The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 13, 1860, Image 1

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    Ojt. jlliottli7l - +4
T__l Salter, Editor an_ci. _Proprietor_
VOL. '7
caottistk aparitttian
Slyricsick ljakeic,
1)13111,1CATION OFFICE in the second sta.
ry of Cittn.i.'s Row, on Front Street, five
fif)olb East of Mrs. Flores Hotel ; : 11 4...tRztrrn,
. - -
if subscriptions be not paid within six months,
41.25 will be eharged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us rivx new subscribers
'Shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arreurages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES One square (Mines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 2.5
cents for each subsequent insertion. profes_
atonal and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE j
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
s:1011 . 0 a • .ifiL,6,gfr,---
a fire broke out in the borough, of Ma'
eim, which, before it could be st
oprp ! )
A stroyed four large :barns.,Alvesi
Associate Justices, John WLean, Jas. Wayne.?
John Catron, Peter V. Daniel, tzani'l Nelson,
Robert C. Grier, John A. Campbell, and
than Clifford.
Gaternar, Wm. E. Packer, of Lycoming co.
Neeretary of State, Wm. M. 11 jester, of Berks.
Alta*ruy General, John C. Knox, Tioga.
Nurveyor General, Wm. -H. Keim,,of Berks.
Auditor General, Thos. E. Cochran, of York.
Nate Treasurer, Eli Slifer, of Union.
buperintendent of Public Schools, Thomas H
Iturrowes, of Lancaster.
Judges of the Strprerne con, t, Walter. H. Lowrie,
Chief Justice, Ceti. W. Woodward, James
Thompson, Wm. Strong, 'John M. Reed.
President Judge, Henry G. Lnng.
Aggistant Judges, Alexander L. Hayes, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Franklin.
Prothimotary, William Carpenter.
/Overdo . , Anthony Good.
Register. John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael H. Shirk.
Benjamin F. -Rowe.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Sam'! Evans.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L. Stutter.
Coroner, Levi gummy. .
County Commissioners, Daniel G,ood, Joseph
Boyer, - Levi S. Reist, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman.
Directors. of the Poor, lkobert,,Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, John Huber,
Simon Groh, David Styor Solicitor, James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. Taylor.
Prison Inspectors, R. J. Houston,Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans,H.
S. Gum. Solicitor, Dann G. Baker. Kep
' er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
CountY Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
. Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker
Toum Council, Barr SpanglerA (President)
John Crull, Thomas Stence, Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestand.
.Treasurer, John Aliker.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun.,
collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Roath.
High Constable, Absalein Emswiler.
Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John. 14.,Goodman, E. D. Boath.
Supervisor, Samuel tlipple, Sen.
4414.001 Direclars, John Jay Ltbhart, Presi
dent, E. D. Reath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh,
Jonathan M. Lurzelere.
Post pffice Hours: The Post Office will
be open from 6 o'clock in the morning until
half-past 7in the evening. The Eastern mail
via. Silver Spring and Hempfield will close at
2 p. m., and arrive at 11 a. tn. every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. m. and
4.15 p. m., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a. in.,
and at 6 28 p. m.
The Western mails will close at 10.50 a. m.,
and arrive at 4.5612. m. •
Railroad Time Table: The mail train for
Philadelphia will. leave this station at 7.56 in
the morning, Thamail train west will leave
at 11.21 in the meriting. The Harrisburg ac
commodation cast, passes at 4.56 p. in. and
returns, going west, at 6 28 p. m.
Religious Exercises: Service will be had on
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
at 4 -1- before 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Pres
byterian church. ltev. P. J. Thulow, pastor.
Every. Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning
and at 1-4 before
. 8 ''clock in the evening
t here will; be service in the Methodist church.
11ev. T. W... Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societies: Tile Hanstorty,.A. N.
Cassel, President; John Jay Libliart,TreaSur
er ; Barr Spangler, Secretary. Tin: Prort EEa,
John Jay Libhart, President; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer; child, jr., Secretary.
` 'Fashionable Tailors & Drapers,
,Opposite A. Cassel's store, Market street,
T" undersigned having associated them
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug
Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of
etoms, Gusiivehe,s &3)4siii)lls,
which they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation of past , favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer.
ga- totting done at .short notice.
Marietta, Sep. 10 3 1509.-11
Ptb lo Vl)litits, Yituitturt, `A,griturtart, Notticititart, tot_ Arts, 6tittral EttJs of fly pal oat lin - formation., ic., fit.
50,000 Copies Already Sold !
And Councellor in Business.
By FP' ANK CBOSBY, of the Philadelphia Bar.
It Tells You How to draw up Partnership
Papers and gives general forms
for Agreements of all kinds,
Bills of Sale, Leases and Peti
It Tells You How to draw up Mortgages and
Bonds, Affidavits, Powers of
Attorney, Notes and Bills of
Exchange, Receipts and Re
It Tells You The Laws for the Collection of
Debts, with the Statues of Lim
itation, and amount and kinds
of Property Exempt from Rx!-
ecution in every State.
It Tells You How to make an Assignment
properly, with forms for Com
position with Creditors, and
the Insolvent Laws of every
It Tells You The Legal relations existingbe
tween Guardian and 'Ward,
Master and Apprentice, and
Landlord and Tenant.
It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan
der, and . the Law as to Marri
age Dower, the Wife's Right
in Property, Divorce and Al
It Tells You The Law for Mechanics' Liens
in every State, and the Natur
alization Laws of this country,
and how to comply with the
It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions
and how to obtain one, and the
Pre-Emption Laws to Public
It Tells You The. Law of Patents, with mode
of procedure in obtaining one,
with Interferences, Assign
ments and Table of Fees.
It Tells You How to make your Will, and
how to Administer on an Es
tate, with the law and the re
quirements thereof in every
It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in
general use, and explains to
you'the Legislative, Executive
and Judicial Powers of both
the General and State Govern
It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by
, showing how to do your busi
ness legally, thus saving a vast
amount of property and vexa
tions litigation, by its timel i g
Single copies will be sent by "mail, post:
paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic E
ry Man of Business, and Every body in Ev
State, on receipt of $l.OO, or in law style of
binding at $1.25.
81000 A YEAR in%
by enterprising men every where, in selling t
above work, as our inducements to all such
very liberal.
Fors/1)9;1e copies of the Book, or for terms
agents with other information, apply to or a.
dress .3011 N POWER, PU131.1311
No. 617 Stinson, Street, Philadelphia, Pa
Containing Simple Remedies, easily obtain:,
For the Cure of Diseases in all Forms.
By Prof. Henry S. Taylor, M. D
It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and
how to cook for them ; how to
prepare Diinks, Poultices,&c.,
and how to guard against in
fection from Contagious Dis
It Tells You Of the various diseases of Chil
dren, and gives the best and
simplest mode of treatment
during Teething, Convulsions,
Vaccination, Whooping-cough
Measles, &c.
It Tells You The symptons of Croup, Cholera
infantum, Col i c, Diarrhtea,
Worms, Stalled head, Bing-
Worm, Chicken-pox, &c., and
gives you the best remedies for
their Cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and Ague,
and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus,
Scarlet and other Fevers, and
gives you•the best and simplest
remedies for their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con
sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma,
Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c., and
gives you the best remedies for
their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Cholera Mor
bus, Malignant Cholera, Small
pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Dis
eases of the Bladder, Kidneys
and Liver, and the best mine
dies for their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Neu
ralgia, Mumps, Apoplexy, For
ensic, the various Diseases of
the Throat, Teeth, Ear and
Eye, and the best remedies for
their cure.
It Tells You The beat and simplest treatment
for Wounds, Broken Bones
and Dislocation, Sprains, Fe
ver Sores, Lockjaw, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows,
Boils, Scurvy, Burns and Scrof
It Tells You Of the various diseases peculiar
to Women, and gives the best
and simplest remedies for their
cure, together with many val
uable hints for the preservation is written in plain language, free
from medical termsyso as to be easily under
stood, while its simple recipes may soon save
you many times the cost of the Book. It is
printed in a clear and open type;is illustrated
with appropriate engravings, and will be for
warded to your address, neatly bound and post
age paid, on receipt of $1 00.
4;1000 A YEAR e made
by enterprising men everywhere, in selling the
above work, as our inducements to all such are
very liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
/laving very recently added a large and fash
ionable assortment of Types and Printing mar
terials, which well enable us to do all kinds of
Such as Cards, Ball Tickets,
Circulars, Programmes, Blanks,
Handbills, Posters, Sale Bills, &a.
•Everything in the Jos PRINTING line neatly
and cheaply executed and at short notice.
L , The Weekly Maricttian" Office.
Marietta, Pa., Saturday Morning, October 13, 1860.
of'the health
Aix—" Will you love me then as now ?'
You have told me that you trust me?
And yOu prove the words you speak,
As you send the meat in daily,
And the book but once a week !
May I hope your kindly feeling
Nothing ever will estrange,
And this pleasant mode of defiling
Circumstances ne'er will change?
When you send a twelvernonth'sbill in,
And to pay I don't know how,
When you hear I've not a
Will you trust me then as now 7
Though a month may pass unclouded,
And you send what's ordered home,
Yet, as week on week advances,
Thoughts across your mind must come.
You will lose your old politeness,
And reluctant fill our tray,
Cheerful looks will lose their lightness
When you find , I never pay.
When my debts have pressed upon me,
And my tradesmen make a row,
Will the change find you unchanging—
Will you trust one then as now 7—Punch
extract thil following letter from the
New York Ledger, of October 20th,
1860 :
LEDGER OFFICE, N. Y., Sept. 3,1860.
DEAR SIR. :—I. am about commencing
in the Ledger a series of sketches of em
inent statesmen. I wish to begin with
Mr. Lowndes, the distinguished South
Carolinian. I have been informed that
at the time you entered Congress, a young
man, in December, 1821, you became
very intimate with him. Will you be
kind enough to communicate for the ben
efit of the readers of the „Ledger your
recollections of thernan as you knew him
at that time ?
' : y respectfully yours,
President BUCHANAN
WASIIINGYON, Bth Sept., 1860.
MY DEAR SIR :- . I have received your
favor of the 3d instant, and shall most
cheerfully comply with your request and
furnish you a sketh of the life of William
Lowndes, as soon as possible. He was
one of the greatest, wisest and purest
statesmen that have ever adorned our
country, and yet his memory has been
sadly neglected. The truth is that my
public duties occupy my whole time at
present. I had hoped "I might enjoy
some leisure after the adjournment of
Congress, but in this I have been dis
ppointed. If not before, I hope to foci
ish you the sketch soon after the 4th of
March. This from me will be a tribute
not only to justice but to gratitude.
`ours very respectfully,
A TOUCHING APPEAL. --P olieeman,
spare that dog, touch not a single hair;
he worries many a hog, from out his
muddy - lair. Oh, when he was a pup, so
frisky and so plump, he lapped his milk
from a cup, when hungry—at a jump,--
And then his funny tricks, so funny in
their place, so full of canine hells r upon
your hands and face. You will surely
let him live Oh, do not kill him—dead;
be wags his narrative, and prays for life
—not lead. Go, get thO muzzle now,
and put upon his mouth, and stop that
bow, bow, bow! and tendency to drouth.
He is your children's pet, companion of
their joy ; you will not kill him yet, and
thus their hopes destroy. No, police
man, spare that pup, touch not a single
hair; oh, put your pistol up, and go
away from there
Buflhlo Commercial Advertiser thus de
scribes the last performance of the little
acrobat, at Niagara Falls: "In a few
minutes, the little man was seen coming
toward America, attached to a heavy,
lumbering chair. .When about a third
of the way out, he placed the chair upon
the 'rope and seated himself thereon,
cro• sed his legs, and gazed around with
apparent unconcern. Be then adjusted
two legs of the chair on the cable, and
again seated himself. Coming nearer to
the American shore, he again stopped
'and sat down ; and then got up and
stood in thechair:l When we consider
that this is done on a single cable stretch
at a height of more than 200 feet over
one of the most fearful chasms and tor
rents in the world, it seems absolutely
air Mrs. Hoey, the leading actress at
Wallack's theatre, New York, after ri
ding home on Friday night, left a jewel
case, containing $l5OO worth of articles,
in the carriage. The driver and his
friends got merry and distributed the
jewelry among their female relatives, but
on Saturday were compelled to resto re
it, and were locked up for theft.
line Herald, published at Arrow Rock,
Mo., on the 25 of September, gives a de
tailed account of the " systematic
schemes of villainy" practiced upon a
widow lady of that place by a Baltimore
man named O'Chamberlain, a tailor by
trade. It appears from the statement
that about fifteen months ago Chamber
lain located in Arrow Rock, opened a
shop, and done a good business. He be
came acquainted with a very respectable
widow lady, and married her. Under
pretence of going to St. Louis to pur
chase an additional stock of goods, he
succeeded in getting about $3,000 from
his wife, in addition to other moneys be
fore obtained from the same source. He
departed,and has not been heard of since,
Chamberlain is about thirty-five years
old,,weighs about one hundred and eighty
pounds, inclined to corpulency—rather
" pursey "—about five feet eight inches
high, gray hair, blue eyes, deep set in
head, usually very neat and precise in his
dress, and is rather retired in his manner.
GOT OREATED.—The Aroostook Her
ald says : We heard a conversation the
other day between a Breckinridge man
and an old Democrat, who avowed his
intention of voting for Lincoln. "I've
always been a Democat, and I've been
reading and studying, and I have come to
the conclusion that the Democratic
party do'nt stand where it did 1850, and
I'm going to vote for 'Honest Old
" Yes, and get cheated," says the
" Well," coolly replied the other, "I
voted for Piei:ce and for Buchanan, and
got cheated both times, and I do'nt feel
like being humbugged the third time.—
I had as lief be cheated once by the
Republicans, as all the time by the Dem
A few weeks ago a highly respected
citizen of Sussex county, N.J. was at..
rested for an assault committed on a
neighbor. The grand jury found a bill
against him for an assault with an intent
to kill, which so affected him, when he
was informed of it, that he blew out his
following memorandum is
. supplied to
. the Census Office by Mr. Moreno, who
took the census of a portion of Florida :
Among the slave inhabitants enumerated
1 have found but one in my, district
whose age exceeds one hundred years.—
his person is a negress named Cornelia
Leslie. She informs me that she is one
hundred and twenty-five years of age.—
She was born in the State of Georgia, at
a place milled Silver Bluff; has a distinct
recollection of the war of Revolution,
and remembers the seige of Savannah in
1.778, when the city was taken by the
British. This woman, althoutl so fa
advanced in years, is remarkably hes
thy and strong, and walks half a mil •
regularly every'Sunday to attend•churc
She is the slave of her own son, who i:
a free negro.
TlME.—Morris 'Holstead, the youngest
son of the late John P. Holstead, of Vi
enna, died in that town last Wednesday,
aged 22 years. A few hours after his
death, news were received by the rela
tives of the deceased, that his eldest
brother, Nelson , Holstead, died a few
hours previous, at his residence in Ma.
ison county, near New Boston. Nels..
H. was some 51 , years of age. The ~.
mains were brought to Vienna for int r
ment, and the funeral of both took place
at McConnelsville, Friday, at 2 P. .1 ~
and Was largely attended. It was a s 1.
emn and impressive scene.
FATAL INFLIJENCE.—The wife of the
Austrian General Enyatteu, who com
mitted suicide upon the discovery of his
gigantic frauds during the late Italian
war, was lately sentenced to Wee years
hard labor, her extravagent habits hav
ing encouraged her husband in his 'acts
of depredation. In consideration of her
children, her sentence was commuted to
.three months, imprisonment„ and the
baroness, is now serving out her,impris
PERFUMERY IN OffURCII.-A lady writes:
"I am sorry to be obliged to appeal to
the power of the press for the correction
of an evil so small. in the eyes—and in
the noses, too, of some—as 'church per :
fernery' But realiyi Mr. Editor, it makes
me sick—it upseti inybrain and nervous
system too—l shall-haVe to quit-my pew.
Do speak to the ladie.son this spbjec't
before next Sunday ; remind them, and
some of ihe beaux, too; that of all smells
no smell is the best smell."
the gloves on your hand and wash them,
as if you were washing your hands, in
some spirits of turpentine, until quite
clean ; then hang them np in a warm
,place, or where there is a current of air,
and all smell of the turpentine will be re.
moved. Or else wash them with soap
and water, then stretch them on wooden
hands, or pull them- into shape without
wringing them ; next rub them with pipe
clay, or yellow ochre, or a mixture of the
two in any required shade, made into
paste with beer ; let them dry gradually,
and, when about half dry, rub them well,
so as to smooth them and put them into
shape ; then dry them, brush out the su
perfluous color, corer them with paper,
and smooth with a warm iron. Other
colors may be employed to mix with the
pipe clay besides the yellow ochre. To
dry clean gloves, lay, them out flat; then
rub into them a mixture of finely.pow
dered fullers'-earth and alum ; sweep it
off with a brush, sprinkle them with dry
bran and whiting, lastly dust them well.
This will not do if they are very dirty.
—Beat one pound of refined sugar and
one ounce of fine starch, or arrowroot;
sift it together through a fine sieve.—
Then beat the whites of two full sized
eggs, or three small ones, till they are
perfectly fluid. Beat in the sugar a lit
tle at a time, and when it is all thus put
in, pound it well together for some time.
Then spread it evenly over your cake
with a broad flat knife. If
. yon put it on
the moment the cake comes out of the
oven, it will generally harden by the
time'the cake is cool. If you wish to ice
a cake already baked, it must be placed
for.a short time in the• oven.- For buns,
the tops of pies, tarts, &c., it will be suf
ficient to besmear them with beaten
white of egg, and sift a little tnely pow
dered sugar over them.
A 'roman ME:AL.—Daring the building
of the new State House, at Columbus,
S. C., General Jones had the letting of
the various contracts for the building,
and among the rest was one for heating
the building. Almost the first appli
cant after it was known, was an old gen
tleman, a thorough-bred Englisher, who
addressed the General, while he was
somewhat busily engaged with some areh-
Recta as follows :
"General, I hunderstand you 'aye the
letting hof the contract for 'eating the
State 'Ouse, and I desire to get the job."
The Generalipointing to the building)
answered, blandly, as follows :
"There is what is done, and you can
eat just as much as you want of it."
The old gentleman never began the
How TO Even NAMES ON BrEEL.—First
cover the part. on which you wish to
write with varnish, made by mixing
lampblack with turpentine varnish.—
When it is thoroughly dry, etch in your
name with some pointed instrument;
then place a wall of wax round the in
scription, and pour on some diluted aqua
fortis, which will " bite " the inscrip
tion to a depth proportioned to the
length of time the acid is - allowed to re
main upon it. Remove it, wash the face
with cold water, take off the walling, and
L ea
WATER-PROOF.--,-LinSee& oil, one pint
yellow wax, quarter of a pound. Place
these in an earthen crock, mid melt
theni together with a gentle heat, then
add a quarter of a pint of oil of terpen
When the boots or shoes are well
cleaned make them thoroughly warm,
warm the mixture also, and rub it well
Into the leather before the fire. Let
them -stand-by a few-days before you use
t a y Last Sunday evening about 9
o'clock a young and lovely girt in Cincin
nati, while sitting in her parlor convers
ing with some acquaintanCes, suddenly
fell from her' clidir, in consequence, as it
soon appeared, of a heavy dose of lauds.
num,which she bad taken.for the purpose
of suicide, and sat down to await its ef
fects among her friends I The cause
was a recent quarrel with her lover, who
had 'said in anger tharlie would never
see 'her again. -A stomach` pump reliev
ed her of thedoise, and slie was soon con
or Governor AshbeL.P. Willard of
Indiana died of consumption, at St. Paul;,
Minnesota `on: the' 4th inst. - The Gov
ernor was a warm friend of Mr.Pouglas,,
and - will , he remembered as - the hrothi,6
in-law of John E Cook, who was 'natio
ted r at Harpers reeryin i s an aliettar of
Johirßkii, the insarrecti At'."
A' •
Terns, One 2Dicala,r a "Year_
How, ram G . aOW Itica=abe specu
lations on the Pennsylvania Railroad
have been more extensive than the offi
cers of the Company are willing to
mit, The probabiliti.
of the investigation will . never be made
public. It is said that one conductor
disgorged $25,500 and another $15,000.
The faro bank, however, has swallowed
up most of the plunder. A•Pittsburg
paper says, that, "during the investiga
tion one man who is reported to have
amassed a large fortune on the road,
when asked by the committee bow, with
a salary of but $6O a month, he lid con
trived in a few years to accumulate $35,-
000, his answer "was that, as soon as the
party who put the question, and who Is
said to be worth $300,000 himself, would
explain how he made his money, be
would give a satisfactory reply. The
question was not pressed further, and
the conductor left the stand still master
of his $35,000 secret. The whole num
ber of delinquent conductors thus far
discovered is twenty-one "
HEBREW WOMEN.- Ile Hebrew wom
an in her love for her kindred soars
above her Christian sisters. The tender
devotions which the daughters of I*A
bestow upon their parents, especially on
their fathers, ipfull of beauty and pathos.
In the dark alleys of the World's ghetti,
when the Hebrew man toddles home
from his daily strife with prejudice and
lucre, a wondrous change tranpforma his
face as he crosses the thresh9ld . of his
weather-beaten house. The furtfre
expands, the crooked gait
,is made
straight, the many wrinkles of Ilia brow
are made smooth, the crouching form of
the peddler'disaPpears; and the 91;1 man
stands erect as if he were worthy 'of bet
ter things ;.the smile loses its sinister
grin, and is.clot bed with genial beauty.
Rebecca Lai kissed.qwv the pglinpm,of
the money changer, and to see him sit
down at his table,after having sent up
to Jehovah a prayer for good luck and
a plenty of gain for the coming day,,and
chat with iris daughter, who delights
in humoring his jokes, is a treat for an
artist in search for the picturesque, or
for a poet in quest of the romantic.
'The health of an English
having somewhat declined, he called in
a medical man, who at once pat him on
low diet. After a few visits, the doctor
found his patient so far improved as to
warrant his taking something more sub
stantial, and he accordingly ordered him
a little animal food once or twice a day.
The wife said nothing; hot no sooner
had the doctor departed than she bolted
out of the house, and shouted to a neigh
bor :
"What do you think they've ordered
for our John to eat now? Aniroakfood I"
"A very good thing, too, replied the
In a passion the tomer exclaimed :
"Why, you're as bad as them. How
it likely our John can eat 'hay and
aw and such , like stuff. Besides, he
s no teeth.
NIGHT Aza.--Many people are afraid
o night air. ilere is what Florence
IS ghtingale says :, "An extraordinary
I lacy is the dread of night ail'. What
a' can we breathe at night but night
a; ? The choice is between pure night
air from within. Most people prefer the
latter—an unaccountable preference.—
What will they say if it is proved to be
true that fully one•half of all the diseases
we stiffer from are occasioned by 'persons
1 ,
-leeping with, their windows shut? An
. 'en window most . nights in Ole year
o never hurt any one. In great cities
ht air is often the best and purest air
, be found in the twenty-four hours. I
, uld better understand shutting the
r indoors: in towns during the day, than
the night, for the sake of ,the sick, The
absence of smoke, the quiet all tend to
make night the best time for - airingpa
tient. A high medical authority /as
told me that the air in London is never
so good as after tiin o'clock °at' night."
er The, late Chief ~lusti shall,
wpile riding one mornlugtto,SOOtti his
horse fell and brOke- a . rthaft,„,Tle ;was
puzzled what to do. 1.
,a :unighbor
ins negro wagoner, happening to drive
up, , , , he asked hinrif he Could( hlilp him
ontof his difficulty. " Oh, ych, mans, if
you'll lend , me your knife." iVour took
the knife and cut a sapling therat giktpe
vine from a neiffiihorilld' thiet.ce, with
which he speedily spliced up the - 'broken
shaft "gow TOM," said - the: 'jtidge,
414 did'kt mas
sa," replied Tow,, _ " Non knout ;atit 4 *some
.peQpie will.hab more :se en' refers."
11F9Tbrit4 . 4!,*: 4111 yeAmiptpf Asa loft
Nie,..4,.l*therViio b oma the:sithiect df
thalihitieror •