Yotal ft ariciii . SATURDAY, JANUARY 26,1861 MARIETTA CAR Tr SIE : The following is the starting time for leaving "Upper-Station:s) GOING EAST Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a, in . Harrisburg Accommodation, 2 4 1 P. m. Mail Train, 6.26 p. Live Stock with Emigrant attached ) 10:10 p, GOING WEST Mail Train, 12.11 noon. Harrisburg Accommodation, 6.26 p. m. Express freight and Emigrant, 1.40 a. in, The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom modation West will pass at "Upper Station. l Rev. A. B. Grosh will lecture be fore the Marietta Literary Society, in the High School Room, on Monday ev ening next, at 7 o'clock. Subject:— " Life and character of Robert Burns." The pupils of the High School are ex.. pected to favor the Society with vocal mesic. We expect to see a large turn out, for this will be an intellectual treat but seldom met with in our midst. ar The store of Witmer, of Mountville, which was robbed on the 9th inst., and an dttempt made to fire it, was again fired a few days ago, and the stock badly injured before the fire could be subdued. Several negroes, residing in the neighborhood have been arrested on suspicion of being the perpetrators of the act. ier On Tuesday, at the regular stated meeting of the " Lancaster City and County Medical Society," the following were elected for the ensueing year : President—Dr. James P. Andrews Vice Presidents—Drs. Jacob Ziegler, S. R. 'Sample. Secretary—Dr. Levergood. Recording Secretary—Dr. Henry Car penter. Treasurlr—Dr. J. Aug: Ehler, Censor—Dr. John Ream Drs. Atlee, sr., Cassidy, Carpenter, Ehler, Ream, Samplq and Clinger, were elected delegates to the American Med ical Association, which meets at Chica go, on the first Tuesday in June. Mr. Baker : A lady of our place re tnarlied "I know how to make every kind of soups but this ' metzel soup,' I wish I knew how to make IL " A young lady near her, replied, " if you kill a hog and make sausages and puddings and send up some to our house, that will be metzel soup." The knowing soup maker started of course. An Old Lady. Cr Pr. Banjamin Roher has been ap pointed by Gov. Curtin, Notary Public for the Borough of Columbia, in place of J. Wilson ,Ifamilton, resigned. Goduy's for February is on our table—if anything better than ever—who can possibly do without it? No lady's centre table is complete without Godey I ear The ball on Tuesday . night at lleckrothe's White Swan Hotel ) passed off finely—large and well gotten-up. .. Gir On our first page will be found "Thoughts on a Sermon," which is wor thy of a careful' perusal, • Diffenbach offers bargains now in his fall and winter goods to make room for a spring stock. air A. rare chance is bow offered to enter the Hardware business. See Mr, Sloth's card. sr " Charity " in our next CASSItJS M. CLAY : This distinguish- ed Xentucky Republican is now itr Wash ington where be had a long interview with the Democrats and Union men, and particularly with Gov. Magoffin, the friend of Breckinridge. Mr. Clay, who occupies the highest position in the Re= publican party, on account of his fearless support of their principles in a slave State, and who stood by Mr. Lincoln during all the late exciting campaign, bpenly takes ground that it is the duty of the Repudlicans to settle the agita tion which is now distracting the coun try, and threatening to overthrow the Republic. He says thatthe border slave States must be saved,; that they are too fell of good friends of the Union to be sacrificed, and that for his own part he concievee it to be his duty, and the duty of the organization of which he is a mem bee, to make every possible sacrifice .consistent with honor to rescue the Gov ernment from the men who are now seek ing its destruction. SUPPLY BILL OF SOUTH CAROLINA.a- Among the articles taked by the supply :bill reported to the South Carolina Leg islature, by the Committee of Ways and Means are the following : Slaves, $.l. 60 •each, free negroes, utulatoes, quadroons, Sze., S 3 25 each. SHINPLASTERS`.—The town council of Winchester, Va., have deterinined to make an issue of corporation due bills, to the amount of sp,ooo, in notes of the denomination of one dollar, fifty cents, and twenty-five cents. Mr. Van Buren, it is said, is pro paring a history of the times, beginning with the great struggle between John Adams-and Thomas Jefferson, at the end of the last century, and to conclude with the present extraordinary year. rtaT The 'Government is now paying o postal service in seceding b'tatos abuu cr The Dover (England) Chronicle has the following item of Masonic intel ligence : it is rumored that his Royal highness the Prince of Wales will be initiated this year in Free Masonry.— Owing to the death of the Marquis of Dalhousie, the titles of the deceased nobleman (except the marquisate) are now borne by Lord Panmure, Deputy Grand Master of England. immediately by thousands of suf fbring families, a safe, and reliable remedy for accidents from binta, scalds, wounds, bruises, &c., the sante may be found at any respectable druggist's throughout the United States and the Canadas, by inquiring for Holloway's Oint- tent, which far excels all other salves in use for the immediate relief it gives to burnyctdds, wounds, cuts, &c., no matter how severe.-- The thousands who have used pronounce it the speediest in its effect and alleviation of paih ; it extracts the heat and the inflammation, and by its soothing nature promotes a rapid cure of all accidents of this character. No household should be without libllotay's Pills and Oint ment, which are the cheapest and most effica cious medicines for family use. A REWARD IS OrrERED ! For the detec , on of any person counterfeiting, imitating, or the vender of any such counterfeit or imitation of Bwrhaves Holland Bitters. The genuine' highly concentrated Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, having the name of the proprietor, B. Pat, Jr. blown in them, and hie signature around the neck of each and every bottle. This delightful Aroma has been received by Americans, with that favor which is only ex tended to really scientific preperations. When we consider the marked success attending its administration, in the most stubborn cases of Fever and Ague, Weakness of any kind, Dys pepsia, Heartburn, Aciaity of the Stomadhi Sick and Nervous Headache, Indigestion, Cos tiveness, and Piles, together with the complete control it exercises over all Nervous, Rheu , - matic and Neuralgic Affections, we cannot fwonder at its popularity. Well may the in valid value this rcmedy- To CONSUMPTIVES : The adveftiser havihg, been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe Lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, [free of charge] with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object 'of advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben efit the afflicted, and he hopes every stifferek will try his remedy, as it tvill coat theni noth ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish ing the prescription will please address REv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Oct. 13-3m] Kings co. ; N. Y. ITZ' We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertiserrfent of R. Newell's Gallery of Art. The testimonials are of the first charac- 11:3 - See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an other column. GREAT BARGAINS AT DIFFENDACH'S Cheap Store, Market, St., Marietta. The Fall and Winter Stock of goods of the on dersignee is now offered to the public at greatly reduced prices, in order to make room for a SPRING STOCK. Row is the lime for Great B.argains I J. It. DIFFENBACIL January 26, 1861. Hardware Store For Sale. The subscriber, about to engage in other business, offers his ENTIRE STOCK OIT' RD wA7T-k, And the rood-will of the Egablishment, situate in Market Street, Marietta, for sale on very *acco•nmodating terms. A Lease for three or fife yeatS of the store room now used, can also be obtained. For further particulars inquire, or address ' , DAVID ROTH. January 26, 1861. 28-tf Public Sale. The Undersigned Executors of Elizabeth Swords, DeceaSed, will sell at public sale ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2D, 1861, at Mrs. Ann HonseaPs Hotel, in Maytown, the following real estate : A PIECE OF Glial'RA on which is erected a one and a half story Dwelling House: This property adjoins properties of Elizabeth Jacobs and John Mays. Sale to conimence at one o'clock, P. M. DAVID SWORDS, JOHN W. SMITH. NOTICE.. The subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Marietta a n d MaytOwn Turnpike Road Company are required to pay to J. W. Clark, Treasurer, on or before the 16th day of February next, the fifth and last instal ment of FIVE DOLLARS per share, where upon Certificates of Stock will be issued. Interest at the rate of :laper-cent-a-month will be charged after March 18, 1861. J. W. CLARK, Secretary. Marietta, January 26, 1561. r OftLenclicl stack_ of ..freta. OPENING THIS DAY—a magnificent as sortment of NEW and GENUINE LADIES FURS. IN SETTS./ IN SETTS Mink Marten, Z Black Sable, Stone Marten, Brown Sable, Fitch Marten, c Squirrel], Silver Marten, S Mutts, in all the prevailing styles and al very low prices HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CASH STORE COLUSIBIA, Nov. 24, 1860. 100 B""IisEJTVRIZtri:9I72/LIS, 50 Boxes Valencia and Bunch Raisins, 20 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches, 50 Bags pared Dried Apples, 1000 Lbs. Cod Fish ; Fine Syrups, Sugars, &c Dec. S.] SPANGLER & PATTERSON. FLAVOURING EXTRACTS: Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, Lemon, Just received and for sale at Grove 4. .Roth's. RAMPAGNE gua Table ines, rranteed to be and pure, other and sold as l W ow as can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. BENJAMIN & Co. 1 - 1 . , RUSH SUPPLY of Candies, Nuts, Raisins Leniona and Apples just receiving at Jas. DI. A.titierson's. WEEKLY MATZ,I q 47 s q q q Z.l • SEVI;;N YF,AIIS! The seven years of unrivalled success attending "1.4 e, ecAloPoiitan 23H lAMniqiioll, " Have made it a Household word throughout every quarter of the country. • Under the auspices of this popular Institu tion, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to appreciate—by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables— , the great benefits to be derived froth becomin& a subscriber. Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparallelled with that of any previous year.- Any person can become a member by Subscri-; bing THREE DOLLARS, for which sum they will receive lst. The large and superb engraving, 30x3S inches, entitled " FALSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS." 2nd. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated magazine, " The asmalzalitan. „lenient:J." 3rd. Four admissions, during the season, TO THE GALLERY OF PAINTRIGS, In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subsefibers, as gratuitbus premi ums, over five hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! Camprisink valuable Paintings, Ma2bles Pari- The Superb Engraving, which every subscri ber will receive, entitled " FALSTAFF MIJS TERM° HIS RECRUITS," is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in this Country. It is done on steels in fine line and stipple, is printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 3S inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of the library, parlor or office. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff 'receiving, in Justice Shallow's office,the recruits which have been gathered for his " ragged regiment." It could not be fur nished by the trade for less than five dollars. The Art Journal is too well known to the *hole country to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustarted magazine of Art, con taining Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, &c., by the very best writers in America. - The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail) with safety, being packed in a cylinder; postage prepaid. Subscriptions will be received until the even - kg of the 31st January, 1861, at which time the bOoks will close and the premiums be giv en to subscibers. r No person laristricted to single subscriptions. Those remitting $l5 are entitled to five mepf berships and to ore: extra Engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all Foreign countries, must be $8.50 in stead of 3, in orddr to defray extra postage, etc. For further particulars send for a copy. of the elegantly, illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the handsomest Magazine in America. It con tains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous superb engravings& ltegtilar pride., 50 dents per number. Specidien copies, however, will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt of IS cents, in stamps or coin. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. 546 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions received and forwarded by ' JAMES A. CONGDON, Agent for Marietta and vicinity, where &pai nter& Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. DOOM & PARMENTER'S SE WING MACHINE e4O e4O This Machine is clainidd to he fully equal for all work, to any Machine, of any price, and is much easier to manage. It sews from common spools without re- winding ; makes a strong, elastic stitch which will not rip by any wear or tear that can be put upon it, and is so plain and simple in its construction, that it is easily understood, and not likely to get out of repair. Certificate:—We own, and have had this machine in use in our houses for several months past, and we fully concur in the above repre sentation,' and recommend it to all. H. K. Parsons, David Haynes, Rev. J. G. Miles, Rev. James Colder, Dr. George W. Porter, George Cunkle, Silas Ward, Harrisburg, Thos. U. Chambers, Carlisle, James Graham, Mechan icsburg, Williams Parker, Kingstown, also to Capt. Miller and N. Dyer, Marietta. All are invited to call and examine it. In structions given free. W. H. FORTNEY, Watchmaker, Agent, Marietta. W. H. FORTNEY, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, A. Market Street, Marietta, Pa. TrAVING opened out in the room of Air. Nicholas Chapman, opposite Lyndsay's Shoe Store, where he is 'prepared to offer for sale' everything usually found in a jewelry es tablishment at reasonable prices: All articles warranted as represented. All kinds of Repairing promptly attended to: Iron Masters look to your Interests THE IMPROVED BLACK HAWK EAST IRON ORE WASHER, DIANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY URRYAN & HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa. The Undersigned will constantly keep on hand and Make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni ted. States? They will warrant their machines to run lighter, last longer and wash cltaner and with less water than any other machine now in use. They can be easily put together on the bank. All orders addressed to either of the undersigned will 'meet with prompt attention. lam' They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and State Rights. BERNARD O'BRYAN. SAMUEL HOPKINS. October 13, 1860: v7-no.l Iy 0D1C7 3 do co s. • •• P ' 0 p 0 44 § 0 rAt to ie. IWO t •:) gip O' ‘:. 4. 0 4 ' 4 FA. 0 4 C 4 .1 oe'lA boo -t zji o r g '7.4 4 '4* '•4 " 3 C c % 1. 4 3 mt— S - 1 : 0 ®