(J .. "' I t 771 t.. 6 ,. Ip_ . 7)]..-...*-•.-iTittli;i..lt4. L_ 3E3a,l3Ler, E3ditor aiad. Proprietor_ VOL. 7. Etc Ultal (itlaritttin IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY.. AT ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. pUBLICATION OFFICE in the second sin_ ry of CRULL'S Row, on Front Street, five doom East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel ; MARIETT.A LANCASTER COITNTY, PENN'A. if suliscriptions be not paid within six months, $1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.- No subscription received for a less-period than six months, and no paper will be discontin ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure-to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. ADVERTISING RATES: One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes sional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, fire cents a -line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, i R E E but for any additional lines, five cents a-line. /laving recently added a large lot of new JOB AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINT ING, at short notice and reasonable priees. A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year ly or yearly advertisers. c:t3orntigt golintg . tikers.. BOROUGH. Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller, Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker, 'fawn Council, Barr Spangler, (President) John Crull, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,. Henry S. Libluirt. • Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestand. Treasurer, John Auxer. Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun., Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker. Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Routh. High Constable, Absalem Emewiler. Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey. Begulators, John D. Goodman, E. D. Roath. Supervisor, Samuel Hippie, Sen. Sritoot Directors, John Jay Lthhart, Presi dent, E. D. Routh, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner, Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh, Jonathan M. Larzelere.. Post Office pours: The Post Office will be open from 7 o'clock in the morning until Sin the evening. Chas. Kelly, Postmaster. The :Eastern mails will close ar7 a. and 9.15 p. m., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a. m., and at ti 25 p. m. The Western mails will close at 10.50 a. and arrive at 4.55 p. en. Railroad Time Table: The mail train for Philadelphia will leave this station at 7.90 in the morning, The mail train west will leave at 11.21 in the morning. The" Harrisburg ac commodation east, passes at 445 p. m. and returns, going west, at 6 23 p. m. Religious Krercisr.,: Service will be had on every Sabbath at 10 o'clock•in. the morning and at 4 1 before 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Pres byterian church. Rev. P. J. Timlow, pastor. Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and at A-4 heroic 8 o'clock in the evening t here will be service in the Methodist church. Rev. 'l'. W. Martin, pastor. Beneficial Societies: TIT .11 lianinowv, A. N. Cassel, President; John Jay Libhart, Treasur er ; Barr Spangler, Secretary. TUC Prom ERR, John Jay Libliart, President; Alma Cassel Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary. COUNTY. .President Judge, henry G. Long. AsNatant Judges, Alexander L. lOyes, Ferree Minton. • District Attorney, Emlen Franklin. Prothonotary, William Carpenter: Recorder, Anthony Good. Repster, John Johns. • County Treasurer, Itliehael H. Shirk. Sheriff, Stephen W. P: Boyd. Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Sam'l Evans. Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L. Stoner. Coroner, Levi :tummy. County Commissioners, Daniel Good, Joseph Boyer, Levi S. heist, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley. Clerk, Peter G. Ebertnan. Directors of the Poor, Robert Byers, Lewis Snitcher, Daniel Overholtzer John Huber, Simon Groh, David Slyer Solicitor, James K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. Taylbr. Prison Inspectors, It. J. Houston, Day. Brandt, John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans, H. S. Gera. Solicitor, Dung G. Baker. keep er, Jay Cadwelt. Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B. Lytle, John Meenttney. County Surveyor, John C. Lewis J. R. 110 FIFER, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Draughtsman. Main-st., Mountjoy, Laniaster Co., Pa. ALL kinds of land surveying and dividing levelling of watercourses, roads,&c. Ac curate and neat plain and ornamental Mapping and draughting of town plans, large landed es tates, Sm. Mechanics', Quarriers and Earth work measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea ses, Powers of attorney and other legal instru menta neatly and accurately drawn. Execu tors', Adtninistrators', Assignees' and Guar dians accounts stated. la - He is also Agent for the sale of the .7?idgeway Farm and Land Co's Lands in Elk County, Pa. Communicationsby letter promptly attended to. ATTENTION 1 Housekeepers. Anderson has just received Apples, Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Dates, Pruens, Citron, Resins, Cur rants, &c., /kc;, Fresh and-fine—cheap, and cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson's. AGENERAL ASSORTMENT OF - Hammered and Rolled Iron, H . ars. Norway, Nail Rods, American and , German. Spring and , Cast Steel. Wagon Boxes, Iron Axles, Sprins, &c., for smiths. ST.MIRETT 4- CO. ormXSUPERIOR COOK STOVE, ver plain style,' each one warranted to per tcrthe entire satisfaction of the - 2 -'-' 4 urcbaser. STERRETT & CO. U BS, Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bows, 11 Oil Cloth,, Varnishes, &c. STERRETT ¢ co. TO LANDLORDS 1 ' Just received, Scotch and rtiSh' fI7IIISKIE, wrirran pure, " at, H. D. .pgajomain's. 1 ' WSOOD' Ilair Restoiative at GROvIt! 3t ItOTIPS DRIED FRUIT now teMigutpcil,s Ci 13 ST DROPS : Stewart' . wrs , s varicties j ut Wolfe's pfttot6 to a ztYts, gittratart, Agriculture, North Hurt, Elf I — Mt IXIS, 641E111 Iteil4 of tit gag, NOtal linfornraiitin., it., it. THE WIPE OP ANDREW J4I.OICSON. The new volume of Mr. Parton's "Life of Andrew Jackson" has the following account of the death of the General's wife: "On Monday evening, the evening be fore the 23d, her disease appeared to take a decided turn for the better ; and she then so earnestly entreated the Gen eral to prepare for the fatigues of the morrow by having a night of undisturbed sleep, that he consented, at last, to go into an adjoining room and lie down upon a sofa. The doctor was still in the house. Hannah and George were to sit up with their mistress. At nine o'clock the General bade her good night, went into the next room, and took off his coat, preparatory to lying down. He had been gone about five minutes; Mrs. Jackson was then, for the first time, re moved from her bed, that it might be rearranged for the night. While sitting in a chair, supported in the arms of Han nah, she uttered a long, loud, inarticn• late cry, which was immediately followed by a rattling noise in the throat. Her head fell forward upon Hannah's shoul. der. She never spoke nor breathed again. "There was a wild rush into the room of husband, doctor,. relatives, friends, and servants. The General assisted, to lay her on the bed. 'Bleed her' he cried. No blood flowed from her arm. "Fry the temple, doctor.' Two drops stained her cap, but no more followed. "It was long before he would believe her dead. He looked eagerly into her, face, as if still expecting to see signs of returning life. Tier hands and, feet grew cold. There could =be no doubt, then, and they - prepared.a table for laying her out. :With, a, choking voice the General said "'Spread four blankets upon -it.. If she does come to, she will lie so, hard upon the table.' • • ."Ile sat all night long in the room by her side, with his face in his hands, 'grieving,' said Hannah, and occasionally looking into the face, and feeling the heart and . pulse of the form:so dear 'to him. Major Lewis, who had been imme diately sent for, arrived just before day light, and found him still there; nearly speechless, and wholly inconsolable. lle sat in the room nearly all the next day, the picture of despair. It was only with great difficulty that he was persuaded to take a little coffee. - "'And this was the way,' concluded Hannah, 'that old mistus died, and we always say that when we lost her, we lost a mistus and a mother, too ; and more a mother than a mistus. And we say the same of old master, for he was 'more a father to us than a master, and many's the time we've wished him back again, to help us out of our troubles.' "The remains of Mrs. Jackson still lie in the corner of the Hera itage garden, next those of her husband, in a tomb prepared by him in these years for their reception. It resembles in appearance, an open summer-house—a small white dome supported by pillars of white mar ble. The tablet that covers the remains of Mrs. Jackson reads as follows : " 'Here lies the remains of Mrs. Ra chel Jackson, wife of President Jackson, who died the 22d of December, 1828, aged 61. Her face was fair ; her'person pleasing, her temper amiable, her heart kind ; she delighted in relieving the wants of her fellow-creatures, and culti vated that divine pleasure by the most liberal and unpretending methods ; to the poor she was a benefactor ; to the rich an example ; to the wretched a comforter ; to the prosperous an orna ment ; her piety went hand in hand with her benevolence, and she thanked her Creator.for being permitted to . do good. A being so gentle and so virtuous, sland er might wound- but could not dishonor. Even Death, when he tore her from - the arms of her husband, could but transport her to the bosom of her God.' " al - The present Governor (Downey) of California is a little pleasant-faced, smooth-tongued Irishman. For years he was a prominent politician in the region of Los Angelos, devoting himself to the political fortunes of Senator Latham, then a promising young lawyer of Sacra mento. Subsequently, through Latham's influrnce he was elected as Lieut-Gov ernor on the ticket with himself; and when Latham, the Acting Governor, was• declared b'enator, Downey, by virtue of his position, became the head of the State Government, in which capacity he has developed and exhibited the most re.: markable executive ability, and is in fa vor with all parties, cliques and clans. Igir Tie is a brave man who isn't afraid to wear &lid clothes until he is able to pay for new odes. York Gum a - ett., "a., Saturday Morning, November 24, 1860. TIM GOLD DOLLAR.—As much has re cently been said in the public prints about the coinage of gold dollars into pieces of larger denominations, it may be stated that orders for that purpose have been issued from the Treaplry depart ment in two special cases only, and on representation that the smaller coins'oc casioned much inconvenience in the re ceipts and disbursements, for no sooner are they paid out than they again return in business transactions, there appearing; to be a redundancy of them among corn: mercial classes. The Assistant Treasur er at New York was, for the greater fa cility in counting, authorized to have about two millions of them recoined, and the Assistant Treasurer at St. Louis up wards of one hundred and fifty thousand for similar reasons. This recoinage,how ever, applies to the original or early is sues, which, it is known, are smaller in circumferance and thicker than the latter and superior coin. Of the former there are now nine millions, and of the latter six millions in circulation. On a com plaint, a few days since, from Philadel phia, two hundred thousand dollars of the newer dollars were sent from New York to the Mint, whence they were withdrawn, and very many of them again found their way to New York. While the gold dollars are great convenience in small, it is considered that there is 'a redundance of them for large transac tions, and hence the recent special or ders. There does not seem to be any purpose so to reduce the amount of this description of coin' as to inconvenience the public. 'WHAT AMC UMBRELLA INDICATES : A vast deal of truth will be found in the following paragraph, as our readers will detect and acknowledge : " An umbrella, it is said, can be taken' as a test of character. The man who takes an umbrella out with him is a cau tious fellow, who shuns all speculation, and is pretty sure to die rich. The man who is always leaving his umbrella be hind. him, is one who generally makes no . provision for the morrow. He is reck less, thoughtless,alwayt" late for the train, leaves the street door open when he goes home late at night, and is absent to such a degree as to speak ill of a baby in the presence of its mother. The man who is always losing his umbrella is an unlucky dog, whose bills are always protested, whose boots split, whose gloves crack, whose buttons are always coming oil; whose change is sure to have some bad money in it. Be careful how you lend a hundred dollars to such a man. The man who is perpetually expressing a ner vous anxiety about his umbrella, and wondering if it is safe, is full of uneasi ness and low suspicion. Let him be ev er so rich, give him not your daughter." A SNAKE IN A LETTER.-A negro in Chicago astonished the post office loun gers a few days ago with a series of most agonizing shrieks and screams. She had just received a small package from Ma rion, and on opening it a green adder was revealed to her astonished gaze.— The bystanders sood dispatched the rep tile, and the woman showed them a let ter which her husband had written, urg ing her to "kiss this dear little pet for me, and take it, and sleep . with it for God's sake." He also informed her that he was going to get . a. bill of divorce as soon as, possible. Jealousy was of course the origin of this domestic escapade. CURE FOR SIC& HEADACM-It is stat ed that two tea spoonsful of finely pow dered charcoal, drank ih.half a tumbler of water, will, in less than fifteen min utes, give relief to the sick headache, when caused, as in most cases it is, by a superabundance of acid on the stom ach. We have tried this remedy time and again, and its efficacy in ,every in stance has been signally , satisfactory ; and therefore, with pleasure, recommend it to the considerate , attention of all whom it may concern. THREE DAY VISITS THE STYLE.-All visits to the palace of the Queen of Eng land are restricted, by custom, to three days—the first day for the arrival, the second for the reception .and the last for the departure. The Prince of Wales has rightly observed this practice in his tour through the United States, never stopping more than three days in any place, unless Sunday intervened. Many families would rejoice to have this fash ion introduced into the United States. a — A. subscription has been set on foot at 'public meeting, in Australia, for.the purpose of presenting G-aribaldi with' a sword. The movement was originated by Signor Martelli, a companion-in-arms of Garibaldi in the war of 1848-9, air Herbert Ingram, the founder and late proprietor of the London Illustrated News, was born in Boston, England, and at the time of his death by the disaster on Lake Michigan was forty-nine years old. He began life as a printer, when only eleven years old, and succeeded in such an eminent degree that he. was three times returned to Parliament. His pub lic labors and public spirit merited this reward. Many great works, the railway from Boston to the raid-district of Eng; land, the introduction of gas and of pure water into his native 'town, are attribu table to his energy and perseverence.— Fle introduced a new means of popular education—the novel machinery of illus trated newspapers, by which to chronicle in pictures, as well as by description, just as it passes, the history of the world. His paper was justly the object of his utmost care and greatest pride. His originality and fertility of invention were not more remarkable than his indefati gable perseverence and assiduity. He sailed from Liverpool on the 9th of Au_ gust, was present at.the, opening of the Victoria Bridge, at Montreal, visited Niagra, saping that he wished to be "more quiet" and on the night of the' ith of September found an everlasting quiet and rest frorm all the labors of the busy world beneath the waters of Lake Mich- igan itigr 'The scientific American thus de scribes a monster steam press, upon which Moses S. Beach, who has:just re tired from.the New York Sun, is at work. ; fie is even now just completing a con struction of ~'a monster steam printing press, by which the sheets are cat from rolls, dampened, and printed upon both sides, at the rate of forty ; thousand pressions an hour, folded up, counted ; and delivered from the machine, ready for the carrier and the mail. This ma chine is as high as a common two-story country dwelling house; and it will, when finished, if the expectUtions of its inventor are realized, constitute a most estraordinary specimen of mechanical skill and ingenuity: • CFA few weeks since, a bag, contain ing upwards of six. hundred guineas, was left at the house of an aged lady, resi ding near Notting Hill, London, with a letter stating that some party, constrain ed by conscience, returned the money, which was part of a sum plundered from the family 65 years before, promising, also, that the whole should be shortly restored. The robbery was committed in Londonderry, Ireland, and the lady's father, from whom the money was stolen, died more than fifty years ago; 45" The London American announces that Messrs. Howes & Cushing's great circus, which has been on exhibition for some time in England, will be sold on the 17th inst. Mr. Howes, who retires upon a large fortune acquired from his profession, purposes buying a large es tate upon the Rhine, upon which is a baronial estate. The title accompany ing the estate will give our great Amer ican 'circus proprietor the title of Baron Howes. Cr 'William Hudson, a veterian aged. ninety-three years, died at South Shields, England, on the 28th . of September. He was formerly a sergeant in the Ffty-Sed ond regiment, and was with Sir John Moore when tliat gallant officer was kill ed, at Corunna. He took the spurs off Sir John after his death, and was one of the six who buried him "darkly, at dead of night, the sods with their bayonets turning." , 125 -Mr. _Montgomery Blair recently brought an action in the Circuit CoUrt of Washingto'n, D. C., against William Carey Jones, (Mt. Benton's son-in-law,) to test the right of the latter to possess the furniture, books, &c., of the late T. H. Benton. The case was decided on Saturday, in favor 'Of Blair. , ifir The school children of Switzer land have purchased for $1.1,00 the Grutli, the birth place of Tell, where he, and three others' conspired for the deliv erance of his countrylrom its.oppressors. The place is , to be consecrated to nation al uses, like !sLt. Vernon; in. this: country. 'The .4targuis'of phindos who, with his wife, has been following the grand tour of the Prince; is gathering a collec tion chorea:paintings of American scene ry. :The. pic,tures - are said: to be very, well chosen. erThe Cardifial'Primate ef 1114ngary has been ordered' to Cotdin§noe'prepara tions for the coronation of the'Briiperor of Au.stcia aa the Zing of Hungary, which: is to take place at Presburg next spring. Teri - Y - 18, (Dias 3Dcala, - r a Year- A •WIFE FOR THE PRINCE.—Let the fair young Americans who were honored, with the hand of the Prince of Wales in a dance, resign all hope of having it for a longer period. A report from Europe says that besides other important, things settled during the Queen's late, visit to Germany, a wife was selected for the. heir to the crown. The,, happy, lady is the Princes Augusta Louisa Adelaide Caroline Ida,, daughterof the Duke of Saxe-Meingen, who was, .born August 6th, 1843. As the Prince of Wales was born November 9th, 1841, the young couple will be well matched in years. The Saxe-Meiningen family have a, great deal to be proud of in the matter of blood, though not much in territory or political grandeur. The ducal do minions comprise a territory of less than a thousand square miles, and a popula tion of about 170,000. Meiningen, the capital city, has between six and seven thousand inhabitants. The Saxe-Mein ingen family is a branch of the old. Saxon royal race to which belong Prince Al berts family and several others that fur rash husbands and wives for European royalty. The young lady now spoken of as likely to be a queen of England, will not be the first of her family that has had that dignity. Queen Adelaide, the wife of Williath IV., was a princess of Saxe-Meiningen and an aunt of the ru mored intended wife of Albert Edward. She was selected as a bride for the then Duke of. Clarence after the lamentable death of the Princess Charlotte, when there was danger' that of all George the Third's fifteen children, none would leave a. legitimate heir to near the crown.-- The Dukes of Clarence, Kent and Cam bridge and the Princeis Elisabeth were all married as rapidly as possible. Queen Adelaide never bore children, and the dang,hter of the Duke of Kent succeeded William IV. Her son, in turn, is to marry a niece of her uncle's wife. Wm We learn, by means of private let ters published in the Newcastle (En gland) Chronicle, of the death of Al bert Mario, the husband of Madame Jes sie White Mario. He was sent by Gar abaldi at the head of a party troops to put down a reactionary movement, but being attacked by 'a -much larger force of Neapolitans, Mario and his men lost the day. Out of the 'party of one thousand only forty survived, and Mario is not among them. The deceased was a decendant of a noble family of Venice, and took an active part in the revolution of 1848, but escaped the ,hand of Au strian tyranny, and went to England.— After his marriage to Miqs White, who had become quite celebrated from her efforts in behalf of the Mazzini faction in Italy, and especially by her short in carceration at Genoa,Signor Mario came to this country, where his wife give a series of lectures on Italian affairs.— Since his 'return to Europe, Mario has contributed some noticeable articles to Mazzini's journal, Pensiero ed Azione, and has actively served under Garabaldi. &TAIL old Roman apologue relates of a vine- dresser that he had two daughters and a vineyard. When his eldest daugh ter_ was married, he gave her, . a third of his vineyard, and yet‘ received as much fruit froth the remainder as foimerly fie ra the whole. At the marriage of his sec ond daughter she also received a third; and still the original supply - was obtain ed from the remaining third. The secret lay in the vine-dresser bestowing •as much labor upon the third as he had for merly given to the whole vineyard. So might many a farmer do with great ad vantage ; divide up the whole farm among four or six sons, and ere long, if well managed, the share of each will produce more than the whole now yields. • Cr The case of young William Blue, now paying the penalty for passing coun terfeit coin in a Western. State, is a hard one. He is the, son of a wealthy New- England farmer graduated at an Eastern college, married a young lady of New York, went 'West, lost all his' oney hy speculation in land; became reduced to want, was tempted and led into the com mission of his first crime, for the doing of which he was arrested within twenty four hours, tried within a month, and leaving his wife and three little ones with no money and few friendi, has ep tered the, Spate Prison, where for, years he will mourn his folly and his fault. dir A monument, on a grand scale-to: Maitin Luther;iS to be erected at- Itni-from a design by : the schtptor schel. The whole Midi fetinired fdrithiat work is :£17,000, of ihfclit74l2 000 has lave already collected . du t ring i the thbeitor four years, from almost all parts globe. NO.. 19 'PROGRESS Imiossnti.i.-LTlze Ciiarreach.- ed at a Bound!' We call this the age or progress. It is so. Fut-in:some depart ments of seieiice dieedverieshtive' been made, and practical systems:introduced. which leave nothing 'to be - desired frr the way of improvement; and Which, in fact, preclude:progress by giltint us per faction at the outset. • -For example. when• Professor Holleway, intim tiventy- , five years ago, gave toktitie wOrld• his 'in estimable remedies, he seems to have' left nothing even for•himself in the treatment of humitn:daledies.— . The progress of the demand fOr'hin and Ointment has, indeed, been - duper; alelled in the history of medicine; but he has found no reason to altar a single ingredient of vary a proportion. We therefore class the sovereign' antidotes for external and. internal tliseates with which that distinguished mediCal reform er has blessed the world, among the in. 'mations which are 'perfected at their birth. Our method of arriving at a correct appreciation of the respective merits ‘ or opposing systems, by eputpaiison. Now, we have seen a great deal of what is called regular practicA, anfil do not hesitate to say that it fails more fre quently than it succeeds., This is not the case with Holloway's Pills and Oint ment. In many" instances--spaie or which should be specified .if ; space per mitted—we have seen' these remedies ef fect coinpletwandpermanent cafes, when eminent.members of the faculty had ex hausted their repertoires without finding anything that would even alleviate the agonies of their patients; Testimony confirmatory of our own observations 'on the subject :is. colitiimally pouring in from all parts of the Union; and we can not refuse credence alike to our own sen ses, the common sense of the public, ana the almost universal opinion ofour breth ren of the press. The case as between.the Acuity and - Professor Holloway seems to stand thus: The faculty have:the Prestige:ofantiqui ty, authority and' usage.: Holloway, Holloway, on'the othet land ; is not a man of mouldy maxims:; Small respect. has he for Galen and gammon. -He cites no authorities, save living witnesses and contemporary facts. > A few pages suffice to developer his ,System and embrace his simple directions. He denounces mer cury and all curresive poisons, and does not believe that life can be saved. by draining its fountains. Abovii ,all, he furnishes the whole eivilized, and no small portion of the semi-barbarian and savage world, with a Pill and an °int, ment, which appear to `accomplish all that the Foictilty aim at, hutintve cases out of six fail to effect. For diseases of tho stomach, the liver, the bowels and kidneys, as well as for Ordinary pulmo nary affections, the Pills are absolute specifics ; and the sufferer from external disorders or injuries may recover under the operation of the Ointment, when nothing else will save him.—Northern , Express. HARRY LORREQUER IN DANGER.—M r. Charles Lever and' his daighter Were tipw se.t.in a heavy squall , ori the ilth inst., in the Gulf 'of-Brie"izia. heavy sea' was running at; the time, and the boat, filling went dolvw immeiliathlj. 'Being good swimmers, they succeede"ditt reach ing some water' barrels thatliad floated from the boat as she aettled:down, and; supported by . th6e, they held' on -till• they were picked - up.; The distice from the shore—about two miles—made swim ming somewhat hazardous, particularly as the' sea was-so rough. Miss Leve'r - A danger was increased byhet ''anccessful efforts to save a favolite dog, which would have inevitably been dioivaed,if unaided. A FEMALE ADMIRER. OF. GARIBALDI.- The Countess LaTorre is tvlaily-sO de. voted to Gitribildi and his' eansi that she' follows the dictator wherevnr he - goes.' At Caserta she wore - a sort of bloomer dress, pantaloons, a man's hat with a rpd feather, and 'high. boots. For, aims, du., carried a revolver and sabre, bait' bf which she can use with deadly er According to statistics: published by the Spiritual ,RiggiSter, there are 35k, 000 sp_iritualists in :the single State , ef s New York ; 1.0,000 Ohio; _1.00,0'90,1it, 1 New kmglasd ; 9'0,000 in ; 4 1%00 in 111ichigan;,S0,000 in WisionAiN 50, 000 in Indiana ; and 40,000 Altogether, the suited States ethitains, estimatdd, 1,200,0:00 ,Tiertons who believe in this.mantenk'callinpiintition. 4terThe,peoplesiftWindhatir,4l., Rea the region, theteekouts:wete theiv sleighs last week, the snow:being ftve Ol six inches deep.