The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 3

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MARIETTA CAR TIME: The fellowing is
the starting time for leaving "Upper-Station:',
Marietta. Accommodation, at 7.50 8:m
Ilarrisbu% Accommodation, 2,21'
Mail Tram, 6.26 p . ,m
m . m
Live Stock With Emigrant attached,'lo.lop.
Goii WEST.
Mail'Train, 12.11 noon.
Harrisburg Accommodation, 6.26 p. m.
Thefreight and Emigrant, 1.40 a. in ,
The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom
modation West will pass at "Upper Station.
A fire broke out in Dzt.t.ixota's
4.mbrotype Galley on Tuesday morning
last, from-the jipe (from his harness
rooms below stairs) coming in contact
with the curtains and fixtures of the
A.mbrotype department on the second
floor.- Considerable damage was dons
his rooms and quite a number of Ambro
type cases, Photograph cards, and chem.
itles were destroyed.. We ago glad to
learn that he has been literally crowded
for the past week taking likenesses at
the /ow figure of "three fps." . 1•1' ove s
the time to supply your friends with
yoUr'likeness at almost no prii.e.
ar The Marietta Literary Society
announce Mr. I. S. (Joist, principal of
the High School, as lecturer for Monday
&toning next. The subject of the lec
ture will be "Human .
Girod's String 13and has kindly con-
Bunted to be present, which will be an
additional attractive feature of the ev
In order to replenish the exhausted
funds of the Society, hereafter an ad
mission fee of five cents will be'required
ofinalei only.
en Saturday afternoon last, Philip
Vontz residing on the "old factory road,"
near Lancaster, was drowned in the Con
estoga, a short distance below the Poor
House Bridge. He and a German man
ware in a boat, when the vessel capsized
aid they fell into the water. The Ger
man was rescued from drowning by his
faithful dog, the animal coming to his
rescue. The body of Pontz was found
a short distance below where the acci
dent occured.
our Fifty young lads, from 16 to
years old, have formed themselvs into a
company, in Lancaster city. They call
themselves the "Military Cadets," are
drilled by Capt. E. K. Young, and will
uniform themselves in a short time. Dr.
Young is said to be a well drilled officer.
fat'The Lancaster Examiner gives the
following on dit : "A prominent office
licader of Philadelphia forwarded jive
hundred dollars to this city, to be used
in .getting up a demonstration for old
Mr. Buchanan, on his arrival from Wash
Imo' Our friend S. B. Markley has dis
posed of his Job Printing iiEstablish
mtent, in Lancaster,to Rev. k H.Thomas,
of The Ohureh Advocate, who has unit
od the two offices idons, is the building
occupied by Mr. Markley.
air The bill to exempt the Yeates In
stitute, in Lan eastei, from taxation, and
Conewago Island from the payment of
chool and road taxes, have both been
reported, with a recommendation that
they be negatived,
Henry Rohrer, better
,known as
" Harry Stiff," died in Lancaster on Fri
day last. Everybody knew Bitrry, his
•calling was a very peculiar one, and his
place will•be hard to fill.
The intelligencer states that Pres
ident Buchanan is expected to arrive at
Wheatland " on the 4th or sth or
:March, and that Gen. Cass will accom
pan! hint.
tfir Mitchell J. Weaver, of the Lan
+castei• Fencibles, was, on the 13th inst.,
elected Lieutenant Colonel of 2nd Bri
gade, 3rd Division P. M., in place of
Owen Hopple, resigned.
'The Twenty-second passed off very
quietly in our place, with the exception
of ringing of the bells early in the morn
ing ; nearly every person intending to go
to Harrisburg to see the President elect.
fir Several rafts passed - our place on
Tuesday last. The river is up and from
present appearances 4 ‘ spring business "
may be said to have "set-in."
car Oitr neighbor Boyle, on Front
street, is putting np a new fence, which,
with a coat of whitewash, will make that
corner look quite genteel.'
CrA Petition to the President for
the pardon of Judge Vondersmith is hi
circulation is this place, and being very
generally signed
ar A select summer school will be
opened by young Mr. 'Wisner, who is
nail' teaching at Chesnut Hill. See
sr A fine chance to get a very cheap
and fine portrait of General Scott and
Maj. Anderson. See advertisement.
fa - Rev. 141 r. Clawges offers a, reward
for the miscreat who destroyed some
rare - plants in his garden.
Cr The Susquehanna is now bank
full and perfectly clear of ice.
CD - James M. Anderson advertises
Luintrer for sale.
T E \Til I LA • - A i ‘ k ik :G. .-Virn
1:16"Our exchanges are filled with ac
counts of burglarie§ committed in their
respective localities. Our own county
appears to be a favorite field for the op
erations of these nefarious scoundrels.—
Every night almost a dwelling, store or
spring house is entered and rich booty is
obtained. Our citizens will do well to
keep a watchful eye on the gentry that
ostensibly vend small wares, but who,
in reality, are "spotting for plunder," as
they call it. Beggars, too, need watch
ing. While the "lady of the house" is
obtaining something to satisfy the appe
tite of the apparently needy, valuable
articles are stolen, while her back is
turned, and only missed when pursuit is
ar A shocking accitimit — occured on
the farm of Jacob Myers, near Lancas
ter, by which a little girl named Mary
Bach was instantly killed. Mr. Myers
was engaged in threshing in his barn
with a machine, which was connected
with the horse-power on the outside, by
means of a horizontal shaft. The child
was sent from the house to Mr. Myers to
enquire for a key, and before she enter
ed the barn she stepped over, the shaft.
In returning, however, and while in the
act of stepping over the shaft^ a second
time, her clothing caught fast, and she
was whirled around a number of times,
With great force, her head striking upon
the ground and scattering her brains in
all directions.
dreds of stimulants have been invented and
sold, purporting to be specific in the various
diseases and derangements to which the deli r
cate form of woman render her subject. The
result of all these stimulants has been to im
part momentary activity to the nervous system,
and false vigor to the muscles; but this relief
has been succeeded by a depression and pros
tration greater than before ; and the repeated
attempts of invalids to build themselves up by
these false remedies, have finally ended in de
stroying what little vital organizatiol i avas
left. But in using " Ikerhave's 4ollamt7 Sit
tars," you will find no such disastrous results.
It is a . purely vegetable compound, prepared
on strictly scientific principles, after the man
ner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bmr
have. Under its influence, every nerve and
muscle receives new strength and vigor, ap
petite and sleep return, and finally perfect
health. See advertsement in another column.
To CoNstriurrivEs The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free oT charge]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the presaiption will please address
REIT. EDWARD A. WlLsorr, Williamsburg,
Oct. 13-3m] Kings co., N. Y.
" Messengers of Joy." Disorders of the Kid
neys, stone and gravel. In all diseases affect
ing these organs, whether they secrete too
much or too little water, or afflicted with stone
or gravel, with aches and pains settled in the
loins over the regions of the kidneys, more
benefit may be derived in . twenty-four hours
by the use of these medicines than would be
in six months by any other treatment. In
bad cases if a small pot of the Ointment be
rubbed on the small of the back over the kid
neys it will quickly penetate 'and give instant
relief; but perseverance is necessary to effect
a cure. Six or eight pills should -be taken
nightly according to circumstances. A trail of
these remedies will be attended with satisfac
tory results.
The cures made by Prof. de GRATH
with his "electric oil," are almost, miraculous
and so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis
factory, and mitigating of human ill, as to call
upon public functionaries, and those having
Charge of public institutions for the sick and
suffering, to look well into the well attested
merits, the simple efficacy of this "electric
nil." The sales are rapidly increasing. Deal
ers supplied at proprietors ptices, by Prof. C.
de Grath, No. 217 South Eighth street, near
Chesnut. See advertisement.
iC„ , — We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
ESee advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
rrgE undersigned will open a school in the
room now "occupied by Samuel Lindsay on
Monday, April Sth, 1861, to continue twelve
Primary Department, $2 00
Seco udary, $3 00
3-• No reduction except in protracted sick
The subscriber has just issued Portraits of
General SCOTT and Major ANDERSON;
printed in twelve oil colors, 'by the same pro
cess as the celebrated picture of Mount Vernon.
Price for both. Portraits, post-paid, $2.
Agents wanted in every county.
112 South Third street, Philadelphia.
$5 LOwLaLrdAwßill
beR EWARD. The above
paid by the scbseriber
for the apprehension of the person who on sev
eral occasions has destroyed some rare and
choice plants in his garden while the family
were away from home.
Marietta Feb 23, IS6I.
T4UNIBER. All assortment of Dry Lumber
for sale at the most reasonable rates, con
sising of White Pine Boards, Plank, Joist and
short Shingles. Also Hemlock Boards, Rails,
Scantling and Fencing by J. M. ANDERSON.
8 5,000 , 000 DOLLARS. A BLUE BOOK of all
the offices of the United States •Govern-'
ment, with the salaries attached, St cents.—
Any kind of Government Books illpplied.—
Catalogue furnished. Editors publishing this
will he sent a copy oft he Blue-Book. Address
ALF. 111 7 NTE.R. Fookseller.
P. C. •
S . s. EAT.HvoN,
Merchant Tailor,
Draper and Clothier. corner of Nora
Queen and Orange Streets,
A FAILS himself of this opportunity of an
_Mk nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late
F. J. Kraroph, where he has been employed
for the last ten years, and intends continuing
the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in all
its various branches, and hopes that a
course of strict fidelity to his patrons may
merit a reasonable share of their confi
dence and support. In addition to a complete
Stock of Clothing and
Gentlemens Furnishing Goods,
He will constantly endeavor to provide a good
assortment of French, German and American
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings,
which will be promptly made to order in a sub
stantial and fashionable manner, or according
to such styles as to his patrons may be most
desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and Winter Fashions received, in addition to
the monthly reports which come to hand regu
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order on sale of James
W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in
•Odarietta were he here to omit returning his
sincere dianks for the many acts of kindness
they have extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render him unworthy a continuance
of the same. fv7-1-v
,Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. Cassel's store, Market street,
'THE undersigned having associated them
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkles Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of
elonTS, &
which they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer.
Cutting done at short notice;
Marietta.. Sep. 10, 1859.-tf
Taken at half the usual price. Put up in the
usual style.
J. S: McClure
Will be at Lyndsay's Ambrotype Room,
For a short time.
Call immediately and get a fine toned
and life-like Ambrutype
'Pictures inserted in Rini's, Brest Pins, Me
dallions, Sec. Be quick' as thne is limited.
Marietta, Feb. 9, 1891.-a
lAlexander Lyndsay,
'Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neigh borhood that he has
the Largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKE.B.
himself,is enableu to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
11:?•Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elSewhere.
Er`IIKAT DailtaliNS
Cheap Store. Market St., Marietta,.
The Pall and Winter Stock of goods of the un
dersigned. is now offered to the public at pdatly
reduced prices, in order to make room for a
Now is the Time for Great Bargains!!
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark.
Prompt attention given to securing and collect
ing Claims, and Orphans' . Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing nig other writings promptly
"4:1 1111. ONLY 18 CTS.
For a Good Ambrotype and. Case.
s.)ozeil fot• ilofogistiplisil
At the Marietta Sky-light Picture Go , lery,
Market srreet. The undtrsigned being deter
mined not to be 'outdone in prices, has put his
Pictures down to the above low figure.
Thankful for past patronage, he hopes to be
encouraged at these sacrificing rates.
H. L. & E. J. ZAHM
ESPECTFULLY inform their
4Y n, friends and the public that they
still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
AND JEWELRY liminess at the old
stand; North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
Wen rates. ICr Repairing attended to per
kindly by the proprietors.
10 Boxes Havana Oranges;
2 Frails New Crop Dates,
25 Barrels Choice Apples,
25,000 Prime Havana Segars,
Fresh Lemons, Soda, Farina,
Water, Butter, Graham, Ginger,- Sugar and
tj Large Posters, witn Cuts, •
Sale Bills, till sizes,
Circulars, Blanks, Cards,
and every description of Job Printing, neatly
and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of
/FRS. S. A. 11PCALION Will re-open. her
Ili School for Plain Sewing a n d Fancy
Work, on Monday, May 6th, 1861.
- TERars :—s2 per month.
/la - None taken for less time.
Marietta, February 9, 1861. 30-3 t
SPECTACLES to suit all who.Eyt
can be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. 4. E. J. ZAHAVS, Cor
ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refitted in ofd frames,
at short notice.
ATALENTINES large and splendid as-
V sortment of Comic . and Sentimental Valen
tines at every price from one cent to one dol
ar at J. M. Anderson's.
AMILY C O U Gil SVIttIP :—A •Cough
SYrup, for children' and adbltS bus just
been put up at my store, which should be in
e - ..ery family this cold weather. P. ilin!•le.
-BBUGGY and Sleigh LANKETS of various
styles and aU much lower prices than the
same sold last fail. , ,Spangler Puller:lva.
Jpericr to any . now in use ; can be had atithe
More of Difenbach.
(9))ll,?.lapeNt;o9 i)tis .$lOOO
And grows more and more popular every Day,
"grows more and more popular every day ! and testimonials, new, and almost
without number, might be given from ladies
and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose
united testimony none could resist, that Prof.
Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald
and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old age, in all its youthful beauty.
Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, ISSS,
PROF. WOOD : Thee willt please accept
line to inform thee that the hair on my head all
fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a com
plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A contin cal course of suffer
ing through life having reduced me to a state of
dependence, I have not been able to obtain
stuff for caps, neither have I 'ken able to do
them up, in consequence of which my head has
suffered extremely from col*, This induced
me to pay Briggs & Hodges almoSt the last cen t
I had,on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followed the directions and
the bald spot is now covered with hair thick
and black, though short, it is also coming in all
over my head. Feeling confident thatanother
large bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently, I feel anxious to persevere ih its use,
and being destitute of means to purchase any
snore, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be
willing to send r. a an order on thine agents ter
a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture
dechtration---"the reward is to those who are
kind to, the widow and the fatherless."
Thy friend, SUSANNAH. KIRDF.
Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859
Rear. 0. J. WOOD': Dear Sir the latter
part of the year 1854, while attending the State
and National Law School of the State of New
York, my hair, from a cause unknown to the,
commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six months the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining por
tion upon the side and back part of my head
shortly after became grays so that you will not
be surprised" When I tell you-that upon my re
turn to the State of Indiana, my mere casual
acquaintances were not so much at a loss to
discover the cause of the change in my appear
ance, as my more intimate acquaintances were
to recognise me at all.
I at once made application to the most skill
ful physician in the country; but, receiving no
assurance from them that my hair could again
be restored, I was forced to become-reconciled
to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part
of the year 1837, your Restorative was recom
mended to me by a druggist, as being the most
reliable Hair Restorative in use. tried one
bottle, and found to my great satisfaction.that
it was producing the, desired effect. Since that
time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of
very soft black hair, which no money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor
and skill in the production of so wonderful an
article, I have recommended its use to many o
my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hap
py to inform you, are . using it with like effect.
Very respectfully yours, A. M. LATTA,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
THE RESTORATIVE is put up in bottles of
Once sizes, viz : large, medium, and small; the
small holds 1-a-pint, and retails for $1 a bottle
the, mediu ni holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the Small, retails for $2 pe
bottle; the large holds a quisrt, 40 pet cent
more in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. T. WOOD & CO., Proprietors,
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
- 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo.
I.And sold by all good druggists-and fancy
goods dealers. [t7-7-.14-3st.
And the various affections consOnent upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion ' Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky
Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency,
Costiveness, Blind and Ideating' Piles. lu all Ner-
TORS, - Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections it has in
numerous instances proved highly. enefiefal, and in
others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on
strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the
celebrated Holland Professor, Jicerhave. Its reputation
at home produced` its introduction here, the demand
commencing, with those of the. Fatherland scattered
over the face of this mighty country, many of shout
brought with them and banded down- the tradition
of its value: It is nom offered to the American
knowing That its truly wonderful medicinal virtues
must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons
whose constitutions may have been impaired by the
continuous use .of ardent spirits, or other forms of
dissipation.- - Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds
its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quick
ening every nerve, raising tip the drooping spirit, and,
it fact, infusing, new health and vigor In the system.
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak anti low
spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos
sessed of sing,tilar remedial properties..
• The Genuine highly concentrated lerhave's Hol
land Bitters is put up in half-pint hottles'only, and
retailed at Q.NE Donee. per bottle, or six bottles.for
Fin: DOLLARS. Tke great demand for this truly cele
brated Medicine Wks induced many imitations, which
the public should guard against purchasing.
••trlloware of Imposition. See that our name is on
the lobed every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally . , It con‘be for
warded by Express to most points.
parmaraiists au afitemizts,
For sale by Grove 6 Roth, Druggists,
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
Marietta Select School
H. H. SAWYER, TElenEits.
/DIAL session will commence on Monday,
j. April .814, 1861, to continue 12 weeks.
The principle objects of every recitation will
be to develope and train the mind— , to cultivate
habits of. investigation and selfreliance—to
improve the judgement, and thus strengthen
and exalt the whole character.
Pupils of. Primary Department, $2.00
High School, 5.00
No deduction &tin'', in protracted sickness.
Marietta . , llaceniber 15, 1860.-tf.l
executed in the best style known iu the arty
No. 532 Arch-st., east of Sixth, Philadolphia
size in Oil and Puntil ; Stereogropi
Portraibi;.Anarratypes, Daguei'reotypea, 4 . e..;c0
Cason, Mcdalions, Pins, liings,.&c.' • [ly
tanunered and Rolled Iron, 11-8.
8. Lars, .N . .irlvay, Nail, Rods,'Amorican,
and. tlertnati Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Ilexes ; Ilea axles, Springs, &c., kir smith,.
AT O W EXHIBITING, the largest, most
IA desirable and cheapest goods we have
ever offered, selected in New-York and Phil
adelphia. Our friends and customers are invi
ted to inspect our goods, confidently believing
that all will be pleased, as to the variety,;yial
ity• and cheapness.
Entirely new styles of RICH Dress Silks, besf
make of black dress silks, Lupin's French Mc
rinoes, id black, and in all colots, Lit pin's
' , tench Merinoes, printed in' vines, boquets,
polka spots and medalions ; Lupin's all wool
printed Mouslies, in vines boquets and polka
spots and medallions; double width Irish pop
lins, now style, all wool printed Cashmeres;
Meek ground Foulards, Velour Ottomans, all
wool Plaids, Satin a Sore, Garabaldi's, Denor
ah's' children's bright Plaid. 100 pieces Pa
cificde Lanes, IS cents ; 100 pieces Hamilton
do lanes, 12,1 cents ; Frendl, and English 4-4
Chintzes ; 50 pieces Cobtirgs, all qualities, in
black and all colors.
'The newest fall styles:
The Arab,
The Basque,
The Walking Coat,
The Full Sick,
The Plain Back,
The Cape Style,
The Beaver Cloth, Ste.
Cloaking Moths of every kind. 'Dress goods of
every description, newest styles and just iml
portal in New York.
A beautiful assortm'nt, and latest styles:
Brocha Long Shawls,
Scotch Long Blanket Shawls,. .
French Long Blanket Shawls,
• Stella Shawls, embracing everykind
Cloths Cassimeres and Vesting'..
The largest and most complete assortment we
ever offered and at unusually low prices ; we
invite particular attention to our Cloth De
partment, Boy's Cassimeres, &c.
Black and Fancy Super French and English
Black and Fancy Super French and English
The very latest style Vestings.
Blankets, IVlarsaille, Lancaster and Allendale
Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comfortables,
• Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from 2 4 yds. wide,
Bleached and Brown Domes
tic Table Cloths, Woolen
Table Covers, Work
Stand Woolen
Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil
Cloths, Crash for Stairs, Brown and Bleached
Sheetings I yd. to 3 yds, , wide, Pillow Case
Tielrelys, Furniture Chintzes and
Checks, Towelings, Bureau Covers, &c., &e:,
Looking Glasses, a large stock,
Prime LiVe-piclied Geese Feathers.
Window Shades, a new and full assortment,
Window Shades with •Bailey's Fixtures.
Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains,
A very large lot' of Carpetings, new styles,
selling at reduced prices; Carpet Chain, wool
en, linen .and cotton. . •
China, Glass & Qbeensware.
China Tea Setts, gold band ; White Granite
wale, in new shapes, in full Dinner add
Tea setts; Pitchers, Dishes, -Soup
Tureens, Graviei,&e. ; Chamber
and Toilet setts; Table and
Bar Tumblers, Wine &
Champagne Gliizsrs,.
Egg and Celleiy
Glassei ' •
Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cakt , '
Stands, &c., &c., • ,
Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide
Velvet Rugs, Door Matts, ,
Folk* Oil Cloth from yd, to 4 yds. wide, the
latter cut in one piece to fit a
Mattings, checked and plain -'from 1 yiL to
yds. wide.
A full line of Hoisery amid Gloves, . ;
ir3r . The above comprise only h Small porlibn
of our new goods. HALDE,ItfAiTS
Cheap Cash Sto're, Coluthbia
0001{:Eit iq aII ifs bilrialjes.
Carefully Revised by Mrs. - S. J. Ha
It Tells You How to choose all. kinds of
Meats, Pduttry, and Game, With
all the various and most apl
proved modes 'or dressing and
cooking Beef and Pork;. also
the best and simplest way of
salting, pickling and curing the
It Tells You ill the various and most ap
proved modes of dressirig,•cook
ing, and boning. Mutton, Lamb,
Veal, Poultry, and Game of all
kinds, with the different Ores-'
sings, Gravies, and Stuffinggap
- propriate to each.
It Tells. Yea how to choose, clean, endive-,
serve Fish of all kinds, and how
to sweeten it - when tainted Oilso
all the various and most ap-t
proved , modes of codking ) , with
the different Dressings, Saida,
and Flavorings appropriates to,
each. .
It Tells You All the various and most ap
proved modes of preparing over
fifty different kinds of Meat,
Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegeta
ble Soups, Broths, and Stews,
with the Relishes and Season
ings appropriate to , each.
It 7.'ells You Ali' the yahoos 'and most ap
proved modes of cooking Vege
• tables of every description, also
how to prepare Pickles, Catsdps
and Curries of all kinds, Potted
Meats; nal, Gaine,muArouns,
It Tells You, All the various and most ap
proved modes of preparing and
• cooking all kinds of Plain and
Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Gine
. lettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confec
lionery, Preserves, Jellies; and
• Sweet Dishes of every descrip
Tt Tells You All the various and most ap
-proved modes of making Bread,
Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, the
best method ofpreparing Coffee,
Chocolate, and Tea, and how to
make Syrups, Cordials, and
Wines of various kinds.
It Tells You llow to set out and Ornament a
Table, how to Carve all kinds
of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in
share, how to -so simplify the
whole Art of Codking us. to
bring the choicest luxuries of
the table within everybody's
The book contains 41S pages, and upwards
of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are
the results of actual e'Oeilence, having been
fully and carefully tette'd under, the personal
superintendence of the writer's'. It is printed
in a civil . and °lieu type, is illustrated with ap
propriate engravings, and will Be forwarded to
any address, neatly bound,ann posthge paid,
on receipt of the price, 1 1.00, or in cloth, ex
1000 can ba
A YEAR ma de
by enterprising inen every where, iu selling the
above work,'lts our inducements to all such are
very liberal.
For surgle'copies of the Book; or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
dress NOHN 'l'Ol'•l'] lt,'izuectsrren,
No. till Stinson. Street,
• •Dec. 1,-Gm.] Philadelphia, Pa.
EVVELRY.—A large and selected stock of
re) line jewelry of the latest patterns
.frotn the
best factories in the , country can bd found
L. Sz; L. J. ZA.IOI'S.. :
cpr:;North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, J' L, Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as.represented. '
A. peneral Assortment of all kinds of
klyt ca t a n.- HARDWARIi, .LOCKS",'
Hinzes,"Screws, flMts, Collitr t, rates,
I'aints,_oi!s ; Glas:i and Putty, vity vlhrap.
:-.TERR;ITT & vi).
.. .
al'ait Mai{ OD tfla IJOVP ,
The Horse and His Diseases
Professor of Pathology 9 Operative Surgery in
the Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc.
Will Tell You Of the Origin,. History and dis
tinctive traits of the various
breeds of European, Asiatic,
African and American Horses,
with the physical formation
and peculiarities of the animal,
and how to ascertain age
by the number and condition
of his teeth; illustrated with
numerous explanatory engra
Will Tell You Of Breeding, Breaking, Sta
bl i Feeding, Grooming,
Shoeing, and the general man
agement of the horse, with the
best modes of administering
Medicine, also, how to treat
Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shy
dg, Stumbling, Crib Biting,
Restlessness, and other vices
to which he is mfbject ; with
With numerous explanatory
Will Tell You Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Strangles, Sore
Throat, Distemper, Catarrh,
Influenza, Bronchitis, P nen.
monia, Pleurisy,Broken Wind
Chronic Cough, Rbaring and
Whistling, Lamps, Ulcers,
and Sore Mouth, and Decayed
Teeth, with other diseases of
the Month and Respiratory
- - - - - - -
Will Tell 'You Of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Worms, Colic,
Bois, Strangulation; Ruptures,
Stony Concretions, Palsy, Di.
arrlicea, Jaundice, Hepatir
rhos, Bloody Urine,Stones in
the Kidneys and Badder, In
darn (nation, and other diseases
. of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver
and Urinary Organs.
Will Tett You Of the causes, symptoms, and
- Treatment of Bone, Blood and
Bog, Spavin, Sweenie, Strains,
Ring-Bone, Broker, Knees,
' - Galls, Founder, Sole
Bruise and*Pravel, Cracked
Hoof s, . Scratches, Casiker,
Thrush, and Corns; also, of
Megrims, Vertigo,- Epilepsy,
Staggers, and other' diseases of
the Feet, Legs, and Head.
Will Till You Of the misses; symptoms, and
Treatment of Fistula. Pon
Evil, glanders, Farey, Scarlet
Fe'Vet., Mange, Surfeit, Locked
Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp,
GCls, Diseases - of the Eye and
Heart, Sm., &c., slid how to
Manage Castration, Bleeding,
Trephimiing, „Roweling,. Th
in.' Minis, Antputation,Tap
ping, and Other ;surgical oper
ations. •
Will Tell You Of Rarek's Method of taming
1104 sea ; diptiroach, Halter, or Stable a
Colt ;' how to' accustom a horse to strange
sounds and Sio o tta and bow to Bit, Saddle,
Rule and Break hink to liar
- '-pess also, the form and law
of - The Achole be
. ' lug the result of more than 15
' rears' tatiful study of the hab
its, pemiliarities, wants ant
' weaknesses of this 'noble and
useful anitnal.
The book contains 384 pages, appropriately
illustrated by nearly, One HUndred Engravings.
It is printed in ricreat antropen type, and wilt
.be forwitrded totirtir addreSs, postage paid, on
'receipt of price, half bound, $1..00, or, in cloth,
extra, $1:25.
. _
brenterprising men everyWnere, in selling the
$lOOO A YEAR c „ a ,: d
above work, and other poioular works - of ours.
Our indticements to all such are very liberal.
For single' copies of the 'sook, or for terms to
agents with other infohnition„apply t to or ad
No. 617 SensOm St., Philadelphia, Pa
Prot Miller's Hair Imigorator.,
An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound!
For recto-ling — Gray Hair
,to its original color
Without dyeing, and prevehting the hair front
turning gray.. r.
For Preventing Baldness, and curing it, when
there is the least particle Of vitality or recuper
atiee energy remaining. ~
For Rtnioving Scurf and Dandruff, and all
cutaneous affections of the Scalp.
' For Beautifying Me Hair, imparting to it an
unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it rof t
and silky in its texture - aiitl causing it to curl
The great celebrity and the ;increasing de
mand for this unequalled prdparatiot, convince
the proprietor that one Mal' is only necessary
to , satisfy ii 'discerning public of its superior
qualities over an Other prepalatign at preset;tin
use. It ileansesthe head and scalp [Mtn dand
ruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causesllie
hair to grow luxuriantly, And gives it a rich,
soft, glossy and flexible appearance, ilnd also
where the hair is loosening and *blank, it ;w1:1
give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore
the growth - to ttuise parts which have heroine
bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering of hair.
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
In New York who hare had their hair restored
by the use of this invigorator, when all other
preparatMns had failed. L. Al. has in his pos
session letters innumerable testifying to the
above facts, frdm persons of the highest respec
tibility. it will effectually prevent the hair
from turning gray until the latest period of life
and iu rases Where the hair has already changed
its rolor,lhe use of the Invigorator will with
'certaintyrestore to its original Ime, giving it a
dark, glossy aripeitradee. As a perfume toilet
and a Hair Restorative It is particularly roc
oraniended, having an agreeable fragrance
and the great faCilities it affords in dressing
the hail,'whiell,'when moist with the invigo
rator can be dressed in any required farm so as
to preserve its Place,'Whetht7 plain of in curls
—hence the_ great demand tor it by the ladies
as a standard toilet article Which none ought to
be without, as the price pieces it within the
reach of all, being
'Only neenty-five Cents
per bottle, to be hada all respectable druggists
and perfumers.
L. Miller would call the attention of Parents
and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in
cases where the cbildrens' Hair inclines to be
weak. The use of itlays the foundation foi a
good head of hair; as it removes any impurities
that may have become connected with the
scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both
for the health of the child, and the future .
pearance of its Hair.
CAuTioic..—None - genuine' withobt the fee
simile Louis MILLER being on the onterwrap-per , also, L. MiLiAtit's Hain INYIGORATORI,
N. Y. blown in the glass.
Wh,lesale Depot,43ti Dey St., a l ndSold,hy all
the principal Merchants and Druggists tbibegh
mit the world; , -
Liberal discount to PurchaserAy ilietinantity.
I also desire to. present to .the American
Public my „
New and Improved Instanthne9us
which after years of 'scientific expetimeMin - g I
have brought to perfection. It dyes 13fae . k of
Brown instantly without injury to!the .11air o.r
Skia, warranted.the best avb.ele of pie lind
PRICE ONLY 50 eeigr6.
I)epot,"s(c,iteli Street, New 1-0fk.,,,
undersigned „his received ;still:46er jot • /if
Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and, Lanw„.,,Paatles
of every variety and,price. itaid j iseeAlipin
at Dr. Ilinkle?,s n. lim Store. `1
style, each one, warranted to per...l.
tuna to the entire satisfaction of , the
purchaser. STERRETY& CO..
C ONSTA TI. Y hayd, 1 40 1 1 01 1gAlieltt !Te