The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 29, 1860, Image 4

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    I) R. 111 0 1"r s
eipitjivez liesfohtibe ?ills of ii-ofp
AN aperient and Stomachic preparation of
Iron purified of Oxygen and Carbon by
combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the
highest 'Medical Authorities, both in Europe
and the United - States, and prescribed in their
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depression
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity in almost
every conceivable case.
Innoxious in all which it has
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following complaints, viz :
in Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dys
entery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofu
• lous Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum,
illisrhenstruation, Chlorosis,
Whites, live Complaints,
Chronic Headaches,
- • .Rheurnatistn, In- •
tenni/tent Fe- _
vers, Pint
pies on the
face, if t'•
In cases of Genercil Debility, whether the re
eult of acute disease, or of the continued dim
inution of nervous and Muscular energy from
chronic complaiits, one trial of this restorative
has proved successful to -an extent which' no
description nor.written attestatiopmould rend
er credible. Invalids so long . bed-ridden as to
have become forgotten in their own neighbor
hoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy
world as if just returned from protracted travel
in a-distant - land. Some very signal instances
•of thisitind- are. attested of female , Sufferers,
emaciated-victims of apparent marasmus,aane
gultiebus exhaustion, crittical changes, and
that.momplication of nervous and, dyspepti
aversion to sir and exercise for which the phy
sician has no name. • • -
In Nervous Affections of 'all kinds,,an4 for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation `of 'iron must necessarily be
salutary, tor, unlike the , old oxides, it is vieo
rously tonic, without being exciting and over
heating; and gently, iegnlarly aperient, even
in the most Obstinate cases of costiveness with-
out ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting
disagreeable sensation. • •
It is tiffs 'latter property, among others,
which makes it so remarkably e ff ectual and
permanents retiiedy 'foi Piles, upon *filch it
appearif to exert 'a distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the local tendoney Which
forms them.
lir DisPepsia, innumerable as ate its causes,
a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often
sufficed for the most habitual cases, including
the attendant Costiveness.
.111 unchecked Diarrhrea even when ad--
vanced to pysentary, confirmed, emaciating,
'and appaiently malignant, the effects have
been equally decisive and astonishing.
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
`debilitating cough, and remitten, hectic, which
orierallfindteate Incipient Consumption, this
Idmedy has allayed the alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying .and
toltsting instances.
In &roftilous Tuberculosis, this medicated
iroa kas had far more than the good effect of
the - mod - cautiously balanced preparations of
iodine, without any. of their.well known lie
lhenittention of females cannot be too con
-fldesl,yrlixvited to this remedy-and restorative,
illktiteteilaillip,eculiarly affecting them.
fin. am, both chronic and Mamma
to C-latter, however, more decidedly—
IthaSoeCti Invariably, well reported, both as
alleviating pain and reducing the swellings
aothstifEness of the joints and muscles:
In Intermittent Fevers it mutt necessarily be
a great• remedy and energetic restoratwe L and
its progrestin the new settlements of the West;
will probably be one of high renown and use
No--riln3edy , has everbein , discovered in. the
wholchistory of medicine ; which exerts such
prpmpt, happy, and fully restorative effects.—
Good appetite, n ompletedigestion, rapid acqui
sition of strength, with an unusual disposition
for active and -cheerful .exercise, immediately
follow its.use.
t'ut, up in neat flat metal boxes containing
no, pills, price BO cents ;per box; for, sale by
druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to
any address on receipt of the -pride. All let
ters,totders, etc., should be addressed to
K. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents,
20 Cedar-st.,
,Taf4 , loll,og
OWELL 'St 13 - OUIW E, having re-moved
to their new store, Corner of l'outth and
firkefone now prepared to offer to the trade
a large and elegitnt assortment of
Borders, Fire Screens, Window Curtain Goods,
-Stc., all of the newest And lest designs,
from the lowest priced article to the finest
Gold' and Velvet Decorations.
. Purchasers ;mill do, well to visit the es
tablishment of HOWELL & BOURKE,
14ortheast Corner' Foulth 4 , Market-sts:,
Sept.:29-3m.] PHILAYSELVS/A.
Saw Mill and Lumber Yitrd;
• • ONSTANTLY offhand a full assortment
c o
- of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which.he
.q ts at, reasonable :prices. ,- . -
,4loards, Plank, Joik•t, Scantling;
• . . Rajleis, Laths Shingles
' 1"018; 6 , 6 . . 6-c., 6-c. . -, --
All.orders with dispatch. . .
Mails' ttlq APril "11 , 18.54.-th
W.F.XT.CIDER by the Quart,
1.73 brew:York -White Hominy,
Cheainuta, New-Figs,-Citfon,
.New Crop Raillina,
Bilibeef Meat ) ; FreeteGainiies, Presh'Nuts •
Aemons, Appietyand everything in the eat i
•or cedkittg hne to be had • AT WOEFE'S.-
A D/ES AND GENTS Andeison has just
j-rec 4 eived an elegant assortment of Perfu
consiitinrOf Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils,
Extracts andlColOgnes at prices much below
the usual,ratetwOso some very handsome Canes
for getitiemen`,Tortmonies;
ROME tlitctliNto SPICFS'AT
• VitDERSON'S"! - Atteniion Butchers
arid JieUtheripers. Ratting a great demand for
our famed SPICES, I have concluded to cen
t Mile to keep a constant happy of Ground-Pep
per., Greprid 'Corriander; arid. Slyest Marjoram.
4 , A:LL PAPERS. - -Welive just receitmd
`O'k another supply from the - New York and
PO elphia:manufactories. Purchase] s can
racy ifpoirthe- newest styles, which- will be
so/ditausually low at J. R. Diffenbaclt'a.
EIARRELS IVlontingahela Whiskey
' Which will be sold at the lowest
marketratel -by the barrel or gallon. •
' • J. R. Diffenbach.
ORTABLE LAMPS. A new and most
: U-convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called
the.!"Perldbte Coat OW Lamp," ler sale cheap
atViorc4P.Roth's Drug Store,. .
. . .. , ..
TILE Largest and cif rti
best assortment nc.f
' C4itli Br. Casaimeres and vesting ever offered
in thinnuiskid and will be mid At priceslvbinh
ems`isdffrettitiort .31"4-.11. Diffinbaeh. 1.., 77,
. .
' - •
Britainia and Silver
ied 'Eta IClVesi lioustikeeping
cril!,tvneritily.? 1 • - Sterrett k Co.
PERlOrt'6oAt (in. Just reeeiveea
fir,ji trikle , s Prug',Stpre, a very (uOrAo .
piticie i gf,Feroselle, or cot" 9i4 r‘s
met tgit;
anted pure, and'is as clear and transpa
andiree Awn smoke
7, 4 7 SUPPLY of Candiii . gtifs - :•"•• ;J . &
• mons and Apples-just receiving-at Jae;
1171RENC4i .41 USTAR D in pots at .
Tietiet fo eolifohii4 1
Fifth Grand QuarteriN Distribution
Of 100,000 Articles, worth $300,000!
will be sold for $lOO,OOO, to the
purchasers of our Golden Pens at 30 eta.
per Box. Our Golden Pen is the best ever used,
and is warranted not to corrode in any ink.—
Every business man and family should use the
Golden Pen. The following, list of 100,000 ar- .
tides will be distributed among our patrons at
$lOO each, and need not be paid for until we
inform the purchaser which of the following
articles we will sell him for $l.OO and then it
is optional whether lie bends the dollar and
takes the goods or not. All Goods can be re
turned at our expense within ten days after
the Purchaser received them, unless they are ,
satisfactory, and the money will be refunded. I
List of Goods Included in the Distribution.
Pianos, Gold Hunting Cased Watches, Gold
Watches, Ladiesqilver Watches, Guard, Vest
and Chatelain Chains; Canieo Brooches, lilbsaic
and Jet Ear-Drops, Lava and Florentine Ear
-Dm s, Coral Ear-Drops, 'Emerald 'and
Ear-Drops, Handsome Seal-Rings, Mosaic and
Cameo Bracelets, Gents Breastpins, Watch
Keys Fob and Ribbon Slides, Seta of 'Brtsoni
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Stone Set
Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry.
Canton Crape Shawls, Mousseline de Lathes,
Challies, French and American Lawns,
Bereges, Poplins, French Calicoes, and
other Ladies' Dress Goods in great
variety, together with Head
Dresses, Cabas,Fancy Fans,
and iii fact almost every
description of GOODS
• usually found in first
class Dry Goods
" Stores:
Highest .Premitim $lOO, Lowest Premivnt $2.
The articles are numbered, and Certificates
stating what we will sell -each person for one
dollar are placed in sealed Envelopes, with a
Decimal arrangememt of Premiums: so that in
eadiliund red certificates there is oriole' a Gold
Watch and _there Will 'also be u splendid pre
mium in each ten certificates. Ladies, if you
desire a fine shawl, or dress patern, or a beau
tiful article ofjewelry,.enclose us 30 cents for
a box of the golden pens, endive will send you
a certificate which may enable you to procure
it for $1; "I'rrus."
4 Boxes Pens with 4 Certificates, $ 1,
9 do do 9 do 2.
25 do do- -25 do 5.
100 do .dci 100 do IS.
N. B.—With birch package of 100 boxes we
present ;the purchases 100 certificates,. one..of
which is Auarranteed to contain one order for
a fine'watch, or Sewing Machine, or by order
ing 50 boxes in one package you are sure to
receive 50 certificates containing one order for
It _splendid silVer watelx, beside a large number
of other very valuable premiums. (inc certifi
cate sent gratis, upon application of any per
son desiring to act as Agent, which may ena
ble_him to procure a valuable premium upon
the payment of $l.
Pianos, Melodeons, Music Books, Sewing
- Machines, &c.
Bought and sold on commission. Any article
will be sent to the country at UM' lowest whole
sale prices - with the addition of 5 per cent cow
mission for forwarding.
N. B.—Agents wanted in every town. air,
culars sent on application. Address all cow:
munications to •
C. S. COLB ' ERT & CO.
. •
Commission merchants and Oenerel Agents,
138 South Faurth-st., below Chestnut, PhiDa.
l&For our integrity and ability to fulfil our
engagements, bekto referyou to the follow
ing well known gentlemen and business firms:
His Excellency I. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kan
sas, Westmoreland, Pa.; Palmer, Richardson
& Co., jesvellers, Philadelphia; E. A. %Vitale,
Esq.,. Philadelphia ; Win. 'At Gray,-Esq., Phil
adelphia; Messrs. Kenameier & Moore, Water
St. below Arch, PhiPa ; Messrs Pratt & Reath.
Fifth and Market Ste., PhiPa ; J. C. Fuller,
Esq. Jeweller, PhiPa; A. F. Ward, Esq.,
Publisher of Pashions,- , tke. Phil's... M. H.
Home, Catasauqua Bank ; Hon . L. hi: Burson.
Eureka, California.
September 29, 1860.
Now's the nne to buy Very Cheap it
Market Sired, Marietta,-Pa.
Ail ::: RSSNYDE F lavn g ustr e ceive
al;eassoament neav
Fashionable Clothing,
And Gentlemen's Pu' rnisltin,q Goods
generally, all of which they will sell at prices
to suit:the:times. . Walnut Hall'can now oiler
the largest and best assortment of
this side of Philadelphia, and being thankful
for past favors from ' ur numerous friends and
customers. would respectfully ask a continua
tion-of the same.
All kindi of clothing manufactured in any
style desired—fashionable or plain.
43-All kinds of Cutting done at short-notice.
April 14, MTh
Bilt ß oWs eoteothtea ileiveNes.
eradicates , all the evil effects of self abuse,
as loss of memory; shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis
ion, orany. constitutional derangement of the
system brought on by the unrestrained indul
gence of the passions. Acts alike'on either sex.
Price_one dollar.
, No. 2. THE BALM.-Will cure in from two
to eight days, any case of Oonorrhoett,(clap)is
Without taste or smell and requires no restric
tian of action or diet; .for either sex; price $l.
NO. 3. THE TxnErr will cure Gleet in the
shortest possible time, and I can show- cectili
cafes of cures effected by this remedy, wher
all others have failed. No tristcror-smell.— dollar. .
NO. 4. Two PUNITER 19 the only known
remedy that ,will positively cure strictures of
the urettra,.no matter of how longstanding or
neglected the case may be. Price one dollar.
NO. 5. , Ttin .Sommon will cure any case
of Gravel
,permanently and, speedily remove
all diseases front the bladder and kidneys.—
Price one dollar. • --
No. 6.,: THZ. PREFENTOR is a sure pieven-
Hon against the contraction of any disease, is
less expensive and far preferable to anything
, in use. either-sex. Price $l.
NO 7. THE Ammar. will cure the whites
radinfOly and in lesslime.than they can be ef
fectually removed by .'any other treatment in
fact this is the only remedy. that will - really
cure this disease pleasant to.take. Price $
tain, safe and. speedy in producing menstrua
tion or correcting any irregularities of the
monthly periods. Price two dollars.
spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5.
Either of. the Remedies will be sent free by
mail on receipt of the price annexed.c. Circu
lars containing valuable information with full
description of each Remedy, may .....tained
by enclo-"....vm;me post ,'Add
• 41051 E..: FELIX 1112UN017,134 ' • • -
PhiladelPfd a.
These Remedies are sold in Marietta i , ly by
JOHN •JAY LIRHART, where eireul4.9 con.
Wining a full deseiiption of each case can be
obtained gratis, on . application. ' •
General. Depot, Werth - East 'Corner,of
Avenue 4id:Callowifill street,'Philairelphia,Pa.
liZt- In ciinipbcaled'aleil cite" consulted
by'letter.Osqiefsonally at officet .entiance,
No. 40FTork Avenue. Da. E. BRUNON.
-4.#bgubf.27; 1859.-1 Y. ,
RlNNKLqlyceriae Soap,
.Intagitahr Earrsict,"
atilliae,K,elatooe Saponafier.
, -
New Books,,Aldsie &c. • -
Blaiefi'tc Coke.sOelatin.
Pate 'Chocolate. • •
andan assortinpat of Soapsotew_perium eq . ; gte.
tut received at DA.
-. POUNDS. Prithi- York Coulity
- Befekitilietzt lour, Try - tlit , iludiliid
tir)upAr poun Fot.sule. at., wQx.p.E2s.
ExcE4ENTOioking- and Eating A i rklee
always on hand at Anderson's.
WE MARI I i:TTIAN.6\-54--)
,51 4 65 k crlL & flUiritert Saczas, 1
S now placing on his shelves and ready for
examination and sale, the largest and best
selected stock of FALL AND WINTER Goons
ever offered in this borongh, to which he now
invites the attention of the public.
New Styles Dress Goods,.
Superior makes of Silks,,
A large assortment of Calicos
Extra quality Muslins, all prices,
Best make of Flannels, do
- A large 'stock of Shawls,
Plain and Barred Sacklii Flannels.
Purchasers are invited to examine onr stock,
as we are confident 'ye can show them the best
styles at the lowest prices, in connection *lli
the largest stock of domestic goods.
Satinetts and Cassimeres,
Bleached and,Unbleached.Muslin._
Delainei, Calicos and Ginghams,
Drillings, Sheetings and-checks, •
Pant Stuff, Hickory and 'Pickings,
Best makes.of Canton Flannels,
Splendid, Calicos for six cents,
Good quiality Muslin, six cents,
Plain and Figured Delains; 12:1 cents,
heavy Unbleached Muslins, six. cents.
Linen and Woolen. Table covers.
Ornamental-and Plain , Oiled Window Blinds
- and Patent Fixtures,'
-'Wall Papers, Carpets,- - _lelnor.Oil Cloths.
.-Walt and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware:
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c.
superior Syrup at 50 cents a•gaildn.
Altkinels of Liqunrs wholesale or retail
Collee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor
resPonaingly low rates.
The highest price given for Country produce.
. ,
TTAVING-purchaged of Mr. Crull the stock
" - BlLlgood',will and futures of_this 'well-known
establishmen,“ hereby inform my numerous
friends, and the public generally that I am pre
phiedio supply their wants-in-the HAT AND
CAP line at all times with promptness, and at
as reasonable rates as any establishment in the
Union. Having had 5-years expetience as a
practical hatter, and being in the receipt : of the
latest- " Reports of Fashions,'?'and having fa
cilities for obtaining goods direct from the East
in 48 hours; by strict attenticn to business and
a desire to please, I hope'to merit -and- receive
a liberal share of public•patrunage.- • - -
P. S.— Having disposed ofany,establishrnent
to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom
mend him to the favorable. notice of ,all who
desire a "comArlablccommrivg-for. ate heat)."
In retiring from business extend my un
feigned thanks, to my ftiends-fer, the, patronage
solithenilly.bestowedMe and hope the same
ini3'-,l l )C•ekterided to my ••wolthy quccessor.
_ :...41exalidsr - LyncisaV. - •
P-4.tOrig4/3-iWalo49r 4 SHOE
M A.B.K ET .0.4141 . :11A. O . E.tT A ;ivEIsTN
Woiild rniiit-reOiceValfY infOrm the citizeni
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largeit assortment of City made • work in
his line. of husine,ss in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND•SHOE MAKER
himselfis enables to select with Morkiadgment
than those who He continues id tun
a/octave in. the very best manner_ everything
in the BOOT 4ND SHOE LINE, whiph he
will warrant . ror ntlitriCss and good fit.
D:;Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
THE undersigned having leased. the above
named old established Ferry and' Hotel, in
ilatn nwhslifif, York - county,mpposite the
borough 'of' Marietttywhete-he is:prepared to
entertain then publicA,at , his bar-and table • with
the best•the, market-affords: .wotild very
respectfully inform the , traveling-public-that
haying obtai ned
and efficient ferrymen,_ and is imw fully prepa
red td 'adommodate person's' wishing to cross
the sussuehantia with - vehicles or •.otherwise
wct~iout del yor defention. JOffl NOEL:
O4Obei i. . lsa9. ly , . •
M MA RBLEMASON, " near th
THE Undersigned having made_armements
r m o i ndoMarblc Quarry to get his
stock direct will he .epubled to do all. kinds of
work in his line. at-liery reasonahle rates._ _He
-will keep constantly on hand, or made to
order at short, notice, all- kinds of
Mantles,. Monuments,
Enclosures,:Grans Stones
Door and TVindow Sills, Steps
and everything in his line of business-manu
factured of the finest Italian and American
marbles, which he will sell at such prices as
cannot ail to render satisfaction, and.only asks
a fair trial of - the'public before purchasing else
Marietta, Lancaster Co., 'Pa.
rirMOMAS C. CHILD, AGT., basconstantly
on hand, or Manufactured to order, all
kinds of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Shutters,
tre., Arc. All orders addressed'to Man.+ FFEV
”1 - 10trrz & Co., for any of the above articles, or
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath, Pickets,
Pales, Shingling Lath, Floor Boards, Weather
Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will
elways meet with prompt httention, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any other
establishment in the country.
URNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound, of
Cocoa-nut Oil, &c„ for dressing the Hair
'or efficacy. and agreeableness, it is without
an equal. It preyents the IntirTrom falling off.
It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth.
It is not greasy or sticky.
It leaves`no disagreeable odor.
It softens the hair when hard and dry.
It soothes the irritated scalp skin.
dt affords the Lichest-lustre.
It remains longest in effect. For sale at
• Drug 4 , Perfinaii* Stare, Market street.
Commission Lumber Merchant;
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
IisESPECTFULTirofFers-his services for the
u Male of La n a of every description
From his .knowledge nf the business he feel
confident, cif being able to obtain tho higfiegt
Maritet rates for all consignments entrusted to
his cal*. ,
_Estate ! _lsajt_ roh, Deceas - ed,
Late of -Marietta.
T- J ETTERS•orilidministratiork; with Abe Wlll
I annexed, the un
dersigue.dohEy .;therefore notify all indebted to
said EsSiite to make immediate-payment'; and
all: whoSave'clainis .agaitistAbe same, to pp
sent then) for settlement, to
C. C. P. GROSH,-
Adminatratms with the Will annexed. -
Marietta Nov 17 1860-6 t. .
• 3
() A General Assortment of all kinds of
- '`urrintroa , rlA - aniv - ArtkOlioeics,.
' ',Screws;
Paints, Oils, Glass and Patty; mely-dberip.
- - - -STERBOPT & CO.
sA...a.i33s E .a. ll m. F. o . tilir k ewr A vady r, :aNtad s i s ig o ßoo ß a T det: E rot?.43 .F -American
a is n o d 4 .tertnan Spring :and. .C:ist Wagop
WOOD'S Hair Restorptiv.e.iit e Iron . Axles Rn I
GROVE & ROTH 'S . -r
tg CO.
BOARS arie-I,Ghturing Tobacco. larle
and - witgl-mariety-at J Df, Anderson's,- -
Geo. L: vTlrcckley,
1. : 01oete, tiga
. 04p
Letter Cutting of all kinds done at the short
s notice and on the most reasonable terms..
A liberal discount off for cash
Joux A. SHuvrz
The Peoples Has and Cap Slore.
S ti T 2: St 11 II . ,
Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail
ANT E ha o
e now
s and
Capsf alt of the
est Fall and Winter Styles.
Sills hats loan shapesand qualities. A first
rate new style of Silk Hats for $3.00.
A full assortment of Cassintere Hats, Tan and
winter style Caps in endless variety. A splen
did assortment of
In various colors,
the latest out, and all the
other styles of Soft hats now worn, from the
finest to the cheapest qualities
We return our thanks to a liberal public,
and trust, by a strict attention to business and
fair dealing to all, to merit a continuance of
their patronage.
Hats and CapS to suit all, and at pries to
suit the 'imes. Goods sold to (Jailers at a smal
advance fot 'cash.-
Shipping Furs bought and the highest price
paid id-cash.
Opposite the GS oss keys Hotel,
E undersigned would rospectfully inform
the pufdie that , he still continues, at the
otd stand, corner of Second add Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to, keep
on hand r aid for sale,, all kinds of cigars ham
Half Spanish. up, in prices from Sti, - .87 820 to
SSO Qei hoasand. TOBACCO.—Natufal Les,f,
Excelsikr.Citi;, Oranoko Virginia, Con"-
gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado,Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-Cut. All ,kirids ()Qin° Ci
gars manufactured of imported stecle . : " &Its
HALF, Skarcisii. Rappee Snuff and all, kinds
Fine-cut Smoking ToVacco. Seented , siiiiTs
Fanty,;;P:ipes'; (Apr Zibes ; kc. [jan.-30,'58.
I o Persons, 9int, Of Employment
In every Cbanty of the United States
To engage in the sale of some of the best and
most elegantly illustrated Work's published.
OurAmblications are of the most interesting
character, adapted to the ,waiits of the Farmer,
'Mechanic and, Merchant ; they are published
in thmbest style and bound in the most Sub
atintial Manner, and are worthy a place in the
Library of every Household in the Land.
To Men of enterprise and industrious habits,
this business offers an Opportunity for profit
able employment seldom to be met with.
lE Persons desiring. to act as agents.willre
et.v.9 promptly by mail partaculars,lestas,
by addressing
,LKARY, GET & Co., Pubitshers‘.
No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia.
, Iron, Masters look, to" your Interestsl
. . .
: . -F.AgT IRON 'O RR - lER;
at 4itUrtiCTUREELASD solo By
lianetta, Lancaster County, Pa.
The - UliddfAigned 'Will Constantly keep on
band. "04 ab;e. to _otder at short notice the
above, ' W led ' inieliine, the best in the Uni
St 4 1 b will '• - Ttl
ted aes ~, , v.vitartan tear machines
to run lighleh.last Longer lad Wish cleaner and
with" less iratek' 'than any iitni'inkchin'e now
in use. Thcy.can be easily . put tegrlier on tho
bank. All'orders 'addressed to uithcr,of The
under Signed will meet with pfohipthtfeution.
Dom'. They ,are 'also prepated,o Sell fulliyAlu
al, County and State Rights. "
'' ' " BERNAR"D 0$ if iRCAN.
Oerober 13, 1869. . ' v7-nn.l.ty
JOHN. BELL, Merchant Tailor,
Cor. Of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta
RATEFILL for past favors I Would return
kiniy 'thinks to my numerous friends and pa
(roni and" inform them that I still continue the
Iniairiess at the cld stand, where I will be
Plcaied to see them at all times, and having a
fUll and splendid assortment of
which will be made up to order at the shortest
*Ake by the best of workmen:, and on reasons
, bie terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait
upon my old customers and all who see proper
to patronize me hereafter. (0ct.:29-'56.
Trunk Manufactory,
Between - Spangler Pattirs'on's Store.
and Wolfels :Notion-.House,
.. • Market -Street.
iTTO UL D iriost•respectfully inform the
ifir public that-he continues the above bus.-
'less in all its branches. Anything not on
hand will be manufactured at short notice: and
warranted to give satisfaction in workmanship
and price. He will always endeavor to keep
on hand an assortment' of
Wagon, Carriage and Riding Whips, Fly-nets,
Horse Covel s ' Collars, Trunks, Valieces,
Carpet Bags and in fact everything in his line
of business, all of which will be of the best
material and' workrnanship, and at prices in
keeping with the times. Come and see.
Marietta, August 25, 1860. t jell '56
' 1 , 4 DAVID ROTH,
.c: . Dealer
a.d il ill ar 4 fro a n r , d s w: s e p ,
i :e s d „ a v r::: e,
. 4 C Piinis, Glass, Oils , Varnishes, Hoop
Gi Parlor,Alfice, flail and Cook
ed .
. .
r lAKES this means of informing the citizens
of A4rietta and vicinity, that he is now pre
pared to furnish anythino- in kis hoe of busi
ness, consisting in part;or Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, ^Waiters, Cop
per and. Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of. Locks, Nails, Splices and
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula
ted Hardware establishment. ' .
Market gtreet,Martetta, Pa
. n, ooKs BooKs ! AND
TO. F. H INKLE having just returned
I from Philadelphia where he selected a
very fine assortment at' all kinds of
to which he would respectfully invite the atten
tion of School Directors, Teachers, Parents,
Scholars and all others it want of any kind of
BOOKS, Magazines, Mammoth ,Weeklies, the
Dailies, Stationary of every kind and price,
and in fact everything in the
Book and Stationary line
A nice collection of Music on hand audit
catalogue ofall '
the music .:published, from
whidh selections can be made- and ordered:'• •
Anything in, his line not on hand will :be or
deted:aad obtainea.ia a few, days.
£C]=Collections promptly attended to.
NU. Market-st., Marietta, Pa.
ARE new supplied with a general
and everything desirable in their line.
Superior Silk Velvet, Granadine and Woolen
Vestings, French Silk-mixed Doeskin and,
Plain Cassimeres, Cloths of all grades,
for Coats, Over-coats and
Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinetts,
Plaid and • Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk
and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Gloves,
Wool ana cotton Hosiery, Suspenders,
Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and
collars, Boy's and - Men's Shawls,
Cricket Jackets, children's,
youth's and men's Cap and Soft Hats.
Black Bayadare and Fancy Plaid Silks,
Figured and plain Merinoes, in all colors,
French Wool DeLames, in beautiful designs,
Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and De
'Lamm& Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit
Cloths, Coburgs, Bombazines, Alpacas,
lmellas; English and American 4.4 Chintz,.
Gingham& Bogue• an? other new style Prints,
Bich Plaids and neat &g,"41 Merinos for misses.
Stella and Merino bordered, Boriella, Ombray
Jacquard, superior Gay and Flain4 and 8 •
Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety of
Children's Shawls, Opera 'Caps,
Zephyr Shawls and Capes.
Cloth Talmats- and Dustersiseveral sfy , of
both, for clanks and taltnas, SackiiikArrd
Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid;thl:k
'Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered SIe2V4S,
and collars, Chenele, Braid and Bead Head
Nets, Diamond Ealing of all widths, df
' the new styles of dress trimming, e
phi r, Briiid,&e.,
Jioces P . MengillN G GOODS.
White and Gferlined and'cotton table cloths,
Cotton Diaper and crash Toweling, Sheeting,
Checks and :Ticking, Cradle, Crib. and Bed
Blankets, Marsailles Quilts and Counterpane&
Bureau Covers, F.robossed Table Covers 4;6
and 16 quarters Floor Oil . Cloths, Prime Live
picked Feathers.' CAFPET S. 4O piecea of
Carpet in various qualities, front common ,to _
medium, and Edra Three Ply.
As full an assortment a& can be found in the
county, of the choicest Gilt; Glaze.d and corn.
Man 'Wall Paper for Parlors,-Chambers, Hails,
Offices, &c. ; with Panne's, Columns &. Borders.
'Best Refined inite' and . Brown.
. Sugars; Chciice Green and Blatk Teas - ;
_Extra Fine Orleans Molasses; •
Lovering and other Syrups;
Rio; Java and Laguim C&FEXES; Farina;
Tuproca and Corn Starch ; Split. Peas; Soup
Beans ; 'Cheese ; Rice and Spices.; new Dried
Peaches and Apples ; Nlackeral
Shad and. Herring, all of which
been bought FOR CASH, and hi sold
at a very small' advance on cost prices: Call
and snake your purchases or send in your or
ders, early.
A Gift 'Valued Aim Tito Dollars to Oat Thin:
dred.Degars given with every Etavk. sap?. ,
' at _Petal/ Prices! •
At least One 'Waieh isAivarratilfeed . to
every twelVe'books: : •
Theseiadueements are offereiti*,the
37 Park Ro 47, New York,' '
Thu Most Extensive and the Most Liberal Gift
Concern an exishince. Established in )555
Send for a Catalomit
—Those who have pa , ronized other Gift Houses
are, particularly requested to acquaint them
saves with our terms. Our inducements are
unrivalled, and put all others in the shade.
TIM - following . are some of the Gifts to pur
chasers of - books : tp,y, 9 x:•,kiold Watches, Hunting Cases.
Patent Lever,. 4,4 C 4. 4C
Ladies' Leiier - cf ce "Open Face.
Detached Perer, Silver Watches, Hunting Case,
Lepine Stlter Watches. Open Face._
Gold Lockets, Various Sizs.
Ladies' anti Gents''Gt ld Chains; various Styles.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold . Sleeve Buttons and
Studs, all Patterns.
Gents' Bosom Pins, New and Rich Styles.
Gold Pencils and Pens
Ladies' and Gents' Gold' Rings.
Gold Watch Keys and Belt Pins.
A great variety of Ladies'. Jewelry, Pins and
Ear-Drops, compr:sing all the styles now worn.
such as Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Lava,
Florentine, &c., &c., &c.
Gold Bracelets,
all Styles.
. The !List of Books comprises a great assort
ment of standard w0r'.4.8 in every department
of literature, interesting to the young and old.
Do not fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogues
mailed free to any address. Apply to
37 Park Row, New York - City - .
Brandt Office,
No. 116 Washington, Street,
Boston, Mass.
Dec. 8, 1880-st.
11. D. BENJAMIN, -
11.7ne k Liquor Dealer, Picot Building,
Front Street, A/arid/a, Pa.
EGS leave to inform the public that he
will continue the WINE f LIQUOR busi
ness, m all its branches. Ile will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
illhiskey, Cordials, Bitters,kc.;
Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE WHIS
KEY always on hand.
A_ very. surerior, OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pure.
Its-. All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result - in Ho
tel keepers and others finding, it to their rid
vantage to matip their_purchases from I im.
Graduate of the Baltimore
College of Dental Surgery, and an assistant
operator and partner of Dr. Wayran; offers his
professional service's trithe eitizenrof Martz
etta and vicinity. Persons, desiring to have
their TEETU attended to are invited to calf at
his office, adjoining Spangler & Pattetsonis
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street:
I hereby reconimend to tne people of Mali 4
etta Ind vicinity, Dr. E. W. SWENTZEL, gia.4l
uate ofthe ,Baltimcire College of Dental Su i rge
ry, as a competent and skillful operator, Jibs:
ing had ample opportunities of seeing his ope` 7 .
rations—having long been an assistant operi
tor of mine. Jonrr WAytarr, D. D: S.
Vl' Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maileria, Lisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines. '
Pittsburg 'MlNkey always on hand at the
low - est market prices: Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. R. DIFFENBACH. Ilfarket;st.
riOAL QIL LAMPS : hist received a new.
-and large assortment of new-style
Oil Lamps—superior to anything now in use,
and cheaper than they can be bought
j undersigned has received another lot of.
Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades
of every variety and price. Call an¢ see them
at Dr ilinkle , s Drug - Store. •
e ._
MBROIDERIES—Just received the largest
4 and most desirable lot : of Embroideries eve
n red for sale here, consisting in plat of beau
tiful French Worked Callers,,Underideeves
Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and in
serting, Flouncing, &c., which will be soldiat
prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction' by.
J. X. Diffenback.
„other Table Wines,
guarranteed to be pure, ant gold' as low as
can be bought in Philadelphia or. New-York.
101ACl V ; VTlne 4 Itlr -
VL:9ltxecelld o ; r loihe old prces, by ThIFFEI4Aeg.
Ttatoes for Sale ' ' WO'LFVt.
Haring proofs so strong and direct as to
For Statesmen, Judges,..F4irtots, Physicians
of the oldest schools as well as new, give i t
their unqualified sanction, and recommend it
for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the
scalp and brain ; but all who have used it,
unite, in testifying that it will preserve the hair
from being gray, and from falling to any age,
as well as restore. Read the lollowing:
Oak Grove, S. C , June 24th, 1859.
PROF. 0. J. Worm: . Dear Sir :—Your Hair
Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this
community I have had occasion to lay preju
dice aside, and give your Hair Restorative a
perfect test :
During the year 1554, I was so unfortunate
as to be thrown my sulky against a rock near
the roadside, froin which Myltead received a
most lei nide blow; causing a great deal of ir
ritadon, which communicated to the brain and
external surface of the head,
.from, the effects
of which my hair siiss flintily destroyed over
the entire surface of the head: , From the time
I first discovored its dropping. hoivever, up to
the time of its total.disappearance; 'employed
everything I could think . of, being a profes
sional man mandoss I. thought , under
standing the =of the
3e -
di.*ase.. but was
finally defeated very perscription advanFed.
These and tip other circumstances induced
me to resort to your worthy Hair' Restorative,
which I have every reason to believe, produced
a very happy result: two months afterthe first
application," had as beautiful . a head of young
hair as I ever saw, for which I certsfinly owe
you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured,
dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to all
inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence,
which I flatter myself to say, isnot a little.
You can publish this if you think proper.
_ Yours, very respectfully, ,
Office of the Jeffersoitian;Philiiipi, - ;S r a.,.
. December 1211411358.
Dear Sir :—I feel it my ditty as well as my
pleasure to 410 e to you' the following ciieum
stance, whia4.4tou can.useas.youthink proper.
A gentleman: of this place,(a lawyer,) has
been bald ever since his eary youth ; so much
so, that he wad einivelled to "weans wig, Ile
was induced to use .a.bottle.of your hair "Bair
Restorative," which he liked very much; and
after using some two or three bottlei his hair
grew out quite luxuriantly, - and he now has a
hand.torne head of hair. The gentleinan's
is. Brad ford, and as lie is very well known in
nut adjoining counties.' many perstms can tes
tify to the truth of this' statement; I : give it to
you at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can
sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in
-this and the adjoining counties if you have the
proper agents. Yours, &c.,
Da. WOOD: Dear Sier-Permit mew express
the obligations 1 am .under for Um. entire res
toration of my hair to itsoriginal color; about
the time of my arrival in 'the United Slates it
was rapidly becoming gray; bat upon the apr
plication of your " Hair, ~Restorative" it soon
recovered its originul hue.' - I . ctinSideryour re
storative as a very - wonderful invention, quite
Maidens as well aaUgreeahle. .
TILE ESTOR put up in bottles of
thlee sizes, viz large, rnediuM,aud small ; the
%mall holds i-a-piqkand retails for $1 a bottle;
t lientedium holdWeleist twenty per cent more
iinpropertion 4.1m10111 , aniall, retails for $2 per
bottle . ; the large holds a quart 90 pet cont
more in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. J. WOOD &'CO.,"Propriefors,
Na. 444 Broadway, New-Yolk, awl
_ 114 Market Street, -St. Louis, Mo.
it3-And sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. ' 1.0-7
BANK NOTICE:-Notice ts hereby given
that the undersigned: have formed an as
sociation and prepaid a,certilicate for the pur
pose of Establishing' ainink of issue discount
wad deposit, under the provisions of, the act e n
titled "an act to establish a system of free
banking in Pennsylvailia,.lind to secure the
public against loss fiord : insolVent Banks" ap
proved the 31st day of Match iA).
The Bank to be called Bank of Marietta to
be located in the borough of Marietta and Coun
ty -of Lancaster, to consist of a Capital Stock
of One Hundred Thousand - Dollars in - Shares of
Fifty Dollars each, and it, is, contemplated to
increase the Capital Stock to the' amount of
Two Hundred Thotisisnd Dollars.
James L. Shultz, Henry MaSselman;
John Kline, John. Miller,
. John W. Clark, S:'F.-Eagl4, •
Aaron Gable, Doc. L H. Grove,
James Mehaffey, B. F. Hiestand,
John Becker, Sam'l Patterson,
John 8.. Ditlenbach, David Harry,
Thomas Zell, A. N. Cassel.
Barr Spangler, al' [lB-6m
J. R. Itb PFRit
Ciait .Enaineer, ~'urveyor, Conveyancer
and Draughtsman,
Alourdjoy, Letyicaair Co., P.
LL kinds of land surveying and dividing
±klevelling of watercourses, roads, &c. Ac
curate and neat plain and' ornamental Mapping
and draught ing of town plans, large landed es •
tates, &c. Mechanics', Quarriers , and Earth
work measured and estimited Deeds, Relea
ses, Powers of attorney and other legal instru
meats neatly and accurately drawn. - Execu!
tors', Administrators',‘Astugnees' and Guari .
diens accounts stated .A 4
Ile is also Agent for the sale of the
Ridgeway Farm and Land "Conip4nye Lands
in Elk County, Pa. Communications by letter
promptly attended
6, Quick sales. avid imall profits."
GEO., 11. ETTLA,
LIBIBEit, 1111113 M AND•COAL
Marietta, Lancaster. County, Pa
YAlliD on the River Bank; opposite the old
and well known " Fr.unr , s HOTEL."
Having, opened a Yard for the transaction of a
t r ommission 'Business
I would respectfully solicit consignments, and
loge myself to use my Uttnost exertions for
lINID% Interest of my patrons. 1 feel assured
tnobtamttie highest market rates
add &t stile's of *all articles that may be en
trsisibtkllot'my care. I ready at all
simeslto matte purchases or attend to any bu
tiiirsi.lfie—pubdic.iiiay feel disposed to place in
wlikarge, and.all iustpnetions punctually car
:ftetro'ut. Advances"#iridkozi consignments.
...stabuaty 21, '18811. 1 .1r '
r .... ?OltligttLY" EAGLE HOTEL.)
It 6. - 227 North Third Street Phila.
THIS house is situated in the most business
part of the city, has' ne hundred and thirty
rooms; large Parlors and every room is newly
furnished and is considered one of the. finest
Hotels of its class in Philadelphia; it has erect
.ed alilarge observatory where persons can have
a fine view of the City, Delaware river, Ike : ,ftc.;
It is also supplied with hot and cold'water
-Bathes, which will be free of charge for the
guests of the House ; City Cars.will take you
to the Revere' House. Our charge - is moder
ate, $1.25 per day ; 'perSous 'visiting, the city
will please come and try the Revere 'louse and
we pledge ourselves thatwe itidivivor to
use our best efforts to make it appear like home.
CHARLES S. FABER, Of Reading, will have
charge of the office. G; HINKLE,
formerly of the States Union Hotel and latterly
of the United Sta . tes Hotel, Atlantic City, N.
TAMES M. ANDERSON' respectfully an
, I finances-to the citizens .ofMarietta and vi
cinity, that he has par received direct from the
eastern markets one of the largest and best as
sorted 'stocks of - Confectionaiy ever offered in
this borough, consisting of Candies, Foreign
.Ernits, -and Nuts, Toys, and Holiday Presents
an end
o'srefi vanit y
' es Ciii iM 6l rt e m il en d:d t the an low
see and
, ces,atvetqckesetytlangin his line is selling.
E.:A di
Urrable for sale cheap ; inquire at this otbce.
IMYCITI 4 B - Hangittra'nd - Side Lamps,
Poi Sale at , , GROV.E - 4- RO TAPS.
.Pl 7- 0444 11 *Mi , T Mbliocifgahels rat.
tified Whiskey. Itesis4stils 4r C