The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, February 16, 1861, Image 2

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    Ely Eatttithi Bariettian.
Impartial—but not Neutral."
„Awe-it'll - a, Oicz
WASHINGTON NEWS Doug}as gave a
grand entertainment on Tuesday night
Tast, to the members of the Peace Con
Some of the postmasters who have re
cently been appointed in the seceding
States decline to take the oath to sup
port the Constitution of the United
States. Of course, the offices will have
to be discontinued if persons cannot be
found to take and,hold them according
to law.
When Mr. Sickles offered the resolu
tion to observe the 22d of February as a
national, holiday, in commemoration of
Washington, and that Mr. Everett should
be invited to deliver an ,address in the
ball of the House, Mr. Garnett offered
an amendment, to add after the name of
Washington "the illustrious Virginian
and slaveholder." Mr. John Cochrane,
of New York, always ready for a joke,
emlcially, at the expense of these Seces
sionists, moved to add, "and Emancipa
tionist." .Of course, that brought the
go,u,s, down, and the original resolution
Was PdPge'l•
Wool; one of the New . York Con
ference delegatien,-vvill require guaran
tees that the Capital shall not bo inter
fered with by seceding States before lie
Will any plan of reconciliation.
The testimony of ex-Senator Benjaman
of Louisiana, is,said to• be the .strppgest
adduced egainst Secretary Floyd, con
corning the acceptances, whiCh will
meant to several millions more than
the .peblic have any idea of.
It is understood that Mr. Corwin, of
Ohio, the chairman,. of the Rouse Peril
ous Committee of Thirty-three, is willing
to accept, as a substitute for his own re
port, whatever measure may be agreed
upon by the Peace Congress, and to
recommend, their adoption.
On Wednesday last a strong police
force was stationed in various parts of
the Capitol, on the side in which the
hall. of the, House of Representatives is
located, and some parts of the building
usually open to visitors were closed. At
an early hour the galleries of the House
and all passages leading thereto were
densely thronged, in anticipation of the
counting of the votes for President and
Vice President of the 'United States.—
Lord Lyons, Mr. Hulsemann and other
Foreign ministers were among the dis
tinguished spectators. On no former
occasion was there a more animated and
exciting scene. After the counting of
the votes, Vice President Breckenridge
announced the election of Lincoln and
Hamlin, when the Convention (being the
Senate and House of Representatives
combined) adjourned with nothing to in
terupt the proceedings.
Owing to the immense camp of soldiers
in Washington, there is much trouble
between them and the citizens. In many
instances the soldiers have been detected
in thefts, and Friday night a crowd of
them attempted to enter the Post Office
The Hon. John C. Wright, of Cincin
nati, died on Wednesday last, after a
brief illneas of, pneumonia. He was here
in attendance on the Peace COnference,
and was the chairman at its organization.
He was a member of Congress during
the Administration of John Q. Adams,
and afterwards Judge of the Supreme
Court,of Ohio, and for many years editor
of the Cincinnati Gazette.
Thtresult of an attempt to refer Mr.
Black's nomination to the Supreme
Court Bench, in secret session of Senate,
has satisfied his friends his confirmation
will be impossible, po,the effort will not
be pressed. Pettit, also, will not be con
The nomination of Horatio King as
Postmaster peneral, is pending in the
Senate, having been held up by the Re
publicans until it could be ascertained
whether the nominee will execute Mr.
Colfax's new bill relative to postal ser
vice ii seceding states.
The dragoon corps of West Point,
which was ordered a few, days ago to re
pair to the National capital, is on its
way by this, time. They take six pieces
of cannon, of which four are formidable
.field pieces, two are howitzers, and sev
enty-eight splendid horses.
Forth Morgan and Gaines, at the month
of the Mobile bay,have been garrisoned
by 404 Alabama troops, and as no enemy
is preparing to : at,tock, them, the opera
tion is, under the; ,circumstances, a de
eidedly expensive ait,.a troublesome one.
far While half drunk, in an oyster sa
loon, at New Orleans, on Monday night
a week, John Ferris drew a long sheath
knife, and deliberately ripped open an
nb offending waiter.
Florida got rid of her territorial debt by
coming into the Union, and now there
seems to be a very proper determination
among the Southern States, in anticipa
tion of the new Southern Confederacy,
to prepare for the partition of Florida
between Georgia and Alabama. The
absorption of the State would shuffle off
her bonded State debt ; and, in this con
nection, it is a significant fact that near
ly all the secession troops at Pensacola
are from Alabama.
CrMr. Yancey and his friends ve
hemently demanded the repeal of all laws
against the African Slave trade as one
of the absolute conditions of the South's
continuance in the Union. Some of the
chief Secession organs now assure their
readers that the African Slave trade
will be permanently prohibited by the
Southern Confederacy. Then what will
Yancey & Co. do ? Will they not im
mediately begin an agitation in favor of
disunion No. 2 ?
cir The Charleston Custom House,
seized by the South Carolina authorities
and surmounted with the Palmetto flag,
has cost the Federal Government $2,000,
000. The sum of $50),000 is needed for
its completion. Won't the rattle-snake
State, which gives her gracious consent
that the Federal Government shall con
vey the mails for her, give her equally
gracious consent that it shall go on and
finish the building of her Custom House.?
—Louisville .Journal.
The mostimportant drinking fount
ain yet designed for London is being
erected, through the munificence of Miss
Burdett Coutts, in Victoria Park. It
includes a colonnade around four fount
ains, covered with a dome, and will be
constructed of Aubigny stone, and green
and red marble and bronze appliances.
The height will be 57 feet, and the diam
eter of the structure 26 feet, while the
steps around tbe whole will extend to
40 feet. The cost will be about £5,000.
Ur Greece, so quiet and so prosperous
since her emancipation from the brutal
rule of the Turk, seems destined to strife
and suffering should general war break
out in Europe next spring. The Greeks,
forgetful of their sufferings prior to their
erection into a kingdom under King
Otho, complain of their want of free leg
islation, and will probably join Ilungary
and Wallachia, should they rise against
Vir A contemporary says with truth
that the Secession clamor since the Pres
idential election has cost the South in
depreciation df slave property more than
.the loss sustained by runaways since the
first-ship entered James river. The de
preciation in the value of that property
is now equal to millions of dollars per
week. Hence the rejoicing of Aboli
ti on ists.—Louisuille Journal.
er John Cathcart, under sentence of
death for the murder of his wife, in Clear
field, attempted to commit suicide a few
nights since, by cutting his throat with
a large spike which he had sharpened for
the purpose. He was nearly dead from
loss of blood when discovered, and his
life is supposed to have been saved mere
ly by the coagulation of blood over the
WParson Brownlow of Tennessee
says he has discovered the reason for the
hostility of South Carolina to Lincoln ;
in 1780, Gen. Liricoln refused to surrend
er Charleston to the British forces, al
though the Charleston people went for
surrender, "and the South Carolinians
have hated the name of Lincoln ever
' a - We see by the Charleston Mercury,
of the 9th, that Gov. Pickens, of South
Carolina, has declared martial law upon
Sullivan's island and in the neighbor
hood. Hereafter no boats are to be al
lowed to approach without a permit, and
all persons are obliged to be indoors be
tween the hours of - evening tatoo and
ar An insane man in Hartford took a
sleigh ride on Thursday morning, driving
with such speed through the city that
although nearly a hundred persons were
in pursuit they could not catch him until
the horse became so fatigued that he
slackened his pace.. -
IS- The largest cast iron building in
the world is now being erected at Ha
vana, by James Bogardus, Esq., of New
York. It is intended for a warehouse
to store merchandise on the dock. In
length; it is SOO feet ; depth, 70 feet ;
height, 00 feet.
glir The people of Kansas are said to
be in a starving condition. Thaddeus
Hyatt makes a fervent appeal to the
States to contribute. He says at least
$lOO,OOO is needed for food, and as much
for, seed.
go- The name of " Sellers " appears
in the Canada passenger list. It is mis
spelled, and it is said to be Tom Sayers,
the great English pugilist. •
car Five spans of the Northern Cen
tral Railroad bridge, about six miles
above Harrisburg, were blown off on
Thursday afternoon by the high wind.
Cr Two negro slaves, gambling in the
woods, on Sunday week, near Thompson,
Ga., quarrelled, fought, and one was kill
ed on the spot. •
THE 22ND or• FeßauAnv.—The joint
committee of the Senate and House of
Representatives at Harrisburg, who were
appointed to make the proper arrange
ments for raising the American Flag
upon the Dome of the Capitol, on the
22d of February, inst., have extended an
invitation to all military companies, fire
companies and other civic associations
in the State, to join in the proposed
ceremonies. Major General Keim has
been appointed Chief Marshall, Hon.
Robert M. Palmer, Speaker of the Sen
ate, has been chosen the orator of the
day, and E. H. Rauch, Esq., reader of
Washington's Farewell Address. Pres
ident Lincoln, it is said, will positively
be in Harrisbuag that day. The several
Railroad companies have reduced the
fare and every inducement held out to
make a great day.
gular historical coincidence that the
grandfather of Major Anderson, of the
U. S. Army, now commanding in Char
leston, was an officer in the American
lines at the seige of Charleston, in 1780,
by the British, when it was captured by
Cornwallis, their commander. Eighty
one years have passed away, and the
town which the grandfather fought to
save is now in arms against the grand
AN AWFUL DSATU.--t1 frightful death
by burning occured last week at Colum
bus, Ohio. Some courtezans had been
drinking to excess, when the clothes of
one of them caught fire and were com
pletely burned oil her back, nothing re
mained but a leathern belt. Usr death
says an eye witness was awful. Those
who witnessed it, and heard her mingled
songs, curses and prayers will never for
get it.
e — lt is utterly untrue that the Pres
ident and General Scott have had a dif
ference. These two aged men agree in
every step that has yet been taken ; and
the hero of Lundy's Lane and Bridge
water told a gentleman lately that he
was ready for any emergency, and that if
the capital was attacked by the traitors
he would gladly forfeit his life in its de
U il - Calculations show that instead of
the South wanting room for expansion,
she has as much productive soil within
the several States of that section as
would give employment to forty-five mil
lions of negroes, whilst the whole slave
population now amounts to but four mil
lions. in Texas alone there are three
hundred millions of acres of land on
which cotton can be cultivated.
Or It, is stated that the authorities at
Washington will soon put the test to all
the Government employees at Washing
ton, and those who will not make oath
to support the Union and the Constitu
tion, in all their integrity, will be remov
ed without further words.
Kfir The Lcndon Chemical News
states that hundreds of barrels of the
clarified fat of horses are imported from
Ostend to England and sold in London
for genuine butter. Pies and puddings
made of such a savory substances must
be very tempting to epicures.
rer One George M' Kee, convicted of
highway rollbery last March, in Alle
gheny county, and sentenced to the pen
itentiary, was pardoned by Gov. Packer
a few days prior to' the expiration of his
official term.
Imo' Members of the Albany military
companies are resigning. Impressed
with the idea that there is some fighting
to be done, many of them have suddenly
determined to devofe their attention
hereafter to their families.
Henningsen, the notorious
Pro-Slavery filibuster, who is an Eng
lishman by birth, is now in Montgomery,
Alabama, and The Mail of that place
expresses the hope that he will have a
commission in the army of the Southern
gir The Post Office at Pensacola, Fe.,
has been discontinued by the Postmas
ter General, on account of the interrup
tion of the mails by the State authorit
ies, and their refusal to allow the officers
at Fort Pickens free access to the office.
GP A desperete convict, under eight
years sentence, at Little Rock, Ark., es
caped from jail, by murdering the keep
er with a hatchet, several months ago ;
he was rearrested at New Orleans some
days ago.
cite The interest on the State debt,
amounting to $873000, was paid on Fri
day last, in Philadelphia, by the State
Treasurer, in coin. This is greatly to
the credit of the Commonwealth in times
like these.
or The Senate of Alabama has pass
ed a bill requiring all free negroee to
leave the State by the Ist of January,
1862, or be sold into slavery.
iß`• Hon. J. Glancey Jones, Minister
to Austria, will return with his family to
Reading about the tuiddle'of the present
eir The sweepings of Harper &Broth
ers establishment were worth, last year,
$7,360. What must the profits be ?
is'Jersey Shore and Muncey are ap
plying for Boonis in the river at their
places respectively.
about three hundred and fifty-fire thou
sand men, of which nineteen thousand
are uniformed volunteers. The arms of
the State are all in the possession of
volunteer companies, and comprise 22,-
030 muskets, Scc., 4706 rifles, &c., 2809
cavalry swords and sabres, 3147 pistols,
69 pieces of ordnance, being six
pound bronze cannon. !'here are only
about forty-two hundred of these small
arms of the improved pattern, the others
are old flint locks good for nothing now.
This does not present a very flattering
picture of the efficiency of the militia, if
suddenly called upon for service.
AN UNENVIABLE " Postsu : " A rather
exciting case was disposed of in Hunt
ingdon last week. Brice X. Blair, a
member of the State Legislature, was
put ou trial, charged with having con
spired with others to abduct a young
lady named Maggie Scott, the disappear
ance of whom, some weeks ago, was no
ticed at the time in our columns. The
jury. after a patient and lengthy investi
gegen of the entire affair, brought in a
verdict of not guilty, but directed the
defendant to foot the cost. The accus
ed is yet to be tried, at the April term,
for eduction, and au attempt to procure
abortion. An unpleasant position, true
ly, for a Legislator.
LIFE IN NEW MEXICO.-Vu the 4th ult.
five men, all Americans, came to an un
timely end in Albuquerque, under the
following circumstances : A soldier, aft
er carefully rolling himself up in his
blanket, committed suicide by blowing
his brains out with a pistol. Another
soldier, to satisfy some old grudge, shot
his sergeant, and he was lynched the
same day. A gambler was killed in a
fight with one of his companions ; and
the last was a victim in a duel between
a soldier and a blacksmith.
pany is being formed for an express bus
iness throughout the United States, to
be called the "Continental Express Com
pany." There will be fifteen trustees in
its management, composed of bankers
and railroad men in the country. The
capital, $1,000,000 in cash. Stephen 11.
Alden, president of Albany Exchange
Bank, it is said, has the offer of the pres
A BAD I s ZEIGRO SOLD.--Basil Tate, a
free negro of very desperate character
was sold publicly, at auction, on last
court day, at Westmoreland C. H., Va.
He brought only $242 50, and was im.
mediately shipped for Richmond, much
to the gratification of the citizens of
Westmoreland, who have thus been re
lieved of an incorrigible rogue, and pub
lic nuisance.
'TEE BEARDED LADY.-It must be un
comfortable to be born a phenomenon.
Paraded during life, and embalmed after
death and exhibited. Even the peace
ful grave is debarred—as in the case of
the Bearded Lady, who died a few
months ago at Moscow, was " properly
prepared," and now in her coffin, forms
one of the attractions in au exhibition
room in London.
Mr. F. C. Treaclwell, a lawyer of New
York, has sworn to an affidavit charging
treason upon various meioers of Cong
ress and others from the States of South
Carolina, Georgia and other seceeding
States. The affidavit was presented to
Chief. Justice Taney, who returned it,
deeming it an "improper paper to be of
fered to the court."
Caithness, a Scotish nobleman, has been
creating a sensation in London with his
new steam carriage. Lie is said to have
driven through the most crowded parts
without frightening the horses, and
threaded the vehicles, thickly strewn as
they are in the city, with ease and ele
or There are 20,000 beggars in Lon
don, who collect on an average $275
each ; and there are about 30,000 who
live by crime. There are houses to
teach the art of picking pockets, and the
various other crimes of that character,
where the youth is made expert by old
and accomplished adepts.
The people of Sault Ste. Marie,
and the whole Lake Superior region,
were nearly forty days without a mail,
getting none from November 12 until
December 18, when they heard of Lin
coln's election after it had gone to Pu
get's sound and come back again.
The fashionable world of St. Pe
tersburg is much exercised just now by
the announcement that three elderly
princesses, of the most illustrious fami
lies, are about to marry quite young and
obscure men, their respectiye medic . al
, ern is said that the withdrawal of
the seceding Senators will be accepted
on their resignation and their names
stricken from the roll of the Senate.—
This will prevent them from coming
back to claim their seats in order to ob
struct legislation.
Stokey, a member of the lower
House of the Illinois Legislature, has
introduced a bill which has struck terror
to the hearts of last young men. The
bill provides for the appointment of
guardians over spendthrifts.
man, (Texas.) of the sSth ult„ has an ex
tra containing the news of a fight on the
lah. Capt. Ross, with twenty-avo -Uni
ted States cavalry, had a fight with six_
teen Camanches, in which thirteen of the
latter were killed. The chief's yoting
est son was captured, together with a
white woman having been among the
Indians since childhood.
" At Vinton, Iowa; Jan. 31st, AUGUSTUS 11.
ROCK, formerly of Litiz, this county.
In, Columbia, on the 6th instant, WILLS ASS
BRA NDT, SOD of George W. and Cecilia Ham
bright, in the third year of his age.
To CONSIIIMPT/YES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after l having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and lie hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
, REV. EDWARD A. Wri.sopr, Williamsburg,
Oct. 13-3m] Kings co., N. Y.
The cures made by Prof. do GRATIS
with his " deal ic oil," are almost miraculous
and so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis
factory, and mitigating of human ill, as to call
upon public functionaries, and those having
charge of public institutions for the sick and
suffering, to look well into the well attested
merits, the simple efficacy of this "electric
oil." The ales are rapidly increasing. Deal
ers supplied at proprietors prices, by Prof. C.
de Grath, No. 217 South Eighth street, near
Chesnut. See advertisement.
Health and Happiness—How few people ever
Fonsider the close alliance existing between
these two great boons of life; men, remarka
ble for their tact and knowledge in the ordi
nary routine of business, betray the mostla
mentable deficiency in this respect—they are
lavish of gold in the preservation of their
property by an annual expenditure of thous
ands of dollars in insurances, yet at the same
time they exhibit the most reckless hardihood
with regard to health, and fail to evince a sol
itary thought on the direful ravages which the
ceaseless drudgery of business has upon the
brain and the constitution. A few dollars in
vested in these medicines would secure them a
policy of assurance against disease, and create
a happiness and buoyancy of spirits which the
wealth of Golconda could never realize.
1:C. We lake pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
11 - 3 —See advertistnent of Prof. L. _Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
THESE MEDICINES have now been before
the public for a period of thirty years, and
during that lime have maintained a high char
acter in almost every part of the Globe, for
their extraordinary and-immediate power of
restoring perfect health to persons suffering
under nearly every kind of disease to which
the human frame is liable.
The following are among the distressing va
riety of human diseases in which the
Are well known to be infallible.
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansingtthe
Ilrst and second stomachs, and creating a flow
of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and
acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, ltl-
Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy,
which are,the general symptoms of Dyspepsia,
will vanish, as a natural consequence of its
COSTIVENESS, by cleansing, the whole
lenth of the intestines with a solvent process,
and without violence ; all violent purges leave
the bowels costive within two days.
FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood
to a regular circulation, through the process of
prespiration in such cases, and the thorough
solution of all intestinal obstruction in others.
The Life Medicines have been known to cure
RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks,
and GOUT in half that time, by removing lo
cal inflammation from the muscles and liga
ments of the joints.
DROPSLE:S of all kinds, by freeing and
strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they
operate most delightfully on these important
organs, and hence have ever been found a cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn
ings of the bowels the shiny matter to which
these creatures adhere.
SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life
Medicines give to the blood, and all the humors.
plexions, by their alterative effect upon the
fluidsehat feed the skin, and the morbid state
of which occasions all eruptive complaints,
sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable coo.
The use of these Pills for a very short time
will effect an entire cure of, SALT RHEUM,
and a striking improvement in the clearness of
the skin• COMMON COLDS and INFLU
ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
PILES.—The original proprietor of these
Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years
standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone.
FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of
the Western country, these Medicines will be
found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.—
Other medicines have the system subject to a
return of the disease—a cure by these Medi
cines is permanent—try them, be satisfied, and
be cured.
PLAINTS.—GeneraI Debility, Loss of Appe
tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines
have been used with the most beneficial results
in cases of this description :—Kings Evil, and
Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild
yet powerful action of these remarkable Med
icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner
vous Complaints, of all kinds, Palpitationof
the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured.
constitutions have become impaired by the in
judicious use of Mercury, will find these Med
icines a perfect cure, as they never fail to erad
icate from the system, all the effects of Med
cury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and
sold by W. B. MOFFAT,
335 Broadway, - New York.
For a Good Ambrotype and 'Case.
Pei- , Dozen ft* iNotoffillAel
At the Marietta Sky-light Picture Ga'lery,
Market srrect. The undersigned being deter
mined not to be outdone in prices, has put his
Pictures down to the above low figure.
Thankful for past patronage, he hopes to be
encouraged at these sacrificing rates.
_LI taxable inhabitants of Lancaster counts.
Pursuant to the Provisions of the laws of tli.s
Corr mon wealth, the undersigned Commission
ers of Lancaster county hereby give notice to
the taxable inhabitants within the respe c ti ve
ea te A
city, boroughs and township
f ofrom the
h said co
ty, that the days of A pp
ments for 1861, will be at the Commissioners'
Office, in the City of Lancaster, on the days
following, to wit;
Bart twp.,
Cocalico East,
Cocalico West, } Monday, Feb'y IS, 1861.
Columbia bor.,
ponegal Fast, •
Donegal West,
Earl, Tuesday, Fcb'y 19th
Earl East,
Earl We.t,
Elizabethtown bee.,
Fulton, 1
Ilemptield East,
Hem Wield West,
Larnpetcr East,
Lampeter West, Wednesday, Fe..l,l'y 20th.
Leacock Upper,
Little Britain,
Manheirn, .1
Mount Joy,
Mount Joy bor.,
Marietta bor.,, ,
} Thursday Feb y.... q i ,
Manheim bor., 1
Providence, )
Rapho, 1
Sad bury,
Friday, Fely'y 22nd.
Strasburg bor., I
Washington bor., i
North West &South t, Monday, Feb'y 25th.
\Vest Wards City,
South East & North ( T ues day, Feb'y , 26th.
}last Wards, City,
I. EDW. W. SWENTZEL, 4 1147 a..
Graduate of the Baltimore College of
and an assistant operator and partner of
Would most respectfully offers his profess
ional services to the citizens of the Borough of
Marietta and vicinity ; persons wishing to have
their rEr.rir attended to are invited to call at
his office, adjoining Spangler & Parteison's
store, .2ntl story, entrance from Market street.
Recommendatzon of Dr. Waytaa
I hereby recommend to the people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. N. SWENTZEI,grad'-
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and skillful operator, hav
ing had ample opportunities of seeing his ope
rations—having, long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. JOHN IVATLAN, D. D. S.
Cheap Store, Market St., Marietta,
The Fall and. Winter Stock of goods of the un—
dersigned is now offered-to the public at greatly
rediaced prices, in order to make room for a
Now is the lime for Great Bargains!T
Hardware Store For Sale.
The subscriber, about to engage in other
business, offers his
tf 1 R D Wq R
very a,
A. Li
room r
to J. W
day of
ment - .0 pe,
upon Certificates of Stock will be issued.
interest at tile rate of I per-cent-a-month
will be charged after March IS, 1861.
J. W. CLARK, Secrdary.
Marietta, January 26, 1561.
Taken at half the usual price. Put up in the
usual style.
J. S. McClure
Will be at Lyndsay's Ambrotype Roomi.
For a short time.
IQ— Call immediately and get a fine toned
and life-like Ambrotype
Pictures inserted in Rings, Brest Pins, Me
dallions, &c, Be quick as his time is limited.
Marietta, Feb. 9,1861.-3 t
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark.
Prompt attention given to -securing and collect
ing Claims, and Orphans' Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing, and other writings promptly
tj 10 Boxes Havana Oranges,
2 Fruits New Crop Dates,
25 Barrels Choice Apples,
25,000 Prime Havana &gars,
Fresh Lemons, Soda, Farina,
Water, Butter, Graham, Ginger, Sugar and
Large Posters, witn Cuts,
Sale Bills, all sizes,
Circulars, Blanks, Cards,
and every description of Job Printing, neatly
and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of
MRS. S. Ai M'CALION will re-open her
School for Plain Sewing a n d Fancy
Work, on Monday, May 6th, 1861.
TERMS :-$2 per month
It• None taken for less time.
Marietta, February 9, 1861
VALENTINES : A large and splendid as
sortment of Comic and Sentimental Valen
tines at every price from one cent to one dol
ar at T. M. Anderson's.
Syrup, for children and adults has just
been put tip at my store, which should be .irt
every family this cold weather. F. Hinkle.
1-ORTABLE LAMPS. A new and most
convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called
the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," for sale cheap
at Grove Ic Roth's Drug Store.
HU BS , Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bows,
Oil Cloth, Varnishes,lte.
aTEZRETT s t co.
30-3 t