The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, November 03, 1860, Image 3

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    Notal allariettian.
Saturday, November 3, 1860.
Or There is to be a grand Mass Meet
ing in the Town Hall Park, this after
noon, at which the Hon. John C. Kun
kle, of Harrisburg, Col. D. W. Patter
son and 0. J. Dickey are to speak..
Those who beard Mr. K. when here •the
last time will not fail to hear him again ;
those who have never heard him should
not loose this opportunity to hear one of
the finest stump speakers in the State.
In the evening our Wide-Awakes are to
have a torch -light procession. Let this
grand final rally be worthy of Marietta,
and let Tuesday
next show to the chop
fallen democracy that we have not been
"laying on our arms." One grand dem
onstration more and the victory will be
Cir " The Cry is still they come." M r .
Jacob Stahl appreciating the improve
ments going on in our place, has with
great taste, fitted up his residence on
Front•st, rho new coat of paint, new
cornice and when the venitian shutters
shall have been placed on the second
story, will make Mr. S.'s residence sec
ond to none in our beautiful borough.
(Or The Board of Directors of the
'Reading and Columbia Railroad, met at
Michael's hotel, Lancaster, on Monday
last. The amount of Stock subscribed
not being quite as much as desired, a res
431ution was passed directing the Engi
neer to survey and permanently locate
the road, with the expectation that after
the permanent location of the route, suf
ficient additional stock will be subscribed
to warrant the commencement of the
OW The " cold snap " is here, and has
compelled all provident husbands and
careful housewives to look into the future
and provide for good stoves and a Alen_
tiful supply of stone coal and wood.—
Messrs. Merritt k. Co., and D. Roth
have a large variety of stoves, but as to
who has coal, in looking over our adver
tising columns, we confess we cannot tell.
Who can tell us who has coal to sell ?
it e r We saw a canal boat passing in
front of our office on Wednesday last,
which was filled to the top of the comb
deck with very fine looking apples, bound
eastward. A number of our Marietta
boatmen are bringing apples to town and
are selling them from 'l5 cts to $1.25 per
4Er The rise in the Susquehanna du
ring last week brought down quite a num
ber of arks and rafts ; some of which
also contained, besides lumber, cider and
apples. Some hemlock rafts are now
being drawn here.
iFor The Lancaster Express says on
the 19th of this month a new railroad
time-table will go onto effect, by which
one or more trains will daily stop and
take meals in that city.
Ii" Old Jacob Reese, the . surviving
partner of the firm J. & D. Reese, City
Hotel, Lancaster, died in that city, a few
days since. The Mrs. Reese will contin
ue the hotel and livery.
ear In consequence of some informali
ty,the sale of the property of the late Ann
Whitehill, has been postponed until the
27th inst. The advertisement appears
today corrected.
our The Regimental Parade at Man
beim on Saturday last, is said to have
passed off finely. In the absence of Col.
Herr. Adjutant Locher took command
of the Regiment.
car Messrs. Plumb & Dyer have j-ts ,
received a new and fashionable lot oi
seasonable goods for gentlemen's wear
which they will make up in the "tip-of
the-mode"—warrant a fit, or no sale.
gir On Wednesday nest Miss Boggs
will sell some York county sprout land.
See advertisement.
*45 - On our first page will be found an
able and patriotic defence of " Female
rar See the Turnptke elections which
take place on Monday next.
earMackley has just received a lot o
now style Hats.
eirElaldeman's new advertisement.
Read it.
ear Read Harry Wolfe's new adver
*Er The latest dog story that we have
from the West is of two dogs who fell to
fighting in a saw mill. In the course of
the tussel one of the dogs went plump
against a saw in rapid motion, which cut
him in two instanter. The hind legs
ran away, but the fore legs continued the
fight and whipped the other dog.
•wira Zouave lost one of his fingers
at the battle of Solferina. "Ben," he
exclaimed, 'just my luck to lose the ring
er upon which I wore my wedding-ring.
Now, my wife will insist upon, when I
cannot produce it, that I gave it to
another woman."
ifiV . lt is said that a girl at Shoebury
ness was struck dumb by the firing of a
cannon. Since then a number of mar
ried men have invited the artillery to
come and discharge their pieces on their
The Peoples hat and Cap SI ore
SHULTZ ,K 7 C).,
Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail
ATE have now in store a splendid assort
ment of Hats and Caps of all of the new
est Fall and Winter Styles.
Silk Hats in all shapes and qualities. A first
rate new style of Silk Hats for $3.00.
A full assortment of Cas.simere Hats, falland
winter style Caps in endless variety. A splen
did assortment of
In various colors, the latest out, and all the
other styles of Soft hats now worn, from the
finest to the cheapest qualities
We retorts our thanks to a liberal public,
and trust by a strict attention to business and
fair dealing to all, to merit a continuance of
their patronage.
Hats and Caps to suit all, and at priers to
suit the times. Goods sold to dealers at a small
advance for cash.
Shipping Furs bought and the highest price
, aid in cash.
1860! Fourth Arrival of 1860 !
FT-kgir- GM)S.
NOW OPENING, a beautiful assortment
of New Fall Goods, bought in New
York and Philadelphia.
The newest fall styles :
The Arab,
The Basque,
The Walking Coat,
The Full Back,
The Plain Back,
The Cape Style.
The Beaver Cloth, &c., &c., &c.
_ . _
Cloaking Cloths of every kind. Dress goods of
every description, newest styles and just im
ported in New York.
A beautiful assortmmt, and latest styles:
Brocha Long Shawls,
Scotch •Long Blanket Shawls,
French Long Blanket Shawls,
Stella Shawls, embracing every color &
Coating, Cassimeres, and Vestings.
We respectfully invite attention to our stock
of Coatings, Cassimeres and Vestings, exceed
ing in varlets ,quality and cheapness, any goods
in that line we ever offered.
Nov. 3, IS6O
of Valuable Borough Property.
HE undersigned executor of the will of
ANN WHITEHILL, late of the Borough of
Marietta dec'd, and in pursuance of said Last
Testament, will offer at public sale, at
On Tuesday, November 27th, 1860,
the following property, • to the Estate of said
Ann Whitehill, dec.: e. :
NO. 1. The un• vided :five-eighths, or all
of said decsased'. right, title and interest in
and to Lot No. , situate on High-st., in that
part of Mari a Borough laid out by James
Anderson, c. tainipg in front Forty-eight feet
(more or lt.• ndAxtending in depth 206 feet.
TI • Improvements are a large
A Large Stable, &c., in good order, adjoining
on the East the property of Nicholas Chapman,
and an Alley on the West. Also, the Life
Estate of Joseph McDowell in the one half of
said Lot ; the other half not being subject to
such Life-estate. _ _ _
NO. 2. Being the undivided half of parts of
'Dime Lots of Ground, Nos. 66, 67, and 6S,
with the appurtenances, situate in that part
of the Borough of Marietta laid out by
Henry Share, containing front about 100 feet
and in depth 47 feet, (more or less) the hn
provements thereon being an excellent Two
With a Pump in the Yard,
and other improvements, fronting on United
States Street, adjoing property of Henry Shill
on the West and an Alley on the East.
NO. . Is all the right, title and interest of
said deceased in and to the following Lot, to
wit: the undivided fourth of Lot 66, with the
appurtenances, situate on High "street; in that
part of the Borough laid out by James Ander
son, containing in front, 42 feet [more or less]
and extending in depth 206 feet to an alley ;
and also a certain strip of about 1S inches in
width on the west side of said Lot and running
back from said High street, northwardly as far
back as the buildings or western wall of said
Store House. The improvements are
Al Large Two-Story Brick
&c., adjoing an Alley on the East and the pro
perty of Barr Spangler on the West.
NO. 4. Being the one undivided 1 fourth
part of a Lot of Ground No. 39, 'situate and
being is the Borough of Columbia, adjoin
ing Lands of Elizabeth, Mary and Susannah
Bethel, and the Pennsylvania Canal near the
Head of the Basin. The Railroad and Sideling
running over part of said Lot. The 3 -7ths
of the whole of said Lot being subject to the
Life-Estates of Joseph 111 2 Dowell, Jas. Wilson
and James Mehatrey, respectfnlly ; the part of
said Lot lying East of the Railroad is subject
to a certain lease made between H. W. Mifflin
and the owners of said Lot. There are four or
more Dwelling Houses on the premises—one
of stone and the others frame, and built under
said lease.
Possession of said properties or interests, will
be given on the first day of April, 1861.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when
terms will be made known by
Marietta, Oct. 13, IS6O.
hundredCou County
or single pound. For sale at WOLFE'S.
'l GOODWIN'S & BRO's. Plantation fine
12j, cut Chewing Tobacco. The best in the
world. For sale at WOLFE'S.
tatoes for sate at '
F RENC El MUSTARD in pots at
OFFERS his professional services to the
public and will be happy to wait on all who
may patronize him. Dentistry in all
gig= its branches carried on.
TEETH inserted on the most ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth performed ir. a skiul
and workmanlike manner—on fair principles
and reasonable terms. Having determined
upon a perrhancnt location in this borough, at
the old stand, would ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him;
having studied under a celebrated graduate of
t.e.*e Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons
feels confident to be able to lender satisfaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
F. Hinkle, M. D.
J. H. Grove, M. D.
Smith Armor, M. D.
I[3 Ether administered to proper persons.
ders of the Lancaster and Marietta Turn
pike will meet at the public house of John
Kendig, on MONDAY, IslOV'lt. sth, 1860, at
10 o'clock, to elect a President, seven Mana
gers, and a Treasurer, for the coming y
Oct. 27-,s t. H. MUSSELMAN,
I M " ' AI l4
CNSOLitz ;?;is of ~loil.
AN aperient and Stomachic paration of
iron purined of Oxygen m I Carbon by
combustion in Hydrogen. Son , ~r !il 1 by the
highest Medical Authorities, Europe
and the United States, and preset i0. , 1 iu their
The experience of thousands daily, proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depression
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity in almost
every conceivable case.
Innoxious in all maladies in which it has
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following complaints, viz :
In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhiea, Dys
entery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofu
lous Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum,
Mismenstruation, Chlorosis,
Whites, Live Complaints,
Chronic Headaches,
Rheumatism, In
termittent Fe
vers, Pim
ples on the
face, scc.
In cases of General Debility, whether the re
sult of acute disease, or of the continued dim
inution of nervous and muscular energy from
chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative
has proved successful to an extent which no
description n orWritten attestation would rend
er credible. Ifiqvalids so long bed-ridden as to
have become forgotten in their own neighbor
hoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy
world as if just returned from protracted travel
in a distant land. Some very signal instances
of this kind are attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, san
guineous exhaustion, crittical changes, and
that complication of nervous and dyspeptic
aversion to air and exercise for which the phy
sician has no name.
In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of iron must necessarily be
salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigo
rously tonic,
without being exciting and over
heating; and gently, regularly aperient, even
n the most obstinate cases of costiveness with
out ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this latter property, among others,
which makes it so remarkably effectual and
permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it
also appears to exert a distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the local tendency which
forms them.
In Dlspepsia, innumerable as are its causes,
a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often
sufficed for the most habitual cases, including
the attendent Costiveness.
In unchecked Diarrhea, even when ad
vanced to Dysentary, confirmed, emaciating,
and apparently malignant, the effects have
been equally decisive and astonishing.
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
debilitatinF, cough, and remitten, hectic, which
generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this
remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying and in
teresting instancese . .
Cheap Cash Store
In Scrofulous tuberculosis, this medicated
iron has had far more than the good effect of
the most cautiously balanced preparations of
iodine, without any of their well known lia
The attention of females cannot be tno con
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the cases peculiarly affecting them.
In Rheumatism, both chronic and infiamma
tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—
it has been invariably well reported, both as
alleviating pain and reducing the swellings
and stillness of the joints and muscles.
In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be
a great remedy and energetic restorative, and
its progress in the new settlements of the West,
will probably be one of high renown and use
No remedy has ever been discovered in the
whole history of medicine, which exerts such
prompt, happy - , and fully restorative effects.—
Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acqui
sition of strength, with an unusual disposition
for active and cheerful exercise, immediately
follow its use.
Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing
50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by
druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to
any address on receipt of the price. All let
ters; orders, etc., should be addressed to
K. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents,
20 Cedar-st., N. V.
Geo. _L. allackley, ,
flAimble 11110 ea(
,iftr4Z_''''&V MANUFACTURER,
AVINC purchased of Mr. Crull the stock
good will and fixtures of this well known
establishment, I hereby inform my numerous
friends, and the public generally that I am pre
pared to supply their wants in the HAT AND
CAP line at all times with promptness, and at
as reasonable rates as any establishment in the
Union. Having had 5 years experience as a
practical hatter, and being in the receipt of the
latest "Reports of Fashions," and having fa
cilities for obtaining goods direct from the East
in 48 hours; by strict attenticn to business and
a desire to please, I hope to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
P. S.—Having disposed of my establishment
to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom
mend him to the favorable notice of all who
desire a "comfortable covering for the head."
In retiring from business I extend my un
feigned thanks to my friends for the patronage
so liberally bestowed to me and hope the same
may be extended to my worthy successor. '
THE undersigned having leased the above
named old established Ferry and Hotel, in
Hellam Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords. He would very
respectfully inform the traveling public that
having obtained
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
October 1,1559. ly
THE undersigned having associated
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock o
emihieVe3 &
which they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer.
Or Cutting done at short notice.
Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859.-tf
UGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
styles and at much lower prices than the
same grades were sold last fall.
Spangler 4. Patterson.
LIQUID Gum Drops, Candies, Fruits, Nuts
Toys, &c., wholesale and retail by
for sale at J. M. Andersotl?s.
BRANDIES—aII brands—guatranted to be
genuine. Benjamin 4. Co.
R . ilO T S
Marietta, August 28, ISSB
Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. easset's store, Market street,
INJ ENV FIGS, Raisins and Currants, at Jas
11 M. Anderson's, Market-st;
SCHOOL ROOKS of all kinds, very crimp
at. Grove 4- o t s, Market-st.
"God Save the Commonwealth"
Of the General Election for the year ISGO
Notice is hereby given to the Freemen of the
City and County of Lancaster, that on TUES
DAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER, 1360, an
Election will he held for Twenty-Seven Elec
tors of a President and Vice President of the
'United States, and that the qualified voters of
the several election districts will hold their
elections at the places hereinafter designated,
viz :
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
Lancaster city The qualified voters of the
North East •Ward will hold their election at
the public House of Anthony Lechler, in East
King street; those of the North West Ward at
the public house , occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public
house occupied by ltupp & Wilson, in East
King street ; those of the South West Ward at
the public house of Martha Urban.
District—Drumore township, at the No.
2 school-house in the village of Chestnut Level.
Fd District—Composed of the township of
West Donegal, including the Borough of Eliz
abethtown, at the public house now occupied
by Ocorge W. Boyer, in the Borough of Eliza
4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland, in said
sth District—Elizabeth township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Franklin & Elias
Bentz, in Brickersville, in said township.
Gth District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in
said borough.
ith District—Rapho township, including the
Borough of Manheim, at the public house oc
cupied by Michael White, in said borough.
ztit District—Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John Mason, W bite
Horse tavern, in said township.
.9th District—East Cocalico township, at the
public house now occupied by Widow Fulmer,
in the village of Reamstown, in said township.
10th District—being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township.
11th District—Cmrnarvon township, at the
public house now occupied by John Myers, in
the vilage of Churchtown, in said township.
12th District—Martic township, at the house
now. occupied by• George Robinson, in said
3th District—Bart township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garrett, in said
th District—Colerain township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by James G. Hilder-
band, in said township.
1 th District--Fulton township, at the public
house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in said
16th District—Warwick township, at the
public house now occupied by Samuel Lich
tenthaler, in the village of Litiz, in said town-
17th District—Composed of the Borough of
Marietta, and part of East Donegal township,
at the public school-house in the Boiough of
Marietta, in said township.
18th District—Columbia Borough, at the
Town Hall, in said borough.
19th District—Sadsbury township, at the
Public house now occupied by Abraham Boop,
in said township.
20th District—Leacock township, Wile pub-
lie house now occupied by George Diller, in
said township.
2ist District—Breck neck township, at the
public house now occupied by Isaac Messner,
in said township.
22nd District—Composed of parts of town
ships of Bapho, Mount Joy and East Donegal,
at the public school house m the Borough of
Mount Joy.
23rd District—Being part of East Hempfield
township, at the public house now occupied
by Jacob Swarr, in the village of Petersburg,
in said township.
24th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Henry Mil
ler, in the village of Lampeter Square, in said
25th District—Conestoga township, - at the
public house now occupied by John G. Preis,
in said township.
2tith District—Being part of Manor township,
at the upper school house in the Borough of
Washington, in said township.
2:th District—Ephrata township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John W. Gross, in
said township. • .
28th Distnet—Conoy township, at the public
school house in the village of Bainbridge, in
said township.
2- th District—Manheim township, at the
public house now occupied by Charles H. Kry
der, in the village of Nellbville, in said town
30th District—Being part of Manor township,
at the public house now occupied by George
tlornherger, in Milleistown, in said township.
31st District—West Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Graybill B. For
ney, in Earlville, in said township.
32d District—West liempfield township, at
the public house now occupied by Joiin Keudig,
in said township. -
.33d District—Strasburg township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by James Curran, in
the Borough of Strasburg.
34th District—Being part of Manor town
ship, called lndiantown District, at the public
house of Samuel Stoner, in said township.
35th .District—West Cocalico township„at
the public house now occupied by John W.
Mentzer, in the village of Bhoereck, in said
36th District—East Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Yundt,
Blue Bali, in said township.
37th District—Paradise township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by James Frew, in said
38th District—Being . a part of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house m the
village of Hempfield, in said township.
39th District—Lancaster township, at the
public house now occupied by Daniel Hart
man, in said township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Henry Ken
cagy, in said township.
41st District—Little Britain township, at the
house of Aaron Brogan Si. Co,
42nd District—Upper Leacock township, at
the public house of Michael Bender, in said
43d District—Penn township, at the public
house of C. Hershey, in said township.
44th District—Borough of Adamstown, at the
public house in said borough.
45th District—Clay township, at the house
of George M. Steinmetz (formerly John Erb's)
in said township.
46th District—Pequea township, at the pub
lic house of Benjamin Rowe, in said township.
47th District—Providence township, at the
house occupied by Mary Miller, in said town
4Sth District—Eden township, at the public
house of William J. Hess, in said township.
49th District—Being that part of Mount Joy
township heretofore included in the 3d dis
trict, at Lehman's school house, in said town
ship. '
The General Election, in all the Wards,
Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the coun
ty, are to be opened between the hours of eight
and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall con
tinue, without interruption or adjournment,
until seven o'clock in the evening, when all
the polls shall be closed.
Every person excepting Justice of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust, under the government of the
United States or of this State, or of any other
city or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
untie: the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary
department of the State or the United States,
or of any city or incorporated district, and also
that every Member of Congress, or of the State
Legislature, and of the Select and Cornnion
Councils of any city, or Commissioner of any
incorporated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising, at the same time, the
office or appointment of judge, inspector or
clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and no inspector, judge or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible there to be vote
The Inspectors and Judges of the elections
shall meet at the respective places appointed
for holding the election in the district to which
they respectively belong, before nine o'clock.
in the morning, and each of said inspectors
shall appoint une clerk, who shall be a quali
fied voter of such district.
In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for inspec
tor shall not attend on the day of any election,
then the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for judge at the
next preceding election shall act as inspector
in his place. And in case the person who shall
have received the highest number of votes for
inspector shall not attend, the person elected
judge shall appoint an inspector in his place—
and in case the person elected a judge shall not
attend, then the inspector who received the
highest number of votes shall appoint a judge
in his place—or if any vacancy shall continue
in the board for the space of one hour after
the time fixed by law for the opening of the
election, the qualified voters of the township,
ward or district, for which such officers shall
have been elected, present at such election,
shall elect one of their number to fill such va
The Tudzes are lo make their returns for the
county of Lancaster, at the Court House in the
City of Lancaster, on Friday, the 9th day of
Noyember,.A. D. 1860, at 10 o'clock a. m.
BENJ. F. ROWE ; Sheriff.
SIIERIFF'S OFFICE,' Lancaster, Oct. 9, 1860.
November Court Proclamation
HEREAS the Honorable Henry G.
VV Long, President, Hon. A. L. Hayes and
Ferree Brinton, Esq., Ass. Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, in and for the Countj of Lancas
ter, and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer &
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County
of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me
directed requiring me, among other things, to
make PUBLIC PROCLAMATION throughout my
Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery ; Also,
a Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delive
ry, will commence at the Court House, in the
City of Lancaster, iu the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the
In pursuance of which precept
to the Mayor and Alderman - of the City of Lan
caster, in said county, and all the Justices of
the Peace, the Coroner,
and Constables of the
said city and county of Lancaster, that they be
then and there in their own proper persuns with
their rolls, records and examinations, and in
quisitions, and their other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices appertain, in
their behalf to be done ; and also those who will
prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then
shall be. in the jail of said county of Lancaster,
are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just.
Dated at Lancaster, the Ist day of September,
P. S.—Punctual attendance of the Jurors
and Witnesses will hereafter be expected and
required on the first day of the sessions. Al
dermen and Justices of the Peace are required
by an order of .Court, dated November 21st
1848, to return their recognizances to Sam'l
Evans, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, within one
week from the day of final action in each ease,
and' in default thereof, the Magistrates costs
will not be allowed.
Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia.
Authorized by the Legislature for the
1 Prize of $lOO,OOO is $lOO,OOO
2 Prizes of 50 000 are 100,000
2 do 25,000 " 50,000
2 do 20,000 " 40,000
2 do 5,000 " 10,000
2 do 3,000 " 6,000
2 do 2,000 " 4,000
1 do 1,000 is 1,000
350 do 200 are 70,000
64 do 100 " 6,400
64 do 80 " 5 : 120
64 do 60 " 3,840
128 do 50 " 6,900
5,504 do 32 " 176,000
25,224 do 16 " 451,000
34,412 Prizes, =oho - hog to $1,030,472
TICKETS, 06—Halves, $B--Quartes, $4
Eighths, $2.
_ .
Certificates of 26 Wholes, $550; of 26 Halves,
$125 ; of 26 is, $62.50; of 26 Eighths, $31.50.
Is drawn every Saturday. Capital Prize,
$70,000. Tickets, SS. Halves, $4.
Quarters, $2.
Drawn every day, in which you can select
your own numbers. Tickets from $1 to
any price, and prizes in proportion.
Circulars containing full explanations of our
Schemes etc., will be forwarded by mail to any
one sending us their name.
All communications strictly confidential.
In ordering Tickets or Certificates enclose
the money to pur'address for the tickets order
ed, on receipt of which they will be forwarded
by the first mail. The list,of drawn numbers
and prizes will be sent to purchasers immedi
ately after the drawing.
The official drawings are published in the
New York Herald.
Orders received and prizes cashed at No. 555-
Broadway, New-York. Direct your orders to
April 7, :860.-ly.
CO M E TO ANDERSON'S where will be
found the largest and -best assortment of
Confectionaries, Fruits, Toys & Fancy Articles
ever offered in this place, consisting in part of
New Raisins,Cranberries,Currants, Figs, Dates,
Prunes, Iceland Moss Paste, Gum Drops,Hour
hound & Flaxseed Cough Candy, Cough Drops,
Pepper Candy, Preserved Fruit,Gum Fruit, Fig
Paste, Oriental Pressed Figs, Cream Bonbons,
:fully Lumps, Fine Vanilla Almonds,Cream
Strawberries, Jujube Paste, Rock Cany, Wis
tar's Cough Candy, Walnut Candy, Maple,
Strawberry and Gum Taffy, Fruit Candy and
candies of every quality and price. Dates,
Almonds, Apples, Citron, Cranberries, Lemons,
Mince Meat, Sugar Toys, Cocoa Nuts, French
Walnuts,Hazel and Peanuts, Water, Sugar,Fa
rina, Soda, Fennel and Butter Crackers, Tea
Biscuit and Jumbles. rirWooden, Tin, Lead,
China and Paper Toys, Dolls of every size
and material Black and White. Animals of
every description, Tea setts, Furniture setts,
Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Guitars, Drums,
&c., &c., &c., &c., &c. Velocipedes, Hobby
Horses, Wheel Barrows, Steins, Children's
Gigs, &c. For sale at
J. M. ANDERSON'S, Market-st.,
• . R2l ,
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ti E o
R INNE:LS Glyeeiine Soap,
Frangipani Extract,
and an assortment of Soaps, new perfumery, Ezc
ust received at DR. HINKLE'S.
style, each one warranted to per- -
forma to. the entire satisfaction of the
purchaser. STERRETT 8. CO.
perior to any now in use, can be had at the
Cheap Store of Diffenbach.
Ant UM DROPS': Stewart's New-York Gum
kx Drops, S Varieties, at Wolfe's.
filiviei• Sz :P.aftosoit, (ii-, NOlief-,t
RF. now supplied with a - general
and everything desirable in their line:
Superior Silk Velvet, Grenadine and Woolen
Vestings, French Silk-mixed Doeskin and
Plain Cassinieres, Cloths of all grades,.
for Coats, Over-coats and
Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinetts,
Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk
and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Gloves,
Wool ana cotton Hosiery, Suspenders,
Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and ,
collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls,
Cricket Jackets, children's,
youth's and men's Cap and Soft Hats.
Black Bayadare and Fancy Plaid Silks,
Figured and plain Merinoes, in all colors,
French Wool DeLames, in beautiful designs,-
Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and De
Laines, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit
Cloths,Cohurgs, Bombazines, Alpacas,
Divelas, English and American 4-4 Chintz,-
Ginghams, Bogue+ and other new style Prints,
Rtch Plaids and neat fig'd Merinos for misses.
Stella and Merino bordered, Bonella, Ombra3
Jacquard, superior Gay and Plain 4 and S
Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety of
Children's Shawls, Opera Caps,
Zephyr Shawls and Capes.
Cloth Talmas and Dusters, several styles of
both, for claoks and talmas, Sacking and
Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk
Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves
and collars, Chenele, Braid and Bead Head .
Nets, Diamond Ruffling of all widths, all of
the new styles of dress trimming, Split Ze
phyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Braid, &c., &c.
White and Grey linen and cotton table cloths,
Cotton Diaper and crash Toweling, Sheeting,
Checks and Ticking, Cradle, Crib and Bed
Blankets, Marsailles Quilts and Counterpanes,
Bureau Covers, Embossed Table Covers , 4, 6
and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, Prime Live
picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces of
Carpet in various qualities, from common to
medium and Extra Three Ply.
As full an assortment as can be found in the
county, of the choicest Gilt, Glazed and com
mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers, Hails,.
Offices, &c., with Pannels, Columns& Borders.
.50 Best Refined White and Brown
Sugars; Choice Green and Black Teas;
Extra Fine Orleans Molasses ;
Lovering and other Syrups;
Rio, Java and Laguira COFFEES; Farina;
Tuproca and Corn Starch ; Split Peas; Soup
Beans; Cheese; Rice and Spices; new Dried
Peaches and Apple's ; Mackerel )Igg!
Shad and Herring, all of which
have been bought - FOR CASH, and will be sold
at a very small advance on cost prices. Cat!,
and make your purchases or send in your or
ders, early.
MARIETTA, September 22, 1860.
S. S. Rathvon,
Merchant lailor, Draper and clothier,.
A VAILS himself of this opportunity of an
nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late
P. J. Kramph, where be has been employed
for the last ten years, and intends continuing
the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in al I
its various branches, and hopes that a
course of strict fidelity to his patrons may
merit a reasonable share of their confi
dence and support. In addition to a complete
G entl em en s Furnishing Goods,
He will constantly endeavor to provide a gooff
assortment of French, German andlunerican`
Cloths, Cassimdvs and Vest s,
which will be promptly made to order in a sub.. ,
stantial and fashionable manner, or according
to such styles as to his patrons may be most
desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and Winter Fashions received, in addition to
the monthly reports which come to hand regu—
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order' on sale of James.
W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in
Marietta, were he here to omit returning his
sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness ,
they have extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render him unworthy a continuance
of the same. [v7-lr
Having proofs so. strong and direct as to .
For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians
of the oldest schools as well as new, give it
their unqualified sanction, and recommend it
for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the
scalp and brain ; but all who have used it,
unite,..initestifying that it willpreserve the hair
from being gray, and from falling to any age,
as well as restore. Read the following:—
Oak Grove, S. C. June 24th, 1859.
PROF. 0. J. Woon : Dear Sir :—Your Hair
Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this.
community- I have had occasion to lay preju
dice aside, and give your Hair Restorative a
perfect test :
During the year 1.854,- I was so unfortunate
as to be thrown my sulky against a rock near
the roadside, from which my head received a
most tel blow; causing a great deal of ir
ritation, which communicated to the brain and
external surface of the head, from the effects
of which my hail was finally destroyed over •
the entire surface of the head. From the time
I first discovored its dropping, however, up to
the time of its total disappearance, I employed
everything . I could think of, being a profes
sional man myself, and, as I thought, under
standing the nature of the disease., but was
finally defeated in every perseriptioa advanced.'
These and no other circumstances induced.
me to resort to your worthy Hair Restorative,
which I have every reason to believe, produced
a very happy result two months after the first
application, I had as beautiful a head of young
hair as I ever saw, for which I certainly owe
you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured,
dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to all
inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence,
which I flutter myself to say, isnot a little.
You can publish this if you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully,
Office of the Jefrersonian, Philippi, Va.,
December 12th, l&58.
Dear Sir :—I feel it my duty as well as my
pleasure to state to you the followire,ncircum
stance, which you can use as you think proper.
A gentleman of this place,(a lawyer,) has
been bald ever since his early youth ; so much
so, that he was compelled to wear a wig, He
was induced to use a bottle of your hair "Hair
Restorative," which he liked very much ; and
after using some two or three bottles his hair
grew out quite luxuriantly, and lie now hai
handsome head of hair. The gentleman's name
is Bradford, and as lie is very well known in
our adjoining counties, many persons can tes
tify- to the truth of this statement ; I give it to
you at the request of Mr. Bradford. YOu can
sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in
this and the adjoining counties if you have the
proper agents. Yours, Bm.,
Da. WOOD: Dear Sir: Permit me to
the obligations I am under for the entfrezes
toration of my hair to its original color; affnut
the time of my arrival in the United Sta'tes
was rapidly - becoming, gray, but upon ;the ap
plication of your "Hair Restorative" it soon
recovered its original hue. I consiilerYour re
stmative as a very wonderful Invention, - quite
efficacious as well as agreeable..
THE RESTORATIVE , pnt up in bottles of
three - sizes, viz : large,'rnedinin,andsmall;'the
small holds. I-a-pint, and retails for Oa bottle;
the medium tiolds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion than the small, retails.for $2 per
bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent
more in Urewartion, and retails for -$3.
0. J. WOOD 8: CO., Proprietors,
No. 44,Broadway, New-York,-and.
114 Market Street, St. Louis,:Mo.
sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers:" ty7-7-14-3st.