The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 15, 1860, Image 2

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    man shoild be a thankful, cheerful, merry
man. In addition to all other causes of
thanksgiving be can rejoice and give
thanks for the loving kindness and tend
er mercies, the pardoning love of his
Heavenly Father,—out of Him then
should ..proceed. thanksgiving and the
cheerful, merry voice. For him to go
about, bowed down, sad faced and sad
hearted is to dry up the bones arid give
a most repulsive and unfavorable aspect
to religion. What impression would you
get of a father whiiiiii"childrirn were never
seen runnirigAnd playing merrily, shout
ing with childish glee but each day were
seen moping sadly alobg, their little fa
cies stladed with 4 Cloud and the tones of
their voices sad and sorrowful ; you
•weelesarthatioirwerrir glad—tbat-yon
,414,/mtbplp9g to such a family and glad
that you bad not such , a father, and so
world:, )(mks at sad, gloomy christi
ens always complaining and always bow
ed own like the bull .rush and thinks,
well he nin,t. have a bard, time of it, if
thikt is relig4 I don't want anything to,
do with it. 7
Nny, nay, IR may eat our bread to
gether and l'oii•k on each others faces
while we eat and thank God with a cheer
ful, merry heart for his goodness. Meet
are nokevil. Social meals are.not
evil. ~Pileerfai•conversation is not evil.
Kind :looks i and words are not evil. We
may . gladdee, our own hearts and the
bearts otothers. ",Go Jour way, Rat the
fat 0.941,4iiiiE the sweet and send •por-
Pont .unto them for whom nothing is,pre
parjed,for this day is:holy unto our Lord,
nfligleK,l)4,ye sorry .for the joy, of the
/0 1 4 A-19Cluf ittkeilgtte •
:Be ,
:BeAftakti),,deeply thankful for these
c tiia
t ‘ e i ' oraLmergies. But be thankful, for
ri toeccies iit : store and which your
kind' Ober in .beare,n offers even now.
Be th , kfui,ftir your homes here, butte
thankful for homes in that hatter coun
try."Be, thankful Jot. friends here, but
be thank,lnt r for. that .Friend who will
cling to,y, friend after friend,departs•
Be timitliii that ,you hare friends in
heaven whom yon hope ere long to meet
and rejoin in their thanksgiving above.
Be thankful that over every change and
storm ,yonv Father presides. ...Be, glad,
that he knwii what yon,need, what sta
tions you mii, qualified, te fill, what. coin
fprts nu- n!a'Y .1 2 1ifely-enjoy, what,trials
you.naedln the house of your vilgrimage.
Be thankful that not a thing shall be
wanting, that is needful, not a thing will
he overlooked, or forgotten by your
HP : .,ave,nl7 FatlieT• - . .
I qt,,istft. geed, thing to give, thanks un,
tn Alt, Pnrd, to ,sing, praises unto thy.
name, , .9,4 post 1E14)1, to sho,w,forth thy
loping i f indpeqs in ,the•morning .and thy
faithfuinese , every„ night, for then ; Lord'
heat made maglad through thy work."
Eitatbnat. OTES.- 's remarkable
bow many Yreeidents have been chosen
by about' tbeenme electoral vote.
JaOkion received 178 votes
1836, - Van' Buren " 170. "
1 . 844,`Pb1b `" 1.70 "
I`B4B,,TaYlor 163
Io 1856,'Bucbantiyi "
In 186`0,, I tibeolii
• 4... tn •
01:1T14 oAsotaNA.—The
nostrigs ! colpitted,i,n,tlie State of ,South
carpikna F,nr,theliist,,year of mhich we
1101 , 8,i:419W istarne, amounted ,to-$9l
- The cost of transporting the mails
tkoughont thirState was $192,216. In
Massachusetts, the same year..the post
nft ce receipts 15rere . 5532,183, and, he ex
pense 0153,091.1 (Massachusetts would
not loss losg, , tpuch to stcp paying the post
age of South Crbrolina 1) ,
Joni( Beta ow TRES einsie.---Hon. John
Bell his! written a letter, dated Dec. 6,
in which-Ale takes-strong ground against
secessionpand declares his determination
to adhere4ito the Union. He uses the
followtaristreng language :
" Viewing the subject in every light
is whielk-iyeaa 'be presented, 1 am con
strained 44 say that by no principle of
&Vile law, by
,130 code of morals, by no
law of ea"rth or heaven, would Mississip
pi, or any other State, be justified under
existing -pircumstances, in withdrawing
from the: Union."
Wllll4 CHAR ACTE RIMED. --Me New
Yorr.Evehing Post's Washington cor
respondent says :--
"•The , Message was playfullybut quite
happily hale by Mr. Seward, just after,
fig eodin when some friends of the
President,Oked him what he thought of
it. `I a:atilt,' said the New York Sena
tor, 'the reilliillent has conclusiVly prov
ed twothtngi.v 1. That noState has the
right to Seoedk r Ainless it wishes to :
and That it,iatho PresidenVs duty to
enforce the 114e r —unless somebody op
pbsis him."
ItOr At eft election held in Clark-co.,
Virginia, for a member of the Legisla
ture, the ",Certservator," published in
that conntiows "the disunionists were
unable to id
,any one to. rim on the
ticket." Blithibe parties nominated run
se anti-secessionists. Colonel Morgan,
Democrat,.waa elected.
srA Gambler was convicted in' a
Oourt a fe* days ago upon
thatiethionifof , a Marl who-hy losses 'at
cards-had herim.redliced from a position
of affluence to 'that of aerossingsweepti.
yidzineer t # exc
tdinrdithilo in Slit connty; gore Foster 175
otee , ; , aitA Cur is none. It is ".snpposed"
he' Nilolice welif.tor 'Foifer.
Air The& 4A l Piviciff s ti‘e vOe
.. 13 0 1 1 sa,
2; ,13FoskinriOge, 3017 ; Lincoln,l7,
eUeel ig Marititian.
"Impartial---but not Neutral."
~,Lal-leEta, Oa_
copy from the Philadelphia North Amer
ican one (Atha ablest papers in the Union
the following "sharp cut :" "The seces
sion of the cotton States, which is crow
spoken of at Washington by the fire
eaters as a fixed fact, holds out a pros
pect of taxes to the people of these
States by no means enviable. As a small
sample, we quote from the last annual
report of the Postmaster General, the
receipts and expenditures during the
year for the postal service in each :
State. Receipts. Expenditures
South Carolina, $107,536 $319,068
Georgia,. 168,665 358,180
Florida, 25;932 171,185
Alabama, 129,103, 363,620 )
Mississippi, 101,549 379 001
,This is but a single_ department of the
government. Not one of these States
pays as much revenue on importations
into the Treasury as it costs to collect
it. Of course if free trade were estab
lished in the cotton republic, the revenue
from duties on imports would be cut off,
and the post-office yielding nothing,
there would,be no other resource than
directitaxation. Florida,and Texas have
each cost the government well nigh a
hundred millions to acquire and defend
them, and for,a long series of years the
postal and custom-house expenses of all
these States have been a dead drag on
the National Treasury. Yet the fire
eaters whotalk of a separate government
of their own, want, it trp be a strong one,
supported by an expensive army. How
they expect to pay the cost is a mystery.
Tu LETTER of Howell Cobb to Presi•
dent Buchanan, resigning his post as
Secretary of the Treasury, is - published
in Connection with the reply of the Pres
ident. 'Mt:. Cobb thinks the honor and
saf6ty of his State are involvod in the
present contest. They are engaged in a
life-and-death struggle—a Struggle in
which he sympathizes. To remain in the
Cabinet would expose him' to unjust sus
picions, and he accordingly retires. The
retiring Secretary takes occasion to ex
press tis admiration of Mr. Buchanan's
Administration, and to say that History,
in recording as the last under the Union,
will place it side by side with the most
illcistrOus thatt - have preceded it. The
President in his reply acknowledges the
services of Mr. Cobb and regrets his de
parture from the Cabinet.-7he Press.
174 "
18 . 0 "
The report from Tennessee is that John
Bell has prepared an elaborate address
to the , American people on the crisis,
taking strong grounds against the right
of secession and the expediency of it,
and demonstrating the ruin to the bor
der States which must follow from the
Gulf States going out.
ea- The, largest sum ever paid at one
time, by single person or firm to one .
newspaper, for advertising, hasjust been
paid to. the Tribune by H. C. Spalding.
who has given an order to insert an ad
vertisement of one column in length to
appear in each of the daily, semiweekly,
and weekly editions of the Tribune dur
ing the year commencing Nov. 12,1860.
The price paid is over thirty-one thous
and dollars.
fir In Buffalo a meeting of three hun
dred prominent citizen was held for the
purpose of requesting ex-Fresident Fill
more to proceed to South Carolina as a
messenger of peace. A committee was
appointed who waited on Mr. Fillmore,
to make the request. The ex-President
eXpressed his sympathy with those who
had projected- the meeting, but, as he
was concerned in another movement of
the kind, he Would await further devel
The Washington Correspondent
of the Philadelphia Inquirer says that
the three years fend between the Presi
dent and. Forney has been amicably set
tled. Also that rumors are current in
Washington that Gen. Cass is about to
Sr Seward has - been importuned to
make a Union Speech. He declines, as
he says it is of no use—nothing can stop
secession. He believes that in a short
time the - Seceediog States will be glad
to get badic into the Union again.
GrA Mrs. Campbell brought suit, last
week, in tbe Court of Common Pleas of
Cumberland' county, Pa., against Mr:
Garvey, for defamation. The jury gave
her $l7OO damages. • •
Dr. Lyman Beecher• voted for Wash-
Er Garibaldi has a son pursuing his ington and was this year taken to the
studies in a Protestant College, gear polls by his son (Henry Ward Beecher)
Daven Port, Engtand. J and voted for Lincoln.
C - 9- ,
$532,784 $1,581,068
It is estimated that two thousand gal
lons of molasses havicbeen made this last
year from Chinese sugar-cane in Cum
berland county, New Jersey.
One hundred thousa ‘ ad barrels of ap * -
pies have been shipped from three ot
four of the western counties in Nei?
York, within the past few weeks.
The mode of churning in Fayal, one of
the Azores, is to tie cream up in a goat
skin, and kick it about till the butter
A Sheriff's sale took place is Phila
delphia a few days since, of watches from
the seized stock of a "gift enterprise"
concern, bringing only $3O per dozen ;
"gold watches!"
. .
The *largest horse in the world is an
English horse of the Clydesdale breed,
now at, Newcastle, Pa. He weighs 1777
, The Charleston Mercury publishes a
bill which will be brought before the
Legislature of South Carolina, proclaim
ing all free negroes to be slaves on and
after the Ist of January, to be sold at
public auction ; and the proceeds to be
applied to the tax funds of the various
counties I
Mr. Seward at Erie, on his way home
from the West, made a brief speech, in
which he told the people that Pennsyl
vania began well under Benjamin Frank
lin, but that the new States he had just
seen far exceeded her in devotion to
liberty, and that, unless she renewed her
fires, she would - be left out in the cold
Wigfall, who misrepresents Texas in
the United States Senate, boasts that
before he left home he armed all his ne
groes, and told them to shoOt all strange
white men who might intrude on his
plantation. If, in a sober interval, he
told the truth, we advise him not to re
turn home incautiously, for he is the
strangest white man his negroes will be
likely to encouuter.—Louisville Journal.
A young lady in Indianapolis, rose in
her sleep the other night, and cut off her
hair as close as it could he cropped by a
penitentiary barber. When she got op
in the morning and looked in the glass
she was horrified, and loudly complained
that some one had shorn her head while
she slept.
Seuator Wigan, who notified the Pres
ident that he would resign if Lincoln
was elected, has already taken his seat.
He sees that in the case of his resigna
tion Gov. Hduston would immediately
appoint his successor, as the Texas Leg
islature does not meet for several months.
The panic is affecting the busines of
Louisville very seriously. Three of the
largest manufacturing establishments
have been compelled to suspend opera
From Bell's Life we learn that Sayers
has given up the Champion's Belt, though
not without, reluctance, and that it has
been handed over to the Staleybridge
Infant. Some $6OO remain to be paid
on the new belts, and Bell's Life appeals
to the friends of Sayers and Heenan. to
raise it at once, otherwise they must re
main with the maler.
Twenty-five thousand one hundred and
fifty-six copies of the Bible were sold in
Constantinople in the year 1859, being
more than double the sales of the previ
ous year.
The Now Orleans, Bulletin declares
that a breaking up of the Union "would
not only cause the ships to , rot on the
levee, and bankruptcy and ruin to follow
in the train of disasters, but the real es
tate of New Orleans would not be worth
twenty-five cents on the dollar to what
it now is."
The census of Kansas shows 109,000
persons, counted, without going into the
Pikes Peak region. Congress only asked
93,000 for admission. What excuse next
for keeping her out of the Union ?
In the Slave States, 67,000 whites have
a representation in Congress ; in the
Free States, it requires 90,000 whites for
the same. Here is another "Northern
aggression !"
Mr. Y. T. Rarey, the celebrated horse
tamer, has - arrived from England in the
steamship Asia, and taken rooms at the
Fifth.avenue Hotel, where' the notoriety
he tias gained as a tamer 'of wild and vi
cious horses caused him to be viewed
with great curiosity.
John Adams headed. the electorial
ticket in Massachusetts in 1820, and lA
ted for James Monroe. Is there anoth
er instance in which an ex-President of
the United States has served as a mem
ber of the Electoral College,?
A prominent Democrat of Kentucky
said the other day : "If we of the South
were to read Henry Clay's last speech at
Lexington, without knowing the author,
it would be very generally ascribed to
Seward or Wilson!'
Kenmore, once the residence of Mary,
the mother of Washington, was recently
sold to Mrs. Harrison, of Goochland co.,
Va., for $lO,OOO. The sale includes only
the dwelling and four acres of ground.
stitution, the first under the new bank
ing law, went into operation this week,
the notes having been procured from the
Auditor General, by whom they are
countersigned. The notes, in our opin
ion, are really beautiful. The vignette
of the V's represent a raft, with the
bands " poling it off" the bank of the
stream. A woman and a child are also
seated on the raft, alongside the shanty.
The vignette on the X's is a forest
scene—men cutting down trees, and a
saw mill in the distance. Stock has
been deposited with the Auditor Gener
al for the whole amount of notes that
will be issued, as provided by law.—
Clearfield Raftman's Journal.
eir Among the, passengers of .the ill
fated steamer Pacific. burned last week
on the Ohio river, below Louisville, was
a gentleman in the last stages of con
sumption, going South, attended by his
wife, in the almost forlorn hope of bet
ter health. When the, alarm . was given,
the wife seized her invalid husband in
her arms, and carried or rather dragged
him to the guards, reaching which she
found his spirit already departed. Still
she did not give him up, but sought to
save his body for interment. But in the
excitement,of the moment each looked
oat for himself, and as none would help
her, the poor woman, unable to lift the
body over the railing, was at last driven
off by the advancing flames, and forced
to leave the corpse in order to save her
W . The observance of Thanksgiving
Day is of recent origin in Pennsylvania.
At first institntd in the New England
States, in place of Christmas, it met
with little favoi among our German and
English population, who were religiously
devoted to the great festival in commem
oration of Christ's birth. However, as
the New England people settled in the
northern part of the State, the pressure
of public sentiment, and probably the
force of example, induced our Governors
to recommend the observance of the
fourth Thursday in November as a day
of thanksgiving for the blessings vouch
safed to us.
Imo' Garibaldi retired to his island
borne only temporarily, while his country
men are arming. In the Spring, he says
that Italy will need a million of soldiers.
Then he promises to lead them to new
conflicts and to seal, finally, the freedom
of his country. The retirement of Gari
baldi is timely and politic. It will keep
him aloof from the strife of parties, and
enable him to re-appear at the proper
time with the golden opinions of his
countrymen and of the world.
Wrinkled fruits, covered with beauti
ful representations of coats of arms, in
itials, mottoes, and other figures, were
lately offered for sale in the markets of
Vienna. They were made by, cutting
out in paper the desirable letters or fig
ures, and then wrapping the paper close
ly about the peaches, pears, apples or
plums at the time when the fruit just be
gins to color. When ripe, the covered
portion of the fruit is of pure white, and
the images cut in the paper appear in
the natural color of the fruit.
eir The Syracuse (N. Y.) Journal
says that Mr. Seward, at an early day of
the present session of Congress, will
make a speech in the Senate, giving his
views on the state of the country and
the revolutionary movements in these
times. 'Phis speech will naturally be
anticipated with great interest in all
parts of the country.
Wr A firm in Amherst, Mass., are
manufacturing about 1500 pounds of
leather daily, from scraps of leather and
old rope. It has not been introduced
out of New England, yet the demand is
reported to be greater than the supply.
The process of making is similar to that
of manufacturing paper.
fir A prize fight came off on Tuesday
last, at North Berwich, Maine, for $l,
000, between Michael Fritz of Provi
dence, and Wm. 0 Neal of Worcester.—
Sixty-three rounds were fought, occupy
ing four hours and a half. Fritz was the
victor. Both 'parties are new to the
Cr Harper's Ferry ought certainly
to be sensitive on the subject of slavery,
but it gave its vote 378 for Douglas, 275
for Bell, and 17 for Breckinridge. From
this it appears that the Democracy of
Harper's Ferry do not regard secession
as a remedy against John Brown raids.
geThe,,venerable John Johnson, of
Dayton, Ohio, now in Washington on
business before Congress, called at the
office Of the National Intelligencer, a
day or two since, for the purpose of pay
ing his sixtieth year's subscription to that
An eloping girl ran back to the
house at Jacksonville, 111., a few nights
since, to get her shawl which she had
forgotten, when her mother caught her
and tied her to the bed post for 12 hours:
itigrA. Russian nobleman, who had se
duced the, betrothed wife of a serf in
Moscow, was shot dead in the street by
her lover, on the "18th of September.
Cr The Petersburg Typographical
Uuioa have resolved,to celebrated the
approaehiug birthday of Dr: Franklin
with appropriate honors.
Ma. JEFFERSON AND rdz. LINCOLN : 1860! Fourth Arrival of 18601
The election of Thomas Jefferson as Tlgli FD, K - GOODS--
President, in the year 1800, frightened
WrOW OPENING, a imautifui assortment
many very worthy but rather verdant of New Fall Goods, bought in New
people in New England and throughout York and Philadelphia.
the country. A correspondent of the The newest fall styles :
National lntelligencer, who remembers , The Arab )
The Basque,
the excitement sixty years ago, says it 1 . The Walking Coat,
was then contended that Mr. Jefferson's The Full Back,
. The Plain Back,
election would dissolve the Union; our
The Cape Style.
country would be overrun by paupers The Beaver Cloth, &c., &c.,,t.c.
Cloaking Cloths of every kind. Dress goods of
and criminals from other countries ; our
every description, newest styles and just im.
religion would be destroyed, our churches ported in New York.
closed and Bibles burnt. None of these! SHAWLS. . .
occured. The writer adds, " Mr. Jeffer- A beautiful assortment, and latest styles:
Mocha Long Shawls.
son proved to be one of our most- pope- Scotch Long Blanket Shawls, •
lar Presidents, the rights of each State French Long Blankilt Shawls, ‘
Stella Shawlsyelmbratint every color Sr.
protected, no churches closed and no quality.
Bibles burnt.' Such, I dare believe, will ! Coating, Cassinteres, and< Vesting&
of t co vue n sgetfully
e invite attention to our stock
be the course of Mr. Lincoln; and if II and v, etinse, exceed
do not greatly err in my judgement, he !ng in vaneti ,quatity and eheapieis, any goods
will prove to be one of the safest and in that line we ever offered.
best Presidents we ever had." Nov. 3, 1860. Cheap Cash Store.
of Colonel McClure, the Chairman of the
People's State Central Committee, have
presented him with a magnificent gold
watch which cost $350. The presenta
tion took place at the Girard. House,
after which the recipient and the donors
partook of a banquet, at which many
good things were discussed. The watch
is inscribed, "Freedom and Protection ;
To Col. A. K. McClure, from his per
sonal and political friends in Philadel
phia, for his energy, ability; and fidelity
as Chairman of the People's State Com
mittee, 1850."
WOODEN SLATES.-A genius in Con
necticut has taken out a patent for a
wooden school slate made of several
thickness of veneering glued together
and covered on both sides with a coating
of just the proper degree of roughness
to receive the impression from the pencil.
The particular recommendation is that
they cannot be broken.
ilkir In Portland, Ide., on Friday, a di
vorce case between F. Waterhouse and ,
wife was determined. From the evi
dence in the case it appeared that the
wife was an exceedingly pious woman,
and that she left her husband on account
of his profanity. Judge Appleton said
she should show her piety in a becoming
manner by returning to her husband—
that she had no excuse for, leaving him,
and that if she continued to desert him
after this, nothing could be recovered of
him for her support.
gitirA young lady, belonging to one of
thefirst families in. New Orleans, and
who never had any reason to complain
of her father's watt of getierosity in sup
plying her with pin-money, was detected
a few days since in an attempt to rob a
lady of her port-monaie containing $75.
She had laid it on the counter of the
store, and turning her back for a mo
ment was surprised to find it gone.—
When detected, the young lady protest
ed with tears that an irresistible impulse,
but no desire for the money, urged her
to the felony.
Cr At last accounts, Mr. Rarey, the
horse-tamer, had just returned to Lon
don, after a visit to the Shetland Islands.
Whilst there he purchased five of the
smallest ponies in the world. One be
has given to a gentleman famed for his
undeviating kindness and courtesy to
travelers from America. The other four
will be initiated in " the system," and
taught to play fantastic tricks. tie car
ried, in his arms, a little fellow seven
and a half hands iu height, whose future
companion will be a Newfoundland dog,
about an inch taller than Sheltie " him
ilt4'Ben Swain, a printer and traveler,
died on the 20th, at South Bend, (Ind.)
aged 32. He was a native of North Car
olina, and has traveled all over Mexico,
California and Oregon. and had just re
turned from a tour of two years thrMigh
Europe, when he was attacked with the
bleeding at the lungs and he died in
about half an holies illness. He was
possessed of a rare wit and a most genial
nature, and was the author of a series of
letters published in the New York Tri•
bane about ten years ago, entitled
"Views of Mexico from a Mule's Back,"
which were extensively read and copied
at the time.
eir An amusing accident, combined
with a serious explosion, occurred in
Springfield, M ass., on the 29th ult. One
of the engineers had purloined an oil
•barrel, which he intended purifying and
filling with cider. He took the advice
of a friend and filled it with unslacked
lime and water, which ingredients formed
an immediate and powerful gas, causing
the barrel to explode, and threw the en
gineer some twenty feet in the air, land
ing him astride of a- locomotive smoke
stack, with a hoop on each hand.
tir Messrs. J. R. aillmore and B. F.
Barnett:, of Orange, N. J., have parchas
ed the Knickerbocker Magazine, with a
view to bring it ap once more to the
prominent literary position which it held
in days Lewis Gaylord Clark,
Esq., will retain his life-long connection
with " Old Knick."
63- We see Dan`Sickles proposes to
retire tom public life at the end of the
present session - of Congress, and devote
himself exclusivly to'the practice of the
law. He is said to be as happily
with his'wife as thoughluithing had oe.
cured to mar their domestic-happiness.
One of the largest andmost complete Galleries
in the United States, where the best Pic
tures, known to' the Photographie art,
at prices no higher than are paid
for miserable caricatirres..
The Proprietor, a practical Photographer, at
tends personally, every sitting—and allows no
picture to leave the Gallery untt as it givesper
feet satisfaction.
Daguerreotypes and Ambn:ityp' eS of absent
or deceased friends, photographed to soy de
sired size, or taken on Canvass,'llre size, and
painted in Oil by the best Artists.
At this Gallery pictures can be taker in any
tveather-•-as perfect in' cloudy days as when
the sun shines.
Persons visiting the city are respectfully in
vited to examine oUr •vecirnens; which for
price and quality defy competition.
Instructions given in the art of Photog
raphy. R. NEWELL,'
Gallery of Art, 724 Arch St., Philadelphia.
Prom non. Leos D. Campbell, I'., Ohio
My family and friends all, concur in the opin
ion that the (Newell) Picture is more rifezlike
than anything they ever saw. My likeness
has been repeatedly taken by artists in various
ways, but I have never yet had one which pre
sents so true to nature, all theleatures and ex
pressions of countenance as this. - -
From Hon. E. Joy Morris, late Minister to
The exquisite finish, beatify and softness of
ynur portraits, coop:dried with their durability
of color and faithfulness as likenessses, cannot
fail to commend them to the attention and pa
tronage of all who appreciate true art.
From Col. James Page.
Having occasion for a portrait, I procured
one from Mr. Robert Newell,,of the city of
Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors, under
the new process discovered by luta, and take
great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction giv
en me, not only by the accuracy bf the likeness,
but its artistic finish in all respects, and 'acorn
mend him to the patronage of these disposed to
encourage the beautiful art
Nov. i 4, 1860.-I.i]
qqc qcki
The seven years of uniivhiled success attendiag
"Die, Cooppolitgl art a ssoimattoo, 7,
Have made it a Household word throughout
every quarter of the Country. •
Under the auspices of this popular Institu
tion, over three hundred thousand homes have
learned to appreciate—by beautifhl works of
art on their walls, and choice literature on their
tables—the . great benefits to be derived from
becoming a subscriber.
Subscriptions are now being-received in a
ratio unparallelled with that of any previous
Any person can become a member by subscri
bing. THREE DOLLAR ,', for which sumihey
will receive
Ist. The large and superb engraving, 30x3S
incites, entitled
2nd. One copy ? one year, of that elegantly
illustrated magazine, " The
sa ame fir,l ;tart Al 4 4104-Lai."
3rd. Four admissions, during4lre season,
_ .
In addition to the above lienefits, there will
be given to subscribers, as gratuitous preini
ume, over five hundred
Beautiful Works of Art !
Comprising valuable Paintings, Mar ties _Pori-
CMS, Outlines, 4-c . , forming a truly
; National benefit.
The fiuperb Engraving ; which every subscri
ber will receive, entitled " FALSTAFF Mos-
TERISC HIS RRCSNITS," is one of the most
beautiful and popular engravings, ever issued
in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line
and stipple, is printed on heavy plate paper, 30
by 3S inches,
making a most choice ornament,
suitable 4 for the walls of the library, parlor or
office. ii.t. subject is the celebrated scene of
Sir Joh Falstaff receiving,in Justice Shallow's
Mice,th' recruits which have been gathered for
his -ra ed regiment." It could not be fur
nished the trade for less than five dollars.
The . t Journal is too well known to the
whole untry to need commendation. It is a
magn.tiLitl . y illustarted magigine of Art, con
taining ' ys, Stories, Poems, Gossip, Br.c.,by
the very best writers in America.
The Engraving is sent to, any part of the
country by mail, with safety, being packed in
a cyliAer; postage prepaid. . .
Subscriptions will be received until the even
ing of the 31st January, 1861; at which time
the books will close and the premiums be giv
en to subscibers.
No person is restricted to single subscriptions.
Those remitting $l5 are einitledlo five mera
berehips and to one extra Engraving for their
Subscriptions from California, the CanadaS,
and all Foreign countries, must, be
stead of 3, in order to defray extra postage,etc.
For further particulars send fora copy of the
elegantly illustrated Art .fournat, pronounced
the handsomest Magazine in Ainerica. It con
tains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous
superb engravings. Regular price, 50 cents
per mu:Ober. Specimen copies, however,' will
be sent to those wishingto subscribe, on receipt
of 18 cents in stamps or coin_ Address,,
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A: '
546 Broadway, New York.o.
Subscriptions received and forwarded. by,
Agent for i lldarietta and vicinity, where speci
men Engravings and Art Journal can. be seen.
i stitasaa ; J Jr Graduate of the . Biltimore
College of Dental Surgery - , and in assistant
operator and partner of Dr. Waylibi offers•his
professiornil services to the citizens of- Mari
etta and vicinity. 'Perskis desiring - to 'have
their TEETH attended to -are invited to call at
his office, adjoining Spangler & Patietson!s
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street.
I hereby recommend to the people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W. SwEntziet,grad
uate of the Baltimore Collbge of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and'skillful operator, hav
ing had ample opportunities of seeing his ope
raticins—having long been an assistant opera
tor of mind. ' JOHN WAYLAN, D. D.o S.'
V V Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderie., Lisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy et
a very low figure, by the barrel
DIFFENBACH. Market-st.
ERIOR article of Rectifted . Crab
Cider, for sale by the barrel or gal
. DitTenbach's Store.