The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, November 24, 1860, Image 2

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    git g.rii tail' riettiatt.
::f" Impartial—but not Neutral."
O r a,
formation, of,travelers on the Pennsy laar
via railroad, we publish the following
regulations fixed upon by the company,
andluhich passengers may rely upon be
ing carried out to the letter :
Oa sad often October 7th, 1860, pas
sengers who
* fail to procure tickets at
the regular. Aces of the compaoy.will
be required to,payalL excess to the con
ductor. •
The conductor will in each case, give
the person paging . such excess a ticket,
which will be a receipt,for the full amount
paid, and. will entitle the holder to re
ceive a drawback ,equal in amount to the
excess paid, if presented to any author
ized station agent of the company.
This rulaw,ill be invariable, and con
ductors wits barequired to- ciirry it out.
It is hoped , passengers will afford them
every faoility to do so.
Hon. Erastus Corning, president of the
Neti*York Central, and Chauncey Hib
bard, superintendent or , twe same road,
were both elected to Congress on the
6th filet, in New York State, the former
by abottiii • 11undred majority and the
latteiby, 'fonr hundred. an Thursday
the result was cefebrited at Buffalo by a
grand Illumination of tie Central depot
and the huge building of the American
and Unite 4 States Express Companies.
Suva Trumstrann.—Henry D. Moore,
of Philadelphia, having been Mr. Slifer's
only competitor last winter, for the nom
inatiomfor, State Treasurer, was supposed
to have. a nitre thing of it this winter, but
doubtful ,thinge are-. supposed to be
mighty uncertain, iind Dolan well ascer
tained ,faet that "there is many a slip
'twizt , the cup and the Up." We hear
now of' two additional candidates, who
will.ts7 Abair strength in the caucus—
Mr. Baldwin, late Senator fregELasoas
tar, And Mr.'Prancis, late Speaker of the
Renate. Each of these Men have their
friendeiand there is a shrewd suspicion
afloat that a promise of. Western support
to Mr. Francis had something to do with
his <withdrawal from the contest, after
being fairly. nominated for Senator in his
dietriet. Mr. Baldwin is not without his
friends, so that the contest is already a
triangular one, thus early in the day, and
what it will reach by January, there is
no sartaising.—Horrisburg Patriot.
Coincidence.—Col. Lewis W. Washing
ton, of Jefferson county, Va., was mar
ried o j zi the 6th inst. to gas M., daugh
ter at 47,6. fr. Bascett, Esq., of, Han
g"; counV„ Va. In , this marriage a
singular coincidence occurs, the groom
being a great4saiidson of two brothers
of General Washington, and
,the bride
the great-granddiughter of the only sis
ter of Glen. Washington, and also great
grand-daughter of the sister of Mrs. c3' en
eral Washington. , • ,
jirEverybedy's La w yer" •and "The
Family Doctor," two valuable works ad
vertised in another part of our paper,
are decidedly the best books, of their
elase-that have ever come under our no
tice. The publisher aiming to meet the
waste of the million, and to supply them
with Ipoolts not of trapeientinterest, but,
of real and permanent value, has spared
no Millnuar in the getting up of these
worke r theatecessity for which are of con
stant row:once "everybody's" busi
nemrtuid-thmily. By the aid of judicious
advertiejogthey lave already reached
an enormous sale, and are now being
in:lonely sought for in every,part of our
land. Two .dollars sent to the publisher
will secure single copies of each book.
ii The deiartnre of the Nonni() from
Paris, saps the Times' correspondent, is
said• the forerunner of the Pope's
quitting Rime. His Holiness declared
to an Irish ecclesiastic, who -bad an au
dience abotit. &forte ight ago, that he con
sidered himself nearly a prisoner.
11frBishop . aderiliefiner, of New Jer_
sey, has issued ad address calling upon
the churches in' his diocese to take up
colleCtiolis onThanksgivngDay foi the
benefit of the sufferers in Kansas.
*srvr. E. Read, a blind man from his
toirtli l eentlsi ' , completed, without
aid; a piano 'which' was exhibited last
week it* the Indiana State'Fair, and is
said to 1, a fine instrument.
t '• ,‘
firliarreat county- has been heard
from, offisisibr, whiehlizeaLmcoln's ma.
jontr in the State-at 95.136 I
rrlie Philadelphia 4W Washington
CiDi'bausksphave =dnspended= specie pay
Chief Justice Taney is now hearing I
arguments "in chambers" at Baltimore,
and will be here to put on his silk gown.
and take his seat when the Supreme
Court session opens. He has been Chief
Justice nearly twenty-five years, and
will not listen to polite hints that should
he now resign, President Buchanan could
appoint a friend of the South as his sac-
cessor. The Attorney-General would
not probably object to the "rotation."
An officer of the State government
says he has an important letter from one
of the heads of departments at Washing
ton, which will be made public after the
14th of December. It is surmised to be
the resignation of Gen. Scott, in case of
Senators Hammond and Chestnut are
mentioned in connection with the head
of the Government after secession.
Mr. Buchanan has nearly completed
his• Message, in which he reviews in de
tail the action of the Northern and of the
Southern States on the 'fugitive slave
law, &c., and recommends alit additional
power be vested in the executive to en
rolee the laws of the tenited:States.
• The President hah under consideration
the propriety of sending advance copies
of the measage to the principal cities, to
be given to the newspapers for immedi
ate publication upon the receipt of tele
graphic advii!,e that it his been read,—
It is thought desirable to have it circu
lated at the South prior to the assem
bling of the State secession Conventions.
The priVate Secretary of Judge Doug
las arrived here yesterday from New Or
leans, where he left the Little Giant on
Monday last, in excellent health, slightly
increased in weight since he left here
last year, and a little lame from the ef
fects of the steamboat accident at Mont
gomery. He was on his way to his chil
dren's plantation, and will return home,
via Memphis, before the opening of Con
H. R. French is hard at work to secure
the appointment of United States Mar
shal of the District of Columbia—a place
worth at least $20,000 per annum—be.
sides - the advantages atteadent on the
position as Chamberlain at the White
Richard Wallack, who was Marshal
under Fillmore, is the principal compe
titor, and has the support of many South
ern Whigs, his brother, who edits the
Star, and his father-in-law, who is the
landlord of Brown's hotel.
Rumors are afloat that investigations
are, now being made into the quality and
cost of rations furniehed to the prisoners
in Washington jail, for whose subsistence
the District Marshal, Col. Wm. Selden,
receives sixteen cents per diem, yet has
only spent, it is said, eight or nine. P.
King, the jailer, and other witnesses
have been examined, -but great secrecy
has so far been observed.
orMarehal Yost publishes the follow
ing table which shows the population,
by counties, of the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, showing an increase since
'5O of 338,100 :
Counties. • inhabitants.
Bucks, 63,803
Carbon, 21,239
Chester, 74,749
Cumberland, 40,402
Dauphin, , • 48,640
Delaware, • 30,614
Franklin; , . ' .• , 42,242
Pike, -
Total, 1,5 . 58,153'
1a'1850,. 1,220,053
the " Medical and
.Surgical Reporter"
of October, a report of a successful sur
gfcat'operation preformed in this bor
ough, by Dr. F:,filakle, of Marietta, as
sisted by Drs. Ehler,,of Lancaster, and
McCorkle, of this borough. The oper
ation consisted in the removal of a tumor
from the nostril of the patient,which had
so extended as to render necessary "the
extirpation of , the entire Super-Maxil
lary Bone." The surgical , skill display
by Dr. Hinkle is beat attested by the re
sults. The patient entirely recovered
under the subsequent judicious treat
ment-of the operator and Dr. McCorkle,
and retains but slight disfiguring evi
dence of the terrible • ordeal through
which she passed.—Columbia Spy.
The Savannah Republican, of the
12th inst., says that although it has been
positively asserted that Mr. Toombs has
resigned his seat in the United States .
Senate, that paper, after the, most dili
gent inquiry, has been unable
. 0 find .the
slightest foundation for ,the statement..
ea - Prentice, of the Louisville Journal,
thus explains the secession movement :
"Ile Southern momients in the `diYec-
Lion of socessionwpt . moral support, be
cause the impreodon is , generitl that the
election pf Lincoln is the fretexkllither
than the cause of disunion."
(*.David 'Dee° Dien, the geologist,
brother of Robert Dale Owen, died at
lihraneville, Ind., a few days ago. '
(--14 c -t& VlllOl DO Cie MOM 11,10 1741 111 MO IS 111 14110.1[6=
The census returns show that Virgin
ia will have three additional representa
tives in Congress,
An ordinance• of the city of Memphis
requires all stores and saloons to be
closed at 11 o'Clock.
The Deacon of Glenwood, the popular
lecturer, Mr. De Cordova, himself.ajew,
assert that there is in the United States
a secret Jewish order numbering 400,000
A. dwarf named Paul Drake, 25 years
old, got drunk in . a saloon at Columbus,
Ohio, was placed on the counter as a
show. The poor fellow's ,head being
heavier than his body, he tumbled oil;
fractured his skull, and died in a few
Bee cultivators in Europe are begin
ning to make use of chloroform 'to render
the bees quiet and tractable at the mo
ment of removing the honey from their
A woman died at Aurora, Ind., last
week, after living six days with-her neck
brOken at, the fifth cervicad vertebra.—
The head alone retained its vitality dur
ing this time, and the body being paral
yzed, she did not suffer greatly, com
plaining only of a feeling, as if a broad
iron band was compressed tightly round
her chest.
Messrs. Patterson of Juniata, Ball of
Erie, Davis of Indiana, Armstrong of
Lycoming, and Gordon of Jefferson, are
mentioned in connection with the Speak
ership of the next House of Represents,
The reward of $l,OOO offered for the
recovery of the body of Miss Agnes
Grath, lost in the Lady Elgin, has been
The rich old late owner of Druid Hill
Park, Baltimore, Lloyd N. Rogers,-died
on Tuesday. His death is said to have
been accelerated by excitement and grief
at the sale of his old paternal estate.
A body, recently exhumed at Croton,
N. Y., which has been buried 25 years,
was found completely petrified, and every
feature perfect.
At the present Elgin (C. W.) Assizes ,
a man named John Murdough was charg
ed with administering poison to his wife
with intent to kill her. • The jury found
him guilty, and the judge sentenced him
to be hung on the 22d of December.—
The wife has recovered from the poison
administered by her husband, and is now
in pretty good health.
In California women have n right to de
mand that their sewing-machines should
be exempt from seizure, on the same
principle that secures to farmers and me
clanks their implements of industry.
It is stated that seventeen law stu
dents have left the Cambridge (Mass.)
law school on account of the election o
A fine male infant was found aban
doned on Monday evening, in Grand
street, Jersey City. The little fellow,
was cared for, named Hamlin. Lincoln,
and transfered to the Alms House.
It is stated that the French army now
in Italy kill horses unfit for farther ser
vice, by injecting air into an open vein,
which produces instantaneous kmdpain
less death.
Mr. Dampier, a farmer residing near
Taunton, England, is said to have a horse
in his possession, aged 56 years, which
he rides daily about his farm, and occa
sionally goes out hunting with.
Hon. Edward Everett voted, in Bos
ton. in the Seventh ward, and on pre
senting himself at the polls the cry was
raised, by those who were working as
hard as they could against him, "Three
cheers for Mr, Everett," which were
given with a heartiness that must have
been gratifying to the recipient of the
On Friday, the 9th init., the three
slaves, John, Dick, and Colin,were axe=
anted At Ltinenbazg (Ya.) Ctourt.hense,
for an attempt to poison the family' of a
respectable citizen.
• The mother of Hon. Howell Cobb re
ceived, at a late fair in Georgia, the pre_
mium of a silver.goblet for five hand
somely embroidered shirts, worked-by
John Jefferson lost both his legs, at
Dubuque, on Wednesday, by being run
over by a switch engine, while walking
on the track.
A. brother of Charles Dickens is em
ployed ip ths_land office of the Illinois
Central Railroad. He does a little in
the literary line.
Hon. Lewis, Cass, Jr., late . United
States Minister at Rome, returned to
his - old home in 'Detroit' on Saturday.
Capt. Travis, probably the fleet
shot in the world,-now -residing at Mem
phis, will Shortly visit England..
The re-eleation of Hon. - Lyinaii Trum
bull, 'Republican Senator from Illinois
is. generally conceded.
G-overnor Brown, of Georgia, is re
ported as , a, man.otstrong xeligions feel
Mr. Lincoln is said to be in the receipt
of half a blishel of letters per day.
-Mr. Hobbs, the celebrated lock-picker,
has arrived in Boston; from Europe.
This gentleman, well known in political
circles, died suddenly oa Thursday last,
says The Frees, at the St. Lawrence
Hotel, where he was boarding. Mr.
Strong was several times elected member
of the Pennsylvania Legislature ; once
Speaker` of that body, and was a candi
date for the nomination of the People's
State Convention for Governor when
Curtin was nominated. Last Summer
Mr. Strong was a candidate for renomi
nation to the Legislature from the dis
trict composed of the Fifth and Eighth
wards, but was beaten by Henry E. Wal
FURS:- The season forfursis now upon•
us, and as no lady's wardrobe is complete
without them, it becomes a question with
those unprovided, what kind to select
and Where to purchase them to the best
advantage. Several varieties beibg
equally fashionable, ladies are at liberty
to be governed entirely by their own
tastes and the amount of "pin• money'at
their disposal: The traffic of furs,. like
that of jewelry, admits of an almost un
limited amount of deception upon the
Out of unprincipled dealers, so that pur
`chasers in either line cannot be too care
current number of the Home Jounal,
says that Miss Harriet Lane, the - accom
plished niece of President Buchanan, is
the reported author of" Rutledge "—one
of the most popular of modern romances.
Though Miss Lane is well known in this
city, this is the first intimation we have
heard of her giving attention to literary
composition. If "Rutledge "is her first
effort, we can safely predict for her a
brilliant literary career.—Lancaster Ex
MOVING Beaux HOUSES.—A number of
workmen were engaged on Tuesday and
yesterday in moving two three-story
brick dwellings, on Buttonwood street,
above Thirteenth. The buildings are
used as a benevolent institution. While
the moving was going on the patients
and others remained inside. The houses
are to be moved about forty feet, to a
foundation already built to receive them.
The operation attracted considerable at
ten tion.—Forney's Press.
Spayd, a well known character in Read
ing died on Wednesday, after a long ill
ness. He was a native of this county,
and went to Reading some fifteen years
ago, in the capacity of school teacher,
for which . he was well qualified. He
•possesed abilities which, if properly di
rected, would have led him to distinc
tion, but like many others, he failed to
use them right. " Alas, poor Yorick i "
—Harrisburg Telegraph.
er has issued his proclamation, announc
ing the election of the Lincoln electors,
and calling them to assemble at Harris
burg on the first Wednesday of Decem
ber. We advise that all Electors make
sure of being at their place of meeting
even a day earlier than the time fixed by
law, as the vote of Michigan was it dan
-ger of being lost from a snow storm in
vote for Lincoln in the slave Stittes, thus
far reported, is as follows :
Missouri (estimated) 17,000
Delaware 3,751
Maryland 2,198
V irginia 1,500
'tKentucky 2,150
ville Journal of late dates is filled with
appeals for the Union, and. Prentice says
that he intends to publish hi paper up
to March Ist,
,11365, and inside of the
'Union. He declares that he does not
like the idea , of collecting local items
from. the other side of the Ohio river un
der the head of foreign news.
ington Artillerists orPottsville, a large
and fire looking company, intend visit
ing Harrisburg on the third Tuesday of
January, to participate in the inaugura
tion parade. The People's Campaign
Club of Philadelphia, two hundred and
fifty strong, with a brass band, will alsd
be in an attendance.
Wide-Awakes, of New York, have re
solved to attend the Inauguration on the
fourth of March next, at Washington, en
masse, and in uniform. The State Cap
ital Club, of Harrisburg also intend vis
iting the Federal Capital on that occa
Coax On..—lt is said that Indian corn
produces a clear fluid, which burns with
(int odor, without smoke; and is inexpen
siv6, affording a good light, in an ordi
nary kerosene 'lamp, for half a cent 'an
hour:" The corn oil is clear and ' colorless
as water. '
er Pennsylvania made the first turn
Pike,roadin the United States, laid-the
first railroad, established the first water.
works, ran the first locomotive, estab
lished the first hospital, the first law
school, the first public museum, the first
hall Of music; and the.first -library in the
world opened freely to all. Good -.for
Pennsylvania! •
successive steps in the election of Pres
ident and Vice President are taken, ac
cording to existing laws, at the following
I dates :
1. By the act of Congress of 1843 the
Electors for President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States are appointed
in each State on the Tuesday next after
the first Monday in November.
2. By an act of 1792 these Electors
are to meet on the first Wednesday in
December after, in their respective
States, to cast their votes.
3. The votes, when cast, are to be
certified by the Electors and sealed up
and sent to the President of the Senate.
On the second Wednesday in February
after, the sealed certificates of the Elect
ors are to be broken open and the votes
counted, and the result declared in the
presence of Congress.
A Waal.; ILL ED.—On ' tge Catawissa
Railroad, the other day, the engineer dis
covered' a woman lying with her, head
across the track. Bat it was too late to
hold back the train. The engine was
reversed - but in vain.
.It passed over the
unfortunate woman, severing her head
from her body and frightfully mangling
it. It was her evident intention to com
mit suicide; as she had been warned of
the coming of the traina moment before,
and deliberately laid herself down wait
ing for it to pass.
. Joe LANE.—Out West several- people
are inconsolable because the elegant and
refined Joseph Lane is not to be our
next Vice ?resident. They say that
his defeat is a death blow to American
literature, and will cause a complete
stagnation in that branch of the book
trade devoted to Webster's Spellers. It
is rumored that his friends in Oregon
were affected to tears by the following
"Me and Brick aredepheeted, but
God's will be dun. .Gos EY LANE."
session of the present (36th) Congress
will assemble at Washington, on Mon
day the third of December. This is the
short session of the term, and - as there
will be no organization to effect, it will
be likely to get under way at once. The
President's Message it is said, is almost
completed. It will be sent in advance
of the meeting of Congress to the princi
pal cities of the country. •
ifirMr. John M. Butler will contsst
the seat of Mr. Wm. E. Lehman, as Rep
resentative from the First Congressional
District. On Saturday evening last no
tice to that effect was given to Mr. Leh
man, by Mr. Charles Gilpin, counsel for
Mr. Butler. Mr. Butler still holds the
certificate of election from the Return
Judges of the city of Philadelphia.
The New York Seventh Regiment
have established a gymnasium, the finest
in the city, at a cost of 820,000.
onward march of truth—Why is it?—The great
doctrine announced some fifty years bark by
Dr. Holloway, that the stomach, the liver, and
the blood are the founts of disease, is now uni
versally admitted, his greatest opponents hav
ing become his staunchest supporters. The
reason is obvious. Millions who were aillicthd
with Dyspepsia, Liver complaints, Billiousness.
Sick-Headache, Debility and Physical prostra
tration, have been radically cured by a thorn'
/course of his famous. Pills, while others have
been healed of Scurvy, Old Sores, Bad Legs,
Scrofulous humors, Glandular Swellings, Tu
mors, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., by his Ointment
and Pills, when all other means had failed,
Such is the progress of truth and the triumph
of reason.
have,s Holland Bitters,—Persons subject to
nervous or sick headache, will find in Bier
have's Holland Bitters a sure, safe and pleas
ant remedy. It soothes the throbbirg head,
corrects acidity of the stomach, assists diges
tion,and creates a healthy appetite. It is,with
out doubt, a most delightful preperation, and
an effectual remedy. The fact that it is now.
a very popular medicine throughout all the Hol
land settlements in Wisconsin, New York - , Il
linois, Michigan and Indiana, speaks much in
its favor. See advertisement in another column.
A CARD TO THE Surressec.—The Rev.
Wilda - Am Cosomovm,.while 'laboring as a mis
sionary in Japan,'wai cured or . Consumption,
all other means had fail( 1. by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and
Colds, and the debility and nervous depression
caused by these disorders. '
Desirous of benefitting others, I will send
this recipe, which I have brought home with
me, to all who need it, free of charge.
Address REV. Wm. Coscsovm,
939 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
To CONSUMPTIVES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread diseaSe, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the, prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure care for Con
sumption, Bronehitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the presc.riPtion is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
Williamsburg, Kings co:, N. Y. [3m
10- We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of R. Newell's Gallery of
Art. Thetebtimonials are of the first chartic
iIZI - See 'adiertisinefit of Prof., L. Miller's
pair Inyinorator, and Liquid. Hair Dye, is au
other column: • .
Health and us Pleasures, or,
--o --
What is more fearful than the breaking
down of the nervous system? To be excites
ble or nervous in a small degree is most dis
tressing, for where can a remedy be found 1--
There is one :—drink but little wine, beer, or
spirits, or far better, none ; take no coffee,—
weak tea being preferable; get all the fresh
air you Can ; take tree or four Pills every night;
eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ;
and if these goldon rules are followed, you
will be happy in mind and strong in body, and
forget you have any nerves.
if there is one thing more than another for
wtich these Pills are so famous it is their puri
fying properties, especially their power of
cleansing the blood from all impurities, an d
removing dangerous and suspended secretions.
Universally adopted at the one grand remedy
for female complaints, they never fail, never
weaken the system, and 'always bring about
wt-: is required.
These feelings which so sadden us, most fr-e
quenUy arise from annoyances ortrouble, frees
obstructed persphstion, or from eating and
drinking what is unfit for us, thus duiordering
the liver and stomach. These organs must be
regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if
taken according to the printed instructions,
will quickly restore a healthy action to both
liver and stomach, whence follow as a natural
consequence, a good appetite and a clear head.
In the East and Westlndies scarcely any other
medicine is ever,used for these disorders.
In all diseases erecting these organs, wheth
er they secrete too much or too little water;
or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel
or with aches and pains settled in the loins
over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills
should be taken according to the printed direc
tions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed
into the small of the back at bed time. This
treatment will give almost immediate relief
when all other means have failed.
No medicine will so effectually improve the
tone of the stomach as these Pills • they remove
all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance
or impr.per diet. They reach the liver
and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are
wonderfully efficacious in case of spasm,—in
fact they never fail in curing all disorders of
the liver and Stomach.
Holloway's , Pills arethebest remedy known
in the world for the following diseases.
Ague, Dropsy, Inflammation,
Asthma. _ Dysentery, Jaundice,
Bilious Complaints, Erysipelas, Liver Com-
Blotches on the Female Ir- plaints,
Skin, regularities Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, Feversofall Piles,
Colics, kinds, Rheumatism ,
Constipation of the Fits, Retention of
Bowels, Gout, Urine,
Consumption, . Head-ache,
_Scrofula, or
Debility, Indigestion, King's Evil,
Stone and Gravel, Tumours, Sore Throats,
Secondary Symp- Ulcers, Venereal A
toms, Worms ofall fections
Tic-Douloureux, kinds, Weekness,Wc.
CAtmort:—None are genuine unless the
words ••11oLtoway, NEW YORK -AND LON-
D ow," are discernible as a Water-mirk in every
leaf of the book of directions •around each pot
or box; the same maybe plainly seen by hold -
log the leaf to the light. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such infor
mation as may lead to the detection of any
party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or
vending the same, knowing them to be spu
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hot-
LOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes
at 25 cents, 03 cents and $1 each.
liZt-There is considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N B.—Directions for the guidance`of patients
in, every disorder are affixed to each box. [7-8
1860! Fourth Arrival of 1860 !
l'am FRU ao@Ds.
NOW OPENING, ,a beautiful assortment
of New Fall Goods, Voughl 'in New
York and Philadelphia.
The newest fail styles:
• The Arab,
The Basque,
The Walking Coat,
The Full Beck,
The Plain Back,
The Cape Style s
The Beaver Cloth, &c., &c.
Cloaking Cloths of every kind. Dressgoods of
every description, newest styles and just im
ported in New York.
A beautiful assortment, and latest styles:
Brocha Long Shawls,
Scotch Long Blanket Shawls,
French Long Blanket Shawls,
Stella Shawls, embracing every color &
Coating, Cassimeres, and Vestings.
We respectfully invite attention to our stock
of Coatings, Cassimeres and Vestings, exceed
ing in variety ,quality and cheapness, any goods
in that line we ever offered.
:Nuy. 3, 186,0.
„ Fashionable Tailors-it Drapes
Opposite A. Cassel's store. Market street,
r jIHE undersigned having associated them
selves into a co -partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining -Dr. liinkle , s Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of
MAW, esaillehes & 3.)fitliflgS,
which they will dispose of and "make nip" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past favors.
Christian. Plumb,
Nathan Dyer. '
lir Cutting done at short notice.
Marietta,Sep. 10, 1859.-if
eying very recently added a large and fash
ionable assortment e Types and Prinhng ma
terials, which will enable to dmall kinds of
Such as Cards, Ball Tickets,
Circulars, Programmes, Blanks,
Handbills, Posters, Sale - Bnis, &c.
Everything in the Ton Pittman° line neatly
and cheaply executed and at short notice.
"The Weekly Marie' ttian" Office.
• H. L. & E. .T. ZAHM
REAPECTPULLY inform their
S• friends and the public that the Y
I still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
.3 AND JEWELRY business at the old
stEnd, North-west" Corner of North
Queen street and Center SgtiarpiLancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of bust
less always en hand and for sale at the knew t
cash rates.-
Rokreiriag attended to persona IV the
ULP. II Y L. &XX.] (ED .c ars
Cheap Cash Store.