The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, December 01, 1860, Image 1

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    cJi.l\.ettlig . 7::)ll,arit- liari+
F_ Editor anal Proprietor_
VOL. 7.
#.l4e tlttektg Utariettian
SsecLesick. 4f_alept,
lIBLICATION OFFICE in the second sto
ry of Cittric's Row, on Front Street, five
Dora East of Mrs. Flures Hotel, MARIETTA,
If suiscriptions be not paid within six months,
$1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, 01.50 will bebrir,ged.
Any person sending us rive rietv" stibecnbers
shall have a sixth copy for hie trouble..,
No subscription received fora less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the•publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES: One.square (12 lines,
or less) 60 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of sixlines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new JOB
Ann CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable priees.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
*trough aunt Ems.
Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Barr Spangler,
John Craft, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libbart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Illestand.
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun.,
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Routh.
High Constable, Absalem Emswiler.
Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John IL Goodman, E. D. Roath.
Superbisor, Samuel 'Hippie, Sen.
Schobl Directors, John Jay Libhart, Presi
dent, E. D. Roath, Treasurer ' C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron. B. Grosh,
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
Post Office Hours: The Post Office will
be open from 7 o'clock in the morning until
8 in the evening. ) Chas.'Kelly, Postmaster.
Beneficial Societies: Tun HARMONY, A. N.
Cassel, President; John Jay Libhart, Treasur
er; Barr Spangler, Secretary. Tux: PIONEER '
John Jay Libbart, President; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary.
President Judge, Henry G. Long.
Assistant Judges, Alexandet L. gages, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Franklin.
Prothonotary, Peter Martin.
_Recorder, Anthony Good.
Register, John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael H. Shirk.
Sheriff, Stephen W. P. Boyd.
Cleric of Quarter Sessions Court, Soren Myers.
Clerk of Orphans , Court, C. L. Stoner:
Coroner, Levi yummy.
County Commissioners, Daniel Good, Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Reist, Solicitor, Ed. Berney.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman.
Directors of the Poor, Robert Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, John Huber,
Simon Groh, David Styer Solicitor, James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm: Taylor.
Prison hispectors, R. J. Houaton, Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans, H.
S. Gara. Solicitor, Deng G. Baker. Keep
er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
Ito ! Eagle of our banded States,
"Wilt drop thine olive fair,
Aaid bid the shafts of:War and woe
Speed bursting throughthe air
And the soaring Eaglesiusweredr
Waving his peace-branch high,"
•algo 1 Freedorn , trehteftain gave the trust—
I'll guard it till I die 1"
Ye stais,' that shhre fri sparkling blue
Upan yon banneed field,
Shall be stricken from your place,
And half in clouds concealed
But silent were those glorious orbs,
With dread amazement fraught;
Each trembling in its crystal sphere
4 At the dark traitor -thought.
Oh, human hearts ! to concord train'd,
By sires who stood of yore,.
As brothers, when around their homes
The Lion ramp'din gore ;
Will ye the heritage they won
'With ruthless hand divine? •
Or rend the Gordian knot .they drew
Around ye—when they died?
Inike;from the Pater Patio's tomb,
dea th ss7cont Vernon's shade—
Andifora •the heroTbed, who sleeps
.12.Preehville's beauteoiLs glade—
Arid from #reen Quincy's honpr'd breast,
Where sue and ion repose
66.Dretak set Oat band," a solemn voice
IrLdeep accordance rose.
Hark, Hark ! o'er forests rob'd in snow,
In sunny, flower-crown'd vales,
From where the Atlantic's thunder-tone
The far Pacifie hails
From mart and dell, where millions dwell,
By prairie, lake, and hill—
Bolls on, the full, sublime response
- "We never will
fi' , Somebody gives the subjoined
sketch of the little giant of Illinois.—
It is capital—the man himself:
s'ffis , head is large, month full of char
acter; the expression of his face bold
afit defiant. Be looks as though it
Might take a legion of devils to frighten
him. These is . a-blending of the animal
and igtellectual in the expression of his
face. 'Ere speaks deliberately and with
great Rim. lEfe throws all his empha
sis int leading syllable, sliding over
the colltpcinents of a word. One listens
—such is his power—in.spite of the fact
that believe a word uttered by
the speaker."
firW yis South Carolina at the prep
ent time like a hungry Canary Bird t=
Became she wants to "See Seed."
gitkrtt to Volitits, littraturt *timbre, Nartititurt gkc lint A;to, Otntr4l Ittos tly 4Thformatiot, it, it
Fifty Needles Extracted from the Breast of a
One of the most wonderful surgical
operations that has yet come to the ear's
of the scientific world, was'accomplished
in this city a few days since. It was no
less a startling feat in the line of surgery
than the extracting of fifty needles, in a
good state of preservation, from the
breast of a woman, and that, too, without
the eid , of chloroform. 'Add what is,
perhaps, still more wonderful, the opera.
tion;was actually performed by the wo
man herself, unassisted by a physician,
and she is now, we learn, gaining strength
add likely to recover without suffering
any very serious effects from it.
The ease is at once so strange and
startling that it is receiving the atten
tion of our medical den, and will proba
bly be reported to the medical journals,
where it will create much wonder, and
form the basis of '
protracted discussion
among the eminent surgeons of our coun
try. As we are unacquainted with the
medical terms we must report it in a
plain statement, which will be readily
understood by all.
'The'subject was a young lady engaged
as a sewing girl in one of the cloak man
ufacturing establishments on East Weter
street. For a long' time past, quantities
of needles had been missing from her
"pin cushion," and the exciting object of
discussion was, not "what became of the
pins," but "what became of the needles."
Paper after paper disappeared at a much
more rapid rate than is usual by ordi
nary use, and all search was entirely
unavailing. The other day the sub
ject was engaged in her customary voca
tion, when she became conscious of a
prickling sensation in the left breast,
which grew more and more painful.—
The attack increased in severity, until
she 'was led to an examination, when she
discovered the point of a needle protru
ding from the dress at almost the precise
locality of the pain. This led to further
investigation, and the lady in a few min
utes had, with many blushes, taken from
one breast over thirty needles, and from
the other nearly twenty ! Their pres
ence there was accounted for from the
'fact that the lady had of late• contracted
the habit of sticking needles upon her
dress when she had finished using them,
which, in a short time, had "worked in"
—to cotton, we presume, or she would
have felt them, wouldn't she, reader ?
/Wiltcaukie News.
ers will be gratified to see the following
letter from Victor Emanuel's Premier to
the Secretary of the Universal Israelitish
Alliance, of London
:—I have received the letter
which you have addressed , to me, in the
name of the Society of the Universal
Israelitish Alliance, so liciting the aid of
the King's Government in' the steps
which the father of the young Mortara is
taking in order to recover his child from
tB. convent in which he is at present re
tained.. Persuaded of the justice of M.
Mortara's demands, I have the honor to
assure you, sir, that the King's Govern
ment will do all in its power that this
child, in whom the public opinion is so
strongly interested, may be returned to
his family. Be good enough, I beg you,
to acquaint the members of the Jewish
Society of these intentions of the Gov
eisment of the King, and receive, &c.
The Mortara case will be readily re- I
called as one of the most abominable
outrages ever perpetrated on an oppress.
ed people, as well as the most bigoted
defiance of the free spirit of the age.—
The Mortara boy was the son of Jewish
parents,and the Roman Catholic Church
got possession of him some two years
ago, by .fraud, and have since held him,
in order that he might be hrought up in
the true faith, and saved from the deadly
heresies of Jewry. The child, wished to
return to his parents ; they were almost
distracted at his separation from them ;
but neither their intercession nor that of
all liberal European Courts, availedtany
thing. At last, it appears, the glorious
revolution which encircles Rome like a
wall °titre, will smoke oat the monkish
child-stealers,' and restore this poor
boy to his iarents. Vive Garibaldi !
Viva Victor Emanuel Rama A. WISE ?—He has
not been heard from lately, and as he de
clared;.‘j will never remain in the Union
twenty-foar hours after Lincoln's elec
tion, so help me God," his agonized
friends fear he may have seceded indi
ar The " BashfuliGirl " is the name
given to a nude statue by a New York
Marietta, .Pa., Saturday Morning, December 1, 1860.
"Timm,' Oct. 3, 1860
Yorker knows Coney Island. It is a
barren island of sand contiguous to the
city, and sufficiently distant to command
a view of the ocean. It le exclusively
patronized by excursion parties 'during
the summer. ANew York correspon
dent says :
One immediate effect of the election
of Lincoln, and a serious result it is, you
will admit, is the secession of Coney Is
land. Governor Davis, the ruler of that
extensive and fertile province, made his
appearance in the office of the Evening
Post,, and then and there fulminated his
proclamation. The Governor says he
will resist all encroachments upon his
domain, and will submit to no dictation.
By the kind assistance of the editorial
staff of the POST, (not being himself a
"Schallard,") he was enabled to express
his views upon the important question,
in a document of which the following is
a peroration :
"I further order all bridges connecting
these free dominions with the territory
of the United States to be cut down and
destroyed; and I forbid any of my sub
jects, under penalty of death, to trade,
deal or barter with the inhabitants of
the United States. And I further de
clare, that all laws and statutes of the
United States are null and• void in these
dominions of free and independent Co
ney Island. The sons of Coney island
will stand upon their arms, and vindicate
in blood, if they must, their natural and
constitutional rights. Let our .watch
words be : `No more clam-bakes for the
benefit of the insolent foreigners ; no
more promiscuous bathing on the beach
in the summer season ; the Papal Alli
ance and Coney Island forever !'
Given under the hand and seal of
"P. S. Hereafter the standard of the
new empire will consist of two clam
shells, rampant on a vast expanse of sea
green field."
HANNIBAL FLoamm.—Ho n. W. S. Lind
say, who is now in this country as the
representative of the British shipping
interest, paid the following deserved
tribute to Mr. Hamlin, in his speech, be
fore the Philadelphia Board of Trade :
"He said , he had met most of the gov
ernors of the States through which he
had passed, and had enjoyed interviews
with a very large number of prominent
men of the'country, in, particular Hon.
Hannibal Hamlin of Maine. He spent
an afternoon at the quiet residence of
this gentleman, and felt bound to say
that for comprehensive knowledge of
those commercial and * maritime. ques
tions in which both nations are interest
ed, he had met with no gentleman so
ftillf versed as the gentleman ust elected
Vice-President of the United States."
Below we furnish a table of the cost of
ea3h Presidential Administration, ex
clusive of the "Public Debt:
Washington's Administration, $ 1,966,588
John Adams' 5,287,088
Jefierson's .; 5,14:2,598
Mon roe's
John Q. Adams' " f 2,625,475
Jae cc 1S;o68,301
Van Buren's " 2B 2 047 2 178
Harrison and Tyler's." 23,541,288
Polk's " • 36,681,101
Taylor's cc 31 , 074 , 347
Fillmore's fc 44,805,721
Pierce's cc 55,872,028
How TO SELECT FLOUR. First, look at
the color ; if it is white, with a slight
yellowish or, strawcolored tint; buy it.—
If it is very white, with a bluish cast or
with black specks in it, refuse it. Sec
ond,, examine its adhesiveness; : wet and
knead a little of it between your fingers;
lif it works soft and sticky, it is , poor,—
Third, throw a little lump of thy flower
I against a dry smooth, perpendicular stir
face; if it falls like powder, it is bad.—
' Fourth, Knack° some of the flour in your
',hand ; if it' retains the shape given by
the pressure, that, too, is a - good sign.
Floor that will stand all these tests it is
safe to buy. These modes are given by
old flour dealers, and they pertain to a
I matter that concerns' everybody, namely,
the staff of life. •
THE PLANNING of Es.—The London
Builder says that a spider's web furnishes
.a better plan, for the, laying out of new
cities, than any. which Jim yet been de
vised by surveyors and engineers: Any
one who tan find a distinct and complete
web unbroken, will see how beautifully
regular it is, and hbw perfectly adapted
for the qaicliest passage from any one
, point to another. The concentric rings
are not circles, btit polygoni, the radio.-
ties exquisitely. regular and straight.
gives the following instructions to con
sumers of coal in making their purchases:
" Almost all coal has ' bone' in it.—
That is it has hard lumps that cannot be•
burned, heap them in as long as you may ;
and in bad coal the proportion of hone '
is very large. Here is a great waste
that somebody'has to bear the expense
of. How shall consumers avoid•it ?
Attention to the following rale will in a
great measure ensure a good article of
coal—and the best is always the cheap
est. In
. proportion as coal has broad
flat pieces of a dull, coal-dust look, it is
bonny' and 'worthless. If the lumps
are smooth and of a shinny black color,
and of a shape approaching a square,that
coal is the sort to buy even if it does
cost a little more. We will add in addi
tion that if burnins, a good article of coal
the fire should happen to go out, if the
lumps are taken out and washed they will
burn mach more readily from this treat
inent. With the hard 'honey' coal spok
en of abovehowever this treatment will
not avail; it cannot be made biirn again,
Examine the coal you buy."
A Sierra Leone paper states that a white
woman, who accompanied her husband,
a missionary, up the Cavalla river last.
May, excited the greatest curiosity and
admiration among the sable dwellers of
that benighted region, where a white wo
man had never been seen. All wanted
to touch her, and great surprise was ex
prssed on feeling her hair. The king pf
the Nyinemo tribe called her " very fine,"
and complimented her husband greatly
for selecting her. And when she 'told
him that he might see other white women
who would surpass her, he said that ei
ther would never be, or else a very long
time. Owing to her presence, the at
tenthince on preaching was extraordi
nary large. During her visit at the Mis
sion station hundreds went to see her,
who said they could feel satisfied to die
now that they had seen such a wonderful
being as a white woman.
Ward Beecher, on a recent occasion,
said i "The articles of the press go fur
ther than the sermon, and carry with
them really more weight, certainly where
one hears three, which is an abomination
before God and man. No preacher who
is fit to preach a sermon, is fit to preach
more than one a day ; and no man is fit
to hear more; or, if he does, he is not
fit for much else. Sermons are like boys'
pop guns , however many wads you put
in, its the last wad that drives the others
Miss Georgiette Tucker, a highly accom
plished white girl, a graduate of Oberlin
College, Ohio, and a successful lecturer
on literary subjects, eloped recently, from
Toledo, in that State, with a colored bar
ber, and went to Detroit, Mich., where
they were married, to the infinite disgust
of the girl's father, who is said to be
nearly crazy from this redaction of prin
ciples to practice.
OUTRAGEOUS MEAL—The meanest act
we have heard, of lately, is,recorded by
the Utica Telegraph. A man in that
city, who was requested -to act as pall
bearer at the funeral of a friend's wife,
presented the bereaved husband with a
bill of 5.6 cents for his services as pall
bearer, and received his pay. If. the
devil don t 't catch that contemptible chap,
there's no use of having any devil.
'THE CHURCH Mmrivas , v4—The
Guard," a military , company in Washing
ton, have selected the. Rev. G. G.
Norman, of the Methodist Church, cap
tain,,in'place of their late captain, Ron.
I. P. Irvin. - . .
worth, of Chicago &pave notoriety; is
engaged in, .preparing an elegant diplo
ma for presentation to the, various com
panies that entertained the Zottaves, pn
their recent tonr.
WARTS AND CONNS.7-The, bark of a
willow tree:burnt to ashes, mixed, with
:stropg vinegar and applied to the parts,
will.remove all:corns or excrescences on
any part of the body.
Value of slaves who have escaped from
the counties ot Bourbon and Fayette,
Ky., within the last month, is estimated
'at $16;000. •
WALKING:4E4R, Ba k itants,. 7 ,—Two Ger
mans of Detroit drank lager beer on a
wager the other day. One drank eighty
four glasses, and the other ninety-as.
ian, Garibaldi is a Roman Catholic—a
fact which many have doubted from his
patronage, at` Naples, of that impadent
brawler, the ex-monk Gavazzi. It is
known that, in most of the, Catholic
countries in Southern Europe, and par
ticularly in Spain and. Naples.,ttiere, is
no toleration of any worship outside of
the Church of Rome. A few days before
Victor Emmanuel entered ,Naples, the
English community there sent a memo
rial to Garibaldi, praying him to grant
them permission to purchase a site, in
that city, for a Protestant, Church.—
Garibaldi's reply tan thus
" Grateful for the efficacious and gen
erous sympathy of the English, the Dic
tator thinks that this is a very small re
turn to make 'for so many services re
ceived from them in support of the noble
cause of the Italians. Not only is per
mission granted to erect a church within
the limits of the capital to persons who
warship the same God as the Italians,
but the English are requested to accept,
as a uatioual gift, the small spot of
ground required for the proposed project
for which they desire to use it.
" G. Garibaldi."
Comment upon this liberality is un
necessary. Gaiibaldi, iti is'obiionS, is a
tolerant, as well as a brave and liberal
boy of thirteen, in Memphis, Tenn., had
been in - the habit of stealing from his
father's pockets, by slipping into his
room at night. The servants were sus
pected, charged with the offence, and
one after another sold off, yet the young
rascal continued his crimes. His sister
at length detected him, and silenced her
by threatening to stab her if she told his
father. She promised silence if he would
quit stealing, but he continued his hab
its, and finally the sister finding that she
herself was at last suspected, told the
whole story. The boy instantly drew a
large knife, and rushed on his sister, ex
claiming, `J told you if you told father
I'd stick." • The girl ran from him ; the
father caught his son, who kicked and hit
him, and was only; mastered by main
force. He was at last accounts locked
in a room, in which his chief passtime
was swearing vengeance on his sister.
ernment of Liberia hftirofused to receive
the recaptured Africans who were sent
to that: Coloney from Key West; and
who were captured by our cruisers and
landed at,nonroviain August last, The
number of Africans thus landed are about
twenty-four hundred. The American
Colonization Society have a contract
with the U. S. Government under the
law of the last session, to take charge of
all those Africans for one year for the
compensation of $lOO a head ; but the
Liberian Government refuses permission
for the negroes to remain in this terri
tory, or under its protection, without the
same compensation which the Gkoniza-
Society is to receive.
A GHOST Swam—They think they
have :a ghost in at. Louis that frequents
insurance offices I A book-keeper, wri
ting at his desk one eveming, recently,
was interrupred by the entrance of a tall
dark featured and well dressed man, who
inquired after a man unknown on the
premises, and then gazed fixedly at the
clerk. The latter shot, at him with a re
volver, and though within ten feet of him
and a- good.shot, his fire made no. im
pression on the ghost. After looking
contemptuously at the clerk it shrugged
its shoulders and vanished. The clerk
pursued - but in vain, and there is a great
mystery about the whole affair which is
pronounced supernatural.
Pols l oiziNo liays.—The best food with
which to mix poison , for killing rats is
pumpkin seeds: Wet them, and sprinkle'
on a little Arsenic,
,which will adhere 'to'
the -, seeds. They will be eaten by rats
And mice, while' cats; fowls, &c., not 'be
ing,frond of such , food, will not meddle
with them. Whenever poisdnjajtit for
these troublesome pests, wa k teribould be
nearby,•sd,that.thermalfeakdink and
die ohtside , of:their
_ .
Carroll Hicks, of ColunilAs k pn.; Frank
Maney, of Nashville, Tem'tem; Henry
N. Spencer, Jr., of . Pol,.,paniltia, and
Alfred Van Benthuysen,
are among the Americans sectrler
Garibaldi in Italy.
A Pxores.r.=lt is said Ishat}' a party pf,
workmen in Paris signified Vieir ;alit*
at the recent advaßpeOfAller- i cei(t. ,
made by the Emperoi4a l tilei.priee af
ham, byAlirewing their, xipes over the
iron grating into the court3tasd.ori the
palace of the Tuileries.
Terms, C;r3ae)lax a "Z'oar-
AN ELOPES:LENT : I .llt. day or so since,
says the Wheeling I9tplligencer, &young
couple boarded the steamer Grey Eagle
at O'wensboro, it rather a hasty and con
fused manner, which eal o ed the suspi
cion of the officers. It Was ascertained,.
however, that the couple were taking
flight from their own State- to' Indiana,.
for the purpose of being joined in wed
lock. The girl was honnetless and hoop
less, as she was called on gat the Catho
lic school by her suitor with a back, be
fore she could prepare hel clothing and
toilet, and rather than risk her ebanceii
she concluded to go as she was. The
boat came up the river, and the groom,
after selecting an elderly gentleman on
board to go with him to a county clerk'n
office and endorse for him as the father
of the girl, procured the neceliery li
cense and a minister, and soon afttir the
twain were made one flesh.
is the substance of a bill now before
Vermont Legislature :. . , ll_
"A divorce from the bonds of matri- "
mony may be granted where eiter of
the parties is an habitual drunkard; or
shall have joined any religious sect or
society which professes 'to believe the
relation of husband and wife to be un
lawful ; or refuses to co-habit_ ith each
other for the space of three' y is."
According to the above , ovision, a
wrangling or indifferent cont le have but
to agree to live apart for
,ree years,
and they are divorced for the asking.
About two weeks since Mar And Brid
get Kinney, sisters, living at No 246
East Eighteenth street, Nelw,'York, got
into a fight, during which Adget beat
Mary in ii; most biutal manar.' It was
subsequently ascertained thtt Mary was
so seriously injuied'as to render it nec
essary to remove her to Bellefkue Hospit
al, Bridget was then taken it4o custody,
and, being arraigned before Justice-Cop
nelly, was locked up, to await the result
of her sister's injuries. On th4i;nd in
stant Mary died, and Bridget wasOdict
ed for her murder.
Toomse Aro Carostrr.—The Lynch
burg Virginian of. Wednesday, rttpudi
ates the course of Senators ToombsAnd
Chesnut severally, and hopes that their
example will not be followed, by others.
It says if they, would let reason and nqs,
passion direct their policy, they would
see that it is the interest of the South,
if she has any interest In the. Union, to
retain a full representation- in Congress,
and with the aid of Northern conserva
tives to control the Executive branch of
the government, should it'manifest a dis
position to encroach'upon our rights. •
The Alexandria (Ve,.) "Gazette ,states
that at Fairfax Court Hollis, Vale. man
named Hartrel, who had voted ror Lin
coln, was seized by a party whilti he was
coming out of the Court House : And car
ried a short distance from if) village,
where be was blacked completely with
printer's ink, mounted on higt horse, and
started for his home in as au uncomfort
able a situation as one could wish to be
MRS. LnqcorN.—A corr yondent .of
the New York World says I Mrs. Lin
coln, the-future mistress ot,',the White
House, that she " is.upon ...e advanta•
genus side of forty, is eligh . Above the
medium statue, with -brown yes, clearly
cut features, delicate,rdoldletipressive ;
rather distinguished in appearance than
beautiful; conveying to thistmind gener
ally an impression of self-pd,Fsession,state -
liness, `abd elegance." -'-:
A BENEVOLENT 80y..--The track of the
Wilmington and Atlanta Railroad* was
viashed'away by lain.* the might not
long ago, and a littl‘ 'boy, disdovering
the'damage, walked sitp the 'track and
stopped . a coming gain in time to pre
vent a dreadful catastrophe. The little
fellow - is to be- spitttrtlie Georgia Mili
tary Institute at the Amuse of the State.
New DIMES.—The new dimes and half.
dimes for 1860 havei; appeared, - The
thirteen stars encir4g "Liberty" are
omitted—the words f‘trnited States of
America" appearing # their stead. On
the reverse the piece iiiencircled with a
sheaf of corn and otherietive products.
The coin is 'very pretty, Sat the
of the stars will strike manOinfavoraily.
- . .
Homestead has great faith in' e effibioy
Of a peck of onions for riddinowd
oxen . of lice, Ho elfilins to have4dind
i t,
Wm aKinfalliMe remedy mine prat ice.
They allicit iyAtone to, the stomach, 'nd
are especially valnahle4in, hot .weat r,
when working cattle will'llsitAn tße shOo
at noontime, and refuses to eat. (.....
NO. 20.