The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 29, 1860, Image 1

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    (Tkt . 7).1 UK ' 1;111 arioe...t + , ;11/..,„
lalialtior and I=Tcriprietor,
VOL. 7.
,gveden!e_lz actceo,
rUBLICATION OFFICE in the second sto
ry of Clio cl.'s Row, on Front Street, five
demo a East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, MARIETTA,
If suNscriptions te not paid withittaix months,
$1.25 will be eharged, and if delayed until the
cm:illation of the year, $1.50 spilt be charged.
Any person sending us FIVE trew subscribers
shall }lame a sixth copy for - his trouble.
No subscription received for a less penod than
six *oaths, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ArovERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion: Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, ;lime ;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
!laving recently added a large lot of new Jos
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable priees. ,
liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
NorouAt Orioutitg eilttiri
Chief Burgess, :::itmu . 9l D. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker, r
Town . council, Barr Spangler ) (President)
John Crull, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,:.
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Iliestand:
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Sun.,
Collector of Tuxes, Frederick 1.: Iraker. -
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Roath.
High Constable, Absalerri Emswiler.
Assistant constable, Franklin - K. Mosey.
Regulators, John H. Goodman, E. D. Roath.
Supervisor, Samuel Ripple, Sen.
&hoot Directors, John Jay Libhart, Presi,
dent, E. D. Roath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh,
Jonatkan M. Lamelere.
Post Office Hours: The Post . Office will
be open from 7 o'clock in the morning until
in the evening. Chas. Kelly, Postmaster.
Beneficial Societies: TlLEarscin*,, N..
Cassel, President; John Jay ,Libbittrrkensurl.
Cr; Barr Spangler, Secretary. 'PjirilPicisiii4
John Jay Libhart, President; Alio:1i Castml
Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary."'
..."."..1....•••• • •• • •• •• •• • •• ••
President Judge, Henry G. Long. , e ; . ,
Assistant Judges, Alexander L. Mayes, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Frankl i n.
Prothonotary, Peter Martin._ - .
Recorder, Anthony Good. ••- • -
llegaster, , John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael o.sblik - .
Sheriff, Stephen W. P. Boyd- • .
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Cottil,'Satrin Myers.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, IC. L;Storier. °
Coroner, Levi Summy. • ,
County Commissioners, Dania Cdcht, Joseph
foyer, Levi S. Reist, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman. "' " •
Directors of the Poor, 'Robeit Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtier, John' Huber,
Simon Groh, David Stj•er• Solleitori•James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Win;
Prison inspectors, R. J. Houston,Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jitcob HiranCEvani; J.
S. Gara. Solicitor, Datel - G. Baker. Keep
er t J4y Cndwell.
Audtiors;Thomm 5. Conine, Jatrieis :11. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Levis.
; ; ;
Coughs and Colds, Croup, Branchßar. Astlinia,
Difficulty in Breathing, POlpitation of
The Heart, Diptheria,,"and for
• The relief of patidnts
tother with all Diseakes of the Throat and
Chest, and• which predispose to Consumption.
It Is. peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of
Asthma. Being - prepared,bY a p r actical phys
ician aordruvist, and one, of great experience
in ths sir of the variaitsdiseases to which the
human frame is liable.
It is offered the afflicted -.with the great
est confidence. TRY LT and be convinced that
it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affec
.Prepared only by OR. A dz,
roplar Streets, Philadelphia. •
Sold by every respectable Druggist and
Dealer hr Medicines througUo.ut.the State.
April 7, IS6O-Iy.
A Betecolent Institution established by
spec I etylownient, for the Relief of the Sickeind
Distrils/cr,Oicted with Virulent and Epidemic
Diseases, and especinlii for'the cure of Diseases
of the Sawa organs, Medical advice given
gratis, by the Acting Surgeoh, to all who apply
by iettervwith a description of their
and i condition,
(age, occupation, habits of Iffe; fec.,) n
cases of 'extreme poverty,. medicines furnished
free of chute.
Vali:lite , `Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and
other Diseases of the &foal Organs, and on
the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary
sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes,
free of charge., TWO or three postage stamps
will be acceptable ' o pre-pay Postage..
Address, DR. 4,Pitxr.Ltie HOIIGHTON,Acting
oard'Asiociation,_ No. 2 South 9th
St., Philadelphia. Dy order of the Directors.'
EZRA. D.,,LIEA.RTWE.I.L, President.
To his. litiara nria.
E. boa removed, frent.,,Wre Square, to
e Caortelbabite4 Viten , ke hils,the finest
BOOT AND S.EIC).E. S:1201:tE
lie makes One calfskin Boots (dui best) for $4l
Calfskin Walking Shoes, $2,20
Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles) $2,00
Ladies Morocco BooN(heels) - Si, ,24
lie has, concluded V, make the best work at
somewhat reduced hopes-by so doing
to enlarge aid increlM buOness.
Kr blending Of every kind neatly done,
'CUteeni of Mc erletbz:—:When you come to
Lancaster, give O,IaNNEMAN efilf and
you %Oil surely be p l ea sed' with his work.
September 15,100, ' •
gitttota to Vouts, Niteraturt, Agritulturt, NadiaMtn, Ely ant fists, 6tntral hits If pag, focal(*formation., i`c., fr.
The following parody upon 'ClementiVfoorels
"Night Braman Christinas,? 2 ,,published ill last
week's Mailettaian, is now v t ery opportune: .
'Twits the tight alter Christmas, when all thro'
the house •
Every, soul was abed, and still as a mouse,,
Those Stockings,. so late St;Ninho 'said cave,
Were. emptied of all that was eatable there.
The Darlings' had duly been tucked in their
With very full stomachs, and pain in their
heads. ' '
I was dozing.away. in: my new cotton capi r
And Nancy was rather,lar gone in a; nap, -
When,outin ihe - s lcure,ry arose such ir, clatter,
I sprang 'from my sleep, ciying, "Whatis the
matter?" -
I flew to , eachtedside, still,hatfin a doze;
Tore open the curtains, and threw otr
clothes, - •
While. the light of the taper, served clearly. to
show ,
The piteous plight of those objects below,
For what to the fond father's, eye, should ap-
near,. _
But '0: little pale tace'of each .sick little dear,
Fofesith pet - flatlet *Mined itself full. as a
tick, -
1.„14y. m. , in a moi;.ent now felt;like old Nick.
Their milks were rapid, their breathings the
same, -
What thiir stomachs rejected VII mention by
Now turkey, now .stuffing, plum pudding of
And custards, and - lcrullers,- and cranberry
,Before outraged nature, all wept to the wall,
Yea---loltypops; flapdoodle, dinner and all,
- Like4iellets, which urchins froin , pop-guns let
Went figs, nuts and raisins; juin, Jelly, and Pie,
Till each error of diet, was brought to my view,
To the. shiund orlilaguni,' - and of Santa Claus
I turned from the'Sight; to My - bed-room- step
ped back, - _ •
And brought out a phial =irked "Pulv. Ipi
cac, ' • ' " •
When my Nancy . exclairra (for their suffer
togs shock'd her)
"Don't you thirrd yen:Chad better, love, : run for
- the Doctorl" -
I ran—and was scarcelyback under my:roof,
When I.lteard the sharp clatter of old Jalap's
I might Sity that I hardly had''-turned- myself
When the Doctor came into the room with a
He was covered ivith;mud from his head to his
- foot, ' -
And the suit,he had onwasllis vAry worst suit,
He had horrify mia time to put thatoribis back,
- And he lobk ed like a -Falstaff half fuddled with
His eyes- how they twinkled! Hit the. Doctor
got merry '1
His cheeks • looked like port and his breath
smelt of Sherry,
He hadn't been shaved fora fortnigheorso,
And the beard on his chin wasn't white as the
But, inspecting.theirtongues in despite of noir
_ • -
And drawitilLottfitteli from his wilittcs,-a.1.1e
-4'. neattt=4:2-'-‘ '
He felt et - vac-Iliarise, saying, " Each•little belly
Must ged"rid"here he langhed-of the rest
of that jelly." • .
I gazed.-on eacht; Chotby, plump, sick, little elf,
And•groangiihelii lie said so; in spite of my,
-But a wittirot4iii , ey'e - Avherk he physicked our
Fre t
Soon Raceme to * kiwi; I had nothing to dread.
Bedidnh - preacribe, but went straightway :to
And dosed all the rest.--kaveins trowsers a jerk,
And adding:directions while blowing his nose—
Be buttoned his coat 'from his .chair he _arose,
Then jumped in his gig, gave old., !slap .a
And Jalap dashed off as if-pricked by a thistle,
But, the Dodtor exclaimed 'ere he drove out of
pittht. • -
"Thera be well by to-morrow—good night-!
Jones, good night! " . .
`ll.24Eol;iirk - - of' GEN. SCofr.—The Cen
tury ripoOsi that during. 'nullification
times,.Gen:'§'nott - wan_ at Tort Moultrie,
with a command oreight kundred men,
and a full cotnpleinentrof•officers. With
a view-to allay some natural anxibty in
his awn mind as to the fidelity of his of
ficers, he sent, for a Judge ofthe United
States Court, add , addressed as fol
lows:--Judge, I have longago taken my
oath of allegiance to the United States
Government, but it oacurs to me*that
this extraordinary emergency I. will do
it again. There is no impropriety in it
—and gentlemen," said he,
his officers, "it will not laurt.aay, of ps."
The oath was then administered to-4v
eri officer present ; and the occasion was
manifestly felt to be one ennis* aca
enmity. •
4. singular and fatal accident hap
pened-near West Point, White county,
Ind., last Ftiday. TWo men were about
slaughtering an ox. One held the ani
mal by the head, whilst the oiher . was to
strike him with an ax. As,tire,blow fell
.the ox jerked his head suddenly to the
ground, Which drew . the heittOf the,man
under the The blow crashed the un
fortunitn wan'n skull and killed him-in
stantly., -
A. foreign journal notices an inge
nious contrivance,— fpr- keeping crows
rani . the.:, corn - field, in' operation on a
Aeigtiboring .It is a self-acting
-gun, which, beingloaded in the , morning,
continues to shoot at certain intervals
during the day. It is so made that it
can be set to - discharge itself once in
ten or fifteen minutes;` or half- an hour,
or longer, as may be desired.
Or Daniel Talbott, Esq., of Bourbon
county, Ky.; sold his fine Jack, Bourbon,
atew days ago, to Mr. Edward Miller, of
Vissotirl;foillie surd of I;500:
Marietta, Pa., Saturday Morning, Dec- enabOr 29, 1860_
Dc fight`6,fte,h.
The N. Y. Skating Park.
We clip the following racy description
ofthe skating done on the Central Park,
from the New York correspondence of
Fordey'S Preis :
Have just come from Central Parke;
never saw anything like it in the long
and cheerful-sort of life it has been my
felicity to lead. The commissioners no
ti'fied the public through the papers this
morning that the ice is ready for skating,
and accompanied the notice with ample
directions as to the mode of access, the
arrangements for the convenience and
comfort of ladies and gentlemen. In
serting my' i7O lhs. avoiidupois into a
Sixth-avenge'car, I was wagoned "on
ward and upward" to Pifty-ninth, where
taking the more, moderate but.thorough
ly-reliable team of mares, coMmonly de
nominated "Shanks'," I soon found my
self at the end of the Mall, and _in the
presence of at least-twenty thousand 'hu
mans, a large proportion of whom were
the A.merican fair. The entire police
force attached to the park were about
and on.the ponds, to render as-dstance,
give information, and preserve order.—
At the balcony, spacious rooms for re
freshments, cloaks, &c., are erected,
where, one may, get all, such comestibles
as are usually obtained at a party.ln
front of the bridge, a large space of ice
is reserved exclusively.for the ladies ;
near this is:a dressing-house, with a:
male attendant ready to, do herlittle en
deavors. „.Purther on is another space,
fenced off from the main pond, 'reserved
fo r. children and ladies learning to skate.
But the, g,reat feattire is, of course, the
main pond, where skaters_ of boh_sexes
get upon the irons.and"ge it ;"and.isn't
it a sight to see"! Temthousand or more
active, little bodies, careering around as
though the ancient Nicholas was after
them,,,going through the most grotesque
gyrations, backwards, forwards, side
ways, with ladies. on arm, or pushing the
dear creatures, Or whirling them about,
or doing.any other of. those saucy but
endearing little humbuggings by which
men and women are made to cotton to
each other. Isn't it, exhilarating ?
'ralk about sylphs and, seraphs ! why
there's no movement in the world that
wrings a man's bosom so instantly and
thorouahly as a woman who goes_streak
.ingabout: on the ice quick as fight; and
graceful as a fawn, showing . just enough
of beautiful ankles, and nattily adjnsted
skates o."wish you was in. Dixie' and
coming np to. en-with,asenileon, the
lips, a , glow on the c,h,eek, a heaving
chest, and:bright ckerry . glance of-the
eye !., Why speak_ of traz/king-into a man's
affections when there's skating? From
two to four o'clock, the carriage roads
lining , the ponds were crowded with"ve
hickles.rilledwith :ladies. gentlemen. and
little ones, looking at the sport. On the
ice the crowd became so great as to
make getting about rather troriblesoine.
I left at 4:1.5, but the multittideappeared
- to be quite indifferent as to whether - I
lift Or remained
says, and wo endorse the sentiment, that
an economical- woman . at the head of a
,familyis the very best savings bank that
can •be established—one" that receiv
,deposits daily and hourly, with no cost(
, machinery to 'managelt. The ide . a of
saving is a pleasant one, and if-the wom
en wtould imbibe it at once, they would
cultivate and adhere to it ; and thus,
when they were not aware of it, would
be laying.the foundation for a competent
'security in a stormy time, and shelter on
a rainy day. .The
.woman who sees to
her own house, has - a
large'field,to save
in, and the beit way to make her •com
'prebend itp is for:heito . keep an account,,
of current expenses.. Probably not cone
wife in ten bee an idea how much ar
the expenditures of herself or family.—
Where from one to two thousand dollars
are expended annually, there is a chance
to'save something, if the attempt is only
made. Lett.the housewife take theidea,
act upon lit,', and strive over it, and she
will save Many . dollars, perhaps hundreds,
whete.lefore.she thoughtit impossible.
~This- i s a duty, not a prompting of avar
ice-La 'Moral ,obligation that rests upon
,the wome i n:as well as the men.; but it is
a duty, we are sorry to say, culti
vated very little, - even among those who
preach the mOst; and regard theinsalve l s
as exanipies in most matters. "Teatili
- the women to save," is a good 'enough
maxim to'he inserted in the next edition
of "Poor Richard!s Almanac." ' '
(fir" There is no place like home I "
said a brainleSs.fop the other day to a
pretty young, lady. " - DO you really
think so'?" said the young lady. ""0
yes,' was the reply: "'Then," said
ico, " why deal you' stay there ?
131.oNam AT TEM AcAnEarr
On Thursday afternoon and evening;
M. Blondin,-the Vold- as well se the skill
- gymnast„ gave the
~publia of ntila
delplata a very good _idea of those iyer
formances of his at Naigara *filch liafe
made him world famous. He appeared
in the Academy of Music, which he had
specially engaged for the purpose. 'The
stage was taSteflilly fitted up; - and: all
the other arrangements were of the most
satisfactory description, Two iopeS
were fixed—one from the stage •to: the
centre. of the - p - argnette, the other from
the extremity of the stage to the, high- ,
est part of the auditorium. Bleak'
walked upon stilts on the light repe, and
led qrchestra with the violin -while
on this rope, turning a somersault et/the
time, and continuing, 'to'' play the air
while in the air ! He walked, on the
iope; to the 'remotest and' highest part
of the house, covered rip in a Sack, -arid
with his eyes blindfoldeii, and -walked
back to the, stage, with apparently as
much ease . as if he was, on: terra firma.
He repeated this journey, oat of sack,
carrying ; on- his:shoulders a gentleman
weighing about, one-hundred and eighty
pounds, and broughtAlm,back, ;down the
rope; as easily as ; he conveyed him,-up it.
Ile threw esornersault,while on the rope,
at a heightof 'ofie hundred 'feet from the
ground. He had designed to. walk up
;and dowri the 'rope, to the top of the
highest gallery,' but, forind, no trying the
experiment before performance, that the
chandelier would be in the way. "In.
short, lie 'surprised ell who saw Min, and
met with•lond'applause--:--very unusual in
the aristocratic -hciuse he Verforined
It is -the , intention of some of Mi. Blob
din's admirers, we learn, to present- him
with some testimonial of their estimate',
of his skill and yeldness—probably -a
geld medal.. For the information of the
curious, we add that, Blondin is now ihir
ty:six years old, having been born. at. St.
Omar, France;in'lo,4. His father was
one of the •first-Napoleon!s old " soldiers
of the Binpire;" - add died when - the son
was only nine years old. From child
hoed, ' yonog Blondin exhibited great
taste and-aptitude for
. gymnastic feats,
and before his sixth year was "-the In
fant Phenomenon" of France, in that
line. He arrived in the United States,
in 1855, as one:of the Ravel Company,
with whom he remairted three years.
the ,winter oflBsB, he conceived the idea
-oaf crpssing lite-Niagara-on.a rope, which
tip first accomplished on the last day-of
June, 1859. Wbat, he has. sinceAotte,
down s to his ,performance before the
Prince of Wales last September, is too
well known- to need repetition here.—
Blondin -is a married man. with three
children, and has:purehased - a pleasant
estate at Niagara Falls, where he resides
when not traveling. lie is understood
to have 'already secured an easy inde-
pentium by his, Niagara. exploits. We
take 'these' particrilars from a pamphlet
just published, containing a graphic bio
grapiest Sketch of M. Biondi% by, his
agent, Mr. 'Henry "Celeman, who , aceom
pFies him to England in April.-1' e
- fir There is an old proverb which de
clares that none can tell where the shqe
pinches save he that wears'it. The max
im has a thousand applications. 4 hus
band who appers to have found his wife
a good dealless of an angel than he had
imaginid in the days of his courtship,
lets out.some domestic secrets irithetol-
lowing 'graphic -manner:
• •I own that.she - ths charming locks
I.llat on her shoulders fall ;
What would you say to see the box
In which she keeps them all.?
taper 'fingers, it is true,
Are diffictilvto match , .
I wish my fiiend, you only knew
How terribly they scratch I
WOMAN'S HOPES.—In early you
,i , per
haps, they said to themselvei, " I shall
be happy when I have a husband to love
me beit of all ; " then when the husband
is too careless, " My child will comfort
me;" then,through the mother's watching
and toil, "My child will repay the when
it grows up." And at after last, aft - dm
:long journey of years has . 'Men" wearily
traveled through; the mother's heart is
weighed ,
down by'a, heavier' burden, and
no hope remains but the grave.
"AO - The - Earl o f Derby, says, the News,
although recovered from his late severe
attack 'of gout, will .not henceforth take
the prominent Partin polities which: he
has - =hitherto done. This report receives
some encouragementiroin:the asSembly,
st the country zesidencetof - Mr, Disraeli,
of the 'other . leading .mtnibers of the
Tory party, including Lord ilialmesbary
and Lord Stanley.
last was "Christmas Day,"' and the little
folks were, jubilant in. anticipation of
the "good times optniug." Their's is a
joy to he envied.indeed, Well do were
.triember,,says Durr)shurg Tekgrerph,
when, aiigitt-hearted.,careless bey, be
fore lift: had Put op its, realities; how we
gave vent to the e.xuherance dour spir
its in•theexclatriation—" Only one,sveek.
to ,Christmas f," Anil we renaemher„ too,
with what anxiety wo retired to bed the
nizht before to dream, of gape' St Nich
olas, and , to awake in the morning hap.
pier iu the possession of .:a pocketful of
-cakes,-than'tlia matt who counts his dol
lers-bi themillion, y or who owns the soil
-as far as his vision...can . extend. This
is the happy era in butnan life—this time
once passed never comes again. •• Every
one can stop and-be benefited by. going
back in ,revery to that sunnymiorning in
zud,with the noisy whirl of business
barred from his:-mind,.live, _over one
Christmas season as it was in childhood. like sitting-under go s on a
sultrg day . It refreshes the heart, with
a wondrous elixir,and
.opens, up; with
the key.of memory-the ; warm:, and beau
tiful but dimly ligiqed chambers of .a
past and bettei eAfnthnce. Welcome,
then , the happy holidays.. EARlteod be
cheerful with , the little ones; and iMelge
the spell that takes you hack along ' , tire
vista ofalmost forgotten years,and makes
you realize and enjoy the festive Christ
mat s'eason eireneas it is enjoyed by Ahem.
New. York. Times tells the foll Owing
otory : , .
•One olour,city clergymen. was neatly
Aakenk in and done ; for this past' week by
.follet,a noted thief;yrhose captnre:the
Westernvolice have:struggled:in vain to
acbieye during ;the Past five yew's. • The
clergyman found a 4)500 bank-note, and
..with that eminent;-honesty anfor
tun,a,toly, belonks Only to-persons:-or his
cloth, advertised the' in the public
prints. • '
Shortly kilter Pellet, dreited
like an elderly farmer,- called upon 'the
divine and told hie] he badlost 'a similar
amount, 'and that' if the note (mind was
.his it would have apoh,its - back the name
of William Harvey, Williamsbu'rg. The
clergyman:Prodimed the bill, and as there
was nq such mark thereon, it was decided
that the ownership was Vested in some
ether person than the Worthvfarmer.—
The next day a confederate, to whom
F , ollet had.communiCated theinarks that
were on -the• note, called on the '-finder,
and having satisfied himself-Of the accu
racy of his knowledge, received the same
from the unsuspecting dominie. Follet's
note to the clergyman; detailing the trick
with . Characteristic effrontery, - h been
shown us, and we can but regret that
such talent as is certainly possessed by
this rogue should be kept concealed in
irty a napkin. '
SHREWD : The only secret a
can' keep is her 'age. At - Paris„
recently,-Mile Cico, ariendtress, was to
be a witness, and as French 'Courts al
ways ask the, age of witnesses, all the
young actresses of. Paris were there, and
hey reckoned' upon a - good deal of mer
riment and profit when Mile. Cico came
to disclose 'her years - . She was called
to the stand, sworn, gave 'her name and
profession. When the Judge said, "How
old are, yeti ?" she quitted the stand, - went
up to the bench, stood on tip-toe, and
'whispered in 'the Judge's ear the malici
ous secret 1 The bench smiled; and
kept her secret. - .
reason Why the dying' never weep is bu
cause tbe manUfiCtories ollife 'stop for
ever ; the human system has 'Ceased its
function& In all diseases,:the `liver is
the first organ that ceases to work—one
by one the others follow, and the foant
ains of life lengthAriedrip ; there
is. no secartipn,. the ,eye .in,death
weeps not i not„that affection is dead in
the heart, but because there are no tear
drops in-it r any more than-there is moist
p on the lip. -
!Erne lirgest hotel in: the wcirld
the Lindell House,, now nearly_ Comple
ted,•in Itecost,,unfurnished,
will be $600,000. It , has 500 rooms, and
can receive 1,200 guests. A - boarder,.
desiringa walk before -.breakfast, majr . gu
throtightlie'Coiridors eire and,a quarter
miles, without passing. over the same
floor It Will iequire 30,0 . 00 Tards
creatpeting to cover the rooms and
staiTe,;4o-0r,50 miles of bell,wire,will,be
necessary, and the Ihr,ee
panka; containipg _3o,ooo,gallnnepilig4tter
on thq roof, and btre,entinually
rel4n.is_tie.d. l3 Y _
CDaaet I:>c>lla - r a Year_
A-Vrrumerr irfnox.—At the meeting
,Oftbe Electoral College of Now Jersey.
at Trenton, on - ..Wedne3day, Hon. J. C.
llorntilower made the folloWing remarks :
lie saidhe was a thelievolation,
orborwafter the declaration of in depen d -
ence...Ele <rras not bora a subject of
Great Britian: He was an American
Republican. by birth, and had always lov
ed to support the 'rigida of man. His
-father_ was an. Englishnian, a civil engi
neer; and had:eame: to this country for
the purpose of erecting a steam engine,
and, did erect_the -first steam engine used
in North Amerida. He had it all com
pleted when he:arrived; and all he had to
do was-to put it together. He expect
ed to- return to
,England after be had
completed his . work, but becoming ac
quainted with. a lady of our first
families of the .eofintry - at that time, he
.concluded to remain. This lady heafter
wards married, and she became the moth
evef,,your President. —My father con
nected hiineelf with the American cause,
,notfins a_military man,,but in a civil way.
He aided brhis meanly and voice. He
was Al Republican.
He remembered hie mother :saying
that his.father had frequently came home
from places where he had been at work,
pith his - knapsack - On his back, and his
clothing at the knees and elbows worn
out, having been driven from place to
place by the British soldiers. My moth
er has held me.in_her arms in the face of
British biyonets. He was . a great ad
mirer of Walington and iustructedme
to bd . a Washington man—a Washing
ton Federalist,opposed,however, to mak
ing. him President for life. I have nev
er changed mypolitical:attachment nor
my. political 'creed. I have
apology to make for my political views.
I am carrying out the wishesof my long
deceased parent. Called at this advanc
ed age of my life:to fill.this office of much
honor, I feel that it Will probably be the
last official act of life. What Ido here
I know I must give an account on the
final day. I tremble in view,. of my, re
sponsibility, and so ought eyery man to
feel Who is cfiarged with this important
duty. We may be dediding the destiny
of the country, and indeed ,may be,-,tel
ling upon the interests, in some degree,
Of the world. I trust all will therefore
act with a view of the solemn trust nom
mitted to you. .
DtserrsED : William 'Ff. Clark; Editor
of the Kendall Ularion, -- loves a good
joke'; 'here is last We have lately
got a new- suite of cloth% fted - no man
could be more effecti.* 'disguised.—
We-look - like a gentleman. Upon first
putting them on, we - left like a cat in a
strange garret, and for a long time
thought we were scrapped off: We went,
to the house and 'scared the baby into
fits - : oar wife asked us if we wanted to
see Mr. Clark, and told us that we would
find him- at-the office went there, and
pretty soon one 9( our business men
came in, with a strip, of paper irrhis
hand„ He asked if the, editor was in,
told him we thought'not ; asked him if
he wished to see him, particularly; said
we didn't believe luswouhtbe in; busi
ness then left. Started to _the house
again; met a couple of yonng, ladies
one of them asked the ; wther,;,, l ,,What
handsome stranger is that?' To t this di
lemma we reet 4 friend and told him who
we were, and got him.-,to introduced 1115
to our wife, who is now as
,prond of us
as-can be. The. next,time,we geta new
suit, we shall let her keow toeforebank!
i3uchanares:late message, the follow
ing sentence occurs:
"Notsvithstanding:the-repented efforts
of the Anti-Slavery Party no-single Act
has: ever passed:Congress, onlesi we may
possibly except. We Missouri Compoimise,
impairing, in. ;the 'slightest , degree the
rights of the,SentlPto:their property in
Slaves." ' , ' •
A writer in the West Mester Reeord
shciws from the %Joiintals of Congress
that the Missouri Uomproutidenet,-Which
Mr. "Buchanan represents attlinpidiing
the right of property instdakit*SeitUitits
the act of.the Anti-ShiveryPt itty4lfttsed
the House of Representittiveirby. to-vete
of 90 to 87, and it reeetveilavpiy-vet of
the Slaiti.States, While .thti vote 4.the
Free States, with very few.lF . F 4 44:4°iP ,
was cast4gamst
• 64-w: w. - Pnc:e, near Rocheptej•
4.; has on his farm a pair:tree* years
Old; 9leet'in circumference and 613 test
in height., It:a*erages....ari_tUnnar crop
Of 15:to - 20 bushels of>}►laafi EtratoTayary
superior quality.:.<lt is a'=cafioas fast,
that onelhaltortheiree onlyclatertiitely
_ •
NO. 24.