The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 15, 1860, Image 1

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13aIKer, Mclitor Wad_ Proprietor_
VOL. 7.
g4t Idultig Blarititin
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Donlmibing seition, •
Delivered in the Presbyterian I:thureb,, Mari
etta, cn Thursday, November 90, 1960.
And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and
the voice of them that make merry—and their
nobles shall be of themselves and their gover
nor shall proceed from the midst of ahem..
JEREMAII X,XX : 19, 21.
'We are summoned this
. 29th`day of
November, 1860 by a proclamation of
the Governor of this CommonWettith to
consider and acknowledge the mercies of
clod toward us as a people, during the
,year that is past.
He ; recommends to all the ,people of
this State that setting aside oil this day
all wordly pursuits they assembhtin their
respective places of worship - and unite in
offering, " Thanks to God for His Mani
fold goodness and imploring his forgive
ness and the continuence of his mercies."
We observe this day day then. Not
because it is commandedfdr .no one
could command it but God, but because
the recommendation of 'the executive
meets a cordial response , from every
giateful heart. We honor theetimmons.
In obedience to it we are all here. We
have entered these gates with thanks
giving, and these courts with praise.
We might on an occasion like the
present, profitably advert as subjeCts of
grateful thanksgiving to 'our , •per'onal
mercies, such as our continuance in being,
our vigor of body and soundness of mind,
our restoration from sickness, our pre
servation in peril, our means'ef 'instruc
tion, a competent share of - the good
things of this life, our home's, 'OW food,
our raiment, our friends and our rest.
We might advert to our family blew.
sings. We might advert to, our abun
dant harvests enough for.the• wants of a
World to., the seasons that have ,come
freighted'with unprecedented abundance,
filling to overflowing our barns and crowd
ing-our great thorough fares sad store
houses with food for every land. g.
We might advert to the fact that no
pestilence has swept over the land, or
fallen upon any portion of it. We might
advert to our friendly relations with 'all
the nations of the earth, to our peace
and continued national prosperity. We
might advert to our spiritual mercies, to
the open Bible, free to all, "to the return
ing Sabbath that weekly greets us, to
the house of prayer, to which we can re
sort unmolested, to the freedom of , con
science that sufferk evetY man to chnose
his own mode. of: worship and praise, and
to all the Promises of the gospel and to
the hopes of the future.
These are only a few of our mercies
0, how great is the sum of them I -The
Lord bath done great things for tutwhere
of we are glad. True, in the midst df ell
this abundance and prosperity there has
arisen odcasion for anxious solicitude to
every lover of his land and race.
A little cloud, at'first no bigger • than
a man's hand has been seen rising in the
south, looming up darkly And ominously
and threatenieg 'to east its baneful shad
ow over the whole land. Geed men are
trembling for the ark of our ti*tional
saky. Whether the cloud will go on
kathbring thicker and darker till it burst
with overwhelming fury and disaster, or
Wt)ther it will be rolled back or scat
tered, and the son of our prosperity again
000 forth with its wonted brightness
aunited, peaceful and prosperous
nation. "No human sagacity or, wisdom
can, predict.
WS will hope for the best. We know
that God can and will make the wrath of
man to praise him so that even out of
the very troubles of ''d• nation ray be ex
tracted material for praise.
1,,,8ut out of all thisobundanttratherings
gittrattb, to volitits, sittratort, (A g riculture, Norfitulfurt, gins arts, etntral Rau of fly ging, Nag (*forma
of the year we can select but one as the
theme of thanksgiving on the present
occasion—"and out of them shall pro
ceed thanksgiving and the voice of them
that make merry, 'and their nobles shall
be of themselves, and their governor shall
proceed From the midst of them."
To understand this we must remember
that the Jews, to whom the text refers
were captives in a foreign land, cut off
from all their former privileges, civil and
religions. They had no ''voice in the
election of their' rulers, or ih the affairs
of the nation. Theft' time and service
were at the" disposal of others. They
could meet for the worship of the God of
their fathers, only by permission of their
The prophet Jeremiah bid predidted
this state of things and had again and
again warned •his countrymen to repent
of the sins that were soon to bring upon
them such sore and overwhelming calam
ities. But the , warning was unheeded=
the judgments. Came and for seventy
years they were slaves under , a govern
ment in the affairs of,which they had no
voice no represontation, no liberty of
But better times were in , store for
them. They were soon to bp returned
to their own hind and to a restoration of
all their civil and religious privileges—
'Thus saith the Lord, Behold I will
bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents
and have mercy on his dwelling Places,
and the city shall be builded upon her
own heap and' the palace shall remain
after the manner thereof." For this he
says there shall be 'a general thanksgiv
ing of the people, "and out of them shall
proceed thanksgiving and the voice of
them that make merry."
And then the prophet goes on to speci
fy some of the particular causes of thanks-
giving. Tireir numberishould be greatly
multiplied. Their children should be as
theyhad been formerly;their congregation
should be established ; their oppressors
should be punished, and they should
have the privilege of electing their own
.rulers, "and their nobles shall be of
themselves, and their governor shall pro
ceed from the midst of them."
I. It is•a great privilege and matter of
devout thanksgiving to have a voice in
the election of those who are to act for
us and into whose hands are entrusted
great and valuable interests
It is a great privilege to have a voice
in the election of those who are to man
ago and control our temporal affairs. In
all matters in which we are, personally
concerned, we claim to be heard by men
of our own choice.
Every member in a fire insurance com
ps,ny, every stockholder in a bank, or
rail road, every parent in the education
of his children, every member of a church
claim a voice, in the election of the, men
into whose hands they entrust their chil
dren, their property or.their, spiritual in
The denial of this right led to the sep bosom Of the State he loved so well. his
oration of the colonies from the mother voice is no longer heard in the counsels
country. The denial of this right drove of that' Pitate'or' in the counsels of the I
thousands of christians of the different nation, and yet we doubt not that to-day
'countries of Europe from their homes to thongh dead, he iS SPeakinr , with a'voice
this western world—they claimed„ the lohder and Dior - 43' potvefful and with more
right to worship God in their own way telling influence' on'thethirids and o the
and as their own conscience dictated and acts of the people of his natite'State
father than surrender this right they than he ever did in the roost active and
chose to surrender all that was dear in vigorous years of his life. Und. who can
life. Nay life itself. measure the influence of such men as
In a free government two things are Clay, Webster and Benton • over single
self evident, propositions,—:the one is States, and President Jackson over the
that all laws constitutionally enacted nation, impressing.upon, it ineffaceably
shall be faithfully, and conscientiously and permanently .their ,own principles
obeyed, and the other is that t 4,119 people and character.
by their representatives shall have a And who can measure now the mighty
"voice in the enaction or those latvs., interests that stand connected with the
Now in the days of . Israel no' other wisdom, prudence and virtue of ogr rte
nation enjoyed this privilege. It was lers, and of men in authoritY arid intim•
peculiar to them whilst they., continued ence4n the various departmeats of this
in,their land a free people; they were 1 =gbvittiment, by mild, firth dotinsels,
deprived of it during their captivity in by mutual forbearance, by patient wait-
Babylon, and , it was to be restored to lag; by.soft words that turn away wrath,
them on their return to their 'own land, by ayoiding grievous words that stir, up
"and their nobles shall be of -themselves, anger, they can calm the excited passions
and their governor shall proceed. from of men, allay the rising spirit of discon
the midst of them." tent and insubordination and still the
Their forth of government was:at first tumult of the people. • ,
republican, it consisted of twelve tribes; „ But if they are ambitions, selfish •men
each under its own Teader, constituting —if they are demagogues rather, than
'it little commonwealth, while all were statesmen—if they are unprincipled wick
united under one great republic: When ed. men, who regard neither Clod nor
t 4
thdir form of government was changed to man, they can• involve us in all the.evils
monarchy it was at their own request, and horrors of civil and sectional . strife.
and by their own vote. Their kings did They can array section against section;
not'enter upon the functioririif; their of and brother against brother, they can
flee until accepted and crivilined by the lash into fury the passions of the masses
people, their laws were approved by 1 and drive them on to fraternal strife With
:themselves, they were always proposed all its havoc of human life, and the havoc
to the representatives of the people and of peaceful homes not only, but the havoc
• received their unanimous consent. .I of virtue and morals and religion. dpen
, Not a nation ~now, in Asia • or • Africa ing the flood gates of . crime and =dark
I enjoys this privilege, not one, in .Europe oppression gad wrong and . violence—to
to its fall extent. This is the.only gov- sweep witn appalling desolation over the
errgeent on the face of the earth where land and whelm in one common rain our
Marietta, Pa., Saturday Morning, December 15, 1860.
rulers are invested with authority by the
people, "Their nobles are of themselves."
Here every man is a noble, or may be
one, and should be one,—and their gov
esnor proceeds'from the midst of them.
He is one of their own number and in
vested with authority by their consent
and voice.
The people hold the government in
their own hands, they can control the
destiny of the nation, they have a voice
in every matter that concerns their pros
perity or welfare. What more than this
could they ask or desire ? Surely out of
them should proceed thanksgiving and
the voice of theni that make merry, for
their rulers are of themselves and de
pendent upon their will, and their gov
ernor is of their own election.
11. Rulers have an amazing influence
on the morals and destiny of a nation ;
it is a matter of thanksgiving that their
subjects can direct and control that in
fluence,—this is so, or may be so, when
their nobles are of themselves and their
governor proceeds from the midst of
We have no adequate conception ) we
will venture to, affirm of the extent and
power of this influence; it is said of Sera
boem the ruler of Israel that he drove
Israel from following the Lord and made
them sin a great sin, for the children of
Israel walLed in all the sips of Jeroboam
which he ,did.' His influence was felt
two hundred and fifty years after his
death. He corrupted twenty kings in
succession and almost all their subjects ;
'tis said of the kings Nadab, Baasha,
Zimri, Omri, Ahab• Ahaziah, Jehoram t
Jehu, Jehoas, and others on to twenty
that they "walked in the wayofJeroboun
the son of liebat and in the sin where=
with he made Israel to sin."
The heart sends the blood through
the arteries, to every part of the human
system, as the' blood at,the heart,-so is
the blood in all the minute and remote
ramifications of the arteries. The ocean
sends its rolling, surging tide into every
inlet, creek, harbor, river and sea—as
the ocean so are these.
And so rulers as the heart of the na
tion send down their influence through
the body politic, even to the most mi
nute ramifications of society. The tide
of their influence is - felt not only, in the
gieat cities and towns but . penetrates the
most remote province and district: and
is felt in the most distant hamlet.
Single senators have controlled for
years the political destiny of whOle
States. Who can dotibt that the pres
ent anomalous attitude of South Carolina
is ebargable to the influence of her earn-
est, gifted, high-minded, but as we think
mistaken statesman,. John 0. Calhoun,
and that Ow destiny of that •State,
whether for weel or:-woe, and the destiny
of Otter Stales, and it may be the desti
ny, of;th.e nation is inseperably linked
with him.
John - C. Calhoun' rests in quiet in the
cherished and invaluahle blessings:-
There can be no question that the in 4
fiance of many of ouf public men has
been most aisasterous' upon the niofals
of the nation—many in public life, who
would scorn to rob or defraud an indi
vidual will not hesitate to rob and de=
fraud the government—men high in pub
lic trusts have startled and ardazed the
community bytheir wholesale plunders,
their magnificent frauds. As the conse>
quence of all this the moralsense,"of the
nation is blunted, public crime has re=
ceived anew name and been softened
down or covered over with a kind of re
spectabje garb, and as a matter of course
the influence travels down from the ru
lers to the ruled, from the center to the
circumference, and hence the falsehoods,
the breaches of trust, the acts of tress
pass and bribery and corruption and
fraud and flagrant - violations of law that
so alarmingly and extensively abound.
And upon whom, we ask, rests the re
sponsibility of all this? We maY Strive
to' throw it upon our rulers, but God will
hold.every man responsible, who,lends
a helping hand to place such men in
power. There are, alas, too many men,
moral men, nay christian men, who under
party drill and party influence vote for
corrupt and vicious men, knowing them
to be such. It is a maxim in morals as
well as in law that what a man does by
another he does himself, and if a man
yelps to elevate to oilices of responsibil
ity and trust notoriously incompetent
and unworthy men he is justly chwable
with a share of all the mischief and guilt
caused' by such rulers—such may mourn
over the corruption Of the times and the
degeneracy of our public men and talk
of the need- of reform, but the work of
reform must begin with them, for their I
nobles are of themselves and their gov
ernor proceeds from the midst of-them,
K. ill. And then-what mighty interests,
effecting not only us, but ours, not only
ours, but that of this'iand, and other
lands for ages to eome it may stand con=
nected with those placed in' authority,
by our suffrages.
We are entering confessedly on stormy
times, men driven on by fierce passion
and blind, mad infatuation at both' ends
of the Union, are toilingmight and main
at their fiendish work of dismemberment.
Fools in the madness .of their are
heaving at the pillars of our great na
tional temple. -Shall-the-good, the pm=
dent, the wise of every party and every
section standby and calmly look on at
this work of deitruction when they hold
the restraining power? It is time, high
time that every lover of his country, and
of his race should rise -in their majesty
and strength, and hurl such mien from
their.-place, and power. By the men of hand then I will go to the left.• .• : • every man to 'the highest nobility Of
, ,
the present generation is the great ques-i If a boy .is determined to run away earth. ,It would "elevate every fallen,
tion•to be settled, whether there can be from home. inspite of all entreaty and sunken man. It vrould* take him from
maintained in.the midst of us artenlight: remonstrance of parents and members of the tombs and chides, like Christ took
coed and tender moral sense to keep tis the family, if his remaining should cause , the demonises of, Gadara • and restore
a virtuous, free and united people in • the bickering and contention and angry feel- them to their right mind, to theinhome,
face of all these assaults upon the peace ing, then wauld" those parents . wisely to their gr. friends to society, to usefulness.
and integrity of the nation. forgo their authority mid power and say I It. would break ,the fetter , from. every
Ps By the honest men, by the moral men,: to him, go and prosper, trusting that .in ' slave of despbtism and passion -and lust
by the christian men of this land is the doe time be-wOnld see his folly and come and elevate them to the dignity_of Sons
great problem to be solved, whether this back and prove himself a &fad and use: of God. ~ ,
noble birth - - - right o r o,e fe shall be contin ful atenibeFof that family ;it was a sad - Righteousness would. stretch: cordon
ued unto us and We headed down—oar day for that younger son when he felt of strength 'arbund this great nation and
richest and most vn,l,ued legacy to, those that the restraints orliorne were oppres- around 'every home mightier, stronger,
, ,
coming after us, or, whether Rsan like , sive and he - resolved to go forth free and more enduring than all the frowning,
us shall tarter it away - --for that
,which unfettered, an independent yoUng.inah. bristling fortifications that thespower or
in the end will cause bitter though nen - But alas fer.all,hlibright anticipations, 'wealth of the nation could . ere'ct? ''Give
veiling repentance.
of thip,vast his new independence ran him very soon to this nation—and by this we ml4ll give
territory filled up with a population, of into. the most degrading servitude,_ and 'to its people, to,. individuals ,rightaius
so many millions, speaking the same'lan- the wisest step he could take was to return mess and you would give to iti-nri eleya-,
goalie, governed liy the same laWs and to that home ; that. he had•left•- The, fa- tion and permanency such as,statesmen
brbught in contact by arts and science ther acted widely in letting him go when or political men-never' dreamed of. ,
and commerce with every part bf the all remonstrance, and counsel and warn- 'ltis a glorious birthright. -given to
globe, sending her ships and seamen and ing.a , s lost upon him.-; He did not want each man here and - for whickyOugbt to
presses and' books over all seas and to a foNed,,constrained service.• And so, he show his thanirfalness by bewiangbim
every continent and port and city on the divided withlaw his living." - . self a righteous man. Thegrighteousness
wide, world and .whci „owl-measure the' 2., We y mity learn the duty of praying of each secure this'Land 20'de - eh
extent and power •of ; that influence for for our rulers. No class of men need man is honored with e4iiiiniSsion no
good or evil that is , to, bp the result:— more than they the prayers of chriatiani. less than thatorliPlPiriela exalt t and
And on the other hand who can measure ' Efeace the apostle says,."l-exliertPst save this nation and thronghit-the world.
the folly, the".:madness of a peci ) le of all 'that - supplications, prayers, inter- This' eing so, it is cleaethat' we thortld
who, will stand quietly 14 and see the cessions-and giving of thanks, be Made - 'work put' - our greet
.li-Areete in the
Men of their own'election bring such for all men, for kings, and fol.all.thatare hands of religions rheMiad by Vila we
a calarriity upon them, upon the nation, in authority, that we may lead quiet and' d'o net mean' of any .partitinlarsect, but
upon the world.., •' ' ' .' . peaceable Wives in all kcidlitiess‘arid hull 'men whcr fear God and 'keep his nom.
- .And now what lessons may be gather- esty. •. ' . mai:Mini:tuts: - ' -4 '''
ed from all this 7 ' ' A.. Who, we ask can carry {us safely - 4.•OurthanksgiVing r a6ddiAV*lis
1. And the first is, that they who are 'through:the storm but 'God Ihe .has the with a ceeerful, merry . lbeihi.l l4 .fghtlo
laboring, working to tear down this great heat:ti of iaiers in his hand. ' Whillst them shall, proceed thaningising
„, , all' . .. ,
political national fabric, know not, what 1 ;ea are crowding the sail and thus ; voice of them that mi%ket ma
they do, in their blindness,, infatuation, are driving the ship on with appalling," would baa,great, ettOiment,, , fi
may it be said of than' as .it was said of eWiftnees among the breakers, we can 'selves and a grit means...
those maddeue - d, bigoted rulers who only'turaaWaY and - loOk to hini wholes others, if the deciples of AA*
stood around the cross of their King and pov•ter,ovet the storm,and who can give . day could let the hope and .
ikregiial; shouting crucify him, crucify to our, Senators wisdom and prudence in which cheers their hearts .gthili
him,--".77/ey know not what they do." this the time of our, peril. ,He has car- faces also. "A mew - beart"4, a
There . are evils in every` State and rieli o ns ,- through threatening dangers jai like a medicine 'but a toreken
government in our world; in the govern- ; times gone by. We can, with confidence 1 eth the bonen," . ,
merit of the , family there ,:are evils Mei- nc l iv implore him fortielp, - lay-zimploring I
. There is-bedliiiklike &Cheat) that government, yet who would an to'guide Mad bless orirililere. '''' ' I hearto , and. 'Anneal' hethersati
have it overturned. ith the.expeetatioa -, theie- is hanging a large and beautiful storinttlielionaOf botlyiketiftm
that a better would be or could be, re ! I pietiire in the Rotuncheoritietkpitil `at i l;both have been overdone' The
constructed on its ruins. d e,
In ate government of 'the eiatiigan
church there are evils incident to its or
ganization, which , no sane man would
hope to remove by the destruction Of the
church. , This.governmentis not a per
fect one, there are evils connected with
it •incident to all human institrttious,
and there are evils that,by . a wise and
prudent policy,would disappear, but what
assurance have we,,or can , we have that
if this government were sundered, broken
up, we should get.s better , one instead.
The men who framed lt were.rnen of sin
gular, wisdom and prudence. Have we
such men,new ? Men like Washington,
Franklin, Henry, Efamilton, Greene,
Morris, Lee, Carroll and a host of other
giants in those days—would we get rid
of our present . evils ? or rather is there
not ground to fear, nay amoral certainty
that far "greater "one's would be entailed
upon us. • '
Besides we . have •th'& remedy for all
our national' eVils in our hands. " Our
nobles are of ourselves and our governor
is of our own choice ; 'we choose the
men who make or repeal our laws—time
and patience and forbeirance and faith
will do much. In the'mean time let es
hope and pray that better' counsels will
prevail—that present evils will be pa=
tiently borne until they can be removed
or remedied by lawful,' constitutional
means-.fall remedies for national evils
fancied. or real we think = that rewleed
upon by a sister State as the most hope=
less, bhe most- to be deprecated ; we
doubt not that it will be 'a sad day for
her-when in her frenzy she shall go forth
to seek other alliances and confederates,
yet we are free to say, that much as the
act is to be deplered—sad and disaster
ous as may be the influence on sister
States or on the nation, we would 'not
have the government
,exercrse her right
and power to ,res,rein,her • against her
protest and her will. -
, . •
Better;far better be apart, seperate•
than that there should be angry strifes
and contentions and bitier feuds and an.
imosities, terminating it may be in civ
ildiseordsand bloodshad and desolation,
the extent and end of which no one
, •
could predict . " The beginning of strife,
says the , wise man, is like the letting out
of waters. Therefore beire of conten
tion he says before it be meddled with a
wise precaution surely. We would say, in
the lan.uage of the good and, wise old
patriarch to his kiedred Lot "Let
there be no strife pray thee between
me and thee for we be brethren. Is
not the whole land, before thee. Sepa
rate thyself I pray thee frotwme, if thou
wilt take the left hand then I will •go to
the right; or if thou depart-to the.right_
Ternas, C:kaae 3Dolla - r a "Year_
4 1 •
Washington. Ittis a representation of
our forefathers l'eatring their native land
to come over to these Western shores, on
i that proud old vessel that was soon to
bear them away ; they are represented
to as-be engaged in prayer; parents and
children together, while tkiat old minister
whose name is a household word familiar
to every child almost, is offering up their
heartsdevotion onto God; in their midst
lies an open Bible open Where the New
Testament begins. Oa the4iddi3 of the pie.
tura the artist represents the rain bow of
promise, their guide over the waters.—
They trusted their noble ship to his
guidance add relied upon' the promises
of his word and were carried safely over
*- , -never, never can the Storms Whelm our
noble ship, with its priceless 'freight so
long as that epen Bible is our chart tied
guide and the wise and - good who have
embarked their all of earthly wealth still
hope, ask the counsel and help of the
God of their fathers. The bow of pir&
° O
ise rests even now on those dark,, rid
clouds, and they will retreat and Scatter
till all is again clear—if only men by
their' faith and prayers •• will ' call down
the blessing of God upon their: rulers.
)(41. nt
But if the worst should coe'and
judgements should befall us, we will hope
to come out of• the trivia stronger 'and
better nation,
It may be that God'intends to punish
tie in the line of our offences,- I have no
time or heart to dwell upon oar national
sins, our ingratitude as a nition, our
pride, , our covetousness,. site Sabbath
breaking, our fraud ' ' , oar injustice, our
oppression of the defencelese Indian and
slave, our practical atheism. 'We 'have
been boasting of oar manifest' 6.stiny.—
We have Ahab-like cast covetuons eyes
Upon the little vineyard of some neigh
boring Nehothito'annei it letiiiinenits
Or foul to our already vast posiessions,
and it may be that God-will sniter plede
after piece to be 'broker' Off'that-we may
be cured of our , Pride and repent of our
"If my people which are called by my
name shall humble themselves and,pray
and seek my face and tern , ,ppm
wickedness then will I hear from heayea
and will forgive their sin and 414 Beal
their land." Righteousness, alone .can
save and exalt this nation. Sin will
prove its reproach ruitrnin. What if
every man were a righteotts, pion like
Wilberforce or Howard:—would there be
trjail, or court house, or alnishcirise, Or
house of refuge in the land r wonldthere
be found it den'ef driinet Would there be
an oppressor, a' robber ?lei fraud Or in.
injustice? A
• Righteousness exalts the Man, Makes
him a better- citizen. It would ''eleVate
NO. 22.