The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, March 02, 1861, Image 2

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    g4tultethig Blaritttian.
Impartial---but not Neutral.".
...Aasielia., Oa.
krOnr thanks are due Hon. Maddens
Stevens and Hon. Edward McPherson
for Congresiional favors. '
vow( ; On . Monday morning, the,Peace
Commissioners, headed by john. Tyler
and Governor Chase, called upon Mr,
Lincoln—Mr. Chase introduced the del
egatiop. For 111 Mr. Lincoln had 'a
smile and 'a kind word. Be recognized,
with,great cordiality, several orhis for
mer colleagues in Congress, and partie
ularly, expressed his delight with meeting
Rives,and. Summers, of Virginia.; Bar
ringer, of North;Carolina; Johnson, of
Maryland, and some other of the leading
spirits in the Convention. He remarked
thiit they were 'the only men who came
up„in,p,ersonsil appearance, to his previ
ously-formed ideas,
muchpleased.with the recep
tinily and expressed themselves agreeably
disktrAiletotediwith the President elect's
Nyi934l l lkppeartittee.l After the visit of
the commissioners, a request was made
to admit the ladies. Mr. Lincoln re
plied„by saying. that if the ladies desired
to see him,. he was on hand, and a large
concourse ofthe fair sex were introduced,
parsing through to the adjoining apart
ment, where they were very graciously
Committee on the Inauguration, at Wash
ngton,,haie*fully agreed 'on their pro
gramme. At.first it was decided to ad
mit the people into the Capitol, but the
objections to this were at - once apparent,
and the usual mode of procedure at pre
viOus inaugurations was followed. The
platform has been erected on th e
Eastern portico of the Capitol. The
assertion of SqutOrn journals that mili
tary and civic , companies will join in any
procession or escort for the President
elect are entirely without foundation.—
No militnry, companies from a distance
have signified their intention ,to, be in
Washington, and those in the city will
not turn oat, of course. The regular
forces ROW : in Washington will , not serve
as an escort.
ientleraen of islet , / York city hive pre-
Emoted to Mrs. Lincoln an elegant conch,
made to ordbr by a Celebrated manufac
turer. It is what is technically called a
full-dress &coach, with a richly trimmed
hammer-cloth depending from the dri
ver's seat, and.elabcirately carved stand
ard for the footman. The steps are con
cealed, and descend only with the open
ing of thi doors. The lining is of crim
son brocatelle, and the cushions and
back are furnished with the latest im
provement In seat-springs. Altogether
it is a lnauriously fitted up establishment,
The cost was ,$l5OO. It was, forwarded
to Washington on last Monday.
THE COMPROMISE : The Peace Confer
ence on Wednesday afternoon adopted
the propositions for adjustment as amend
ed by Hon. Thoulas , E. Franklin, of Lan
ambits. Messrs. Wilmot and. Meredith
of thetPennsylvardiedelegation dissented.
Weil informed parties. at Washington
say there Iv no doubt that a good start
has been bring about ultimately
a permanentiettlement. "This day, says
Forney's Press will be forever memora
ble in•the political'history of our coun
try, twit was signalized by two very-im
portant events—the final passage of the
new tariff-gill, and the satisfactory con
clusion of the patriotic labors of the
Peace Conference.
ISAAC Y. FOWLER.—IIe is at the city
of Mexico, superintendent of a largo cot
ton mannfaetory near there, for which he
receive a Belau of three thousand dol
lars per annum., He can live there hand
somely on a sixth of that sum.
AFRAID OF TIIE Itssrum—The Pis
unioniSts in all the slaireholding States
are bitterly opposed to having the (Ines-
Coo of Disunion submitted to 'the popu
lar vote. They 'are afraid of tbe people.
C 03DIODORE Imoaariam.—Commodore
DnneenN. Ingraham, says the Charles
ton. Mercury, has (been summoned to
Montgomery, with a view to organizing
a aavylqr,the Confederated States.
G'The ,Charleston correspondent of
the HintonOnd Dispatch confirms the
port that Major .6.l4derson was lyiug , ill
al Fore Sumpter on the 17th had; His
disease, is Pneumonia, and Dr. Robert
son, of Charleston, wils - attending him:
afllie, Charleston Cdurier•says that
"oa Washington's birthday Fort Sump
ter belehed 'forth its saucy salute of
thirtylour guns."
WASHINGTON ITINS : It is not the in
tention of Gen. Cass to leave Washing
ton before the 6th of Marcb, being de
termined to see President Lincoln in
augurated. Be says it is the last cere
mony of the kind he shall probably ever
In Executive session of the United
States Senate, a motion to take up the
nomination of Judge Black, as Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court, was voted
down by three or four majority. A sim
ilar course was pursued in relation to
that of Judge Pettit, as District Judge
of Kansas.
It seems to be conceded that Mr. Lin
coln will endeavor to select at least three
members of his Cabinet from the Border
Slave States: Hon. Ed. Bates has al
ready been appointed, and well-informed
politicians say that Hon. Jno. A. Gilmer,,
of North Carolina, Hon. Emerson Eth
eridge, of Tennessee, Hon. H. Winter
Davis or Hon. Montgomery Blair, of
Maryland; will ^be called upon to fill the
other two positions.
The President elect speaks in glowing
terms of. his reception by the authorities
and people of Pennsylvania, and it is
everywhere admitted that his best speech
es were made in the Keystone State.
The Administration is satisfied, from
official channels of information . , thaenone
of the foreign Governments sympathize
with the secession movements in the
South, but on the contrary, express the
utmost solicitude for the pereservation
of the entire Union.
The New York Times says Mrs. Lin
coln,•while passing through Baltimore,
was grossiy insulted by a rabble which
surrounded the car in which she was
seated in company with Mrs. Capt. Haz
ard, Col. Sumner, Capt. Pope, Judge
Davis, and Robert Lincoln.
It is uncertain whether Hon. Simon
Cameron will go into Mr. Lincoln's Cab
inet as Secretary of the Treasury or Sec
retary of War. Some of the friends of
Hon. Salmon P. Chase insist that be
will be asked to accept the seals of the
Miss Harriet Lane, it is said, has invi
ted Mrs. Lincoln to accept the hospital
ities of the White House immediately
on her arrival at Washington.
Aariong the first callers on Mr. Lincoln
were Mr.-Seward, Gen. Cass and ladies,
Hon. Preston King, Senator Doolittle,
- Vice President Breckinridge, Governor
Powell, of Kentucky, Commodore Spaul
ding, President - Buchanan and Speaker
President Bach:lliad signified to the
city authorities, and to the president of
the Levy Court, that he would be pleas
ed to receive them, and exchange the
usual leave-taking courtesies, on last
Hon. John Bell and lady are amongst
the latest arrivals in Witshington.
The Committee of Thirty-four, ap
pointed by the Pennsylvania Democratic
State Convention which adjourned on
the 22d of February, reached Washing
ton on Saturday last, and were quartered
at the National Hotel. They called on
Vice President Breckinridge, Judge
Douglas, Senator Crittenden, General
Scott, Judge Black, and with President
On Sunday morning last Mr. Lincoln
attended church with Mr. Seward.
The members of Mr. BuChanan's Cab
inet were introduced to the President
elect, by Mr. Seward.
On Washington's birthday, Fort Sump
ter, Charleston Harbor,' fired a national
salute of thirty-four guns, one for each
State. Fort Moultrie, which is. in the
hands of the secessionists, is said to have
responded with six guns, one for each
seceded State.
. President Davis has visited Charleston,
and told the hotspurs there not to at
tack Fort Sumpter at present.
A dispatch received by the. Secretary
of War, informing him that Gen. Twiggs
had surrendered the military property to
the revolutionists in Texas. The Secr
etary received documents from Texas
showing that as early - as the 7th of Feb
ruary Twiges was entering into' negoti
ations with the Texans for the surrender
of the military Property !
Col. Sumner is spoken of as likely to
be promoted to the Geneialship' made
vacant by the resignation of General
It is well understood here that the
manufacturers'and leading business Men
of Pennsylvania have induced many of
those of your State heretofore opposed'
to the appointment of Gen. Cameron to
the Treasury Department under Mr. Lin
coln, to withdraw their opposition, and
notwithstanding a war is still kept up, on
the part of the, free traders to the Re
publican party, to the appointment of a
tariff man to the charge of that Depart
There have been strong representa
tions; made for the retention of Messrs.
Dix and Bolt, and it is not improbable
but what they. may, be requested by Mr.
Lincoln to ,remain—at least for the pres
ent time.
BIT CA - RSON CUrsou, the
famous hunter, guide and mountaineer;
is living at Taos, New Mexico, as Indian
agent to the ;Ufa tribe of Indians; his
salary amounts to $l5OO per annum.—
Kit is not a wealthy wan ; his property
is estimated at about $6OOO. He keeps
fifty or sixty cows, five hundred head of
sheep ' and several horses and ponies.—
Ile married a Mexican lady, with whoin
he liveg hapPily.
c_.— ." ii IP
It is reported fromMoutgamery, Ala.,
that Mr. Yancey declines a seat in the
Cabinet, tendered him by President Da
vis, but that be will accept a mission to
Europe. The following nominations
were made and confirmed. Mr. Toombs,
as Secretary of State ; Mr. Meminger,
as Secretary of the Treasury ; S. Pope
Walker, as Secretary of War. A com
mittee was appointed in the Congress to
inquire into the expediency of laying an
export duty on cotton exported from the
confederated States to any foreign
A bar of iron valued at $5, worked
into horse shoes, is worth $lO ; into
needles, $355 ; rienknife blades, $3,285 ;
shirt buttons, $29,480 ; tbalance springs
of watches, $259,000. Thirty-one pounds
of iron have. been made into wire up
wards of 111 miles in length, and so fine
was the fabric, that a part of it was con-_
verted, in lieu of horse hair, into a wig.
Mr. Bonlighy, 'of New Orleans, who
remains in his place in the House, per
forming duties every day, and refusing
to recognize secession, or leave Congress
unless called hcime by his District, says
the seceeding,States cannot live out of
the Union three months longer, and be
lieves his course will be sustained by the
people when their passions'have subsided.
. . . . . .
The following is in the Raleigh (N. C.)
Register: "Married, at the, residence of
the bride's father, on the 12th of Decem
ber, by the Rev. D. A. Melican, Rev.
- Mark Smith and Miss Santha Ann Mu
rathe, daughter of Gov. Cook, aged 12
years 6 months and 13 days—all of
Chatham county.
- in a recent book on The'Oyster, the
author quotes the great Bccrhave as au
thority to prove that that succulent an
imal-is capable ; of itself, when taken as a
food, to restore even consumptive-pa
tients to perfect health.
Mortimer Thompson,; ("Doesticks,")
will, it is aaid, soon lead to the altar a
beautiful daughter of Mrs. Parton, who
has attained a world-wide celebrity by
the nom de plume of "Fanny Fetn." Mr.
Thompson is at present a widower.
Millie, the inventor of the rifle bearing
his name, supervises an immense work
shop in Paris.
The Montgomery convention has adopt
ed the ConstitUtion of the United States.
The Charleston Mercury says that this
is only an indireet way of tryin'g to get
back into the olrUnion.
A New England woman declares in
print that "Fanny Fern" has done more
to injure her sex, and make men disre
spect them, than any female writer,since
the world hegan.
A plan is being adopted for lighting
the ships in the British navy with gas,
manufactured on board.
The census marshals of New York re
turn 32 cases of intermarriage between
whites and colored persons.
(kin our last we published a short
article taken from the Baltimore Clip
per, which expressed fears for the con
tinued existence of Dickinson College,
on account of Southern students leaving
the institution. We have since learned
from the President of the College (Prof.
Johnson,) that the rumor has no founds
tion' in truth—ttat the institution is un
usually prosperihs, and the Southern
students have no intention of leaving
We cheerfully make the correction.—
Carlisle Volunteer. •
Elieha Griffith, a rich old rascal
residing at Minneapolis, Minn., offered a
married woman of that place $5OO in gold
to, elope with him. The woman con
sented, and informed her husband, who
approved of the plan. !Very soon after
starting she got possession of the money,
and with it returned home, leaving the
old man disconsolate enough. Ile ar
rested her for stealing, but she, was ac
quitted, and allowed to retain the money.
ilErFrederick Germaen, who had been
in his youth a chasseur in the army of
the first Napoleon, was drowned in Seja
quada creek, Buffalo, N. Y., on Friday
night last. He had been - a. resident of
Buffalo for some years, and worked at
the trade'of a ship carpenter.
Forney's Press on Thursday, says :
"We are in formed that the Girard House,
will this day, be open for the .last time,
under the management of Messrs. Pres
bury, Stykes, & Chadwick. It will be
deserted, for some time to come, at all
to- The national debt of the United
States amounts to about a dollar and a
half for, each inhabitant, while the sum
of one hundred and thirty-five
each would be required from all the
British population if they should pay
We With the aid of machinery, twen
ty-five persons turn out 600 pairs of
shoes daily, at a factory at Havehill,
WThe remainder of the celebrated
Massachusetts' herd of cattle, Mr. Chen
ery's, twenty-two head, were killed On
Wednesday, by order of the pleuro pneu
monia commissioners.
The Germans in the interior of
Texas are preparing to leave the State
on account of secession.
MA.RIETTIAN.&c - it-
—A correspondent of a New York pa
per, who has accompanied the President
on his journey to Washington, gives the
following description of his person :-
ISt r. - Liscocx stands six feet and four in
ches high ; he has a large head, with a
very high, shelving forehead ; ' thick,
bushy, dark hair ; a keen, bright, pier
cing, interminable colored eye; a prom
inent, thin-nostriled nose ; a large, well
bowed mouth ; a round, pretty chin ; a
first crop of darkish whiskers; a clean,
well-built neck, more back than chest;
a long, lank trunk ; limbs of good shape
and extreme longitude ; arms ditto, with
hands and feet symmetrical but naturally
large., He wore a black silk hat, a dress
coat, and pants of sombre hue ; a turn
over collar, and other garments, such as
usually' are found upon gentlemen who
enjoy an annual income of at least $25,-
A. bill has been introduced mak
ing it unlawful, after the Ist of Jnly next,
for'any one to practice medicine or gar
gery, who is not a regular graduate of
some legally chartered Medical College,
Academy, University or Institute.—
Practitioners must exhibit their diplo
mas to 'the' itegister •of Wills of the
county•in which they are located, and
have them duly recorded in said office..
The penality for violating the provisions
of 'this act, is $3OO, one-half to go to the
informer, and one year's imprisonmcnt
under certain cincumstance.s.
The letter in which John C. Cal
houn announced to the .Legislature of
South Carolina his purpose to resign his
seat in the Uoited•States Senate, dated
November 26, 1842, closes as follows :
• "That <the State may long retain her
high standing in the Union, and that the
Union itself, with•our free and happy and
glorious institutions, may be transmitted
to the latest-generation, shall to-my last
breath ever be my ardent prayer.
"With the highest respect, I am, &c.,
The little black Republic of Libe
ria is in a highly flourishing condition.
Receipts, last year, $67,324; payments,
$67,650. The former shows an increase
of $20,722 ; the latter includes the pay
ment of nearly $12,000 of indebtedness.
Peace prevails with all the neighboring
tribes but one. The exports last year
were 200 per cent in excess of the previ
ous year. President Benson complains
that the United States won't recognize
'The papers have lately mentioned
that Major Anderson was formerly a
lieutenant in a company commanded by
the present Secretary of the Treasurer,
John A. Dix. The exact fact is that
General Dix resigned as aid•de-camp to
General Brown in 1828. Major Ander
son graduated at West Poiut in 1525.
Gen. Dix served as captairi of Artillery,
at Fort Monroe, in 1826 and 1827, and
Anderson was a lieutenant in his com
W. In one of our exchanges appears
a statement from a correspondent in
Japan, that " Tommy "is dead. Accord
ing to the report of the Japanese, the
cause of the death was delirium tremens,
a disease, we believe, he introduced to
that country. The foreign residents,
however, doubted this, statement, and
strongly suspected that the gay youth
had been beheaded. It is to be hoped
that the,rumor may be unfounded.
air King Victor Emanuel has sent a
present to Teresita, Garibaldi's daughter,
who is now residing at Caprera. It is
a diamond necklace, with ear-rings to
match, and was to have been presented
to her on New Year day, but that the
stormy sea prevented its being received
in time. It is rumored, by the way, - that
this Miss Garibaldi is about to marry a
Sienese • professor who has been lately
visiting Naples.
itlr Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, in
reply to a number of New .York mer
chants, has written a very able and lucid
view of the institution,of slavery, as
drawn from the Scriptures. It sustains
the views of Drs. Raphall and Van Dyke.
Both the Old and• New Testaments are
critically examined upon the subject,
and all possible light is thrown upon the
in v es ti cration..
Cr The Columbus (Ga . .) Times says
that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, wife of the
President of the old Union, has two mar
ried sisters now on a visit to Montgom
ery, Ala. sOne is from Kentucky, and
on a visit to her sister, who resides in
Selma, Alabama. They are both seces
sionists, and opposed to the government
of their brother-in-law, Abraham Lin
cgr Jay Gibbons, a democratic mem
ber of the New, York Assembly, from
the first district of Albany, was arrested
a few days since, at the instance of dis
trict attorney Shafer, on a charge of
bribery .and corruption, in having de
manded rniney for his vote on the bill
to increase the salary of the deputy dis
trict attorney.
whir. - Richard Tea. Broecti, the cel
ebrated turfman, is in New York, in fine
health and spirits—thinks that when he
next goes over to England he will bag a
few more thousand by the superior racing
qualities of "his string," but being a reti
cent man he don't indulge in much gab.
Contrary to its , usual custom, the order
of Free Masons has dabbed a•little in
politics. lathe Grand Chapter of the
State of New York, which convened its
annual session at Albany, last week, the
"national agitation" came up for discus
sion. Their action was based upon a
recommendation from a Chapter in Ro
chester that the State Grand Chapter
open communication with Masonic bodies
in other States on the subject of our na
tional difficulties.• This was referred to
a committee, who reported adversely.—
They say that Masonry cannot rightfully
interfeie in the discussion such corres
pondence would provoke ; but they add
that to be stoical or indifferent would be
impossible, and it would be untrue to
say that Masons are or can be indifferent
to their country's condition; that love
for the Union of the States and the Con
stitution is a cherished sentiment of the
Order, and the preservation of that Union
a sacred duty devolving upon every Ma
son. They deprecate the possibility of
internal strife, and call upon the larder
to use every honorable and legitimate
influence to avert such a calamity.--
Their report; after declining to recom
mend •the opening of correspondence,
concludes with the following resolutions,
which were adopted by the Grand Chap
ter :
Resolved, That while we deplore the
present unhappy condition of our beloved
country, and while as American citizens
we would, under all proper and becom
ing circumstances, pledge "our lives, our
fortunes, and our sacred honor," to main
tain the "Union and the Constitution,".
and uphold the Government of the Uni
ted States ; and while we should, as good
men and Masons, earnestly labor, by the
use of all legitimate means, to avert that
great calamity—civil war, yet, as direct
official action on these subjects light be
misconstrued as an improper interfer
ence with the forbidden subject of poli
ties or the intermeddling with matters of
State, we as a Grand Chapter refrain
from further action.
Resolved, That this Grand Chapter
affectionately and earnestly recommend
to the Masonic fraternity throughout the
land, in this day of national calamity and
excited feeling, that they cherish in their
hearts and exemplify in their lives the
cardinal principles of Free Masonry, viz :
Fraternity, Brotherly Love and Univer
sal Charity; and thus, by precept and
example, sooth irritated feeling, allay
sectional animosity and prejudice, and
thereby bring, legitimately' and fairly,
the great Masonic fraternity, with its
moral and conservative principles and
power, to second the efforts of patriotism,
in seeking to avert national disintegra
tion and calamity.
ft; The spring fashions for pantaloons
are already out in Philadelphia, and of
course will soon be introduced here by
the "ton." The favorite style is a nar
row plaid, in enormous squares. Our
reportorial contemporary of the North
American saw a sample last week, which
he thus describes "One bar rests upon
the boot, the next at the knee, and the
third at the hip, the fourth forming the
waistband. The legs of the gentleman
sporting these trowsers reminded us of
the long loop-hole windows in the front
of the Eastern Penitentiary. The color
is a lively brickdust, barred with orange."
There's a fashion as is a fashion !
To CoNsvairrivEs : The advertiser having
beenjestored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with. a' severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing sod using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of .
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost 'them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Oct. 13,3 m) Kings co.l N. y.
The cures made by Prof. de GRATIS
with his "electric oil," are almost 'miraculous
and so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis
factory, and mitigating of human ill, as to call
upon public functionaries, and those having
charge of public institutions for the sick and
suffering, to look well into the well 'attested
merits, the simple efficacy of this "electric
oil.", The sales are rapidly increasing. Deal
ers supplied at proprietors prices, by Prof. C.
de Grath, No. 217 South Eighth street, near
Chesnut. See advertisement.
We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of It. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
I:3 Se e advertiament of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid llair Dye, in an
other column.
THE undersigned will open a school in the
room now occupied by Samuel Lindsay on
Monday, April Sth, 1861, to continue twelve
Primary Department, $2 00
Secondary, $3 00
113— No reduction except in protracted sick
ness. • f
TIUMBER. An assortment of Dry Lumber
for sale at the most reasonable rates, con
sisiug of White,Pine Boards, Plank, Joist and
short Shingles. Also Hemlock Boards,-Rails,
Scantling and Fencing by J. M. ANDERSON.
XCELLENT Cooking and Eating Applea
always on hand at oliuderson's.
SE.CARS and Chewing Tobacco. • A large
and good ,variety at J. M. Anderson's.
WOOD'S Hair Restorative, at
"io;il; i v aJohlis itisf
Mammoth Publishing House and
Original Gift Book Establidonent
"Liberty and Union,
Now and Forerir,
One and Inseparable,
One Country,
One Constitution,
One Destiny."
Containing selections from Me writings of
that unflinching Statesman and
True Patriot,
Also, the Declaration of Independence; the
Constitution of the United States ;, and Wash
ington's Farewell Address; with copious hi
For the higher classes of Educational Insti
tutions and for home reading. Large 12m0.,
with a Beautiful Steel Portrait of Webster.—
Price $l.OO. Accompanied with a Handsome
Gift, worth from 50 cents to $lOO.
"The Union Text Book" is a volume of
powerful interest for the present times. it,
subject, its authors, its style, accuracy and full
ness entitle it to universal acceptance! Every
Farmershouldhave it! Every Merchant should
have it ! Every Mechanic should have it ! Ev
ery Lawyer, Physician, Politician and Patriot
should leave it ! In fact, Every Body, whether
Man, Woman or Child--whether of the North,
South, Ease or West, should send for a copy of
this—one of the most needed and acceptable
Books ever submitted to the - notice of the
American public.
ATIle presentation of the Constitutional
Text hook to the people of the United States,
certainly needs no apology, for it contains the
fundamental Law of Our Country, with an in
troduction selected. from the writings of him
who has justly been termed the "Expounder
and Defender of the Coustitutfon." In making
the selections from the writings of Mr. Web
ster, great care has been taken to select such
parts as-may be considered National, and which
will tend to strengthen the opinions of the old,
and to impress the young with-A Love of Coun
try, A Veneration for the Constitution A Re
spect for the Memory of the Great and Good
Men who Founded our Republic, add who.haVe.
passed away, a fervent attachment to the'
Union, to Liberty, to Peace, to Order and to
Law, and will. also teacle lessons of Wisdom,
of Morality, and of Religion. Asa Class Book,
this volume is most valuable, and when used
as such, the instructor will readily find in the
indexes suggestions forall the questions neces
sary to be asked, and the answers of the.stu
dents should always be in the. exact words of
text. Address all. otders-
Publisher, 438 Chestnut St., Philada,..
The Romance of, the Revolution;
A volume that will thrill the soul of every
true son of liberty ! Being. a History of the
Personal Adventures, Romantic Incidents anti
exploits incidental to the War of Independence.
Superbly illustrated. large 12 mo. Price
$1.25, accompanied with a beautiful Gift,
worth from 50 cents to $lOO.
a work that should be found at the fireside Of
every American Freeman ! It id peculiarly
acceptable,at the present juncture in our.
tinny.' affairs, portraying as it does the remark
able heroism, the noble impulses, and•the
dom and sterling integrity of the immortal
WASIIINGTOY and his gallant compatriots,
while struggling' for the achievement of our
National independence * in those "times that
tried men's souls"—the days ot
A copy of either of the above mentioned!
works, together with a handsome present, rang
ing in value Irons 50 cents to sloo.oo,will be
sent to any person in the United States who
will remit us the price, and 21 cents additional;
for postage. Bear in mind that to•-every our—
chaser of a book to the amount of $l,OO or
more, we give a Choice Gift, selected from an
extentive and varied assortment of Gold and'
Silver Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry,
Silk Dress Patterns, etc., all of the newest
styles and best manufacture—worth - mot less•
than 50 cents, and possibly $100.00!
Send for a complete classified Catalogue, of .
our own and other's Pubiications, which. wilb
be mailed to you free of expense, make your
seleclions, and be convinced that the most Lib—
eral, Reliable, and Enterprising Establishment
in the country to buy hooks is at the Original
and Popular Gift Book Emporium of
439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
(Patent applied fur.)
This Tie is made entirely' of paper in an end.:
less variety of patterns ' and in perfect imita
tions of silks and other fabrics. The prices are
so low that a gentleman, may wear
A new tie every day
and yet not be chargeable With extravagance.
2n.—" TH e Retar.e TI r.,"
(Patented Jan. 29,1861.)
This is doubtless the most perfect Silk Tie
ever invented. It is really a curiosity, and is
just what the name implies, a peilect "relief "
from the vexations of tying bows.
For sale by Jobbers generally.
Manufacturers, No. 36 Warren-8C ,N. V.
The only house in America engaged exclus
ively in the importation and manufacture of
Neck Ties. - •
The Bodttgger.
TH I S wonderful article, just patented, is
something entirely new, and never be
fore offered to agents, who are wanted every
where. Full particulars sent free.
Address SHAW - 4- CLARK,
Biddeford, Maine..
March 2, IS6I-1)
Cheap Store, Market St., Marietta.
The Fall and Winter Stock of goods of the un—
dersigned is now offered to the public at greatly
reduced prices, in order to make room for a•
Now is the :lime for Great BargainsV.'
For a Good Ambrotype and Casc.
Or, Si TO jlozem f or1 3
At the Marietta Sky-light Picture Gallery,
Market srreet. The undersigned being deter
mined not to he outdone in prices, has put his
Pictures down to the above low figure.
Thankful. for past patronage, be • hopes to be
encouraged at these sacrificing rates.
(IIHE American Watches are among the best
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.
H. L. et E. J. Z A HM
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square •
Lancaster, Pa., have them tor sale at the very
lowest rates--every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its geu
CRTIFICATE NO. 26. For Ten Shares
of Stock in the West Branch & Susgoe
haima Canal Company was either lost or mis
laid by the subscriber sometime in November
last. The finder will be entitled to a reward
by returning it to the owner.
Marietta, February 25, 1863.
$25 REWARD. I will pay the abave
Reward for any information that
will tend to the conviction . of the thief who-en
tered my cellar on Monday night last and stole
n can of lard. HENRY WOLFS: