The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, February 16, 1861, Image 1

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'iltbottb . to olztzrs, Yittraturt, Agriculturt, Noticuttart, i tjc lint anb. Ustfat arts, email! 'grips of fly pair, Y,Drar ahtformation, fr.
171_ Editor alaci Prcaprietc)r_
Ike 11IuhIlj Irzetli tn.
'A'Earicqsfet . eotoifil
,gserletqWz 4 7 aliw,
pTIBLICATION OFFICE in the second sto
ry of CRULL'S Row, on Front Street, five
doors East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel.
If subscriptions be not paid within six months,
$1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us Fr VE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued /mail all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five tents a-Hoe. Marriages anti
Deaths, the simple announcement, priv.r.;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of newJoa
AND CARD TYPE, we ate prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
If in the World For Paine
THIS oil is the only sure remedy, in the
world for the Cure of Rheumatism, Deaf
ness, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Spinal arid Bronchial complaints, Tic Dolor
•ux, Headache, Cramps, Crimp, Piles, Felons,
Sprains and Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Swell
ed Glands, Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, Wofnb Disor
ders, Salt Rheum, Canker in the 'Mouth and
Stomach,Palpatation, Eruptions,Caked„Breast,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers,
Lock Jaw, Heart Burn, Tooth and Ear-ache :
Nervousness, Costiveness, Burns,'Sore Gums
of teething infants, Hemorrhage, Abscess, Stiff
Necks, Broken Breast, Chilblains, Totter,
Shingles, Frosted Feet, Fever and Ague,Chapp
ed Hands, or any Diseases that are sore or
painful, in the only article ever brought be
fere the public that will do its work perfectly
us front three to twenty minucts,—has been
used by thousands and pronounced to be the
best remedy ever discovered. . .
This Oil acts on the system with electricity
—is of pure vegetable preparation, Not the
slightest danger of applying it outwardly or
inwardly. It at once gives a,permanent cure
--in Most cases from ton to twenty minuets.
The hest physiologists of Europe have discov
ered that all organic derangement of the ani
mal system is the effect ofan obstruction of the
physico-electric fluid in the organ diseased.—
A skillful application of this Oil puts in im
mediate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is
at ohceaccomplislied. No bleedings—no vom
iting, purging or blistering is resorted to.
112/ - None genuine without signature of Prof.
C. DE Grt.a.rit. Labels signed in writing.
Principal,Depot No. 217. South Eighth. St.
Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists
can belnipplied wholesale and retail.. Price
25 centsi,sd cents, and $1 per bottle.
Try everything else ; give this one simple
Cautrort—Be careful to ask for and get DE
GRATH'S Electric Oil, as worthless imitations
There are numerous imitations sprung up on
the reputation my article has acquired. The
_must beware. They are worthless.
For sale by all dealers and druggists. , Prin
.cipal office 217 South 8: II street, Phila.
/ goes& ,gictll fiffinies ( Saatis,
.. •
-iris ~,w_ pTacing on his shelves and ready for
examination and sale, the largest and best
se ected stock of FALL AND WINTER. GOODS
ever offered in this borongh, to which he now
inVites the attention of the piablic. '. . -
Now Styles Dress G00d5,.:.;
Superior Makes of Silks . •
largo assortment of
"47 Calicos
'Extra quality Muslins, all prices,
... ' Best make of Flannels, do
A large stock of Shawls
Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels.
Purchasers are invited to examine onr stock,
tia ive aid confident we can show them the best
styles at,the lowest prices,' in'eonnection with
the largest stock of domestic.goods.
Satinetts and Cassimeres,
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins.
Delaines, Calicos and Glnghams,
Drillings, Sheetings and Checks,
Pant Stuff; Hickory and Tickings,
Best makes of Canton Flannels, .
Splendid Calicos for six cents,
Good quality Muslin,•six cents,
Plain and Figured Delains, 123 cents,
Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents.
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
- and Patent Fixtures
Wall Papers', Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Wall and, Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware.
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &•.c.
I.CvVery superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon.
All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail
Coffee at 15 cents, and other. goods at, cor
respondingly low rates.
,The highest price glum for Country produce.
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor St McDon
ald's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
ween the Drug and Book Stores. [3-ly
......":4-----4 C
: 2 "..... ....-..,--7 L 0 C K S—Good Time
.. • --,--- Keepers, for One Dollar.'
locks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
1" Vanilla Strawberry, Pine Apple,
Almond,' Rose, Lemon,
Just received and fur'sale at Grave. 4. Roth's.
R ANDI brands—varranted tb be
Bgenuine. 'Benjamin 4 Co.
11, jperior to nay now in iist, eau be had at the
'lore of Dillenbaco.
From the _Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.]
"There was a man in our town,
And he was won'drous wise ;
He jumped into a bramble bush,
And scratched out both his eyes.
But when he saw his eyes were out,
With all his might and main,
He jumped into a bramble bush
And scratched them in again !"
Some men, alas! in Southern States,
Have jumpednot over wise—
Into a rough SECESSION bush,
And scratched out all their eyes.
Now, as they, “see their eyes are out,"
They Should "with might and main,"
Jump back into the UNtotsr bush,
"And scratch them in again." ,
A Washington letter writer says that in
view of the commercial disasters conse
quent upon the late political panic, the
proposition is again agitateh in Wash
ington for the passage of a general bank
rupt act, in order to save from clestitu
ticn tens of thousands of merchants
throughout the country. It is a well
known fact that, as a general rule, only
the men of enterprise fail, for only such
are willing to encounter the risks of trade.
A panic resulting from a want of public
confidence ruin such men, because it
ruins all credits. If Congress would
protect that class of citizens which gives
our country its impetus, let them pass
the General Bankrupt act. If properly
guarded, such a law would be justly en
titled, "An act the better to encourage
an honorable division of an insolvent's
estate among his creditors."
Wno SHALL eLr Krxo ? The London
Globe has an exceedingly caustic article
on the rumor that South Carolina de
sires an English Prince for her ruler. It,
"We haye no 'Black Prince' at pres
ent to suit their tastes, and indeed it re
quires a very strong imagination to con
template one of the sons of our gracious
Queen sitting on a South American
throne, with slaves for one-half his sub
jects, and slave owners the other half.—
He should give up the lion of England
for the rattlesnake which the new her
aldry of the South affects, or more elab
orately assume armorial bearings. Crest,
a cat (of nine tails;) rampant arms, ne
groes couchant in 'a field of cotton, blood
hounds reg ard ant ; supporters ; slave
drivers armed ; motto, 'Live and las h."
It advises South Carolina to apply to
Spain, or to take the dethroned King of
that frozen feet can be speedily and cer
tainly cured by being bathed and well
rubbed with kerosene or coal oil, for a
few times at night nefore retiring to bed.
Several persons have already tried, all of
whom unite in pronouncing it an effect
ual cure, which, if they are correct, is an
easy and cheap mode of getting rid of a
very sore and troublesome affliction:—
These who have tried it say that the feet
should be well warmed by a hot stove
during and after the application of the
oil, and it will certainly effect a speedy
cure. Persons suffering from the pain
of frosted feet will no doubt do well in
giving it a trial, for it is surely a very
cheap ointment and one which is very
easily applied.
CAMERON COUNTY : An exchangA says :
Judge White and a lckt of hungry lawyers,
a week or two since, met up the West
Branch, somewhere in the woods, to find
"Cameron county," but on getting to
gether found no Court House, no Juries,
"no nothing," but an act of incorporation
full of omissions and absurd commissions.
So they smoked, told stories, sung some,
drank a little, anathemized the Legisla
ture, appointed a committee to prepare
a County Act that would "stick," and
went home'with "nary dollar" made ex
cept by the Court Crier and landlords
who extemporized a county town some
where in Shippen township.
CV It is cautiously. whispered among
the familiar friends of both parties in Al
bany, that Mr. and Mrs. Burch, whose
controversy recently created so much
excitement about the country, are about
to come together again. It was with a
view of accomplishing this end that the
further prosecution of the controversy
was taken out of the Court after Mrs.
Burch had obtained the custody of her
youngest child, and mutual friends are
now engaged in effecting a reconcillia
lion upon the basis indicated.
itgrin a. small village of Illinois, may
be seen, daily, taking his morning walk
a jolly old Frenchman, who prides him
self upon having built the first house
upon the spot where Chicago now stands,
withlor 111,000 inhabitants.
Samuel C. Reid, of the U. S. navy, died
at his residence, in New York, on Mon
day after an illness of three days, in the
77th year of his age. Capt. Reid was in
command of the privateer brig General
Armstrong, which was attacked in the
neutral port of Fayal, just at the close
of the last war with England, by three
English vessels of war. The action was
-very severe, and was conducted with sig
nal gallantry and skill by Capt. Reid.—
He was an officer of great bravery, and a
gentleman highly esteemed for private
worth. For his gallantry at Fayal he
was presented with a sword by the Leg
islature of New York, and a service of
silver plate by the citizens of New York
city. He entered the navy, as a mid
shipman, when only 13 years of age. It
was Capt Reid who gave the flag of the
Union its present form by placing all the
stars in the form of one large star, where
as before they were scattered without
order over a blue field'. One of these,
which was made by his wife and some of
her lady friends, he presented to, Con
gress, and it was hoisted on the capitol.
Tatax - Bra Gins: Another monster
has been in the Fort Pitt Works (Pitts
burg, Penna.) The "Floyd," the heavi
est. piece of ordnance, we believe, that
the world has ever seen, was 15 inches
bore and 49 inches in diameter, at the
breach. Its weight in rough was 'lB,OOO
pounds, and when finished about 49,000.
The gun cast has a twelve-inch bore, and
the same exterior diameter of the" Floyd,"
while it is Six inches longer, s and will
weigh, when finished, 25 tons. The cast
ing of the gun was marked by the most
complete success. The 'furnaces were
tapped at 124. and 24 minutes later, the
mould was filled, and the casting com
plete. The total amount of metal used
in the "run" was 76,000 pounds. The
new gun -will be named "Union," and
will, it is believed, throw a ball over-six
miles. It was
.cast on the.hollow princi
ple and under the supervision of *r.
Raye foreman of the works. '
action for $lOO,OOO damages has been
commenced in the Supreme Court in
New York by Denton OfFutt, of New
Orleans, against John S. Rarey, the fa-.
mous horse tamer, for an alleged viola
tion of a contract. Mr. Oifutt claims
that he is the originator of this sys em
of horse taming, and that in the a
1850 he taught it to Rarey, who nd
himself in the penalty of sso4in each
case in which he should impart the secret
to any other person ; that he gave Rarey
a book of the system, which he (Rarey)
has since republished, and has further
violated the contract by imparting the
secret of the system to diverse persons
in Europe and the United States.
evening, Ned Buntline, alias Judsan,
was invited by a friend to take a walk,
and soon the two brought up at a dis
reputable house. After remaining there
some hours, Ned found that he had been
robbed of his watch, and his friend aban
doned him. One of the female inmates
of the place was at first suspected of the
theft, and , accordingly arrested by De
tectives Slose and Smith. She denied
the soft impeachment, and charged the
larceny upon John 11. North, Ned's
friend. North was accordingly arrested
by the same officers, and the pawn ticket
for the stolen time-piece found in his
possession. North 'vas committed for
examination.—N. T. Express.
A GIGANTIC PROJECT: It is said that
the Emperor Napoleon has*given his
sanction to the project of building a rail
way between ()alias and Dover. This
undertaking, probably the most stupen
dous in the history of the world, coutem
plates the tunneling of the British chan
nel between the points above named—
a distance of nineteen miles, It is in
tended, we believe, to build a number of
stations or islands, along the route. The
bed of the channel along the proposed
route has been ascertained to be of solid
rock, which will render the proposed
tunnel, when completed, impervious to
water. Contractors are busy preparing
their estimates of the probable expense
of the work.
tErDr. Vreorge Bennett, a naturalist
who has lately published an account of
his twenty-two years' residence in•Aus
trails, gives a description of the grandest
of all 'Australia birds, the Jabiru, or gi
gantic crane. It grows to be five feo
high, and is so rare that the Doctor, had
seen but our skins of the bird during•his
residence there. his very graceful, has
large, and brilliant , eyes, a beautiful me
tallic brilliancy of plumage, and is easily
domesticated. •
The Declaration of Independence.
Having, last week, shown Prow parties,
North as well as South, had " changed
fronts" on the great principles laid
down by our Revolutionary Fathers, and
especially in constructions of the Dec
laration of Independence, until it was
denied to teach the natural equality of
mankind—denied to include the colored
races as well as the white " in the gener
al words used,in that memorable instru
ment," by even Chief Justice Taney, in
1856,—and until it was subsequently as
serted by Mr. Douglas to include, not
even all white r•nen, i but all the white,
subjects of Great Britain at home and in
these colonies ;—we closed with a brief
statement of the opinion held by Hamil
ton, Jefferson and the Virginia Conven
tion of 1774, contradicting these limita
tions of its meaning ; and by a brief an
alysis of the Declaration itself, we show
ed that it included " all men " univer
sally, in its declarations of self-evident
History, in opposition to the shifting
sands of party platforms, fixes tins abso
lutely universal meaning on its state
ments as the sense of its author, and sign
ers, and of the country. and the world.—
" This immortal State paper, which for
its composer was the aurora of enduring
fame, was the genuine effusion of the
soul of the country at that time,' the rev
elation of its mind, when, in its youth, its
enthusiasm, its sublime confronting of
danger, it rose 'to the highest creative
powers of Which man is capable. The
bill' of rights which it promulgateS, is of
rights that are older than human institu
tions, and spring from the eternal justice
that is anterior to the State. Two po
litical theories- divided the - world ; one
founded the commonwealth on the reas
on of State, the policy ofespediericy
the other, oh the immutable principles
of morals : the new republic, as it took
its place among the, powers of the world, •
proclaimed its faith in the truth, and re
ality and unchangeableness. of freedom,
virtue, and right. The heart of Jeffer
son in writing the Declaration, and of
Congress in adopting it, beat for all hu
manity ; the assertion of right was made
for the entire world of manki . nd and all
coming generations, without any exception
whatever . ; foi• the proposition whiCh ad-
. I exceptions can never be self-evi
dent. As i was put . forth in the name
of the ascendant people of that time', it
was sure to make the circuit of the world,
passing every where through the despot
ic countries of Europe ; and,the astonish
ed nations as they read that all men are
created equal, started out of their leth
argy, like those who have , been exiles
from childhood, when they suddenly hear
'the dimly remembered accents of their
mother tongue.
" In the next place, the' Declaration,
avoiding specious t and vague generalities,
grounds itself with anxious• care upon
the past, and reconciles right and fact:
Of universal principles enough is repeat-
I ed to prove that Americ:a chose for' her
own that system of politics which recog
nizes the rule of eternal justice ; and in
dependence is vindicated by the appli
cation of that rule to the grievous in
structions, laws, and acts, proceeding
from the King, in the exercise of his pre
rogative, or in concurrence with the
lords and commons of great Britain."—
Bancroft's _History of the United States
Vol. 8, pp: 472, 3.
Now,-what equality is meant by the
declaration—" all men are created . e
qual ? "—Much senseless ridicule and
balderdash logic has been expended to
cast odium on those who, with Jefferson
and other Signers of that Declaration,
hold to natural human equality—the
Gdd-given equal rights of all men, with
out regard to age, clime, nation, people,
kindred,, tongue color or character.
What did Jefferson and his compatriots
mean byit ?, In the words of Martineau,
writing of.this' same equality, but as re
vealed in the Gospe,l,--" One of the uni
versal sentiments which Christianity has
deeply-imbedded in the human heart, is
that'ofthe natural eguality of men. I
mean by this phrase' to describe, not the
metaphysical doctrine, (which is false,)
that all men are born with the - saMe in
tellectual and moral aptitude-; nor the,
economical, doctrine, (which is equally
false,) that all men should possess, an
equal amount of property; nor the po
litical doctrine,. ,(which • can rarely be
true,)that.all men. should -be invested
with the name , civil- privileges ; 'butthe
religious doctrine,' that all are
kloo, children of One Father,, protect
ed by One Providence, and, consciously
or unconsciously, appointed, to' One life
.7Dc›llar a, -17-ear
eternal." As Jefferson and the other
Signers spoke of equality by creation
and Divine endowment, they did not
mean social equality rand as they spoke
of rights, they had no reference to equal-,
ity in bulk or stature; and those who
quibble about such matters, betray ei
ther gross ignorance or knavery !
That Jefferson, Adams, Sherman,
Franklin and R. R.Livingston (the Com
mittee) meant just what and all they said
-" ALL MEN "—is further evident from
the original draft of the Declaration, as
written by him, and amended by them,
and thus jointly and unanimously report
ed to Congress. It contains the follow
ing :
" He [ie. King George lII] has waged
cruel war against human nature itself,
violating its most sacred rights, of life
and, liberty in the person of a distant peo
ple who never offended him, captivating
and carrying them into slavery in anoth
er hemisphere, or to incur miserable
death in their transportation thither.—
This piratical warfare, the opprobrium
of INFiDEL powers, is the warfare of the
CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. De
ermined to keep open a market where
MEN should be, bought and soldthe has
prostituted, his negative for suppressing
every legislative attempt to prohibit or
to restrain this execrable commerce."—
[The capitals and small capitals are in
the original—the italicisittg is mine.]
This paragraph was struck out by
Congress, as Jefferson says, "in com
plaisance to &Wit Carolina and Georgia,
who had never attempted to restrain the
importation of slaves, and who, on the
contrary, still wished to continue it"—
But the other States and especially the
Committee,-declared the slave trade
"piratical," called it an "execrable com
merce," and declared it to be "the oppro
brium of infidel powers I" And yet Chief
Justice Taney could unblushingly stand
up in the Supreme_ Court, and declare,
that by public, opinion, at the time,of OA.
Declaration of our Independence, l and
for more than a century before, colored
peoplewere "regarded as beings of an,
inferior order, and altogether unfit to
associate with the white race either in
social or political- relations ; and so far
inferior, that Ihey had no rights which:lthe,
white man was bound to respect ; and Wet.
the neg n ro might JUSTLY and LAWFULLY be,
reducdd tol slavery for his benefit ! ! ! "
Contrast this infamous slander on our .
Revolutionary fathers, with the above
elause,of the original DeclaratiOn, and
it will be seen to be as FALSE'as it is in
! For thefirst Continental Con
gress had already put forth a declaration
that the struggle in which they were
about to engage would be "fbr the cause
of HUMAN RATHER." How,, then, can
Taney, Douglas & Co., thus falsify fact
land histery I
Nor is' this all. The declaration—"all
Men are created free and equal"—having
been inserted in the 3lassachusetts Bill
of Rights in 17802 in 1783 her courts de
cided, that it was an effectual bar to
slavery, and slavery was accordingly
prohibited in.that State. In New Hamp
shire, the same declaration having been
introduced into her second Constitution,
her courts decided that it secured the
freedom of every child born , in that State
after its - adoption. And in our own no
ble Keystone State, the first to provide
for the abolition of slavery in her borders,
"The Pennsylvania Society for, promo-:
ting the Abolition of Slavery" was form
.ed. in 1774—tw0 'years before our Dec
laration was made. In 1790, Dr. Frank
lin; its first President, drafted its mem
orial to Congress, from which we copy
the - folio wing :
"From a persuasion that equal liberty
was originally the portion, and is still
the birth-right of all men, and influenced
by the.strong ties of humanity and the
principles of their institution, your mem
orialists conceive themselves bound to
use all justifiable endeavors to loosen
the bonds of slavery, and pro Mote a gen
eral enjoyment of the blessings of free
dom. Under these impressions, they
earnestly Barest your attention to the.
subject of Slavery; that you will be
pleaSed `to countenance the restoration
to liberty of those tinhappy men, Who,
alone, in this land of freedom, tire• de
graded into perpetnal bondage h and who,
amid the general joy of surrounding 'free
men, are groaning in'servile subjection ;
that you will devise means for removing
this inconsistency of character from the
American people ; that you'will promote
mercy and justice toward this dietressed
race ; and that you r Will step to Ike very
vergerof the yoker vested• in you - for dis
couraging mg species of traffic in ; the
persons of on; fellow men, IWhat.terri
ble It publicans were.;Franklin,
Jefforson,'and their foliow-siomeis of the
NO. 31.
Declaration ! Veen many of our North
ern Democrats would now call them
"Abolitionists !!!""1
And Lafayette declared—' I would
neverlave drawn my sword in the cause
of Arnerica, if I could have conceived
that thereby I was founding a land' or
Slavery." So late as May, 1529, Jeffer
son called the' Declaration, "this declar
atory charter of our rights, and of the
rights of man." In his "Notes on Vir
ginia" he recognizes the colored race as
"citizens;" and, subsequently, as "breth
ren." He says—"We mist wait with
patience the workings of an overrating
Providence, and hope that that is pre
paring the deliverance of these, our
brethren. When the measure of their
tears shall be full, when their groans
shall have involved heaven itself in dark
ness, dirabtless a God of Justice will
awaken to their distresp. Nothing is
more certainly written in the Book of
Fate, than that this people shall be free."
(Query—By Secession and civil war ?)
Turn over what pages we may of the
men of those days, and down even to
1854, and everywhere we find testimonies
that Taney, Douglas, and the Democratic
Congressmen and Editors who repeat
theirassertions, have libelled the fathers,
and falsified history and fact, in denyin s ir,
that the Declaration of Independence
included all races and colors in - its "self
evident.truths"'that "all men are created
equal, and are endowed by their 'Creator
with certain inalienable riglitb, arid that
among these are life, liberty end the pur
suit of happiness. Equally eiridant is it,
that they have grossly and wickedly fal
sified the public opinion of that day, in
'declaring that it held that colored peo
ple "had no rights which' the white man
was bound to reipect," but "mig,ht just/g
and laxfully be reduced' to slavery."—•
And Yet, sh hiuterons are their followers
—so confident in' their repetitions of
these slander's and falsehoods as historic
truths," that we have some reason to fear
that "the war of the Revolution must be
'epeated before the question of liberty is
settled in America."' May God grant that
it'may not be settled by a civil and a Ser
vile war l--as it, will be, it we continue to
compromise with the evil, and make it
more extensive, and thus postpone the
settlement, "treasuring up wrath against
the day of wrath, and revelation of the
righteous" judgment of God." In the
terribly emphatic words of Jefferson—
" The Almighty has no attribute which
can tale'side with us in,such a contest."
Remember - St. Domingo I A. B. G.,
Boys OUT AT NIGHT.—The practice of
allowing, boys to spend their evenings
on the streets is one of the most ruinous,
dangerous, and mischievous things pos
sible. Nothing so speedily and surely
makes their course downward. They ab
quire under the cover of night, an un
healthy state of mind, vulgar and pro
fane language, olscene practices, crimin
al sentiments, and a laWless and riotous
bearing. Indeed, it is in the streets,
after night - fall, that the boys generally
acquire the education of the bad and the
capacity for becoming rowdy, dissolute,
criminal men. Parents, do you believe
it ? Will you keep , your children at
home at nights, and see that their home
is made pleasant and profitabe to them ?
It is seldom that more truth is com
pressed iato so small space. The thous
ands of boys belonging to worthy, re_
spectable families, who are petmitted,
night after night, to select their com
pany and own places of resort, are on a
certain road'to rain. Confiding parents,
who believe that their sons are safe—.
that they will not associate with the
vicious--wili one of these days have
their hearts crushed, as thousands have
before, by learning that sons whom they
regarded as proof against any evil, have,
from early years, been on the road to
Cr Japanese Tommy, according to a
letter in_the nome Journal from Kana
gawa, is a very inferior custom-house of
ficial, and'" lives in a very large: Com
pound'back of the.custom house,=behied
'a high board fence, Painted -11 rick; and
looking very .sombre, *hate are huddled
together custom-house4fficials by the
score. Under the' roota'utiati-Mietitdry
cottage, with tiled , rootpapered:screeits;
and'mat floor; Tommy has 'aidat'aliriter*
he may eat by day, and spread-hisiluilits
to sleep by night. The , only , fririlitire
such a gentlemitnihaS,'Or : iciefit, in Japan,
is a cupboard;th , ptit'firie 'bidding' in. by
day, and a"chefit irdraWerir for loose
tides. The ifnaPS4jit'Ae same time
carpet, chairs, table. 7—
His indome is free Aienrallow
ance of rice, and
' eight icltib4as; br"two
dollars and sixty-seven cents
.a month.