The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 08, 1860, Image 2

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    EttJjukfu. andtkit...
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. '1 . i '''`,.. .i'.l - ' . :TS' -'' • 1”.
, Pntlfßaleux,.; : ,•„„pongress met on Mon
clay last.and l nAlking,,unusual occurred ;
,committees., , , , nted to inform the Pres
ident of the, , :: 4 !„ilkeloB , ofDongr,ess to hear
any callinWieation; he, might , have to
make, whentke,,infortsed the committees
that on •theOlowiag,day die woilld send
in his .A,nnual -isleMage; which was read
on Tuesdaya T.lo,lanxiety jelt byntlie
getteralptibgaiin lcaru•xbatothe It,resi
,dent had to, j38 . 4r abauttimdisturbild4lo-
mastic relatklisikataerneferstlM,States.,to
:the GaneraPpoveruineut,iw:tothesshat
prellevedlbylt4m rc . colptokhis document.
dlut„beyomj gonere•satisfattion othav
ling lcareedehis•views,us,tother, masa
.tion ofyrtlief was, experieneedt 'The
great, d#llculty boleftwithont, any clearly
indi,44ll-romedya Taking tbCdocumeut
• afilliio l N 448-atm:oat remarkable med
.l ` : xhibitiog thevivorli .01:4% variety; of
' ~ j mad , showing, unmistakable tigas
' Viikr o lmen pieced‘art4iitched, elab-
Midi tillll
ik d
at downiaguit•theconfliet
ing4inionsfof liiicdifferent mitiaets:--
Th • eii,are,pasaages- w h Mir ace , direct,. for
cilikand t aitisfactrity, tbut.thetur are fol.
lowatby.others.,that care_ feeble almost
to al; II ,dity. It is clearthaalle Presi-
Aleut. , , ~ is.,Cabinet.didsudt knoWswhat
,to dowithixthe great quetiaionitheyttvere
forced to' dealiwith..' '.itirour publication
44nAtirly,,a4;untira , weak after the issue
of tbamamiage and the, natural ocoudtt
aim vregiatip itself that eeverybody" iii
tendiurtoead,it.haa' done: so already,
hence, saki omit i the lengthy , "fasCand
Lgose,dempent to • give. place to more
readable, Matter. , •
e ennsylvaa Elee,toral Col
-, -s . •
lege met itOlite epate Chamber, ,lElay
rinlijurg,:malio—'oo7lo,,l4, :;On T Vir,ellnesday
lath. OiIIOVOU of Mr flow%Ea-Gov
ernor alockysolis chosen Presidept of
the C'ollege; and after being conduoted
to the etVr by Messrs Howe and Tag
gart affirvernd an addiess i to the Vecto r , .'
4hichAv l itt Obare. oterigliO ve
Pollock's'gbod gieatlearnfng.
,;.: ,
he ettfe electoral'' ' ''
glitialisr'""ibbi?r , 1' I .., rivote of t' r
. tlor edneed •' l
ktl.' , aB .l cast
, for
' l;e 4b el'ere,ot tt 'h . '-' . 1”411:ker.
of Brock
ad b'eeil'f ' lt
' .
• sz ~(3,Ta/S,rly de_
cpifed elected :iythe ,boil-eno — ' •
illeir r election obtainedvsllts''''v 7' but,,
Ality, th'ev',i,„,i.,. ~ , . in.crrn•
../ t h s s B ~:., , `,_" . o aa, to serve, Rertrittio'
. , vittc!i EVe .e tt electors to fill the g
v .,, s,c z e. ,. iic ‘ ies . ,' , a r c t ilth'Yoikipg ihs, wfio'le' 'vote
1 0 0rtItie.t tick , ,et. The Elect?ral: College
IFe.r nrses , Jroti, , 3' fo ,AP
tali `add ' .. 6 ,.. ~.
4., , ~ ',‘,, '"a!111:!, an d three votes f
o tiglan add Joh. l/ for
~. , neon.
-111r.iikt thilumbia,S.ll3., in the Lees-
Slttahett has b'eea v(*i , warlike
sayiershatthere are* eight of the largthrl
Pat hart ;gas r in Oherleittn,'irhibh:
mightibe used •takthethe forte.`' - Mr. ,
Maraliill said Mat the' Setae -had' 382 in-,
faatnivmpaniest 50 caSalry, l aftillery
andiriPiftle , colitiiiidiei. Bow bellfoOde !
Mr. ~Mai Alitary
with a via*of.nrging postponementoof
any hnstilOatnanstration agaimt., forts
and otherepublie4property-,--nntil after
tha dose ntriMi. Buchanan's -term. 'The
AdministilitionJhereihrkartxiatin 104mhz,-
Veralkan6hteap'onsibilityllytitiv. Lincoln,
and a-truee. nntitthe 4th-Jot'
Idare l / 4 :l44rci Treseett'snnieshint niSt
perthare. ..404v • ' "N.•
girrrißcra j , me county, ; V,irgini y e,
from wheitee e i e-Governor Fisefulminat, 7
ed'his secs) . p reeolutions, was carried
by.gells i nd, , eratt by 7.2 rnaiority,,be 7
Mglphi oqs,f er the Governor'eulec
timl,ttidn tot:id ifevinal of itnpo!itics
since p it ,went forfnclutnan . by a small
vote. This shows) that' the
may thunder andAngitatek-the surface, but
the %boa deept*rrent of Vittinfa's
heart it forthi Wien. • ''' •' ' '
The pe, ! , ! , ,. of
,13‘,1. 4 0933As !*!,
iron 4/ 43 (4Pa ' ',' Kith r' titjEt UP t th ir 444,
combines *Pak t'Afth 89P c S 4
Bo4oft ,bee, k i ust :,d,.flowo w a 441,/t . , Rit#
Phi r 1 000 11 ,1414 1 M49, #74, 11 , nnPti°R of
it }u 9AgtPiLtltitlß cr/ 3 /40:tf jn4ePqnT
de49A 4.44. ..0 1 ~ ~,, I A
sitrAtlrkan't* J'., a number of
rotten eggi were tbrowtt n at .Tap Doug-
Innt'onct!,4 vgniinßileicrivifile R ,_khe
fact' t,,TiePin!:FiliMirßY W 1 0140.! Al ) !APIA
nvon t 34 s itnn; 1 4 1 %ofq1W weilt , -* 'Pik
rmeerthel-Fifi' 9 to g raph Gallery,
aef *rehitiMstaldh4eit•ltta:is admittad
e of fiAttidit city.=
,gee card in another ooliiiitniNi
Maxwell,lwenty years' ago well known'
in Pennsylvania, as one`of. the post en
ergetic and accomplished journalists, and
since that time retired from the active
duties of life, died recently, at an advanc
ed age, at the residence of has .-son, Dr.
Maxwell, near Chambersbnrg, Franklin
county, in this,State. Mr. Maxwell was
connected for many yvirs with newspa=
. in , .
pers Lancaster county. He was the
owner and editor of the Lancaster ..Tourn
iffei i - passed fiom the
!yin& ofJohti Heynolds, so long the in
_ timate and confidential associate and
,--7: . - -7. --
nanrl friend of the present Presi d ent of the
United States, OA ' duritig liis-life.rmi
versally esteemed for his many noble
"iv r 'qui
istitioxt*,*— .
After Mr. Maxwell assumed the oon-
Arol of the. Journal; !he; ;made it exceed
,ingly,,interesting, on , acount of the, e.bil
.ity.ond -,research which he exhibited in
discussing political,hisses, and his devo
tion, to the interests of,P.ennsylvania.—
,He was among, the first to predict that a
~sek i lroad, would connect , Philadelphia
with Columbia, on the
-river, and-we have often heard him relate
,with -how; much - derision ; his prophecy
wag;xeceived. 7;,; •4: , • • ,
„,,Thogrritipr of this,: article required , , a
! knowledge of4beprinting :business in the
Afficwof,the,Lixopastor Journal, under
4 ,tha tuition Oar,. Maxwell ; and; we still
lrecall with •plessant emotions ~ t he satis
„faction with which we put his manuscript
.in-type,•and the many unconscious lea
sons of life and- of politics we imbibed
in the process. •He wrote, with equal
facility and vigor, was an industrious and
;critical reader;ll profound thinker; and a
bold leader.
• I
Like most men identified with journal
ism, his sacrificesfor hisparty were great.
Those he assisted to eminent .riositions
soon torgot him ; and even while !thrill
lug .the .country. with his eloquentedito-
Asia. he was frequently greatly-Induced
means. Justice to Mr. Buchanim
deserves - that it should•be recorded that
heaoted towards• Mr. Maxwell :with sig
nal generosity. f" One. of the ,sons of- the
fieceased4ournalist is Pbiladel
phis, surrounded by an in terestinglamily,
and one or two of hie- daughters by his
second marriage. , • •
lf the'experiences , of such s man had
been preserved and could •be laidbefore
:the..public, they would constitute -a curi
ous volume ;,but like most of his class,
Mr. Maxwell -generally worked under
whip and spur, and doubtless neglected
the•dhty which most Of us pre'sch about,
but too frequehtly disregard.— The Press.
Lincoln in conversation with
squiefriendsiwlile deeply regretting the
excitemente t thst prevailed in the South,
did note at. the same time; de'emit expe
.dient, that be,should say !Anything puti
liolyupon the „subject. Whenever al
luded to regarding his-position,- le in
variably refers to his former• Writings and
speeches; and from•them to thepletform
of the party.;which eletted him--la com
bination, he thinksoufficient for all pur
poses. With-reference to the exasper
.ated feeling and excitement itself, he
thinks it wilt le. of short duration, and
that the better, judgement of . the people
will soon' resume its' sway.
In aje”kt.speech,st Huntsville,
,*ls.,"*.f-Sen4or Qlemen4,now of Tenn,
,spoul i esk tbo idea of, Secession, e x posing
its utter impractibility and added :
.1 The Aresin, of a Southern gonfeder
any ia`the Wildest vision that ever troub
led t) e brain of a moonstrusk enthusiast
eiiin interriipted by bloody eon-
Itiets'Avith your neighbors, and ti vile de
,pendenee on foreign 'powers."
Painietto, now so popular in
,South eirolina,has been much neglected
in clluirleston in reOent,years. It is sta
led in a letter from that city that but a
Ongle tree of the kind was to be fo,und
in the place on the day of the Presider'.
tial Elect:ion. Another'has been set out
daring timipresent excitement.
ifirDhe !Vermont Legigieture has pais
eduallaw '>egainst: prize fighUngl—princi
pidlotdirleits` imprisditideilVor $5,000
fine- eidstsecondS or enrgoons, five years
impAstmrneart =or; sl;ooo'fine ; and citi :
iletlB of the StateVho attend a prizefight
in other capacity,' out of the State to A`
ceive the same pndishment. -
Air Some New York 'l:rolitioians in a
public address charged Oerritt 'Smith
With complicity in the Har - per's Ferry
raid. He sued them' for libel, when they
retracted letter, and 'give
him -$3;000 - to settle.
!Er The Tyrone Star earl. the
Tyrone ei,Te ‘ treatle work to,connect.the Tyrene
and Clearfield Railroad at Oat; place
with ;the .Pennsylvania , Railroad,,is- be
ing pnalied. rapidly, forward.
,The tim
ber ie lroaght a distance of fifteen miles.
WThe oteial vete of the State `of
Miasonri gives theelectoral vote of that
qtate to Stnoloc,Douglas i y a plaaraliAy
of 429 over Bell ; ,22,065 oyey, Brack*.
ridge. ; And 41,78 over Lincoln. .7
• illirChief Justice Hornbrdier, of : N.
J., heads the Lincoln Eleaciral TiCket
for New Jersey, and is elected. - His fa
ther cast theF t lt3cieral vote of New jer
qP3',lo;' AMbington•
saYS'the're . is not•
a line on the statute' books of 'Penn-syl
van& %alb's' South Should objoiettblis
injurious, or that shoulibe repeata-
4. A
James Waterman, aged '73 years now
a• resident of Walworth, Wayne county,
N. Y., was, one of ,he, pilots of the Ful
ton on her first trip from. New York to
Albany, in Octob er,1807.
`ln the yeEir 1861 there will be an an
nuel eclipse of the sun on the 14th of
January. anothei; on the 7th of July ; and
a total, eclipse on the 31st of December.
There will also be a partial eclipse of the
moon on the.l7th of December.-
Salt Lake is probably the saltiest body
of water on the globe. Threebarrels'of
this ater ,had to yield a barrel 45f
salt. The water ii - of a light green color i
fdr about ten or twenty rdds, and a dark' ,
bine. No 44cm—live in it ? and”but• al
few birds are seen dipping in it.
intatiength and vigor tithe roots, and restore
. ,''' " '''''' - ' die growth to those parts which have become
" George U. Thorbdrn, &fist; aireritly paid, causing it to yields fresh covering of hair.
esteemed son of "Laurie Todti," died
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
In New York who have had their hair restored
last Monday. at News . , N. J., from in-by the use of this Invigorator, when all other
juries received by a fall.. He was be reparations had failed. L. M. has in his pea--
ession letters innumerable testifying to the
put in chargé, by the Ladies, of Mount above facts, from persons of the highest respec-
Vernon. • , tibility. It will effectually prevent the hair
{from turning gray until the latest period of life
'"-'""''''''''''''' ' *rid in eases where the hair has already changed
_ Thomas-H. Clay, son of Henry
Clay, tits color, the use of the Invigorator will with
writes that there is no man in , all his a c -'certainty restore to its original hue, giving it a
quajntance in Kentucky
.who dark , glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet
inOifiWand a Hair Restorative it is particularly rec-
South Carolina in her course. 'amended, having an agreeable fragrance;
' ' ' ' ' ' " - nd the great facilities it affords in dressing
Canada, . and more Smith - ern ,States thecan
hair, ci b r e Nhigel,ssel in when
3 ist with the Invigo
ratorrequired form so as
than formerly, *this' year united . in" the to preserve its place, whetiv-r plain or in curls
Thanksgiving institutien, of New. Eng- —hence the great demand for it by the ladies
as a standard toilet article which none ought to
land , origin. ' without, as the price places it within the
^-•" '''•• " _ . reach of all, being
A bill has passed. the House in the. Only Twenty l five Cents
Vermont Lugislatiire requiring every . at.Jper bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists
torney at law, on the request' of this eli-,and perfumers.
L. Miller would call the attention of Parents
- ent, to give his opinion in writing upon a ca n s tl es G l u v a h r e tan t rii le to eh tt i u e vf l l ia tl i n n N e lLeeras to to r, b i e
the points- bearing directly ite a' given: w eal:. The use of it lays the foundation for a
eerie, and holding him responsible when, good head of hair, as it removes any impurities
that ma) have become connected with the
through incompetency, • neglect or.tois- scalp, the removal of which is necessary both
management on his part, the clieneSuf-1 for the health of the child, Lind the future ap
.pearance of its Bair.
fers damacres: • • - - - '' '
b . CatrrioN.—None genuine without the fac
''''"'"'"""-'"'''''''"`"--"•-• ' • 4 -imile Lours :MILL ea -being on the outer wrap
‘ViS on the _ Lp-
The Hayes Arctic Expeditign winters! per, also, L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR,
in ice at Upperuavick, Safe so far, as re-r N. Y. blown in the glass.
Wh2lesale Depot, o 6 Dey St., and soldby all
ported by one of the
,party wh o :has rel the principal Merchants and Druggists thr;? , 7
'Lump& , . out the world. '
Liberal discount to purchasers by the quet....g:
I also desire to present to the American
Public my
New and Improved Instantaneous
which after years of scientific experimenting I
have brought to perfection. L dyes Black or
Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or
Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in
• The 'deaths of Sir Charles Napier 6
the British Allay, 'and 'of General Clark
of the U. S. Army, are announced.
The income to the French government
from tobacco—nearly one-half of which
is from the United States and Cuba—
last year was about t 3'6,000,000..
A number of persons were<made sic.
in Woodsocket, Sunday, by .the imper
feet manner in which the Universelis
()burgh was, ventilated.. The furnace if
the basement was out of order. The ser
vices were suspended midway.
A law has been passed by. the Legi
lative Chambers of Hayti, parceling ou,
the immense estates of the Ex-Empero,
Souloaqtte among military mein who had
served in the army-twentylears and up
ward, reserving, hoWeynr e ,the . work:s and
a central poe,ion of each hp,bitation a
the site of a model farm. ,
Mons A. Bergh—ans, the Secretary o
the Belgian Legation, it is reported, will
soon wed a Philadelphia belle who has
frequently graced the White House dos
ing the present Administration.
The recent fugitive slave excitemeni
in Chicago grew out of the arrest of
negress - who bad escaped from Nebraskr
Territory, and therefore involVeS a' nes
point, as the Constitution provides fol
the ietnrir of s slave miming froia
State, and no judicial construction haS
yet been given to the statute as tolta
effect upon a slave escaping from a 'Ter.]
• ,
, conservative , sentiment of tb
South appears to be diegusted at the an
ceasing sectional wrangles, and Consid.
ers that the Northern States shOulil
promptly convene their Legislatures and
repeal their unfriendly laws, and urge -, a
convention of all the States to meet a
prompt and united effort- to preserve the
Union and country from bankruptcy, an=
archy and ruin.
Mr. Seward will make no speech im
mediatly, and will submit no proposil
tion. All rumors to the contrary are;
entitly unfounded. He is in no mai:inert
orlormresponsible for the '
various' eng-'
gestittris recently.put forward in' different
newspapers, which have been supposed
to reflect his views, ankwae not consult ;
ed concerning, or in any way privy _to,
their publication. His .policy is to
watch,the developeme.nt-ief events, and
to direct them 'wisely at the proper , time
for peace and the preservation of the
_ The young men pf Bolton who invited
Gov. Packer, of Pa., to a convention on
the anniversary of John Brown'.s execu
tion,. to inaugurate a movement for the
eradication of slavery, are said to be
nearly all negroes. There are only one
or two white men among the whole party.
A. negro 'in Vick'sbur, recently won
two thousund dollars for bis *titer, in a
race with a white man. The affair crea
ted much excitement, and it was said
$lO,OOO changed hinds on the result.
itifiellance committee rode a South
Oarolinirin on a rail, near Richinorid, Va.,
last week, because he would not toll them
his business.
The census-taker in New Milford, Ct.,
found three old maids, each two years
younger than"they were ien'years agi).
Every person wishing to be "book
ed np•".upon.the legislative' doings this
winteriehould,e Harrisburg Tel- .
egrapb. bee advertisement, • _
Message fails to give the satisfaction an
ticipated, as it virtually encourages se
cessionists and fails to inspire confidence
for the preservation of the Union.
Senator Mason, of Virginia. and Wm.
Porcher Miles, a representative from
South Carolina, appear in their grey
suits of Southern homespun, which ren
ders that somewhat conspicuous. It is
gratifying to observe the courtesy be
tween members from different sections,
which was in many cases obliterated &-
ring the protracted contest for speaker.
Chief Justice Taney is in most excel
lent health. He bee not looked better
for years. , :His friends say' that he A was
greatly annoyed at the irvrts abonfrAlie
reeig,natiodl ft
ezttiTstryearanet,y an!
air Is loosening and thinning, it will 1
Depot, 56 Deb Street, New York
Ram having formed a co-poitner
ship for the purpose of conducting the
business, under the firm of
hereby announce to the citizens' of Marietta
and vicinity thitt they have just completed their
purchases, which they they uaw offer for sale,
being a complete asssertment of •
Drugs, ille.ificitzes, Chemicals, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Do-Stuffs, Glass,
Whitelead, Brushes of all hinds,
and everything usually kept by druggists and
An assortment of all kind of LAMPS, for
burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp
Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand.
A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STA
TIONARY, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders,
role, &c., of all grades and at all prices.
Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes
and an endless variety of Panay and Toiler ar
ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable
prices. [Jan 3-35- ly
Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. Cassel's store, Market street,
THE undersigned having associated them
selves.into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
1 1
generally, that . they will continue the
I Fashionable Ta il oring Business
I at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock o 1
etOti)S,.ellipals & .I)ati))9s,
which they will d •pose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past to,vors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer.
ifir Gutting done at short notice.
Marietta, Sep. I , 1859.-tf
CI 0M E TO A DERSON'S where will be
; IL . ) found the larg st and best assortment of
Confectionaries, Fr its, Toys & Fancy Articles
ever offered in this place, consisting in part of
New Raisins,Cran. rries,Currants, Figs, Dates,
Prunes, Iceland M. . Paste, Gum Drops, Hour
hound & Flaxseed I mgh Candy, Cough Drops,
Pepper Candy. Pre rued Fruit,Gum Fruit, Fig
Paste, Oriental Pr sed Figs, Cream Bonbons,
1 Jußy Lumps, Fine 'Vanilla Almonds, Cream
Strawberries, Sujub Paste, Rock Candy, VVis
tar's Cough Candy - Walnut Candy, Maple,
I Strawberry and Gult Tatty, Fruit Candy and
4 -
Nrantites --.--- m i . 4, 44
.p.p s l E )ric l Date
time, establishing aqiembcra'tic driily-2.
per in PlAladelphia:' ' ' • ' • '
`lt is iibt doiillted that' the Cluirlesion
- • .
~ - ,
mob' will attem pteto take poSsession' df
Forts Moultrie, Sumpter, and Cattle
Pinckney,in Charleston bay, the me-
Merit the State determine' to : secede,—
The United States troops in'thCse forts
• • •
are estimated at some two or three hun
dred-men in all, and those : who pretend
to know declare that the forts can be
easily captured, particularly if the offi
cers-in command should refuse to diifend
,= ~
them. The President has issued orders
4 '
thathey shall act On the defensive all
the time. ' • -
A diatingnished member of Congress,
from one of the Cotton States, said that
while, South Uarulina would certainly
secede, she would
, not embarrass the
other. Cotton States, ifthe latter insisted
upon receiving stO,propositions as the
Northern, people might desire to make
_their Illpresentatives, and if
propositions are satisfactory to them,
South Carolina may herself condescend
to come back into the Union.
If 'The National Council of the Choc
taw Indians has passed an ordinance to
Purchase 65,000-bushels of corn for the
relief of saeliof theirpeople as are stiffer
iag, by reason of
, the. severe drought of
last summer. „
ton Correspondent of Forney's Press of
Wednesday last says : now certain
that Secretary of the Treasury, Cobb, will
resign either to-night or to-morrow. He
is said to be preparing a long letter to
the President, in whieh he will vindicate
himself from the different accusations
made against him, particularly those in
regard to the mismanagement of the fi
nances of the country. He would have
followed his family to Georgia, but it a
mains en this account. His friends * ex
pect to elect him a member of the, com
ing State Convention, and it is his inten
tion to take an active part in its deliber
ations in favor of immediate secession.
Mr. Cobb came into the Cabinet when
itorlfreasnry was full ; he leavesit en:rpty,
public creditors clamoring for pay, and
the whole country on , the eve of the
greatest distress. It is stated, confident
ly that his successor will be Augustus
Schell, Collector of the port of New
York, who, at any rate,- will have in ad
vantage over Mr. Cobb in the e fact 'that
he will have a vast deal upon which to
The meeting which was called to com
memorate the death of - John Brown, met
on Monday, in Boston, at the Temple.
, ,
l'he meeting was called by a namber of
foolish abolitionists,the majority of whom
were either negroes, or possessed of a
considerable portion of African blood.
The meeting was called to order byjas.
I Redpath, but immediately afterward the
meeting was re-organized by an outside
party. Resolutions were then passed
denounding John Brown; and declaring
that his execution was perfectly right
A number of prominent abolitionists es
tsayed to. speak, • but their voices were
completely drowned lzry the cheers and
A onfueion created by the opposite 'party.
1 4 'fhe excitement finally ran so high that
ii,be Mayor 'was obliged to bring forward
ia posse of police. The Temple was com
pletely cleared, and then locked up.
the _Republican Electors are two poets
whose` names possess an undying fame.
Callen Bryant and John Green-
Ileaf Whittier. They have for years given
(their sympathies and influence, to the
?cause of Freedom in our land ; and shall
inow have the satisfaction of sealing the
4triumphant vote of the sixth of Novem
per, which elects ABRAHAM LINCOLN to
ithe Presidency of the United States.
the year 1836, no less than than forty
'three newspapers -have been stared ,in
New. York city, and after a brief career
have failed. Some were political, some
literary and some religious. It is im
!possible to estimate the amount of capi
ital which we's sunk in these 'enterprises.
A PROLIFIC Cow.—On Thursday the
15th ult., a cow belonging to Mr. Moses
S. Miller,- of Windsor township, Berks
County, gave birth to font living calves,
which weighed, together, about 200 lbs.
Two of this extraordinary litter lived
only a short time, but the other two are
yet living, and growing finely.
Tam FLESH.—A friend who has tried it
recommends paring the middle of the
nail until it can be split in two, when the
nail will puff up and grow to the center,
releasing the sides from.the pressure.—
He says it is worthy of being re-pab-
To KEEP dos - OFF WINDOWS .—Take n
'ordinaryjmiint brush or sponge, and rub
over the glass, once or twice a day, 'a,
little alcohol, and it will keep .the glast
as freee - from ice as in the midcile of sum
mer, and will give as good polish as can
be got in any other way. ,
I - MEETING OF ELEcross.—The electors
j • f President and Vice President met on
I Vednesday at the capitols of their 're
pective States and proceeded to vote
y ballot for President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States.
rUST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st., a
fine assortment .of, children's gigs„ baskets
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys
rocking horses, wagons r d'r um s, Childrat's
Gigs, Wheel-Barrows, Sleighs, Hobby. Horses,
China and Paper Toys, Dolls of= every. size
and material Black and White. Animals of
every description, Tea`-- setts, Furniture setts,
Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Guitars, Velo
cipedes and every variety of Holiday Gifts.
For sale cheap at Anderson's.
TAMES M.' ANDERSON respectfully:an
t, nounces to the citizens of Marietta and vi
cinitY;that he has just received direct from the
eastern markets one of the largest andliest as
sorted stocks of Confectionary ever offered in
this borough, consisting of Candies; Foreign
Fruits, and Nuts, Toys, and Holiday Presents
in endless variety.
,Come and? sea
vinced of the fine assortment and the low-pri
ces at which everything in his line is selling.
LADIES AND GENTS Anderson. has just
received an elegant assortment of Perfu
mery, consisting of Toilet. Soaps; •Hair
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below
the usual rates, also some very_handsome Canes
for gentlemen, , Pertritonies,
.11. DERSON , ! Aftention,Butchers
and Houskeepers. Having a great demand foi
our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con-i
thane to keep a constantanpply of Ground Pep
per. Ground Corrimuler, mut .9meet Marjora m,
I.7IRESII SUN" LY of Candies, Nuts, %d i e ns
r Lemons and Apples just receivin2 at j ai
M. Anderson's.
inICCELLENT- Cooking and Rating Apples
MI always on hand at An, sties.,
Two HUN DRED=RITSRELs of good- po
tatoes for sale at WOIFFea
BA GATEL L E:-4-An excellent Bagatelle
Table for ealecbgait i inquire a;ttbia office.
What is more-fearful than-the, breakin g
down of the nervous system? To be excites
ble or nervous in a small 49gree. most dis
tressing, for where can a remerry Ie found I=
There is one :—drink but lipilsovrin_ e,, or
spirits, or far ?letter, noise Meteirro coffee,—
weak tea being inferable g' et all die fresh
air you can ; take tree or four Pills every ni g ht ;
eat plenty of itilids, tikiianfethe'llie Of Slops ;
and if these goldon rulesmot followed, you
will be ham hi mind and in body, and
forget you have any nerves.
If there is one thing more than, another for
wLich'these'Pilla ate's° flint:malt lit tiler/puri
fying properties,.' °Venially their , ' power o f
cleansing the blood ,frqm all impurities, and
removing dangerous and suspended secretions.
Universally adopted as the one grand remedy
for female complaints, they neyer, fail, never
weaken the system, and always bring, about
what is required.'
These feelings which so sadden ns, most fr-e
quently arise from annoyances ottrOuble;frein
obstructed perspiration, -or 'from, eating and
drinking what Lc - unfit ''fortis thus' disordering
the liver and stomach.' These orgatiemust be
regulated if you wish to be-well.. The Pills, if
taken according to the printed instructions,
will quickly restore a healthy action- to both
liver and stomach, whence follow a'natural
consequence, a good appetite and seleer head.
In the East and West Indiesscarcely-any Other
medicine is ever used for these disorders:`
In all diseases affecting these organs, wheth
er they secrete too much or too little water ;
or whet b o r they be afflicted with atone : or. gravel
or with aches and pains settled in the loins
over the rezions of the kidneys, these Pills
should be taken according to the printed direc
tions, and the Ointment should be welt rubbed
into the small of the back at bed time. This
treatment will give almost irnmeihate rehet
when all other meatis aim failed.
No medicine will so effectually improve the
tone of the stomach as theihe Pills *They remove
all acidity, occasioned either-by intemperance
or improper diet. They reach the liver
and reduce it to a healthy, action ; they are
wonderfully efficacious incase of spaam,—in
fact they never fail in curing all disorders of
the liver and Stomach. ,
Holloway's Pills arethebest remedy known
in the world for the, following diseases:' •
Dropsy, Inflamrnation,
Dysentery, jaundiee,
Billous Complaints, Erystpeias, Liver Com
illotches on the Female Ir- plaints,
Skin, . regularities, Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, Fevers or all :Piles ?
Colics, kinds, Rheumatism
Constipation of the Fits, Retention of )
Bowels, Gout, Urine,
Consumption, Head-ache, Scrofula, or .
Debility, Ituligestien, King's Evil,
Stone and Gravel, Tumours, , Sim Throats,
Secondary Symp- Ulcers, • Venereal A'-
toms, Worms of all feetions
Tic-Douloureux, kinds, Vireakness,&c.
CAUTION : — None are genuine unless the
words "Hoi.r.oway, NEW YoR F . 4.. ED ,
Dos," are discernible aiia Writer-n*4 in every .
leaf of the book of directionti around each pot
or box; the same may be pitiialy,seen by hold -
ing the leaf to the rfthr. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such infor
mation as may lead to the detection of any
party or parties connterfeiting thisixiedicines or
vending the same, knowing them 'to be spu
Sold at the Manufactoty'of Pitirestior HOL
LOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New 'Nort and by
all respectable Druggists and Misters in' Medi
cine, throughout the civilized 'world; in boxes
at 25 cents, 62 cents and 'Bl each.
KrThere is considerable saving by taking
the huger sizes.
N B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box. [7-8
iAlexander Lyndgw.
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of thii Borough and neighborhood that he foss
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enabled to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to mop
ufacture in the very hest manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant foi neatness a n d , good fjt,
lErCall and examine lfis stock ' : heSri
chasing elsewhere.
fr HE American Watches are among that
I timekeepers now in nee, and foidusk g. strength and simplicity far -surpass any r
watch made in the world.
H. L. tf E. J. ZA
Corner of t , North Queen-at., and Centre.Sonpre
Lancaster, Pa., have them tor sale'at the very
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to onaureita gen
„ Market Street Wharf, Phil.44hia
Have constantly on hand, an assortment-4
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish.
Herring's, Codfish, Beef, Pak, Lard,
Shoulders, Hams, Sides,. Beans,
Rice, &c., &c.,
Sept. 2.9-3m.]
Commission Lumber' - Merchant,
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore , .3fd.
ESP ECTFULLY offers Ins services for the
e of • L o a a a a of every description
rom his knowledge of the bnsimess be feet
confident of being able to obtain the hhamate
ja sai
market rates for all consigiunents entraskalitOt
his care. ,
jr.WELRY.--n.ine and selects& steak of
fine jewelry of the latest patterns barn - the
best factories in the country can be 'found at
H. L. & E. J.
Cor. North Queen st. and-Cm:Ore Square,./an
caster, Pa. Our prices are rapdlinft , and 'ln
goods warranted to !, as.repv4senll4. .
l i )A General Assortment of ;all ; kiwis of
BuyuDirro 13terkpw.ass,s,, LOcal,
flufges i s u vws, Bait,
,Celfig. Grates,
Paints, MA - Glass and Putty , very cheap.
F ./ CKS--Gooltrulle
Keepers, for One DeSgt.
tacicksy Wate •es and JeWeliy earifarr.e
paired andtltarges moderate, at WOLPE,S;
ster„ - each one warranted toper
Ato to the entire satisfaction 0 . '14,
"purchaser. STERRETT'S; CO. '
UB 8 , Spokes, Felkies, Wagon Bows,
JUL Oil Cloth Varnishes, &e.
GKM DROPS : Stewart's New:York - Gum
Drops, 8 varieties, st Wafers
RAN PIES - all brando—gnixteHnied to be
genuine. ' Benfoitin t Cl.