The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, January 19, 1861, Image 2

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    ti Mak Earicttian.
11, Impartial—but not Neutral."
...Act/id - fa; Mt.
ernor. commencetLat 12 o'clock on Tues
day last, on the . portieo of the Capitol to
deliver his inaugural address, a very
large portion of,which is devoted to na
tional af f airs, a synopsis of which.we find
in an exchange. The Governor says :
.I. have already taken occasion to so§
publicly, and . I now repeat that if we
have any laws upon our statute books which
infringe uppn the rights of the people of
any of the States,' or eontravene 'any law
of the Federal qovernment, er obstruct itc
execution, they ought to be repealed. We
ought not to -„heaitate•to exhibit' to other
States that. may have' 'enacted -.laws in
terfering with the rights, or obstructive
of the remedies which belong constitu
to,all American citizens, an ex
ample of. magnanimity and of implicit
obedience to the paramount law, and by
apr,ompt of every statute that
reayeven, by itnplication, be liable to
reasonable objection, do our part to re
move every just cause of dissatisfaction
with oqr legislation..
Pennsylvania has paver faltered in her
recognition of. all .the duties imposed
upon her,
by the national compact, and
she will, by every act consistent with
her devotion, to the interests of her own
people, promote fraternity and peace,
and:a ltberal,comity between the States.
Her convictions 'on .the vital questions
which •have agitated.the public mind, aro
welt understood at home, and should not
be misunderstood abroad. Bet verdicts
have been ab nniforrit as they have been
decisive, in favor of the dignity, the pros
perity and' the • progress of her free in
dustry, and Support of the principles of
liberty on which the government is
founded, and menace or rebellion cannot
reverse, them. They' have passed into
history as the deliberate judgment of her
people, expressed in a peaceful, fraternal
and 'constitutional mhintlei:r and when
they shall have been itfidinistered in the
government; itsSodetlleY l will be, the
madness that' nii.Wriites the hour will
subside,' as their patriotic, faithful and
national aims bring ample protection'
and peaceful progress to all sections of
the Republic. .4n the present unhappy
condition Ofthe country, it will be our
duty to unite with the *people of the
States which remain loyal to the Union,
in . any just and 'honorable measures of
conciliation and fraternal kindness.—
Let us invite them to join us in the ful
filment of all our obligations under the
Felleral Constitution and laws. Then
we can cordially unite with thorn in claim
ing like obedience, from those States
which have renounced their allegiance.
If the loyal States are just au d moderate,
without any sacrifice of right or self-re
spect the threatened danger may be aver
The right of voluntary secession is de
nied, and the vindication of the sover
eignty of the government enforced, as
"Pennsylvania can never acquiesce in a
conspiracy, .nor, assent to a doctrine
which involves the destruction of the
respondent of Forney's Press from York,
Pa., thus deScribei the new Collector
for Charleston : He is an Irishman by
birth, and came to this country at the
. •
age of . abbutl2 years. He first carried
on slinemaking. Always ambitious,
hence restive and impatient, he gave up
that trade, and engaged iu the confec
tionery business, at which he curried on
for several years. He then went into
the whip manufacturiugbusiness,at which
he is yet engaged. )t;. Mclntyre was
formerly a Whig, being an ardent sup
porter of Henry Clay. When the Amer
ican party sprang into existence, he be
came a, Democrat. He has held several
small offices. In ; 1857 he was elected
chiefiinrgess of He is about
fifty-three years old, and is a man of firm,
determined will. Hence I think he will
make a good officer.
There, is. not, patriotic heart in
the laud Which will not admire the Jack
sonian,spirit evinced by Mr. Buchanan
the other day, when he said, in reply to
the suggestion of apprehended difficulty
of inaugurating : Mr. Liricoln—"lf I live
all the fourth, of March, I will ride toile
Capitol with old Abe, whether lam assas
sinated or not I"
flErcol. Isaac S. Waterbury resigned
the office of. CAW of Police of -Harris
burg, w ith the view of taki n g a more lu
crntive position on 011 e QUOUr principal
Railroads. We are glad to find Water
bury at his old Post—not a more accom
modating conductor on any road in the
Union. •
Cowan, of Westmoreland, elected to the
United States Senate, is thus
s sketched
by a correspondent; "Mr.Cowan is full
six feet high, with a frame by no means
powerfully constructed, or rather it lacks
thnt brawny breadth of shoulder and
depth of muscle which impart symmetry
to so tall a frame. The forehead is high,
but retreating, and by no.means promi
nent in the region of causality, ideality
or veneration. The eye is dark, large
and keen ; the nose hooked and long ;
the cheek bones high ; the mouth wide
and the under jaw hard set, though not
heavy or massive.
"The man impresses you in your inter
course with himas a bluff, hearty, earn
est, practical man—a fine specimen of
Western off-hand - manners: His per
ceptive faculties are large and keen ; his
command of language good ; bat his dic
tion belongs to the forcible and impres
sive school of words, lacking somewhat
in elegance and euphony. His voice is
strong and unmusical.
"He enjoys at horde the reputation of
being a full for Henry D. Foster
as an acute advocate, and is deemed a
much better read lawyer by the profes
sion in his own district: - The more you
see of him, 'with all his want of attention
to the graces, the better you like him.—
Although' never figuring conspicuously
before upon so wide an arena as that af
forded him'by 8 carivass for United
States Senator, he has exhibited tact,
energy and'poWer in this contest."
FORT SALTER has three months' pro
visions on hand,though the men are some
what short of sugar and coffee... Major
Anderson has guns of every range in his
arsenal, and, if he chose, could sweep the
city of Charleston: Neither he nor his
officers, with „their glasses could descry
the character, of, the Star of the West
the morning she arrived, neither had they
any idea of her errand. President Bu
chanan had• been frequently telegraphed
that if reinforcements were. sent, they
should be sent in. an armed vessel, as
she, would unquestionably be fired upon.
These despatches never reached the seat
of government, and the inference is that
they were
,suppressed by the authorities
of South Carolina. If the errand of the
steamer .had been known, she would
have been protected at all hazards.
York Advertiser says a well known gen
tleman in that city who was present at
the dinner in Washington, at which the
passage between General Scott and Sen
ator Toombs is reported by the corres
pondent of the. Times to have taken
place, assures us that their is not the
least foundation for the report that the
lie was given ; that there was any talk of
personal responsibility, or that. anything
contemplating personal violence, passed
between them, to justify the interpreta
tion put upon the scene by the reporter.
There were but eight persons present at
the table, and nothing could have occur_
red of which all were not.cognizant.
er Senator Toombs, just previous to
leaving Washington,' said that " if Alex
ander H. Stephens behaves pretty well,
he may be allowed to remain in Georgia ;
otherwise, the chances are that they will
make the State too hot to hold him."—
He also told au intimate friend that he
should be back again, and give orie more
blast iu the Senate.
gigr The Pennsylvania State Agricul
tural Society elected .its officers last
week at Harrisburg. The Telegraph
says a somewhat excited contest was had
for President, but the •present officer,
Col. JACOB S. HALDEMAN, was elected by
a handsome majority. • Hon. David Tag
gart, was Mr. Haldeman's competitor.
cif It is stated, with• some •show of
truth, that orders have • been given to
Major Anderson to permit no indignities
to the American flag, and if another oc
currence like the firing into the Star of
the West takes place, to open his bat
teries upon the offending parties.
Thurlow Weed, the distinguished
and influential editor of the Albany
Evening Journal, has been the observed
of all observers since his arrival at Wash
ington, where, he is using every effort to
bring about a settlement of our National
010- A person more daring than dis
creet proposes a new thing for this year :
that if any body will pay for the gas for
two balloons, he will walk across from
one to the other, a distance of two hun
dred feet, while they are both going up.
Have they a Lunatic Asylum where he
sr The New York . authorities, it is
said, have allowed a cOmpany to lay
pipes through all the streets to convey
"hydrogenatell fuel," or other heated
agents, to every house, just as gas and
water are conveyed. So we' move on
ppir M. Meylert, Esq., of Sullivan co.,
is a fast driver, but he was last week
mulcted in $154,30, at the suit of Peter
Eillmeyer, of Bromisburg, whose hired
horse, it was claimed, he had driven too
gir. Dr. John Locke, of Lewistown,
while hunting in the Clearfield region,
identified a stolen horse, for which he re
ceived the $25 'reward offered. ' That
was " hunting" to some purpose ! ,
A mmement is on foot in Washington,
to remove all the office-holders in the
several departments of the government
there who belong to seceding States,
and all others in favor of secession who
do not declare positively, either by oath
or affirmation, that they are for sustain
ing the Union and the execution of the
laws: It is a singular fact, and is the
• subject of deep complaint by those who
are loyal to the Union, that nearly all
the clerks who are the fiercest for dis
union and declare in favor of the course
pursued by South Carolina, are still
serving the federal Union and receiving
their salaries..
Lieut. (.*en. Scott is still engaged in
making preparations to guard against
any possible breach of the peace in
Washington, consequent on the present
political agitation. Effective military
forces are to be posted in several parts
of the city. It is not probable, however,
that any but the regular troops and mil
itia will be employed, for this purpose.
• Senator Wigfall writes to a friend in
Galveston that the North will not yield
an inch, and that the opponents of sepa
rate State secession in the South are
only endeavoring to get up a discussion
which shall divide the South, and pave
the way for submission. He denounces
Boteler, of Va., and Powell, of l y., as
"Union-savers of the most unmitigated
Secession is spreading in Florida after
the fashion in which Mayor Wood pro
poses to inaugurate in New York. The
people of West Florida are .talking of
seceding from the rest of the State, and
annexing to Alabama all the region lying
west of the Apalachicola river.
Gov. Pickens' account as Minister to
Russia was settled at the Treasury at
ashington, and a draft was sent him
on the Sub-Treasury at Charleston. It
is said, not jocosely, that the. Governor
will have hard "pickens" to get his pay,
as it is reported that the Sub• Treasury
at Charleston has been seized.
While Mr. Thomas was Secretary of
the Treasury, two hundred thousand dol
lars were removed from the vault of the
Treasury in Washington to the Sub-
Treasury in New Orleans, and for what
purpose it is difficult to ascertain.
Shouid Henry Winter Davis not agree
to accept a position in Mr. Lincoln's
Cabinet, it is confidently believed that
a tender of a place will be made to the
lion. Montgomery Blair, now also a res
ident of Maryland. the son of Lion.
Francis P. Blair, and brother of Bon.
Frank Blair, the member elect to the
new Congress fron the St. Louis, Mo.,
At the caucus of Secession Senators
held at Washington, Mr. Toombs gave
as a reason for not resigning his seat in
the Senate, that a revolution was going
on, and ho meant to stay and thwart the
Government in every possible way !
Iteverdy Johnson says that Seward's
speech will save Maryland from joining
the secession faction. The Star, formerly
an Administration journal, but now de
voted to the incoming Administration,
publishes and approves of the speech.—
It says it will defeat the schemes of the
traitors in Virginia and Maryland.
It is stated that the late Duke of Nor
folk has left a legacy of £10,060 to the
Pope. The income of the deceased no
bleman was about £BO,OOO a year, of
which it is said he gave away £30,000,
principally towards the support of Re
ligious Institutions connected with the
Roman Catholic Church.
Yancey, the Alabama fire eater, while
at Williams College, showed his venera
tion by pitching a keg of pickles into a
prayer meeting. , He is now dragging his
friends into the worst pickle that could
be prepared for them.
...... .........
About one-third of the Ohio delega
tion, says a, correspondent of the Times,
assure us that Mr. Chase will not accept
the Treasury Department, while others,
who profess to be in his confidence, say
he will be•offered and will accept it. •
Lieutenant General Scott has rented
the-late residence of Secretary Cobb, on
the corner of Fifteenth and I streets,
near the Treasury and other executive
departments, and is having it fitted up
for his headquarters.
Street rumor in Washington mentions
the names of Gen. William 0. Butler, of
Kentucky,- and. Hon. Bedford Brown, of
North Carolina, in connection with the
office of Secretary of War. .
Judge Smalley, of the United States
Circuit Court, in his charge to the Grand
Jury, declared that the State of South
Carolina had been guilty of high treason.
It is said that Major Anderson was an
army lieutenant in the company com
pany commanded by John A. Dix, now
Secretary ofthe Treasury.
Several clerks in the Census Bureau
'were notified that they could resign, or
be discharged for expressing secession
son timents.
James Muume, the eldest member of
the book trade in Boston, died on last
Rarey adVertides for a vicious horse to
experiment on, and offers $lOO for the
worst. '
ville Courier says the only question for
Kentucky to decide is, whether she will
go with the Slave States or with the
Free States, to which Prentice says :
No ! this is not "the only question for
Kentucky to decide." It is nut Ilw ques
The great question for Kentucky to
decide is whether she will stand proudly
where she is and draw the Free States
and the Slave States or the majority of
both to her side, keying the Arch of the
Union anew, or whether she will drop
ignobly from the crown of that glorious
Arch, leaving the whole magnificent
structure to fall and bury her in the com
mon ruin. The question is the question
of self-preservation involving the pre
servalion of the Union.
'This is the question for Kentucky to
decide, and we do not doubt how she will
decide it. The wisdom, the patriotism,
the courage of her sons leave no room
for doubt.
al, near Philadelphia, contains equip
ments for eight or ten thousand men, be
sides a large quantity of camp equipage
and quartermaster's stores. There have
not been shipments to the South or any
where else recently, except to supply
the ordinary requirments of the army.—
In the arsenal at Bridesburg, Pa., there
are 20 brass field-pieces, 6 twelve and
twenty-four pounders, 21 heavy sea-coast
guns, but no Columbiades, which are be
ing cast at Pittsburg. There are also
10,000 muskets, and about 1,500 muske
toons;rifies, pistols and carbines, and a
lot of artillery equipments ; also, 41,000
pounds of musket and rifh powder, and
9,460 pounds of cannoa powder on stor
age. The muskets comprise a large
number of rifled pieces. There are also
150,000 mu'shet balls, and 2,000,000
pounds of nitre for the maufacture of
powder; also, 460,000 pounds of sulpher
for the same purpose.
TOOMBS AND WIG FALL : There is some
satisfaction in knowing that Mr. Buchan
an seriously meditates the arrest and
trial of Toombs. and Wigfall as traitors.
That they are such in spirit and purpose,
is beyond doubt. That they have actu
ally been guilty of treason by complicity
with the Secession rebels in seizing Gov
ernment forts and other property, can
probably be proved. If so. let them be
tried, convicted, and, for a salutary ex
ample such as is very much needed at
thiS juncture, executed as was John
Brown, whose crimes they have emulat
publican members of the Maine Leg,isla
lature have made an excellent choice of
a United States Senator to succeed Mr.
Hamlin. Hon. Lot M. Morrill left the
Democratic party about the same time
with Mr. Hamlin, and has since been an
nnswavering and influential Republican.
He has been Governor of Maine three
years, and one of her best Governors.—
He is in the prime of active manhood, an
able debater, a courteous gentleman, and
an honest man.
A. letter sent from Arkansas, Texas, and
forwarded thence to Brazoria, Texas, in
the year 1841, during the existence of
the Lone Star Republic, has the follow
ing moderate post charges, viz., 56 cents
to the first point and $1 for forwarding.
One dollar and fifty-six cents postage
upon a single letter we should think
would prove a sudorific for the secession
field Republican says that Charles C.
Burleigh, a rabid abolitionist, delivered
a political address at a school house in
West Farms, Westfield, Thursday even
ing, and uttered sentiments so offensive
that a mob gathered and broke up the
meeting, and celebrated their triumph
by making a bonfire of the school house
and its contents.
made personal property by law when
certain requirments are complied with.
The owners are required to furnish to
the Clerk of the Quarter Sessions a de
scription of the animals, giving name,
age, color, height, &c., which the Clerk
is directed to enter at full upon his dock
et, and to furnish the owner a certified
copy of it. Then, and not till then, are
dogs personal property, and the theft of
one punishable.
Phillips', who formerly worked side by
side, in a printing office, with Chief Ju
stice Lewis and Gov. Packer, of Penn.,
went to a police station, in Philadelphia,
the other night to beg lodging.
The Secretary of the American
Colonization Society, in the report read
at the annual meeting said that the state
ment that the Africans taken from
the slaver Echo had been sold into slav
ery was false. They were now in Liber
ia, and doiqg well.
On the Bth inst., the house of
Judge Thorne, at Vincennes, Indiana,
was destroyed by fire, and the Judge
perished in the flames, in the effort to
save spme valuable papers.
gir The citizens of Taunton, Mass.,
have started a subscription for the pur
chase of a sword, to be presented to Ma
jor Anderson,lhe hero of Fat Moultrie.
TABLEs Trusr.P : •Somo Tennessee
ans appear to have turned the tables of
Lynch law. As thus : " The I;nox
vale (Tenn.) Whig says that a fellow re
cently passed through Roane county,
talking disunion talk, and cutting up
considerably, as we have been told. The
Union men laid hold of him, and hung
him with a grape ;line, and so choked
him that be had not to have recovered.
They made him take an oath to support
the Constitution and fight for General
Goverpment, as well as to talk in fu
ture on the side of the Union."
'The "last scene" in the Dr. Bur
dell tragedy was enacted a few days
since. Ever since the murder the prop
erty of the defunct has been in litigation,
and "injuncted" to an extent unsurpassed
in the annals of N. York courts. On
Saturday, however, the court gave a final
decision M i lle case, ordering the prop
erty to be sold at auction on the 15th.
Mrs. Cunningham is counted out. That
fascinating female is now in California.
It is understood that the Hon.
Edgar Cowan, the new United States
Senator elect from Pennsylvania, visited
Springfield, Illinois, to see Mr. Lincoln
for the purpose of insisting upon the ap
pointment of. General Cameron to the
It is stated and believed that Mr.
Seward has written a decided letter to
Mr. Lincoln, urging him to appoint Gen.
Cameron a member of the Cabinet. Mr.
Seward's late speech will give him a
strong hold upon the confidence of the
President elect.
facts speak for themselves.—Practice vs. Theo
ry. To mystify the nature and treatment of
disease is the unswerving maxim of the medi
cal profession. To familiarize all classcswith
its cause and effect, and enable them to subdue
it by two essential remedies—Pills and Oint
ment—has been the unceasing effort of Hollo
way; now mark the result—the public mind
is daily losing confidence in the pretensions of
the faculty,on account of its late theoretical dis
sentious; while, on the other hand, Hello
-way's Pills and Ointment have found "a local
habitation and a name" in every nation of
the earth. In rheumatism and all its phases,
in neuralgia, glandular swellings, scalds, burns,
chilblains, frostbites, &c., the effect of the
Ointment is truely marvellous; while in
coughs, colds. sore-throats, asthma, bronchitis
and consuintion the cures by the united action
of the Pills and Ointment are unquestionable.
To CoxsumrrivEs : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
thake know!' to his fellow) sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will- send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of chargel
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Oct. 13.3 m) Kings co., N. Y.
We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The' testimonials are of the first chanic
IL3See adverliarnent of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
Atas, r -O l eoftmzeoct, c.V.c
R. HINKLE having just returned from
ji Philadelphia with the most complete and
full 'assortment of everything in his line ever
offered in this Borough. Be has purchased
another supply of PURE AN YRESII DRUGS,
which can be depended on for what they are
represented, having received his personal
attention in the selection. In addition to
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected
consisting in part of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other
• 1 Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies,
Pocket Books, Puff and Powder Boxes, Ste.
Old Pbrt, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for medical purposes.
The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye.
De Dpsia , s and other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogue, Bari v's Trtcoperous, for the hair, Bay
Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bat
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or
Rice, Corn Starch, Elecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground. Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar
tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation for the table ; Table
Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery, pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Particular attention will be paid and great
caution observed in compounding Physicans
prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will al
ways be found in the Store unlessprofessionaliy
engaged elsewhere.
D j Graduate of the Baltimore
College of Dental Surgery, and an assistant
operator and partner of Dr. Waylan, offers his
professional services to the citizens of Mari
etta and vicinity. Persons desiring to have
their TEETH attended to are invited to call at
his office, adjoining Spangler & Fattelson's
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street.
I hereby recommend to the people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W. SWENTZEL, grad
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and skillful. operator, hav
ing had ample opportunities of seeing his-ope
rations—having long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. JOHN WAY LAN, D. D. S.
H. L. E. J. ZA.HM
ESPECT FULLY inform their
friends and the public that they
yre% still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
ey AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand,. N9rth-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A. full assortment of goods in. our line of busi
ness always on hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates.
II 3 Repairing attended_ to personalty by the
100ju SA t r C e K e vOe GROUND aiIt will
be As
old below
the Ll
old Drices, by J. R. DIFFENBACH.
B 8 , Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bows,
di, Varnishes, &c.
It EREAS the lionora:•10 Henry'
V PreAdellt, Hon. A. 1.. Ha . %
Ferree Bri ton, 'rlski.,ASA• .111dt:es of the Court
Common fleas, in and for the Count, of
ter, and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer
Term r and Celle rat Jal 1 Delivery and Quar
ter 1e91h):I5 of the Peace, in and for the Cotinty
of Lancaster, hare issued their Precept to Me
direcicd requaini.: me, among other thing:s, in
make Pill:U.lC PROCL.Am ATi thron4h4mt rm
lhtiliwick, that a Court of Oyer and TerininCr
and Ceneral Jail Delivery' ; Also, a Court f
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delive
ry, will commence at the Court House, in the
City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the
lii pursuance of which precept
to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lan
caster, in said county, and all the Justices of
the Peace, the Coroner, and Constables of the
said city and county of Lancaster, that they he
then and there in their own proper persons with
their rolls, records and examinations, and in
quisitions, and their other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offiCes appertain, in
their behalf to be done; and also those who Will
prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then
shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster,
are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just.
Dated at Lancaster, the 10th day of Decem
ber, IStii. S. W. P. BOYD, SHERIFF.
P. S.—Punctual attendance of the Jurors
and Witnesses will hereafter be expected and
required on the first day of the sessions. Al
dermen and Justices of the Peace are required
by an order of Court, dated November 21st
ISA to return their recognizances to Sanci
Evans, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, within one
week irons the day of final action in each ease,
and in default thereof, the Magistrates costs
will not he allowed.
-o -
What is more fearful than the breaking
down of the nervous system? To be excites
tile or nervous in a small degree is most dis
tressing, for where can a remedy be found?—
There is one:—drink but little wine, beer, or
spirits, or far better, none; take no coffee,—
weak ten being preferable; get all the fresh
air you can; take tree or four Pills every night;
eat plenty of Solids, avoiding the use of slops ;
and if these golden rules are followed, you
will be happy in mind and strong in body, and
orget you have any nerves.
If there is one thing more than another fir
wLich these Pills are so famons it is their puri
fying properties, especially their power of
cleansing the blood from all impurities, and
re 1111W111 , 4 dangerous and suspended secretions.
Universally adopted as the one grand remedy
for female complaints, they never fail, never
weaken the systetn, and always bring about
what is required.
These feelings which so sadden us, most fr-c
quently arise from annoyances or trouble, from
obstructed perspiration, or from eating and
drinking what is unlit for us, thus disordering
the liver and stomach. These organs must be
. regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if
Taken according to the printed instructions,
will quickly restore a healthy action to both
liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural
consequence, a good appetite'and a clear head.
In the East and West Indies scarcely' any other
medicine is ever used for these disorders.
In all diseases affecting these organs, wheth
er they secrete too much or too tittle water ;
or whethor they be afflicted with stone or pia eel
or with aches and pains settled in the loins
over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills
should be token accordingto the printed direc
tions, and the Ointment should, be well rubbed
into the small of the back at bed time. This
treatment will give almost immediate relict
when all other means have failed.
'l' Nig medicine will so effectually improve the
tone of the stomach as these Pills • they remove
all acidity, occustotied either by intemperance
or intruper diet. They teach the liver
and reduce it to a healthy action ; they ure
wonderfully efficacious in ease of spasm,—in
fact they never fail in 'curing all disorders of
the liver and Stomach.
Holloway's Pills are thebest remedy known
in the world for the following diseases.
Ague, Dropsy, Inflammation,
Asthma. Dysentery, Jaundice,
Bilious Complaints, Erysipelas, Liver Com-
Blotches on the Female Ir- 0 plaints,
Skin, regularities, Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, Fevers of all Piles,
Colics, kinds, Rheumatism ,
Constipation of the Fits, Retention of
Bowels, Gout, Wine;
Consumption, Head-ache, Scrofula, or
Debility, Indigestion, King's Evil,
Stone and Gravel, Tumours, Sore Throats,
Secondary Symp- Ulcers, Venereal A -
tows, Worms of all fections,
Tic-Doulourepx, kinds, Weakness,&c.
CAuriox:—None are genuine unless the
DO N " are discernible as a Water-mark in every
leaf of the hook of directions around each pot
or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hold
ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such infor
mation as may lead to the detection of any
party or parties counterfeitin gthe medicines or
vending the same, knowing them to be spu
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOL
LOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes
at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each.
13 - There is considerable saving by taking
the linger sizes.
N B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box. [7-S
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fIPENING THIS DAY—a magnificent as
k, sortment of NEW and crontwx
IN SETTS. ,EN. sErra.
Mink Marten, Mack Sable,
Stone Marten, Bros Z-n 'Sable,
Fitch Marten,c Squirrel!,
Silver Marten, c' Muffs '
in all the prevailiwg styles and at very tow price's.
COLITNETA, Nay. 2,4, 1860.
[Enw: J. ZARM
171 GOODWIN 2 S & BRO's. Plantation fine
r_4.‘ cut Chewink Tobacco, The Pest in the,
world. For sale at WOLFE'S.
Ceuta pet* pouud at .f. M. Anderson's.