The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, November 03, 1860, Image 1

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    7!1 I)A_..arititil\(.lt.
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Editor aiad Proprietor_
VOL. 7.
@lc aatthill Bariettian
,fficeticALCZl 4 5 : 4ffateeo,
PUBLICATION OFFICE in the second sto
ry of CRULL'S Row, on Front Street, five
door:. East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel s MARIETTA,
If suNscriptions be not paid within six months,
$1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid; unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or less) 60 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Nand Couitt Ofitars.
Chtef Burgess, Samuel D. Miller, .
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President)
John Civil, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Iflestand.
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun.,
Collector of :Tares, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel 'D. Reath.
High Constable, Absalem Emswiler..
Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John H. Goodman,E. D. Reath.
Supervisor, Samuel Hippie, Sen.
School Directors, John. Jay .Ltbhart, Presi
dent, E. D. Roath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler,. Aaron B, Grosh,
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
Post Office Hours:. The Post Office will
be open from '7 o'clock in the morning until
Sin the evening. Chas. Kelly; postmaster.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. m. and
4..15 p. m., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a. m.,
and at 6 28 p. in.
The Western mails will close at 10.60 a. m.,
and arrive at 4.86 p. rn.
Railroad Time Table: The mail train for
Philadelphia will leave this station at 7.40 in
the morning, The mail train west will leave
at 11.21 in the morning. The Harrisburg ac=
commodation east, passes at 4.56 p. m. and
returns, going west, at 6 28 p: m.
Religious Exercises: Service will be had on
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
at I before 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Pres
byterian church. Rev. P. J. Timlow, pastor.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clodk in the morning
and at 1-4 before 8 o'clock in the evening
t here will be service in the Methodist church.
Rev. T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societies: 'rx.r. Hanstarry, A. N.
Cassel, President; John Jay Libhart, Treasur
er ; Burr Spangler, Secretary. Tun PIONEER,
John Jay Libhart, President; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer; Wm. Child; jr., Secretary.
President fudge, Henry G. Long.
Assistant Judges, Alexander L. Mayes, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Franklin.
Protin notary, William Carpenter.
Itecoruer, Anthony Good.
Register, John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael IL Shirk.
Sheriff, Stephen W. P. Boyd.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Sam'l Evans.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L. Stoner.
Coroner, Levi Summy.
County Commissioners, Daniel Good, Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Reist, Solicitor, Ed. Henley.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman.
; Directors of the Poor, Robert Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, John Huber,
Simon Groh, David Stypr Solicitor, JaMes
IC. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. Taylor.
Prison Inspectors, R.l.Houston, Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evand, H.
S. Gara. Solicitor, Dan'l G. Baker. Keep
er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
S - -
Second Street, below Union,
They nre prepared to make all kinds or Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of 'every description ;
Manner Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, ' Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Madhinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass .Bearings,
Steam and Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil
Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and
Water; Brass Fittings in all their
Variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts,
Nuts Vault Doors,
Washers, .&c.,
• •
From long experience in building machinery we
ilnitet ourselves that we can give geieral satis-;
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. Repairing promptly fittentled to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
wsth prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-If
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor &biellon-qlaaaila
aid's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
ween the Drug and Book Stores. [3-ly
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4, '59.-ly
J. GROsli Sr. SON, Lumber Dealers.
- raid at the Eastere part of Marietta.
rt. Please call at their office, adjoining the
Tuitzu-sroay brick house it the CANAL.
P 6016 to patio, Yittraturt, Agriculture, Norticultart, Ely in arts, 6eittritt Nays of fly Pap . , !Doi J 1 txatt., it„ 14,
\ De p al . e t r InGl ass, Har o dw .l ar T e , , Ce h darw H ar e
and Bar Iron, Steel, Spikes, Nails,
i Parlor, Office, Hall and Cook
MAKES this means of informing the citizens
ofMarietta and vicinity, that he is now pre
pared to furnish anything in his line of busi
ness, consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building alf d Housekeeping Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop
per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula-.
tedHardware establishment.
July 21, 1860
To Persons Out of Employment
In every County of the United States?
rjlo engage in the sale of some of the best and
most elegantly illustrated Works published.
ur publications are of the most interesting
character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; they are published
in the best style and bound in the most sub
stantial manner, and are worthy a place in the
Library of every Household in the Land.
To men of enterprise and industrious habits,
this business offers an opportunity for profit
able employment seldom to be met with.
11".• Persons desiring to act as agents will re
ceive promptly by mail lull particulars, terms,
&c., by addressing
LEARY, GETZ & Co., Publishers.
No. 224 North Second street, Philadellsiia.
Iron Masters look to your interests !
CAST IRON 081 WArafill,
Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa.
The Undersigned will constantly keep on
hand and make to older at short notice the
above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni
ted States! They will warrant their machines
to run lighter, last longer and wash cic aner and
with less water than any other machine now
in use. They can be easily put together on the
bank. All orders addressed to either of the
undersigned will meet with prompt attention.
fa" They are also prepared to sell individu
al, County and State Rights.
October 13, IS6O. v7-no.l Iy
Alexander Lyndsay,
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this. Borough and neighborhood that he has
thelaigest. assortment of City. made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE. MAKER
himself,is select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE. LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
- 11 otlovt}i.liert
store,OUß harvoi
f ng ;o e urTh ov and ed
Market, are now prepared to offer to the trade
a large and elegant assortment of
Borders, Fire Screenes, Window Curtain Goods',
&c., all of the newest and best designs '
from the lowest priced aKtiele,to the finest
Gold and Veltit Dec rations.
. _
tC Purr hasers will dto.Well to visit the es
tablishment of HOWELL & BOURKE,
Northeast Corner Fourth & Market-sts.,
Sept. 29-3m.] ' PHILADELPHIA •
•. H. L. & E. J. ZAHM
T") ESPECTFULLY inform their
' irk friends and the public that they
474"/ still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
,"t,6 AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of . North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, - Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of, bust
ness always en hand and for sale at the lotvest
cash rates.
;Er Repairing attended to personally by the
AT OW Opening, a large and complete as
-1_1( aortment of SEASONABLE G 0 0 D
Cheaper than ever, at
HALDEMIN'S Cheap *Cash Store.
Columbia, Oct. 20, 1260. ' ' '
—The partnership heretofore existing be-;
tween Geo. Killing and Wm. Rutledge trading
as Killing & Rutledge has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent, all business matters
relating to the late Firm will be settled by
Marietta, August 29th 1860.
A General Assortment of all kinds of
7 4 :
a l e u s :Lr r r. e - G w.
i rr o l i v s A , n c T gII LOCKS, r
Paints - , Oils, Glass and Put, very chea
STE ty RRP.TT & CO..
,) LOCKS—Good Time
Keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
rOR SALE. Eight or ten Barrels pure Ci
der Vinegar also a lot of second hand
storesOvhich can be seen by calling upon the
subscriber. GEO. H. ETTLA-
JOT RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st„ a
fine assortment of children's gigs„ baskets
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys
wagons, candidates flags, drum s, rocking
horses, &c., at Anderson's.
ANDERSON , S! Attention Butchers
and Houskeepers. Having a great demand for
our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con
tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep
per. Ground Corriander, and Stout Marjoram-
k. parlor selection of French and Germarc
Cloths,snd Cassimers, and a variety of beauti
ful Vestiugs, a new and fashionable lot; just
arrived at Direnbach's Cheap Store.
Marietta, Pa„ Saturday Morning, November 3, 1860.
Market Street, Marietta, Pa
?AP& ijngiog Yaintfacitliset - $.
On the Departure of the Prince of Wales,
from America
Victoria, Queen, Wife, and Mother,
Homeward bound is thy son on the sea,
May the fleet of thy realm, bear our Guest
safely over,
And God's blessing be on him and thee.
Albert Edward,—Did thy name on all lips
And our homage of peace, flush thy face?
'Twas the home vein of Virtue that ever
doth sit
Round thy Mother, with right royal grace
Prince of Wales,—lch Dien,—l serve,
Did thy step on Columbia's soil
Touch thy soul's native freedom, and nerve
Thy young gentle heart for its toil?
Engiands scion, and hope,—Englands pride:
and her power,
May thy ways be the paths of pure truth,
And love for thy Mother, a tower
Of might, and God's strength to the youth.
Victoria, Queen, Wife, and Mother,
Thy dear son may God save to thee,
America greets as none other
Thy heart, and thy hand o'er the sea.
M. B
Marietta, Oct. 27, 1860.
For the Mariettiata.]
When Napoleon, the Great, attempted
to crush Madame De Stael with the re
mark that women should not meddle
with affairs of government, she returned
the unanswerable reply, that as women
were governed and punished by the laws,
it was natural that they should desire to
know something about them. Whether
the imitators of his tyranny, who, having
no power to silence by imprisonment and
banishment, attempt it by sneers and
abuse against -" female politicians "
whether such would be satisfied with her
answer or not, it is certain that mothers
who felt no interest in their nation's
prosperty—who knew and manifested no
love of its liberties—would be unfit to
train and educate the rising geneiation
to be citizens of a free country, and, the
depositories of the freedom and intelli
gence of future generations. Such wo
men, whether as sisters, wives, or moth
ers, could never imbue the hearts of
youth, nor stimulate the efforts of young
men, with that living love of liberty and
of country which fits them for the
and responsibilities of the free sovereigns
of a free land. Such women were not
the mothers of our Washington, Adams,
Jackson, and other good and great men
who have. marked out and "filled the
measure of our country's glory." Such
were not the maidens and Atrons of
New England, who signed the pledges
against drinking taxed tea,,i4n4 after
wards hastily equipped fathers and broth
ers, husbands and sons, and seat them
forth to battle at Concord and Lexing
ton, Bunker Hill and Bennington. Such
were not the women and girls of Penn
sylvania who raised $300,,000, and pur
chased materials of which they made,
with their own-liands;thcrusands of shirts
and Other garments for WaShington's
half naked 'end suffering soldiers in the
darkest days of Our B:eiolution. Such
were not the women of- the South, who
gave up to flames their' loved homes n to
baffle ' the conquering Cornwallis; and
boldly rebuked, face to face, the worse
than savage tories, who - then (as now
swarmed in those. States. And such
were not our frontier women, who shared
the‘perils of their husbands'and sons and
brothel's, supplying them with ammuni
tion at the risk' of life, and 'When their
defenders fell, caught up and wielded
their weapons against the savhge foe.
Now imagine some -doughfaced tory or
brawling demagogue of that day, sneer
ing at "female politicians," or dragging
their honorable and honored names into
his filthy kennel to weave them into ri
bald ditty, or an Editor degrading the
freedom of the press into base licentious
ness by publishing such base, dirty
rhymes ; and does not the mere thought
of such a past possibility fire your blood
and flush your cheek with mingling in
dignation and shame ? Yet those wo
men did "meddle with politics"—did
study, understand, and speak freely !about
the "party politics" of that time—ilid
I compose and sing songs to incite patriot
sages and heroes to debate and to battle,
and to cheer them in victory. Have the
so-termed "female politicians" of our own
day departed farther "out of their proper
sphere," than did our venerated mothers
and grandmothers, and their patriotic
female co-workers ? Or, is that which
is an honor to the women of the last
century, a disgrace to the women of this,
our own day ? _
We are not dismissing women's rights
to speak in public or to vote their polit-
ical views and feelings—none have done
so, and none, therefore, could be thus
assailed for such action. We speak only
of the ungentlemanly (not to se', the un
manly) conduct which would deprive
woman of the few limited privileges al
lowed her by custom and law—or which
would stigmatize her for exercising them
in the social circle, or by the Ilse of her
pen, in a decorous and proper manner.
She can not 'publicly speak and vote
her views and feelings on questions in
which she has as much at stake as we
have ; while her assailant has public
speech and franchise, beside all that is
allowed her. What unfairness—how un
generous, then, to endeavor by sneers
and ridicule to rob her of that which
would not increase his rights, and would
reduce her to utter ignorance and slave
ry ! Now, she can only act through fa
ther, husband, brother, son or male
friends, on proposed changes in laws
and institutions, in which her love of
freedom, country or race as deeply inter
est her as they can any of her country
men. And yet such sneerers would de
bar her from forming or holding opinions
on all those subjects which thrill her
soal—or- from expressing her opinions
and emotions in speech or song in the
social Circle--or from manifesting joy
with family and-friends, by weaving for
them wreaths and baguets, or even by
sewing together the glorious stars and
stripes to float in breezes laden with a
people's,shouts of victory !
"are we not correct in saying that such
attempts at interdiction are ungenerous
and unfair, if not unmanly ? Must they
not spring from some depravity of senti
ment, vihich has led to the undervaluing
of the sex, to which belong their own
mothers, sisters, wives and daughters?
Or, perhaps they flow from some bitter
principle of tyrannous despotism (con
cealed, it may lie, even from the "pos 7
sessed one") in the inner , heart, of .him
who would thus deprive others of their
natural and inalienable rights—who, be
ing unable to shackle mcn's minds and
padlock men's lips, would utterly sup
press women's thoughts and speech !
For that man is a despot in priuciple,
however his demagoguism may vainly,at
tempt to Conceal it, who would
others of rights and privileges which he
claim S -for himself—especially when they
do not really abridge his own. Witness
the usurpations to "force slavery, into
"Kansas—stuffing and destroying ballot
boxes, destroying preises,batterirur doWn
houses, breaking up a deliberative as
semblage by federal bayonets, and the
whole train of Lecompton Constitution
frauds and outrages„ under. Pierce and
Buchanan—constantly intervening, with
the whole power of the federal ludiciar3r
and executive, in favor of slavery and
against freedom. Witness Mr. Doug
las' proposed „infamous Gag Law, by
which all, meetings, speeches, papers,
and the cii-c - a 4 lation thereof; are to be
utterly suppressed ,under severe penal
ties if against slavery, but_not if against
freedom—hy,which, Dquglas him
self said, Seward, Hale, Wilson and
others would be imprisoned for life for
their speeckes • in favor of freedom and
union; while the disunionists may, utter
what they please in .favor of slavery—and
by which any man, for circulating the
' writings of Patrick. Efettry,.Jefferson,
Madison, Washingtoa and Franklin,
would be Punished severely ; but the cir
culator of tancey's Keitt's and other in;
sane, avings for slavery and disunion
may go free, if not, by applauded and re
warded. Such are the "equal rights" of
oar modern Democracy •
The state of affairs these manly sup.
pressers of. "female politician," and of
free speech and free presses generally,
would introduce in our land, remind one
strongly of the honest Irishman's objur
gation. He, was traveling through a
village on a frosty morning, when every
yelping cur and puppy came barking at
his heels. He grabbed a stone to hurl
at them, but it was frozen fast He grab
bed -at another—another—and another
—but all were chained to the earth by
the frost.- "A pretty free country this I
(said the indignant and baffled Patrick,)
where the stones are all fast and the dogs
are all loose I"
Let whomsoever it may concern, make
their own application.
nessee paper in announcing the death of
J. Whiteside, at the age of 90 ye,ars,
adds that when Sam Houston was a ottn`-
didate for Governor of Tennessee, and;
not being a freeholder was constitatiOn . ::
ally ineligible, he (Whiteside). gave ..toi illustriens hero a tract (gf
which qualified him to receive thei,officei
to which he was elected.
Tarna, One Dollar a, "''ear;
LETTER FROM TOMMY Tateishonejero,
or Tommy, as he is familiarly called, a
member of the Japanese Embassy, has
written several letters to his friends in
this city, says the Philadelphia Press,
and the following has been handed to us
for publication :
ST. PAUL BE LoANo, .Augd 84
My Dear Friend Mr. Theodore
arrived at this place on the 7th instant,,
after a passage of thirty-seven days from l
New York there will be an opportunity
of sending letters to America soon I do
myself the pleasure of writing to you,'
and giving some account of the voyage
to you thus far three thousand miles
from New York to Portgrande. There
is ,tio provision, no water, only coal get
in on board. We had pleasant voyage
all-the way from New York to, get Lo
ando, sometimes Head winds and no
winds, and from Portgrande three thou
sand miles and nine hundred miles to
get to Loando there is abound fish, Or
anges, Rice & Water and, pretty Negro
Slaves, they afraid us because they hear
Japanese Oanabel or Wild man and ran
before us. I am much obliged to you
for your kindness to, me while in Phila
delphia I shall never forget you I expect
to return and go to Anapolis to-study
English Navigation then I see you once
more. I sent you. my small photograph
with my name attached. by Mr. Warring
ton, I hope yon received it. I have
yours which you sent me I will keep
hung up in my room when I read in your
letter that you would be glad to receive
a Japanese 'hat or sandles I feel very
sorry that-it was to late, for.they were all
gone but I will be sure-to - send them tO
you from Japan
Your truly friend,
A letter from Genoa iathe Gazette de
France asserts that the Sardinian navy
is now the first in Europe, after those: of
England and France. Piedmont, it says,
has already;thirty ships of War; Garabal
di has annexed twice as many at, aples,
among them two line-of-tattle ships, the
Vicivio and the Monarca. The
baldian navy in they waters at Sicily had
eight or ten steamers—English, Ameri
can and others—given, bought, or cap
tured. Besides this, the letter. says that
Piedmont, not expecting so large an, ac
cession of nayal, force, had made. con
tracts in Fngland for eight large steam
ers, two of which are already delivered
and also for an oqual number, of trans
ports. All theie things considered„ the
Gazette de France reckons the Sardin
ian navy as consisting, or soon to consist,
of nearly one hundred and forty men-of-
The Emperor Napoleon, in a speech
at Algiers, during his late. visit• there,
gave his ideas of what constitutes oivili
zation. He said : "Providence requires
us to extend over this land the benefits
of civilization. Now, what is ,civiliza
tion ? It is to consider happiness as
Something, the life of man as much, and
his moral perfection as the greatest good.
Thus, to elevate the Arabs to the dignity
of free men, to spread among them in
struction, at the same time respecting
their religion ; to ameliorate their con
ditiOn by raising from the earth all the
treasures which' Pieiidence has deposi
ted there, and which a bad government
would leave sterile ; such is our mission
and we - shall not=fail in it."
The New Albany Ledger informs
us that two men named John Storms and
JahivErewer were digging ,a well near
Elizabethtown, Harrison county, Ind.,
on Thursday last, and while one of them
was being drhwn up out of the well in a
tub, he was struck with the foul air and
fell to the bottom, killing-hint instantly.
The man who wan , at the windlass - was
lowered into the well, and;lliefore
reached the bottom was Stink in
the same manner. The • two -indinktAi
taken out by means of hooks, their bodli4
and faces horribly mutilated. Breier
had married a sister of Storms only two
weeks before the fatal occurrence.
igir An old Jackson man's reasons for
going for Lincoln : " Ist. He was op
posed to cesession, and - so" am I: 2,d.
He was opposed to nulification, and so
am I. '3d. He was opposed to the slave
trade,, and. so am I. 4th. He was op
posed:to the extension of slavery, and so.
am I. sth. He was opposed tolnation-:
,alizing slavery, arid so' am I.
• Nitureleaches us, that we are de
pendantsthat we tare like ,cog-wheels
pushing each other alopg, by ,filling
lautuat voids.
How YANCEZ KTISLED ins U NCLE i p ar .
son Browidovr, in his•pape?Alte Knox_
Ville Whig ; says
it ? killed
hisfact that 1,. ante' m.
his uncle, Dr. Earle of S'outh Carolina,
has been stated in'-general forms, but the
detail& have not been gii:en, tr. Earle
lived ona rune and a half west of Green
ville, where his .widow, still resides, if
alive. A few hundred yards distant is
an old field i sometimes 'Wed for practic ,
ing on horseback, but-'rnms frequently
resorted to as a muster, groan& This
was the occasion Of a drill mister, *hen
Dr. Earle's son, a boy about ten years
old, went to the ground, as-all boys seek
to do ; and during their wheeling and
turning, the boy got in the way. 'Yancey
ordered the boy to get out the way, but
the boy, in hisconfusion, got more and.
more in the way,whereuponYnneeylash
ed him most 'unmercifully with Ivhoree
whip. Dr. Earlawas not at Mum; bat
on <returning home, through town,
friend told him how cr9elly Yancey had
treated his son. Yancey. told-him that
the boy had been very insolent, ,- and that
he had slapped his jaws for lift,
Earle replied that he had served him
right. When Dr. T.arle reached home
and learned the 'facts, and found that
Yancey had lied t6' Min, Bp returned to
Greenville in search of him. 'Yancey,
knowing the pluck of Dr. Earle, and that
he would be detected in the falsehood,.
prepared himself for a fight. Dr. Earle
found Yancey on Dr. CrittenAen's porch,.
and in marching upon him, was, Sot,
doWn,by Yancey with a pistol. These
are the facts, as we have them from one
-raised in that vicinity. The fact that he
was Convicted upon trial and iroprisomid,
arid afterward became the subject of Ex
ecutive clemency, Corroborates the truth
of this version: -
or Tommy
A NOVEL DEER Hoer :7 4oM morn
ings since, whilst the east-bound express•
train on the Great Western road was
nearing State Line City, a large deer
sprang on the road:a 'few rods in advance•
of the iron -horse, and went dashing down
the track with a velocity which pia fair
at that time to outstrip the train. The
engineer obserVed ihat his deership
played a desire for a race, and immediate
ly iccreased the steam on the engine,
which, in a very short time, placed the
pilot in close:proximity to the . rear or
the almost flying animal. But he yet in
sisted upon .keepingthe track. In amo
ment ,or two, howeVer, the cowcatcher
struck him with such n force that elevat
ed Melte a height on - the, level with•the
smokestack,•striking ithelop of which he
fell upon thelltadlight, which-was brok
en pit and dashed. to pieces by the• con
cussion:. The train was stopped and the
object of the:chase taken iin board, life
less. Be was ra huge lellow,*eighmg
one hundred and ninetrpounda, and 'lav
ing extraordinary large antileri3, a branch
of which measured sixteen inches. • ' '
Elie Tans 'coirespcindent of ahe
London Timis alludes- to the constant
fees• of his life in Whidli the Einperor of •
the Yrench-lives, of tilOarhonari.
ringlis late trip t 6 his new dominione
every care. was - Wien to get suspicions
characters oat 'Of the way. One very
curious means of ensuring his itafety wart
resorted to; it was that of forcing - thip
owners of houses within, a certain dis
tance of the imperial resi:denek to give.
ap the keys of their cellarstathe police.
These individuals were forced,. daring
the whole visit and for some days befog®
to ask" for their 'keys every, time,they
needed a bottle. of wine; and, , on such
occasions a 'policeman was sent with
them' to fetch it. -4 vertain= hOdirciia
the Victoire, in Nice ) wasVaptied
of all its inhabitarits Whilst theinilaftial
visit listed nobody. knew 'for , preeisely
what reason; but• - the proprietors, for
vacating it, received from theauthorities
the sum of 60,000 francs ; the house, it is
supposed, hating been in some way law
ful to the police.
la- Not long Silic 3, a man iu tank
county, Wis., married for hisliecohtbirife
his own step-mother, who singularly
enough, was a sister_ of his first .'wffe.—
The lady is, therefore, not only itep-nan
ther and aunt to her htliband's children,
but also their grandmother, while th
husband is step-father to his itetpisteris.
Her issuoly this marraige, :DE) not
only own cousins to their step:Wahets,
but uncles and aunts also. And the hap
herself, being grandmother to het:Chit
droll andaephews, may be regardedas
mother to herself and child efid', there
fore' her' own gran h' %other.
gar Always. do,aa theigto ,does,-look •
at the bright sidp,of. , ,evArything 4 . For
while it, Ip i lws4.slB,9,4egpl,ie l tibroptiw
as good for digestion:
NO, 16.