The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, January 05, 1861, Image 3

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    Ely leant Riaricitian,
MARIETTA CAR TIME: The following is
the starting time for leaving "Upper-Station:”
Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a, in
lfarriaburg Accommodation, 2.21 p. m ,
Mail Train, 6.26 p. m,
Live Stock with Emigrant attached, 10.10 p.
Mail Train, 12.11 noon.
Banishing Accommodation, 6.26 p. I n .
Express freight and Emigrant, 1.40- a. m 2
The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom
modation West will pass at "Upper Station.
or Our Carrier desires us to present
his unfeigned thanks for the liberality
shown him on" New Year's day."
dent occurred in Petersburg on New
Years Eve, during the observance of the
custom of "shooting away the Old Year,"
which resulted in a young man named
Harrison Smith losing a portion of his
right hand. Smith, it seems, loaded an
old musket, and persuaded other persons
to fire it off. Some one was fool-hardy
enough to do this once, when Smith load
ed it up again with a heavy charge, and
being unable to persuade any one to fire
it off, he did so himself, the barrel burst
ed and tearing off the thumb and other
portions of the right hand, scattering
the fragments upon the porch of the
building where the firing was done. Dr.
Parker was sent for and dressed the
wound.—Lancaster Express.
A very similar accident happened at
the Perry House on the same evening.
Albert Spangler loaded an old gun with
nine inches of powder and handed it to
a colored man named Henry Rainbow to
fire off... Rainbow refused when Spang
ler, with a role of oaths took it up and
fired it off bursting the gun and tearing
the thumb and first finger from the left
hand and breaking his arm in two places
and cutting his eye. Dr. Grove was
called in and dressed his wounds. All
things considered, 'tis wonderful he was
not killed.
On Friday the remaining assets of the
Lancaster Bank were sold at public sale
in this City. They consisted of various
notes judgments and stocks—amounting
to about $240,000, without the accrued
interest, and on which only about $2O,
000 was realized. In addition to these
some property belonging to the Bank,
in Philadelphia, sold for $14,000, in
creasing the amount to $44,000, As
these assets' were paidibit 'in the notes
of the defunct bank, the result of the
sale is merely the redemption of $44,000
worth of its outstanding circulation.—
The notes of the bank still outstanding
are worthless, as this sale disposed of
the last of the assets of this broken in
stitution.—Lancaster Express.
ear The Marietta Literary Society on,
Monday evening next will discuss the
following question :—"Should the North
make any more compromises with the
South to allay her disposition to seceed
from the Union ?" Affirmative. Mes
srs. Sawyer, Cassel, Clark, Congdon and
Girod. Negative. Messrs. Geist, Barr
Spangler, Dr. Grove, Hiestand, Lindsay
and Geo. H. Ettla. Mr. Sawyer will
explain how the wearing of the full
beard adds to the health and beauty of
ise-Dr. Hinkle has secured the servi
ces, to succeed Mr. Thos. Sowerby, (than
whom no more agreeable and accommo
dating gentleman ever handled a pill box,)
of a son of Rev. Joseph Ross, of Middle
town. The young gentleman, we are
told, is a thorough pharmaceutist ; he
also speaks German very fluently, which
is quite a desederotnin in our neighbor
hood. •
eir Forney's Press can be bad at
Wolfe's Notion Flotise, Market street,
every day at noon.. Price two cents.—
We are glad to find i The Press again de
livered in our place. We could not,pos
sibly, do without it, which must also be
the feeling of every daily reader of it.
-The Susquehanna . iS still closely
bound by ice.
Our readers may remember a good
Dialogue published by us some time
since, which referred incidentally to that
good, staunch old Journal for the Farm,
Garden and Household. The publish
er's card now appears in our advertising
columns and we recommend all our read
ers, whether residing in country or vil
lage, to respond to his invitation to try
the Agriculturist for a year. We feel
quite sure that the dollar it costs will be
a good investment. When you write for
it please say it was upon our recommen
dation, and we will guarantee you good
satisfaction. We have received the Srst
number of the 20th volume, of the Agri
culturist, which indicates a valuable treat
to all who subscribe for this volurne.
The Alexandria ()entity Court (Va.)
has decided that octoroops—persons
possessing only d'ne-eighth negro blood
—are not Negroes, and the laws against
free negroes do not _ a pply , to them.
Miss Sarah Johnson is under arrest
in Detroit under oharge of stealing five
dollars from one lover top ay the minis
ter for marrying her to another.
Writ is said that Barntun - iw no
:33000 per week at his Museum.
ur The State wiseacres met on Tues
day last. The following officers compose
the Senate :
Speaker, Robert M. Palmer, of Sebtql
Chief Clerk, Russell Errett, Allegheny
Ass. Clerk, C. P. Ramsdell.
Transcribers, G. W. Patton, L, S
Berry and P. Hitchcock.
Sergeant -at-Arms, Herman Yerkes.
Door Keeper, John G. Martin.
In the House, Elisha W. David of
Venango, was elected Speaker ; Clerk
E. H. Ranch ; Ass. E. W. Capron.
ar It is stated in various quarters
that Gov. Curtin has made his appoint
ments as follows :
Secretary of the Commonwealth—Eli
Slifer, of Union county.
Deputy—John M. Sullivan of Butler.
Attorney General—Samuel A. Pur
viance, of Beaver.
Messenger—S. D. Miles, of Centre.
'The statue of Gen. Jackson, before
the President's House, 'ill Washington,
was most curiously ornamented on Sun
day morning. The old anti-Secessionist
held in his hand the stars. and stripes,
while the blue cockade was tied under
the tail of the horse. Great indignation
is felt by the Seceders, and it is rumored
that they will request the commissioners
to ask for an explanation.
The South Carolinian - publishes an
absurd story that the Lincoln men at the
North are sending foul rags gathered
from the hospitals, to propagate small
pox at the South ; that they mean to
chase the secession conventions from
place to place with their foul weapons
till they become powerless, and that six
men left New York on Saturday for this
inr•The Albany Evening Journal, in
noticing the action of the Southern se
ceders, very truly remarks :
"Seceders repudiated Mr. Van Buren
for a single act of disobedience to the
Slave Power. The Disunionists repu
diated Douglas for demanding that the
Constitution of Kansas should be sub
mitted to the people. The madness of
1848 elected Gen. Taylor—that of 1860
will elect Lincoln. And, with the Con
sus.of 1860, the power of slavery to make
or mar the fortunes of Statesmen, de
parts forever."
ear The Pennsyl4ania, Railroad Core
pany has leased the Harrisburg and Lan
caster Railroad for nine hundred and
ninety-nine years,—virtnally, purchasing
it—and will take ipsnlediate possession,
causing an entire change of programme,
and the dismissal of the Conductors and
other employees of the last named com
In Baltimore, on the 31st ultimo, Mr. PETER
FRANIC, aged 73 years.
Mr. Frank was a brother to Frederick Frank
of this borough, and was on a visit here only a
few weeks since in apparent good health.
il / 4 4 The undersigned will open a Select School
in the "East Prospect School Room" now oc
cupied by H. L. Oirod, commencing April Sth
and to continue twelve weeks.
Primary $2 00.
Secondary 2'50
N. B.—No deduction except in protracted
R. HINKLE having just returned from
Philadelphia with the moat complete and
all assortment of everything in 'his line ever
offered in this Borough. He has purchased
another supply of PURE RIM FRESH DRUGS,
which can be depended on for what they are
represented,thaving received his liersonal
attention-in the selection. In addition toll,
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected
consisting in part of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other
Pi l , ll Pomades, etc., etc. Port Mnnnaies,
Pocket Books, Puff smd.Powder Boxes, &c.
Old Port,s Sherry and Madeira Wines and'
Branditsfor medical Purposes.
The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye.
DeCosta's and. other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogue, Barry ' s Tricoperous, for. the hair, Bay-
Rtun ' Ariaold 7 o Ink, large and.small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or
Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Splcis ' CompOund Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar
tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic Con
sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation for the table ; Table
Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael'e perfumery„ pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Haießestorative,
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Particular' attention will be paid and great
caution observed in compounding Physicans
prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will al
ways be found in the Store unless professionally
engaged elsewhere.
ITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban
dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for
Deformity , &c. These articles aro
very highly recommended by Profes
sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med
ical College of Philadelphia, and the under
signed knows them to be the best articles, of
the kind in use. Hinkle, M. D.
A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for
Cooking—something very nice.
Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts.
Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps.
Frangipannie and other Extracts.
. For sale at HINKLE'S.
• undersigned has received another lot of
'Mid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades
of every variety and price. Call and see them
at Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store.
Syrup, for children and adults has just
been put up at my store, whiCh should be in
every family this cold and changeable w
A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called
Aindistruetable Pleasure Books; School and
other Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders,
&c., &c. For sate at Dr. Hinkle's.
You only knew how USEFUL, how INSTRUC
TIVE, and how ENTERTAINING it is.
We refer to that "first best," that largest,
most instructive, most beautiful, and yet cheap
est journal in the world for the HOUSEHOLD,
for the Farm, and for the GARDEN, viz.: the
YOU WANT IT, because it contains so
very many new and useful directions, hints,
and suggestions about all kinds of out-door
work, in the GARDEN, in the FIELD, in the
ORCHARD, on the little plot Of ground, about
Domestic. Animals, etc., etc. The Agricultur
ist is not a stale rehash of theoretical stuff, such
as goes the roundi from one paper to another,
bu s t it is filled with useful and new practical
information, every word of which is reliable,
because prepared by honest; practical WORK
ING MEN, who know what they write about.
Each volume contains many hundreds of use
ful hints, and it is certain that many of these
hints will each be worth to you more than a
dollar.—As an example, a subscriber writes:
"I obtafned 5 bushels more per acre on a 10-
acre field of wheat, (or in all 50 bushels) simply
from a hint about preparing the seed given in
my Agriculturist." Another says he obtained
an extra yield of II bushels of corn per acre on
a 16-acre fisld, and with no extra cost for cul
ture, by applying one hint from the Agricultur
ist. Another, (a villager,) says he got $44
worth extra of good garden vegetables,•which
he attributes wholly to the timely hints in the
Agriculturist, which told him from time to time
what to do, how to do it, and when to do it,—
Thousands of others have derived similar ad
vantages. You are invited to try the paper a
year; at a cost of only $l. If you desire, you
can have, free of charge, four or five parcels of
choice seeds, which the Publisher will distribute
among his subscribers the present winter.
YOUR WIFE wants the Agriculturist, be
cause it has a large amount of valuable and
really useful information about all kinds of
HOUSEHOLD WORK, from Garret to Cellar.
Give her the behefit of this paper for a year.—
You will find your home
,made better, and
money saved. •
YOUR C HILDP.EN want the Agriculturist,
for it contains a very interesting, useful, and
entertaining department for Yourn and Cu tr.-
DI . LEN, which will be of great value to their
minds and hearts.
The above are truthful statements, that will
be cheerfully attested by nearly a hundred
thousand of the present readers of the Agricul
turist. You are invited to try a single volurne
of the Agriculturist, which will cost only $l,
and abundantly pay. Try it for 1861 (Vol. 20.)
ORANGE JUDD, Publisher,
41 Park Row, New-York.
Onlti. WepeNtiog 11 - gif f~as stood
And grazes-more. and-mare popfda every
AND grows moie and more popular every
day . ! and testimonials, new, and almost
without number, might be given from ladies
and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose
united testimony none could resist, that Prof..
Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald
and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old, age, in all its youthful beauty..
• Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21st, 185 S.
Pitor. WOOD : Thee wilt please accept a
line to inform thee that the hair on my head all
fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a com
plicated chronic disease, attended with an erup
tion on the head. A contin aid course of suffer
ing through life having reduced me to a state of
dependence, I have not been able to obtain
stuff for caps, neither have rbeen able to do
them up, in consequence of which my head has
suffered extremely from cold. This induced
me to pay - Bnggs & Hodges almost the last cent
I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy
Hair Restorative about the first of August last.
I have faithfully followed the directions and
the bald spot is now covered with hair thic.k
and black, though short, it -is also coming in all
over my head. Feeling confident that another
large bottle'would restore it entirely and per
manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use,
and being destitute of means to purchase any
more, I would-ask thee if thee wouldst not be
willing to send me an order oii thine agents for
a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture
declaration—"the reward is to those who are
kind to the widow and the fatherless."
Thy friend, SUSANNAH , KIRBY.
. .
Ligonier Noble Co., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859
PROF. 0. J. Wool): Dear Sir: - In the latter
part of the.year 1352, while attending the State
and National Law School of the State of New
York, my hair, from a cause unknbwn to me,
commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in
the short space of six months the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of
its covering, and much of the remaining por
tion- upon the side and - babk part of my head
shortly after became gray, so that you will not
be surprised when I tell you that upon my re
turn .to the State of Indiana, my mere' casual•
acquaintances were not so much at a loss to
discover the cause of the change in my appear
ance, as my more intimate acquaintances were
to recognise me at all. •
-I at once made application to the most skill-.
ful physician in the country, but, receiving no
assurance from them that my hair could again .
be restored, I was forced to become recouctled
to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part
of the year 1557, your Restorative was recom
mended to me by a druggist, as being the most
reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one
bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that
it was producingthc desired effect. Since that
time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of
very soft black hair, which no money can buy.
As a mark of my gratitude -for your labor
and skill in the production of so wonderful an
article, I have recommended its use to many of
my friends and acquaintances; who, I am hap
py to inform you, are using it with like effect.
Very respectfully yours, A. M. LATTA,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
THE RESTORATIVE is put up in bottles of
three sizes, viz : large, medium, and small; the
small holds i-a-pint, and retails for $1 a bottle;
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the small, retails for .$2 per
bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent
more in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. T. WOOD & CO., Proprietors ;
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Market Street, St. Louis; Mo.
fcrAnd sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. [v7-7-1.4-3m.
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W Clark.
Prompt attention given to securing and collect
ing Claims, and- OFphans'. Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
- Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing and other writings promptly
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor &
aid's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
ween the Drug and Book &Ores. [3-ly
1880! Fourth Arrival of 1860
frgli ran GOODS.
OW OPENING, a beautiful assortment
of New Fall Goods, bought in New
and Philadelphia.
The newest fall styles
The Arab,
The Basque,' •
The Waking Coat,
The Full Back,
The Plain Back,
The Cape Style,
The Beaver Cloth, &c., &e., &c.
Cloaking Cloths of every kind. Dress goods of
every description, newest styles and just im
ported in New York.
A beautiful assertmnit, and latest styles:
Brocha Long Shawls,
Scotch Long Blanket Shawls,
French Long, Blanket, Shawls,
Stella Shawls, embracing every color &
• Coating, Cassimeres, and Vestings.
We respectfully invite attention to our stock
of Coatings; Cassimeren and • Vestipgs, exceed
ing in.vanets ,quality and cheapness, any. goods
in that line we eyer offered.
Cheap Cash Stare.
Nov. 3, 1360
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The seven years of unrivalled success attending
"Ilya Ookopolifqii RH . lanooi4fiOß,"
Have made it a Household word throughout
every quarter of the country.
Under the auspices of this popular Institu
tion, over three hundred thousand homes have
learned to appreciate—by beautiful works of
art on their walls, and choice literature on.their
tables—the great benefits to be derived from
becoming a subscriber.
Subscriptions are now being received in a
ratio unparalleled - with that of any previous
Any person can become a member by subscri
bin., THREE DOLLARS, for which Sum they
will receive
Ist. The large and superb engraving, 30x38
inches, entitled '
2nd.. One - cop one jrear, `of that elegantly
illustratedy, •
magazine, " The
XczanzalzdAttn. j ( Litt .fattinalX
3rd. Four admissions, during the season,
In additicin to the above benefits, there will
be given-to subscnbers, as gratuitous.prenii
urns, over five hundred
Beautiful Works of Art !
Comprising valuable Paintings, Ma tiles
ens, Outlines, sc., forming a tridy
National benefit.
The Superb Engraving,ni which every subscri
ber will receive, entitled "FA LSTAFF- MUS
TERISG RECRIIITS:," is one of the most
beautiful arid - popular 'engravings ever' issued
in "this country. It is done on steel, in fine line
and stipple, is printed on heavy plate paper, 30
by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament,
suitable for the walls of the library, parlor or
office. Its subject is the celebrated scene; of
Sir John Falstaff receiving;in Justice Shallow's
office,the recruits which have been gathered for
his "ragged regiment." It could not be fur
nished by the trade for less than five dollars.
The Ait Journal is too-well known to the.
whole country to need commendation. It is a
magnificently illustarted magazine of Art, con
taining Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, &c.,by
the very best ibriters in America.
The Engraving is sent to any part of the
country by mail, with safety, being packed in
a cylinder', postage prepaid.
Subscriptions will be received until the even
icg of the 31st January, 1861, at which time
the books will close and the premiums be giv
en to subscibers. .
No person is restricted to single subscriptions.
Those remitting $l5 are entitled to five mem
berships and to one ex&a Engraving for their
Subscriptions from California, the. Canadas,
and all Foreign countries, must be $3.50 in
stead of 3, in order to defray extra postage, etc.
For further particulars send for a copy of the
elegantly illustrated Art• Journal; pronounced
the handsomest Magazine in. America. It con
tains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous
superb engravings. Regular price, 50 cents
per number. Specimen copies, however, will
be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on receipt
of 18 cents, in stamps or coin.• Address,
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.
. - • -- 546 Broadway, New York.
Subscriptions received and forwarded by
Agent for Marietta and vianity, where speci
men ograoings and Art Journal can be seen.
[Sued:BBon TO F. .L'ltitaiaril.)
';'Neichant Tailor,• •
Draper and Clothier, Corner of North
Queen and Orange Streets,
A 'TAILS himself of this opportunity of an-
IA nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity% and his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late
F. J. Kramph, - where he has been employed
for the last ten years, and intends continuing
the Merchant Tailoring Clething business in all
-tits various branches, and hopes theta
course of strict fidelity to his patrons may
merit a reasonable share of their confi
dence and support. In addition to a complete
Stock of Clothing and .
Gentlemens Furnishing Goods,
He will constantly endeavor to provide a good
assortment of French, German and American
Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings,
'which will be promptly made to order in a sub
stantial and fashionable mariner, or according
to such styles as to his patrons may be most
desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and Winter Fashions received, in addition to
the monthly reports which come to hand regu
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order on sale of James
W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in .
Marietta, were he here to omit returning his
sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness
they have extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render him unworthy a continuance
of the seine. [v7-1Y
OFFICE.:—No. 24 Norrn DUNE STREtT,
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4, ,59.-ly
SUPERIOR COAL OIL-25 cents ;I quart
DII.. 111. OTT'S
efAtijbalfe, ilofoNfibe
AN aperient and Stomachic preparation of
Iron purified of Oxygen and Carbon by
combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the
highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe
and the United States, and prescribed in their
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depression
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity in almost
every conceivable case.
Innoxious in all ' maladies in which it has
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following complaints, viz :
In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation,
_Dyspepsia, Constipation, .Diarrhaa, Dys
entery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofu
lous Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum, •
Mismenstruation, Chlorosis,
Whites, Live Complaints,
Chronic Headaches,
Rheumatism, In
termittent Fe
vers, Pim
ples on the
face, 4c.
In cases of Genetal Debility, whether the re
sult of acute disease, or of the continued dim
inution of nervous and muscular energy from
chronic 'complaints, one trial of this restorative
has proved successful to an extent which no
description nor written attestation would rend
er credible. Invalids so long:bed-ridden as to
have become forgotten-in their own neighbor
hoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy
world as if just returned from protracted. travel
in a distant land. Some very signal instances
of this kind are attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sane
guineous exhaustion, crittical changes, and.
that complication of nervous and dyspepti
aversion to air and exercise for which the phy
sician has no name.
' - i
D. W
W 0
t 4
, Z 1
s -3
Cl 2
Cq 0 0
P 4
In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of iron must necessarily be
salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigo
rously tonic, without being exciting and over
heating; and gently, iegularly aperient, even
in the most obstinate cases of costiveness with
out ever being a-gastric purgative, or inflicting
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this latter property, among others,
which makes it so remarkably effectual and
permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it
also appears to exert a distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the 16641 tendency which
forms them.
In D.; spepsia, innumerable as are its causes,
a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has
sufficed far the most habitual cases, including
the attendent Costiveness.
In unchecked Diarrhea, even when ad
vanced to Dysentary, confirmed, emaciating,
and apparently malignant, the effects have
been equally decisive mid - astonishing.
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
debilitating cough, and remitten, hectic, which
generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this
remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying and in
teresting instances.
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated
iron has had far more than the good effect of
the most cautiously balanced preparations of
iodine, without any of their well known- lia
biltti es.
The attention of females cannot be tno con
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the cases peculiarly-affecting them.,
In Rheumatism, both chronic and inlinmma
tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly
ithas been invariably well
,reported,-both as
alleviating pain and reducing the swellings
And stiffness of the joints and muscles.
In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be
,a great remedy and energetic restorative, and
its progress in the new settlements of the West,
will probably be one of high renown and use
No remedy has ever been discovered in the
whole history of medicine, whieh exerts such
prompt, happy, and fully restorative effecis.—
'Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid' aCqiii:
sition of strength, with - an unusual disposition
for active and cheerful exercise, immediately
'follow its uie.
Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing
50 pills, price 50 cehts per box; for sale by
druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to
any address on receipt of the price. All let
ters, orders, etc., should be addressed to
K. B. LOCKE Sr. C 0.., General Agents ,
' 20 Cedar-st., N. Y.
THESE MEDICINES have now been before
the public for a period of thirty years, and
during that time have maintained a high char
acter in almost every part of the Globe, for
their extraordinary and immediate power of
restoring perfect health to persons suffering
tinder nearly every kind of disease 'to which
the human frame is liable,
The following tire among the distressing va
riety of human diseases in which-the
Are well known to be infallible.
- -
DYSPEPSIA, by thorotighlY cleansing the
first and second stomachs, and creating a flow
of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and
acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 11l-
Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy,
which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia,
will vanish, as a natural consequence of its
COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole
lenth of the intestines with a solvent process,
and without violence ; all violent purges leave
the bowels costive within two days.
FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood
to a regular circulation, through the protess of
prespiration in such cases, and the thorough
solutinh of all intestinal obstruction M others.
The Life Medicines have been known to cure
RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks,
and GOUT in half that time, by removing lo
cal hiflarnination from the muscles and liga
ments of the joints.
DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing aad
strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they
operate most delightfully on these important
organs, and hence have ever been found a cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn
ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which
these creatures adhere.
- SORES, by , the perfect purity which these Life
Medicines give to the blood, and all the humors.
plexions, by their alterative effect Mien the
fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state
of which occasions all ? eruptive complaints;
sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com
plexions. .
The use of these Pills for a very short time
will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM,
and a striking improvement in the clearness of
the skin* COMMON. COLDS and INFLU
ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
PILES.—The original proprietor of these
Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 3d years
standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone.
FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of
the Western country, these Medicines will be
found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.—
Other medicines have the system subject to a
return of the disease—a cure by these Medi
cines is permanent—try them, be satisfied, and
be cured.
PLAINTS.—GeneraI Debility, Loss of Appe
tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines
have been used with the most beneficial results
in cases of this description :—Kings Evil, and
Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild
yet powerful action of these remarkable Med
icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner
vous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation. of
the Heart, Painters , Colic, are, speedily cured.
constitutions have become impaired la - y the in
judicious use of Mercury, will 110. these Med
icines a perfect cure, as they navel. fail to erad
icate from the system, all the effects of Med
cury, infinitely sooner than the most poWerfuil
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and
sold by W. B. MOFFAT,•
335 Broadway, New York.
THE -Largest and best assortment of Fancy
Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered
in this market and Will be sold at prices which
defy competition by J. B. 'Dijj'etiback.
eTiN ei)zu
North Queen Street, near the Exam-
incr & Herald,Office.
has availed himself of the opportunity to pur
chase a large stock of the most varied assort
ment of valuable books of every class and de
scription. He now Offers to the public the same
at proportionably and unusually Low rates.
Those in want of valuable standard works,
for the improving of a well selected library,
will find it to their great advantage to call and
ciamitre the extensive stack on hand. My ob
ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply
the wants of the community with anything in
my line on the most reasonable terms possible.
This we find the better and most advantageous
course for all parties. The Political Econo
mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more
it can and will be used." Then the conclusion
is, that when we buy cheap, we must sell
cheap, simply allowing ourselves 11 reasona
ble profit.
I would call especial attention to my large
assortment of Sunday School Books on hand,
of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday
Schools and sell all at Sunday School Union
prices.' I have the agencies for the publica
tions of the American Sunday School Union,
American Tract Society, Methodist Book and
Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Prosbyte •
rian, Episcopal and other denominations are
kept on hand.
Those•in want of a neat and cheap Quarto
Family Bible, will find it to their advantage
to call and examine at
the largest stock on hand, ranging form One,
to Twenty-five Dollars..
Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam
ine the large and cheap stock of
Successor ftok Murray, Young & Co.
,goesh cVL 11112frites Sac(la,
TS now placing on his shelves and ready for
examination and sale, the largest and best
selected stock of FALL A ND WINTER Goons
ever offered in this borough, to which lie now
invites the-attention of the public.
New Styles Dress Goods,
Superior makes of Silks,
A large assortment of Calicos
Extra quality Muslins, all prices,
Best make of Flannels, do
A lair stock of Shawls
Plain and Barred Sack;d Flannels.
Purchasers are invited to examine our stork,
as we are confident *ye can show them the best
styles at the lowest prices, in connection with
the largest stock of domestic goods.
Satinetts and. Cassimeres,
Bleached and Unbleached 'Muslims.
Delnines, Calicos and Ginghams,
Drillings, Sheetings and Checks,
Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings,
Bestmakes of Canton - Flannels,
Splendid Calicos for six cents,
Good quality Muslin, six cents,
Plain and Figured Detains, 12; cents,
Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents.
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
and Patent Fixtures,
Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Wall and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware..
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c.
tr:3— Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon.
All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail
Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor
respondingly low rates.
The highest price given for Country produce.
t4O :
_I,F Graduate of the Baltimore
College of Dental Surgery, and an assistant
operator and partner of Dr. Waylan, offers his
professional services to the citizens of Mari
etta and vicinity. Persons desiring to have
their 'rem' attended to are invited to call at
his office ' adjoining . Spangler & Patterson's
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street.
I hereby recommend to tue people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W. SWENTZEL, grad
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and skil/fuLoperator,..hav
ing had ample opportunities'of seetti - Ers ope
rations—having long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. Jowl WAYLAIC, D. D. S.
file:zdid s. tack ar _Meta ffiti_As!
OPENING THIS DAY—a magnificent as
sortment of NEW and GENUINE
Mink Marten, Black Sable,
Stone Marten, Brown Sable,
Fitch Marten, • Squirrel],
Silver Marten, Muffs,
in all the prevailing styles and at very low prices
Cox.unaziA, Nov. 24,_1860.
e.. - H. L. & E. J. ZAHM
RESPECTFULLY inform their
friends and the public that they
still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
v. AND .11E'WELAY business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full, assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always on hand and for sale at the foulest
cash rates.
Repairing attended to personally;.by.the
HARRY L. ZAl[m.] [Erm:
executed in the best style known iu the art,
No. 532 Arch at., east of Sixth, Philadelphia;
tl'Life size in Oil and Pastil, Stereoscopic
Portraits, Anwrotypes, Daguerreotypes, Fjc. , (or
Cases, Medalions, Pins, Rings, &c. lily
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
_ _
J. R. DIFFENBACII. Market-st.
PLATED WARE: A Large and fine stock
_of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZA n
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns, Pitcheis, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake
Baskets; Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices.
RV.PLATING attended to at moderate rates.
style, each one warranted to per
°rut to the entire satisfaction of the
purchaser. STERRETT & CO.
rpHE American 'Watches are amongthe best
X timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and sitnpcity far surpass any other
watch made in. The world.
ILL L. 4 E. J. Z A H 111
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre square•
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen-
IrIRIME GROCERIES :—Rio, Jatea'and"
Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverizedk-dridi
ow', Sugar; Superior,
.Green and Black 'Pea;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prinikka-'
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at
• .
110ORTABLE LAMP S. A new. and most
1 . 7 Convenient and perfectly safe lamp, caged
the ‘F.Portable_ Coat Oil Lamp," . for-tale cheep
at Grove ¢ liotks Drug.Stdre..
. •
. ... .
AHammered and Rolled 'lron, Ii
S. Bars, Norway. Nail Rods,Aanerican
and German Spring and Gast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs. &c., for smiths.
STEIi RETT k 'l)