The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 20, 1860, Image 2

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    gtt Ditthig ariittian.
“Impartial--but not ifeinotal.”
;,71Kmglirtfri.,1•0 1 a.
SACO/DAY,' OCTOBER 20, 1860.
. . V.OB. PRE/1111E11T '
klyeramji,ntooLN, of Illinois.
VIDE Pnisznirr,
' •
James. Poikick. , Thomas M. Howe
Itflytees 'Mercer ,
0. B. thaip,
Monier 0. Gahr,
'?Santuei, Cabin,
:Edgar Oman,
rohn M. Kirkpatrick,
tames Kerr,
:rd • P
C. Knight',
.:-.11044re.P. Jaw,
tsll7. ' holt?'
' 1 M. Foust ,
Ha da
Bohn Broomau,
:Maio W. Puliir,
.2%dd R. Sant,
, Christ,
"alna Acutnnut,
David ;Tdegdtt;
' nesday of list week, says the Harrisburg
,Telegraph; the subject of:conversation in
' a • croirde'd litestinger car getting west, Was
on the regult of the election the , day
ertivieus. The Republicans; of whom
there WO i'majority on the car, were of
°owe° . jiibllant. A couple of pas
mitigersliai by trite chop-fallen and sad,
- not to lazy angry. At last one of them
• celled Unite conductor;and said to him :
-"Bir, - we are gentleman from New Or
this talk, which we are obliged to
listen .offensive to us, , and we
demind that you should have it stopped
itt ifince - 1" The conductor answered
'that Out folks in this State, and in gen
, arid iilbabott :here, say just what they
like;ltudit f wes no part of his business
try Step it. ".I am a Democrat
"tadvoted' for Poster,:and would have
been ifealied with his election, but 1
lave neither' , the power nor the disposi
4tion to interfere with the congratulations
'ofthe friends of themtecessful candidate."
%The " two gentlemen tiom New Orleansl
, lepsed into a encamp silence, chewed the
Cud of :discontent, and doubtless swore
vebigetactron 4 thwfirst white mart that
venture' into the, free and enlight
ened regionii*here the sugar canes grow.
This free ways speaking is so unpleas
to the " chivalty."
•Prifiioe of Wales 'seems to have enjoyed
to Philadelphia greatly. He
iittliliesitzteyed' by of cions intrusion
`tharsi than at any of the large cities which
he 'ha-visited z he 'breakfasted at 10
.'o'clock, and imlnediately . after was es
totted•toihili ear , riage -by Mr. Henry and
:MrAtortrighi: >They nroved from the
-hotel fimblatAlieehouts of • thamultitude,
an'oDbefore their return 'visited the Gir
,ard.tolleke, :the Penntylvania Insane
'Asylum, the Penitentiary, and other of
-the public institutious ; and late in the
day they *mit' greeted most enthnsiasti
callyat the.Thiladelibia races on the
Point lifaeze‘,Contsci.
cc *During these , visits the Prince was af
fable,and conversational, ihquiring
. with
itoqittle degree ofinterest about every
thing*that ive.wbrotight to "hi's notice.—
lie closely examined everything connect
ed: withthe institutions visited, and ask
edta,nuniber Of. questions; showing -the
Manifest inteieit he took in all that he
saw; thus , increasing his information,
or Tlierejs e xnuch excitement among
politicians relative-to the recent election
in the First Congressional district. The
Sari] °kite certificate . of election to
:felinid i . Butler the Republican candi
date; is disputed by Mr. Lehman on the
of'forgedy in the returns. 'Wm.
Byeiiy,ihe returitjudge of the Fourth
*fird,'Wes arrested and taken before Be
holder Enett on the:eherge of commiting
the forgery. l The Recorder, after hear
ing the c.tiee, held Mr. Byerly in the sum
of $1,500 to answer at court. Mr. Leh-
Wan has iliced the matter in the hands
of Goiefnor Tadker, with a request
thitibe proclamation of Mr. Butler's
election be suipended.—=The Press.
ArCipmles S. Matthews, as trustee
ofgte Westchester House, New York,
bas ; commeßced an action . against John
C. Heenan for $196, being a balance due
for beerd,ruld lodging furnished to Mrs.
M. Heenan, defendants wife, by, and
nt,the request of the defendant. Mr. .
liepw ,denies the indebtedness and all
the attentions in the complaint.
o r The Methodist "Book Concerh was
commenCe l d in 1789, on a borrowed cap
ital:o4: wired dollars, 'and now it has ,
gaineda t Cli , if.o of : ore thin half a mil
lion;iiind siriee r TB6—i. e., daring the past
247etirit---his made more than one mil
lion doilaii--one milticin' and nearly two:,
bandredthousand—all of which has been
enictiddrkit dienluninatiohal Work.. ' , I
er Haldeman has just received an
other supply of new fall goods'; see ad
Garabaldi washes his own shirts
when occasion requires. After the bat
tle of Melazzo, gliding his shirt dirty and
soiled from 'his personal etruggles, he
took it off, and washed it in the brook
hard by, and hung it up on the bushes,
ate his lunch of bread, fruit and water,
smoked his Boger barebacked, and, wrapt
in thought, sat apparently contemplat
ing the drying of his garment ; thus in
the field or bivouac, sharing danger and
hardship with the humbleat of his fol
lowers. Directly his shirt was dry, he
went on board the Tukeri, formerly Vol
oce, lying in the bay on the western side
of the peninsula, and personally directed
her fire on the — foitresi and retiring
The Providence, (It. I. Journal,
relates the following horrible affair : 0.
Phetteplace, residing in - Burrillville, was
murdered by his wife Saturday afternoon
last. He came home drunk and threw
himself upon the floor. His wife took
an axe and chopped off his head, and
then dragged him out into the orchard.
She theu went back into the house and
washed up the blood herself. The deed
was witnessed by . a son aged some twelve
'years. ' She has beencommitted to jail
to await her trial before the' Supreme
Court. She excuses the deed on the
ground thut her husband was drunken,
abused herself and family frequently, and
had threatened'her life.
se It does not seem probable, says
the Times, that the treat Eastern can
sail on .October 17 for New York,
as it is said,thateishois to take 12,000 tons
of coal, which,cannot be pnt onboard at
sr much greater rate than 3,000 tens per
week. kniaddition to, this, owing to the
screw,slaaftsboing xunsuppported. by 'the
sternpost, e it hrufworiLaway.sorne, Riches
of .the.bearings. • Three, also, out of four
leading points of her screw have been
injured, it is supposed, during the gale
she encountered in Holyhead harbor,
where the ill-fated. Royal Charter went
gir The brightest boy of the whole
class lately examined for admission to
the Naval Academy at Annapolis, was
ittle fellow from Texas,ls year of age, I
who had been three years setting
. type in
a newspaper office,and had Staled math
einntics and nrithmetic with a dip can
dle, in the garret of a log cabin, at night.
He was poorly clad, and had worked at
type setting in New Orleans, and 'other
points, to pay the expenses of 'his jour
ney. If not admitted, he expected to
work his way home again.
sr On the,4th of July last a slave-hol
der named Hudson, residing in Mechlen
burg connty,Va., stripped his slave wom
an. Jane, tied her to a tree, and beat her
for three hours. The woman died, and
_was buried the same afternoon. At the
last term of the Circuit Court, thsbrtite
was found guilty of murder in the sec
ond degree, and sentenced to .imprison
ment for eighteen years. As he is 68
years old, he will doubtless end his life
in prison. At any rate he deserves to.
sir The income of John C. Fiernnnt,
fro& his kold'inines, is set down
thousand dollars'per day. H' establieli
mint is something immens He inns
eighty-eight stampers byater power
night' and 'day, crushing ninety tons of
quartz every twenty four honrs, which is
brought to' the mill on epripate railroad.
A. net income of $600,000 a year, if prop
erly invested, will mike him, rich, and
Jessie is probabely as well off as if he had
been elected President.
Sr Late San Francisco contain, what
seem to'be well authenticated accounts
of the discovery of a' new forest of mam
moth trees on the eastern borders of Tut
lore county. The group is. represented
to extend a'aistance of eight miles, em
bracing a vast number of trees exceed
ing thirty feet in diameter, and estimat
ed at three hundred feet high. One tree
supposed to be the largest, is supposed
to measure one hundred and twenty-three
feet in circumference.
ear Col. Hugh Forbes, whose name
figured so extensively during the John
Brown excitement, and who, latterly,
has been in the employ 'of Garabaldi as
commander orMezzala, in Sicily, is said
to be out of office once more. He was
found to be impracticable, a disturber of
the peace, and an oppresior of the offi
cers•under him ; therefore he has been
superseded; and now goes about Sicily
denouncing Garabaldi and Victor Eman
er An English gold guinea of the
date of 1785 was . dug up on Bolton Hill,
Augusta, Maine, a few days since, by a
boy, while digging worms for bait. The
coin is in a fine state of 'preservation, and
its value is five dollars. The die of the-
English guinea was 'changed in 1791:
from the form of this impression to one
more artistic and graceful, and the coin
of old form is now rarely met with 'in
commerce. '
dir Henry Church, the centenarian,
well known to travelers on the Balti.'
more and Ohio Railroad, died at his res
idence, near Burton station, on the 13th
ult., aged 110. He. was a native of En
gland, and came to . America during the
Revolution as a soldier in the. British ar
my."` His wife was alive a . few months
since at the age 108.", Mr,. Church leaves
children, some of.whont nye over pig*
years old.
c—il—f& el vA. " A
HON. JOHN CovonE.—The grandfather
of Hon. John Covode, of Pennsylvania,
was picked ,up at Amsterdam, when a
child of three or four yearn, put on a
vessel, and brought to Philadelphia,
where be was sold by
captain as a
"redemptioner" until he was 28 years of
age, the captain giving him the name of
Covode. He was sold to a man in Ches
ter county by the name of Miller. He
never learned to read or write. After
he had served out his time 'lte . married
the widow of a British officer, the officer
having died at York; Penn. Theie was
one son the issue of that marriage, and
Hon. John Covode is the oldest son of
that son, his father having died about
the time of his first toCongress.
Some time since an effort was made to
trace-the family in Amsterdam, but no
name of the kind could be found ther
leading to the supposition that the ca.
tain gave the-. child a mine of his own
contriving. Atanother time the Amer
ican Consul at Amsterdam was asked
to inquire concerning a child of that age
lost at that time, but so many had been
stolen and carried off that nothing.could
be learned - of that family, and the search
is now abandoned. • •
The Western Christian Advocate, one
of the Methodist organs, pronounces de
cidedly against_ the system of .holding
protracted meetings. They involve a
great amount of labor and exposare,both
on the part of the pastor and people.
If the former does not break down before
the season of these meetings is over, go
ing as they are obliged . to do from one
congregation to another, they are at least
so thoroughly exhausted as to bt proed
for service the greater part of the year.
After arguing in this strain at great
length the Advocate remarks.:
We conclude, first, that a condition of
the Church which requires a protracted
meeting in order to awaken the members
and make sinners believe that there is a
reality in religion, is a sore evil, and one
that will ultimately ruin the Church un
less it is removed..
ar A. machine has recently been in
vented for making wool for mattress fill
ing out of wood. A solid block of ma
ple, basswocid; quaking ash; or any, other ;
scented, inpxponeive wood, is rapidly'
: converted into a fibrous • mass, much
ambling white horse hair,and this makes
excellea filling for mattresses, and is,
much cheaper than hair, wool or cotton,
and much better than husks, moss, sea
grass, &c, The machine is not expen
sive, and can be set up in •any place
where wood is plenty, and where thee is
water or steam pow . er. It caa be work
ed by an ordinary mechanic.
Or On Sunday afternoon a poliCeman
of Newark, N. J., saw lying under a tree
a man Tamed Partridge against v/hom
indictment existed for burglary. The
officer chased; the burglar ran and leap
ed into the'river to swim to' the' other
shore. The pdliceman called to him to
return, when Partridge replied that he
would sooner drown than go to Orison ;
aul:lie was drowned, for hiwas too weak
to swim across, and • there was no boat
The Grand Jury of Lewis County
(N. Y.) has indicted Rev. Henry Budge
of Greig, for , the murder of his wife, on
the night of Dec. 11. Mrs. Badge was
found dead in her bed, with her throat
cut from ear to ear, on the morning sue•
ceeding, and as she had for , some time
lived unhappily withv her husband, he
was accused of having killed her. The
theory of the defence was that she com
mitted suicide. .
lir No enlistments are mad at pros
ent for the - navy. There are now the
full complement, '8,500 men,on the pay
roll; thettutmost number which Congress
has authoriied to b e enrolled. Ships
o rdered in commission must depend for
crews on such - sailors as are disposed to
re-enlist, the government being at all
times obliged to accept applications of
that class.
eir A candy statue of the Prince- of
Wales was manufactured by a St. Louis
confectioner during the recent visit of
the Prince to thiit city. It was placed
upon the table• where the Prince and
his companions dined, and the Duke of
Newcastle was so well pleased with it
that he purchased it for presentation to
the Queen. •
fa-Alexander Desmarteau, t4e young
Frenchman, convicted of outrage upon
and murder of Augustine Lucas, a girl
of eight years, at Chicopee, Mass., near
ly two years ago, was, on Thursday last,
sentenced to death, by a full bench of the
Supreme Court, sitting at Springfield, to
whom the case had been appealed.
Cr Wm. M. Meredith has addressed a
short and able letter to the young men's
club of Philadelphia, in which he endorl
ses the . RepubliCan candidates, Lincoln
and Hamlin. He has no .fearstof the
Union bugbear got up to frighten old
women and children. •
At the recent election several of
the oldest citizens in this county, says
the Lancaster Herald, . turned out and
voted for the Pcl,ople's_ candidate for,
Governor, Andrew G. Curtin. Among,
them were Messrs. Jac. Kissinger, -of .
Little Britain,and Martin Shreiner, Ben.,
of this city. Both . , of these ,gentlemac,
had voted ; for Washintoiii fig President.
Potatoe rot is doing serious injury in
the neighborhood of Buffalo, New York.
Some farmers' have lost almost their
whole crop. In Worcester-co., Mass.,
there are considerable losses from the
same cause.
At Covington, Ky., a few days since
a white man named James Moore, was
placed on trial for vagrancy, and the
jury finding him guilty, he was,sentenced
to be sold at public auction into invol
untary servitude for six months.
At Jones' Wood, New York, on Mon
day, Blondin walked a 1,500 feet rope,
with bushel..bas_kets fastened to his feet
and a coil4:of chains dangling from his
• bs.
The Legislative Council of Canada
s have taken_a firm stand • against death
bed bequests-4Macting that no . begnest
if.tnade within six months
f the testator's death.
The Harrisburg furnace, formerly GoY
Porter's recently . purchased by two en
terprising gentlemen from Luzerne-co.,
has been undergoing extensive repairs,
and will soon be ready for blast;
It is proposed to erect a monument to
General Walker In'New Orleans.
The Pope of Rome has issued another
protest, bitterly denouncing the conduct
of. Sardinia and the policy of non-inter
vention, and calling on the catholic pow
ers for assistance.
It is reported that Garibaldi has invi
ted Victor Emmanuel to Naples _to as
same the reins of government, and that
he would retire to his home.
The Pope has issued an allocation
condemning and protesting against the
sacrilegious attack made on the property
of the Churc'h by, the King and gpvern
ment of Piedmont, and calling on Euro
peans for assistance.,
Miss Harriet Hos mer reached St. Louis
on Saturday, last: • Her errand is to
gather material and data to enable her
to execute the statue of Hon. Thomas
H. Benton, which the Missouri Legisla
tate commissioned her to undertake.
A letter from Turin says that the prin
cipal ground for the 'dislike Telt by Ga
ribaldi towards Count Cavour is the un
pardon'able sin, in the Dictntoi's dyes, of
ceding Nice to France. Count Cavour,
moreover, personifies • diplomacy, the
particular object of Garibaldi's hatred.
Dr. Wm. Peasle, formerly a practising
physician of Hannibal, Mo., was bitten
by a spider on the end of his . great toe
on the 1:1th of SAptember, from the ef
feots of which he died on the 19th.
Jacob Milan, of St: Louis , tried to
save himself from arrest, on Monday by
throwing snuff into the constable's eyes,
but did not succeed.
Queen Victoria while in Edinburg,
drove s to a cemetery in the neighborhood
to visit ihe grave of a young Italian, for
merly her dressing maid.
General Gass, at present Secretary
of State, has been in high labile posi-
tions since.lBo,2, a period of fifty:eight
Niphon, the name given by the Jap
anese 'to tlieir country, means "the rising
of the sun." They , know nothing of the
word Japan, and do not use it. They
call their country Niphon, because it is
the post easterly, point of Asia.
A party of ladles were recently hue
kleberrying in the Iron Moantains, Va.,
when they were alatined by the; appear
ance of an unusual number of the rougher
sex having gone to the rendezvous of the
snakes, killad seventy-four rattlesnakes
and eight pilot snakes.
Chicago and Milwaukee papers have
every day notices of the finding"of more
bodies washed ashore from the wreck of
the Lady Elgin.
Henry Winter Davis, it is rumored, is
about coming out openly for Lincoln
and Hamlin. Wm. rinckpey Ewing,
Montgomery Blair and others, are even
hopeful of Lincoln's success in the State.
There are rumors of a general Lincoln
ovation, to be held in Annapolis. The
Republicans are highly elated. They
are organizing two, additional Wide
Awake Clubs, and will shortly parade
three thousand uniformed men.
Wrn.-J'. Holden, thirty years old, lately
from - California, shot hiniself dead on
Boston Common, on Wednesday. Pov
erty the cause.
Fanny Stephens was last week arrest
ed at Memphis, for kidnapping a little
girl from St. Louis. The mother laad
been for a long time in pursuit of her
During atrial for assault, at Passaic,
last week, counsel asked the coinplainani
how hard the accused shook him. In
explanation, he was seized by the wit:
nu's, and the breath almost shaken from
his body, producing a very Satisfactory
On Monday night last, a negro, in.
Lynchburg, in attempting to escape with
some stolen bacon (the owner being in
pursuit), jumped down a precipice thirty
feet high and .was instantly ,
Mrs.: Bardell.thinninghamfsZalifornia'
husband:has'pn away from her.-
Pennsylvania Election.
Allegheny, 6689
Indiana, 1786
Susquehanna, 1654
M onigomery,
\Union, 801
t nyder, 569
B ucks,
Centre, I
' 978
ar Captain Charles Arnaud De Ri
viera, the gallant Z °nave who has figured
somewhat prominently before American
public, more recently as a converted sin
ner, doing penance in a Philadelphia
monastery, has finally turned up in his
old rote of the warrior. At last accounts
De Riviera was a captain in General
Lamoriciere's army, fighting for the cause
of the pope against the Garibaldians and
orThe Dembcratic factions are busily
engaged in trying to convict each other
of treason. The Douglas faction prove
treason and disnnion'on the Breckinridge
clan, and the 'l3riChinridge clan prove
hyprocrisy and deception on the Doug
lasites.. Go it, gentleman. Yon are
each right in your allegations concerning
the other.
THE undersigned executor of the will of
ANN WE ITEHI tr.,. late of the Borough of
Marietta deed, will hirer at public sale at the
Donegal House. on Saturday, November 3d,
1860, the following property, to wit:
No. 1. Being the undivided half of Lot No.
47 situate along High erreet, in that part of.
Marietta Borough laid out by James Anderson,
containing in front Forty-eight feet (more or
less) and extending in depth 206 feet.
The linproVements are a large Two
itstory Frame
A Large Stable, &c., in good order, adjoining
n the East the property of Nicholas Chapman
nd an Alley on the West. Also, the Life
Estate of Joseph McDowell in the remaining
one half. . .
No. 2. Being the undivided half of parts of
Three Lots of Ground, Nos. 66, 67, and 68,
situate in that part of the Borough laid out by
Henry Share, containing front about 100 feet
and in depth 97-feet, more or less) the im
provements thereon being an excellent Two
With a Pump in the Yard,
and other improvements, fronting' on United
States Street, adjomg property of Henry Shill
on the West and an Alley on the East.
No. 3. Is all the interest of said deceased,
being the oine-fourth of Lot No. 46, [and 18
inches of ground in width, and the breadth of
building in length of Lot No. 45, as per
ment] situate and being along High Street, in
that part of the Borough laid out by James An
derson, containg in front 43 feet (more or less)
and extending in depth Two Hundred and Six
feet. The improvements are
A Large Two-Story Brick
adjoing an Alley on the East and the property
of Barr Spangler on the West.
No. 4. Being the 1-7 part of Lot 39 situate
and being in the Borough of. Columbia, adjoin
ing Lands of Elizabeth, Mary, and. Susannah
Bethel, and the Pennsylvania Canal near the
Head of the Basin. The Railroad and Sideling
running over part of said Lot.
Sale to.commence at 1 o'clock, P. M , when
terms will be made known by
Marietta, Oct. 13, 1860.
OFFERS his professional services to the
public and will be happy to wait on all who
may patronize him. Dentistry in all
afia;;;: - . - its branches carried on.
TEETH inserted on the most ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth performed ir. a skillful
and workmanlike manner—on fair principles
and reasonable terms. , Having determined
upon a permanent location in this borough, at
the old stand, would ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him;
having studied under' a celebrated graduate of
the Philadelphia College •of Dental Surgeons.
feels confident to be able to render satisfaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
F. Hinkle, M. D. 4
. J.. 11. Grove, M. D.
: Smith. Armor; MI. D.-
trlttber administered to proper persons.
N 0 W EXHIBITING, the largest, most
desirable and chysipest goods we have
ever offered, selected iff New-fork and Phil
adelphia. Our friends did customers are invi
ted to inspect our goods, confidently believing
that all will be pleased, as to the variety, qual
ity and cheapness.
Entirely new styles of Fall Dress Silks, hest
make of black dress silks, Lupin's French Me
rinoes, in black, and in all colors, L u pin' s
French Merfnoes, printed in vines, boquets,
polka spots and medalions ; Lupin's all wool
printed Mouslies, in vines boquets and polka
spots and medallions; double width Irish pop
lins new style, all wool printed Cashmeres;
black ground Foulards, Velour Ottomans, all
wool Plaids, Satin a Sole, Garabaldi's, Donor
ah's, children's bright Plaid. 100 pieces Pa
cific de Lanes, 181 cents ; 100 pieces Hamilton
de lanes, 12,1- cents; French and English 4-4
Chintzes •, 50 pieces Coburgs, is
black and all colors.
Cloaks,—very newest Styles.
Tagus, Victoria, Arabian, light Cloth and
Highland Cloaks, Light cloaking
Cloths, all shades; Mantle
Silks and Velvets. - -
Stella, Long and-Square - Brocha ; long and
square plain Black and plaid Blanket Shawls,
Misses and children's Woolen Shawls, t. o w
priced shawls.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings.
The largest and most complete assortment we
ever offered and at tautsulialy loon prices; we
invite particular attention to our Cloth De.
partment, Boy's Cossimeres, &c.
Black and Fancy Super French and English
Black and Fancy Super French and English
Cassimeres '
The very latest style Vestings.
Cloths, Cassimeres, and ever) Variety ofgoods
for boy's wear.
Blankets, Marseille, Lancaster and Allendale
Quilts, Woolen C.overlets, COmfortables,
Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide,
Bleached and Brown Domes
tic Table Cloths, Woolen
Table Covers, Work
Stand Woolen
Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil
Cloths, Crash for Stairs, Brown and Bleached
Sheetings I yd. to 3 yds, wide, Pillow Case
Muslin,, Tickena, Furniture Chintzes and
Checks,Towelings, Bureau Covers, &c.,
Looking Glasses, a large stock,
Prime Live-picked Geese Feathers.
Window Shades, a new and full assortment,
Window Shades with Bailey's Fixtures,
Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains,
A very large lot of Carpetings new styles,
selling at reduced prices ; Carpet bruin, wool
en, linen and cotton.
China, Glass & queensorare.
Chins Tea Setts, gold band; White Granite
wale, m new shapes in full Dinner and
Tea setts ; Pitchers,Dishes, Soup
Tureens, Gravies, re. • Chamber
and Toilet setts; Table and
Bar Tumblers, Wine &
Champagne Glasirs,'
Egg and Cellery
Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cake
Stands, the., &c.
Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide,
V.elvet Rugs, Door Matta,
Foor Oil Cloth from 1 yd. to 4 yds. wide, the
latter cut us one piece to fits hall,
Mattings, checked and plain from 1 yd. to 2
yds. wide.
A full line of Hoisery and Gloves,
ry- The above comprise only a small portion
of our new goods. HA LAEMAN'S
Cheap Cash Store, Columbia.
Sept. 29.]
An Effective, Rafe andsconomical Compound!
For restating Gray..Ffair to its original color
without dyeing, and pieventing the hair from
turning gray.
For Preventing Baklness, and curing it, when
there is the least particle of vitality or recuper
ative energy remaining.
For Removing Scurf and Dandrur, and all
cutaneous affections of the Scalp.
For Beautifying the Hair, imparting to it an
unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it roft
and silky in its texture and causing it to curl
The great celebrity and the increasing de
mand for this unequalled preparation, convince
the proprietor that one trial is .onlyneoessary
to satisfy a discerning public of its superior
qualities over another preparation at present in
use. It cleanses the head and scalpfrom dand
ruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the
hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich,
soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also
where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will
give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore
the growth to those parts which have become
bald. causing it to yield a fresh covering.ofhair.
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
in New York who have had their hair restored
by the use of this Invigorator, when all other
preparations had failed. L. M. has in his pos
session letters innumerable. testifying to the
above facts, from persons of the highest respec
tibility. It will effeatually prevent the hair
from turning gray until the latest-period of life ;
and in cases where the hair has alreadyoanged
its color, the use of the Invigorator will With
certainty restore to its original hue, giving it a
dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet
and a Hair Restorative it .as particulanly-rec.--
ommended, having an agreeable fragrance;
and the great facilities it affords' in dressing
the hair, which, when moist with the Invigo
rator can be dressed in any required farm so as
to preserve its place, whetter plain or in curls
—hence the great demand for it by the ladies
as a standard toilet article which none ought to
be without, as the price places it within the
reach of all, being
Only Twenty-five Cents
per bottle, tci be had at - all respectable druggists
and perfumers.
L. Miller would call the attention of Parents
and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in
cases where the childrens'' Hair inclines to be
weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a
good head of hair, as it removes any impurities
that may -have become connected with the
scalp, the removal of which is necessary both
for the health of the child, and the future ap
pearance of its Hair. '
CAuTro`N.--None genuine without the fac
simile Louis Ali Li. ea being on the outer wrap
N. Y. blown in the glass.
Whslesale Depnt,s6 Dey St., and sold by all
the principal Merchants and Druggists through
out the world.
Lineral discount to purchasers by the quantity.
I also- desire to present to the American
Public my •
New and Improved Instantaneous
which after years of scientific experimenting I
have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or
Brown iris9ntly without injury to the flair or
Skin warranted the best article of the kind in
existence. -
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Cheap ,Store of Diffenbatil.
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