The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 15, 1860, Image 3

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    Qt Natal glarittfian.
MARIETTA CAR TIME: The Allowing is
the starting time for leaving "Upper-Statio n: ”
Goino EAST.
Marietta Accommodation, at 7.50 a . in .
Harrisburg Accommodation, 2.21 p. m .
Mail Train, 6.26 p. in.
Line Stock with Emigrant attached, 10.10 p. in .
Mail Train, 12.11 noon,
Harrisburg Accommodation , 6.26 p. m.
Express freight and Emigrant, 1.90 a. m.
The Mail train East and Harrisburg Accom
modation West will pass at "Upper Stationy
In compliance with last week's an
nouncement, we today lay before the
readers of "The Weekly Mariettian," Dr.
Timlow's Thanksgiving sermon. it will
be found worthy of a careful pwal.
Our neighborhood is again infested
by foul thieves Mr. Robert Carroll
bad his hen-house robbed of sixteen
chickens and four turkeys one evening
during the present week, Very early on
the morning after the robbery a sable
gent was seen passing St. Charles Fur
nace with a pair of turkeys in 'one, hand
and a bag filled with something on his
shoulder. Upon being asked by some of
the bands at the furnace what his bag.
contained, he answered "shavings"—a
gentle feel of which soon disclosed six
teen chickens and two turkeys—minus, •
beads ; having all been killed inlitr. C.'s'
yard before leaving. He is, no doubt, a
poultry merchant, and was on his way to
market. He was provided with quarters
at Lancaster.
ar God ey for January 1861 is here—
how welcome to our "better-half" it al
ways is. This no. appears to be unuse
ally freighted—although alwaysyery,well
filled, Now is the time, ladies to "stalk
in"--subscribe at once. See the terms ;
—who cannot spare such a trifle to hare
so traletable an auxiliary—do no longer
without it : One copy one year, s3:
Two copies one year, $5. Three copies
one year, $6. Five copies one year, sod
one to the getter up of club, $lO,
Godey's Lady's Book and Home Mag
azine one year, $3 50. Godey's T.My's
Book and Harper's Magazine both pne
Sear, $4 50.
"Falstaff;" this eugraving has been
receiyed—as well as the "Art Journal."
The engraving is a beautiful one anq the
number of the Journal before es is tjruly
a literary gem ; the typography.eiceeds
anything we have yet seen in the art . .—
.Read the advertisement in another col
umn of the Cosmopolitan Art' Ass'ocia
tin% Mr. Congdon is the agent for this
borough and vicinity, who Will take
pleasure in giving any infOrme,4on that
may-be desired.
There wilt be a gratuctons Leetare
delivered before the Marietta Literary
Society, ou Monday evening next, by
BA.RR SPANGLER. Subject:—" Reason
and Instinct," This lecture together with
the other meetings of the Society here
after, will be held in the, iiigh,Sehool
room, at present occupied by Mr. Geist.
The public is respectfully invited to at
tar The Lancaster Express says We
stated a few weeks ago, on the authority
of the Home Journal, that Miss la arriet
Lane, niece of the Presiddnt, was the au
thor of Rutledge. The Journal' the
present week, however' has found anoth
er claimant for the honor, in the person
.of Miriam Coles, who is young and beau
tiful, and is the veritabte author of Rut
ledge." !
: Mr. Eagle's 116 W resid9nce has also
been infested with poultry thieves—a
midnight visit during the past week re
lieved hits premises of six turkeys and
twenty chickens, Be was not as fortu
nate, however, as AIL Carroll, for he did
iiot room his game.
illar "The Hudson Brothers,"—a cum
spany of very fine vocalists will give a
.concert in the Town Hall on Monday
•evening next. From notices we have
.seen in the press, of their performances
at other places, we do not hesitate to
.•romise quite a musical treat.
OrWe would invite the attention of
real estate buyers to the "Evan's Farm"
about to be sold by Col. Jno• W. Clark.
This isone of the best farina in ourpeigh
borhood,—adjoins this borough and will,
undoabl.edly, bring a ',big price."
1/OSy reference to oar advertising
;columns it will be seen that Marietta is
to have a Summer School of no common
pretentious. Three such teachers as
Messrs. Geist, Sawyer and Eliestand can
set fail to render satisfaction to all.
far Solna of our advertisers will have
to hear with us this week—their cards
having been pressed out to give room to
Dr. Timlow's sermon. We are also a
/title behind oar usual publication hour
from:the same cause
sr The mail train west on Friday
(yesterday) ran over and killed, imme
diately in front of the White Swan Ho
tel, a valuable tow •belonging to Samuel
Sipple of this place.
tirin the Ambrotype roorn--adjOin
log our sarmtnra—will be found some
thing new in the sfrieg matrassk,line.
Cad and •see it. ' -
c" - t—THE WEEIs:LY - MARI NTTIA.NA\-v-1
sir David C. Brandt, late a member
of the Board of Prison Directors, died at
his residence in Mountjoy township, on
Thursday. The funeral will take place
on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
~Drucitenmiller, the poet paid our
office a visit on Wednesday last and left
his "last batch " The Poet is determin
ed to allow nothing to pass without some
notice in a poetical way.
airM.r. Benjamin Mead, an old citizen
of Newark, N.J., died on Monday, while
attending a prayer meeting.
sir The canal is empty and the boating
business closed far the season.
The Susquehanna is filled with
floating ice, and is quite high.
FANNY ELLSLER is now at Berlin, at
the bedside of a sick Sister, wife, of the
son of Prince Adelbert, of'Frussia. The
marriage of the young Baron de Benin),
eldest son of the Prince Adelbert, to
Mlle. Therese Ellsler, sister of the fa
mous danseuse, and something of a dan
seuse herself created a great sensation
at the time ; but the union has been a
happy one, and the relatives long ago
became reconciled to the plebeian in
truder. From this union was bort' one
child, a son, whose bad health induced
his parents to send him, some months
ago, to Egypt, to try the effect of the
climate on'his lungs. But, like Rachel,
he received no benefit, and has just died
in Nubi. The news threw the mother
on her bed, and her sister Fanny hasten
ed to her bedside to console her in the
cruel loss.
air The boiefest and most awful story
we have received this Fall comes from
Fort Wayne, Ind. A woman about to
churn butter, threw some boiling water
in the churn, into which one of the chil
dren bad, unnoticed by the mother, pie
ced an infant, and it was instantly scald
ed to death. In her frenzy the mother
seized a chair and inflicted a death blow
upon the little girl. 'After realizing
what she had done she threw herself into
a well and was drowned.
Cr The shoe and Leather Reporter
says: The plan of useing shingfei in
the bottoms of shoes originated• stout
thirteen years ago, the first lot being cut
in New Hampshire.. The .use of paper
and straw board began about the same
time. To give some idea of the extent
of this branch of the business during the
pasf year, five.or six acres - of heavy fine
timber have been used for wood filling,
nearly allby the manufacturers of Natick,
Mass. and the adjoining towns, in the
idles of brogans.
The , degre'es of crime are thus de
fined :—"He-who steals a million is only
a financier. Who steals a half a million
is only a defaulter. Who steels a hun
dred thousand is a rogue. Who steals
fifty thousand a knave. But'. he who
steals a pair:of boots or a loaf of bread
is a semindrel of the deepest dye, and de
serves to be lynched.
cir Howell Cobb having resigned, the
appointment of Secretary of the Treasury
has been tendered by the President to
Hon. Philip Frank Thomas of Maryland,
and accepted by him. Mr. Thomas is at
present.. Commissioner of Patents.
Packing apples in dry leaves is strong
ly recommended, after careful experi
at an end. Consumption.—Can consumption
be cured? is a question that has long agitated
the medical world—the answer is of Vital im
portanee to the community at large. The
numerous cases of prevention resulting from
the timely use of Holloway's Pills and Oint
ment, together with the actual cures of many
in an advanced stage should seem to indicate a
positive reply to the above qiiery. It is a well
known fact that the Ointment will arrest in
flammation in its most rapid progress--so that
if wOll rubbed into the chest and back it will
penetrate to the very lungs and prevent the
spreading of the 'disease; while the Pills by
their anti septic action will restore the organs
to a sound and healthy condition. Delays are
dangerous—a dry tickling caugh is the first
symptom of the disease.
To ConsomPrivEs : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy, of the prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopeS every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties Nash
ing the prescription will please address
REV. EDWARD A. Wilson, Williamsburg,
Oct. 13-3m] Kings co., N. Y.
have's Holland Bitters.-1 3. ersons subject to
nervous'•or sick headache, will find in Bwr
have's Holland Bitters a lure, safe and pleas
ant remedy. It soothes the throbbing head,
corrects acidity of the stomach, assists diges
tion,and creates a healthy appetite. It is,with-
Out doubt, a most delightful preperation, and
an effectual remedy. The fact that it is now
a veryimpular medicine throughout all the Hol
land settlements in Wisconsin, New York, Il
linois, kflahigan sad Indiana, speaks much in
- wor. Bee advertisement in another column.
We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertilernenr of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of, the first charac
ter. _
gee advertisment of Prof. L. Miller'
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Heir Dye, in an
oluer column.
Marietta Select School
THE session will commence on Monday,
April 10th, 1861, to continue 12 weeks.
The principle objects of every recitation will
be to develope and train the mind—to cultivate
habits of investigation and self-reliance—to
improve the judgement, and thus strengthen
and exalt the whole character.
Pupils of Primary Department, $2.00
Intermediate, 3.06
Secondary, 4.00
High School, 5.00
No deduction except in protracted sickness.
Marietta, December 15, 1860.-tf.l
"ay INTER GOODS. A large assortment
IrV of Coat and Overcoat Cloths,
Extra-heavy Fancy Cassimeres
Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings,
Gents Shawls and Fur Mufflers,
Scarfs, Neck-ties an Gloves.
French Merinoes-- , very cheap,
Coburgs, Thibits and Muusede Leine,
Superior Cloth Cloaks,
Shawls of every shape,
Zephyr Hoods, Gloves, &c.
Together with a full assortment of Blankets,
Counterpanes, M usli ns, Checks. Tickiugs,
Sheetings, just received by
Marietta, December 5, 1560.
C 0 M TO ANDERSON'S where will be
found the largest and best assortment of
Fruits, and Confectionaries of all kinds, such
ad Figs, Dates, a cask of excellent Cooking
Pruens, Citron, Bunch, Seedless, Valencia and
Layer Resins, Currants, Cranberries, Hour
hound Si Flaxseed Cough Candy, Cough Drops,
Pepper Candy, Preserved Fruit,Gum Fruit, Fig
Paste, Oriental Pressed Figs, Cream Bonbons,
Jully LtiMps, Fine Vanilla Almonds, Cream
Strawberries, Jujube Paste, Rock Candy, Wis
tarss Cough Candy, Walnut Candy, Maple,
Strawberry and Gum Taffy, Fruit Candy and
candies of every quality and price. at
J. M. ANDERSON'S, Market-st.,
100 BARRELS Choice Varieties of
hi) boxes Valencia and Bunch Raisins,
20 Bags pared and unpared Dried Peaches,
50 Bags pared Dried Apples,
1000 Lbs. Cod Fish ; Fine Syrups, Sugars, &c
,q;'ezek iVeur.
OPENING THIS DAY—a magriificent as
sortment of NEW and GEiIIIINE
Mink Marten, Black Sable,
Stone Marten, ' Brown Sable,
Fitch Marten, Squirrel],
Silver Marten, Muffs,
in all the prevailing styles and. at very low prices.
COLUMBIA, Nov. 24, 1860.
APPLES. We a from New
varieties can be found,
Holland Pippins,
Orange Pippins,
Northern Spy,
e receiving oPr Winter
ork City. Among the
Winter Greenings t
Rhode 141'd Greenings,
Tal .Sweets.
All No. One Apples.
Estate of Jacob Grosh, Deceased,
Late of Marietta
LETTERS of Administration, with the Will
ahnexed, having been granted to the un
dersigned, they therefore notify - all indebted to
said Estate to make immediate payment; and
all who have claims against the same, to pre
sent them for settlement, to
C. C. P. GROsH,
Administratos with the Will annexed
Marietta, Nov. 17, IS6O-6t.
Opposite the residence of Col. J. W. Clark
Prompt attention given to securing and collec
ing Claims, and Orphans' Court business
generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties..
Conveyancing and other writings promptly
executed. •
t,UST RECEIV ED at Andetson's Cnfec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st., a
hoe assortment of children's gigs„ baskets
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys
rocking horses, wagons,' drums, Children's
Gigs, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Hobby Horses,
China and Paper Toys, Dolls of every size
material Black and White. Animals of all
kinds and an endless variety of Holiday gifts.
.1. M. Anderson's, Market-st.
Laguira Coffee ; Crushed, Pulverized and
rown Sugar; Superior Green and Black' Tea ;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at
executed in the best style known in thetart,
No. 532 Arch st., east of Sixth, Philadelphia.
Life size in Oil and Pastil, Stereoscopic
Portraits, Amorotypes, Daguerreotypes, 4-c., for
Cases, Meds.lions, Pins, Rings, &c. [ly
LOCKS—Good Time
'• • Keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully, re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
MORE NEW GOODS! The subscriber
having just returned from Philadelphia
where he renewed and added to hie
Of Dress Goods. Call and see the new styles
and learn the low prices, at Drer.e.rioAcw s.
style, each one warranted to per-
to the entire satisfaction of the
purchaser. STERRE — T & CO.
J. GROSE!. & SON, Lumber Dealers.
Yard at the Eastern part of Marietta.
rr Please call at their office, adjoining the
THRENATORY brick house at the CANAL.
UPERIOR COAL OIL. Just received at
Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, a very superior
article of 'Kerosene, or Coal Oil, wnich is war
anted pure, and is as clear and transparent as
urning fluid, and free from smoke or smell.
Vanilla,' Strawberry, Pine Apple,
Almond, Rose, Lemon,
Just received and for sale at Grove Roth's.
(C)A General Assortment of all kinds of
"A , Hinges, Strews, Bolts, Cellar. Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and. Putty, very cheap.
PORTABLE LAM PS. A new si!id most
convenient and perfectly safe lamp, called
the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," fey sale cheap
at Grove Roth's Drug Store.
PPHE Largest and best assortment of Fancy
Cloth & Cassirneres and vesting ever offered
in this market and will be sold at prices which
defy competition by J. R. Diffenbach.
NIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver
plated Spoons, Brass, Copper, Plain and
Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping
goods generally. Sterrett 4 Co.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines,
guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as
can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York.
for culinarrpurposes, warranted genuine
at H. D. Benjamin ff Co's.
A Gift Valued from Two Dollars to One Hun
dred Dollars given with every Book sold
at .Retail Prices !
At least One Watch is Guarranteed to
every twelve books.
These inducements are offered by the
37 Park Ito V, New York.
The Most Extensive and the Most Liberal Gift
Concern in existance. Established in 1855.
Send for a Catalogue.
Those who have patronized other Gift Houses
are particularly requested to acquaint tnem
selves with• our terms. Our inducements are
unrivalled, and put all others in the shade.
The following are some of the Gifts to pur
chasers of books
- -
English Lever Gold Watches, Hunting Cases.
Patent Lever, " gc .;
La dies' Lever " " "Open Face.
Detached Lever Silver Watches, Hunting Case,
Lepine Silver Watches, Open Face.
Gold Lockets, Varibus Sizes.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, various. Styles.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons and
Stu ds, Patterns.
Gentd' Bosom Pitt% New and Rich Styles.
Gold Pebcils and Pens. .
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Rings.
Gold Watch:Keys and Belt Pins.
A great variety of Ladies' Jewelry, Pins and
Ear-Drops, comprising all the styles now worn,
such as. Cameo, ,Mosalc, Gold Stone, Lava,
Florentine, ticc., &c., Oke.
Gold Bracelets ' all Styles.
The List of Books comprises a great assort
ment of in every department
of literature, interesting to the young and old.
Do not fail to send fors catalogue. Catalogues
mailed free to any address. .Apply to. -
37 Park Row, New York City.
Branch,Office ' No. 116. Washington Street,
Boston, Mass.
Dec. 8, 1880-st.
Jeekly Tenusilib464 Telegraph•
Inducement to Clubs !
In order to place the Weekly Tekgraph within
the reach , of even the poorest in community,
we have determined to reduce the subscription
to One Dollar a Zear in Advance, thus offering
an additional inducementto persons who desire
to koop themselves posted up in the political *
:and: general news of the day, and the doings of
POState Legislature; Full and accurate l re-
Portiof the proceedings and debates orthe
Legislature will be given, (special reporters
having been employed for the purpose at great
expense,) in connection with the doings of
congress, which ' will be of unusual interest the
coming winter.' r
A large amount of Miscellaneous and Liter
ary—reading will alio be glien in the columns
of the Weekly Telegraph ; rendering it !iffiest
class Family Newspaper. Also all the import
, ant news of the day, Foreign and Domestic,
with full and tellable reports of the Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and New York markets, alone
worth to businesS men more than the price of
subscription. :
The present subscribersto the Weekly Tele
'graph, who desireslo avail themselves orthe
reduction will please settle up their old ac
counts without delay—otherwise they' will be
i charged SS, as heretofore.
Single subscribers will be' charged $1 per
annum invaiiably in advance.
Clubs of 50, directed to,one Post Office, $4O.
Single :copies serni-weekty, during the Session
of the Legislature, 'and wpeßiy 44ng the re
mainder of the year, sl'so in'advineet ,
• .
The Daily Telegraph was established in 1856,
and has now been, over four years in existence.
Many of our friends considered, the establish
inept a daily Itepublic - an newspaper at
Capital of the State as.a liatardous undertak
ing, but we have succeeded, after expending a
large sum of money, in placing the same on a
permanent basis; and the public may rely on
its prompt and regular publication.
The Telegraph is the only establishment that
employs a corps of regular stenographic re
porters during the session of the Legislature,
and those desiring correct reports of the pro
ceedings of the Legislature can look in the
Telegraph for them.
The Telegraph is the only paper in the city
of Harrisburg that receives the regular Associ
ated Press reports by Telegraph. The dis
patches appear therefore much earlier than
they arrive hete in the Philadelphia and New
York mornini papers. Full CohgrehAorial Ile
pOrts will appear daily, together with all the
latest oreign and Doniestic News.
The , Daily will be furnished during the Ses
sion of the Legislature for $l. Yearly subscri
bers who receive their papers by mail will be
Charged $4, payable in advance. Address
Second Street, below Union,
They are prepared to' make all kinds of 'lron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnacei,
Pipes,;for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description;
, .
Manner; ' Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and'
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, IVlaclimery
for Mining and. Tanning ; Brass Bearings,.
Steam and Blast Gituges Lubricators, Oil
Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and
Water; Brassi Fittings in all their
Variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Sticks, Bolts,
Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
factmn to those why may favor us with their
orders. la-Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
wsth prompt attention. Priieg to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. - 14-tf
Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. ('asset's, store, Market street,
THE undersigned having associated them
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patronsand the pubic
generally, that they will continue the b
Fashionable Tailoring Business,
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's,Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine' stock of
eioths, 04siiighe$ 84:1)05ii
which they will disptiserof and ''mti . ke On
reasonable terms; Being "determined "to•giiim
satisfaction, they wotild'respettfullY ask a con
tinuation of past favofs.
'CAristian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer:
plir Gutting done at short notice.
Marietta. Sep. 10, 1859.-tf
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa.
THOMAS C. CHILD, Aar., has constantly
on hand, or Manufactured to order s
kinds of SASH;• DOORS, BLINDS, Skaters,
trc. All orders addressed to MV.HArrny,
HOUTZ & Co., for any of the above articlei, or
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath,'Pickets,
Pales, Shingling Lath, Floor Boards,
Boarding, White Tine Shingles, or Lumber , Will'
elweys meet with prompt attention, ariffbe sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any Other
-astablishment in the country.'
A liberal discount off for cash..
Bad Legs, Bad Breasts,Sores and Ulcers
All description of sores are reinediable by the
proper and diligent use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure tiad legs by
plastering the edges of the wound together is a
folly; for should the skin unite, a.boggy die
eased condition remains underneath to.break
.out.witk tenfold fury in a:few days The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated
by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and
about.the wound and to soothe the neighboring
parts by rubbing in , plenty of the Ointment as
salt is 'forced into meat.
Dlptheria, Ulcerated 'Sore Throat, and
Scarlet and other Fevers.
Any of the above diseases maybe cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three times a day
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient;
it will soon penetrate, and give immediate re
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local _part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the above manner, for the dis
eases named, Cr any siMilardisorders affecting
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved as by a charm.
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures.
The class of complaints will be removed
by nightly fomenting the parts with warm
Water, and then by most effectually rubbing in
the Ointment. ?thong suffering from these
direful complaints should lose not a moment in
arresting their progress It'should be under
stood that it is not sufficient merely to smear
the OintMent on the affected parts, but it must ,
be well rubbed in fat some conaiderahle time
two of three times a day, that it may be'taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden sore or wound as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again bread and
water poultices, after the' rubbing in of the
Ointment, will do great service. Tnisis the
holy mire treatment for female cases of cancer
in the stamen, or where there may be a gen
eral bearing down.
Inthscretions of Youth 1 &reit and Ulbers
Blotches, as also swellings, can, with' cer
tainty, be radically cured u the Ointment be
used freely, and the Pills betaken night and
morning as recommended -in the printed in
struCtions. When. treated, in any other way
they'onlY dry up in, one, place to break out in
another, Whereas this Ointment will remove
the humour from the system, and leave the pa
tient a vigorod§lind healthy being. It will'
require time with the use of the Pills to ensure
a lasting cure. ' •
DropsicalSivellings, Paralysis and 'Sal
Joints. - •
Although the above complaints differ widely
in their , origin And nature, yet they all require
local treatment. .Many of the wOrst cases, of
such diseases, will yield in 'a comparatively
short space of tithe when this Ointment is dili
gently rubbed into affbcted r even after
every other means have failed: In all , serious
maladies the Pills ,should be, taken according
.to the printed directions accompanying each
Both the Ointment and Pills should be Used
in the follothing . cases : ' •
Bad Legs, Chiego-foot, Fistulas, .
Bad Breasts, Chilblains, Gout,
Burns, Chapped Hands,Glandular
Bunions, Corns (Soft) Swellings,
Bite of ltos- Cancers,. Lumbago,
chetoes.and Contracted and Piles.
Sand-EileS, Stiff. Joints, Rheumatism,
Coco bay, Elephantiasis, Scald.
Skin Diseases, Scurvy,: Sore,
Tumors, Ulcers, Sore-throates,
Wounds, Yaws, Sore-heads.
• Cauvtorr.— one are -genuine unless the
DON," are discernable as a Water-mark in
every leaf _of, the hook ,ef directions,, around
each pot oi'boit'; the smile may_ be plainly
seen by holding the leaf to the tight. A hand
some reward will be given to any_one rendering
such information as may, lead to the detection
of any Party or parties counterfeiting
jellies or vending the sane, knoWing them to
be spuriOus.
Sold at the Manufactory •of Professor Hot,
LOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New york and by
all respeCtable DruggistS and Dealers in Medi
cine throughout the civilized world, in pots; at
25c., 62c. and $1 . etich
• , r
There is a considentthe saying by taking
the larger sizes.
N . B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
tients, in every diSnrder, are affixed to each box.
O r. m't •J mod` ::$
Z I % ' ilit ?,; 1 , " r 4 C .
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- es 8 rg '
n 'Ezi
i Alexanaer Lyndsay,
FASHION A 4- .11
. , •
Would most respectfully inform 'the
of this BOiough and neighborhood that he has
the assortment of City made 'work ih
his line of bukiness in this. Borough,, and be
ing a
himselfji*iblea to select-with more Wag-Mint
thin thiSeiihb are not. He continues tkogin
ufictuie In the very best manner everything
in thii BOOT'AND SHOE LINE, which he
urill warrant,: for neattieSs and food'fit. '
la - Call and, examine his, stock before, : pur
chasing else... Where. f.
P ,
URNETT'S 'Coeciaiiiii.— A coinpound of
Cocoa-nut 011, &c., ter dressing the Hair.
or efficacy and "agreeableness 3 it is Without
an equal. It prevents tbahair front falling off.
' It pfordotes its heal* and Vigarollskrowth.
It is not greasy or sticky. '- 1
It leaves no disagreeable odor.,
It softens the hair when herd and dry. ' r
It soothes the irritated scalp akin: .
It affords thelithest lustre. ' " ,
It "remains lbhgest in eifeet. Fbr sale at,
/51-itg & Perfiinier# Stare Market street.
Commissittn' 'Lumber liferchanti
Vest Fhge* 2417:1ize, Baltimore, 214.
j f t ,
'BS 1 1 ECT.FtItUoireri big . serfiees for the
ate of.. J. u lc)! ru, of every description
oin: l 4l£l,ll9Wiedge of the busirmarhe feel
cohddent Of beitig able to obtain the highest
morkst rates,for all consignments entrusted to
his cam. , _
T.() LANDLORDS! just received, Scotch
and Irish W" H I S,lr E:S , woman ted.pure,
ted pure, at H.-D. lterOmain's.
justreeeived sad will be aoldbeloir the
...eldfirices, by Lit..aWFFEN . B:ACW:t
1000 POUNDS -Mine tbrk County
Buckwheat flour, bpi theblindred
or single pound. For sale at WOLFF'S:
Having proof's so strong and direct' as to
For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians
of the oldest schools as well as new, give it
their unqualified sanction, and recommend it
for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the
scalp and brain.; but all who have used it,
unite, in testifying that it will preserve the hair
from being gray, and from falling to any age,
as well as restore. Read the following:—
Oak Grove, S. C., June 24th, 1852.
PROF. 01 WOOD 3 Dear Sir :—Your Hair
Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this
community. I have bad occasion to lay preju
dice aside, and give your Hair Restorative a
perfect Met :
During a year 1854, I was so unfortunate
as to be thrown my sulky against a rock near
the roadsitcfrom which my head received a
most terribl&..blow ; causing a great deal of ir
ritation, which communicated to the brain and
external surface of the head, from the effects
of which my .haits.was finally destroyed over
the entire surface of the head. From the time
I first discovered its dropping, however, up to
the time of itslotal:diasp.pearance, I employed
everything I could think of, being a profes
sional man myself,` aid, as I thought, under
standing the nature ,of _the ,disease, but was
finally defeated in every pFrscription advanced.
- These and no other circumstances induced
me to resort to your worthy Hair. Restorative,
which I have every reason to believe, produced
a very happy result : two months after the first
application, I had as beautiful a head of young
hair as I ever Saw, for which,l certainly owe
you my most, sincere thank's. Rest assuftd,
dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to all
inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence,
which I flatter myself to say, isnot a little.
You can pufilfsh this if you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
Office of the Jeffersenial4Pliilippi, Va.,
Decenster 121h, . 1838.
Dear Sir :—I feel it my duty as well as my
pleasure to state to you the follqwing circum
stance, which you, can 1180 rs you tb in k pctoper.
A gentleman of this place, (a lawyer,) `has
been, bald ever sime his early youth ; so much
so, that he was compelled to wear a wig. lie
was induced to use a bottle of your hair" Hair
Restorative," which he liked very, much; and
after using game two or three bottles his hair
grew out quite luxuriantly, and lie his a
handsome bead of hair. The gentleman's name
is Bradford, and as he is very well koown in
nur adjoining counties, many , persons can tes
tify to the truth of this statement; 1 give it to
yiett at the request of IVIr. Bradford. You can
,sell a great deal of.your Bair Restorative in
this and.the adjoining counties if you hate the
proper agents. Yours, &e.,
DR.,Woon: Dear Sir: Permit me tpaprese
the obligatioos I am under for the entire res
toration of my halite its original color; about
the time of my arrival in the United States it
was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the ap
plication of your "flair Restorative" it soon
recovered its original hue._ 1' Consider your re
storative as a very wonderful lriventioN quite
efficacious'as well as agreeable.
TrlLß.rareaterivn is put up in bottles of
threesiies, viz large, medium, and small; the
.arnallholds i-a-pint, and retails for $1 a bottle;
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in, proportion than the emelt, retails for $2 per
bottle; the large liolds a quart, 40 pm cent
Mote in proportion, and retails for $3.
WOOD & CO., Proprietors,
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Markel Street, St. Louts, Mo.
it3=•And sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dialers;
TaESE M ' DICPIES haVe now been before
the publ c tor a period of thirty years, and
during that time !Mite maintained a high char
acter in almoit every part of the Globe, for
their extraordinary and iMmediate power of
restoring perfect health to persons suffering
under nearly every kind of disease to which
the human frame is liable.
The following are among the digressing va
riety of human diseases in, which the
Are well known to be infallible.
DYSPERSIA, by then:nighty cleansing the
first and second stomachs, and ct,eating a flow
of pure, healthy bile. instead of the stale and
acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 11l-
Teniper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy,
which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia,
*will vanish, as a natural consequence of its
COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole
lenth of the intestines Withu solvent process,
and with Out violence, • t . all violent purges leave
the bowels costive within - two days.
FEVERS of all kinds„by restoring the blood
to a regular elleillation,,tbrotigh the process of
prespiration in' such cases, and the thorough
solution of all intestinal obstruction in others.
The Lsfe Ifledicines retie been known to cure
REEUMA PISA? permanently in, three weeks,
and GOUT in half' that thite, by removing lo
calinfliumnation from the' Muscles and' liga
ments of the farts.
'DROPSIES df all kinds," by • freeing and
strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they
opesate most delightfully on these irqpurtant
organs, and hence have leder been found a cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also- WO./131S, by' dislodging from the turn
ings of the bowels the shiny matter to which
these creatures adhere.'
SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life
Medicines give to the bloed,,and Bathe humors.
plexions, by. their alterative effect upon the
fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state
of which occasions MI eruptive complaints,
sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com
The use of these. Pills for a very short time
will effect an entire,cure of SALT RHEUM,
and a striking improvement iu the clearnessof
the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLU
EN2A will always be cured by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
PILES.—The' original •proprietor of these
Medicines, was cured. of Piles, of 35 years
standing , by the use of the Life Medicines alone.
FEVER AND AGUE.--For this scourge of
the. Western country, these Medicines will be
found a safe, speedy, and certain .remedy.—
Other. medicines have the systein subject to a
return of the disease-,a cure by these Medi
cines i&permanent—try•them, be satisfied, and
be cured. ,
PLA'INM.----General Debility, Moser of Appe
tite, and Diseases of Females—the 'Medicines
have been used with the most beneficial results
m cases of this description:—Kings Evil, and
Scrofula, in its worstforms, yields to the mild
yet powerful action of these remarkable Med
icines,' Night Sainats,'NerimuS Debility, Ner-
Ivens Complaints' cif - all kinds,. Palpitation of
the •Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured.
constitutions have beaomeimpaired by the in
juileinurnpe of Mercuryileill find these,Dled
icins a•perfeet Ohre, as they neverfail to erad
iiate,firdrn'the system, all -the"effects of hied
cury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and
sold by • ' W.' B. MOFFATi
' 335 Broadway, Near York.
Dealer in Hardware, Cedewane,
Paints, Masa, Oils, Varnishes, Heap
.and Bar Iron, Skel, Spikes, B r aPs, '-
Parlor, Office, Haitand Cook
~~ .
~'_ ~
~._. .A
f` 'I AKES this means of informing thatitisdipi
J . of Marietta and vicinity, flint le &DOI" PC -
pitied to 'furnish anything in :liis.line• orr'b i
ness, consisting in part, of-Tablci. Cutlery of ill
kinds ; Building a nil' ;Housekeeping Bard-
Ware; in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, OW
Glass, Varnishes; Cedanvato, Tubs, Ducky
Churns,'Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, l
kers, Tongs; Candleatieksi . Pans, Waiters, Col
per and Brass%lC -W.lks, Door, Dleak, Pad an
all Other kind Of Imkii k 'Nails, Spikes an
,• in fast everything usually kept in a well regT
tellliardware estabLialiment.
Market Street, Martettn,