The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, February 09, 1861, Image 3

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MARIETTA CAR TIME : The following 18
the starting time for leaviO, "Upper-Station:ft
Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a. m
Ilarrisburg Accommodation, 2,21
p• m
.111ai1 Train, 6.2 G p. tr ,
Live Stock with Emigrant attached, 10.10 p. ol
Mail Train, 12.11 Man.
Harrisburg Accommodation, 6.26,p. in.
Express freight and Emigrant, 1.40 a. nn,
The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom
modation West will pass at "Upper Station.
Cr A very interesting article will be
, found on our first page, from the pen of
.our townsman, A. B. G.
63-We observe by Wednesday Even
ling's Express, a call for an "old soldier's
'meeting" at Michael's Hotel, Lancaster,
ion the 22d instant.
Or At a meeting of the " Vigilant
-.Vire Company " held at their Hall on
I:iaturday evening last, the following of
:teem were elected :
President, F. K. Mosey.
Vice President, G. W. Carraeher. -
Secretary, F. W. Crawford..
Treasurer, Paris G. Peck.
Engineer, D. Porter Ropp.
Messenger, Henry Nagle.,
Armen, Martin Cochran, P. Haden.
Torclanen, Henry Grady, Jas. Collins
Directors, George Jones, Edward Car
racher, John Rienhold, Jacob Erisman,
George Fisher.
Clir On Monday last four Very large
pieces of artillery and two car loads of
balls and shell passed through our place,
en route Philadelphia from the United
States Arsenal at Lawrenceville. They
are of the heaviest calibre, and are in
tended for the protection of Fort Dela
ware, near the mouth of the Delaware
, The train carrying these mater
ials of war attracted quite a Crowd :of
inquiring sensationists to Front street.
OW A fire broke out in what is called
44 Little Davie's Clothing store," Colum
bia, on Tuesday morning of last week.—
The Spy says two frame dwellings were
burnt to the ground and " Davies " en
tire stock of clothing either burnt or
very mach damaged, It was, unques
tionably, the work of an incendiary,
car The following gentleman compose
the official board of " The Lancaster
..Athenrenm arrd the Historical, Agricul
tural and Mechanic's Institute:" Pres.
, ident-1 4 .1. C. Reigart ; rice President—
]>r. F. A. M uhlenberg; Secretary—John
A. Sheaff ; Treasurer—John W. Jack
son Directors—Hon. B. Chain pneys, E.
C. Darlington, Hon. A. L. Hayes, G. M.
Steinman, John Wise, Dana erraliam,
James Evans.
t>Far'!'ho following gentlemen were
elected officers of the Mount Joy Ly-
.cum for the ensuing year :
President—Jahn A. Brenneman.
Vice President—J. R. Efoifei. ,
Secretary—F. H. Stauffer.
Treasurer—John Me Ferland.
librarian—Dr. J. L. Ziegler.
Executive Committee—E. L. Moore, J
li.. Hoffer, D. K. Burkholder.
tir. Mr. Henry 11, sawyer Will lectare
before the Marietta Literary Society on
next Monday evening, in the High
Sahool room. Subject 7 "'Woman." We
have no doubt Mr. S., although a bach
elor, is quite well booked-up on'the sub
ject he has chosen. We •can promise,
beyond peradventure, a "gobd tune .gert
isr A very desirable tract containing
about five acres of excellent land on the
Marietta and Maytown Turnpike—about
midway,—with a neat little cottage, well
at the door and other conveniences,we be
lieve could be purchased at a very reas :
onable figure. Mr. Goo.druan, the owner,
can be found next door west of Dr.
00 - Captain George Sanderson, of the
"Intelligencer and Journal," was on
Tuesday last, re-elected Mayor of Lan
caster. William B. Wiley was his com
petitor. Our former townsman, Captain
SiMon S. Rathvon, was amongst the
successful ones; for the Select Council.
ta' The Mount Joy Brass Band has
unanimously agreed to offer their ser
wines to relieve the Band now at Fort
Sumpter. The Star Spangled Banner
was, then played and three deafening
cheers given for Major Anderson.
crHigh Constable John *Myers of
Lancaster died of apoplexy on Tuesday
evening. last. Mr. Myers had held the
offices of City and High Constable for a
period of twenty-five years.
igy.J. S. McClure has taken Lindsay's
Ambrotype Room, where he will remain
.ash.ort time. his prices are very low.
See his card.
ar Mrs. reahon will open a school
far instr4ction in plain and fancy sewing.
See her card.
far Harry Wolfe has just. received 41
new tot of goods. See card.
Ca' Anderson bas a cheap and beauti
ful assortment of Valentines.
iffigr Pine skating ow the Susquehanna
now, the first in twenty years:
Air,. BAKER;—In your paper of the
12th ultimo you denounce original pieces
in rather tart phrases. In copying from
another paper, local circumstances should
be taken into consideration before adopt
ing, as suitable to your own locality...—
City papers of any notoriety are broad
cast over the land and sea, too, perralven
tnre. Now a city editor may put such
a denunciation in his paper,without seem
ing at all personal ; but in a village where
very few, and those generally known,
send an offering of the kind you speak of,
must be personal. Now I think the tal
ent of our borough ought to be encour
aged, and should be the pride of every
loyal citizen to do so. Our most emi
nent writers had to bear with these snubs
and they have waded through it to fame.
There manuscripts, too, are seldom "fixed
up" and the writing of many almost illeg
ible. Lawrence Johnston, (now deceas
ed,) told me a printing office was as good
as an academy to a young man ; now by
the time the "Printer's Devil" passes
this, the primary department, and learns
to know what it is to make a printer's
"pie" and is promoted to the office of
Printer,—and sometimes relieves the ed
itor,—or help to make selections for
the press—he ought to know the trade
of "fixing up." My son, now Prosecu
ting Attorney at Iv ort Leven worth, learn
ed the printing business in Johnston's
office, and read the proof sheets of Mrs.
Sigourney's poems, and they were not
"fixed up." One of her communications
had an obscene word written on the seal
when taken from the post-office. This
was no'disgrace to her—but to the per
son who done it. Dean Swift says "It
is the sweetest fruit the birds pick most
at, on the tops of the trees, not among
the lower branches." "CHARITY."
NOTE : We most respectfully disclaim
any personality—should be very far from
casting any upon our local aspirants to
poetic fame. We only copied the article
do "Fixing up Poetry" from a city ex
change, as one of general application,
common to every newspaper office. We
beg leave, respectfully however, to differ
from our matronly co ntributo r,—fixing
tip poetry is by no means a trade ;—nei
ther is writing poetry—yet many pretend
to both, much to the mortification of
their friends and well-wishers.— Editor.
DR. EDW. W. SWENTZEL, "Orfamsa
Graduate of the Baltimore College of
and an assistant operator and partner of
Would most respectfully offers his profess
ional services to the citizens of the Borough of
Marietta and vicinity ; persons wis:,ing to have
their TEtiTll attended to are invited to call at
his office, adjoining Spangler & PaUCISOII'S
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street.
Recommendation of Dr. TTraylan
I hereby recommend to the people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W. SWENTZEL, grad
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge
ry, as °competent and skillful onerator,,hay
ing had ample opportunities of seeing his ope
rations—having long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. JOHN WA YT e AN, D. D. S.
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Taken at half the usual price. Put up in the
usual style.
Will be at Lyroisay's Ambrotype Room,
For a short time.
la- Call immediately and get a fine toned
and life-like Ambrotype
Pictures inserted in Rings, Brest Pins, Me
dallions, &c. Be quick as his time is limited.
Marietta, Feb. 9,1861.-3 t
ef 10 Boxes Havana Oranges,
2 Trails New Crop Dates, ,
25 Barrels Choice Apples,
25,000 Prime Havana Segars,
Fresh Lemons, Soda, Farina,
Water, Butter, Graham, Ginger, Sugar and
Large Posters, witn Cuts,
Sale Bills, al] sizes,
Circulars, Blanks, Cards,
and every description of Job Printing, neatly
and cheaply done at short notice, at the office of
NRS. S. A. M'CANON will re-open her
1 School for Plain Sewing a n d Fancy
Work, on Monday, May 6th, 1561.
TERNS :—51.50 per month
'None taken for less time
Marietta, February 9, 1861
VALENTINES : A. large and splendid as
sortment of Comic and Sentimental Valen
tines at every price from one cent to oue dol
ar at J. M. A n derson's. ,
II ITT ER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban
jai doges, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for
Deformit3 , &c. These articles aro
very highly recommended by Profes
sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med
ical College of Philadelphia, and the under
signed knows them to be the best articles, of
the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D.
A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for
Cooking—something very nice.
Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts.
Poncinc, Honey and othe fine Soaps.
Frangipannie and other Extracts.
For sale a HINKLE' R.
a—Collections promptly attended to.
J. S. McClure
And General Machinists, Second street,
Below Olio% Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ;. Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. ißepairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf
Having - just ieturned from the city with
a nicely selected lot of Beady-made Clothing,
which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is
determinedto sell LON, FOR- CASH. Hisstock
-) . _ ERHAULS, URA, .5,
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. Everything in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at
prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St.,
next door to Cassel's Store
Marietta, October 29, 1856.
Cheap Store, Market St., Marietta.
The Fall and Winter Stock of goods'of the un
dersigned, is now offered to the public at greatly
reduced prices, in order to make room for a
Now is the 'lime for Great Bargains!?
Hardware Store For Sale.
The subscriber, about to engage in other
business, offers his
And the good-will of the Establishment,
situate in Market Street, Marietta, for sale on
very acco..anodating terms.
A Lease for three or five years of the store
room now used, can also be obtained.
For further particulars inquire, or address
January 2G, IS6I. 2h-tf
oFFERS his professional Services to the
public and will be happy to wait on all who
May patronize him. Dentistry in all
figs its branches carried on. •
- TEETH inserted on the most 'Ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth performed in a skillful
and workmanlike manner—on fair principles
and reasonable terms. Having determined
upon a permanent location in this borough, at
the old stand, would ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him ;
having studied under a ielebrated graduate of
the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeonsie
feels confident to be able to sender satisfaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
P. Hinkle, M. D.
J. H. Grove, M. D. -
Smith Armor, M. D.
.111" Ether administered to proper persons
JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor,
Cor. of Market-st., amd Elbow Lase, Marietta.
dr - 1 it,A.TEFUL for past favors I would return
my thanks to my numerous friends and pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the old stand, where I will be
pleased to see them at all times, and having a
full and splendid assortment ot
which will be made up to order at the shortest
notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona
ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait
upon my old customers and all who see proper
to patronize me hereafter. 0ct.29-'56,
NOTLCE. The subscribers to the Capital
Stock of the Marietta a n d Maytown
Turnpike Road Company are required to pay
to J. tV. Clark , Tteasterer, on or before the 16th
day of February next, the fifth and last.instal
mem of FIVE DOLLARS per share, where
upon Certificates of Stock will be issued.
Interest at the rate of 1 per-cent-a-month
will be charged after March IS, 1861.
L W. CLARIc, Secretary.
Marietta, January 26, 1861.
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark.
Prompt attention given to securing and collect
ing Claims, and. Orphans' Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing and other writings promptly
executed in the best style known in the art,
No. 532 Arch-at., east of Sixth, Philadelphia
ri—Life size in Oil and Pastil, Stereoscopt .
Portraits, Amorotypes, Daguerreotypes, §-e., fo
Cases, Medalions, Pins, Rings, &c. [ly
T ENVELIt Y.—A large and selected stock of
fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. & E. J. ZAHig.'S.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
Hammered and Rolled Iron, H.
S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., for smiths.
30-3 t
OA General Assortment of all kinds of
.z. Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar :Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap.
_u Syrup, for children and adults has just
been put up at my store, which should be An
every family this cold weather. F. Hinkle;
PORTABLE LAM PS. A new an' most
convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called
the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," fnr sale cheap
at Grove §r Roth's Drug Store.
A SUPERIOR article of Rectified Crab
Apple Cider, for sale by the barrel or gal
lon at J. R. Dilfenbach's Store.
AU BS , Spolcps 2 Felloes, , Wagon Bows,
11 Oil Cloth, Varnishes, &c.
TIMED FRUIT now selling cheap at
:ON )- 7 1.:Dicufei•ei)e.,1( 20,1; isfoi‘e,
North Queen Street, near the Exam-
iner & Herald Office
T HE Proprietor of Tru; LANCASTER CITEAP
has availed himself of the opportunity to pur
chase ajargo stock of the most varied assort
ment of valuable books of every class and de
scription. He now offers to the public the same
at proportionably and unusually Low rates.
Those in want of valuable standard works,
for the improving of a well selected library,
will find it to their great advantage to call and
examine the extensive stock on hand. My ob
ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply
the wants of the community with anything in
my line on the most reasonable terms possible.
This we find the better and most advantageous
course for all parties. The Political Econo
mist tells us, "cheaper article is, the more
it can and will be used." then the conclusion
is, that when we buy cheap, .we must sell
cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona
ble profit.
_ - - - - - -
I would call especial attention to my large
assortment of Sunday School Books on hand,
of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday
Schools and sell all at Sunday School Union
prices. 1 have the agencies for the public:l:
tions of the American Sunday School Union,
American Tract Society, Methodist Book and
Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Prosbyte •
rian '
Episcopal and other denominations are
kept on hand.
Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto
Family Bible, will find it to their advantage
to call and examine at
the largest stock on hand, ranging form One,
to Twenty-five Dollars.
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam
ine the large and cheap stock of
Successor to Murray, Young & Co.
One of the largest and most complete Galleries
in the United States, where the best Pic
tures, known to the Photographic art,
at prices no higher than are paid
for miserable caricatures.
The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, at
tends personally, every sitting—and allows nd
picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives per
fect satisfaction.
Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes of absent
or deceased friends, photographed to any de
sired size, or taken on Canvass, life size, and
painted in Oil by the best Artists.
At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any
weather—as perfect in cloudy days as when
the sun shines.
Persons.visiting the city are respectfully in
vited to examine our specimens, which for
price and quality defy coinpetition.
la— Instructions given in the art of Photog
raphy. R. NEWELL,
Gallery of Art, 724 Arch St., Philadelphia.
From fron. Lewis D. Campbell, M. e., Ohio.
My family and friendeall concur in the opin
ion that the (Newell)•Picture is more life-Like
than anything they ever saw. My likeness
has been repeatedly taken by artists in various
ways, but 1 have never yet had one which pre
sents so true to nature, all the features and es
prftsions of countenance as this.
From lion. E. Joy Morris, kite Minister to
. .
• The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of
your portraits, conjoined with their durability
of color and faithfulness as likenessses, cannot
fail to commend them to the attention and pa
tronage of all who appreciate true art.
From Cot. James Page. •
Having occasion for a portrait, I procured
one from Kr—Robert Newell, of the city of
Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors, under
Me new process discovered by him, and take
great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction giv
en me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness,
but its artistic finish in all respects, and recom
mend him to the patronage'of those disposed to
encourage the beautiful art.
Nov. 24, 1860.-131
Ibe VrepeNtioll the bas eod
And. g rows more and more popular awy. Day.
A Ni) grows more and more popular every
day ! and testimonials, nev, and almost
without number, might be given from ladies
and gentlemen in all, grades of society, whose
united testimony none could resist, that Prof.
Wood's Hair Restorative will:restore the bald
and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old age, in all its youthful beauty.
Battle. Creek, Mich., Dec. 2lst,
Pnor.'Woon :. Thee Willt pleaSe accept a
line to inform thee that the hair on my head all
fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a Com
plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A comb] dal course of suffer
, ie g through fire having reduced me to a state of
dependence, I have' not been able to obtain
stall' for caps, neither have I been able to do
them up, in corisequence of which my head has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
Hie to pay Briggs St Hodges almost the last cen t
1 had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followed the directions and
The bald spot is now covered with hair thick
and black, though short, it is also coming in all
over my head.. Feeling confident that another
large bottle would restore it entirely and per
manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its usel
and being destitute of meads to purchase any
more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be
willing to send me an order on thine agents for
a bottle,. and receive to thyself the scripture
declaration—"the reward is to those who are
kind to the widow and the fatherless."
Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1559.
Pam. 0. J. WOOD : Dear Sir :—ln the latter
part of the year 1552, while attending the Slate
and National Law School of the State of New
York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me,
commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six months the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining por
tion upon the side and back part.of my head
shortly after became gray, so that you will not
be surprised when I tell you that upon my, re
turn to the State of Indiana, my mere casual
acquaintances were not so much at a loss to
discover the cause of the change in my appear
ance., as my more intimate acquaintances were
to ,recognise me at all.
I at once made application to the moat skill
ful physician in the country, but, receiving no
assurance froM them that my hair could again '
be restored, I was forced to betozne reconciled
to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter prat
of the year 1557, your Restorative was recom
mended to me by a druggist, as being the most'
reliable Ilair Restorative in use. 1 tried one
bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that
it was producing the desired effect. Since that
time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of
very soft black hair, which no money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude for your labcir
and skill in the production of so wonderful an.
article, I have recommended its use to many o
my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hap
py to inform you, are using it with like.effect.
Very respectfully yours, A. M. LATTA,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
THE RESTORATIVE is put up in bottles of
three sizes, viz ; large, rfiedium, and small ; the
small holds 1-a -pint, and retails for $1 a bottle
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the small, retails for $2 pe
bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 pet cent
more in proportion,
and retails for $3.
O. WOOD & CO., Proprietors,
No. 444 Broadway; New-York, and
114 Market Street,'St.
n'And sold by all good druggists and , friticY/
goods dealers. La7-7-14-3st.
undersigned has received another lot - of
Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades
of every variety and price. Call and see therri
at Dr.: Hinkle's Drug Stove.
A SUPER/OR COOK STOVE, very plain,
style, each one warranted to per-
torio to- the entire satisfaction of the
purchaser. STERRETT Sr. CO.
C 0 NSTANTLY on hand, Moiioiigcihela rec
tified Whiskey. BenAmu Co.
Grand Quarterly Distribution
(v. 100,000 Articles, worth 8309,200!
WHICH will he sold for 100,000 Dollars, to
the purchasers of our Golden Pens at 30 cents
per Box. Our Golden Pen is the best ever used,
and is warranted not to corrode in any ink.—
Every business man and family should use the
Golden Pen. The following list of 100,000ar
liMes will be distributed among our patrons at
$lOO each, and need not be paid for until we
inform the purchaser which of the following
articles we will sell him for $l.OO and then it
is optional whether he sends the dollar and
takes the goods or not. All .Goods can be re
turned at our expense within ten days after
the Purchaser received them, unless they are
satisfactory, and the money will be refunded.
List of Goods Included in the Distribution.
Pianoa, fold Hunting Cased Watches, Gold
Watches, Ladies' Silver Watches, Gnard, Vest
and Chatelain Chains, Cameo Brooches, Mosaic
and Jet Ear-Drops, Lava and Florentine Ear-
Drops, Coral Ear-Drops, Emerald and Opal
Ear-Drops, Handsome Seal Rings, Mosaic and
Cameo • Bracelets, Gents Breastpins, Watch
Keys Fob and Ribbon Slides, Sets of I3osojn
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Stone Set
Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Canton Crape
Shawls, de Laines, Challies, French
and American Lawns,Bereges,Poplins. French
Calicoes, and other Ladies' Dress Goods in great
variety, together with Head Dresses, Cabas,
Fancy Fans, and in fact alrriost every descrip
tion of GOODS usually found in first class Dry
Goods Stores.
Highest Prenzittot $lOO, _UMW Premium, $2.
The articles are numbered, and Certificates
stating what we will sell each person for one
dollar are placed in sealed Envelopes, with a
Decimal arrangement of Premiums : so that in
each hundred certificates there is one for a Gold
Watch, and there will also be a splendid pre
mium in each ten certificates. Ladies, if you
desire a fine shawl, or dress paten], or a beau
tiful article of jewelry, enclose us 30 cents for
a box of the golden pens, and we will send you
a certificate which may enable you to procure
it for $ I, "Try us."
4 Boxes Pens with 4 Certificates, $l.
9 do do 9 do
25 do do 25 do 5.
100 do
N. E.—With each package of 100 boxes we
present the purchases NO certificates, one of
which is guarranteed to contain one order for
a fine watch, or Sewing Machine, or by order
ing 50 boxes in one package you,are sure to
receive 50 certificates containing One order for
a splendid silver watch, beside a large number
of other very valuable premiums. One certifi
cate sent gratis, upon application of any per
son desiring to act as Agent, which rosy ena
ble him to procure a valuable premiuin upon
the payment of $l.
Pianos, Melodeons,
Bought and sold on 'crimniission. ' Any article
will be sent to the country at the lowest whole
sale prices with'the "addition of 5 Pet - cent com
mission for forwarding.
N. I3.—Agents wantedin, eyry town. Cir
culars sent on application. Address all coin
municatfoug to C. W SJ "COI:BE ftls Sr. CO.
.Comnussion merchants and General Agents,
38 South Fourth-.ct., below Chestnut, Phira.
la. - For our integrity and abili ty tu our
engagements, we beg to refer you to the follow
ing welt known gentlemen and business fIVITS
His Ekcellency J.• W. Geary, Ex-Gov,.lart
sas, Westmoreland, Pa.; Palmur, Richardson
& Jewellers, Philadelphia • E. A. War,me,
Esq„, Philadelphia; Wm. A. dray, Esq.,'Phil
adelphia ; Messrs. Ken/limier & Moore, Water
St. below Arch, Phil'a ; Messrs Pratt & Reath;
Fifth and Market Sts., PhiPa; J. C. Fuller,
Esq., Jeweller, PhiPa; A. F. Ward . , Esq.,
Publisher of Fashions, &c., PhiPa;
M. .11.
Horne, Catasauqua Bank ; Hon. L. 'Pt. ifurson.
Eureka, California. . [Scp.29;qo7lY
AT d Nv .F.XIiI3I .. TONG-,..; the largest,..-most
IN desirable and cbeapest*go,ods• we , - have
ever offered, selected in Newl(ork and: Phil 7
adelphia.. Our friends and cu,storoers are invi
ted to inspect our goods, confidently believing
that all will be pleased, as to the variety, qual-
ity and cheapness. -• . • .'.
DR ES'S 1100 35,.
Entireirnew styles of RICH -
.tires's Silks; best
make of black dress aillis,•Lupin's French Me
rinoes, in black; and in all colors, tip in s
French' Meriimes, printed in vines, - boquets,
polka spots and. rriedalionS ;. Lupin's all 'Wool
printed IVlouslies, in vines briquets and pOlleS,
spots and medallions; double width Irish pop
lins, new style, all wool' printed Cailimeres ;
black ground Foulards, Velour Ottomans, all
wool Plaids, Satin a Sole, Oarabaldi's,-Denor
ah's, children's bright Plaid. 100 piece's Pa
cific de Lanes. I.Si cents ; 100 pieces Hamilton
de lanes cents; French and English-zl-4
Chintzes ; do - pieces Coburgs, all qualities, in
black and all colors.
The newest fall styles':
The Arab,
The Basque,
The Walking Coat,
- The Full Back, '
The Plain Back,
The Cape Style.
The Beaver Cloth, &c.
Cloaking Cloths of every - kind.
,Dres's goods of
every description, newest styleS and just im
ported iir New York.
A beautiful assortnynt, and latest styles:
Brocha Long Shawls,
Scotch Long Blanket Shawls,
French Long Blanket Shawls,
Stella Shawls, embracing every kind
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestintis.
The largest and most complete assortment we
ever offered and at unusually low prices,; we
invite particular attention to our Cloth De
partment, Boy's Cassimeres, &c.
Black and Fancy Super French and English
Black and Fancy Super French and English
The very latest style Ve.stings.
Blankets, Marsaille, Lancaster and .Allendale
Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comforts. bles,-.
Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from. 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide,
Bleached and Brown Domes
tic Table Cloths, Woolen
Table Covers, Work .
• - Stand Woolen
Sacking Bottcms, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil
Cloths, Crash for Stairs, Brown and_ Bleached
Sheetings I yd. to 3 yds, wide, Pilow Case
Tickens, Furniture Chintzes and
Checks, Towelings, Bureau Covers, &c., &e.,
Looking Glasses. a large stock,
Prime Live-picked- Geese Feathers.
Window Shades, a new and full.assortment,.
Window Shades with Bailey's Fixtures,
Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains,
A very large lot of Carpeting*, new styles;
selling at reduced prices ; Carpet Chain, wool- . 7
en, linen and cotton. ,
China; Glass & Queensvvare. •
China Tea Setts, gold band; White Granite
waie, in new shapes, in full Dinner anti
Tear setts; Pitchers, Dishes, Soup - ;,
Tureens, Gravies, &c. ;- Chamber
and Toilet setts; Table and -
Bar Tumblers, Wine & '
Champagne Glasses,
_Egg and Cellery
Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cake
Stands &c.,
Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds, wide
Velvet Rugs, Door Matts, •
Foor Oil Cloth from 1 yd, to 4 yds: wide; thc
latter cut iu one piece to ,k4t a hal!,
Mattings, checked: and plain fract 1 Td. to
' yds.rwide.
A full line of Iloisery and Gloves,
£ The above comprise only a small portion
or our sew good s. ' - HALDE'MAN'S",, ,
Cheap Cash Store, Caliph htcf'
1 - 1 Y OT VS Hanging and Side Lamps,
j For Sate at GROVE Fr ROTLPS.
I 4 IRENC USTA RD in pots at
13 .1 LEN' S lorig celebrated (UN,
do 100
THE PESTI:IIONY of the Iv HoLr.ii-onLO
Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores arid Ulcers
All description of sorecare remediable by the
proper and diligent use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the edges of the wound together is a
folly, for should the skin unite, a boggy dis
eased condition remains underneath to break
out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated
by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in all 1
about the wound andto soothe the neighboring
parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as
salt isforeed into meat.
Diptheria, .Ulceraed Saiv Throat, and
Scarlet and oilier Fevers
Any of the above diseases'may he cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three time: a day
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient
it will soon penetrate, and give immediate re
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the-above manner for the dis
eases named, or any similar disorders affecting
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved as by a charm.
Piks, Fistulas, Strictures.
The above class of complaints will be removed
by nightly fomenting the parts with warm
water, and then by most effectually rubbingin
the Ointment. Persons suffering from these
direful complaints should lose not a moment ht
arresting their progress It should be under
stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear
the Ointment on the affected parts, but itmust
be well rubbed in for some conviderable time
two at three times a day, that it may he taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden sore•or wound'as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again bread and
water poultices, after the Tabbing in of the
Ointment, will do great service. This is the
only sure treatment for female cases of cancer
in the stomach, or where there may be a gen
eral bearing down.
Indiscretions of Youth; Sores and Ulcers.
Blotches, as also'. swellings, cap, with cer
tainty,•be radically clued it the Ointment be
used freely; and .the - Pills be taken night and
morning as recommended - in the printed in
structions.- When treated •in any other way
they only dry'one place to break out in
another; whereas this Ointment will remove
the humour from the system, and leave the pa
tient a vigorous , and thealthy being. It will
require-time With the. use of the Pills to ensure
a laiting cure.
Drop.sical Stedlin§s; Paralysis and Stiff
Although the above 'complain ts differ widely
iu their origin and.riaturedet they all require
local treatment:: Many of the worarcases, of
Stich diseases, will' yield in- a comparatively
short space of tirne When tliA Ointment is dill -
gentlylrubbed into tne:partsaffected, even after
every othermeana . have failed. In all serious
maladies the Pills should be-. taken according
to the• printed directions • accompanying each
Both the 01 ?Ails should be used
, .xn 0846940timm,cases:
Bad Legs,-' • , 'C'hiego-foot, Fistulas,
Bad Breasts,' '
13urnsi Chapped Hatids,Glandular
.Bunions, Cons (Soft)• , Swellings,
Bite of Mos- I.:ancera, Lumbago,
clietoestaNd .IColiffaetrd met Piles;
Sand-Flie%, St& .Thintst .11hiumatisin,
Coco 'bay, 'Flepliantiasis, Scalds, •
Skin Diseases, Seervy, Sore `Nipples,
Tu'mors, Ulcers, - Sore; throates,
Wounds; ' Yeti's; Sore-heads.
- c AumioN I—None - are genuine unless the
words , “HoLLowav, Net. YORK AND Lori-
DoN," are discernable as. a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions, around
each pot or box ; the same may be , Plainly
seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand
some reward Will be given toany one rendering
'such iriforniation as may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting the med
icines or vending the same, knowing them to
be spurious. 1 -
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Flo L.-
LOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New York and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cine throughcut the civilized world, in pots, at
20c., 62c- each. -
il:i—Theze is a cansiderablia , saving by taking
the larger sizes. -
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of p a
tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box
NEW WMI - 0:B. &OHS.
ARE now supplied with a general
aria evcritthing desirable In their line.
Superior Silk Velvet, Oranadine and Woclen
Vestings, French . Silk-Mixed Doeskin and
Plain Cassimeres, Cloths of all grades,
for Coats, Over-coats and
Business suits, Union- Cassimeres, Sattinetts,
Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk
and Cotton Shirts find Drawers, Gloves,
Wool ana cotton Hosiety, Suspenders,
Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt liressts and
collars, ildy's and! Shawls,
(,ticket J a c ke t 8 , children's,
youth's and meals Ccip' Amd Soft Hats.
Black Bayadare and • Fancy Plaid Silks,
Figured and plain MerirkleS, in all colors,
French Wool DeLames, hi beautiful designs,
.Manchester and Prieilit Cashnieres and De
Laines, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit
Cloths, Coburgs, Bombazines, .Alpacas,
Divellas, English and American 4-4 Chintz,
Ginghams, Bogue , an? other new 'Style Prints,
Rich Plaids and neat fig'd Merinos for misses.
Stella and Merino bordered, Bonella, Otnbray
Jacquard, supelior Gay.and'P lain 4 and S
quarters• }Joavy Shawls, a variety of
Children's Shawls, Opera Caps,
Zephyr shawls and Capes.
Cloth Talmas and Dusters, several styles of
both, for claoks and talmas, Sacking and
Skirting Flannels, Beaver•? Kid and Kid-silk
Gloves and' Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves,
and collars, Chefiele, Braid and Bead Bead
• Nets, Diamond Rutting df all widths, all of
• the new styles of dress trimming, Split 'Le
phyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Braid,
White and Grey liden,and cottbn table cloths,
Cotton Diaper and crash' Toweling, Sheeting,
Checks and Ticking; Cradle , Crib and lied
Blankets, Marsailles Quil't's and Counterpanes,
Bureau Covers, Embossed Tiihle Covers, 4, 6
and .16 quarters 'Floor Oil'Cloths, Prime Live
picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces of
Carpet - in various qualities, from common to
otedeumr - hnd . Hera Three Ply:
As full an assortment as can be found in tho
county, of •the; choicest Gilt; Glazed and com
mon Wall •Paper for Parkirs, Chambers,
Offices, Ste., with Pannels, Columns& Borders.
L' s l r fill d l hrSe rtn4 iVrown.
StroArsl• - 0141 ce'Vrearrind . fi/a614 4 1V05;
Extrd Fine Orleans ,Molasses
:Lovering and other Syrups; , ,
Rio,. Jaya and I,liguira ,c(JFEZEkI; Farina ; and. Corn. §tar.cli • ' Split Peas,; Soup
Mani; Cheese; Bice and Spices; nett/ Dried
Peale and,4rel eckeral
S4il and o llm of 'winch.
Jive beeiCbou, t TO,Tt CASH, and will be sold
at a very sinait ii,dYanN on cost .prices. Call
and 'make yoar'pitrtliascs or send in your or
ders, eat* I= 1.!
00t) ()1.! Prime York CoUntc
litietothesl Hour, by the huti,tr!
or single pound. t For stilq, at WOLFE'S.