07lic Yocal Rtaritttian. sATURDAY,JANUARYI9,IBGI MA F:TTA CA It 'Jr : The following la the starting time for leaving "Upper-Station:" COING EAST Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 . a. m 11arrishurg • Accommodation, 2 21 p• in :N.l ail Train, 0.2 G p. rn Live Stock with Emigrant attached, 10.10 p.m GOING WEST. Mail Train, 12.11 noon. Harrisbnig Accommodation, 6.26 p. m. Express freight and Emigrant, 1.40 a. m, The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom modation West will pass at "Upper Station.. ea- Our thanks are due FIIESTAND, of the State Senate, for public documents. • "OLD THAD" AND THE CABINET : ROT nce Greeley of the New York Tribube, who is a great admirer of Mr. Stevens says that Gen. Cameron having peremp torily declined a place in the Cabinet understands that a large portion of the Pennsylvania delegation have presented the name of Thaddeus Stevens in his stead. 'I'D which the Tribune adds : "This seems to us a wise selection. Mr. Stevens is widely known as one of the ablest—perhaps the very ablest --of those who for an age have honored Pennsylva nia in the councils of the Nation ; his political experience and sagacity are un surpassed by those of any other living man; while he is unsurpassed in stern ness of principal and devotion to that benignant policy whereof Pennsylvania is among all our States the foremost champion. It may be that circumstan ces attending the declension of Gen. Cameron preclude the choice of another Cabinet officer from Pennsylvania ; but, if not, Mr. Stevens would seem to be strongly indicated for the station." er The following gentlemen have been elected officers for the ensuing year of the Reading and Columbia Railroad : Director•x—Christ. S. Kauffman, A. S. (green, of Columbia ; Nathan Worley, John Hostetter, of Manheim ; Samuel Lichtenthaeler, Dr. Levi hull, of Litiz ; Adam Konigmacher, Peter Martin, of Ephrata; Esaias Billingfelt, Sebastian iller, of Adamstown ; M. E. Lyons, Frederick Lauer, of Reading. Sec)Wary—Esaias Billingfelt. er—Samuel Shoch, ,‘,;olicilors-11. M. North, Columbia; John S. Richards, Reading. A committee was appointed to make a contract for building the road: It is expected that the necessary amount will lie subscribed in a short time to warrant the commencement of the road, and it will be pushed forward with energy to completion. fir The following gyntleman were elected officers of the I:dui:aster County Agricultural Society for the ensueiug EMI President, lien. Ferree Winton. Vice Presidents, Jacob B. Garber, F. Beigart. Managers, S. P. Spencer, Jacob F. Fi ey, B. F. Rowe, James Bones, Daniel Brandt, J. E. Kreybill. Secretary, D. G. Eshleman. Treasurer, Samuel Hess. • Librarian, C. N. Herr. W'l'he late borough election in Co lumbia was sharply contested says the t3py of that place, with the following re sult : Chief Burgess— Peter Freilev. ..-issistant Burgess—Joseph Tyson. Town Council—S. F. Eberlein, M. S Shuman. B. P. Appold. Schaal Directors—Samuel Grove. 11 M. Noll. High Constable—Samuel Waits. - cr""The Cold Spell," on our first page. is taken from "Weishampel's Magazine." Most of our citizens must remember young W eishampel ; he is a Son of Rev,' J. F. Weishampel, who in 1844. published in "The Weekly Argus" office a religi ons paper called "The Church Advo cate," and was an itinerant preacher of the Winebrenner school. He removed An Baltimore, where his son' has grown , to manhood, married and now publishes, ;in that city, the religious magazine -above named. He is a promising young man ariKrater, of the St. John House, re .oeivetba box of Prairie chickens—fifty an number—from his father, Mr. Jacob Ilirater,.formerly of this place, but now .of Lowpoint, Illinois ; we were fortunate enough to get a fine fat one, which we .did ample justice to a few days since. iftirA man calling himself Thompson called on Dr. Cushman on Monday lasslt to hire a horse to go to Maytown milo beyond, Agee which time nothing has been heard of the man or horse. gar Chp t. Krater, of the St. John House, gave a Prairie Hen Supper on Wednesday evening last. We are told about fifty sat down and everything pro nounced "tip-top." Heckrogie, of the White Swan, in tends giving a hop on Tuesday night next. George will have things "done-up" ri_ ht.* OF The J winery term of Quarter Se s along commences on Monday next. Our II otel keepers' and others are utting away ice as fast as possible. Or General Tom Thumb will be at next. TRIBUTE TO TIIE LATE DAVID BRANDT The following preamble and resolutions were adopted by the Board of Inspectors of the Lancaster County Prison, at their stated meeting held on the Bth inst. WHEREAS, It has pleased God in His Providence to remove by death our late fellow member, David Brandt; There fore, Resolved, That whilst we bow in sub mission to Him who "death all.thiogs well," we mourn the loss of one endeared to us by many pleasant associations. Resolved, That in the death of David Brandt we have lost a kind friend, whose amiable and gentlemanly deportment and strict integrity will ever be remem bered by the members of this board. Resolved, That a copy of the above preamble and resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased ; be re corded in the minutes of the Board and be published. Signed, JACOB SEITZ, Sec'y, • xigr Our neighboring borough of Co lumbia, has just lost two of its oldest citizens James Collins and Henry Brirnmer. The first named was buried on Sunday last, at an advanced age, the latter was brought to Columbia a few days since for interment, from Philadel phia,where he had been residing for some time past, with his son Jno. H. 13rimmer, Esq., Proprietor of the Pennsylvanian of that city. OW Our citizens who may have occa sion to write to members of the Senate or House of Representatives at Harris burg, are hereby reminded that an order issued by the Post Master General last summer requires postage to be paid in all cases. If the postage is not paid, the letters are sent to the dead latter office. MARRIED_ , In Harrisburg, on the 10th instant, by Rev. James Colder, Mr. HENRY M. ENGLE, to Miss ELI%ABETII, (laughter of Mr. Henry Musser, all of the vicinity of this borough. In Harrisburg, on the same day, by Rev. D. Gans, Mr. HENRY S. GARBER, to BARBARA > daughter of Mr. Daniel Engle, both of East Donegal Township. D I I-4113 . On the 12th instant, CLINTON, son of Mr Samuel Peck, of this borough, aged 11 years DR. J. 11. GROVE.] GROVE & DEALER'S IN Dirtlgs, ObelPicals, 7Soaps, &e, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. Tr MILD hereby inform the public that ''V they are constantly receiving fresh addi tions to their drug stock, and at all times keep on hand a complete asssertment of; Drug's, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, IVhitelead, Brushes of all kinds, and everything usually kept by druggists and apothetaries. An assortment of all kind of LAMPS, for punting Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lump Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on band. A nicely selected Int of all kinds of STA TIONARY, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, of all grudes and at ull prices. Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes and an endless variety of Fancy and Toilet al , tides, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. [Jan 8-3aly DAVID ROTH, A D e-a le r in Hardware, • Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, 1 1 4110 V, e 001;, fail ana otheh stobe,s, &e., MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. TITOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, consisting in part, Of Table C n Cutlery of all kinds i Building an d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons; Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Locks, ke ails, Spikes and in fact everything usually kept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment. OTICE. The subscribers to the Capital IN Stock of " The Marietta and Maytown Turnpike Road Company " are hereby notifi ed to pay to John W. clack, Treasurer, on or before January 19th, Ib9l, a fourth instalment of Five Dollars per share. Interest at the•rate of 1 per cent per month, will be required on this instalment, on all not paid up, previous to February 19th, Ih6l. .By Order of the Board. J. W. CLARK, Secretary. Marietta, December 29, 1860. S ELECT SCHOOL. The undersigned will, open a Select School in the "East Prospect School Room" now oc cupied by H. L. Girod, conitnencing April Sth and to continue twelve weeks. TERMS Primary $2 00 Secondary 2 50 N. o.—No deduction except in protracted illness. ANNIE CALDWELL. Teacher. MORE NEW GOODS! The subscriber having just returned from Philadelphia wnere tie renewed and added to his FALL AND WINTER STOCK Of Dress Goods. Call and see the new styles and learn the low prices, at DIFFENBACIVS. T7I 4 QUAL or REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS, can be had of H. L. & E. J. ZAEM, Cm. North Queen-st., and Center Square,. Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers— the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar ket. They are lower in price than any watch of equal quality andj ust as true for timekeeping BUGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various styles and at much lower prices than the same grades were sold last fall. .S)ougler 4 . Patterson. FFLAVOURING EXTRACTS: Vanilla Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond, ' Rose, Lemon, Jusrreceived and for sale at Grove & Roth's. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be pure, and sold us low as can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. BENJAMIN . CO. A SUPERIOR, article of Rectified Crab: lA. Apple Chler,for sale by the barrel or gal lon at J. R. piffenbach'S Store. C H AWS CONCEWTEXPED L. Y E, su perior to any 110 W in use . , can be had at 01'0 C/way Store of DiffenbucA. TI - IE ZVEEEILY PROF. L. MILLER'S BAIR IN rIGOR A TOR An Effective, So je and Economical Compound For restal ing, Gray Hair to its orig inal color without dyeing,. and preventing the hair from turning gray. For Preventing Baldness, and curing it, when there is the least particle of vitality or recuper ative energy remaining. For Removing &urf and Dandruff', and all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. For Beautifying the Hair, imparting to it an unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it roft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing . de mand for this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over another preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dand ruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosenino ' and thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering - of hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. has in his pos session letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from personsof the highest respec tibility. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period o t life and in cases where the hair has already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will with certainty restore to its original-hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly rec ommended, having an agreeable fragrance ; and the . great Acilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigo rator can be dressed in any required farm so as to preserve its place. wheth"r plain or in curls —hence the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being _ - Only Twenty-five Cents per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists and perfumers. L. Miller would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in cases where the childreus' Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes any impurities that ma} have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future ap pearance.of its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without the fac simile Lours MtLI.ER being on the outer wrap per, also, L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y. blown in the glass: Wiralesitle Depot,s6 Dey St., and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists through out the world. Liberal discount to purchasers.by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE . which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly with Out injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in existence. • PRICE ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 56 Dey Street, New York 1860! Fresh Arrival of 1860 NEW GOODS. NOW OPENING, a beautiful assortment of New Full Goods, bought in New York and Philadelphia'. CLOAKS, , The newest fall styles: • The Arab, • The Basque, The Walking Coat, The Full Back, The Plain... Back, The Cape Style, The Beaver Cloth, &c., &c., &c. Cloaking , Cloths of every kind; Dress goods of every description, newest styles and just im ported in New York. [HARRISON ROTII SHAWLS. A beautiful assortment, and latest styles: Broeha Long Shawls,• Scotch Long Blanket Shawls, French Long Blanket Shawls, Stella Shawls, embracing every color .41, quality. Coating, Cassinteres, and Vesting.F. We respectfully invite attention to our stock of Coatings, Cassimeres hod Vestings, exceed ing in variety „quality and cheapness, any goods in that line we ever offered. trENIAN'S Nov. 3, ISO. Cheap Cash Store. PLUMB & DYER, Fashionable Tailors & Drapers, Opposite A. rassePs . store, Market street, THE undersigned having associated them selves into a co-partnership, would here by inform their old patrons and the pubic . generally, that they will continue the Fashionable Tailoring Business at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of Cusiimetes (5: 3Jesting3, which they will dispose of and "make up" on reasonable terms. Being determined to give satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con tinuation of past favors. Christian Plumb, Nathan . Dyer. Cir Gutting done at short notice. • Marietta, Sep. 10, 1559.-tf WNT oi C L a t a n ". d ° v D e B r . c o al.chilortris,assortment Eittra-heavy Fancy Cassimeres, Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings, Gents Shawls and Fur Mufflers, Scarfs, Neck-ties and Gloves. French Merinoes—very cheap, Coburgs, Thibits and Mousede Laine, Superior Cloth Cloaks, Shawls of every shape, Zephyr Hoods, Gloves, &c. Together with a full assortment of Blankets, Counterpanes, Muslins, Checks. Tickings, Sheetings, just received by SPANGLER & PATTERSON, Marietta, December 8, IS6O. n".O ER'S Celebrated'Truss, Surgical Ban n, doges, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for Detormit3, Sze. These articles are ••••• very highly recommended by Profes sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Meu ical College of Philadelphia, and the under-. signed knows them to be the best articles, l the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment.of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps. Frangipannie and other Extracts. For sale at HINKLE'S. DR. J. 2. HOFFER, DENTIST, OF THE BALTIMORE,COLLEGE OFiEXTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG, P— OFFICE: Front street, fourth door from Locust, over Saylor & McDon-gitasas aid's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be ween the Drug' and BoOlt Stores. [3-ly DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. [Nov. 4, ,59.-ly VVTALL PAPERS.—We have just received another supply from the New ,Yark and Philadelphia manufactories. Purchaseis can rely upon the newest styles, which will be sold unusually low at J. it. Diffenbach's. NIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver plated Spoons, Brass, Copper, Plain and Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally. Sterrett 4- Co. I,'RESH SUPPLY of Candies, Nuts, Raisins T Lemons and Apples just receiving at Jas. M. Anderson's. I=l MARIETTA, PA MALI TTIAN. c DO 1211111M.16i' e()eilP 51001 j StoVa, North Queen Street, near the Exam- incr & Herald Office _._ THE Proprietor of THE LANCASTER CHEAP 13 0 0 K STORE has availed himself of the opportunity to pur chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de scription. He now offers to the public the same at proportionably and unusually Low rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensive stock •on hand. My ob ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply the wants of the community with anything in my line on the most reasonable terms possible. This we find the better and most advantageous course for all parties. The Political Econo mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more it can and will be used." Then the cunclusion is, that when we buy cheap, we must sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona ble profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I would call especial attention to my large assortment of Sunday ,School Books on hand, of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday Schools and sell all.at Sunday School Union prices. 1 have the agencies for the publica tions of the American Sunday School Union, American Tract Society, Methodist Book and Tract Society. Also; the Lutheran, Presbyte rian, Episcopal and other denominations are kept on hand. _ _ FAMILY BIBLES Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto Family Bible, will find it to their advantage to call and examine at THE CHEAP BOOK STORE,_ the largest stock on hand, ranging form One, to TWenty-five Dollars. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of JOHN SHEAFFER, Successor to Murray, Young & Co " AW Air A Gift Valued from Two Dollars to One llun •dred Dollars given with every Book sold • at Retail Prices ! • At least One Watch is Guarranteed 'to every twelve books These inducements are offered by the SUFFOLK EXCHANGE COMPANY; 37 Park Ro v, New York. The Most Extensive and the Most Liberal Gift Concern In existance. Established in 1855 Send for a catalogue Those who have patronized other Gift Houses are particularly requested to acquaint tnem selves with our terms. .Our Inducements are unrivalled, and put all others, in the shade. The following are some of the Gifts to ,pur chasers of books : English Lever Gold Watches, Hunting Cases. Patent Lever, " La dies' Lever ' 6 " "Open Face. Detached,Lever Silver Watches, Hunting Case, Lepitie Silver Watches, Open Face. Gold Lockets, Various Sizes. • Ladies , and Gents' Gold. Chains, various Styles. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons and Studs, all Patterns. Gents' Bosom Pms,'New and Rich Styles. Gold Pencils and Pens Ladies , and Gents' Gold Rings. Gold Watch Keys and Belt Pins. A great variety of Ladies' Jewelry, Pins and Ear-Drops, comprising all the styles now worn, such as Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Lava, Florentine, &c., &c., &c. Gold Bracelets, all Styles. The List of Books comprises a great assort ment of standard works in every department of literature, interesting to the young and old. Do not fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogues mailed free to any address. Apply to SUFFOLK EXCHANGE C i'M PAN Y, 37 Park Row, New York City. Branch Office ' No. 116 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Dec. S, 1880 -at. WINES Sr, LIQUORS. ' H. D. BENJAMIN, Wine Liquor Dealer, Picot Building, Front Street, Marietta, Pa. o. BEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WINE Si. LIQUOR busi ness,lll all its branches. •He will constantly keep on band all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 6.c., Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE WHIS KEY always on hand. A very suFerior OLD , RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. IC3=. All H. D. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others findings t to their ad vantage to make their purchases from 1 ho. Marietta Select School. ...... ....... ISAAC S. GEIST, It H. SAWYER, TEACHERS THEO. HIESTAND, MHE sesston will commence on Monday, 1 April Sth, 1851, to continue 12 weeks. The principle objects of every recitation will be to develope and train the mind—to cultivate habits of inVestigation and Self-reliance—to improve the judgement, and thus -strengthen and exalt the whole character. TERMS: Pupils of Primary Department, $2.00 intermediate, Secondary; . ' 4.00 High School, ' 5.00 E 3 No deduction except in'protracted sickness, Marietta, December 15, 1860.-tf.l J. R. HOFFER, Civil engineer, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Draughtsnnan, Main-st., Mountjoy, Lancaster Co., Pa ALL kinds of land surveying and dividing levelling of water courses, roads, Ac curate and neat plain and ornamental Mapping and draughting of town plans, large landea es tates, &c. Mechanics', Quarriers' and Earth work measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea ses, Powers of attorney and other legal instru merits neatly and accurately drawn. ktxecu tors', Administrators', Assignees' and, Guar ilians accounts stated. Le He is also Agent for the sale of the Ridgeway Farm and Land Company's Lands in Elk County, Pa. Communications by letter promptly attended to. J. A. COIV - GDON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, PA., Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark. Prompt attention given to securing and collect ing Claims, and Orphans' Court business generally. Will attend to business in Lancaster and adjoining counties. Conveyancing and other writings promptly executed. 100 BARRELS .50 Boxes Valencia and Bunch Raisins, 20 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches, 50 Bags pared Dried Apples, WOO Lbs. Cod Fish ; Fine Syrups, Sugars, &c Dec.'B.] SPANGLER & PATTERSON. LAMES AND GENTS Anderson has just received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils, Extracts and Colognes at prices much below fhe usual rates, also some very handsome Canes tor gentlemen, Portmonies, Bcc. 171, RESH HOVE GROUND SPICES AT ANDERSON'S! Attention Butchers and Houskeepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep per. Ground Corriander, and Sweet Marjoram. CLOTHS AND CASSIIVIERS.—A vcrYsu pertor selection of French and'‘Gernian Cloths, and Cassimers, and variety of beauti ful Vesfincr " s, a new and fashionable lot, just arrived atDiyenbach's 04eap Store. DR. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS & PIDENIX BITTERS rfl HESE MEDICINES have now been before j_ the public for a period of thirty years, And during that time have maintained a high char acter in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering iinder nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. • The followin g are among the distressing va- Piety of humadiseases in which the VEGETABI,E. LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, Loss .of Appe tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 11l- Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of lie cure. . • COSTIVENESS, by cleansing, the• whole leirth of the: intestines with a solvent preemie, and without.violence ; all violent purgeeleave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blend to a regular circulation, through the process of prespiration.in such. cases,•and, the thorough solution of all intestinal .Obstruction in others. The Life Medicineshave been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, avid GOUT in half that time, by removing lo cal inflammation front the muscles and liga ments -of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and_bladder; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found acerr tain remedy for the Worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging froth the turn ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS. and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life Medicines give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and Bad, Com plexions, by thcir alterative effect upon the fluids thatfeed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable coin. plexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the. learness of 'the skin. COMMON COLDS. and INFLU ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of. these Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by thd use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For - scourge of the western country, these MediCines will_be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— Other medicineS have•the system subjedt to a return of the' disease—a cure by these 11tedi eines is perrnanent—try them, be satisfied, add be cured. . . . BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER' COM PLAINTS.—GeneraI Debility, Loss of Appe lite, and Diseases of Feniales—the' Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this description :—Kings Evil, find Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful• action of these remarkable Med icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner vous Complaints of all 'kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES. , --Peroous whose constitutions have become impaired by the in juiicious use of Mercury,-will find these Med icines a perfect cure, as they never fail to erad icate from the system, all the effects of Med cury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. - Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, New York. • FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ~.goesh. $(1_11 & flithrtele Sa.c.clbt, JUST RECEIVED BY DIFFEND AC 4, No. G 1 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. TS now placing on his shelves and ready for examination and sale, the largest and best. selected stock of FALL AND WINTER Goons ever offered in this borough, to which he now invites the attention of the public. New Styles Dress Goods, Superior makes of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos . Extra quality Muslims, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels. Purchasers' ire invited to examine onr stock, as we are confident we can show them the best styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock of domestic goods. Satinetts and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Mashes. Delaines, Calicos and Ginghams, Drillings, Sheetings and Checks, Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings, Best makes of Canton Flannels, Splendid Calicos for six cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents, Plain and Figured Delains, 12 3 / 4 cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents. ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Wall and Window Paper, Transparent Blinds. Glass, Queensware and Cedarware. Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. lrj Very superior syrup at 50 cents a gallon. All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail IC"' A LARGE STOCK OF CHEAP GROCERIES. Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and . other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given for Country produce. J. R. DIFFENBACH, 3.00 BRENNEMAN glit Tb`bis MARIETTA Friends !!T 1 - Tt has romoved from Centre. Spare, to WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, Op posite Cooper's Hotel, where he has the finest BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN LANCASTER CITY. He makes fine calfskin Boots (the best) for $4l, Calfskin Walking Shoes, Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles) s2,po Ladies Morocco Boots, (heels) • $l, wZ lie has concluded to make the best work at somewhat reduced prices,aod hopes by so doing to enlarge and increase his business. It Mending of every kind neatly done. Cilizens of Marietta:--When you come to Lancaster, give BRENNEMAN a call and you will surely be pleased with his work. September 75,1560, 9-tf WINE AND LIQUORS. Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and Port Wines. ' Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy Kt a very low figure, by the barrel. J. It. DIIFENBACH. Market-st. PTILATED WARE: A Large and fine stock of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZAII De's, Corner of North Queen street & Center Square, Lancastei, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns, Pitchets, Goblets, Salt , Stands, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons,Forks,Knives, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices. REPLA TI Ito attended to at moderate rates ASUPERIOR COOK STOVE, verii Aldan style, each one warranted to per; tom to the entire satisfaction of the 4 - 1; purchaser. STERRETT & CO. PRIME GROCERIES:—Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized and Brown Sugar ; Superior Green and Black. Tea ; Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Marley at J. B. DIFFENBACR'S. pORTABLE LAMPS. A new and most convenient and...perfectly safe lamp, called the "Portable Coat Ail Lamp," far sale cheap at Grove 4- Roth's- Drug Store. TO LAN.I.ILORDS . ! Just received, Seoteh .and:lrish/1V II I 8 , K I E S . , warrau ted pure, at II D. Benjamin's. T. CROIX' AliD NEW4.FINTOLAND RUM for culinary purposes, titittiented geptune at 11. D. Benjamin 4- CO's. (94 ?repel-4144) fhb ips stool THE TEST OF YEARS, . And grows more and more pop tar_ every Day. AND, grows more and more yopular every day ! and testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none cirtild resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of theymrth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 1355. Paor. Mon : Thee willt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a com plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head. A continual course of gaffer ing through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, 1 have not been able 'to obtain gull for caps, neither have I been - able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered. extremely .from cold. This induced me to phy Bnggs & Hedges almost thelast cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of Augosalast. thave faithfully, followed the directions and :he bald spot is now, covered with hair thick and blacki though short, it /SOSO coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large Mlle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere jails nee, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, 1 would ask thee if thee wouldat not be willing to send me an order on thine agentsfor a tyittle, and receive to thyself the sent:dare declaration—"the reward is to those W/10 , dra t killino,llls widow and the fatherless." Thy friend, Sus:kris:An Kiner. Ligbnier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb, 5, 1859. PROF- U. J. WOOD i Dear Sir :—ln the latter part of the year 1802, while attending the Slate and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of six mouths the. whole upper part of my scalp was almost - entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the re:naining,peor tiou upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you 'will not be :urprised when I tell you that untin turn to the State of Indiana, my mere casual acquaintances were not so much at a hiss tb discover the cause of thechange iii my appear{- inice, us my m i oreintimate acquaintanceswere to loco* me me at all. I at once made application to the mostakill firl physician in the country, hut, receiving no assurs.nce,from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter pint of the Ma'. 18.57, your Restorative was recent melded to me by a drtrroik, as being the most reliable' Hair RestoratiVe in use. •1 tried- one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was pi - educing the desirediffect. 4 Since that time, 1 - have used seven dollars! worth, ofyour Restorati ve,,and as a result, havea rich ; coat of very soft black hair, which no'ffioney can buy. As a .mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article,l have recommended its use to 'many Of my . friends and acquaintances, who, I. am hap py to inform you, are, using it with' like effect. Very respectfully yours, A. M. LArrA, ' Attorney and - Counsellor at'Law. Tnz ItesronArivr. is put up in bottles of Once sizes, via: large, medium, and small ; the small holds I-a-pint, and retails for $1 te bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for $2 per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 pet cent more in proportion, and retails for $3. O.J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. ICAnd sold by all good druggists and fancy goods dealers. Lea-7-14-3m. B OOTH & PARMENTER'.S SE WINO MACHINE. 640 1 ;x.40 This Machine is claimdd to be fully equal for all myth, to any Machine, of any price, and . is - much easier to manage. It sews 'iniis common spools without re , winding mollies a strong, elastic stitch which will not rip by any wear or tear that can be put upon anctis so plain and simple in its construction, that it is easily understood, and' not likely to get'out of repair. . Certificates—We own, - and. have had this machine in use in dor housea,for several Months past, and we fully concur in the'above repre sentation`, and recommend- all. • H. K. Parsons, David Haynes, Ave'. J. Gr.:"Miles,, Rev. James Colder, Dr. George W. Porter, George Cunkle, Silas Ward, - Harrisburg', Thos. U. Chambers, 'Carlisle, James Graham, Mechan icsburg, Williams Parker, Kingstown, also to Capt. Millet and N. Dyer, Marietta. All are invited' to call and examine it. In, structions given free. W. H. FORTNEY, Watchmaker, Agent, Marietta. , , W. H. FORTNEY. CLOCK AND WATCII , MAKER, . Mailed' Street, Marietta, Pa. ri - AviNG opened out in the'rOom of sr. 1 - 1 Nicholas Chapman, opposite Lyndsay'a Shue Store, where he is,prepared to offer fur sale everything usually found in a jewelry ep tablishmentat reasonable ..prices. All.articlgs warranted as represented., Alt kinds of Repairing promptly attended to. S S. 1-I,ATIAVON; . . . [SOCCri9OR TO F. KaAmpit.f Xerchant . Tailor, ' Draper (sad Clothier, Corner of North Queen anal Orange Streets, LANCASTER, PA.. A v A,ILS himsei f.of this opportunity of an nouncing to the citizens of: Mhcietta and vicinity, and his friends. and thepublic in gen eral, that he has taken the obritand of the lite F. T. Krarnpli, where he has been employed for the last ten 3-ears, and intends continuing the Alershant Tailoring Clothing businiss in all 11, its various branches, and hopvi tfiat a course of strict fidelity to his pattptisiMiy merit a reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a complete Stock of Clothing and Gentlemens Furnishing Go9ds;:„.. He will constantly endeavor to providka good assortment of French. German and Ainerican, 9ths, Cassimeres and Vestinel, which will be promptly made to order in a Sub.: siantial and fashionable manner, or accArding to sicli styles'as to his patrons maybe molt desirable. The Foreign and Amerman Fall and Winter Fashions received,• in addition to the monthly reports which come to halid regu larly throughout the year. The agency for the order on sale of James W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seani Shirts 44111 continued and properly attended to. S. S. R. would be doing violence to his Own feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in Marietta, were he here to omit returning his sincere thanks for the miny acts of 'kindness they have extended towards him during a long series of years, and hopes his future efforts -may not render him unworthy a continuance of the same. . ' [v7-1Y• • rIHE American Watches'are among the best 1 timekeepers now in '11130 3 add for durability strength andsimplicity far durprisa 'tiriy.Other watch made in the world. • H. L. Bc' B. J. ZAMA! Cornet of Nortk Queen-at., and - Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them icir sa#e ethe tiers, lowest rates—every watch accompanied with the.inanufacturers guartantee to ensure ite'geli uineness. 1 - 1140TOGRAPNY IN ALL 'Ts nit.wariari,l "'executed in the best style known-iii the art, AT C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, , No. 532 Arch st., east of Sixth, Philadellikka • la:7.Life size in, Oil and Pastil,egereascopi Portraits, Aniorotypes, Dnguerrintypes, Cases, Medalions, Br.e. _ . GENERAL ASSORTMENT ,QF I , l_- Hammered and ',Rolled .Iron, lt. S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods,,Amoxican, and. German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon Boxes, Iron Axles, Sratags, ace., for smiths. - STERRETT 4 CO. • : B OHLEN'S Jong celebrated GIN, B.E.NJAMIN 4.• CO.