The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 20, 1860, Image 3

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    yotat maritttian.
V a i Lti t r i a a, Ceiab&. 20, .18 ';1111
torchlight parade and illumination which
took place in this place on Wednesday
evening last, was truly an imposing pa
geant. The line was formed at "The
Hermitage" and proceeded to the Chikis
furnaces, where they received the Co
lumbia Wide Awakes, who turned out
in fine numbers, accompanied by a band,
carrying banners, transparencies, flags,
&c. Chikis the procession turned
and came up Pike street to Deitrich's
corner, where the Mount Joy delegation
with their excellent band was in waiting
and joined the ranks ; the procession
then moved on up Pike street to Elbow
Lane, down Elbow Lane to Market
street, up Market street to •the extreme
"west end" as far as Mr. John Paulin',
then to Frount street, and then down
Front street, the entire length of the
town to "The Hermitage." Our own
Wide Awakes looked remarkably well—
in point of numbers and everything else ;
two wagons—one a six horse—the other
a six mule team—each containing 33
-girls, from ten to fifteen years of age,
dressed in white to represent the 33 con
federated states ; the teams and children
in charge of two old gentlemen : Capt.
Samuel D. Miller and Mr. James Mc-
Clure ; immediately following the teams
was a lady on horseback, dressed in
black—the horse in charge of two large
and careful Marietta Wide Awakes,—
intending to represent mourning Kansas;
the wind-up being the "Marietta Fan
tastical Band," composed of a dozen
young men dressed in hats, made conical
shape, of white pasteboard, and coats of
white muslin, designed and gotten-up
expressly for this occasion, the instru
ments pretended to be played upon were
of the most rediculous character.
The illuminations, &c., were really
very grand ; from the Eagle furnace . to
the "Lower-station" was almost one com
plete glare of light ; tar and oil barrels
at the furnaces kept up a constant sheet
of fire ; the arch between Dr. Hinkle's
and Mr. Cassel's store and a number of
fine illuminations between this point and
the residence of Mr. John Fulks, were
very fine ; Mr. Fulks large new build
ing was tastefully lit-up and a flag sus
pended across the street, the front of
the house wreathed and beautifully fes
tooned ; the "Donegal House" was lit
from cellar to dome ; and a large national
flag floating over the centre of Centre
Square. Mr. C. A.*Schaffner had a
beautiful "Rural" arch over his front
yard gate with the name of "Lincoln" in
red, white and blue letters; in the middle
of the street between Dr. Huston's and
Mr. Schaffner's was suspended a beauti
ful red, white and blue transparency
beautifully entwined with evergreen and
the word "Victory" inscribed ; up Mark
et street a little farther, suspended from
Mr. Thos. Zell's and Mr. IL S. Libhart's
was a flag with a beautiful wreath, the
handy work of some of Eve's fair daugh
ters ; in all of Mr. Libhart's front win
dows and his front door were beautiful
and appropriate mottoes and transpa
rencies. During the passage of the
procession through the various streets,
fireworks, rowan candles, •rockets, &c.
were distributed through the ranks and
set-off at various points and at intervals,
making, upon the whole, as it is readily
conceded on all sides, the grandest affair
of its kind ever having taken place in
oar town.
tirTke-constitution has gone,
net tie one on which our Government
rests, says the Lancaster Union, but the
newspaper of that name, which has had
a sleepy existence in this city for a few
weeks past. The poor thing died for,
want of sustenance—the getters-up of the
concern failing to pay the printer who
published it for them. We hope neigh
bor Markley may yet receive his hard
earnings from that Committee. It must
have went against the grain for as goo
wLiwicdfift as he to print it anyhoy,
ttioi;gh it was ein the busi
EI e Bowen, the Bell Bverett leader
of Lancaster has prosecuted C. J. Plitt
and Benjamin Roadman of that city, for
slander. It is charged that the two gen
tlemen named alleged that Bowen had
been bought and paid for to support
Foster for Governor, to which charge
the Union of that city says, "he did all
he could to help the Democrats, but it
did not amount to much."
Who'll be next ? We are glad to
chronicle the progress ofimprovement in
our town; Harry Wolfe has just put "a
touch" in the shape of new venetian
shutters and a coat of lead color paint on
the house recently purchased from the
William McClure estate,which has so
much bentified the old front as to be
hiirdly recognizable to the passer by.
eir.A. sale of very fine cattle took place
on Thursday of last week, at Mr. J. 'E.
KreybilPs farm, adjoining this borough.
Amongst the buyers we notice the name
of General Cameron. The prices ranged
from $46.t0 $165.
Our Wide Awakes attended the
Mountjok demonstration on 'r4arsday
evening and speak'otits having been a
fine display.
hundred of the American portion of the
Bell and Everett party in Baltimore. on
Thursday night, marched to the Lincoln
eadquarters and joined that party
This was in consequence of the election
of the Reform ticket in Baltimore, which
Destroyed the rule of the so-called Amer
ican clubs in that city.
crThe political complexion of the
next Legislature will be as follows :
Senate, 25 Republicans to 8 Democrats.
House, 65 Republicans to 35 Democrats.
Republican majority on joint ballot, 47.
'We are compelled for want of room,
to lay over until our next, "A. Poem, re
spectfully dedicated to the Female poli
tician of Marietta.
Abraham H. Engle's farm, about
three miles from this borough, was sold
on Wednesday last, for one hundred and
fifty-five dollars per acre.
On Saturday night the 7th inst., Mrs. MAR
GARET, wife of Mr. Simon S. Nagle, of this
Borough, aged 47 years.
On the —th instant, Mr. JAMES SCOTT, of
this Borough, at an advanced age. '
Holloway's Pills and Ointrneul: He only is
wise who seeks safety in precaution. Life is
uncertain, thousands in the Vigor of health to
day will never see tomorrow. The varying at
mosphere, and the raw piercing winds warn
us of winter's approach with its icy blasts and
ruthless scourges; Coughs, Colds, Sore throats,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Consumption,
Rheumatism, Chilblains, Trost bites, &e..—The
wise and cautious will immdiately have re
course to those powerful invigorators Rollo
way's Pills, which will enable the lungs to re
sist the deleterious effects of the weather and
fortify the constitution to withstand the rigors
and inclemencies of winter. The Ointment is
an infallible remedy for inflammation of the
thrort, and all disorders of the chest produced
by voilent colds, it also gives speedy relief to
the organs of respiration.
FEVER AND Acur.: A case of eight months )
Standing cured by Lberhave's Holland Bitters.
MICHAEL KELLY, No. 117 Sevent Is, near
Grant, says:
" Last July, while running on the river, on
a cotton-boat plying between Nachez and New
Orleans, I was taken with Fever and Ague.—
For eight long months I suffered with this dis
ease. The greater part of this time I was un
able to work, and spent at least fifty dollars
for different medicines, but found no perma
nent relief. Three weeks ago, one of my
friends insisted upon my trying Banhave , s Bol
and Bitters, saying that a cure was guaranted.
Alter taking it for one week, I must state, I
was a sound man. I have been at work now
for two weeks, and have had no returns of the
Chills and Fever whatever."
I certify that the above statement is true.
Diamond House, or at R. Chestes's Gothic Hall
To CONSUSIPTIVES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of chargel
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bionchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
Williathsburg, Kings co., N. Y. [3m
WILLA'ADI COSGROVE, while laboring as a mis
sionary in Japan, was cured Of Consumption,
when all other means had failed, by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and
Colds, and the debility and nervous depression
caused by these disorders.
Desirous of benefitting others, I will send
'this recipe, which I have brought home with
me, to all who need it, free of charge.
Address REV. Wsr. COSGROVE,
439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
113—See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column.
1860 ] THIRD SUPPLY I . 1560!
NW Opening, a large and completees
eortment of SEASONABLE G 0 0 D 8,
Cheaper than ever, at
HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store.
Columbia, Oct. 20, 1860.
Second Street, below Union,
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill. Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam and Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil
Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and
Water; Brass Fittings in all their
Variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts,
Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give geleral satis
faction to those why may favor us with their
orders. lE'Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
wsth prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf
SWHET CIDER by the Quart,
New-York White Hominy,
Chestnuts, New Figs,' Citron,.
New Crop Raisins,
Mince Meat, Fresh Candies, Flesh Nuts.
Lemons Apples, and everything in the eating
or cooking line to be had , AT WOLFE'S.'
"God Save the Commonwealth"
Of the General Election for the year 1860
Notice is hereby given to the Freemen of the
City and Comity of Lancaster, that on TUES
DAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER, 1860, an
Election will be held for Twenty-Seven Elec
tors of a President and Vice President of the
United States, and that the qualified voters of
the several election districts will hold their
elections at the places hereinafter designated,
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
Lancaster city. The qualified voters of the
North East Ward will hold their election at
the public House of Anthony Lechler ' in East
King street; those of the North West Ward at
the public house occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public
house occupied by Rupp St. Wilson, in East
King street ; those of the South West Ward at
the public house of Martha Urban.
2d District—Drumore township, at the No.
2 school-house in the village of Chestnut Level.
Sd District—Composed of the township of
West Donegal, including the Borough of Eliz
abethtown' at the public house now occupied
by George W. Boyer. in the Borough of Eliza
4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland, in said
sth District—Elizabeth township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Franklin & Elias
Bentz, in Brickersville, in said township.
Gth District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in
said borough.
itli District—Rapho township, including the
Borough of Manheim, at the public house oc
cupied by Michael White, in said borough.
ath District—Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John Mason, White
Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township, at the
public house now occupied by Widow Fulmer,
in the village of Reamstown, in said township.
10th District—being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township.
11th District—Caernarvon township, at the
public house now occupied by John Myers, in
the vilage of Churchtown, in said township.
12th District—Martic township, at the house
now occupied by George Robinson, in said
13th District—Bart township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garrett, in said
hth District—Colerain township, atthe pub
lic house now occupied by James G. Hilder
band, in said township.
1 th District—Fulton township, at the public
house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in said
16th District—Warwick township, at the
public house now occupied by Samuel Lich
tenthaler, in the village of Litiz, in said town
17th District—Composed of the Borough of
Marietta, and part of East Donegal township,
at the public school-house in the Borough of
Marietta, in said township.
18th District—Columbia Borough, at the
Town Hall, in said borough.
19th District—Sadsbury township, at the
public house now occupied by Abraham Roop,
in said township.
20th District—Leacock township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by. George Diller, in
said township.
21st District—Brecknock township, at the
public house now occupied by Isaac _Messner,
in said township.
22nd District—Composed of parts of town
ships ol Rapho, Mount Joy and East Donegal,
at the public school house in the Borough of
Mount Joy.
23rd District—Being part of East Hempfield
township, at the public house now occupied
by Jacob Swarr, in the village of Pete burg,
in said township.
24th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Henry Mil
ler, in the village of Lampeter Square, in said
25th District—Conestoga township, at the
public house now occupied by John G. Preis,
in said township.
26th District—Being part of Manor township,
at the upper school house in the Borough of
Washington, in said township.
2Ali District—Ephrata township, at the put,-
lie house now occupied by John W. Gross, in
said township.
28th Dfstrict—Conoy township, at the public
school house in the village of. Bainbridge, in
said township.
th District—Manheim township, at the
public house now occupied by Charles H. Kry
der, in the village of Neffsville, in said town
30th District—Being part of Manor township,
at the public house now occupied by. George
.iforoberger, in. Milleistown, in said township.
31st District—West Earl township, at the
publie house now occupied by Graybill B. For
ney, in Eariville in said township.
32d District—West Heinpfield township, at
the public house now occupied by John Kondig,
in said township.
33d District—Strasburg township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by James Curran, in
the Borough of Strasburg.
34th District—Being part of Manor town:
ship, called indiantown District, at the public
house of Samuel Stoner, in said township.
35th District—West Cocalico township, at
the public house now occupied by John W.
Mentzer, in the village of Shoereck, in said
. _ _
36th District—East Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Yundt,
Blue Ball, in said township.
37th District—Paradise township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by James Frew, in said
38th District—Being a part of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house in the
village of Hernpfield, in said township.
39th District—Lancaster township, at the
public house now occupied by Daniel Hart
man, in said township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Henry lien
eagy, in said township.
aia District—Little Britain township, at the
house of Aaron Brogan & Co,
42nd District—Upper Leacock township, at
the public house of Michael Bender, in said
43d District—Penn township, at the public
house of C. Hershey, in said township.
44th District—Borough of Adamstown, at the
public house in said borough.
45th District—Clay township, at the house
of George M. Steinmetz (formerly John Erb's)
in said township.
46th District—Pequea township, at the pub
lic house of Benjamin Rowe, in said township.
47th District—Providence township, at the
house occupied by Mary Miller, in said town
48th District—Eden township, at the public
house of William J. Hess, in said township.
49th District—Being that part of Mount Joy
township heretofore included in the 3d dis
trict, at Lehman's school house, in said town
The General Election, in all the Wards,
Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the coun
ty, are to be opened between the hours of eight
and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall con
tinue, without interruption or adjournment,
until seven o'clock in the evening, when all
the polls shall be closed.
Every person excepting Justice of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust, under the government of the
United States or of this State, or of any other
City or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the Legislative,' Executive or Judiciary
department of the State or the United States,
or of any city or incorporated district, and also
that every Member of Congress, or of the State
Legislature, and of the Select and Common
Councils of any city, or Commissioner of any
incorporated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising, at the same time, the
office or appointment of, judge, inspector or
clerk of any election of this .Commonwealth,
and no inspector, judge or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible there to be voted
The Inspectors and Judges of the elections.
shall, meet at the• respective places appointed
for holding the election in the district to which
they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in the morning, and each of said inspectors
shall appoint unP clerk, who shall be a quali
fied voter of such diStrict.
In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for inspec
tor shall not attend on the day of any election,
then the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for judge at the
next preceding election shall act as inspector
in his place. And in case the person who shall
have received the highest number of votes for
inspector shall not attend, the person elected
judge shall appoint an inspector in his place—
and in case the person elected a judge shall not
attend, then the inspector who received the
highest number of votes shall appoint a judge
in his place— , Or if any vacancy shall continue
in the board for the space of one hour after
the time fixed by law for the opening of the
election, the qualified voters of the township,
ward or district, for which such officers shall
have been elected, present at such election,
shall elect one of their number to fill such va
The Judges are to make their returns for the
county of Lancaster, at the Court House in the
City of Lancaster, an Friday, the 9th day. of
November, ,►. D. 1860, at 10 o'clock a. in.
. BENJ. F. ROWE, Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Lancaster, Oct. 9, 1860.
Iron Masters look to your Interests !
(I, Et Rit ' AN & HOPKINS,
Matietta, Lancaster County, Pd.
The Undersigned will constantly keep on
hand and make to order at short notice the
above celebrated Machine, the best in the Uni
ted States! They will warrant their machines
to run lighter, last longer and wash dr aner and
with less water than any other machirle now
in use. They can be easily put together on the
bank. All orders addressed to eitbdr of the
undersigned will meet with prompt attention.
They are also prepared to sell individtt
al, County and State Rights.
October 13, 1860. v7-no.l Iy
The Undersigned will offer at public outcry,
at the Donegal House, Marietta,
On Wednesday, November 7, 1860,
At Two o'clock in the Afternoon, T W 0
_ .
situate in Hellam Township, adjoining lands
of John M. Whitebai t John Hollinger, Henry
Musser and others, ono of which is lying partly
on the south side of the hill, containing 37
ACRES, more or less. The other Tract con
tains 20 ACRES, more or less, and is on the
north side of the hill. These Tracts are thick
ly covered with young Timber, and a portion
well adapted to cultivation.
ire For any further particulars inquire of
Barr Spangler. ANN BOGGS.
Marietta, Oct. 13, 1860. 13-ts
Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
Opposite A. Cassel's store, Market street,
THE undersigned having associated them
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hiukle , s Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of
04,0sNehe$ & aksfirigs,
which they will dispose of and "make up'" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathcin Dyer.
er Gutting done at short .notice.
Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859.-tf
TAE subscribers to the capital stock of the
" Marietta and Mountjoy. Turnpike Road
Company," are hereby notified, to meet at the
Public House of Henry Sherbahn at the Cross
Roads in the Borotigh of Mountjoy, on Mon
day, the sth day of November next, at 2 o'clock
P. M." to organize such corporation, and chose
by ballot, one President, five Managers, and
one Treasurer, and such other officers as may
be necessary to conduct the business of the
Company, for the ensuing year.
Oct. Sth 1860.
NOTICE.—The subscribers to the capital
stock of the "Marietta and Maytown
Turnpike Aped Company." . are hereby noti
fied, to meet at the "Donegal House" in the
Borough of-Marietta, on Monday the sth day
of November next, at 8 o'clock, A. 153. "td
choose by ballot, one President, five managers,
and one Treasurer ; and such other officers as
may be necessary to conduct the business of
the Company" for the ensuing year. ,
J. W. CLARK, Sec'y.
Marietta, October 11, 7860.
Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia.
Authorized by the Legislature for the
1 Prize of . $lOO,OOO is $lOO,OOO
2 Prizes of 50 000 are 100,000
2 'do 25,000 " 50,000
2 do 20,0 . 00 " 40,000
2 do 5,000 3, 10,000
2 do 3,000 " 6,000
2 do 2,000 " 4,000
1 do 1,000 is 1,000
350 do 200 are 70,000
64 do 100 " 6,400
64 do 80 " 5,120
64 do 60• " 3,840
123 do 50 " 6,400
5,504 do 32 " 176,000
28,224 do 16 " 451,000
34,412 Priies, amounting to $1,030,472
TICKETS, sl6—Halves, -sB—Quartes . ,l4
Eighths, $2.
Certificates of 26 Whioles, ssso;` of 26 Halves,
..$125,7, of 26 ts, $62.50; of 26•Eighfhs,
Is drawn every. Saturday. Capital' Prize,
$70,900.. Tickets, $B. . Halves, $4.
Quarters, $2.
Drawn every day, in which you can select
your own numbers. Tickets from $1 to
any.price; and prizes in proportion.
Circulars containing full explanations of our
Schemes, etc'., will be fbrwarded by mail to any
one sending ao , their name.
All commurlications strictly confidential,
In orderik%lickets or Certificates enclose
t he money - tniOgrliddress for the tickets order
ed, on receitt'of which they will be forwarded
by the first M I A *..' , The list of drawn numbers
and prixes'attiltbe sent to purchaserS immedi
ately after the drawing.
The offiCial drawings are published in the
New York Herald.
Orders received and prizes cashed at No, 555
Broadway, NeW-York. Direct your orders to
April 7, 1860.-Iv.
/laving very recently added a large and fash
ionable assortmentof Types and Printing
terials,. which; will . enable its to do all kinds of
Such as Cards, Ball . Tickets,
Circulars, Progiammes, Blanks,
Handbills, Boaters, Sale Bills, &c,
Everything in the. SOB i'rltpf ratio line neatly
and cheaply executed and sa'sliort,'netice.
We44:lyMariettianP. - o.ffice, s.z
,54esh. „gall cc fleirdeo Saads,
TS now - placing on his shelves and ready for
examination and sale, the largest and best
selected stock of FALL AND WINTER Goods
ever offered in this borough, to which he now
invites the attention of the public.
New Styles Dress Goods '
Superior makes of Silks, •
A large assortment of Calicos
Extra quality Muslins, all prices,
Best make of Flannels, do
A large stock of Shawls,'
Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels.
Purchasers are invited to examine.obr stock,
as we are confident , ve can show them the best
styles at the lowest pricesiitfconliection with
the largest stock of domestic goods.
Satinetta and Cassitheres,
Bleached and .Unbleached Muslins..
Delaines, Calicos and GingliamS; • -
Drillings, Sheetings and. Checks,
Pant Stuff; Hickory and Tickings;
Best makes of Canton .Flannels; ' -
SPlendid Calicos for six cents, .
Good quality Muslin, six cents;
Plain and Figured Delains, .121 cents '
Heavy Unbleached Muslims, six cents.
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
and Patent Fixtures,
Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Wall. and Window Paper,
Transparent Mids.
dlass, Queensware and Cedarware.
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c.
IrrVery superior Syrup, at 50 cents• a gallon.
All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail
Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor
respondingly low rates:
The highest price given for Country produce.
The Testimony of the Whole - World !
Holloway's Ointment.
Bad Lep, Bad Breasts, Sores and Ulce
All description of sores are remediable by the
prbper and diligent use of this inestimable
preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by
plastering the edges of the Wound together is a
folly ; for should the skin unite, a boggy dis
eased condition remains underneath to break
out witk tenfold fury in a few days. The only
rational and successful treatment, as indicated
by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and
about the wound and to soothe the neighboring
parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment as
salt is forced into meat.
Diptheria, Ulcerated Gore nroat, and
Scarlet and other Fevers
Any of the above diseases may be cured by
well rubbing the Ointment three times a day
into the chest, throat and neck of the patient;
it will soon penetrate, and give immediate rie .
lief. Medicine taken by the mouth must oper
ate upon the whole system ere its influence can
be felt in any local part, whereas the Oint
ment will do its work at once. Whoever tries
the unguent in the above manner for the dis
eases narnedor any-similar disorders affecting
the chest and throat, will find themselves re
lieved balky a . charm.
Piles, Fistulas, Strictures
. The above class of complaints will be removed
by nightly fomenting .the parts with warm
water, and then by most effectually rubbing in
the Ointment., Persons suffering from these
direful complaints should losenot a moment in
arresting their lirogress. It should be under
stand that it is, not sufficient merely to smear
the Ointment on the affected parts, but it must
be well rubbed in for some' considerable time
two or three times a day,that it may be taken
into the system, whence it will remove any
bidden sore or wound as effectually as though
palpable to the eye. There again• bread and
water poultices, after the rubbing in .of the
Ointment, will do great service.:'This is the
only sure.treatment for female, cases of cancer
in. , ,the stomach, or where there may be a gen
eral bearing down. -
rndiseretiCtus of Youth; Sores and Ulcers
Blotches, as also swellings, can, with cer
tainty, toe - radically cured if the Ointment be
used freely, and the Pills be taken night and
morning as recommended in the printed in
structions. When treated in any other way
they only dry up in one place to break out in
another; whereas this Ointment will remove
thelumour from the system, and leave the pa
tient a vigorous and healthy being.. It will
require time with the use of the Pills to ensure
a lasting cure.
Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stiff
Although the above complaints differ widely
iu their origin and nature, yet, they all require
local treatment.; Many, of the worst 'cases, of
such diseases, will yield in a comparatively
short space of time when tlus Ointment is dill. ,
gently rubbed into the parts affected, even aftei
every other means have failed. In aii c serious
maladies the Pills should be„ taken according
to the printed - directions accompanying each
Both the Ointment and Pills should be used
• in the following cases
Bad legs, Chiego-foot, Fistulas,
Bad breasts, Chilblains, Gout, -
Thirria"."' Chapped flands,Glandulat
Etuitens;t, Corns (Soft) Swellings,
Rite of Mes- Cancers,. • Lumbago,
clitiMeSS'ald Contracted and Piles.
Sandiylle4. Stiff Joints, Rheumatism,
Coct,,ho; Elephantiasis, Scalds,
Skid laisearkapScurvy, Sore Nipples,
Tumat'S - Ulcers Sore-throates,
Woo n d 8,- Yaws, Sore-heads. ,
Cauxtort-Ndne are genuine unleas the
words "Ifhtiso*lttr, NEW YORK AND LON
DON," are INciinable as a Water-mark in
every leaf ofVe.; 'the book of directiona; around
each of or the same may be plainly
seen holdinethe4eef to the light. A hand
sums reward wililhe given to any o'ne renderting
such information l / 4 6 may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting the,med,
icineb or vendim , the same, knowing' them to
be spuriotis. '
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOL
LOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, New York and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cinethroughout the ervilized'world, in pots, at
25c., 62c..and $1 each.
1147 There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes..
N. 8.--Directions for the guidance of pa. ,
tientx,ihOericlisorder, are affixed to each box.
Dealeila,rdware, Cedarivare
PaintsM'';,“-.4 Oils, Varniihes, Hoop
and:Rai.' rhn., Steel, Spikes, Nails,
PaHOY ,)
e Hall and Cook
STOVES, cibo.
ri 'IA it . Es this means of informing the citizens
ofMarietta anWinity, that he is now pte
pared to 'furnistt'anyping in, his line of ICTUBi
n'ess' consisting in part; of Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building an A . Housekeeping Hard
ware, in all "Styles, Cutlery, ToOls Paints; Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Thbs, Thickets,
Churns, Knives,TForks, .Spoons, Shovels, Po,
kers, Tongs, Candlestinks, Pans, Waiters,. Cop
per-and Braga. tettles,;Door, " Desk;„, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, Hails, %likei and
in fact „eyerythink il.sually keptlu a well regula-,
tedliardWare entabßunernt. i
• • " t ' DAVID ROTH,
. -
"11.tafket Stivet,..lllartetla, Pa. .
July 2I 1860. , • .
4K. ~ • • - - . ~
neh & ?altasory i G6a V*llet-e.
ARE itow supplied with il_g_eneral
and everything desirable in fheir line.
Superior Silk Velvet, Grenadine and Woolen
Vestings, French Silk-milted Doeskin and
Plain Cassimeres Cloths of all grades,
for Coats, &et-Coats and
business suits, Union Ca:ssinreres, Satfinetts,
Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk
and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, GloYes,
Wool and cotton ffosiery,'Stisp'enders
Cravats, Neek-tles, ShifttreaSth and
dollars, Boy's and Men'iShawlS,
Cricket Jackets, children's,
youth's and men's Capp Cud Soft
Black Bayadare and Fanty Plaid Silks,
Figured and plain Merinoes, in all
French Wool DeLaines, in beatitiful designs,
Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and De
Laines, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit '
Cloths, "Cobnig,m, Bombazines, Alpacas;
Luvellas, Eilgiish and American 4-4 Chintz,
Ginghanis, Boque"ani' Other'he* style Prints,
Rich Plaids and'neet fig'd Merinos for misses.
Stella and Merino bordered, Boriella i Onkbrsy
Jacquard, superior Gay end Plain 4 and S
Quarters HortvY Sheens, a variety of
Children's Shawls, Opera Cal*
Zephyr Shawls and Capes;
Cloth Talmas end' Dusters; several *lea tef
both, for °leeks and talnia.s, aitiking AIM
Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and
GlOves and Gauntletts. Embroidered Sleevea,
and Whirs, Cheriele, Braid and Bead Heed
Nets, Dzarhond Ruffling of all widths, all of
the new styles of dress triinining,Split ZeL
phyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Braid,Osc.,.&c.
While and Grey linen and cotton tahle clOths,
Cotton Diaper and Crash Tniveling, Sheeting,
Checks and Ticking, Cradle f Crib and Bed
Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and Cotinterpines-
Bureau Covers, P.mbossell Tsiti le-COvers ,' 4, 6
and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, Livb
picked Feathers. CARPETS: 40 pieces of
Carpet in 'various qualities, front cant r& to
7neduenn and Ettfa Three•Ply.'
As full an iissortrhent as can tie found Mille
county, of the choicest Gilt, GbizeitaiitleVin:
non Wall Paper for Patlors, Chambers; Mills)
Offices, &c., with Pannels; Columns& Borders:
b pi ' Best lkfined White died Broareft
Sugars; Choiee Green and Alai* Tia#l
.Extra ,Fine Orleans Molasses ;
' Lowering and other Syrujilf
Rio, Java and Laguira COFFEES; Farina;
Tuproca and Corn Starch Split Peas; Soup
Beans; Cheese ; Rice arid i Spiceii lie* Dried
Peaches and Apples ; Meekeral
Shad and Eterring, all of
have been bOUght FOit CASE', £4ll . * ill Tie ' sold
at a very small advance on cost prices. • Chit
and make y,our purehasei Or send rner
ders, early-7
MARIETTA, Septeitiber UM,
C4A.Opte, ilutohlibt Tigs of *OD •
AN aperient, and Stomachic pieparation. of
Iron purified:of Oxygen and Carbon bk
combustion in tlydrogen. Sanctioned by, the
highest Medical ; Authorities, both. in Europe
and the United States, and prescribed in their,
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood,. depression
of vital energY, pale and otherwise sickly.
complexions; indicate its necessity in almost
every conceivable , case.
Iniioxious in all maladies in which it has
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in
each of the following eurriplaintsj :vis
In Debility, Nervous` Ajections, Rimaciation s
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarquici, -Dys
entery, Incipient Consumption, &vete.
teas Tuburculosis, Salt Rheum, .
Illismenetruation Chterrosis-
Whites, Lice Complaints,
Chronic Headadies
Rheumatism, In
termittent -Fe
vers, Pim.
pies on the
face, 4c.
In cases of defiers! _Debility, whetltbr thett.
suit of acute disease, or of the continued dime
inution of nervous and muscular energy from
chronic complaint% one trial of this restorative
has proved successful to an extent which no
description nor written attestation would rend=
er credible. Invalids sd,long bed-ridden as to
have become forgotten in their own neighbor
hoods, have suddenly ie-appeared in the busy
world as if just returned.froin- protracted travel
in a distant land. Some verysignal instances
of this kind are attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marasmus,san
guineous exhaustion, crittical changes, and,
that complication of nervous and dyspeptic
aversion to air and exercise for which the phy
sician has no name.
, •
In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and -for
reasons familiar to rnedicAd nienethe operatimt
of this preparation of iron muit hedessatily be
salutary, for, unlike the oliroxides, if is Vigo
rously tonic, without belng_exoiting and over
heating ; 'and gently,. regularly aperient, even
n the most obstniate cases of costiveness witty.-
_ .
out ever being a gastric purgative, or infilctitig
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this litter ;property, :atiiBng others /
which makes it so-remarkably 'effectual kin
permanent a remedy 'll_3r, Dues, upon which it
also appears to eierigt distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the local tendeney'whitli
forms them. -
In Dl spepsia, innumerable:aiaie
single box.of these.Chalybehte'PillS bai °fait
sufficed far the most habitual eases; including
the attendent Costiveness.
In unchecked Diarrhwa, even *hen ad=
vanced to Dysentary, confirmed, emaciating,
and apparently .
.malignant, the effects halt
been equally decisive and astonishing:
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
debilitating cough3"and..rernitten, Itectic,*hieh
generally indicate Incipient Cohsuinritiati; this
remedy has allayed the alarm of - friend's Ara
physicians, in several very ,gratifying and tn~
tcresting instances.,
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis,. this medicated
iron has had far more, than:the good effect of
the most cautiously balaneed - Treparations of
iodine, without any ..of theit well known Ha
The attention of females'Cannot lie tad con
fidently invited ro,thirremedy and restoiatire,
iu the cases.peculiarly afrectingthem.. '
In Id' Lamm both chropic and inflamma
toryin the latter, hovreveri,more decidedly
it lies, been invariably Well reported, bOth as
alleviating,, pain and, reducing the swellings
and. stiffness of the joints and' muscles.
In -Intermittent ireversAt must'netessarilybe
a great remedy and energetic . restoratlye . , and
its progressin the nevk settidmititegr the Went,
wiLl probably be one of Ittni fenown and
No remedy has ever been diseovered in. the
whole history._ of medicine, ;which exerls WW I
.prompt, happy, and folly resionitiVe effects.:--
Good appetite, complete digestion; rhpld
sition of, strength; with an unusual disposltiofi
for active and cheerful exercise] immediately
follow its use. -
Put' up lnmeat flat metal boxes eofitaiii . ;jig'
511 pills, price. 50 cebts4per box;•fOr sale , by."
druggists and dealers: Will be . seat 'free -to
any address on receipt of tbe ~priee.' .AR let
ters, orders, etc., should be(addre,ssellto
B. B. LUCKE & CO., .Gfitiergl .
20 Ce.dar-sti; tsr:
kJ --The partneiallip heretcaiiii 6i/dr
tureen Geo. Killing and Wm. Hutleitl
as Killing & Rutledge ,has this thArhpeeditilL
soiled by thutual eonsentoffl blitness - Atitfftera
relating to the late Firm wife tesettred* 4
WX.LL/ AoIUVP.p . Yfi * F . • *
Marietta August 29th Volk
.. •
- . , ,
tri 4oll§,
Sunornyi-ei Ikrr . 4n,"g
OFFICE: Fl nt streety#Ml
from Lomist, over Sairlor atAita r rati-'•;88:: •.r
ald'ff Berble State; Co*nifcia; •Efitr,4,
weep the Drug -nififolikl'Afhiesf
1 0 0 A ju S str e e l e=d and will be sold belOw T 1 e
ld prices, by T. B. DIFFENBACII.