The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 27, 1860, Image 1

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    Idb4 Jcci tthll)/ ,111.*.ft. --,,„ ialt+
_ 1_,.. 3E3a,lmer, 311clitor aiici. Prcaprietor.
VOL. 7.
E4c aatti4 marutizan
4. 4akep , ,.
ÜBLICATION OFFICE in the 'second
of CRUL'S Row, on Front Street, five
, Dina East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, MARIETTA,
.., a - Inscriptions be not paid within six *ninths,
. -41.25 will be eharged, and if . delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
i n ll ew be su d :c o r ti lli ti e n r - s
~: '' '' ' i ll is ixy p m e o rs n o t n hs, se a n n d d in n g o u p s ap r e i r v w E
n a ll six copy for his trouble.
b subscription received for a less period than
.;:: l ied 'Aball un b ti ß l e arrealages are , pald, shrew at
;'- ..ADVVERT I S I li G RATES : One square
(12 lines,
r. ' 361,. ;
term lheo
u ti b o s n cr o i f b
e t the e f
o p r u: w l i i s l h l e b r e . A failure
a t onneow
r , t tify a discontinuance at the eXpiration of the
.1. or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
1.; - cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes.
i'l ,
.1 &mita and Business curds, of six lines or less
.;,:. at : - .43 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five-cents a - line,
i.: Baying recently added a large lot of new Jon
, AND CARD TYPE , we are prepared tb•do - all
I :s G, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
`Ai.'jtabs of ptpartutoMs.
President, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania.
nee President, John C. Breckinridge, ofKen
Speaker of Me Muse, Wm. Pennington, New
secretary of State, Lewis Cass, of Michigan.
,Necretary of th e Teasury, Howell .Cobbof Ga.
Secretary if the Nary, Isaac Touce,y, of Conn.
Secretary of War, John B. Elva of VC • '
Secretary of Interior, Jacob Thompson, Miss.
Postmaster General, Joseph Holt, of Ky.
Attorney General, Jeremiah S. Black, of Pa.
Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney,
Associate Justices, John M'Leari,, Yas. Wayne,
John Catron , Peter V. Daniel, &MI Nelson,
Robert C. Grier, John A. Campbell, and Na
than Clifford.
Governor, Wm. F. Packer,'of Lyconiing co. '
Meretary of Male, Wm. M. Hiester, of Berks.
Attorney General, John C. Knox, Tictga.
reyor General,.
-lwlitor dor General, Thos. E. Cochran, of York.
mate Treaxarer, Eli Slifer, of ljoion.
Mtoerintendent of Public Schools, Thomas H
isurrowes, of Lancaster.
Judges of the Supreme Cowt, Walter H. Lowrie,
Chief Justice, Geo. W. WciodWird, James
Thompson, Wm. Strong,.John M. Reed.
President Judge, Henry G. Long.
Assistant Judges, Alexander L. 11
ayes, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Franklin.
Prothonotary, William Carpenter.
Recorder, Anthony Good.
Registir, John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael H. Shirk.
Nherilf, Stephen W. P. Boyd.
Clerk of Quarter Sessitms Court, Sane' Evans
(jerk of Orphans' Court, C. i... Stoner.
Coroner, Levi Summy.
County Commissioners, Daniel Good, Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Beist, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley.
Clerk, Peter G. tberman.
Directors of the Poor, Robert Byers, , Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, Johri Huber,
Simon Groh, David Styer Solicitiir, James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. Taylor.
Prison Inspectors, R. J. Houston; Dair, Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiratti 'Vans H.
S. Gara. Solicitor, Don't G. Baker. Keep-
er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B.' Lytle,
John Mectutney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis
Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker, ••
Town Council, Barr Spangler; (President)
John Crull, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestand . .
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Ann., -
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, gmanuel D. Loath.
High Constable, Ablalern Ernswiler.
Assistant Constable Franklih K. , Mosey
Regulators, John H. Goodman, E. D. Riiath.
Supervisor, Samuel Hippie,' Sen. •
School Directors, John Jay Libhart, Presi
dent, E. D. Roath, Treasurer' C. A. Schaffner,
secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh'
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
Post ()Mee' Hours: The Post Office will
be open from 6 o'clock in the Morning until
half-past 7in the evening.' The Eastern mail
yid Silver Spring and Hempfield will close at
2 p. m., and arrive at every -Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. inNind
4.15 p. in.,
_and return at 11.21 'o'clock, a. m.,
and at 6 .28 p. m. .
The Western mails will Close at 10.50 a. m.,
and arrive at 4.56 p.
Railroad Time Table: The mail train for
Philadelphia will leave this station at 7.56 in
the morning, The mail train west will leave
at 11.21 in the morning.. The Harrisburg ac
commodation east, passes at 4.56 p. in. and
returns, going west, at 6 28 p.
Religious Exercises: Servicewill be had on
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
''at before 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Pres
byterian church. Rev. P. J. Tirolow, pastor.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock' in the morning
*and at 1-4 before 8 o'clock in the evening
4. here will be service in the. Methodist church.
7.11ev. 'l'. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial. Societies: THE HARMONY, A. N.
Cassel, President; John Jay - Libhart, Treasur
er ; Barr Spangler, Secretary. Tail PIONEER,
John Jay Libhart, president; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary.
To his MARIETTA 'Friends !!
TIE has 'removed from Centre Square, to
pas e Coupes BOW, usirrs he has the finest
He makes fine calfskin Boots (the best) for $4;
Calfskin Walking Shnes, $ 2,23
Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles).. $2,00
Ladies Morocco Boots, (heels) $1,'.2;
He has concluded make the best work Si
somewhat reduced pricis,and hopes by so doing
to enlarge and increase his business.
la' Mending of every kind neatly done.
Citizens. of Marietla:--When you come 'to
Lanaaster, give BRENNEMAN a call and.
MI k% tit surely he please' with his work.
:.•tetubcr 13, IS6O, 9.- if
Prirott4 #oVolitits, l'ittratitre, Agritultart, North!tart, gilt ttt Arts, antral Stio.s of iljt gag, Yard, 4nforotatiou., fit., fr.
50,000 Copies Already Sold! .
And Councellor in Business.
By FRANK CROSBY, of the Philadelphia Bar
It Tells You How to draw up Partnership
Papers and gives general forms
for Agreements of all kinds,
Bills of Sale, Leases and Peti
tions. •
It Tells You How to draw up Mortgages and
Bonds, Affidavits, Powers of
Attorney, Notes and Bills of
Exchange, Receipts and Re
It Tells You The Laws for the Collection of
Debts, with the Statues of Lim
itation, and amount and kinds
of Property Exempt from Ex
ecution in every State.
makeß Tells You How to an Assignment
properly, with forms for Com
position with Creditors, and
the Insolvent Laws of every
It Tells You The Legal relations existing be
tween Guardian and Ward,
Master and Apprentice, and
Landlord and Tenant.
It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan
der, and the Law as to Marri
age power, the Wife's Right
in Property, Divorce and Al
It Tells You The Law 'for Mechanics' Liens
in e very State, and the Natur
alization Laws of this country,
and how to comply with the
It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions
and how to obtain one, and the
Pre-Emption Laws to Public
Lands. •
It Tells You The Law of Patents, with mode
of procedure in obtaining one,
with Interferences, Assign
ments and Table of Fees. •
It Tells You How to make your Will, and
how to Administer on an Es
tate, with the law and the re
quirements thereof in every
It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in
general use, and explains to
you the Legislative, Executive
and Judicial Powers of both
the General and State Govern
It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by
showing how to do your busi
ness legally, thus saving a vast
amount of property and vexa
tious litiontion by its timely
Single copies will be sent by -mail, postage
paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Eve
ry Mari octluqinees, aqd Every, body in Every
'State, on receipt Of '$ . 1:00; or ru law style of
binding at $1.25.
$lOOO A YEAR cirr'tbd:
by enterprising men every where, in selling the
aboye work, as our inducements to all Bach are
very liberal.
For single 'copies of the nook, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
dress JOHN-E. POTTER, PonLunen,
No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia,,Pa.-
Containing Simple Remedies, easily obtained
For the Cure of Diseases in all Forms. •••
By Prof. Henry S. Tayloi, M. D
It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and
how to cook for them ; how to
prepare thinks, Poultices,
and how to guard against in
fection from Contagious Dis
Il Tells You Of the various diseases of Chil
dren, and gives the best and
simplest mode of treatment
during Teething, Convulsions,
Vaccination, Whooping-cough
Measles. &c.
It Tells You The'symptons of Croup, Cholera
Infantum, Colic, Diarrhcea,
Worms, Scalled head, Ring
worm, Chicken-pox, &c., and
gives you the best remedies for
their Cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and Ague;
and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus,
Scarlet and other Fevers, and
gives you the best and simplest
remedies for their cure."
It Tells You The symptorhs of Influenza, Con
sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma,
Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c., and
gives you the belt remedies fur
• their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Cholera Mor
tis, Malignant Cholera, Small
pox, Dysentary, Cramp, Dis
' eases of. the Bladder, Kidneys
and Liver, and the bst reme
dies for their Cure.-
It Tells You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Neu
ralgia, Mumps, Apoplexy, Par
alysis, the various Diseases of
the Throat, Teeth, Ear and
Eye, and the best remedies for
their cure.
It Tells You The best and simplest treatment
for Wounds, Broken Bones
and Dislocation, Sprains, Fe
ver "Sores, Lockjaw, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows,
Boils, Scut vy, Burns and Scrof
It Tells You Of the various diseases peculiar
to Women, and gives the best
and simplest remedies for their
cure, together with many val-
'The work is written in plain language, free
frOm medical terms, so as to be easily under
steed, while its simple recipes may soon save
you many times the cost of the. Book. it is
printed in a efear and open type; is illustrated
with appropriate engravings, an will be foir
warded to your address,neatly bound and post
age paid, on receipt of $1 00.
AR can be
by enterprising men everywnere, in selling the
above work, as our inducements to all such are
very liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
No. 611 Sansom Sr., Philadelphia, Pa.
i'apel . Raging Nantrfooltirers.
TTOWELL & BOURKE, having re-moved
In! to their new store, Corner of Fourth and
fflark:et, are now prepared to offer to the trade
a large and elegant assortment of '
Borders,Fire Screeneo, Window Curtain Goods,
&c., of.-the newest and best designs,
from the lowest priced article to the_iinest
Gold and „Veluet Decorations.
iii Purchasers will do well to visit the es
tablishMent of HOWELL & 1301111. XE,
urtheast Corner Fourth ,S; 114wilret-sts.,
Seri. 29 in.] P/lILADELI'IIIA.
Marietta Pa., Saturday Morning, October , 27, 1860.
ttable hints for the preservation
of the health
De dieatedto the Female:Politictans of Marietta.
By " The Moshene."
AIR :—"Few Days."
Marietta Wide Awakesl!
here they go, there they go,
Illuminations and clam-bakes
every night or so.
They have their Curtin lifted high,
good times ! a pod time !!
Female Politicians cry.
(Don't those candles shine?)
Look around and see the glare .•
here and there, here 3z there,
Office rooms will be to spare
everywhere, everywhere.
Who's the man, you think will win,
of them •all, great or small?
I could tell you, but's a'sin,
so let the Curtain fall.
The "Marietta Wide Awakes"
' "bold and free, brave arid true" .
Row very short they wear their capes,
to sho "red, white, and blue,"
Theirlamps look like a Furnace fire,
blow them in, blow their in,
I hope they'll have their hearts desire
of handling O'er the "tin."
That "Rooster" there upon the stack
hear him crow! hear him crow ! !
And lift his wingi, 'above his back ,
ready now to go.
He spies protection from afar
• drawing near, drawing near,
We hope it won't that 6 .'Vrc . r,o.ay" mar
offspring of fond care.
"Thirty-two" they claim their score.
"neat and clean, neat and clean"
Wonder 'tis they don't, clmm more
the reason'snasy seen.
"How do you like it?" they may say; •
a few days; few days -
"Every dog must haVe his dayi"
• so "the ticket" says.
The thongs you've gotle tie your flags
".stripes ofred, stars of blue"
You'll need to hold your fiery nags
for fearihat down you go.
The children in the "wagonelilkeed.
young and fair, young and fair,
Each little maid a flag embrac'd
and waiv'd it in the air.
Now then threecheers for her who sings
. Wide Awakes, Wide Awake,
And to the breeze, her banner Rings
for Fall Curtains' sake
For "Lincoln, Hamlin, Curtin" too
put 'em thro,' put 'em thro.'
And fill these offices anew,
for that you'll surely do.
. A WOMAN WOES A Womitiv.—At the
County Hall, Northampton, England, a
female was recently brought up named
Catharine ,Coorne, a married .woman i
who for the last fire months has been
dressing in male attire, passing herself
off as a man and the son of her husband,
and who has been received as •the accept
ed suitor of a young woman. 'The fol
lowing are the facts of the case: About
seven years ago, a girl sixteen years of
age, named Catharine..Coome, married
her first cousin, a painter, of the same
name, at Cheltenham. After some time
they came to reside at Bedford, where
the wife assumed the male attire, and
the name of Fred, and passed as the son
of her husband, working with him at his
trade. In the same house lodged with
them a Miss Smith, a straw-bat:met mak
er, who fell in love with Fred, and Fred
reciprocated the affection, and passed
himself off and was received as -Miss
Smith's sweetheart, The intimacy has
now lasted between them five months,
Fred sleeping every night with the paint
er, and Miss Smith entertaining no doubt
whatever that her lover was a man.—
Three weeks ago they all came to reside
at Moulton, whither they were followed
by Miss Smith's father, who received 'a
letter from Cheltenham, stating than hiS
daughter was keeping company, not with
a male, but with a female, and that the
supposed father of the latter was in 're :
ality her husband. Fred, on being tax
ed with the deception, admitted the
truth of the charge, to the no small sur
prise of poor Miss Smith.
ow There have been eighteen Princes
of Wales, namely ; Four of the house o
Plantagenet,four of Lancaster and Yotb. I
two of the Tudor, three of the Stuart,
and five of Hanover. Eleven - came, to
he throne and died kings. Four came to
their death by violence. Twelve were
married—three to English ladies, and
nine to ladies from other countries.--
Four of the latter were from-France, one
from Portugal, one from Spain, one from
Bavaria, one fronr Brunswick, and one
from Saxe•Gotha.:
iliarA gigantic horse-stealing associa
tion,•comprising over two hundred mem
bers, has recently been -discovered-in
Denver: City, K. T. The association
has a written constitution and by-laws,
and a complete. system of secret signs
grips, and pass-words.
[There is a deal of good sense as well
as'humo in the following :]
"BeiodFe of dogs."--Phillipplans iv. 2.
The Apostle well knew the mischiev
ous and :meddlesome spirit of dogs.—
Hence hls caution against them.
1. They excite fears of hydrophobia.
2. Tl.ey worry and destroy sheep.
3. .7fify disturb our slumber.—Howl
lag in hl*rid concert under our window,
simultaneously baying the moon.
4. They frighten us when out at night.
—A snap or growl at a neighbor's gate,
or wheu .lirning down a dark alley,. has
a wondeffully nervous tendency. •
5. They are too familliar. Will sleep
on the front gallery, scatter fleas, come
into the dining-roomy and 'prior, and go
to church on, Sunflay mornings.
From these, and other considerations;
I observe;•
1. To- prevent their depredations.—
Killing beighbors' .. cats,..tearing pants,
scaring school children, and going mad.
2. To' correct their bad manners:-'-
Teach tliUm they are only dogs, and not
quite eqiial to'"white folks."
3. Keep them in their places.—Wher
ever else they belong, I question as to
the propliety be their getting between
the sheefs with gentlemen, or using the
church as a dog kennel.
'Have you a dog? 'Then keep him in
a dog's place and watch him. If yon
admit him to undue familiarity, don't for
get that other folks will still think him
to be but a. dog. .If he has a shaggy
coat and 4urn-up "narrative," these will
not entigt bim to theprivilege of follow
ing you io c acc 'and - dal:03111T the
worship of the entire congregation.
Though he may be as nice and sensi his fond master or foolish mistress,
it is not very probable the preaching Will
do him any good. The intelligent fellow
might be allowed the, pleasure of trotting
across the floor and 'barking his appro
bation at the occasional flights' of the
preacher's eloquence, were a dog's grat
ification more important than the peo
ple's edification.
Hence, in conclusion, I would say, be
ware of dogs 1 and what I say to one I
say to all, beware of dogs !
Finally, to the sexton, or that good
brother who raises the tunes, I would
say, with emphasis, Beware of dogs ! and
if those canine interlopers persist'in com
ing to the place of worship, just take
them oat and cat off their tails close to
the ears.—Texas Christian Advocate.
murder was committed a short time since
at Senailly, near Dijon, by a young wo
man named Lucie Migniot, on the person
of her father. It appears from the con
fession of the murderess, who is barely
twenty years of age, that she and her
father had quarrelled on the , previous
night, 'respecting her projected marriage
with a man of whom.her father altogether
disapproved. Irritated by this opposi
tion to her wishes, she came to the des
perate resolution of murdering her father;
and accordingly, having waited tiir he
was in bed and fast asleep. she took a
chopper and struch him repeatedly on '
the head ; then, suddenly relenting, she
drew her victim out of bed to the top of
the stairs, near an open window, but find
ing no signs of life, she removed • the
body back again to the bed and screamed
for help. When the neighbors came,
she acknowledged her guilt, and was
taken into custody: On the following
day she contrived to elude the vigilance
of the gendarme:who had her in charge,
and threw herself into a well. She was,
however, got out almost unhurt, and af
erwards lodged in the prison
A Jusr LAW.—The last liegislature of
New York passed a law that no person
having a husband, wife, child or parent
shall„by will give more than half his
property to any .:benevolent, cbaratable,
literary, scientific, religious, or missions,
ry society, association or corporation, in
trust or.otherwise.", Any gift .of more
than one-half is void as to the p`xcess
above one-half.
European Times tells us that "the, Rev.
Henry Grattan,Guinness is to be married
on the 2d pf October, at Bath, to. Miss
Fitzgerald, a near relation of Lord Fitz
gerald, and Vesey, and of ?;the .Marcliio
ness of Ailsa. He intendeto complete
his mission inAnierica, and. is to sailtry
the G-reaVEastern, on - the- lith-of Oct.,
with his wife."
The Count de St.. Croix, says the Coa
rier de Etats Unis, belonging to one of
the noblest and wealthiest families in
France, became engaged, after a long
and assiduous courtship, to -•a lady, his
equal in position and fortune i and famous
for her beauty. Shortly afterthe happy
day was appointed, which was to render
two loving hearts one, theCoUnt was or
dered inmindiately to the siege of Sebas
So he girded on his sabre„ and at the
bead of his- regiment, marched to the
battle field. Daring his absence it bhp-.
Pened that his boantifulfiance contracted
the small-pot and after hovering bet'ween
life and death for many days, recovered
her health, to• find her beauty hopelessly
lost.—The disease had _assumed in her
case, the most, virulent character, and
left her not only disfigured, but seamed,
and scarred to such a horrible extent
that she became hideous to herself, and
resolve to pass the remainder of her life
in the strictest seclusion.
A year passed away, when one day.the
Count, immediately• upon his •return to
France, accompanied by his valet, pre
sented himself at the residence of his
betrothed, and solicited an interview.
This was refused. He, hoWever, with
the persistence of a lover, presied his
suit, and finally the lady made tier ap
pearance, closely muffled in a double
veil. At the sound of her voice the
Count rushed' forward to embrace her,
but stepping aside she tremblingly told
him the story of her sorrows, and burst
into tears. A heavenly smile broke over.
the Count's handsome features, as, rais
ing his hands above, be oxelaime4, ',`lt is
.work--I am blind •1"
It was even so. When gallantlylead
ing his regiment to the attack, a.cannon
ball bad passed so closely,' to his'eyes
that - While it left* 'their
changed, and his countenance unmarked;
had robbed him forever of sight. It is
unnecessary to add that their marriage
was shortly after solemnized. It is said
that at-this day may often beSeen, at the
Emperors receptions, an• officer - leaning
upon the arm of a lady closely veiled
who seem to be attracted to the spot by
their love of music. _
sional," of Forney's Press, writes as fol
lows from Washington under date of the
14th inst.:—
"Mr. Preiident Bechanan daily re
news his threats not,to return to Penn
sylvania, the large majority in Lancaster
county for-Curtin and the Republican
ticket having deepened his disgust for
his old home. I have it from good- au
thority that he is greatly smitten with a
country seat twelve miles from . Wash
ington, now owned by Mr. Batchelor. of
"Batchelor's jmir dye," and that he has
paid it several visits in order to induce
the owner to sell out at the lowest figure.
It is a beautiful spot, and as it is loca
ted in the "Old Dominion," the "retired
statesman" would be in the midst of
those he has latterly served so faithfully,
and could distil the poison he is preps-.
ring for his forth-coming work, "The
History of My Own Times."
Charles. Napier, so distinguished tor 'his
military services in India, on receiving
dispatches from the English government
making him governor of Scinde with ad
ditional pay, and ordering a triumphal
column to be cast from the guns he had
captured, wrote, " I wish - the government
would let me go back to my wife and
girls ; it would be more to me than pay,
glory and honor. This is glory, is it ?
Yes : nine princes have surrenderd tbeir
swords - to'me on the field of battle, and
their kingdoms have been conquered by
me and attached to my own country.—
Well, all the glory that can be desired
is mine, and I care so little for it that,
cn-e moment " I can, all shall be resigned
jive quietly , with my wife-, and girls:
oi•Atoticaror riches. 'repays - me for :ab
ce from them. • • •
lana IMPRzsoNmwr.---There are sixty
our inmates in the Ohio State Prison,
at Columbus, under sentence for life, one
of whom has been confined twenty-four
'penis, nine others more than ten years,
&c. 'Of these ten are hopelessly insane,
'others are on the last verge of insanity,
- arid the tendencY of nearly all is to mon
omania and despair—facts calculated to
_inspireith,e belief that, lib sentences:are
- by no means-cheerful punishments.
REMEDY FQI A •FELON.-Cilt a hole in a
lemojir and:'welif it on the >finger
thihigfe r the felon being encased in the
tl'Orxns, t7i2_e Dollar a'Y'ear-
MINECESEVAT TORTyltg.-•• Facts for the
incredulous. The agony suffered by the
limping-pilgrim.*ho' neglected to /mil
the peas he carried in his Ales as a pen
ace, was nothing to the horrible twinges,
the racking tortures which rheumatic
patients suffer. We pity the obstinacy,
or the ignorance, or the , prejudice, which
ever it may be, which has thus far pre
vented them from resorting to those
great specifics for rheumatism, Hplio
wars Ointment and Ping, It is curious,
in • a country where almost all can and
do read the newspapers, that facts of
the utmost importance to the health of
thousand's should be overlooked or dis
regarded by any of the suffering class
whom they immediately concern. Yet,
so-it is. Almost daily we see persone
moving painfully through the streets,
with.contracted limbs and joints render
ed rigid by disease, to whom the pene
trating and laxative unguent invented by
Professor Holloway"would be 'worth
its weight in diamond dust. In the Rus
sian , hespitals, in has Superseded every
other external remedy for rheumatism.
Nothing else, say the French surgeons
employed- ia those institutions, seems to
have the slightest'effect on the' terrible
forms of the malady which exist in that
inhospitable climate. The results of its
use in this country are, we are assured,
no less satisfactory. Warm foments.:
tions should in, all cases, precede its ap
plication, as by this means the peres . of
the skin are opened; and the process of
absorption greatly facilitated. The ra-,
pidity with which the Ointment disap
pears under the hand . whilebeing rubbed
in, is ststonishihg. The inflamed flesh,
or indurated [minks seem to drink in.
the cooling, soothing, relaxing unguent,
as swiftly as the desert sands imbibe the
genial rain. As an auxiliary to the Oint
ment-in rheumatic eases, the' Pills are
said to be invaluable, and we can readi
ly believe it. All external: dmordersi
more or less interfere with the functions
of the internal organs, and the presence
of disease on the surface always involves
a bad condition of the secretions and
the blood. It is by the correction of
these functional derangements, we pre,
sume, the Pills assist the cure, Suchisl
the theory of, the distinguished' inventor ;
of the remedies, and,as, it •is -consistent
with common sense, (which, is more than
can be siiid of 'all medical theories,) we
have nothing to object to it.
One thing is certain with regard to'
rheumatism in this climate : In nine
cases out of ten it,defies the " regular "
treatment. Colchictim, the stereotyped
prescription, is more.banefulto the con:
stitntion than mercury:tself ;' and thOugh
it may, by its paralyzing influence, so
far benumb the - partuaffected its to. al
leviate the pain, we have never known an
instance in which it has thoioughly erad=
bested disease. On the other band, it is
claimed that Holloway's retnediet , expel
it utterly ; and this claim is fortified by
volumes of direct and uncOtitradicted tes
timony.—Periodical Critic. '
Philadelphia Inquirer sayi thatnot very
long since a liberated convict, from the
Eastern Pennsylvania Penitentiaty,went
to one of the inspectors to ask for aid.
The official kindly gave him. a gold
lar. The ex-convict took it, and after
gazing for some time, witlr. great cariosi
ty, remarked that wherishe went to pris
on he had never heard of the existence
of a coin of that denomination !
Many of the prisoners after their lib
eration, learn for the first time of `impbr
tent political and social - events which
have made great excitement in their day,
and which have entirely lost their novel
ty to the world at large.
SELF -MOVING Cass.—A carriage .pro
pelled by neither steam 'nor gas, but by
the simplest screw imaginable, has re
cently been beheld for' the first time in
the streets of Paris, going with such
amazing swiftness as to leave farkiiehina
the hf - -irrhand carriages of the Jockey
itilfich endeavored in vain to keep
np with The inventor is said to be a
poor man, who has constructed the. Ye
hicle entirely himself. -k
The - Prince of Wales was reanifini
. ,
at West Point with a salute of 17 per,
witnessed a review of, he thtiltste t th,ttepti
ed a hop; and 5t9144.,1e... 41 ,,k ( ! t _ •
next morning. ' 411 at
'Prin'cewill visit *Merkel - agidtibOam
winter,so as to visitthe'Sonttairii4tatilt.
. ,
w John McA.rthrfi Jr., of Philadel
phia, has been awarded_ the.contract for
erecting the new public buildings in that
city. The material . to be used iB. Penn
sylvania bine marble, and tbe,coet is fit
ed at $2,287,600.
NO_ 15_