The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, January 12, 1861, Image 1

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131JBLICATION OFFICEin the second sto
ry of CRULL'S Row, on Front Street, Jive
(tool .5 East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, MARIETTA
It su'oseriptions be not paid within six months,
sl.2ii will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the Year, t 1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us ri vn new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will bo discontin
ued until all arreurages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
i:nv EUTIFING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion mid 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
ut $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five rents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ;
but fur any additional lines, five cents a-line.
llaving recently added a large lot of new Jon
AN CARD Tyrr, we are prepared to do all
nve, at short notice and reasonable priees.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Geo. L. alackley,
TAAintibte, Elf ana fah
N w G i
fixtur e e f s I ( l ) . o lr t . hs ru vr i le
ll known
establishment, I hereby inform my numerous
friends, and the public generally that I am pre
pared to supply their wants'in the HAT AND
CAP line at all times with pretrilitness, anciat
as reasonable rates as any establishment in the
Union. Having had 5 years experience as a
practical hatter, and being in the receipt of the
latest " Reports of Fashions," and having fa
cilities for obtaining goods direct from the East
in 48 hours ; by strict attention to business and
a desire to please, I hope to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
P. S.—Having - disposed of my establishment
to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom
mend him to the favorable notice of all who
desire a "unnfortable covering for the head."
In retiring from business Fextend my un
feigned thanks to myfrionds„for the patronage
so liberally bestowed to me arid - hope the same
may be extended to my worthy successor.
Marietta, August 28, 1858.
Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel,
THE undersigned would rospectfully inform
the public that ho still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Ralf Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to
$BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spins Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twisty..Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds' of fine Ci
gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES
HALT. SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds
Fine-cut Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fancy Pipes, Cigar Tubes, 4.c. [jan.3o,'sB.
iAlexander. LyndeaT,
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
',rut a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enables to select with more judgment
than those who are not. lie continues to man
',facture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE DINE, which he
IMI warrant for neatness and good fit.
1.21--Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Commission Lumber Merfliant,
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
ESPECT FULLY offers his services for the
I,,sale of Lvnt D a a of every description
'rum his knowledge of the business he feel
confident of being able to obtain the highest
trutrket rates for all consignments entrusted to
his care.
T AMES M. ANDERSON respectfully an
°nounces to the citizens of Marietta and vi•
c nify, that he has just received direct from the
eastern markets one of the largest and best as
sorted stocks of Confectionary ever offered in
this borough, consisting of Candies, Foreign
Fruits, and Nuts, Toys, and Holiday Pres
:if endless variety. Come and se
v e and be con
inced of the fine assortment and the low p
ces at which everything in his line is selling ri
041111IROIDERIES—Just received the larges
1 1 and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve
.ered for sale here, consisting art of beau-
4in p tiful French Worked Collers, Undersleeves
Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In.
I.e cting, Flouncing, &c., which will be soldiat
rites that cannot fail to give satisfaction by
. B. Diffenbach.
~I LOCK S—Gcod Time
keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
haired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
OST. A new largo sized Seoteh-Gingham
Umbrelhi, Paragon frame, black curved
with a dog head on it. Any person
'loving it in their possession will please return
.t to J. M. Anderson.
OML OIL LAMPS : Just received a floor
Li and large assortment of new-style Coal
(i'ilLarnps—superior to anything now in uso,
and cheaper than they can be bought in town.
OA General Assortment of all kinds of
Buir.nrtm lIARDWARE, Loors,
Hinges Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very clieap.
A G ATE L L E:—An e
quire xcellent
at this Bagatelle
Table for sale cheap ; in office.
YOrr i S Hither* find Side Lamps,
For Mc at -GROVE Ll. ROTWS
FRENCH. MUSTARD in pots at
Pthatch toVerlitits, Niterature, Agriculture, "gartiailtat,ii) l l2t IYt Arts, Oeueral Reins of tit u > acid 4nlormation., tk,
Reprinted from the Cincinnati Gazette of Sep-
What shall I be? Where shall I go?
I'd give a thousand worlds to know.
Shall I exist? or shall I not?
Ceasing to be—l dread the thought—
Does death, in fact, destroy the whole,
And with thwbody kill the soul ?
Reason! I choose thee for my guide,
I'll hear thy voice, and none beside ;
Come, now, decide the doubtful strife,
'Twixt endless sleep and endless life.
Some who thy sole dominion own,
As Nature's brightest, eldest son,
Say thou hest taught the soul will live,
And her account to God must give.
Others deny that this will be,
And both for proof appeal to thee.
I feel, I know that I do sin,
And conscience rages here within ;
If there's a God—(l fear 'tie true)—
Does he his creatures' conduct view?
And if the soul immortal prove,
Can sinners ever taste His love 7
Will they have nothing, then, to fear,
Because he governs there and here 7
If he is good, will he destroy,
And banish every human joy?
Are parents hurried to the tomb,
Merely to give successors room
If he regards our action here,
Why not revenge the injured's tear,
And crush the cruel and unjust,
Their pride and malice, in the dust?
These thoughts an anxious doubt create
That this is not our final state.-
The Bible doctrine may be right,—,. •
If so, I sink to endless night. •
I hate that God whom they revere, .
His holiness is to severe;
I hate His law, which says I must • ;.„..
I3e.liked to Him, or be accursed.
Once I could laugh ut what some tell,
And scorn the thought of heaven. awl hell,
But reason shines as clear as ddy,
Although my outward man decay;
Yea, it may shine and never stop, .
And misery Ell my future cup.
Draw near, my friend, if friend indeed,
You will assist me now in need:
With you I spent the jovial day,
And cast the thought of death away ;
I gave the rein to sin find fust,
Which hastened my return to dust.
0, can you screen my soul from harm
Against the power of any arm 7'
Ab I wretches, stop—deceive no more,
I've heard all you can say before.
I scorned the Christian and his God,
And trampled on the Saviour's blood ;
With him I now no part can claim,
For still I hate the very name ;
Yet he must be more safe than I,
Better prepared to live or die !
CLERGY.—The beard and moustache ap
pear to be gaining ground among the
clergy, to whom they have, until lately,
been forbidden vanities. The Boston
Herald states that, on one occasion of
late, there were three full-bearded minis
ters in the pulpit of Park Street Church.
Military ardor also begins to show itself
"among those who have usually been de
barred, by. their cloth, from warlike oc
cupations, although chaplains, in Revo
lutionary times, occasionally wielded the
sword or musket. It is stated that the
ilkes Guard, a military company in
Washington, G-a., have elected the Rev.
G. G. Norman, of the Methodist Church,
Captain, in place of their late Captain,
Hon. I. T. Irvin.
Willis, of the Home Journal, in one of
his recent Idlewild Letters, says : "You
will have discpvered, of course, that you
cannot have uninterrupted winter riding
with a horse shod in the ordinary way.—
The sharp points of frozen mud will
wound the frog of the foot. and with
snow on the ground, the hollow hoof
soon collects a hard ball, which makes
the footing very insecure. But those
evils are remedied by a piece of sole
leather nailed on under the shoe—a pro
tection to the hoof which makes a sur
prising difference in the confidence and
surefootedness of the animal's step."
Cr The second Wednesday in Febru
ary is the day fixed by law for counting
the electoral vote in Congress, and de
claring the election of President and
Vice President of the 11. S. It is now
openly asserted, that a plan is under con
sideration to defeat, if it may be, the ac
tion of the law, by the refusal of the Sen
ate to meet the House of Represenata
tires, and participate in counting and
declaring the vote.
ar Mr. Shaw, the inventor of percus
sion caps, died at Dordentown, New
Jersey, recently, having attained the
age of eighty-six years. He was born in
England. A few years ago our govern
ment granted him quite a large sum for
his invention for leading.
tißir Mr. J,cdpath has chartored • the
British brig Janet Kidson, at Boston, to
proceed to Jersey City, and thence to
Port au Prince. She will take on board
13 colored passengers, also John Brown,
son of late John Brown.
tember 1826.
BUFF—A True Story.
When I was a very little boy I had
a very big dog. He took his name from
his color—it was Buff—not from his char
acter, for he was as remarkable for mag
(dog)nanimity as for strength and cour
age. He was very patient, too ; all the
worry and work that a seven-year old
urchin could inflict upon him in a long
holiday, never disturbed his equi(cani)-
nimity. He probably bad once been a
puppy, but no one who knew him would
think of uncoiling such an inference,
from the principles of natural history, to .
his prejudice—he was every inch and
every ounce a dog, and one of the big
gest, noblest of the race, at that. How
he hated the harness of my little wagon
in summer, and board-sled in winter I
He was faithful, and fond of his little
master'; but, naturally enough, while he
performed the duties and felt the senti
ments of a dog, he resisted the degrada
tion of a hack. Nothing else ever made
him exhibit any doggedness of temper.
I never caught him in a sneak, except
when he was trying to escape the collar
and traces ; or at a dodge, except when
a hole in the fence, or the low door of
his dormitory, offered him an opportunity
of stripping me off his hack. My troub
les and tumbles of this sort, often ruffled
my temper with him ; but more mature
reflection has long since reconciled me
to his conduct in this respect, and in the
"late remorse .of love," I admit that he
was right. Alas ! poor Buff! Eiery
dog, thOy say, has his day ; but Buffs
was shamefully shortened. A beggar
poisoned him; for it; was a
a principle with
. .
him never never to let tatterdemalion
cross our door-step. He had an opiniOn,
and a post, to maintain—he had some
dignity of his own, and, of course, a de
cent indignation against vagabonds de
ficient in b.ot c h and address_
suspected them of fleas, perhaps ; per
haps of felony I anyhow, he could not
abide them , and if it was only a caprici
ous antipathy, I don't think it. a very
serious impeachment of his other!ise un
philanthropy. He may have
been a reformer, and had a mission : and
for that reason, must be:excused if he
garrisoned the premises with rather se
vere fidelity. I doubt not that excel
lent authorities can be found for growl
ing and barking • alarmingly for consci
ence' sake, and I claim the benefit for the
justification of Buff ; the more by token
that the poor fellow fell a martyr to it at
last. See, there is a doctrine and a par
able even in the . life and death of a dog.
One day—how well I remember the
day—l was trying to drive a family of
refractory pigs out of the yard, and, after
a dozen fa:lures, called upon Buff for as
sistance. He had been looking on con
templatively for half an hour, while the
struggle lasted, without offering any as
sistance, or exhibiting any interest in
the matter, and now absolutely refused
to interfere. There was another witness
of my perplexity—my father was stand
ing on the porch, very quietly walting
for the result. A regular fight had be
gan with Buff for his insolent indiffer
ence and• downright disobedience ; but,
detecting the presence, and hoping for
the interposition of the paramount au
thority, I began my complaint with,
"Papa, what is the reason that Buff won't
hunt these pigs?
"Why, William, don't you know that
a big dog will not worry little pigs? If
you want to have .help at a mean little
job, you must employ a puppy in the
Duff was fairly vindicated, and I had a
lesson which has served me many a time
since. Just then I felt only the rebuke;
without at all relishing it, and, indeed,
without fully understanding its philoso
That night, after saying my daily
prayer, and feeling as good as if I had
been whipped, or praised, or pardoned '
some little iniquity, and had my account
with the world and the world to come
happily squared, and at liberty to begin
again, I renewed the complaint and apol
ogy by saying, "But, papa, what ia the
reason that Buff oughtn't to worry little
pigs when they are in the yard, where
they have no busineis to be 1"
"Why, see hero, my son ; little pigs
have some rights, oven when they are
doing wrong. Haven't they ?"
"No ; I don't see how they can be
right when they are wrong."
Smiling in a way that made me think
I was not quite , up to the argument, al
though I could not soe the kink in it, he
"Well, then, if the pigs aro not quite
right when they are wrong, or, what is a
very different thiug, if they have no
rights when they are in e,uythinir wrong'
—as, for instance, in the wrong yard or
wrong trough—little boys and little dogs
may, nevertheless, be Wrong in their way
of turning them ont—may they not ?"
"I suppose so ; but"—
"Oome, come, William ; you can de
fend yourself any other time. Buff
knows we are talking about him, and he
is pressing in between us here, and look
ing at you, as much as to say, Little mas
ter, I can not speak for myself, you know
—do listen to what papa is going to say
for me."
"Get away, Buff," was my answer ;
"you have your great big paw on my toe,
that has a splinter in it."
"He has a worse grip of you than that,
William : he has you in the wrong. Put,
up your little foot, and let me see that
dreadful sore toe, Tat, there is no
splinter there."
"But there was one, yesterday. See
how red it is." •
•'Red, William ; it isn't as red as your
face ; and I know it doesn't hurt you as
badly as you feel somewhere else."
"I want to go to bed, papa."
"No, no, my boy; you are too wide
awake just now for that. You have not
been so wide awake, all over and all
through, for a week and I want you to
reflect, while you lie awake to think over
this matter, that there are some things
and some ways of doing things, that are
unworthy of anything but puppies and
mean' people ; no matter what wrongs
they undertake to correct. You wouldn't
smother a poor little pig in a puddle be
cause it happened to be trespassing on
your playground. You wouldn't kick a
little baby with your boots on, for tak
ing your piece of bread and butter that
happened to fall , within its reach, any
more than Buff would crush the bones of
a little pig for playing in the yard. It
is net what a wrong doer May seem to
doserwr.whaza you..are Angry, beat what is
becommg.yourself, that you should do.
Now, my son, shake hands with Buff—
poor Buff-=and then with me, and go - to
your little bed. " There, that's right ;
now run alone.f l
"But, papw"— •
"Never mind,:now ; go, and don't walk
as if you were carrying a weight, nor look
as if it were too heavy for you. .Open
your window, for the robins will be sing
ing in the apple tree in the morning ;
your dear little toe will be well as ever,
and you will be as happy and merry as a
bird again. You will be ray own brave
boy; and when you get to be a big one,
you'll understand Buff."
The moral of my story, as applied to
the HUNTERS OF MEN, is—altered a little
from the original—"ln all your service,
copy Buff."
We were shown yesterday, says the
Louisville Journal, a gold watch of the
olden-time, which is of great value as a
memento of an important event in Amer
ican history. The Watch was a present
from Gen. Washington to - Gen. Lafay
ette, and bears the following inscription
on the back of the inner case :—" G.
Washington to Gilbert Mattiers de La
fayette. Lord Cornwallis's capitula
tion,-Yorktown, December 17, 1791.":
The watch is of London manufacture,
and was made in 1769. It is said that
the watch Was taken to San Francisco
from Paris by a Frenchman, who be
came embarrassed there, and sold it to
the present owner for the sum of fifty
EFFECTS OF DRINK.—John D. Defroes,
writing to the Indianapolis Journal, says
"Twenty years ago, I was a looker-on
at the doings of Congress. The two
men who attracted the mist attention
were William Cost Johnson, of Mary
land, and Thomas F. Marshall; of Ken
tucky. They were the most brilliant
orators—the 'observed of all observers.'
Mr. -Johnson died in Maryland a few
days ago, a pauper and an outcast, un
noticed and unlamented. The papers a
few days ago, informed us that Marshall
is an inmate of a hospital at Buffalo.—
Intemperance, of course, is the cause of
all this."
dressed nogro, with one hundred and fifty
dollars in his pocket, was arrested near
Rome, Indiana, a few nights ago, and
taken to the jail in-Hawsville, Ky. He
confessed that he was a runaway, and be
longed to a Mr. Boyd; of Louisiana.--
Louisville Jortrnal. '
Spare moments are like the gold
dust of time. Of all the portions of our
life spare moments are the most fruitful
in good or evil. Th(iy are the gaps
through which temptations find the ac_
coz:s to the garden of the soul.
Terms, C).aae .IDcilla,r a Year-
WHAT A CONTRAST.—When about ten
years ago, Millard Fillmore was Presi
dent of the United States, and the frolic
some Palmettoes threatened to cut up
some of their odd shines, that excellent
executive officer caused a strong body of
troops to be quietly put into Fort Moul
trie, The gay and- gallant Palmettoes
awoke one fine morning, and foind this
awkward fact suddenly staring them in
the face, whereupon their chivalric gov
ernor waxed wroth and applied to Pres
ident Fillmore for an explanation. "Sir,"
was the answer, "the President of the
United States .is not responsible for hie
official conduct to the•governor of South
Carolina." - The amiable President then
in office did not particularly affect heroic
qualities ; but he understood his duty to
the Constitution he was sworn to sup
port, and his vigorous mode of confrent
ing rebellion nipped in the bud to the
great satisfaction of everybody - except
the combustible and explosive Palmet
If the gentleman now at the head of
the Government, -says the New 'York
World, had had the forecast, discretion
and spirit, two months ago, to do his
plain duty, he would not now be the ob
ject of universal contempt and derision.
He had good reason to suppose, more
than two -months ago, that some such
mad prank as we now witness would be
attempted close on the heels of Lincoln's
election ; end it was the clearest dictate
of prudence that the exigency should find
him prepared. A few ships of war in
complete readiness for any service that
might be wanted of them; adequate gar
risons in the forts, and moderate detach
ments of the regular army stationed at
points whence they could be readily
transported by railroad to the scene of
the apprehended disturbantes, would
have prevented the rebellion from swel
ling to itpresent formidable dimensions.
From a letter of M. Gaillardet, dated
Paris, Dec. 7th, to the Courrier des Etats-
Unis, we translate the. following :
"I had the honor and pleasure of meet
ing, a few - days ago, at the table of one
of the most agreeable American ladies
of the Champs-Blysees Quarter, with
Mrs. Patterson, the first wife of Prince
Jerome Bonaparte. She is ono of the
most interesting of Women, by reason of
her character and her wit, which has pre
served all its vivacity, notwithstanding
her great age. She speaks French with
much facility, and told me some lively
particulars of her relations with Prince
Jerome. She possesses numerous letters
from her former husband, and proposes
one day to publish them, with memoirs.
In yielding to the desire of her grand-son
to pursue a military career in the French
army, she wished him to preserve an in
dependence and rank worthy of his name.
With this view, the excellent woman
gives the young officer an annual allow
ance of 26,000 francs. Mrs. Patterson's
fortune consists of savings made from
the pension granted to her by Napoleon
I. as a feeble compensation for the de
struction ofler prospects for a reason of
State. This pension was stopped by the
Bourbons. -In restoring it to the hon
orable septnagenary, Napoleon II I.
would do an act of justice as well as o
policy, in the interest of the memory o
his two uncles."
W. Whitney, familiarly known as "Mil
ord Coke," the King of the Missouri
Legislative lobby, died in Pike county,
Mo., on the 13th ult., aged 84 years. In
former times, the "Lobby" or third house,
was regularly organized at every session
of the Missouri Legislature. "Milord
Coke" was the perpetual president at
the third house, always claiming that
position as a matter of right. As a par
liamentarian, he had no superior in the
State, and many' a speaker and Lieut.
Governor has been brought to the blush
by "Milord's" stinging reviews of some
of the decisions given by them from the
Chair. Mr. Whitney was a graduate of
Williams' College. He afterwards stud
died law in Cazenovia, N. Y., and emi
grated to Alton while Illinois was yet a
territory. Before coming West he mar
ried in Massachusetts, where he lived
with-his wife and son for a short time,
when one day, from some cause which he
never would explain, he packed up his
clothes and left, never seeing or corres
ponding with his family afterwards._
Cr Another English Prince will
shortly visit this country. It is Prince
Albert, the secondson of queen 'Vic
toria, who lips4 - eft 'the Ship Euryalus, and
will join St-'6egrge,:a larger vessel,
which will sail early-best- year for the
Lithe: - and North Araerita.-
NO. 26.
little of Wisconsin, in his - speech on
Thursday a-week, took up the 'ffigitive
slave agitation, and hit the nail on the
head as follows :
"He said Mr. Lincoln was in favor of
giving the South the- fugitive slave law,
and read speeches to support the asser
tion. The South complain that they
lose a great deal by fugitives and few are
reclaimed. This arises from the fact
that they possess a species of property
with a will of its own, and legs of its
own, and desire of its own to get sway.
This is no fault of ours, and the North
are not responsible for that. The Sena
tor from Va., (Mr. Mason) told us that
a few years ago Virginia lost annually
$lOO,OOO, and he believed she lost the .
same now. He would concede that for
the sake of argument Virginia had about
500,000 slaves, worth on an average $BOO,
(at least before the panic) making $400,-
000,000. The loss of $lOO,OOO is only one
fortieth of one per cent., or about one
qaarter of a mill on a dollar. This fs
less than the risk incurred in any othsr
species of, property in the United States.
Suppose the people of the border States
form themselves into an Insurance Com
pany, how small would be the premium to
cover the loss. This special property has
special advantages. It has advantages
of representation, and is it strange that
such property should be subjected to
peculiar risks ? • What will those gentle
men gain by severing the bonds of the
Union ? If they run this slight risk now,
what risk will they run then, when tke
Northern States will be, under no ob%-
gations. to return their property? Would
10 per cent. cover the loss of the State ?
large picture in a recent number of
Punch is entitled ' Latest from Ameri
ca,' and represents the Prince of Wales
Quills return hum . ii,..fter his American
tour. The Royal yoith - has adhered a
change during his absence. He has be
come Americanized, and now sits be.:
fore the grate with his legs resting on
the mantel-piece, a cigar in his mouth'
and a pocket-pistol in his hand, while a
a box of fragrant Havannas is on the
table near by. A sherry-cobler, with its.
characteristic straws, is on the mantel
piece. The young prince wears a shock
ing bad hat, tipped over on one sid‘,.
sports a goatee, and really looks like
" one of the boys." In the background
stands Prince Albert, gazing on his son
with an expression of amazement, not
nniningled with fear.
or Quilp has a mortal hatred of pian
ofortes, and resists all attempt of his
family to get one into the house. •
" You don't like music," says Mrs.
"It is not a question of music," re
plie d the incorrigible husband. "I like
music ; but silence is delicious compared
with discords and disagreable noises gen
erally. Good playing is charming, but
practicing' is excruciating. Think
how much wretched, ear-torturing prac
tice a poor parient ' must bear before
the best of his five girls has made her ,
playing tolerable even to herself I Who
wants to make a Babel of his house und
er pretence of loving music ? It is a de
lusion, a humbug, a device of the enemy ;
and I'll none of it."
GB'Whittier, the poet, says in refer
ence to the present crisis : "The South
are setting fire•to the clothes upon their
backs, hoping their neighbors may scorch.
their fingers in trying to put it out"—
He also says, "that those fighting about
Lincoln's election, are fighting with the
census-takers, and Greenlears arithme
tic ; they look like the figure 3 getting
angry because it ain't the figure 5."
stir Postmaster General Holt hall
adopted a short and sensible policy to
ward a few disunion postmasters who
propose to resign their offices. He in
forms them that if they name successors
who will give the usual securities to the
Department, they will be accepted, and
business permitted to go on as before.—
Otherwise, the offices will be discontinu
ed. •
Ervrhe Hartford 'Times says that
bolt's pistol factory is now Ariven to its
full cayacity.—three hundred pistols' ale
turned Oul'daily, finished and cOmitete..
Sharpels factory is also fuittChtwit
ness, and hard at work to meet-large
Cr The Cattle Commissioners in Mas
sachusetts have Isaira '`a circular, hi
which they express the belief that the
disease called " pleuro pneumonia" Is
exterminated, and recbmthond the pai _
sage eta law by Condress regulating the
importation of cattle.