DR. G. W. WORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, AIKET SIREET, ADJOINING CASSZL 9 B STORE ~,,... MARIETTA, PA. . OFFERS his professional services to the public and will be happy to waken all who 4.--_=..... may patronize him. „Aentistry in all isoi a --- ,,.. its branches carried on. Tzraw inserted on, the most ap proved principles of Dental science. All oper ations on the mouth performed i n a skillful and workmanlike manner — on far principles and reasonable terms. Having:i, determined upon a permanent location in ths borough, at the old stand, would ask a con, ante of the liberal patronage heretofore e ded to him ; having studied under a cerebra* graduate of the Philadelphia College of De Dent al Surgeons, feels confident to be able to,ren satisfaction in all branches of the professr . Refers to Dr. R. L. Mcgella ; D. D. S. it Dr. !LW DinlaPlD. D. S. P. Hinkle, M. D. .1. H. Grove, M. D. ' . Smith •litindr, M. D. fl Ether adniiniste . to proper persons. Ai , GABLE, MA ' Maso rr, near th . Town Hall, 'etta, Ps. 1 undersigned ' a g made arragements with a V erm on t , rble Quarry to get his stock direct Will - ''' abled to do all kindS of work in his ilii ry reasonable rates. fie will keep con on hand, or made to order at short I , all kinds of Mantles, I , aments, Enelosu Grave Stones Door'- Window Sills, Steps and everything is line of business manu factured of the . , . est Italian and American marbles, which .he, will sell at such prices as cannot fail to render satisfaction, and only asks a fair trial of the public before purchasing else 'Where. -;,",, Letter Cutting °fall kinds done, at the short fla notice and on t4 . most reasonable terms. Nods the 21trupsip buy Very Cheap at THE WALNUT SALL CLOTHING STORE, Marktitilltreet, Marietta, Pa. • vrILLEIiAr. SNYDER having just received 111,s,largeassortinent of all kinds of new and ,P ashionable Clothing, 41iili Gentlemen's Furnishing. Goods gene ly, all of which they will sell at prices to he times. Walnut Hall can now offer the; est and test assortment of • .4: READY-MADE CLOTHING this . of Philadelphia, and being thankful for p avors from our numerous friends and custom • would respectfully ask a continua tion o he sable. All` nil, of clothing manufactured in any styleired—faahlonable or plain. Ittnditthetating dens at short notice. SAMUEL' D. MILLER, ' April; SNYDER, 1880. JOHN, BELL, Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-at., and Elbow Lane, Marietta (1 ItATF.FUL for;put favors I would return kXmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and infOrti them that I still continue the old business 1 the old stand, where I will be pleased to` ' bem at all times ' and having a full and sp ' did assortment of ei j k CLOT AT , ,CASSIME/LE# L VENTING% which ernade • up to order at the shortest nonceb best of warkmen, and on reasona ble ter bie, ould be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my °lt customers and all who see'proper to , pattenittrime hereafter. [ 0ct.29-'56. • H. L.lc E. J. ZA.HM ESPECITULLY inform their • ilalfriends and the publie•that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK 1 Arm JEWELRY business at the old stand,- North-west , Corner of North queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa A full assortment of goods id our line of bust nen ainqs an hand and for sale at the lowest cosh rates. : , Ir - Repairing attended to personally by the proprietors. HA RV L. ZAHN.] 1 - 71-7 , OO ! • imuics . ! ! AND , S .T A T lONARY VERT DIIEAP AT DR. HINKLE'S. K. F. R 4 N KLS .having just returned 'from• Philadelphia where he selected a v t) , fine assortment of all kinds of MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS, to which L he would respectfully invite the atten tion of School Directors, Teachers, Parents, lieholara andrill others is want of any kind of BOQICS, Magazines, Mammoth Weeklies, the Dailies, Stationary, of every , kind and price, and in foot everything in the ~, • Book and Stationary line. ' . A nice, collection of Music on hand and a : catalogue of, all the Music publisheo from which selections can be made and ordered. Jtmything in his line not on hand will be or di ed and olteinectin a few days. nrAgEs i• ATTORNEY AT.LAW, No, 207 Sours SIXTH STUB= [ ' DELON?' WILEUT PHILADELPIHA, ilictionaproiiiptiv attended to.. iUSt,RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec tiemit and *axle* Store, in Market-st., a ne atiO inent of children's' gigs,, baskets ri Wagons,' erninbulators, - wheelbarrows, toys wagons, candidates flags, drums, rocking horses, Scc e , i iit Anderson's. FRES HOME GROITINTD SPICES AT ANDERSO'? ! Attentimi Butchers and /loalkeepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con tinue to keep a' constant supply of Ground Pep per. Ground Corriander, glut Sweet Marjoram. I.4IIMBER YARD. J. GROSH & SON, Lein/ter Dealers. ard at the Eastern part of Matietta. itlrPlease call attheit office, adjoining the retiLkt.iiroaT brick house at the CANAL UPERIOIt COAL OIL. Just received at 0 Dr. , Einkle's Drug Store, a very superior article of Iferosene, or Coal Oil, which is war anted pure; and is as clear and transparent as urning fluid.land free from smoke or smell. rLAVO 0' ' ING EXTRACTS: Vanilla . Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond 4 Rose,Lemon, Jost received MO for sde at Grove lf Roth's. 1,.. :-"IARGE-iteportroent of Fancy . Baskettiof o, i kinds,sife and description, just receiv -4' and for sale at :reasonable prices at , J. M. Anderson's. ItTABLE. ht PS. A new and most convenient and perfectly tilde lamp, called the "Portable Coal Oil Lamp," far sale cheap a 4 Grove 4r liotkle Drug Store. T , . ,i st, HE IA and beet assortment of Fancy Cloth & ' metes and vesting ever offered in this inarke d will be sold at priceswhich defy competit4 yJ. R. DO:Oath. NINES & plated. ameled boon good! generallii' • R. Britarnisk and Slyer -5,0189. ,COPPer, Plain and ewes, ,anct, ffoxiarkeeping Station 4 Co. E sit oftier Table Wines, to be pure, sail sold as low as Philadelphia or New-York. BENJAMIN & CO. einIMPA guarran can be bo QT. ROIX AND, NEW FIVGLAD RUM culinary purposes, warranted genuine at Ij 710. 'lkVentin Clea. kii ili ,,,ftetl" and Sleigh BLANKETSof various litlles and it Much loiter pikes than the se strode' were sold last fall: Spaagiel. 4* Paterson. IrESH SUPPLY of Candies, Nuts, Raisins Lemons and' Apitletr justreceiving at Jas. . oderson,s. CHOOL BOOkS 'of all kinds, ver?cheap at Grove Roth's, Market-et. Geo. Z. allackley, 11111inliioRable ifafi ana Eap MANUFACTURER, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. RAVING purchased of Mr. Crull the stock good will, and fixtures of this well known ' establishment', I hereby inform my numerous friends, and the public generally that 1 am pre pared to, supply their wants in the HAT AND CAP line at all times with promptness, and at as reasonable rates as any establishment in the Union. Having had 5 years experience as a practical hatter, and tieing in the receipt of the latest "Reports of Fashions, " and havingfa cilities for obtaining.goods di rect from the Mast in 48 hours; by strict attention to business and a desire to please, I hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. P. S.—Having disposed of my establishment to. George L. Mackley, I thee/fully recom mend him to the favorable notice of all who desire a °comfortable covering/or& head." In retiring from business I extend my un feigned thanks to my Viands for the patronage so liberally bestowed to me and hope the same may be extended to my worthy successor. JOHN CRULL. Martell% August 28, 1858. NEW DRUG STORE,' MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. ir t ß. J. H. GROVE and Hammon 111 RoTH having formed, a corportuer ship for the purpose of conductiug the . DRUG 4- P.EREU.WERY 4110-‘,ZI busines4 under the firm of GROVE AND ROTH, hereby announce to the citizens, of Marietta and vicinity that they have just completed their purchases, which they they now offer for sale, being a complete , asssertment of ~ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass,. Whitelead Brushes of all kind', and everything usually kept by druggists •and apothecaries. An assortment of all kind of LAMPS, for burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selecfed kit ` of' all kinds of STA TIONARY, i:nveloPeis, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades acd at all prices. . Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth, Washes and an endless,Variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. [Jan 5.:354y SADDLElliAnlings '&gis Trunk Manufactory, Between Spangler df Patterson's Store. and Wolfe's Notion House, Market Street: - wrQ U. L D most respectfully inform the publie that he continues the above buirr nese in all its branches. Anything not on hand will be manufactured at short notice and warranted.to give satisfaction in workmanship and price. Ile will always endeavor to keep on hand an assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Wagon, Carriage and Riding Whips, Fly-nets, Hone Cocas, Collars, Trunks, Valieces, Carpet Bags and in fact everything in his line of business, all of which will be of the best material and workmanship, and at prices in keeping with the times. Come and see. REPAIRING NEATLY AND CHEAPLY DONE. Marietta, August 25, 1860. •[ j u 11 '56 . To Persons Out of rriployment. . AGENTS WANTED, In every County of the United Stales -. 0 ----.. . o engage in the sale of some of the best and r most elegantlyillustrated Works published. y ur publications are of the most, interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are published in the beet style and bound in the most sub stantial manner, and are worthy a place in the Library of every Household in the Land. To men of enterprise and industrious habits, this business offers an opportunity for,profit able employment seldom to be met with. ll Persons desiring to act as agents will re ceive promptly by mail lull particular's, terms, &c., by addressing LEARY,_GETZ & Co., Publisher*. No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia. [Bing: J. ZAHM TOBACCO, Mit & SNUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that he still continues, at the o stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Kepi Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale; all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in pricei fro& $6, 47 $2O to IliBo per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, Ari derson's beat Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES HALF SPANISH. Rappee Snuff - and all kinds Fine-cut Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fancy Pipes, Cigar . Tubes, iVc. [jan.3o,'sB. C) O M E TO ANDERSON'S where will be k) found the 'largest and beet assortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, Toys & Fancy Articles ever offered in this place consisting in part of New RaiEdni,Cranberries,Lurrants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Iceland Moss Paste, Gum Drops,Hour hound & Flaxseed'Cough Candy, Cough Drops, Pepper Candy. Preserved Fruit Gum Fruit, Fig Paste ' Oriental Pressed Figs, Cream Bonbons, Jolly Lumps, Fine Vanilla Almonds, Cream Strawberries, Jujube Paste, Rock Candy, Wis tat's Cough Candy, Walnut - Candy, Maple, Strawberry and Gum Taffy, Fruit Candy and candies of every quality' and price. Dates, Almonds, Apples, Citron, Cranberries, Lemons, Mince Meat. Sugar l'oys, Cocoa Nuts, Frerich Waliants,llltiel-and Peanntai`WaterfSugar,Fa rine, Soda, Fennel and -ButtersCrackers Tea Blicuit and Jumbles. 113'"Wciodeir, Tin, Lead, China and Paper Toys, Dolls of everymiae and' material Black' and White. Animals of every description Tea setts , Furnitu" - re'Setts, Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Gititars, , Drubs, &c., &c., &c., &c. Velocipedes,Hobby Horses; Wheel Barrows , Sleihs, ildren'a Gigs; &c. For sale at ' • - J. M. ANDERSON'S, Market-st., TAMES M. ANDERSON'. respectfully "an t! flounces Vs the citizens of Marietta and vi .mnity, that he has just received direct from the eastern markets one of the largest and beat as sorted stocks of Confkctiohary ever offered:in this borough, consisting of Candies, Foreign Fruits, and Nuts, 'Toys, and Noliday Presents in endless variety. Come and see and be con vinced of the, fine assortment and the low pri ces at which everything WhilTirie'iiselling. or)3IETRNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of CoCoa-nut Oil, "&c., foldressit the Hair. efficacy and agreeableness; it U without an opal. It preyents the hair from'ftilling off. It promotes its healthy and vigeronagrow,th. It is not grensy or sticky'. * It leaves no disa . greeable odor. . It softens the. hair when hard and dry. , It soothes the irritated scalp, skin. It'affords the richest lustre.' ' It remains longestin effect. For saleret u GRQVE & ROTH'S. Drug it Peifirmery &Ore, Market strut.. T A I lES AND 'GENTS Anderson hatAnst [A received an elegant assortment of Petru awry, .c.onnistiog of Tcdliet Soap!, Hair Ws, Extracts and Colognes at prices much beiow be usual rates, also some very handsome Canes or gentlemen, Portmonies, &c. r i t GOODWIN'S & SRO's. Plantation fine r 4 . cut Chewing Tobacco. The best in the world. For salcat WOLFE'S, cea'liASE'S CONCENITED-L-Y E, su perior to, any now in . f, can be hid at the p — gtore of I:oiffenb . • 1. POUNDS e York County `Buckwheat flou by the hundred or single pound. For sale at WOLFE'S. c-Af --- faTHE WEEKLY MARIETTIA.N. S. L. DELLINGER JACOB A WISNER'S DR. MOTT' S ei*beAte iiestoiltifre, l'iiis of ihm. AN aperient and Stomachic preparation of Iron purified of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron cau be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz : in Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, .Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrheas Dys entery, Incipient Consumption, Sc;ofib ions Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum, 3fismenstruation, Chlorosis, Whites, Live Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, In termittent Fe vers, Pim ples on the • face, to. In cases of General Debility, whether the re sult of acute disease, or of the continued dim inution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved 'successful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would rend er credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own 'neighbor hoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as ifjust returnedirom protracted travel in a distant land. Scime very signal instances of this'kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sane guineous' exhaustion, crittical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspepti aversion 'to air and exercise for which the phy sician has no name. •- In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men; the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vieo rously tonic, without being exciting and over heating; and gently, regularly aperient, even n the Most obstinate:cases of costiveness with out ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also. aupears to exert a distinct and specific actin by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. Is Ds spepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, including the attendent Costiveness. - In unchecked Diserha , a, even "when ad vanced to Dysentaiv r confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the. effects have been equally decisive and. astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remitten ' hectic, which generally-indicate Incipient Cos.sumptr .this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in teresting instances.. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their-well known lia bilities. The attention of femalei cannot be tno con fidently invited to this. remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly affecting them. In itheumati.fm, both chronic and illfitiMMfi tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly— it has been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the - joints and muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be &great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in'the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and use fulness. ' No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy; and' fully restorative effects.— Good appotite, complete digestion, rapidacqui ;titian of strength, with an unueual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box; , for sale by druggists and dealers: Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All let ters, orders, etc., should be addressed to ' R. S. LOCKE &. - CO., General Agents, 20 Cedar-st.,P. Y. NEW GOODS. SPANGLER & PATTERSON, No. 64 Market-st., Marietta, Pa. ARE now supplied with a general ASSORTMENT OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, and everything desirable in their line. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Superior 'Silk Velvet, Grenadine and Woolen Vestings French Silk-mixed Doeskin and • Plain 6assimeres, Cloths of all grades, for Coats, Over-coats and Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk and' otton Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Wool ana cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, • Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls, Cricket Janke ts , youth's and men's Cap and Soft Hats. LADIES DEPARTMENT.' Black Bayadare and Fancy '-Plaid Silks, Figured and plain Merinoes, in all colors; • French Wool DeLames, in beautiful designs, Manchester and Pacific Citsnmeres and De Laines, Rep Nepolitans; Mourning Thibit Cloths, Coburg"; Bonibazines, Alpacas, Lievellas; English and American 4-4 Chintz, Gingham', Bogue. Atte other new 'style 'Prints,' Rich Plaids and neat fig'd Merinosior misses. • SHAWLS. Stella and Merino bordered, Bonella, Ombray Jacquard, superior Gay and Plain 4 and 8 Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety of Children'S Shawls; Opera -Caps, Zephyr shawls and. Capes. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! Cloth Talmas and Dusters, several • styles of both,.for claoks and talmal, Sacking and Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk ' Gloviannd Ganntletts, Einbroidered Sleeves, • and-collars, Chenele, Braid an •1 Bead • Head `'Nets; DiamonB'Roflliog of ill width's all of the' , new styles of dress trimtning, Split' Ze phyr.' Shetland Wool, Crochet Briid, &c., &c. HOUSE FURNISH7II'G GOODS. White and Grey linen and cotton table cloths, Cotton 'Diaper and crash, Toweling, Sheeting, Checks and Ticking, Cradle, Crib and Bed Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, lbirßali Covers, 'Etabossed labia Covers , 4,6 and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, Prime Live picked_ Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces of Carpet in various, qualities, from common to medium and 'Extra - Three Plp ' DECORATIVE PAPER. As full an assortment'as - can be found in the county, of the thniciat Glazed and com mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers, Haas, Offices, &c.,with PannelColumns& Borders. aGROCERIES. - Best Refined 'White and Brown Sugars; Choice•Gieenand Black Teas; _extra Fine Orleane Molasses; Lovering and other-Syrups; Rio, Satre' and Laguira CUTEES; Farina; 'Tapioca and Com'Starch ; Spilt Teas; Soup Beans; Cheese; Rice , and Spices ; new - Dned Peaches and 'Apples ; Mackerel -l Shad and Herring, all of Which have been bought FOR CASH . , and will ,be sold at a very small advance on cdst prices. Ccdl and make your purchases or send in your or den, early. Lr UPERIOR COAL 01L-25 cents a. quart la at GAOYE, k GOTH'S. VRENCE MUSTARD id pots at 1 WOLFrg, TATIONARY—the largest assortment in 0' town at Grove & Roth's. B OHLEN'S long celebrated GIN, BENJAMIN 4- CO. 'IVT EW FIGS, Rabbit; 'and Currants, st Jas. M. Anderson's, Market-st. YOTT'S 'Hanging and Side Lamps, .1 . 1 For Sate al' GROVE 4r ROTIPS. CONSTANTLY on hand, Monongahela ree tilled Whiskey. Benjamin 41- Co. si-esJL „gall ct fir inte_s Ba ds, JUST RECEIVED BY DIFFENBACH, No. 61 MARKET STREET, MARIETT.S, PA. IS now placing on his shelves and ready for examination and sale, the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered in this borough, to which he now invites the attention of the public. New Styles Dress Goods, Superior makes of Silks A large assortment of Calicos Extra quality Muslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels. Purchasers are invited to examine one stock, as we are confident , ve can show them the best styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock of domestic goods. Satinetts ,and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin. Delaines, Calicos and Gloghams, Drillings, Sheetings and Checks, Pant Stuff; Hickory and Tickings, Best makes of Canton Flannels, Splendid Calicos for six cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents, Plain and Figured tains, 12 cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents. ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Wall and Window Paper, Tiansparent Blinds. Glass, Queensursire and Cedatware. Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, fix. it.3 - Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon. All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail la- A LARGE STOOK OF. CHEAP GROCERIES• Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given for Country produce. J. R. DIFFENBACH. , WINES & LIQUORS. H. D. BENJAMIN, Wine Liquor Dealer, Picot Building, Front Street, Marietta, Pa. • • BEGS leave to- inform-the public that he will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. lie will constantly kfiepiin Mind all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish. and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, BJc., `Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE- WHIS KEY always on hand. A very, surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. la-`All H. D. B. now asks" of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will; 'he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad- Vataage tp make their purchase?' from 1 im. 'lron Masters look to your Interests! THE IMPROVED BLACK HAWK ' CAST mow ORE, WASHER, . MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY CO BRYAN :4z HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pd. The Undersigned will constantly keep on hand and make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the best in-the Uni ted States! They. mill warrant their machines to run lighter, last longer and wash.ck aner and with less water than•any other machine now in. use. • They can-be easily put together on-the bank.. All orders addressed to - either of the undersigned will meet with prompt attention. Er.: They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and State Rights. BERNARD O'BRYAN. -SAMUEL 110PKINS. • October.l3, 1860. v7-no.l Iy JOHN A. SHULTZ • The Peoples Hal and Cap Slore. , . • SHULTZ & BRO., NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA., PRACTICAL MA 'ITEMS, Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HATS AND CAPS. "UTE have now in store a splendid assort ment of Hats and Caps of all of the new est Fall and Winter Styles. Silk Hats in all shapes and qualities. A first rate new style of Silk Hats for $3.00. A full assortment of Cassimere Hats, &R and winter style Caps in endless variety. A splen did assortment of UNION AND PRINCE OF WALES HATS, In various colors, the latest out, and all the other styles of Soft hats now worn, from .the finest to the cheapest qualities . We return our thanks to a liberal public, and trust . by a.strict attention to business and fair dealing to all, to merit a continuance of their patronage. Hats and Caps to suit all, and at prices to suit the 'imes. Goods sold to dealers at a *al advance for cash. Shipping Furs bought and the highest price paid, in cash. , , _ . BGRHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOB DTSPZPSIA s DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, Ali the urine affection merest epos s disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such aa Indigestion; Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Paine, Heartburn, Low of Appetite, - Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Ner vous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affectiona, it has in numerous instances Moved highly beneficial, and in °there effected a decided cure. This is a primly vegetable compound, prepared on eteictly ecbuttiffc principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Ikerhave. Its reputation at home produced its introduCtion here, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face ofthis mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition atits value. it is now offered to the American public, kiipt cling that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues 'smut be acknowiesked. If is particoluly recommended to those persons whose, constitutions may have been impaired by the 4xintimious use of ardent spirits, or other forme of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling andquick eningevery nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in hot, infming, new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be 'disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low sptrite4 it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos. awned of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated licarhave'a.Hol land Sitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dolma per bottle, or six bottles for Pme DOLLARS. The great demand for thin truly cele brated Medicine has lnduoed many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Sir-Beware of Imposition. Bee that our name is on the label of every bottle buy. 'Bold hi' Druggists generally . . It can be for. warded by Express to moat ports. BOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MANUFACTIIPIO Fitarmactutists and tlibeinists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale at GROVE 4r R THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. YOUiiii eNiiTjls jo mi ifs *Aches. BY MISS ELIZA ACTON, Carefully Revised by Mrs. S. J. Sale. It Tells You How to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most ap proved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. It Tells You Alt the various and most 'ap proved modes of dressing, cook ing, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dtes sings, Gravies, and Stuffings ap propriate to each. It Tells You How to choose, clean, and pre serve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also all the various and most ap proved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces,' and Flavorings appropriate to' each. , 4 It Tells You All the various and most ap proved 'Modes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat,. Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegeta,. ble Soups, Broths, and Stews,, with the Relishes and Season ings appropriate to each. It Tells You All the various and most ap proved modes of cooking Vege tables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsup's and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game,Mushroons, &c. It Tells You' All the .various and. most ap .proved modes of preparing' and cooking all kinds of Plain and FancY Pestfy; Puddinge, Ome lettes, Fritters., Cakes ? Colffec-- tionery, Preserves, Jelliee, and - Sweet Dishes of every descrip tion. It Tells You All the various 'and told proved modes Of Makinglitbad, Rusks; Muffins.. and Biscuit, the best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and bovr to make Syrups, Cordials, and . Wines of various kinds. It Tells You How to set out and ornament a, Table, how to garve all kinds • of Fish, Flesh. oir Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art_of Cooking as to bring the hoicest tummies of the table within everybody's reach The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the results of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal superintendence of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated With ap propriate engravings, and Will be forwarded tb any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, ex tra, $1.25. t$ 1.000 A YEAR can ba by enterprising men every where, in selling the above woi k, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For,sincle copies of the Book, or for termxto agents with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, PUBLISHER, No. 617 *lsom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 1,-6m.] D R. ESENWEIN'S TAR & WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL! IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF HENRY A. SHULTZ Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Dif6culty in Breathing, Palpitation of The !lead, Diptheria, and for The relief of patients IN THE ADVANCED STAGES OF CONSUMPTION, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being; prepared by a.practical phys ician and druggist; arid one of great experience in the cure of the various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered the afflicted with the great est confidence. TRY IT and be convinced-that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial-affec tions. 11: PRICE FIFTY'CENTS PER BOTTLE. Prepared only b,Y Dn. A. ESENWF.I.N Br, DRUGGISTS AND CIIENISTS, N. W. cur. 9th 17. Poplar Streets, Philddelphie: 113- Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throlighout the State. April 7, 1860-Iy. ' SS. RATH NVO . [SUCCESSOR TO P. J. 11RAMPII.] • Merchant Tailor, Draper and Clothier, Corner of North Queen and. Orange Streets, LANCASTER, PA. A PAILS himself of this opportunity of an nouncing - to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen eral, that he has taken theoldstandnf the late F. J. Kmmph, where he has been employed for , the last ten years, and intends continuing the. Merebant Tailoring Clething business in all liits, various branches, and hopes that a course of strict fidelity t'o his patrons may merit a , reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a complete Stock of Clothing and Gentlemeni Punishing Goods, He will Constantly endeavor ; to provide a:good assortment of French. German and American Cloths, Cussitneres and Vesting's, which will be promptlymide to order in a sub stantial and fashionable manner, or according to such styles as to his patrons may . be inost desirable. The Foreign and Amencan all and Winter Fashions received, in addition to the monthly reports which come to, hand regu larly throughout the year. The agency for the order on sale of James W. Scott's (formerly Wificilester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still continued and properly attended to. S. S. R. would be doing violence to hisovin feelings and to the just, deserts of his friendsin Marietta, were he here to omit returning his sincere thanks for the many acts 'of hiudness they have extended toviards him during a long series of years, and hope's' his future efforts may not render him unworthy a continuance of the same. [v'7-I Y HE undersigned 'having leased the above named old established Ferry and Hotel, in T - Reliant' Township, York county, opposite the borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to entertain the public at his bar and table With the best the market affords. He would very respectfully inform the traveling public that having obtained • FIRST CLASS FERRY BOATS, and efficient - ferrymen, and is now fully prepa red to accommodate persons wishing to cross the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL. October 1; 1849. ly ATTENTION ! Housekeepers. Anderson has just received Apples, Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Dates, Pruens, Citron, Rasins, Cur rants, &c., &c., Fresh and fine—cheap, and chcaper than the cheapest at Anderson's. COAL OIL LAMPS: Just received a new and large assortment of new-style Coal Oil Lamps—superior to anything now in use, and cheaper than they can be bought in town. GROVE ROTH. 111 . .. AMPS! LAMPS! SHADES, &C. The "l undersigned has received another lot of uid and Coal Oil . Lamps, and Lamp Shades of every variety and price. Call and see them at Dr Hinkle's Drug Store. EGARS and ChelVing Tobacco. A large )0 and good variety at J. M; Afidersin's. ; ; ; THE GLATZ FERRY FORMERLY KEESEY'S Co* Ski* on tno horse. The Horse and His Diseases: BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of Pathology tr Operative Surgery in the Veterinary College of Philiaetatia, etc. Well Tell You Of the Origin; History and dis tinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, with the physical formation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engra ving& THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Of Breeding, Breaking, Sta bling, Feeding, .6-rooming, Shoeing, andlliegeneral man ' agement ofthrhosse,.with the best modes of administering medicine, also, hew to treat ReatingkShy rug, Stumbliog, Crib Biting, R&t: liminess, and .other vices to which he iris:Ned ; with with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Of the causes, sptoms, and Treatment of S t rangles, Sore Throat; Distemper,Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchiis, Pneu mon*, Pleurisy,Broken Wind Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling, Lamina, Ulcers, and Sore. Mouth, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseaSes of the Month • and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND DISEASES Will Tell You Of the cantles; symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Colic, Bots; Strangulation; Ruptures, Stony Concretions, ,Palsy, Di ,arrhors, Jaundice, ,Hripatir- Litres, Rloody Urine, - Stones in the Kidneys and. Medd eri In flammation, and other diseases of the StOmach, Reveals, 1W and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES . Will Tell You Of the causes, symPtoini, and Treatment of Bone, Broad and Bog, Spavin, Bweenie, Strains, Ring-Bone, Broken Knees, Wind: Galls, - Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thresh, and Corns; also, of Megrims,. Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of the Feet, Fags, and Head. THE HORSE AND. BLS. DISEASES Will Tell You Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula. Poll Evil,. Fever , G ;dange, landirs, S F ur a f tc ei t, iack Searl ed et Jaw, Rheumatiem, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Nye and Heart, Sic. &c., and how to manage ; Clunration, Bleeding, Trephinnl*,,Raweling, Hernus,Amputation, Tap ping, ••and other surgical oper ations.' THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You Of Rare:es Method of timing. Hoises ; how to Approach, Halter, .or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to' strange sounds and sights, and- 'how --to.-Bit, -Saddle, Ride,and Break him to liar . ness ; also, the form-end law of Warranty.. The whole be ing thh resulUof more :than 15 years' careful study or the hab its, pechliarities, • wants an i weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pagus, appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engpi..!t!iny t a. /tie printed in a clear and .open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage . Raid, on receipt of price, half bound, 01.00, or, ip cloth, estra,4l.2s. $lOOO A YEAR can be by enterprising men everywhere., in,selling the above work, and other,popular works of ours. Our inducements to all suchnre Veit' Mien!. Forningle copies of tbe, Book, or for ter ,a to agents with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Punitintai No. 617 Wale St., Philadelphia, Pa. PHILA'D.ELY Taper - B - angioff VaDttfaettikets: {FALL TRADE.] AttrOWELL & BOURKE,' haviriverirorir,e,d to their new store, Corner ofFotifth nfd et, are now prepared to offer to the:like* a large , and elegant assortment .of, WALL PAPERS • s. • Border*, Fire Screeites, W4nBmv Cr rrain w o nt, &c., all of the newest and best designs,' from the lowest priced article to the Meat Gold and • Velvet Peparatfinut; .Ic4- Purchase's will do - wO11.4) visit tbi as tablishinent of HOWELL:Iib ii01311.10E„ - hortheast Corner Fourtkt *al:et-att, • Sept. 29-3m.] Prrn.amEarmi.s. BRENNEM.AN To his MARIETTA F riends ; ! i• •• • ". E - has romove , d from ectiPrf rifie 4 .SP WEST KING-ST., LAN CAST pp po3ite Cooper's Hotel, where ie;kas the jbust BOOT AND SHOE'S'INDUE IN LANCASTER OM. . He mates fine calfskin Boots - Ohe best) fcit t p Calfskin Walking Shoes, „ f Ladies Half Gaiters, (double 4 sdles) 0 0 Ladies Morocco Boots, (heels), He has concluded to .make the, best work at somewhat reduced pricekand hopes by so doing to enlarge and iperease his buifiness. 11:r Mending of every kind , neatly done. • Ciliz ens of Marietta .:—When you CORM to Lancaster, give BRENNEMAN call' and you will surely be pleased with his work. September 15,1860, t • 9-11, ERISMA*fg -' Saw_ 'Mill and Idni-ber Yard, _ , , MARIETTA, ' P A: assortment of on hand a fill anortment of:all kinds of Seasoned Luniber;whieb be cre at reasonable mien.. - Boar - di, Plank, Joist, Scantling, • ' Rafters, Laths, ISkin - g/es, • - :Pails, "to.'„ ?cm,' ,km . - OAK, PINE 43", HEgtogic i TiltcEtEr- All otters attended to witli - dispiiikb. J. M. ERISBILIN. Marletta..A.pril 11,1854.-tf. n HEAP ,REARY-M,11.1).g oLOTHLNGI! I L ) Having just returned froin the' ity With a nicely selected lot of Reddy-made Clotki*g,. which the undersigned is prepared to flirt* Id reduced prices; having laid in a general 'afiliort- Ment of Men and boys' clothing, whijalehe is ,determined to sell Low, NOR CA.SH. MVP& consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, Fla*. AND SACK COATS, PANTS,_ VESTS, PELJAiIICEIN, ROUNDBOIITS, (knit) OVER-HANLE, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY UNDANSEDRTS, GLOVES, SySPENDERS, &C. Eve= t in he Furnishing Goods line. Call aad ne be fore purchasing elsewhere. RNearything sold st prices to suit the times. .TOHNBBLL. Corner. of Elbow Lane and 71ftirket next door to Cassd's Store. Marietta; October 29,1856. EUREKA MILLS, Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa THOMAS C. CHILD, AGT., has constantly on hand, or Manufactnred to order, all kinds °LUSH, DOORS, BLINDS] Shelters, 411 orders addressed to bllerrAvvrr, HOUTZ & Co., for any °title "aboveiaticles, or for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, I s atli, Pickets, Pales, Shingling Lath, Floor Boards , Weather Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will elways meet with prompt attention . , and be sup idied'on as favorable terms as frcen any other establishment in the country. A liberal discount for calla. TO LIDLORDSI Just seceived,;Scoteh and I Rh WHISKIES', war= ted pure, I VII; D. ilenjamain's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers