V2e 'focallll,atittlian Saturday, November 10, 186 ===Miii THE LATE ELEcTioN : We have D: known an election to have pass e ., more quietly than that one of Tues last. At no One time was there w might be called a crowd. Everyth passing off quietly and without the l e disturbance or even animation. 1 vote was 35 short of the vote polled the Governor's election, when we Poll 009, and gave Curtin a majority of 1 The vote polled on Tuesday . was 573, follows : Lincoln Electors, 4/0. Reading Ticket . , 403. Douglas,— strait-out, 31. Bell & Everett, 29. From the above it will be seen 'th: Marietta has clone well—very well : 'deed, giving Lincoln a majority 247 ove all. RAnneAD AccmcNr : At' Jurlf 'three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the fast freight train, engine Ne."209,-met with a ser ions accident, while go,ipg meet, sr-short distant below Leman place, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. It R ims that the boiler had, by some means, lost tits supply of water, and bleiv ug with., tremendous force, the dome flying to a distance of three hundred feet. ,The en gineer, a sober, reliable man, residing at Columbia, named Alex. Fry, aged ferty Soars, was run through the stomach by a heavy iron stay bolt, and his: jegular vein severed by a bit of steel. The fire man, whose name we are unable to leain, was so seriously injured that he died a few hours afterwards at Columbia, to which place he was removed. The con ductor of the train, Idr. itleCaskey, was badly scalded, and taken to his home, in Lancaster. After the explo'sion the en gine broke loose from the train and ran u distance of a half mile. On Wednesday of last'week, says our Lancaster exchanges, -Ur.. Henry Breneman, son in-law of J'os. I3oYer,Esq., one of the County Commissioners, was drowned near his mill in West 'Hemp field township, under the following cir ttimstances. About noon Mr.Breneman • went out with a rake in his hanaio a fish basket near the mill, toY . akeAtte,Ttibbieh away from the basket, and when some of the family went to din,nqs, seen 1 on the baticet, on the rake. Soon after, a servant girl went to call him to dinner, butiltit, f d "seeia : ) She, however, noticed hie Aat'44461:04 1116- the alarm. His body ris , rhiftr, - efed, u but too late for resuscitation. It was ev l i supposed that he was seized fit to poi which he was subject, and fell IT the• basket. glirWhilst Governor Pollock way"pay ing a visit to Lancaster on Thiiraday of. last week, an impromptu serenade was q ua ' gotten up. The Fencibles' lAnd; Sc. by about fifty members of the o x Wide - Awake club, and alaigetconcourse •of citizens, proceeded to the ',residence of Mr. Thomas Ruingardner, !hose . guest - the ex-Governor waS, and tOter solve music, Gov. P. made his appears.nc,e, and in a happy speech of some twenty min .utes returned his thanks for., tie honor conferred. lie dwelt at some length on the personal and political character of Mr. Lincoln, referring to the fact of his personal intercourse with him during two sessions of Congress, when they boarded at the same house. The Gavernor had just finished achampaigning tour through New Jersey and was, when in L(llleaSter, on his homeward way. Gov. Pa‘llock,is a great favorite wherever known. far Early on Thursday morning the cry of fire created quite an excitement, which turned out to be the burning of, an empty, canal boat it the winding bridge. Rumors conflict as to -the origin of -the fire. Soine say that the captain and crew were drunk and allowed a fluid lamp to remain burning on the cabin table wl4ilst they went' out to carouse the -cip per.end of town ; on returning to the boat they found it on flre—the flames having progressed tqo far to be put out and - the boat-was,burnt to the -waters odge. All of this of course the captain Zanies. and intimates the boat was set on fire by some evil disposed persons. WALL impromptu Republican thee ing was gotten-uvn Monday evening, at the DOEinerll6lll3e; at which Henry M.asselMen, Esq., presided, assisted by several vice presidents and secretaries. Quite a crovd filled the square, and a Mr. Moran of Philadelphia, addressed them from a very neat stand erected for the occasion. The Wide Awakes were out and drilled in the,Square for the last time before the fight, which was to fol low the next day. orjohnstin, of "'rho Hermitage zo tel," intends giving " a, Union' Ball" on Friday evening. The season for balls has now set-in, and this may be consid ered the initiatory movement. We have no doubt it will be quite a pleasant af- eie,-We are told' the ball given at the Town. Halt on thenight before the elec tion, turned out to be a most disgracecul affair. If reports we have heard be true it was shockingly. eo indeed. ifirDifienbstelk bas just upened.a.fresir DEATH OF JUDGE GROSII : Hon. Jacob Grosh died at his residence in this bo rough, on Sunday night last, at the ad vanced age of 85 years. The Judge took up his residehce in our midst as far back as 1805, and at the time of his death was the oldest inhabitant in the borough.— He enjoyed in a very high degree the respect and esteem of the community, having been eleven years a member of the State Legislature from this county, serving in both branches, and occupied a seat on the bench for ten years, as, an Associate Judge. He also commanded a company in the war of 1812. He was buried - on 'VVedne.sday afternoon last, and his regains were followed by a large concourse orfriends and neighbors. His funeral sermon _was preached by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, formerly a Mariettian, but for some years past a resident .of YPhiladelphia. ey•The Bell and Everett head guar nrs at the Perry House, on Front street, Lave maintained a nuisance and -an..e.ye \ re in the shape of a pen-like stand bich was erected some time since for e Foster-Fusion meeting. We learn, wever, that on Wednesday morning, er having satisfied themselves that ')ir entire .strength, all told in Marietta, ; twenty-nine . votes, that they tihchtne lettrtened and .tore down the pen.— Iv the mighty have fallen." A German named Ohristian Smith, Uteri suicide on Tuesday last, by . iug himself in his cell in the County in. He was imprisoned for corn ', an assault and battery on Mrs. ° t, of Warwick 'township. on. Michael Carpenter, ex-Mayor caster city, died, after a lingering on Monday morning last, in the .ar of his .age. 'Mr. C: filled the I of Maybi from 1843 to 1852. e are compelled to , lay over an ext, several pieces of poetry. GOODS ! - The subscriber ing.just returned front. Philadelphia 1 0 1 renewed and added to ,his L AND WINTER STOCK Of 'nods. Call and see the'new styles and he low prices, at . al CR3S. Pourth Arrival of 1860! fit G'oosB. Icil **".VG;,„.avlieaut-41 2kssortreeni vs ' pli „Gee S, bought iii. IT. 4%* VaAlfiliklilav . . . .. . ,-40 Li, (..) ,A. ri S , • full styles : Acing Coat, Ciakthrbiattoliwo - I he Cape_ &Vie. • • . The ..13eaver Cloth, &c., Sze., &e. oak ia•of every'kind. Dress goods' of 'orY ion newest styles and just im- Tted iork. SHAWLS. „ A .bei , . artm t, and latest.styl'es: Broc ShiWts, , ,T Blanket Shawls; . 4 (mg Shawls ? ' eirery'eolOr & • Coa minteresl and „Vestings. t A .4, 4 We r y invite attention to our stock ireaßS ii es feika fleitings,e(44o - and cheapness, any goods hat er offered. H A LDEIWPS . .A o v- o"*.' et-ekeap Gas h *ore. iriP4 '1”- how selling cheap;-at ' FFEN.I2IA.PWS, . DS. Prime York County Weat floirr, by the huniire2l ' or isle at:WOLFE'S: GO Bz. 13R0 , 3: cut • Tobaeco., TO best in the d. WOLFIrgi nriVo • tatoe BUSHELS of• good po t WOLFE'S:: ~W~C • flifiiiiiie:Waacts, .'.cflv.,E7P 1r!7:'...--'.•:..! , J. ! *.-.. e.,\ P N,p..61„ t. . ~.c.l. IS nod? P exit - flirt selpcted sto ever o ff ered invites the New Styles Superior A large Extra' Best NAG H - - pis shelv es ,and,rendy; for thglittedt and hest AND WINT.F. f a GOADS rongh, to which lie now citherviblic.: ls, ks, of Calicos tslinii,' all pr ices, laonels, do : of Slimyls, red Sack'd . Flannels. examine onr stock, show them the best in connection with c goods. . • : Purchasers as we are co styles at the 1 the largest sto S:stinetts and Bleached and: Delaines, Cali Drillings, She . Pant Stull; Hi Best makes of S"plendid _Calm Good quality, plain and Fi Heavy 'Gable ALL Krams • o tinen arid Plain, Orname an Wall Papers • Wall 'Glass, Queen; Gaiters, slip 4E3.- Very sap All kinds of itr' A 'LARGE s Rio Coffee at I - respondingly los (the highest , J E , v. °ln - - and &oat de. offered for sale h tiful Frepeh W; Spencers, Swiss a serting, Flouncin prices thateannot LADIES AND received an 'nary, consisting Extracts and Colo: be usual rates, also or gentlemen, Port APONIFIER. Concentrated article extensively who desire to have genuine original ar ILOOL aocas a at Grave tk Rat' LAr-r&THE tiv 1 7 - -at 41 ) c -19 ADJOURNED SALE of Valuable Borough Property. HE undersigned executor of the will of T ANN . Wm IT Ell ILL, late of the Boni ugh of Marietta deed, and in pursuance of said Last Testament, will oar at public sale, at On Tuesday, November Mb, 1860, the following property, late the Estate of said Ann Whitehill, deceased : NO. 1. The undivided five-eighths, or all of said deceased's right, title and interest in. and to Lot No. 67, situate on High-st., in that part of Marietta Borough laid out by James Anderson, containing in front, Forty-eight feet (more or less) and extending in depth 206 feet. The Improvements are a large Two-STORY FRAME 40 - - DWELLING. HOUSE, 'ttl A Large Stable, &c., in good order, adjoining on the East the property of Nicholas Chapman , and an Alley on the West. Also, the Life Estate of Joseph McDowell in the ond half df said . Lot ; the other .half not being subject to such Life-estate. • NO. 2. Being the undivided half of parts of Three Lots of Ground, Nos. 66, 67, and 68, with the appurtenances, situate in that , part of the Borough of -Marietta laid out by Henry Share, containing front about 100 feet and in depth 97 feet, (more or less) the im provements thereon being an excellent Two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE - =' '- With `a Pump in the Yard, , and other' imprOvements, fronting on United States Street, adjoing property' ' of Henry Shill On the West 'and - at - Alley on the East. .NO. .. Is all the right,title and,interest of said deceased in and to the following Lot, to wit: the undivided fourth or Lot 66, with the appurtenances, situate en High street, in that part of the'Borougli laid out by James Ander son, containing inlYolit,' 2 l2 feet [more or less] and extending in dePth 206 fe,et In an alley,.; and also 'a certain strip of about 18' inches to width on the west side of stall 'Lot and running back from said nigh stieot, northwardly as far back as the building or western wall of said Store House. The improvenients are STORE-1101:TRII - , 4 WARE-HOUSE, A LARGE STABLE, &c., adjoing an Alley nn'the East and the pro perty of Barr Spangler on. the . West. NO. 4. Being ',the' mie unditri,ded 1 fourth part of 'a Lot `of 'Ground' "No. '39, sitnateliid being 'is 1116 BorMigh of 'COltunbia, 'adjoin iug, Lands of Eliiatieth, Mat} , and' SuSarinah Bethel, and the Pennsylvania . Canal near the Head of the Basin. The Railroad and Sideling running over part of said Lot. The 3-ithS rilthe whole of said Lot being Subject to the Life-Estates of Joseph M"Dowell, Jas. 'Wilson and JumialWehatie.y, rsspecVnlly,;lthe - Partof said Lot lying , Eastmf the Railniad . iosittijkt to a certain lease made between H. W. Mifflin and the owners of said Lot. There are or more pwelling Houses on the premises—one of stone and the ethers frames and built under said lease. kossesSion of said`properties or interests, will be given on the first clay of' April, 1861. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.-M., when terms wain inade4l. l neWnitY.l , %,..l ,• ' JAMES ,W,ILSO":st; Ezebitor. MaOetta; Oct. 13,1860. FALL (3AMPAION I AP. now 'slipplted with a,genAM: ' ASSOitITAIiiST OP FALL & WINTER GOODS, and pvcrYthing desirable in their line. MEN AND BOY'S' WEAR. Superior Silk Velvet, Grithadnie sun .INiinilen VeStings, Frennh'Silit-ilii•Aef.Doe'Skin'and tt Caisirneres Cloths - of all grades, for Coatir;--400i5rleViip and BUS - mess suits; Uninir CaSsimeres, Sattinetts, Plaid and Plain Jeans, Larhb?s-wool, Silk and Cotton Shirts aild Draweis,'Gloc4s, 'Wool arm cotton Hosieryi.Suspenders, Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and - collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls, Cricket Jac le eCt s , children's, youth's and rhen'S Cop toil-Sort Hats: - LADIES DEP APTMENT. Black Bayadare and, Fandy- Plaid Silks, Figured and plain Merinoes, in all colors, French Wool DeLamcs, in beautiful designs, Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and Be - taines, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit Cloths, Cohurgs, Bombazines, Alpacas, "myelitis., English and American 4-4 Chintz, Ginghams, Bogue+ an? other new Style Prints; Rich Plaids and neat fig'd Merinos for misses. SHAWLS: St lla rineMetino'liordereh, Bonella, Ombray Jacquard, saperiorGarandPlain 4 and ,8 Quarters Howiy'Shavils, a variety of Children's ShaWls,' Opera Caps, Zephyr shawls and Capes. CLOAKS! CLOAKS ! ! Cloth Talwas and Dusters, several styles of both, for clanks and talmas, Sacking and Skirting Flannels,'Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves, and collars, Chenele, Braid awl Bead Head Nets, Diamond Ittiffling of all widths, - all of the ^nett styles of dress trimming, Split Ze phyr, Shetland Word, Crochet Braid, &c., &c. HOUSE FURNISHING ,GOODS. While and Grey linen and cotton fable clothif Cotton Diaper and crash TOweling, Sheeting, Checks and Ticking, Cradle, Crib and Bed Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Bureau Covers, Embossed' Table Covers, ,4, 6 and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, 'Prime . Live picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces of Carpet in various qualities, from cantrnoe to medium and Extra Three Ply. DECORATIVE PAPER. As full an assortment as can be found in, the county, of the choicest Gilt, Glazed and com mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers, Hails, Office's, &c., with Pannels, Columns& Borders. GROCERIES.. • ,' Best Refined White and Brown Sugars ; Choice Green and Black Teas; Extra Fine Orleans Molasses; Lovering and other Syrups; Rio, Java and Laguira COFFEES; Farina; Tuproca and Corn Starch; Split Peas; Soup Beans; Cheese . ; Rice and, Spices ; new ,Dried Peaches and Apples ; Mackerel I .„„digellim , ,, Shad and Herrizig, all of which - ' -41 " 11 1 11 have been bought FOR CASH, and will be sold at a very small advance on cost prices. Call and snake your purchases or send in your or ders, early. MARIETTA, September 22, 1860. Muslims. - ghams, • hacks, ickings, • nnelS; its, 1.2 i cents, six cents. URDISHING GOODS. covers. d Window Blinds tures, ior Oil Cloths. Paper, rinds. tinware. loss, Brogans, &C. i. 150 cents a gallon. ssale or retail' AP GROCERIES. herrher goods' at cot- JOHDT A. SHULTZ The Peoples Hat and Cap Slore. SH_UVIZ & BRO., NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET• LANCASTER, PA., PRACTICAL HATTERS, Manafacturers, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OP HATS AND CAPS. ATITE have now in store a splendid ; assort- V ment of Hats and Caps of all of the new est• Fall and Winter Styles. Silk Hats in all shapes and qualities. A first rate new style of Silk Hats for $3.00.. A full assortment of Cassimere Hats, failand winter -style Caps in endless variety. A splen did assortment of UNION AND PRINCE OF WALES HATS, In various colors, the latest out, and all the other styles of Soft hats now worn, from the finest to the cheapest qualities. We return our thanks to a liberal public, and trust by a strict attention to business and fair dealing to all, to merit a continuance of their patronage. .Hats and Caps to suit allond at priers I to suit the•+imes.. Goods sold to dealers at a small advance for cash. Shipping Furs-bought and the, highest price paid in cash. • , •, ..• try produce. ENBACH.: 4 ived tbe largest broideries eve iniest of bdau :Thadersleeves, dging and in will be sold at isfaction by Diffeibach., rson has just ent of Perin •e, Hair Oils, much below doom Canes F RENCH MUSTA.RD in pots'llvdc;Lmi, e Keystone making, an ousekeepers one•but the RESH CRANBERRIES just received.* F .T. M. Anderson's. terson's. VP BRIO& COAL MT,* erg,' . qpait at. GIIQIW .ItOTIPS, `very diettp. THE DONEGAL HOUSE, A Large Yko-Btory Brick HENRY A. SRULT2' S. S. Rathvon, [suCCESsoi : To F. J. KRAIIP,Fr i. ] Merchant 'Jailor, Draper cy/ Clothier, LANCASTER, PA.. AVAILS himself of this opportunity of an nouncing to the citizens of Marietta drill vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late F. J. Kratimh, where he has been employed for the last ten years, and intends continuing the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in all 11. its various branches, and hopes that a course of strict fidelity to his patrons may - merit a reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a complete STOCK OF CLOTHING AND Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, He . will constantly endeavor to provide a kond assortment of French, German and Ameri6n Cloths., Cassimeres and' Vestings, which will be promptly made to,prder in a,sub7 stantial and , fasliiouable.mariner, or according to sn,ch ,' styles esas to his , patrons may be most desirable. The Foreign and, American IQ and Winter Vashions,_ tecelyed, in addition to the monthly reports which ,come•to hand regii lariy thrOughbut the year. , ,The agency for.the order on. sale of lames W. Scott's (formerly., Winchester itt Scott's) celebrated, Patent Shoulder-seam Shirta stilt continued and properly attended to. S. •S. R. would be doing violence to'his own feelings and to the just deserts of his;friinds in Marietta,, were he here to omit returning his sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness they have °penile!' texitidp hlipiduring a long series of years, and - hopes : his„ future efforts may not render, him .unworthy.a, continuance of the same. ' [v7-ly SUPPJ.X.,F. & BRO., • IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GENERAT, MAC HINISTS, , Second Street, heiow Union, COruM , BIA;-P •‘' ' ;it TheY are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Casting:s for'Rolling'Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns; Fronts, 'Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description STEAM ENGINES; AND lIILERS, • IN THE MOST• MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presies, Shafting and Pulleys; . Mill 'Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for . 'Mining and" 'Tinning Bitiss Bearings, Steam and Blast Gauges, `LubricatOrs, Oil • Cocks, Valves for' Steam, Gas,' and ` Water; Brass Fittingslin all tbeit: ' ' • Variety; Boilers; Tanks,. flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, • . Nuts; Vault: Dnors, ' ' '''Washers;: &C. ' " , 81-i A K 4IIrnI1~?G t I _: „ • Fyam long experience in building .machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give ge-ierat saris factionli thode4whp.rhay favor us with their orders.. Jta'Repairing. promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as'above,avill-meet wath.promptattbntionl7,..Priceslo sag' tli.atimes, 7. SUPPL LE, • , „ Colpmbia October 20' ISM. 14-tf Wine 6^ tiper Dealer, fiioot. Pu ; I== „ B'' ,1ea71:19 Alforea that he willconginne,the : WriNEjBiliQPOß 'Wed, in,. akl,,,lts Ihragehesi,, , ile t willeonstank keep:op lagntialkijads ott .1 • , . Brandies&Witzes,iGins,.lrish and Scotch , 1471/0k4,; Gditdials; •. • Denjantin o Tylatii eilettrotid'ROSE ,, WHlSi krEvr E lifr f.t. .6 o 4afteW.l4. A tery superpr'DLD. ';llk.E' ',WHISKY!' ust received; Pl All H. D. B. now : `risks of 'the is a careful emarniirtion .l of Ideate& and pri ces, Which will; he is‘cdtifiderit, mutt in Ho= tel keepers and others finding it to their ad« vantage to make their prirchases from 1 irn; DAVIT) ROTH, I xe. Deareil iiiltaithare, - Ced'aiVate; cr Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Hoop 'and - Bar l'ibh sii , a,'*ilds Nails;' 0 Parlor Office Hall and,'Cook ' td •: STOVES; &O. : : . S . MARS this means of informingthe citizens, I ofigarietta and vicinity; that he is now pre pared to furnish anythin , in his line of busi ness, consisting in,part, of Table Cutlerk of. all kinds ;`Building'a n it Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools,Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedar Ware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and in fact everything usually kept•in a well regula tedtlardware establishment. . . , • • • . . -,, -., :' , D LIVID ROTH, . ' Market Street, Marietta, Pa.- July 21, 1860.. : '- ' • ,'," Iron Masters look to-your Interests! THE IMPROVED BLACK HAWK IRON ORk WASHER, MANUFACTURED AND BOLD BY (yERYAN HOPILINS,, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa. - The Undersigned • will constan*ly keep on band and make to coder at short notice the above celebrated .Machine, the best in the Uni ted States! Tbey„will warrant thou machines to run lighter, last longer and wash cleaner and with less water than any other machine now in use. They can be easily put.together on the bank. An orders .addressed ,to either of the undersigned will meet-with prompt attention. irk They are also prepared to sell individwr al, County and State Rights. BERATAVi, O'PE YAN. . SAMUEL' HOPKINS.. October 13, 1860. .v7-no.l ly Geo. F4siliormble ifqf ana fah MANUFACTURER, , MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PNN. HAVING purchased of Mr.. Crull the stock good will and fixtures of this well known establishment, I hereby inform my numerous friends, and the public generally that 1 am pre pared to supply their-wants in the HAT AND CAP line at all times with promptness, and at as reasonable rates as-any establishment in the Union.- Having had 5 years experience.as a practical hatter, and being in the receipt of, the latest "Reports oPFashions,” and having fa cilities for obtaining goods_direct fromothe East in 48 hours ; by strict attention to business and a'desire to' please,. I - hopelto merit -.and receive a liberal share of public patronage. P. S.—Having disposed'of my establishment to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom mend him to the.favorable notice of all who desire a "comfortable covering for the head." In retiring-from business I extend.my mi feignedthanks to my friends for the ,patronage so liberally bestowed to me and , hope the same may be extended to .my worthy successor.:,: JOHN CRULL. .Marietta, August 2808.58., RESH HOME G ROD' ND ; SPIC AT F ANDERSON'S ! Attention Butchers and Houskeepers. Having a. great demand for our famed SPICES, I have , concluded to con= tinue to, keep a constant supply of Ground per, Ground corrianiler, and Ssveet Madoratn. 0 LOT HS A.ND CA SSIKERS.-Lk very au k-) .Panor selection of .French • and German and .CasAmers, and ^a yatictir, bpauli ful Neitings, , new. and fashionable lo s t,, juit arrived at Hit enbach' s . Cheap ;Store.t MILE Largest and best assortment of Fanek, Ciotti & gassirriprpa and veating,riveroireTt id this market 'airi w,lll,lloFicad prirep milupbt defy competition by-.1Y1i. . DifenbaCk., q qq q qi; D R. ESENWEIN'S TAR C WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL! IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD' =I Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty in. Breathing, Palpitation of The Heart, Diptheria, and for The relief of patients IN THE ADVANCED' STAGES OF CONSUMPTION, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Glie.st, and which predispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the, radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared bya practical phys ician and druggist, and one of grefff exPerience, in the cure of the various diseases to which ,the human frame is liable. It is, offered the afflicted with,tlie, great eat confidence. TRY IT, and, be ,convinced that it , is invaluable in the cure of Droachial!afrec tions. fI;k•PHICE FIFTY„CENTS PER Borri.F.. Prepared.oray by. Da. A. ESEN WEIN & DRUGGISTS AND. CHEMISTS, N. W. Cur. 9414 roplar Streets, Philadelphia. , i 4 Sold by - every respectable Druggistapd Dealer in Medicines througlwut the State. t April 7, 1860-Iy. THE GL.AZ PERRY ''' .' ' " FORMERLY 'KEESEY , S. ;; , 7e ,, , HE Undersigned' hating Itaiedthe above named old established Ferrypid HOtel ,- in listni Tovvnahip, 'York tbunty , opposite-the bdrough of Marietta:, Where he is-prepared to ebtertain the public at his bar and table -with the best the market affords. lie 'would very icapectfully'inforio tile traveling public that having obtained - . . . .. • . FIRST,:.CLASS FERRY BOATS; and efficient ferrymen,:and is, now fully preps redto. accommodate persons wishing to cross the Susquehanna with:- vehicles or ,otherw ) ise without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL. ',October 1, 1869. ly : , . -- , PLUMB Sb D Fashionable Tailors & Drapers, Opposite A. CaSsii's Market street .MARIETTA, T . . HE undersigned haying. associated them selves into a co-partuership, would here ". by inform:their old patrons and the pubic generally, that they will, continue the Fashionable Tailoring Business at the old staud, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, Market street. Having a -fine, 4toek of elOths egsSlll7il'eS which they will dispose of,and "make up" on reasonable terms. . Being determined to give satisfaction, they would , respectfully ask a con tinuation of past favors. Christian :Plumb, Nathan Dyer. r Gtattng done at short notice`' Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859.41 . , • ao t 9.0 0( 4 8 r.? .4 4 2 1E..1 1-14' 44 ,S - 4 P R' r12'1:4 u r n- g 61: oe, Vii.. 0 N r. rA ;ts. , cz4 = N 1. 4 E" „Int. f 7.4 to d c", OPA F27 W. o. s rs o M X • ' 3- e... 1?„, 0...4 IBli -7 -Att . ; "‘;' —t t • VIA ~, A ~ - , J'r 108 i,PßlNTlgarr'''."' Haiing very ad(lSC u a and . ./ . :4!h,7 . :ionable !assortment of Types anti Printing ma terials, which will enable to de all kinds of txg Et,FANEY Such as. Cards, Tickets, Circulars, Programmes, Blanks, - • Handbills; Poitdrs,' Sala Bills,' &a. Everything in the Tbs Pnirriric line neatlY and.cheaply executed and at Ebert netiee. , FRED'K. L. BAKER, „ , "The Weekly Marieltian" Office. ' THE 'AMERICAN WATCH. .WatchesHE American are among the best lintekeeper.c..nOwiti use, and fu durability strength and simplieity far ,rpirpase - .rinjr...tther watch. made in the. world.; H. Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square !Ancestor; Pa., have - theut tor - site arthe 'very lowest -rates—every -watch- accompanie&with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure itsgen uineness. - • - • • WIVI. • B.. , REDGRAVE, Commission Lutaber Merchant, .. West' .. Fall.s Avenue,.l3altivre, .Ifd. l'a , ESPECTZULLY.offers,his services for the sale.of tr LlaElE& .. of every . description rom.his knowledge of tbn business he feel confident of being able ;to obtain the,highest market rates for all consignments entrustut tto .P ALMER. gr.. 00.,, -Market ,Street Wharf,..Phiiadeiphia. DEA.LERSXN FISH, CHEESE AND PROVISIONS. Have constantly on hank an assortmenSlof DRIED RICKLEL) , .FISH, Viz: Mackerel, Shad„Salmon, Blue Fish,„ Herring; Codfish, Beef , ' Shoulders, Hams,Sides . , Baena,. Rice, kc., Ste.. Sept. 29-3 ma ' JAMES N. KING, . • • AT'T ORNEY AT ZAYV3 'No. 207 Spina SIXTH SitLEHT, • [BELOW WALNUT PHILADELPIIK - • CoOections promptly attended to. large, and selected stock of Jtj fine jewelifof thelatest patterns Aron...the: best'factoriel in the country cari'be.found at. ZAIIAVL. a -' re , :. t .;; - 3- Cor. North QuenEsys cuter, Pa. —ll4- Centre oderate and all thoriPettf,l4.-esented. goods warranted V! (;)A General -Assoitniktd , of all kinds di - BUILDING Er.s.apVaar., Loctca,- Hinges Strews, Beata , - Cetlar Grates Paints, Oils:Glass and Patty;NerTeheap. , STERRET'r & CO. , •ri • , NFW , 0R'4', 1 5 4 jI. 0 C S—G ti Time o, _ Keepers, for l One. Dollar. Pagel+, Watehes r and Jewelry , carefully re- Riff iEe(rand,ebargesmuiderite, at WOLR TI, OR SALE:4 Eight or ten Barrels put li r der. V i neg a r, also a,lot of second h apd 4toves, which can be seen by calling upon.* subscriber. • GrEO, , H. TTLA- T UST YitECEIVED` at Anderson's Confec -: Jtimutry and Variety. Store, in Marke.t 7 stqa, foie assortment of _children's gip" ; baskets wagons, perambulators, wheelbarroyis, toys wagons, candidates flags, drums, rocking' horse% Btc., at _Anderson's. - ii ~ , , SLIME GROCERLES:—Rio,Jaya arpl , jLaguira Coffee; Crashed, Pulverized and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Sleek Tea; Rice,.Cheese,ansi Spites ;-,Byrup and , primal-Pe kin' g Mcdaesee;.,Excellent Pearkßarley at, .. _- .T. R. PIFFENBACEPS. ;::DINNELS ,Glycerine Soap; ..,Frangiprani,Extract, and an assortgent of - *ips, new periumeryi&e :ask xeceited-at , DR. -HINKLE'S. • • INSUPERIOR ... COOK STOVE S verSidairt , style, each one warranted toper orm to the entire 'satisfacti on purcbaser.. STERB:g7 84' COP .Abu's. the lime to . buy Very cheap or THE KALNIIT HALL CLOTUIN6 STORE, Market Street, Miriata, Pa. AI LEP.: & 814 YD ER' lia4in,g just re ceito la larget asieltntent of all: kinds . ° f new all ! • . Fashonable , Clothing, And flentrenietY I iritishirig• Goode generally, all, of which they, will sell at prir , : to suit the timed': Walnut Hall can now oil,' the largest and best assortment of CLOTHINd this side of Philadelphia - , and being thankfuv for past favors fret.' out ntitnerous friends an:, easterners, wonid:reaVentftilly ask rcontinua tion of the stone . . • ' All kind; of clottfin,b. nunitifacturedln . any style disired--:.fashioneSte or' ptain; p.. 4111 kintcof cutting crote at ,t4Ol antler. SAIfUE tr. mmt.P.u, A.N.DAT I.V 8.1q1" D I kpril FlEAP'f2.tbl'MA}l ~4 .``~ , li2li vG ri avinjustadtmile,VrOintehe city Wit '1 a4icely selected tat . 'ilf,teriajOtati Clothing. tt l eiiyaerkigiiiMlCl•dAredlC, furnish a'.' reducat pricei; ieheral assoi ment of niVri nil bOV,V el f igdpg; which he i determined to 'serf A's H. His stock consists of 41vEal , CiiiY,s,Ihtiss, f e ROCK, AN 6 SACIc ChATs," PAPz VEB23, ; ,PEAJA Cx rthuirtll3l))/T4,. 0E1230 0#4..k.A.1) LS, CAA Ar: Strints, Ifinstity, Utt.nEnsmiar, GLOVES,. SUSPENDER S , &c. Everything in tht- Furniihing Gbo6'llnet ni' and examine he- Ibre put' asink qisestibeid. - `" 'Everything sold r:c prices toi! - :gitit th4 , llintea: '" r'YOHIV BELL. Lbraer 'of ' Market maiie tt door, rt zez octobr t? ' 26 '.: 71.8. 0.8ers Aore. ' 16 e • 51 iAlexander L. , Lirasae , ..."- FASHIONABWE .B DO T . MAMMA C . • - , MARKET'S TSIEBT, !MAJtI - -1, :PENN. . , Would' most respectfully, th'e citizeds of this tormlgh and neighborhood thht be' has the largest asscirtintit of City made work in his fide of btisinOs.s inthis Borough, and be , ing a prietictil 'MIT' A.Ni;r SHOE: M A.KEK himaelf,is ehabre:a to seleet with more than those who dre not ;tie continues to Man - ufacture in the • very 'hest manner everything in., the, BOOT AND WOE LlNE,,which he tt3'lt Warrant fok neatness and good; fit', 11:3'Call'and exantitte Ilk Oda 'heron' pui chasin. else Where. • . J'OH'N' _BELL 7tleeßth?t . .Xattor, Car. of Ilforket-st:, andltiliknoLnne, Alarietbr *RA.TEFLIAiIier past:fa - Pori-1 . '440r rettib Iffmy thanks to•triy nurd'oreu , strietidi'aild trans and' inform. nein that 1 , stiff doititnintlh old. bi.i'sihege at theeld 'stittid7idlinA bt pleased-to tee thent'at alltakiet;phil having full and splendid assortment of' CLoTrts, cissni2R4s which will be jmade. up-to,nr er .atthe.shorte: notieehy.the best of,workmen,; and Olk rithsona ble terkas,J would be pleased,sthetefote, to wint upon my old eustoineraand aliNdiageee proper to patronize..me ,:f10ct.29-356. PEI TAMES M. A.bibeil.SOiespeetfully an t) flounces to the citizens:Of Marietta and vi eir4y, that:be has just ) reenived,direct,frox.!ths: eltitera markets one of the largest and best ab- VPl l ..4 ( ?cksof c9,ofeo opAPPWirtadttered-ip. this borofigtv, consisting , foreign frgi,f o ...2V4gV 43 )'%-teg3:44l , t RAdWIPPVenIS in ellateo 1 10riTetY• iCOOP.r.* I2 4 Oe - ALIA - Pe c00 .6f . 6 f i4P.fing.4 1 0 90 01. 1 1eig414. 1 .14 s a - cet which in hisainp y r T. ,J. .Z., IN , , f , 0,,..: , t, k• 1 4 ! ) --1 cY :ii i i,.1...rhi Tonzi,orAw (2. fArki , lt , . ~...} . ,.A §uGI3O.IF, L.A.T,031r,611. 4.111 N, STplb, A. OFFICE: Front .E t't..Veat; fOurih door #7 7 - - -:- -- ftul ,- .l,ocust, over - Saylor - ScilleDon.4l mmmmm aldks•Book—Store r AnroNit t , eriir' , a qbe weeh tpd DrheanirldoSk StbresiT"' '4 DA.N.Iy e L C. gliggll s TTO:RNE Y"AT LA w • LATMAS'Z,ER : r OFFICE lw-IsTol` 24 . 1 4 u Tr i r-CDpki . sr& T, opposite Ojuit Ho , itat o. t tend to the' jirktide of gy• various branchep. 1 31-3 T UMBER YARD. " 34 ', j J. GROSH &SCP?r,../A6Ner'ffeiiiit: 4 Yard' at the Eastern pait oP t tela*itie. $1 ' 'Please call at their: office, sotoinini the THREE-sioas brick house the TTNIVES & FORKS., Britainia. ItVepinted•Sptrons•Brasa, Capper, 'Plain 11.'111. Enamnled Iron : Kettlea,:and LioYeaaira6ping goodscgtinerallr.A• • ' Sterrett' mll. T - ) ARR , F,Lo:MtittorlatiorOffiiik km • 131' which wilt be :Oa at tWe'laWehl - Market rates by; fJi6 - - OAL OIL M LAPS r! i t iCeiVed a Igew C and large 'wascirtment• oft rietf_itsgan € OO . Oillamps-LstiWrier to "anythint - ns6, and: .. • aper than they eat be b. 15t.irridnkr... GROT , Vd.' i • 0741%4Y1 tot NER A T. , ASSORTI , 14.. , liammered slid'Roiled*. • 9: /Bars,' Norway. NaW Bodily Ardeliean %`.±cf.' and-German. Springi , andlCastbSteeliAlltigob Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &e.,4taiiiiiiiattilt.4 '''STERAXTT ¢ co. AMPS.!.: LAMPS t SIttuDESO &C. ATife ju undersigned has received - snother.lot Fluid and -Coal' Oil. Limps, - and, 41allip Shades of .every,variety.aud price. • Callfand seir.thein at Dr. ilinkle's Drug .Store.. - PORTAI3LE . L . A nen t can ... , dinoi onvenient and joet eetly safe ramp s called the ”Portabie dont VILA 3 ,7 ,.fer sale cheap 'at Grove If Polh's V ore._ , . Bp,GGY.ana RILJADIK,VMS6fit: rieits , atyla anal at mu* lo;wAr l p493p.px!.gthe saliiegrOes'lbere .41111'1110i fall .504/4r. 4r,X4tyrspri..- - A T - IQTJID 21, 8 ju Toys, &c., wficilesate and.retsig byp J. M. A...711/gßgdg 17IRESII STYPDI.7,44 - capaies;*.Nnti,EttriOina Lemons and A - pfdeildifragoir . ing at 7as. M. Anderson's. •' ' k'LASE'S. CONCEN_i'B.ATAD L Y,-L}{su _,/perior to any, nood in use, eau bele& et . the Cheap Store , of , Liffentlach. =,;r; lArk, . G . SACKS OF, ROOND , AT-Int fixo. lit/just reeeived and wfil be aold below lie - id prices, by • J. DIFFENBACIL H „ . . „ UB S , Spokes, Feilecl4,-WagOn Bows, gain 1 1 ;14120114 r• Amu SfiERRETT OT ', rilo LANDLORDS! Just•teceilred, Scotch 3-11 . - and Irish W fqd pure, at H. D. ItenjemigiOs, ClkeW Atitd.L T C.O .. 1...cA1113 i44ated keglir fix cul4 l ?ar.l .4" 1 FL A, at H. D. Benjanyti 4.1 r, z e ;:fI , UIVI" DI OPSt , Stewart**. iIieXT,Yor)gsGUAI '•. Dropsi &varieties; st.t.oo/Xes,.; OLN & HA MLIN •FLAG;O. anatae 1 for Ole •;at. J. 1 4. AladeP4. l o l . • It,ANDIVA-411 , lerande—s-gUirrpilted to be i e genuine.' ' teilfamitt ! Co. EGA.RS and Checiing TobaCco. A Doge JO' and good . trariety:at J. M.-Anderson's . EW , RGSf Means an;Egnarkta„4l4, Jas 111 141:.AnaersoaTeollar*Ott, BA G 'rabl for sale-AkeaP.; g . 44lPres on handlif CON STANTLY on horst , 111onortraheia re C tilled Whiskey. Benjaottn.N.Vn - iTOTT , S, Hanging 'and Side .Lamps, For Sale.'s GROVE ROTIPS.