequalled preparation, convince
the proprietor that one trial is only necessary
to satisfy - a. discerning public of , its superior
qualities aver another prepar4iott at present in
use. It cleanses the head and scalp from (land
: ruff end other cutaneous diseases. Causes the
hair to grow luguriantly, and gives it a rich,
soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also
where the hair is,loosening and thinning, it will
give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore
the growth to those parts which have become
bald, causing it to yield a fresh coveting of hair.
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
in New York who have had their hair restored
by the use of this Invigorator, when all other
preparations bad failed. L. M. has iii his pos
'session letters innumerable testifying to the
above facts; from. persons of the highestrespec
tibdity. It will elfectually prevent the_ hair
froth turning gray until the latest period of life
and in cases where the hair has already changed
its color, the use of the Invigorator will with
certainty restore to its original hue, giving it a
dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet
and a flair Itestorative it w particularly rec
ommended, having an agreeable fragrance;
and the great facilities it affords in dressing
the hair, which, when moist with the Invigo
rator can be dressed in any required farm so as
to preserve its place, wheth-r plain or in curls
—hence 'the great demand for it by the ladies
as a standard toi/et article which none ought to
be Without, as the price places it within the
reach. of all, being
Only Twenty-five Cents
per bottle, to be lied ut all respectable druggists
and perfumers.
. L. Miller would call the attention of Parents
and Qum - diens to the use of his Invigorator, iu
cases where the childrens' Hair inclines to be
weak. Tire use of it lays the foundation for a
good bead of hair, as it removes any impurities
that may have become connected with the
scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both
for the .health of the child, and the future ap
pearance of its Hair.
Cauriow.—None genuine without the fac
simile. Louis Mx u.F.a tieing mithe outerwrap
per, , also, L. MILLER'S IlAirr luvrooit4Tort,
N. Y. blown in the glass.
Wh3lesale Depot, ob Dey St., and sold by all
the principal Merchants and Druggists through
out the world.
Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity.
I also desire to present to the American
Public my
New and Improved Instantaneous
- _
which after years of scientific experimenting I
have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or
Brown instantly without injury to the Heir or
Ski% warranted the best article of the kind in.
Depot, 56 lley Street, New York.
iAlexander Lyndsay.
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his lihe of business in this Borough, and be
•ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE. MAKER
himself,is enablea to select with more indolent'
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the 11002' AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
and examine his stock before pur
chasiwr. elsewhere.
Li undersigned has red - Mired another lot of
Fluid and. Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades
of every variety and price. Call and see them
at Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store.--
style, each one warranted to per
form to the entire satisfaction of the ai"
purchaser. STERRETT & CO.
10i\ STA NTLV nu hand, Monohgaltela rec
tnled Whiskey. Benjamin .- Cu.
PISCOVERED AT LAST! (;realest Cure
in the World For Pain!
THIS oil is the only sure remedy in the
world for the Cure of Rheumatism, Deaf
ness, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Spinal and .Bronchial complaints, Tic Dolor..
eux, Headache, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons,
Sprains and Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swell
ed Glands, stiir Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, Womb Disor
ders, Salt Rheum, Canker in the Mouth and
Stomach,Palpatation, Ertiptions,Caked Breast,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy,
Lock Jaw, Heart Burn, Tooth and Ear-ache,
Nervousness, Costiveness, Burns, Sore Gums
Of teething. infants, Hemorrhage, Abscess, stifr
Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains, Totter,
Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and Ag,ae,Cliapp
ed Hands, or any Diseases that are sore or
painful, in the only article ever brought be
fore the public that will do its work perfectly
in from three to twenty minuets—has been
used by: thousands and pronounced to be the
best remedy ever discovered. • •
This Oil acts on the system with electricity
—it of ptyre vegetable preparation, Not the
slightest 'Banger of applying it outwardly or
inwardly. it at once gives a permanent cure
—in most cases from ten to twenty minuets.
The best physiologists of Europe have discov
ered that all organic derangement of the ani
mal system is the effect of an obstruction of the
physico-electric fluid in the organ diseased.—
A skillful application of this Oil puts in im
mediate motion the nerve fluid; and the cure is
at once accomplished, No bleedings—no vom
iting, purging or blistering is resorted to.
None genuine without signature of Prof.
C. DE GRATH. Labels signed in writing:, -
Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists
can be supplied wholesale and retail.. Price
25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. ,
Try everything else; give this one simple
CA urrox—Be careful to Ask for and get Da
DEATH'S Electric Oil, as woithless imitations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation my article has acquired. The
pUblic must beware. They are worthless.
For sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin
cipal odice 217 South Sch street, Phila.
Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. ('asset's store, Market street,
I'l[lHE undersigned having associated them
'. selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the k b
Fashionable Tailoring Business. llf
at the old Stand, adjoining Dr- Hihkle's Drug
Store, Market street. Hawing a tine stock at
eioti m c/ o ",illytw
which they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being `determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past, favors.
Christian Plinnb,
Nathan Dyer.
rar Gutting done at short notice.
Marietta, Sep. 10, 1559.-tf
Saw 11111 and Lumber Yard,
cIIONSTANTLY on hand a full assortmen
of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he
il 1 ers at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, ..S•c., 4-c., ,-(s.
All orders attended to with dispatch.
Marietta, April 1 ltf. ,1854.-
Having - just returned from the city with
a nicely 'selected lot of Ready-made Clothing,
which the undersigned is preparedto furnish at
reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is
determined to sell LOW, TOR CASH. His stock
GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, &c. Everything in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything, sold at
prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St.,
next door to Caßsel's Store.
Marietta, October 29, 10.56.
Marietta Select School
MEE SeSSIOD will eminence on Monday,
April Bth, 1561, to continue 12 weeks.
The principle objects of every recitation will
be to develope and train the mind—to cultivate
habits of investigation and self4cliance—to
improve the judgement, and thus strengthen
and exalt the whole character.
Pupils of P imary Department, $2.00
Intermediate, 3.00
Secondary, 4.00
High School, 5.00
li - .:r" 'No deduction except in protracted sickness.
Marietta, December 15, 1660.-tq
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg, Whiskey always on hand et the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. it. DIFFENBACII. Market-st.
can be had of H. L. & Et J. ZAHN, CO/.
North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas
ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers—
the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. They are lower in price than any watch
of equal quality andjust as true for timekeeping
LADIES AND GENTS Anderson has just
received an elegant assortment of Perin ,
mery, consisting of Toilict Soaps, Hair this,
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below
The usual rates, also some very handsome Canes
tor gentlemen, Portmonies, iStc.
BARRELS ORK Varieties of
E I., C v lif y 9i
50 Boxes Valencia and .Bunch Raisins,
20 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches,
50 Bags iiared Dried' Apples,
1000 Lbs. Cod Fish.; Fine Syrups,Sugars, &c
PRIME G OCE R lES:—Rio,Java and
f i aguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulveriied and
Brown Sugar; Shperior Grey:rand Black Tea;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl parley at
_j_j J. GROSI - 1 & SON, :Lumber Dealers.
Yard at the Eastern part of Marietta.
11:3" Pleasexati at their office, adjoining the
THREE-STORY brick •house at the CANAL.
CHAMPAGNE: and other Table Wines,
guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as
can be bought in Philadelphia" or New-Ircirk.
H. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building.
ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called
indistructahle Pleasure Books; School and
other Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders,
&c., &e. For sale at Dr. Hinkle's.
THE Largest and, best assortment, of Fancy
Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered
n this market and•will be sold at prices which
defy competition by J. R. Difimbach.
Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple,
Almond, Rose,Lemon,
Just received and for sale at Grave 4- Roth's.
Tj it k NDI broods--gos rran ted to be
j j getiuine. Benjamin :j• Co.
. 110T0(aiAPII GA LLERY.
One of the largest mid most complete Galleries
in the United states, where the best Pic
tures, known to the Photographic art,
at prices no higher than are paid
for miserable caricatures.
The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, at
tends personally., every sitting—an allows no
picture to leave the Gallery unkssit gives per
feet satisfaction.
Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes of absent
or deceased friends, photographed to any de
sired size, or taken on Canvass, life size, and
painted in Oil by the best Artists.
At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any
weather—as perfect in cloudy 'days as when
the sun shines.
Persons visiting the city aretespectfully in
vited to examine our specimens, which for
price and quality defy competition.
f Instructions given in the art of Photog
raphy. 'R. NEWELL,
Gallery of Art, 724 Arch St.iPhiladelphia.
From Hon. Lewis D. OMAR, M. r., Ohio.
My family and friends all concur in the opin
ion that the, (Newell) Picture is more life-like
than anything they ever saw. My . likeness
has been repeatedly taken by artists in various
ways, but i have never yet had one which pre
sents so true to nature, all the featurei and ex
pressions of countenance as , this..
.froni lion. E. Joy Morris, late Minister to
The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of
your portraits, conjoinsd.vvith their durability
of color and faithfulness as likenessses, cannot
fail to commend them to'the attention and pa
tronage of all who appreciate true art.
Prom Cal. James Page.
Havingeccasion for a portrait, I procured
one front Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of
Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors; under
the new process discovered by' him;
great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction giv
en me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness,
but its artistic finish in all respects, andrecom
mend him to the patronage of these disposed to
encourage the beautiful art.
Nov. 21, 1860.-Iyl
Coughs and Cola, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of
Tile Heart, IMptheria, and for
The Mier of patients
together with all Diseases of the Throat and
Chest, and which predispose to ConsumptiJii.
It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of
Asthma. Being prepared by a practical phys
ician and druggist, and'one of great experieace
in the cure of the various diseases to which the
human frame is liable.-
It is offered the ,alllicted with the great
est confidence. TAY IT and be convinced that
it is invaluable in the , cure of Bronchial affec
tions. l'nrcE Rim CENTS TER BOTTLE.
Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN S. CO.,
ropier Streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by every respectable Druggist and
'Dealer in Medicines throughout the State.
April 7, 1 Slid- lY .
To his MARIETTA Friends !!Y
E has ro moved from Centre Square, to
posite Cooper's Hotel, tuners he has the finest
Ile makes flue calfskin Boots (the best) for s4l ;
Calfskin Walking Shoes;'
Ladies Half Guile's, (double soles) 82,(X)
Ladies Morocco !loots, (heels) sl,i 2!,
He has concluded to make the best work at
somewhat reduced prices,and hopes by so doing
to enlarge and increase his business.
Mending of every 'kind neatly done.
Cilizens of Aktriettaz,-When, you come to
Lancaster, give BRENNEMAN a call and
you will surely be pleased with his work.
September 13, 9-tf
H. D. BENJ44.IN,
Wine 6. Li q uor Dealer, Picot Building,
Front Street, Marietta, Pa.
DEC S leave to inform• the public that he
1 . ) will continue the WINE& LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. lie will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of. •
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, i•c.,
Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE WHIS
KEY always on hand. ..
A very surcrior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pore.
113' All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his - stock and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad
vantage to make their pure lases from I im.
Dealer in Hardware.
"~'` Cedaricare, Paints; Oils, Glass,
fiIHOV, Coon, INS and ofigt• stobes,
WOULD take this means of informing the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity that lie
is prepared to furnish anything in his line,
consisting in part, of Table Cut le ry of all
kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools,, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Ccdarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, KniVes '
Forks, Spoons,Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans,Waiters, Cop
per and Brass KettleS, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, Neils, Spikes and,
in fact everything usually kept iu a well reg,ula
-ted Hardware establishment. •
OF F E R S his professional services to the`
public and will be happy to wait on all who,
may patronize hire. Dentistry; in al'
its branches carried on.
TEETI/ inserted on the most ssio,
proved principles of Dental science. °fie -
ations on the mouth performed ir. a-skillful
and workmanlike. manner—on fair prineiPt3
and reasonable terms. Having deteintin d
upon a pe:rrnanentlocation in this horodgh,:at
the old, stand, would ask a continuanee,of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended lO:hirri
having studied under a celebrated graduate th
the Philadelphia College of Dentalrfutgeops,
feels confident to be able, to teeder.attrifaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
s Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
F. Hinkle, M. D.
3. H. Grove, M.:D.
Smith Armer,,M.; p.
Ether administered to pro Pei persons.
PLAT ED WARE; A Large and fine stock
of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZAI-I
Corner of North Queen stet & Center Square,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns, Pitchets, Goblets, Snit Stands, cake
Baskets; Card*Baskets Spoons,'Forks, Enhres,.
Casters, &e., &c., at manufacturers prices.
Rl:rum - so attended to at moderate rates.
EGOODWIN' S. & BRO's. Plantation fine
k cut Chewinz TObacco. The best in the
world. For sale at WOLFE'S:'
ARRELS Monongahela Whiskey .
which be sold at the lowegt
60 B will
market rates• by the bairel or' gallon, at r'
T. R. Diffenbach's Cheap .Store.
PORTABLE LAM PS. A new and most
convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called
the "Portable ('out Oil Lamp," fer sale cheap
at Grove Fl POUF Prue Store.
- hrlars- PAGE.