The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, March 02, 1861, Image 1

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    ~ T nttula
PC II OO 10 Pr Nitaaturt, Agritulturt, ,(jortitultart, Eke aub. astfal lrts, antral Itttlls pi fly 9. 4 , 2 , ysty l linformation, *t.
IJ_ Baler, Editor
'Cy (Ottehly Varitifin.
laneAstti. eotmln
IN CRULL'S ItOW, (sncoND Errouv),
Fire dotn6 East of Mrs: Ftury's Hotel.
If suSscriptions be not paid within six Months,
$1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of th 9 year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us FIVE new imbkcribers
shall have a'sixth copy for blitrinible.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until ull arrcarases are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher.. "A failure to no
tify discontinuance at the expiration of the
ter m subscribed for, will be considered anew
engagement. '
ADVERTISING RATES : One S9uare (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and flusinets cards, of six lines - or less
'at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, flue cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
'AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all,
irre, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
[SUCCESSOR To F. J. ISitA[rii.]
Kerchant Tailor;
Draper and Clothier. Corner of North
Queen and Orange Streets,
AVAILS himself of this opportunity of an
nouncing to the citizens of Marietta: and
vicinity; and his friends and the public in.gen
eral that he has taken the old stand of the late
N.. 1. Kmmph, where he has been employed
for the last ton years, and intends continuing
the Mershaut Tailoring Clothing business in all
lits various branches, and hopes that a
. course of strict fidelity to his patronsmay
merit a reasonable share of their confi
dence and support. In addition to a complete
Stock of Clothing and
Gentlemens Furnishing Goods,
lie well constantly endeavor to provide a good
assortment of French. German and American
Chas, Caminteres and Vesting:,
which will be promptly made to order in a sub
stantial and fashionable manner, or according
to such styles us to his patrons may be most
desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and %Vinter Fashtens received, in addition to
the monthly reports which come to hand regu
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order on 'sale of James
%V. Scott's (formerly Winchester -13 z Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. R. would be doing vielence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in
Marietta, were he here to omit returning his
sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness
they hive extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render hint unworthy a continuance
of the same. (v7-1x
OilLtgS, &c
TN It. HINKLE having just returned from
JO Philadelphia with the most complete and
full assortment of everything in his line ever
offered in this Borough. lie lies purchased
another supply of PURE AI FRESH DRUGS,
which can be depended on for what they are
ri presented, having receited his personal
attention in. the selection. In addition to
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected
consisting in part of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps . and Creams,
Tooth arid Nail Brushes Buffalo and other
` Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies,
Pocket Books, Putl and Powder Boxes, &c.
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for medical purptises.-
The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye.
DeCosties and other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogue, Bariv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Biy
Ruin, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour' or
Bice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of ' pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical hiod, an excellent at,
Heal for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent prepe ration 'for -thetable ; fable
nil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Ilael's perfumery, poinades,
soaps, &C. His Kathairon or Hair-Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the beet.
Particular attention will be paid and great
caution observed in compounding Physicans
prescriptions with accuracy.: Dr. H. will al
ways he found lathe Storounlessprofesaionally
engaged elsewhere.
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark.
Prompt attention given to securing and collect
ing Claims, and Orphans' Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing and other writings promptly
opposite the Court House; where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4,
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door - . 0 " --
f . com Locust, over Saylor
ald's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
amen the Drug and Book Stores. p_iy
CLOCK S—Gooki Time
Keepers, for One. Dollar.
Cloeics, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charies moderate, at WOLFE'S.
etior to any now in use, call be bad at the
Coop Store of Diffenbarh.
WOOD'S Hair Restorativp,
cat:uVis & ROTH'S
Like as the damask rose you see,
Or like the blossoms on the tree,
Or like the dainty flower in kay,
Oflike the 'morning of the day, '
Oi• like the sun, or like the shade, -
Or like' the gourd which Jonas had-f
E'en such isman—whose thread if spun,
Drawn out, and out, and so is done.
The rose witliers; the blossom blasteth,
The flower fades, the morning hasieth,
The sun sets, the shadow'flies.
The gourd consumes—and man he dies!
Like. to the grass that's newly sprung,
01.' like a tale that's new begun,
Or like the bird that's here to-day,
Ur like the pealed dew - of gay,
Or like an libur, or like .a span,
Or like the singing ofn.swan— r
E'en such is man—who lives by breath,
Is here, now there ; in life, in death !
The grais withels, the tale is ended,
The bird has flown, the dew's ascended,
The hour is short, the:span's not long,
The swan's near death—man's life is done !
PRENTICE/MA : Kentucky, is determin
ed to resist,aggression and maititain her
rights, but she does not see in the con
duct of the Northern States , any, good
cause for her making an ass, of herself.
Why didn't South Carolina, instead of
choosing the rattlesnake as her emblem,
take the, gotten-mouthed snake ? The
latter is quite as venomous as the former.
Ex• Secretary. Floyd says, that he will
not, if God-helps him, 'permit Mr. Lin
cpl 11 to bp . President of thelTnitedStates.
Can't you help yourself, Governor, as you
did when, you were inann's length of the,
public money ?
A Soath.Carolina paper advised the
State to adopt a flag with the cross upon,
it, the emblem of the Christian religion.
But she has adopted the Crescent, the
emblem of Mahoinedanism.
Many of the South Carolinians not
only have Yankee arms in their hands
when they , muster in =warlike parade but
Yankee arms around their necks in the
privacy of their own . homes.
Whilst d" teacher in one of our schoOls
was expatiating to -his pupils upon the
influence of climate, food, and mode of
life in changing the Human - complexion,
a smart little girl exclaimed, oh yes, sir,
I have seen some negroei almosi right.
The Secession party can not possibly
get along in unity. It will soon be like
the ragged fellow's shirt; which had to
be Washed by the doien because it was
in dcien' pieces.
The Hon;John Tyler of Virginia is
now doing, good service to the °binary,
He niade a poor President, but he ap
pears to be a c.apitalex-President.
A letter-writer says that Gov. Floyd
is subject to fits ofab's * traction. 'Cer:
tainly , the public money was when he
was Secretary.'
STUDY OF TUE FACE.—A: story is told
of the great French satirist, whiCh finely
illustrates his knowledge of human na
ture. He was traveling in Germany, in,
entire ignorance of its language and cur
rency, Having obtained. some •small
change for some of•his French coins, he
used to pay the coachmen and •others• in
the following manner: Taking a handful
Of the ninhismatical specimens from his
• •
pocket,he counted them one by one into
the creditor's hand, keeping his eye fixed
all the• time on the receiver's face. As
soon as he perceived the least twinkle of
a smile, he took back the last coin de
posited in the hand and returned it, with
the remainder, to his pocket. He after
wards found , that, in pursuing this meth
oli,he had not overpaid for anything.
Washingtonlntelligence' . of the • 19th
says : The venerable John Johnson of,
Ohio, whose arrival, in Washington was,
mentioned in December last, we regret
to learn, was found dead in his bed at
the Clay House, yesterday morning.—
He was one. of the companions of the
inrimortal, Daniel Boone, and ,when the
remains bf that celehrated pioneer were
a. few years ago.removed and consigned
to a final resting-place, the „Legislature
of Kentucky sent for kr. Johnson to act
as one of the pall-bearers, and follow
him to his .
last grave, Mr. Johnson was
eighty-six years of age; and had beep a
regular subscriber to the National Intel
ligencer for sixty years.
A RE-UNrox.—A family re-union took
place on Wednesday, at tbe house. of
Captain Jedediah Chapman, at New
Haven, in honor of the eighty-seventh
birthday of Mrs. Rebecca Farnham,
mother-in-law of Captain. Chapman,—
Her descendants to the fourth genera
tion were Assembled from four different
States, and had reached the city so pri
vately that the old lady, on entering the
room, was most agreeably surprised by
tiii 2re...!ttil;_ , IN!!!, )1, ‘‘,;, t
T.e soil of Bladensburg, Md., has a
bloody record. It has been the scene of
many a refined murder in days past.—
One wko visits the place now will find
the field green with verdure, and here
and there, flowers springidg from the
sod, which , a few years since was ,tram
pled by the feet of 'men arrayed in deadly
hostility. Here, on a beautiful grass
pia, surrounded by trees, forms made
after the image of God came to insult
nature and defy heaven.
In, 1814 Edward Hopkins was killed
here in a 'duel. This seems to have
been the first of these fashionable mur
ders on this dueling ground.
In 1819, A. T. kason, a United States
Senator from Virginia, fought with his
sister's 'husband, John McCarty, here. , ---
McCarty. was averse to fighting, .and
thought there was no necessity for it ;
but Mason would tight. McCarty named
muskets loaked with .buckshot,, and so
near together that they would hit heads
if they fell on their faces. This was
changed by, the seconds to loading. with,
bullets, and taking twelve feet AS the.
distance., • Mason was killed instantly,
and McCarty, who had• his• collar-bone
broken, still continued to live with Ma
son's sister in GeorgetoWn. His hair
turned white so soon after the fight as
to cause much comment. He hag since
been solicited to act as second in a' dnel,
but refused, in accordance with.a pledge
made to his wife soon after killing her
In 1820, CommcOore Decatur was
killed here in a duel, by Commodore
Barron. At the first fire, both fell for
ward, and lay with their heads within
ten feet of each other; and each fully
and freely forgave the other, still lying
ou the ground. Decathr expired in a
few days, but Barron eventually recov
In, 1821, two strangers, named Lega
and, Sega; appeared, here, fought, and
Sega was. instantly. killed,. The, neigh
bors only learned this much of their
names from the marks, of their gloves
left Ofl the ground. Lega was not hurt.
In 182 9 blillshipman Locke was killed
here in a duel with a clerk of the Treas
ury Department, named Gibson. The
latter was not hurt.
In 1526, Henry Clay fought (his sec
ond duel) with John Randolph, just
across the Potomac, as Randolph pre
ferred to die, if at all, on Virginia soil.
The latter received Clay's shot, and then
fired his pistol in the air. This was in
acCordance with'a declaration made to
Mr. Benton, who spoke' to Randolph - of
a call the evening before on Mrs. Clay,
and alluded to the - quiet sleep of her
child and the repose 'of the mother.—
Randolph quickly answere.d, "I shall do
nothing to disturb the sleep, of the child
or the repose of the mother." General
Jesspp was Clay's second. When Ran
dolph fired, he remarked "I do not shoot
at yen, ,Mr. Clay," and extending his
hand,-advanced towards Clay, who rushed
to , meet. him. Randolph .showed Clay
where his ball struck his, coat,.and said,
facetiously : "Mr. Clay., yen owe ,me ,a
coat." Clay 'replied : GA, the
debt is no greater." They were friends
ever after.
• In 1832, Martin was killed here by
Carr. Their first names are not remem
bered. They were from the South.
In 1833, Mr. Key, (son of' tiati6ieS.*
Key, and brothel. of Bart6n'lCeY; of
Sickles notoriety,) met Mr. Sherborn,
and Sherborn said : "Mr. Key, I have no
desire to kill you." "No matter,", said
Key, "Lcame to kill you." "Very well,
'them" said Sherborn,_"l will now kill
you.;" and he did.
In 1545:, a lawyer, named Jones, fought
herewith a ; I? r,, Johnson, an& killed him.
In 1851,;R,,A. Hople, and A. J.-Dallas
had A. hostile meeting here, Dallas was
wounded in the,shoulder,,but recuvered.
In 1852, Daniel and . , Johnson, two
Richmond editors, had a harmless "affair
of honor" here, which terminated in
In 1853, Davis and- Ridgway- fought
here. — Ridgway allowed his O.ntagoilfit
to fire, without retainiog the shot
JA correspondent of the Mobile.
Dispatch says that. Captain-Vaughan, of
the British bark Halos, was tarred and'
feathered by the Rattlesnake Clully "for
asking a colored stevedore to dine with
him." The grand jury at Savannah have
indicted several parties implicated in the
outrage. Great:Britian 'will not submit
to that insult as Buchanan does to Worse.
The statistic report of the number of
animals slaughtered in New York, for
last year, shows that the annual average
is "two animals for each inhabitant"—a
,1,, ,plea., to I,N .p 11 , '
WAR. Tertms.Tile" COliirnbiad or
Paiihan (pronounced pay-iari)lsa large
gun, &signed principallY Bring shells
it being far more'accurate thanthe or
dinary short mortar.
A Mortar is a very short cannon-with
a large bore, . some .of , them thirteen
inches in diameter, for, firing shells
Those', in use in our army are. set at .an
angle of 45 degrees,and l the range of-the
shell is varied by altering,the charge < of
powder. The shell is termed to, explode
at just about the time ethat it strikes,,by
means of a fuse, the length of which is
adjusted,to the time of flight to ~be .oc
copied by the ball, which, of course, cOr
responds with the range. The:accuracY
with which the time of the burping of a
fuse can be adjusted by varying itslength
is surprising'; good
. artillerists generally
succeeding in having their shells . filode
almost at the exact instant of striking,
In loading a mortar, the shell is care
fully placedwith the fuse directly 'for
ward, and when the piece is discharged,
the shell is -so completely enveloped
with flame', that the fuse is nearly
ways fired The fuse is made by filling
a wooden cylinder with`fuse' powder, the
cylinder being of sufficient length for
the longest range, to'be cat down short
er for shorter ranges - as required.
A Dahlgren gun is an ordinary cannon,
except. that it is made, very thick at the
breech for some three or four feet, when
it tapers down sharply to less than the
usual size. This form was adopted in
consequence of the experiments of Cap
tain Dahlgren,of the U. S. navy, having
shown that when a gun bursts, it usually
gives way at the breech. The Niagara
is armed with these guns, and at the
Brooklyn navy yard there are sixty,
weighing about 9,1500 pounds .each, and
six of 12,000 - pounds-weight each, the for
mer of which are capable of carrying
nine inch, and the latter, a ten inch shell'
a distance of two or three miles ;
there is one gun of this pattern whiCh ,
weighs 15,910 pounds, and is warranted
to send an eleven inch shell' four- miles !
A casemate is a stone roof to a fort'
made sufficiently thick-to resist the force
of cannon balls, and a casemate gun is
oue which is placed under a casemate.
A barbette gun is one which is placed
on the top of the fortification.
An' ernbrasare the hole or .operiing
through which guns are fired from forti
fications. • •
Loop holes are openiugs in walls to
firemusketry through.
Poisoxs.—,Man is the most wanderful
of animals. Among other strange things
which he an do, he can eat poisons with
a certain degree of:imp‘ity. It is only
necessary to be prudent, regular, and
careful about the doses,. to survive for a
considerable period.
A certain quantity. of opium kills.—
Four Or five grains is almost certain
death to apersim not in the habit of using'
it ; but any one can learn to eat twenty
and thirty-grains at a dose:- It becomes
the necessity of a second nature, and
thoughit shortens life, it does it so slowly
that its operation is not alarming. •
So coffee,tea,, and tobaccoafe poisons.
It requires some hardihood to get ttecus-'
tomed to the latter. A drop or two of
the essential oil of either of these nar-
cotics. or a very concentrated decoction,
will, kill ; yet how many millions of men
use all three every day of their lives.-,
There is some derangement of the ner
vous system—some diminution of the
strength—probably some shortening of
life;' yet how few hesitate to use these
fascinating luxuries,!
AndArsenie is very.decidedly a poison,
yet' there is at least, one country in the
world where it as habitually eaten. A'
youig man of seventeen, say,-begins by.
taking thrde grains at a dose; which. is
gradually increased until he, gets up,to
twenty-three grains. It does not do to
exceed this (plantar ! nor is it - safe to
leave off suddenly. When the arsenic
eater arrives at the age of fifty, he grad
ually diminishes the dose. The immense
'quantity of poison constant!) ,
through his system does not prevent him
reaching the age of seventy or - eighty.
For all this, it is our opinion .that the
more dimple our food, and the lesspoison
we take.of any kind or in any form;. , the,
better. Probably no man, at• the of
his life, was ever sorry he bad taken little
opium, or brandy, or tobacco, though
some - Inay have been sorry for - 6404. too
much. •
CONTRACT TON Ovsacoa4s,--The Gov
ernor and Councilliavezwardeci to Wm.
Deacon, of Bosionfithe - contract fot mak
ing two thousand overcoats for the Mas
sachusetts Militia, who may be called,
lute active service,
llar a Year
Wrio istr.'oocAstoakr.-?!' This question ;
so often asked, is answered by the Wash
ington - correspondent of the Harrisburg
Telegraph : • - -
Johnl. M'Elhone, as a reporteroatands
at the head of his . profession 4here in
WashingtonL-John WElhone as the
Occasional of the Philadelphia. Press, is
better known: to they country ban any
other newspaper, writer, from the :fed eral
Capitol.- As Occasional the.e: eonntrf
knew him intimately—but as John: 3.
M'Elhone he is only known to his friends;
among whom he is, :regarded; as one of
the most, accomplished men of: the; inaes.
He is .a Philadelphian by hirth,a grad
uate of, the High , School in ;
and has been engaged as a reporter: for.
the Qlobemewspager for nea'rly ten years,
commencing when he was yet in his7teens.
I have heard, John C. Rives, the propri
etor of the Globe, pronounce ,M.r.,M'El
hone the most correct reporter that ever
wrote a word—the highest compliment
that could possibly be paid to any man
in the- profession; because =some of the
most accomplished .scholars haven been
engaged -by, Mr. lives as reporters for
his.newspapers which is receglaised as .
the official paper of. Congress.
gentleman,an ardent .linion man, wrote
to his friend in Ne.w: - kork that he:, had
lost a child. He could, not bear that it
should - die under the Palmetto frig. It
had been born under the stars and
stripes, and the patriot
. father wished it
to breathe its last under the, same nation
al emblem. He procured a little flag,
one of those so often in the hands of our
children and in use on festive occasions,
and as his dying child Was sinking into
the,arms of death waved above its head
the mimic standard of ~a yet loved and
powerful though assaulted Union. Best.
assured that man can safely be trusted
with his country's honor.
of the census for the four Slaveholding In
dian communities West of the State of
Aidiatisas have' bed e rire - Cei'Vid`bytli k e De
partment at Washington. The Commun
ities referred to are the Choctaws, Cher
cikeeS, Chickasaws and " SeminOles.---
I\'liist of those Indians", heads of farnilies o.
are slaveliolders. The "SeininOled were,
the only tribe' which refused to let the
Assistant Marshall enumeraty their
slaVes. Several 'thonsand `slaves are
owned by the tribes, taken in the agge
gii.te; and these'slaves are employed by
the Indians in cultivating their lands:,
and are well and`kindly‘treated.
rA couple of fishermen at Key,port
have recently discovered a new oryster
bed, which bids fair, to •ereate an eieite-' 1
ment something similar to
_that on Longl
Island Sounds sonie two years since.-- 1
The shell :resembles those of the "Old
Sounds,", with aune4t like they East .
ers, and a flavor said to be equal to . the
famous' Nor Walk oysters. .The two Men
who have-discoveredrthe , bed.,‘ of course,:
keep the locality a secretonerely giving
its locality onaersey shore, between Co
ney Island and•Sandy;lfook. , They fish
for thenroniy during the night, and take
them by dragging in over twenty feet of
in the suit against the bail of Isaac
V. Fowler, late postmaster of gew York,
the jury found by, their verdict that at
the time of Fowler's appointment by Air.
nuchanan, he was
_a defaulter, and that
fact being known to the Government 're
lieved those who then became his sure
ties. Here is, another comment, upon
Mr Buclianan's frequent and osteutati
ous declaration that after his inaugura
tion he intended to set an example to all
Administrations, past ana :to opine, by
making his Fresidency the most upright,
economical, and correct in our history.
'Cr The Selebtnien of the town of NeW
London, Ct.. have.faken occasidnAdi in
tioduce all able-bodied applicantifcir`iii
sistance to- a , saw, eaw-horse and—wood
pile before passing upon their title - 'to'
aid - from the town. This test has', 'in
most cases;'proved too much for the piu
pins, who, 'after 'a 'little exercise, have
"ikooted " to more'faiorable loCatfime
or throw& lhenitelves' upon 'private
t `the Ciwiettument 'in British'lndia
circular" -
has issued a cir,cular peYmittin g the
Episcopal Chafch'eq`a i t' the va,iibus ita
tiOn3s 'tO 'be' "über b l y 'of the
Church - Of - BCotiland. of
Clcutta' endores tite.'Cro4elpfidolit`"C-6 :
caltit, considering it "a reason'iible eei
catiredsy to tlio Cb ur i ch 'of Seotiand,
LA, ; machine which will make 100,000
slate pencils a day, has been invented by
a Hartford, Ct. mechanic.
NO. 33.
~_a.,ultiosuams,o.B.THE HERMITAGE
A gentlemen who recently made a pil
grimage to the Hermitage—that shrine
so dear to . all Who cherish and honor the
memory of as brave a man and as pure
a patriot as our Republic ever produced
—givethe subjoinedinteresting account
of some Of the 'curiosities which he there
- "Prominent among, the curiosities was
a wooden pitcher.-. itit was of wood from
the elm trees ;Under whichMilliam Penn
made- the. celebrated' Indian treety.—
The pitcher was'madeand presented by
the coopers of Philadelphia, and although
it is, not larger than a common cream
jug, it contains seven 'huridred'and fifty
staves: The hoops, lid, and handles are
of silver ; the bottom is a magnifying
glass, by looking through which' one is•see thejoints; which are not
visible to the naked eye.
:".11Ve notice:lllllfickoty.' This
iglu noble= old 'cup—that.isrtwo CllllB with
on'e bottoni pso that *Mr one end is'
turned up. the :otherend - hrturned down.
It is, as its name implies; of hickbry, and,
what is most singular about _ it; has a nat-
ural handle.» siinkratlock about
one foot' in length, with 4 both ends hol
lowed, the. parent stem of Which was se
vered by a cannon , ball, in the war of the
"The next thing we will mention is a
calumet of stone, presented by some In
dian chief; a bayonet with a large root
grown round - it, found near the battle
ground below New Orleans ; the cup and
suer out of which General Washington
dhink his last teas ; and a small piece of
candle,:found in the tent of Co`rnwallis
when he atirrendere,d to General Wash
ington; and clbsed the 'Revolutionary
struggle: The hist %timed article was
given to General Jackson, with the re
quest that heiwoUla light it on every
4th of J'tily.'".Alts..aacksOn stated that
they had 'faked tb dd this owing to its
By the way, one irnonethe many curi
ous 'and 'unexpected facts presented in
Parton's forth-toniing Life of Gen. Jack
son is, that the indiiinitable hero of New
Orleans began his 'career as teacher of
an "Old Field School" in South Caro
lina, and in that vocation he earned the
money which supported him while he
studied law. So that the iron-nerved
and irop-willed,"Old pickory," as well
as the majestic :,',Dnfender of the Consti
tutio,n,k:pnww:hat it was to "teach the
young ,idea how to shoot."
Suni-tvE : The Sciences of
Life and DeutV 7 ---We observe that a
machine` for diting bullets, capable of
turning Mit one' inticlred and sixty rifle
balls Per mitiuCe,'hits been started at
,Washington. Twice as much attention
is paid to the science of killing'as to that
of curing. More than five hundred in
struments 'of Wholesale destruction have
been patented within the last twenty
years. and only two; great curatives, Hol
loway's „pills and Ointment, have been
introduced-within thilt time.• It would
seem, however, ~that these medicines
pretty fairly balance the account between
the healing art and i,the science of de
struction. The probability is, that they
save a much greater number of lives than
patent rifles, pistols and cannon destroy;
and as their. consumption „is ,increasing
in geometrical ratamin this country, the'
odds in .their,favor- are augmenting every
year. `Abe late Celiferuia,„papers repre
sent these remediea ; as,accomplishiog the
most extraoydinery, cures. in that State,
and especially, in the , placeres,. wet and
dry. That most tenacious of internal
diseases, dysentery,4s , said to have lost
allits terrors in the eyes of the miners,
since the introdtiCtion 'of the Pills ; and
the virulent ertiptions and Ulcerous dis
orders, contracted by working,in exca
vations half filled with water; under 'a
hot sun, are so 'rapidly reduced by the'
application of the 'Ointment, that the
diggers are less careful than they ought
to be to avoid exposure Bilious, remit
tents; and intermittent, feyers, havelere
tofore' been .terrible scourges in *wa l k t.
ley Of the Sacramento, and in the neigby
borhood of all the water-coursesmvltelli
the presence •of gold , has attractata.pei-f
ulation ; , but •now, the papers say2tliitt t
these disorders appear to:-be dying' out'-
under the renovating and purifying op=
eration of the former prdparatior t ,illis
is better news than the liiielliienoct`ti
new gold cliscove'ries.—Piritsville,ReY.,
eir President Jeff. Davis is-reported <
as having already, arranged his Cabinet, -
ilnd As as follows : - •
Secretary of State,
.11erscifielyS1 idhospr!, Ga.
S.'clei . aly of War, 1 5, .%4411461.T.bui5inti..
Secretary Of. the Navy, I .g+*:;:- Fal"
Secretary of the 'atelier, VliT_*nps. S. C.
Post Office Deliarttnent, J. LI. j.lemphil), Tex.
Attoravy ;Lueral, Joint A. biliCure,