The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 13, 1860, Image 2

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    Cie Mariettin.
"Impartial---but not Neutral."
..,r~c~~a. ~a
-AtifitztAm LINIJOLN, of Illinois
t'resideinal' - Eleatorti
Jalizes PtUo ck. Thomas M. Howe
ailditfarii R.* Knight, • ',Frauds 73. Penniman,
40bq't King,. }Ulysses Mercer,,
/levy Bumin, ?Greorge Bressler,
cßtobert 1 / 1 1. 'Foust, lA. B. Shari),
./ATathan .Hilles, .Daniel 0. Gahr,
~/igut M. Broomall, ;Samuel Calvin,
' W. Fuller, EdgTr Cowan.
_David E. Stout, )William, McKennan,.
'Prancis W. Christ, )John M. Kirkpatrick,
Diiifid , llfitinnia, Jr., )7anies' Iterr '
,T art, Richard P Roberts,
noutai R. Hull, 'Henry Souther,
• -John Grier.
Foua YEAH& A.oo.—We are writing at
14(1*W-while the shouts of tlitYptrium
,phants4inc.oltrinemaresounding throagh,
street,s;,and,the, strains of their vie-
Aorions,mositare heard on every hand..
,ne r atillig t ,to# the „seeines which took
place just foar.years ago, when.the Dem
ocratice-Sthte ticket, pledged to the p rin-
Chile' Of non-intervention with slavery in
the Territories had succeeded..
why'this change ? Why is it that
the old Democratic State of Pennsylva
nia has been swept from its moorings %
Who is esponsible ? The answer will
Asii to the lips from the heart of every
oldTashioned Democrat—James Buchan-
Faithliss, first to his friends, and
next to
-his principles ; and because the
people would not assist him in his as
stiults upon botb, he has turned upon
them, and they, in their goed time,. have
him. Let ft tal.° Presidents
take warning by the example.—Forney's
lit A. son of Abraham Lincoln recent-
days at the White Mount
'llll4; New` Irempshire: While there,
' *Voir: euthosiastie 'demonstration was
tide; giving.' him a reception as the
44 /Prin ce of Rails." A procession was
for Mid ,to escort the " Prince," and
7sititeches‘were niade, to which he made
, a' hapity reply. • '
3.1 , •
James • Buchanan announces his
intention, in a letter to the publishers
the'New Yak Ledger, to become a
'cnotributer to thit "natabY pamby " he b
'-dbininal, as soon as his official rule in
%Vaillington ceases. This is indeed a
Mkt end to a fruitless career.
.41iti. •
A"patent of one hundred and twen
ty itertis of land has just been issued from
&eland Office ' , Ur tilibraham Lincoln, the
ItOtirllilicatt 'candidate for President as
oatitain in the 'lllinois militia during the
Black Hawk war.
Pierre -Boole; 411 a recent
' :that Air: Deng] EIS 0 C cu
pied the same ground in regard to slavery,
teaupied in 1847. This
nifty beqb help to'Nit. Douglas in Louis
bittAtlvould'not be good doctrine
tcilitenah in this• region.
CrMr. Shaw; the rich old bachelor of,
4iliS; against whom Effie Carstaug
brought that notable'breach of promise
calk, is; assessed at $570,000 for re-al es
tat.° arid a s43,sop for personal property.
Erni still resides in St. Louis.
rton. Henry TT inter'Davis recen tip
adaressed - a large Bell and Everett meet
ihk id' Baltimore. EEO declared that
Nitiyland 'wonla giie its vote for these
candidates. He avowed unalterable hos
tarr e
the 'dernooratic party, and said
A'ile ieftliredlthe election cif Lincoln to
'''tllalf'brD'T)egla:sor Breoliinridge.
iii&-John. Minor Botta recently ad-
:dgellsetko'gr( Udion meeting at Rich
,anogd; Ile - declared that if an.
tattetiaptives made to dissolve the Union,
inthiS eventsof -Lincoln's election, 300,-
000 voluatters'would rush to the rescue
without calling upon the North.
AKA isistated4u the New York Sun,
that among themotes held by the Arti
mitsi Bank` there is one by Senator
DMiglas, , fbr tiverity"thousand dollars—
beildes. a few' "itiattering, notes" from
other' politicians.
der Xis, Canniagham, of Dr...Porde
noteri t at t r, Who was married a short time
since in Califointai hpa , been deserted by
her, littab4pd: , '
er - lrin)ball i . pue Of the leadibg
recebtly had born to him,
in ono nikiitno less thin fourteen chil
We areVlarl to be etiabled , to state,
that the peatiotiver dattlforous ,diet-ttse in s
New Orlekiiiihai"pasieoiiii at Met an
exatnpled' heath.
• 4h.
dreat Triumph of the
Peoples' Party !
icy, - o Tiostope" Mae, Rbr4ol
An Avalanche of Republican Victories!
• Both Branches of the - Legislature
Largely Republican, thus filling BIGLER'S
place in the United States:Senate with, a
Q 2 o':t of 2
5 Coogiv,si - oe,o Pita.
A large Republican majority in both
both branches of the State Legislature.
All the candidates upon the Democratic
city ticket in Philadelphia were defeated
by'majorities ranging from 1,500 to 2,000.
The next State Senate will stand 24
RePublicans to 9 Democrats. The Phil
adelphia delegation in the lower House
will stand 9 Republicans to S Democrats.
The Press still claims the election of
Lehman (Douglas) from the Ist congres
sional district, by 100 majority. The
Republicans, however, insist that the
official returns can only decide the mat
The vote polled in Philadelphia is
about 80,000—of this the Bell and Ever, ,
ett party polled less than 5,000 for their
Indians,las gone for the Republicans
by from 5 to 8000. Eight Republican
Oongressmen are elected out bf eleven.
The Legislature is also Republican, thus
securing two United States Senators in
place of Messrs. Bright and Fitch.
Ohio has followed the example of her
sister States by electing the whole Re
publican State ticket by a majority of
over 20,000 ! Only three Locofoco Con
gressmen are elected to tell of the sad
=Curtin's majority 5,833 and the whole
regular ticket, without an exception
The following are the majorities for
Governor in the county, carefully cor
rected by the latest returns from the sev
eral districts. It is believed that the
official count will not materially vary
from these figures.
Majorities for Curtin
Cocalino East,
Cocalico West,
Conoy, 140
Drumore, .71
Earl, . 171
Earl East, , 153
Earl West, 172
Eden, 26
Elizabethtown, 165
Elizabeth twp., 109
Ephrata, 217
Fulton, , 84
Hempfield West, 410
Indiantown, 191
Lampeter West, - 196
Lampeter East, 186
Lancaster twp., 42
Leacock, 102
.Leacock Upper, ' 110
Litiz,' . 2OO
Little Britain, . 109
ManheiM bor., 183
Marietta, 172
Martic, 133
Raytown, 25
MillerstoWn, 192,
Mount Joy, , 403
Neffsville, -- 152
Paradibe, 94
Penn, 91
Pecinert,' ' 128
Rohrerstown, 77
Sailsbury, 161
Salisbury, 283
Strasburg twp., 225
Washington, . 16
Total Curtin, 6170
Total°Foster, 335
Curtin's majority, 13835
.Majorides for Foster.
N. E. Ward, 8
N. W. Ward, ' 113
S. E: Ward, • 53
S. W. Ward, • , 96
Strasburg Borough,
Total Foster, 335
Postmaster Fowler, says the Mer
cury, (Cbarleston,) is still in Havana.—
He has just recovered from a severe at
tack of the yellow fever. On the 15th,
of October, Mr. Fowler will leave Cuba
for Mexico.. Through the kindnes,s of
some of his many friends, he will go
where a. very lucrative situation will be
given to him, He is to have the general
.superintendence of a gold mine, which is
being successfully worked. It is owned
by some of our millionaires and is confi
dently stated that,. with even ordinary
luck, money, enough can be made by.
Fowler to enable him to return home
very soon, and save his bondsmen in a
very short time."
WA Berlin letter , announces the
death of.the poet Burchart, author of the
admired, tragedy "Jane Grey," in one of
the hospitals of that city. ,Bur Chart was
about forty years of age, and has been
for some time in indigent circumstances
SEMpwieDrava all DI MI Ilirdllo Iry MUMO=II
After a tiaht-rope-walking exhibition
in New Haven; Conn., a few days since,
the rope was slackened to a short dis
tance from the ground, and then sudden
ly tightened, throwing two boys, who
had' carelessly been allowed to catch
hold of it, some thirty feet into the air,
breaking an arm for one and a leg for
the other.
A number of leading citizens of Bos
ton, incleding Gov. Banks, Mayor Lin
coln, Chief Justice Shaw, and Mr. Ev
erett, have invited Mr. Ralph Farnham
of Action, Me., the sole surviver of the
Battle of Bunker Hill, to visit Boston.
Mr. Stevens has offered the free use of
apartments at the Revere House.
Several thousand. Polish Jews have
recently passed through Ibsen on their
way to . the United States, via Berlin and
Hamburg. The German papers say that
such an exodus of the children of Israel.
has not been witnessed since that out of
The Great Eastern, it is expected, will
leave England for New York in October,
and will thence go to Norfolk, Va., for a
••••• ......... .....
It is said that President Buchanan is
already engaged in concocting his An
nual Message.
Gee. Bromley lost the sight of one eye,
by being hit by a ball from a Roman
candle, fired from a torchlight proces
sion, in Norwich, Ct., on Saturday.
The Baltimore American announces
the death of Professor Chapin A. Harris,
aged 54. Mr. Harris has been a volumin
ous and useful writer upon dentistry.—
He founded the Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery, the first of its kind,
probably, in the world.
Captain Reimer, who took the Seth
Grosvenor to Liberia, has returned to
his country,
.after witnessing .the pros
perity and usefulness of the colony, a
warm advocate of African colonization,
although he went out intensely preju
diced against it.
During the late visit of Mr. Gough to
Great Britain, he delivered nearly five
hundred addresses to about one million
of auditors. Under the persuasions of
his unrivalled eloquence 12,000 peisous
had been induced to sign the pledge.
The men of '76 are rapidly passing
away. Cornelius Clements.died recently
in Rutherford, in North Carolina. Ile
was in his one hundred and fourth year,
and served in the battle of King's Moun
tain, and always took delight in telling
of the skirmishes of his early day.
The principal barbers iu Bangor, Me.,
give notice that they shall not manipu
late the faces of customers on Sunday;
also, that they shall prosecute any of the
fraternity who shall do so.
The Davenport (Iowa) Band have sued
the Mayor of. that city for a serenade
they gave him last spring, on the occa
sion of his 'election. This is a novel 'suit,
any way it is regarded, whether the May
or elect ordered the music or the band
furnished it voluntarily.
A millionaire of Richmond, Fa., has
offered, in the event of Baron Renfrew
visiting that city, to pay half the expen
ses of a ball, provided his daughter has
the privilege of dancing the first set with
the Prince.
Owing to the strong competion exist
ing between railroads, the fare from St.
Paul to Milwaukie and Chicago, a dis
tance of over five hundred miles, is re
duced to only one dollar ! Cheap travel
A steam wagon has been constructed
at St. Peter, Minn., to run between that
place and the. Indian , agencies.
A late letter from the United States
Commissioner of F"ensions says that there
are but eighty-nine survivors of the army
of the Revolution whose names were
placed upon the rolls for penspns.
A slave in Richmond, Va., was so en
raged at being refused some favor by his
owner, a few days ago, that he took a
hatchet and cut off three of his fingers.
destroying, in a moment, several hundred
dollars•worth of the offenders property.
Slaves are scarce in North western
Virginia, Marion county has only 63
slaves, Brooke county 13, and Hancock
county, in the ,extreme northwest, has
one free negro, and only two slaves.
-- 270
The sloop Emma, on a recent cruise in
the Pacific, captured 800 sharks, some
of them with jaws large enough to swal
low an ox whole.
The dividends payable in Bos,ton,
early in October, will amount to about
two and a quarter million of dollars.
At Jackson, Illinois, on the•l 3th ult.,
sixteen persons met at a tea party, whose
united ages 1,172 years, or
an average of over 'l2 years.
la — Langdon Cheeves, of South Caro
lina, and forty-five• others, southeners,
';accidently assembled" .at White Sul:
phur Springs, Va., up, signed
and published a "protest 7 respecting the
doctrine of submission promulgated by
Judge Douglas at Norfolk: They scout
the idea of subn3itting to federal author-.
ity, if Lincoln,be elected. -*
CF: Lady 'Franklin spent Sunday in
Erailiisburg and arrived at Philadelphia
on Monday.
GODEY'S MAGAZINE for November is
this early on our table. We find sixty
five engravings in this number, among
which are two steel engravings : a five
figure colored fashion plate ; ten full
page engravings of fashionable cloaks,
hoods and wraps for boys and girls and
contributions from 66 contributors. The
cloaks and other articles for cold weather
are given in season, and show both back
and front. This is the first time this
has been done by a magazine, and it will
be very satisfaCtory to ladies. By giv
ing these articles in the November num
ber, it will enable all to either purchase
or make up the articles in time for the
.cold season. Terms, cash in advance.
One copy one year, $3. Two copies
one year, $5. Three copies one year, $6.
Five copies one year, and an extra copy
to the person sending the club, slo.
Eight copies one year, and an extra copy
to the person sending the club, sls.
Eleven copies one year, and an extra
copy to the person sending the club, $2O.
And the only magazine that can be in
troduced into the above clubs in place of
the Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Alag-
Special clubbing with other magazines.
Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's
Home magazine both one year for $3 50.
Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's
Magazine both one year for $4 50.
Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all
three be sent one year, on receipt of $6.
Notes of all solvent banks taken at
par. Be careful and pay the postage on
your letter.
Address L. A. GODEY.
323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cr Holloway's Pills, a most famous
Remedy for the Cure of Nervousness and
General Debility.—Jasper M'Cann, of
Long Island, New York, was without
doubt a severe sufferer from nervous and
general debility,the least thing provoked
his irritability, put him in a passion, and
laid him up ; this was caused by the bad
state of the fluids, and though he tried
many remedies for this complaint, he
was not benefited. At length he had re
course to Holloway's Pills, which quick
ly performed their part by removing the
injurious fluids from the system, cleared
his head, restored tone and vigor to his
stomach, and after five weeks persever
ance, restored him to the blessings of
w'L'lndependence Beige in a letter
from Toulon, describes the attempt at
the assassination of Louis Napoleon :
A half-witted person, named Burle, con
nected with the Post-office, whose ma
nia is excessive partisanship of the Em
peror, whom he had so persecuted with
petitions that His illajesty had consent
ed to stand godfather (by proxy) to one
of his children, wishing to attract Impe
rial notice among the crowd as
riage passed on, simply fired a pocket
pistol in the air. The police arrested
him at once, but on recognizing the iden
tity of the inoffensive fool, he was not
even detained, but sent about his busi..
ness. '
In the United States District
Court, at New York, on Tuesday, Judge
Betts decided to issue a commission to
take the evidence of Isaac V. Fowler,
late postmaster, and now in Havana, in
the case pending between the United
States and his (Fowler's) sureties, Messrs.
George Law and G. G. Conover. Mr.
James F. Dwight, late Assistant District
Attorney for the United States, has re
ceived the appointment, and has sailed
to Havana to perform his duty..
Ogr Rembrandt Peale, whose fame as
a painter has been cosmopolitan for a
half century, died at his residence on
Friday of last week. Mr. Peale was the
son of Charles Wilson Peale, the paint
er, and the founder of Peale's Museum,
so well known to Philadelphians in oth-
er days. Mr. Peale had the distinguish
ed honor of painting a portrait of Wash
in,gton.from life. He was born on the
22d of February, 1778, and died in the
eighty-third year of his age.
geSir Walter Raleigh, who was the
first discoverer of the value of the potato
as a food for man, one day ordered a
lot of dry weeds` tobe collected and
burnt. Among these was a lot of dry
potatoes. After the bonfire these pota
toes were picked up thoroughly roasted.
Sir Walter tasted and pronounced them
delicious. By this accident was discov
ered a species of food which saved mil
lions of the human . race from starvation
'V' The Grand Jury, of Philadelphia,
on Saturday, included in the list of nuis
ances in their presentment the, squirrels
in the public squares. The nuisance con
sists in the extermination of the birds,
and the consequent ruin of the trees by
catterpillars. The squirrels destroy the
birds' nests and thus drive away the
cr Observing recently a case of death
caused by hemorrhage from the extrac
tion of a tooth, the following, says a den
dist, should be universally known as an
infalible remedy. Make plaster-paris
into consistency of soft putty and fill the
cavity. It will soon become a perfect
Cr Mr. John Freese, conductor of a
shifting train at Reading," was run cover
by an engine, a few days ago, and' his
body completely cutin'two. '
victories of science, Domestic Remedies.—
Steam, electric telegraphs, printing, tke., have
each bad their particular ovation. but the man
who has reduced the sphere of disease and al
leviated the sufferin , s of millions of his fellow
beings is, to say the least, entitled to our admi
ration. Holloway has expended a life time
in the suppression of sickness throughout the
world, and for the effective cures of measles,
small-pox, ring -worm, whooping cough, and
all disorders affecting childhood, his Pills and
Ointment are as familiar as household words,
in Europe, Asia, Africa, America. Mothers
should never be without a supply.
AGE & DEBILITY.—As old age comes creep
ing on, it brings with it many attendant infirm
ities. Loss of appetite and weakness impair
the health, and want of activi!y makes the
mind discontented and unhappy: in cases where
old age adds its influence, it is almost impossi
ble to add Vigor and health, and although many
remedies have been tried, all have failed, until
Bterhave's Holland Bitters were known and
used. In every case where they have been em
ployed, they have invariably given strength and
restored the appetite. They have become an
agent for this alone, and are used by many peo
ple who are Suffering from loss of appetite and
general debility. In cases of long standing
chronic diseases, they act as a charm, invignrat
ing the system, thus giving nature another op •
portunity to repair physical injuries. See ad
vertisment in another column.
To CONSUMPTIVES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known'to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing end using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. [3m
WILLIAM Cosonovc, while laboring as a mis
sionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, I
when all other means had failed, by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured !
great numbers who were suffering from Con- j° '
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and
Colds, and the debility and nervous depression
caused by these disorders.
Desirous of benelitting others, I will send
this recipe, which I have brought home with
me, to all who need it, free of charge.
939 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
A='See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's ,
Hair Invizirator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an:
other column.
,TOotigi) "idiot to Cillifoilti4
Fifth Grand Quarterly Distribution
Of 100,000 Art Iles, worth . 5300,000!
WHICH will be sold for $lOO,OOO, to the
purchasers of our Golden Pens at 30 cts.
per Box. Our Golden Pen is the best ever used,
and is warranted not to corrode in any ink.—
Every business man and family should use the
Golden Pen. The following list of 100,000 ar
ticles will be distributed among our patrons at
$lOO each, and need not be paid for until we
inform the purchaser which of the following
articles we will sell him for $l.OO and then it
is optional whether he sends the dollar and
takes the goods or not. All Goods can be re
turned at our expense within ten days after
the Purchaser received them, unless they are
satisfactory, and the money will be refunded.
List of Goods Included in the Distribution.
Pianos, Gold Hunting Cased Watches, Gold
Watches, Ladies' Silver Watches, Guard. Vest
and Chatelain Chains, Cameo Brooches, Mosaic
and Jet Ear-Drops, Lava and Florentine Ear-
Drops, Coral Ear-Drops, Emerald and Opal
Ear-Drops, Handsome Seal Rings, Mosaic and
Came Bracelets, Gents Breastpins, Watch
Keys Fob and Ribbon Slides, Sets of Bosom
Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Plain Rings, Stone Set
Rings, Sets Ladies' Jewelry.
Canton Crape Shawls, Mousseline • de Lades,
Challies, French and American Lawns,
Bereges, Poplins. French Calicoes, and
other Ladies' Dress Goods in great
variety, together with Head
Dresses, Gabes; Fancy Fans,
and in fact almost every
description of GOODS
usually found in first
class Dry Goods
Highest Premium $lOO, Lowest Premium $2.
The articles are numbered, and Certificates
stating what we will sell each person for one
dollar are placed in sealed Envelopes, with a
Decimal arrangement of Premiums : so that in
each hundred certificates there is one for a Gold
Watch, and there will also be a splendid pre
mium in each ten certificates. Ladies, if you
desire a fine shawl, or dress patern, or a beau
tiful article of jewelry, enclose us 30 cents for
a box of the golden pens, and we will send you
a certificate which may enable you to procure
it for $l. "Try us."
4 Boxes Pena with 4 Certificates, $l.
9 do do 91. do 2.
25 do do 25 .do n.
00 do do 100 do IS.
N. 2.—With each package of 100 boxes we
present the purchases 100 certificates, one of
which is p, uarranteed to contain one order for
a fine watch, or Sewing Machine, or by order
ing 50 boxes in one package you are sure to
receive 50 certificates containing one order for
a splendid silver watch, beside a large number
of other very valuable premiums. One certifi
cate sent gratis, upon application of any' per
son desiring to act as Agent, which may ena
ble him to procure a valuable premium upon
the payment of $l.
Pianos, Melodeons ' Music Books, Sewing
Bought and sold on commission. Any article
will be sent to the country at the lowest whole
sale prices with the addition of 5 per cent com
mission for forwarding.
N. B.—Agents wanted in every town. Cir
culars sent on application. Address all com
munications to
Commission merchants and General Agents,
138 Sauth Fonrth-st , below Chestnut, Phil'a.
i 7 For our integrity and ability to fulfil our
engagements, we beg to refer you to the follow
ing well known gentlemen and business firms;
His Excellency J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kan
sas, Westmoreland, Pa.; Palmsr, Richardson
& Co., Jewellers, Philadelphia ;
E. A. Warne,
Esq., Philadelphia; Wm. A. Gray, Esq., Phil
.Messrs. Kernmeter & Moore Water
St: below Arch, ; Messrs Pratt &:Reath,
Fifth and Market Sts., PhiPa ; J. C. Fuller,
Esq., Jeweller; Phil's.; A. F. Ward, Esq.
Publisher of Fashions, &c., PhiPa ; M. H
Horne, Catasauqua Bank ; Hon. L. M. Burson
Eureka, California.
September 29, 1860.
Hammered and Rolled Iron,
S. Bars, Norway. Nail Rods, American
and. German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, Be., for smiths,
THE undersigned executor of the will cf
ANN WHITEHILL, late of the lioriu4ii of
Marietta dec'd, will offer at public sale at the
Donegal House. on Saturday, November
1.'7,60, the following property, to wit:
No. 1. Being tlie undivided half of Lot No.
47 situate along High srreet, in that part o f
Marietta Borough laid out by James Ander,o n ,
containing in front Forty-eight feet (more
less) and extending in depth 206 feet.
The Improvements are a large Two
story Frame
A Large Stable, &c., in good order, adjoi n i„, , ,
on the East the property of Nicholas Chapnm,
and an Alley on the West. Also, the Lire
Estate of Joseph McDowell in the remaining
one half.
No. 2. Being the undivided halfof part.
Three Lots of Ground,Nos• 66 67, and
situate in that part of the 13orough laid um
Henry Share, containing front about lon feet
and in depth 97 feet, more Or less) the im
provements thereon being an excellent T‘v,-
With a Pump in the Yard, Li
and other improvements, fronting on Unit. -.t
States Street, adjoing property of Henry Shill
on the West, and an Alley on the East.
No. 3. is all the interest of said deceased,
being the one-fourth of Lot No. 46, [and 1 , ,
inches of ground in width, and the breadth of
building in length of Lat No. 45, as per agree ,
ment] situate and being along High Street, in
that part of the Borough laid out by James A a
derson , contain; in front 43 feet (more or le,)
and extending in depth Two- Hundred and S,x.
feet. The improvements are
A Large Tteo-Story Brick
adjoins an Alley on the East and the property
of Barr Spangler on the West.
No. 4. Being the 1-7 part of Lot 39 situate
and being i 3 the Borough of Colombia, adj da
ing Lands of Elizabeth, Mary a'nd Susannah
Bethel, and the Pennsylvania canal near the
Head of the Basin. The Railroad and bidding
running over part of said Lot.
Sale to commence art o'clock, P. M when
terms will be made known by
Marietta, Oct. .13, Ist 0.
ocrcri -
, uld most respectfully; inform ,the citizens
this Borough and nergtibeihOod that he has
i .e largest assortment of city made work in
Is line of business in this.llnrough, and be
tg a practical BOOT AND - 8110E MAKER
tinsel f,is enablea to select ivith more judgment
an those who are not... He continues to man
acture in the very beat Manner' everything
the BOOT AND' SHOELINE, which be
"ilt warrant for neatness and good lit.
la - Call and er.lmine his stock before pur
ittairg elsewheVE.
The undersigned would take this "`"`•%,
)hod of informing the public that he ,c,.
1,, still engaged in the Jetvelry business, in
irarket street, next doorlo Jaw M. Anderson's
l i onActionory, were everything in his line w
mioietillv and promptly attended to at v
The Undersigne will offer at public outcry,
at the Donegal House, Marietta,
On Wednesday, Norember 7, 1060,
At Two o'clock in the Afternoon,T W
TRAmR 11
situate in Hellam Township, adjoining lands
of John M. Whitehill, John Hollinger, Henry .
Musser and others, ono of Which is Iving partly
on the south side of the hill, containing 37
ACRES, more or less. The other Tract con
tsins 20 ACRES. more or less, and is on the
north side of the hill. These Tracts are thick
ly covered with young Timber, and a portion
well adapted to cultivation.
ICS For any further particulars inquire of
Barr Spangler. ANN BOG
Marietta, Oct. 13, MO. 13-ts
E subscribers to the capital mock of the
" Marietta and Mountjoy Turnpike Road
Company," are hereby notified, to meet at the
Public !louse of Henry Sherbahn. at the Cross
Roads in the Borough of Mountjoy, on Min
day, the Tah day of November next, at 2 o'clock
P. M." to organize such corporation, and chose
by ballot, one President, five Managers, and
one Treasurer, and such other officers as may
be necessary to conduct the business of the
Company, for the ensuing year..
, ct. Bth 1860.
OTIC E.—The subscribers to the capital
1 .. `% stock of the "Marietta and Maytowil
Turnpike Road Company." arc hereby noti
fied, to meet at the "Donegal Rouse" in the
Borough of Marietta, on Monday the ath day
of November next, at S o'clock, A. M. `•to
choose by ballot, one President, five managers,
and one Treasurer, and such other officers as
may be necessary to conduct the business of
the Company" for the ensuing year.
J. W. CLARK, Seely.
Marietta, October IL MO.
NOT IC E. lieretiv caution all persons
against trusting my wife SA.B.A.H, as
will pay no debts of her contracting.
Marietta, Oct. 13-2 t
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the post
office, at Marietta, Penn., Sept. 541, ISO).
Persons enquiring for letters will please men
tion they are advertised.
11 Jacob Kriener.
Morgan L 13ahn, Michell M Kreider
A B Brock 2 Sarah Keller
Christain Brants L
James Brooks 3 Rev A P Leach
James Burns John G Lingle
Peter Ball Harriet Loll
John W 'Brenneman - M
Daniel Brose Elizabeth Merkle
Edwin J. Bullock 3 M H Moore 2
C William AlVlcDurtnit
John K Close 2 Joseph Musser
David Cshare N
David Coble 2 Christian Nissen
Henty Coble P
Miss L Campbell H Preacher
Sarah Clinton W Pearson
D Henrich Perscher
Martin Dombach Jane Parker
Elias Deivert Alien S Purby
David Dennison R
Henry Decherty J Rumbach
Peter Risser
John Rheard
E D Rauch
Rev E H Reichel
Daniel Easton
C H Edwards
Rosinna Ficandt S
James Field - M Signora
G Matilda 13 Saylor
Rev John Gish • Elizzia Stutenrolh
Jacob Gebhart, Jr. Valentine Schnell
Jno. D. Gorgas. Mrs Stone
S. Graves. Christain Snyder
Louisa Gowan. Edward Singer 2
H Joseph Swertzer
Joseph Hiessy. T,
John Hocum Aenry Tiece
R Husch W
Sarah J Howard William Walker 2
Messrs Haguet &Co Robert Wilson
Jas G Humes H Weber & Co 2
Messrs J B Hovey & CoMartm Wessley
3 Gotlieb Weible
Thos Johnson 'James White
'legal & Bro E Winchestor
X Andrew Watson
tfi • Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Hare constantly on hand an assortment 'of
Viz : Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish,
Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard,
Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Beans,
Rice, &c., &c., &c.
Sept. 29-3E11.11