The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, February 23, 1861, Image 2

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    fir* Medal! Marititian.
Impartial.---but not Neutral."
;itasietta, Oa.
LINCOLN AT ILeftßlStiMia.—The capital
of :the -"Old. Keystone" was literally
crowdedlestarday, to witness the rais
ing, of alleNt'llag.on the Capitol Dome
by the "Old Soldiers of 1812," It was
conceded 'oh" all hideh to have been the
finestlailitat7 *pageant ever witnessed in
the S.iate.• ,tPresident Lincoln arrived,
into, apednltrain, in the city at 2 o'clock
inlhe afternoon and .was escorted to the
Jones tHonee, where Governor Curtin
welcomed hidi to)the'"Old Keystone" in
a very.neat speech of about half an, hour's
lengthy to which Lincoln very hap
pilytreapooded: • rAn 'open barouche con
taining the President, Governor Curtin,
and iSpeaker: Palmer of the Senate,
drawn•by four white horses, then left the
JonestHouse.fer the House of Represen
tatives; where the Legislative ceremonies
of reception took `Place. Every street
and avenue/ of
,the place appeared crowd
reoldiers,firemen and civilians.
:We left at. six - b'cletak in the evening,
afteneeterallong :trains had gone, and
yet the crowd appeared 'no less than at
node, t 'personal appear
ance his•toertainlyekanged, very much
forthe .better, since the various minim ,
turest(rehieh , we have Seed at every am
brotype wiielowyofthim were taken. He
left this (Saturday) 'morning for Balti
more, en.route Washington.
gip A- private letter received in New
'York from the:War Department, says,
thatAtie. greater portion,.of the troops
which Nit there, were bound to reinforce
theAotts Washita, Arbuckle, and
Cobb, which were reported by telegraph
on ltionday to be in danger of attack by
Secessionists. The remainder of the
Oiderect for Florida, the same
Teeter says;'witi leave next week. On
lati'd,.ti Prominent officer of
the ai'my l luire, states that Genera! Scott
will efideaVoilo bring all the forces out
of Texas, and. letine that State at the
mercy of the and that the Dan
ielWebstei hal 'gone to Charleston.—
Th'e latter' rumor II fist gaining ground,
as some "half - pilot men" are on board.",
Intense 'excitement prevails in 'army cir
cles' on the subject, especially among
the per'sons who returned from Fort
Bluetit*. •
The War Department has just issued
au t order to tho armory in Springfield
for the mtifinfaotttro of 1,200 per month,
. 80Q Pei month as at present.
Thiiy are to be of the latest and best
pattern of rifle musket—none better in
the''world. The capacity of the armory
at giit,;.eixi;:,r 1,500 per, mon tit. These
new ainis,are to be distributed among
tho'Npithern States.
kr. Lincoln lias already received seven
hundred applications for office from M in
• tirr ! "—that's multi/IL ""Ev
erybody. and the rest of mankind " knows
what Godey means. The March number
now on oar table, is . a gem for the sex.—
The ,
engraying " Christ Blessing Little
Cbilaren," is 11. splendid thing, the Fash
ion-Plate large and attractive, and the
other illustrations numerous, which
the readihg Matter, is just such as \ the
ladies want.
Two of the great questions of the
day were of on Saturday last, as
far as the Boa° . of Representatives is
coneernadi We 'refer to the Sunbury &-
Erie bill and the bill for the Repeal of
the Tonnage Tax. The vote on the Sun
burr& •-Elie`` was : yeas 72 ; nays, 26.
The Tonnage Tax : yeas, 60 ; nays, 38.
Cr A joint, resolution, requesting the
rennOlvabla delegation in Congress to
ridirOsite j the linriie . diate suspension of
the postal s'Tstern in the seceeding States,
rased the'llonse on Monday last.
Cr A resolution, fixing tho pay of the
I'eace from 'Pennsylvan
ia, now itC.islielititi,t i ton, at $8 per day
and raileAke;pilied lite House of Rep
resentatived 'On- Wednesday.
ei'The English soldiers-quartered at
Freldrickton,tdir.l-13., have Ati for some
I ime drilled'invanowahoefi,44!order of
the, commandant of the girrigon.
gar At the'lkie - FA:eSiWA'y4 election
Fan .T.i'ranciseb 4,000 indre votes
hall Nericri •
eir Dr. A. Gamble; a physiAn: was
ozea to death while intoxicated, at
l'ittsburg, recautly.
t hire Itejmolde, of Boston, 'carried
(.il . the pshn as the beet latry skater in
l' lir is this year.,
MARYLAND.—This State presents a
very interesting picture at the present
time. Although a vast majority of her
people are undoubtedly in favor of the
Union, and her Governor has taken a
noble stand, yet the "Rattlesnake Clubs"
(the rattlesnake is the favorite reptile
with the secessionists) are doing all they
can to get up a Convention independent
of anything the Governor may say or do.
The National Capital being so close to
the borders of this State, it is of the ut
most importance that Maryland should
stand firm in her devotion to the Union.
KENTUCKY.—Disunion has n ot the
ghost of a chance in Old Kentucky.—
The people of that patriotic State have
but few sympathies with the traitorous
cotton-growers of the Gulf States. A
gentleman recently from Kentucky,
through which he traveled considerably,
says a perfect delirium for the, Union
prevails there tamong the people. The
stage drivers wrap the stars and stripes
around their whip landles, while at every
eross-road the banner of the Union is
found floating to the breeze. There is
no danger of such a people being dragged
into secession.
States District Court, at New York, the
jury released Messrs. George Law and
Gustavus A. Conover, the bondsmen of
the late Postmaster of that city. In
their findings, the jury declared that
Fowler, at the time the bond was exe
c-cited; was a defaulter to the amount of
$5OOO and upWards, and that the Fed
eral Government knew it to be so.
cr. About seventy-five young Repub
licans of Cincinnati gave a supper in the
ladies' ordinary of the Barnet House, to
Mr. Robt. Lincoln, eldest son of the
President. Gov. Morgan, of Indiana,
sat at the head of the table, his vis a vis
being Gen. Sam. F. Cary, of College
Hill. A committee was deputed to bear
an invitation to the President. He re
turned with an-apology for not coming
himself, and saying that "Bob may be
put through." Toasts were drank, and
speeches made, and sentiments uttered.
After thus spending several hOursin this
pleasant way, the company returned
home happy as. princes. "
Or Fort Monroe, which is intended
to defend Norfolk, Virginia, is the larg
est in the country. The walls are more
than a mile in circuit, very thick and
high, surrounded by a moat which is
from 50 to 100 feet wide, with eight feet
of water,drawbridges and outer batteries.
It mounts some NO heavy guns, has
mortars for throwing shells, furnaces for
heating balls, &c. The walls enclose
some severity-five acres. In the center
is the parade grounds and all around are
the quarters of the troops.
girThe Lockport Advertiser says that
OD Feb. 7, when the mercury was ten de
grees below zero, a lady and gentleman
came some nine miles to Lockport, in , a
cutter, for the purpose of being married.
When they arrived at the American Ho
tel, the gentleman's face and ears were
frozen, and also the lady's nose, As
soon as the marriage ceremony was per
formed they prepared to leave, and were
soon on their way, rejoicing.
sir The Girard House will be closed
after the first proximo, and will remain
closed a•year. Messrs. Presbury, Sykes,
and Chadwick's lease does not expire
for a year, but they have transferred it
to Mr. Stevens, of the Continental, for
the sum of $30,000. The lessees of the
Girard House are about to open a new
hotel at Nashville, Tennessee.
fir The Cincinnati Commercial says
during "Old Abe's" stay in that city his
physique was freely ' discussed by the
crowd,• and they wero evidently disap
pointed in net finding him so atrociously
ugly as he had been represented. lt
seemed to be the general impression
that he had used but not abused his priv
ilege in that respect.
itgr South Carolina has proposed to
buy Fort Sumpter before taking posses.
sion of it. Why :didn't she buy Fort
Moultrie and Castle Pinckney, and the
revenue cutter, and the custom house,
and the armory, and the post office, be
fore taking possession of them ?
lir The Cincinnati Gazette says: "We
have information from a most reliable
source that the Hon. Salmon P. Chase
has been tendered, by Mr. Lincoln, the
positign of Secretary of the Treasury,
which offer he holds ,ender advisement.
We are further advised that 'Mr. Chase
will prdbably except"
er The Lancaster - Union says : We
find the following going the rounds of
the papers. It, is the! first intimation
we have had of the fact :--
" The,forefathers of the first nullifier
settled in Lancaster county. John C.
Calhoun's father was born in Drunmpre
township, Lancaster county, and several
of the family were still• living near the
old plq.ce a fey years ago."
Cr There is a tree in Williamstown,
Mass., so situated that it draws nourish
ment .from Massachusetts, New Yori,
and Vermont. It ,stands on the spot
where those three States join.
arTlfe copper 'coins at present in cir
enlation in England equal in weight 6,
000 tons, and in number 500,000,000:''
"A -C & r l i n WE
The oldest subscriber to the New
buryport (Mass.) Herald, Captain Rich
ard Coffin, of Newbury, came in on Mon
day, and as usual paid his advance sub
scription, which carries him into the
sixty-sixth volume. He has filed the
papers for all that time, with the excep
tion of a few months, and the volumes,
by his generosity, are now in the public
The Medical students of Montreal, C.
E„ have been detected body snatching.
A descent on the medical school, by
means of a search warrant, on Saturday
week, revealed the corpses of two chil
dren, one man, and three women, which
had been stolen from their graves. One
student was arrested and held to bail.
A new writing apparatus for the blind
has been invented by the Rev. Mr. Ward
law, of Scotland, originally for his own
use. The hand and•pen are ke,pt at work
on the same line, but the paper moves
upward at' the proper distance,.as each
line is completed, by a slight touch from
the left hand.
Ir. Montreal the skating pond or ring
is roofed over, so as to prevent its being
covered with snow. It is lighted at
night, and the band of the Canadian
Rifles generally attends. The ladies
frequent it, wearing short dresses, looped
up so as to be out of the way, and Turk
ish trowsers..
The report of the Saperintendeat of
Common Schools for the last year, just
issued, shows the whole number of Com
mon Schools in the State to be 11,077 ;
numbei of teachers, including Philadel
phia, 14,085 ; number, of pupils, 647,414.
The total cost of the system for- the en
tire State during the year NNlts 2,619,577.
Messrs. Charles A. Luckenbach, An.
Brews EL Rauch, Matthew Krause, Au
gustus Wolle, and William Leibert, have
been elected to represent the Bethlehem
congregation in the Synod, which is to
convene at Litiz, Pa., on the 22nd of
May next.
.. ........... . .....
One of the 'recruits was buried from
the Carlisle barracks, on Monday, and
another on Wednesday. They were Dab
buried with military honors, the funeral
escort, with the band, numbering about
one hundred men, under Serjeant Major
M urray.
Thomas Winans, of Baltimore, next
to Astor, of New York, is the wealthiest
person in the United States. He is said
to be worth $20,000,000, and made his
splendid fortune by railway speculations
in Russia.
The North Carolina Legislature re
elected Thomas' Clingman, to the U. S.
Senate for 'six' years' from . the '4th of
March next. • ['his looks-ad if the old
North State bad concluded to stay in
the Union.
lids said that 9l.r.l3uchanan will veto
every measure of Congress looking to
the coercion of Southern States. In this
he does not include the provision for
building seven new sloops-of-war.
We learn from the Miltonian that the
friends of ex-Governor Pollock are urg
ing his appointment to the important
post of Collector of the Port of Phila
Stewart, the New York dry goods
millionaire, having a little money to
spare, is building six iron stores on
Broadway, which will cost him $500,000.
A converted pickpocket is the latest
orthodox sensation in London. Crowds
go to hear his sermons, which are very
ordinary and even vulgar in style.
A young man who had two years ago
inherited $70,000, is now posting bills at
Chicago. _Highly talented and a first
class accountant, rum has ruined him.
Mr. Seward has• engaged the house
occupied by Gen. Cass, and it' is under
going the necessary change for the occu
pation of the new l'remier.
In Madrid, last month, a Spanish mer
chant drew a prize in the lottery of
$200,000, and soon after became insane.
, .
Severbi ladies , regularly attend the
medical lectures of professors of the Uni
versity of St. Petersburg, and take notes,
like students. •
The glass manufacture of the country
is now a million less than three years
ago, and the importation much greater.
There is a girl of 21 in the prison at
Georgetown, .Va., who..has become in
sane from inordinate use of tobacco.
An old lady was frozen to death on
Friday night, in Passaic county.' She
was intoxicated, and laid ont in the snow
all night.
The New :York Herald now uses the
term "poor Buchanan." The tune is
changed as Mr. B. is about to leave the
White House.
The Presbyterians of Ireland now
have five synods and nearly five hundred
Some of the street railroads in Eng
land are now importing cars from Amer-
A lady of Wheeling, Va., has laid in
a trance for ten days past.
Thirty-five men were lined last year
in duels in the United States.
Bronze coin, to the atnount, of $200,-
000, is about to be issued in France.
WASHINGTON ITEMS : Clark Mills, the
sculptor, by his recent marriage, secures
a fortune of $200,000. Mrs. Mills is the
widow of the late Mr. Howell of Balti
more, who left a fortune of SBOO,OOO,
chiefly acquired in the dry goods business
in New Orleans.
The President has appointed Senators
Foote, Foster and Pearce, a Committee
to wait on Mr- Lincoln and attend him
to the place of inauguration.
M.essrs.ffaihburne, (III.,) and Burlin
game, (Mass.) have been appointed by
Speaker Pennington, a Committee to
notify Messrs. Lincoln and Hamlin of
their election.
The last noon-day reception of Miss
Lane, the accomplishekniece of Presi
dent Buchanan, took place on Thursday,
and was well attended. On this occasion
many of the resident families embraced
the opportunity of calling, and for the
last time paying their respects and ex
tending their best wishes for the lady
who, during the past four years, has pre
sided with so much dignity, grace and
affability over the President's mansion.
Floyd, as Secretary of War, had a
salary of eight thousand dollars per an
num. He was poor when he entered of
fice. He had the place about three
years and six months. From his savings,
he shipped by Adams' Express to his
home in Virginia, one hundred and
twenty thousand doilars.
Washington advices 'state that there
is further testimony against Floyd. The
House Military Committee have discov
ered that he accepted A, E. Belknap's
bid for 100,000 muskets, but Secretary
Holt refuses to acknowledge the con
tract, as these and other arms were
doubtless intended for the South Caro
lina government. It is further stated•
that Floyd distributed, without any order
65,000 percussion muskets, 40,000 altered
muskets and 10,000 rifles, among the
southern forts. The committee give as
a reason for reporting the bill authori
zing an acceptance of the services of
volunteers, that the regular military
force is inadequate for the protection of
United States forts, arsenals, &c.
The Peace Conference gill, accordin.g
to the present indications, take a final
vote on the pending piopositions ou the
22d, Washington's birthday.
For the first time a staff has been
erected on the 'War Department build
ing for the display of the National flag.
It has been ascertained that a larger
number of United States vessels are nose
afloat than for the laSt twenty years.—
Other vessels may be fitted out in three
or four weeks. There is, however, a de
ficiency of lieutenants, midshipmen, mas
ter; and medical officers, as well as of
seamen—the law limiting the last named
to 8,500 men.
The mail contractors in the seceded
States are continually asking whether
they will be paid as heretofore, to which
the Post Office Department responds af
firmatively, stating that drafts will be
issued to them oa the postmasters, to
be paid - from the postal revenue' collect
ed within those States.
A strong movement•is making to rec
ommend Me. Simmons, the Rhode Island
Senator, to a seat in Mr. Lincoln's Cab
inet, as Secretary of the Treasury.
Letters received from Paris contain
authoritative denials, in the most em
phatic manner, that the Emperor Napo
leon has signified his intention to recog
nize the independence of the Southern
Gov. Floyd is preparing a lengthy de
fense in reply to the report of the select
committee, and to other charges which
have been made against him. His trial
comes on at the term of court which
meets on the third Monday in March.
Indications favor the idea that an ex
tra session of Congress, soon after the
Fourth of March, will be unavoidable.
Some days since a box was ex
pressed to Mr. Lincoln from Tennessee,
no letter accompanying it, Some hesi-.
tation was at first felt to open it. This
morning., however, his private secretary,
overturned the box, when it was found to
contain a stuffed figure representing an
Ur Messrs...Pryor, Edwards, and May
nard compose the .special committee to
inquire in to. the truth of the allegation
that certain Southern members from the
seceeding States have abstracted books
from the. Library of Congress to form a
library for the Southern Confederacy.
We'The East Baltimore Conference of
the Methodist' Episcopal church will
hold its annual session in Chambersburg,
beginning, March • 13tIr, and continuing
for eight or ten days. About 210 minis
ters are expected to be in attendance.—
Bishop Simpson will preside.
Cr Fanny Fern is in luck. A few
days ago A. T. Stewart, the great mer
chat prince, was so charmed with. one of
Mrs. Fern's crisp little articles, that ho
ascertained her residence and sent her
one of the best silk dresses in his big
dry goodsery.
a- The three - Oregon Presidential
electors could not consent - to appoint a
messenger to bring their vote to 'Wash
ington, as the mileage (over $15,0 6 00)
was too nice a plum to be given away.—
They all three 'came on and divided the
air M r .:Lincoln" attended church' in
Bu Mao. ou Sunday last, iu company with
ex-President Fillthore,' and afterwards
dined with him.
Tun PEormes Boos."—.John E. Pot
ter, Publisher and Bookseller, 617 San
som street, Philadelphia, has issued the
following books, under the above head.
They are vary finely gotten-up and sold
at very fair prices :
Belcher's History of alt Religions in the
United States.
Fleetwood's Life of Christ,—only revised
The Family Bible, a great variety of
The Family Doctor, by Prof. H. S. Taylor,
M. D.
Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby, Esq.
The Horse and his Diseases, by 8.. Jennings,
V. S.
Modern Cookery, by Mrs. Acton and Mrs
Nicaragua—Past Present and Future, by P
F. Stout.
Early days of California, by Col. J. T.,Far
Affections Gift—Poems, by J. Cole Hagner
The Pet Keepsake, a oken of Love.
Igr Missouri has gone overwhelmingly
for the Union. The present indications
are that there will not be ten secession
ists in the State Convention. The aver
age majority in St. Louis county is a
little over 4000 votes for the Union
Cr Alexander Hamilton Stephens
was born on the 11th of February, 1812,
and was consequently 49 years of age on
the day he took the oath as first Vice
President of the Confederate States of
le - During the nine months ending
the first of February the servant girls of
Cincinnati sent to their parents and
friends in Europe the sum of $64,900.
The remittances vary in size, ranging
from $3 to $25.
ttir The President elect was born on
the 12th of February,lSo9, and is there
fore fifty-two year of age, and in the vig
orous maturity of life.
The New York Legislature has
passed a bill appropriating 550,000 for
the relief of the .Kansas sufferers.
cEr The Legislature of Kansas has
postponed the election of two United
States Senators until April.
ISir Catherine Hayes is.making a mus
ical tour through Ireland.
On the 14th instant, by the Rev. Josiah
Humphries, Prof. 0. D. BARRETT, of Cleve
land, Ohio, to Mrs. SALLIES. SUTTON, of Co
On the- instant, Miss MAny Dotrocass,
at an advanced age, of this borough.
On the 22 instant, Awl.; MARTHA, wife of
Geo. L. Mackley, of this borough.
VNio - of4 TI)ofogiv1) GANN,
S. E. Corner .Eighth and Arch streets,
AFTER many years' experience in all the
various branches of the Alt, the Proprietors
confidently invite the attention of their friends
and the public to their extensive establishment,
which presents the opportunity for procuring
the best pictures, equal at least, to any first
class Gallery in the United States.
Preparations are complete foi executing all
the improved styles known to the Art. They
have a patent arrangement for copying Da
guerreotypes, &c., &c., making them Life size,
Lf desired—the only one of the kind in this
country. Attached to this establishment are
three coloring Artists.
Photographs, including Painting,
as low as $2OO.
Photographs, with Frame as low as $2 62
Do. at 76 and $1: Extra 'topics 50
cts. or $5 per doz. Life size Photo
graphs as low as $6, and Ivorytype at
same price. Durable Ambrotypes at
50 cents and upwards.
A most extensive assortihent of Gilt Frames,
embracing a select and choice variety of the
latest styles. Prices from 62 cents and up
Especial attertion bestowed upon Life-sized
Photographs in oil, transferred from small pic
tures, and from life. Prices from $l5 to SIOQ.
Instructions given in the Art.
February 23, 1861-Iy.
And General Illachinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castin v ,, s for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gars ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors; Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick PresSes," Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearibgs,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. Kritepairing promptly attended to.
Orders by _mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, IS6O. 14-tf
91IIE American Watches are among the best
j_ tintekeepets now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.
IL L. E. J. Z A.H tII
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square'
Lancaster; Pa., have them tor sale at the very
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the Manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
1000 POUNDS Prime York.Coiut luckweatflourbythe hundredor single pound. For sale at WOLV'E'S.
ASUPERIOR article of Rectified Crab
Apple Cider, for sale by the barrel or gar
lon :it J. R. Bilfenbach's Store.
SUPERIOR CO! E, OIL-25 cents a' (plait'
TT 1T ii 5 , Spokt% FeHoes, Wagonßows,
IM Oil Cloth, Varnish* &c. • •
_CCents per pouud at J. Lt. Ando-4,,,cd.
Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulcers.
All description of sores are remediable by the
proper and diligent use of tbis inestimalfle
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the edges of the vrourattogether is a
folly '
• for should the skin unite, a boggy dis
eased condition remains U - nderheith 'to break
out With tenfold fury in a few days. The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated
by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and
about the wound and to soothe the neighboring
parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as
salt is forced into meat.
Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and
Any of the above diseases may be cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three times a day
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient;.
it will soon penetrate, And give immediate re
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the above-manner for the dig
eases named, or any similar disorders affecting
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved as by a charm. in
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures.
The above class of complaints will be removed
by, nightly...fomenting the parts with warm
water, and then by most effectually subbing in
the Ointment. Persons suffering from these
direful complaints should lose not amoment in
arresting their progress. It should be under
stood that it is net sufficient merely to smear
the Ointment on the affected parts, but it must
be well rubbed in fpr
. seme considerable time
two of three times it day, that it may be taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden sore or wound as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again bread and
water poultices ' after the rubbing in of the
Ointmeht, will do great service. This is the
only sure treatment far' female cases of cancer
in the stomach, or where there May be a gen
eral bearing down.
Indiscretions of Youth; Sores and Ulcers.
Blotches, as also swellings, can, with cer
tainty, be radically cured i the Ointment be
used freely, and the Pills be taken night and
morning as recommended in the printed in
structions. When treated - in any other way
they only dry up in one place to break out in
another; whereas this Ointment will remove
the humour from the system, and leave the pa
tient a vigorous and healthy being. It will
require time with the use of the Pills to ensure
a instill°. cure. - ' '
D;vpsicat Swellingg, Paralysis and Stif
Although the above complaintsdiffer widely
iu their origin and' nature, yet they all require
local treatment. Many of the worst cases, of
such diseases, will yield in a comparatively
short space of time when this Ointment is dili -
gently rubbed into the parts affected, even after
every oilier means-have failed. In all serious
maladies the Pills should be taken according
to the printed disechous. , accompanying each
Both the Ointment and Pills should be •used
in the follmin-g cases :
Bad Legs, Chiego-foot, Fistillas,
Bad Breasts, Geut,
Burns, Chapped Hands,Glandular"
Bunions, Corns (Soft) Swellinvs
Bite of Mos- Cancers, Lumbagos
chetoes and Contracted'and Piles.
Sand-Flies, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism,
Cnco bay, Elephantiasis, Scalds,.
Skin Diseales, Scurvy, Sore Nipples,
Tumors, Ulcers, Sore-throates,
Wounds, Yaws, Sore-heads.
CAUTION !—None are genuine unless the
words "HOLLOWAY, NEW YORK Ari) Lorr-
DON," are discernable as a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of,directions, around
each pot or box ; the same may be plainly
seen by holdin; the feel to the light. A hand
some reward will be given to any one rendering
such informatind as may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting the med
icines or vending the same, knowing them tco
be spurious. - •
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Ho c--
LOWAY, SO Maiden .Lane, New York and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Meili,
eine throughcut the civilized world, in pots, at
25c., 62c. and $1 each.
11... There is a considerable saying by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box.
SOperior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Madcria, Lisboa, Sherry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very. Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. It. DIFFENII2CB. Market-st.
can be had of H. L. & E. J. Zama, Col.:
North Queen-st.,
,and Center Square, Lancas
ter, Pa., in the shape of 'Equilibrinin Lerers—
the best article of Swiss levers now lathe mar
ket. They are lower in price than any watch
of equal quality a ndj ust as true for timekeeping
T J AMES AND CENTS Anderson has just
received an elegant assortment of Perfu
mery, consisting of Toilet Soaps, Hair Oils,
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below
the usual rates, also some very tratulsome Canes .
for gentlemen, Portmonies, Ste.
00' BARREI N ,S Er p o Varieties of
50 Boxes Valencia and Bunch .Raisins,
20 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches,
50 Bags pared Dried Apples,
1000 Lbs. Cod Fish; Fine Syrups, Sugars, &c.
pRIME GROCERIE S:—Rio, Java and
Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized and
BrOWII Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea ;
Rice, Cheese and Spices • Syrup actl•prime
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at
AJ. GROSH & SON, Lumber Dealers.
Yard at the Eastern part of Marietta.
Please call at their office, adjoining - the
THREE-STORY brick house at the eAICAL.`
.•• w •
CHAMPAGNE and other Table; Wines,-
guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as.
can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York.
.• D. BENJAMIN, Pittd" Building.
A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called
indistructable Pleasure BoOks ; School and
other Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders,,
&c., &c. For sale at Dr. Hinkle's.
_THE Largcst and best assortment,of Fancy
Cloth li Cassimeres and.vastingerer offered
n this market and will, be sold at prices which
defy competition by J. fl. Diffenbach.
Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple.
Almon, Rose, Lemon,
Just received and for sale al Grove 4- Roth's.
branda—guttrranted to bet
p genuine. Benjamin .4 , Co.
I{ iRENCH MUS'TA.RD in pots at
]3OULEN'S lung
TIYOTT'S tlatigi
For Sale a
1)1:ALI/ FitUAT
Scarlet and other Fevers.